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Sss D.

Sep 3, 2009
can we actualy use necronomicon if yes then wich one? why the seals are in crcle and whats the story of necronomicon im realy confiused with this book.thank you! :)
I also want to add, in addition to the article below - anyone who has performed the meditations in this book, KNOWS this grimoire is not 'a work of fiction.' In addition, those who know the technique to using the Necronomicon, KNOW this grimoire produces results. My opinion on this is because if correctly used, this book is powerful and those who know this try to deny its authenticity, so this knowledge isn't made public.

The 1586 Necronomicon is for opening the soul. The Necronomicon spellbook is used for workings. Each has a specific number and the names of the Gods need to be vibrated to that number. The 1586 Necronomicon and all of the Necronoicon books only make sense to the initiated. To others, they are just nonsense. These works are extremely powerful in the right hands.

As for the Sigils, many can be deciphered with a knowledge of alchemical symbols, as each in the 1586 Necronomicon is geared towards the working, which is opening the soul. The Sigils give symbolic meaning to the specific times the workings should be performed, along with the planets - each planet corresponds to a specific chakra and is required for further empowering the soul, when it is waxing and exalted.

I have worked with the Necronomicon extensively, with major results. The Necronomicon Spellbook is for spell workings, whils the 1586 Necronomicon is for opening and empowering the soul. The Necronomicon has its roots in Sanskrit.


The Necronomicon

I am writing this in response to the numerous posts in the Joy of Satan e-groups regarding the authenticity of the Necronomicon.

Far too many people just believe what they are told or whatever they read and take it as a fact. This is what is called "The God Part of the Brain." Being servile and needing direction from others deemed as "authority." I know where much of the crap about the Necronomicon being a work of fiction comes from. This is the same old shit as they claim Satan is an "archetype."

The Necronomicon is NOT a work of fiction, nor was it "invented by Howard Phillips Lovecraft." Now, for starters, HP Lovecraft was born August 20th, 1890 and died the 15th of March 1937.

Ok, now for those self-appointed authorities, if he was born in 1890, just how in the hell did he invent the 1586 Necronomicon? That's right, 1586, FOR ONE. That's just one. There are others that even precede this copy. The 1586 copy was authored by Dr. John Dee, you know, the man who brought us the Enochian calls. If anyone would take the time to read the Preface in this book, authored by Dr. Joseph Talbet, Ph.D., D.Litt, Harvard University, the TRUE history of this powerful GRIMOIRE is revealed:

Here are some excerpts from the 1586 copy of the Necronomicon:

"The Necronomicon is primarily known to the general public due to the writings of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The word "necronomicon" is the title of a Greek translation made around 950 A.D. by Theodoras Philetas from an original Arabic manuscript. A Latin version of the Greek translation was made by Olaus Wormius in 1228 A.D. The original Arabic title of the work was "Kitab al Azif" which can be roughly translated as "The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn (or demons). The name, "necronomicon", which the Latin version retains means something like things pertaining to the customs, practices, or laws of the dead. Nekros being Latin for "dead" and nomos meaning the customs, practice, or law."
"The original writer was supposed to have been an Arab named Abdul al Azrad who supposedly died around 738 A.D. in Damascus. Death was due to being torn apart in the street by unseen entities. The name is probably mistranslation since no self-respecting Arab would have such a name. The true name was probably Abd Al Azrad. In Arabic the name is more of a title meaning the "slave of the devourer" or "worshipper of the great devourer", supposedly alluding to the Great Old Ones."

"The John Dee translation of the Necronomicon reprinted in this work comes from the collection of the Widener Library at Harvard University. The book was part of the personal library of Harry Elkins Widener, American millionaire and founder of the Widener Library. Mr. Widener obtained this text in 1912 shortly before he boarded the Titanic. The binding of the book is original, but badly cracked and split. The text is complete, but many pages are separated and others are crumbling. Restoration efforts are presently underway, and the book has been digitally preserved as part of this effort."


"Al Azif – In Arabic, written by Abd al-Hazrad c. 730 A.D. Original for is unknown but numerous manuscript versions were long circulated among various medieval scholars. As early as the 12th century this version was referred to as lost."

"Necronomicon - In Greek translated by Theodoras Philetas c. 950 A.D. Existence of early hand written copies is unknown. Mass printing of copies in Italy in the summer of 1501 in a folio-sized edition led to a surge of religious suppression by the church. The book was banned by the church and included in the Index Epurgatorius by Pope Gregory IX. The last known copy of this version was known to have been burned in Salem in 1692."

"Voynich Manuscript – In Latin and Greek using Arabic script. Translator unknown, c. 1020. An unknown number of this manuscript were produced probably in Romania. Only three copies are known to have existed."

"Necronomicon- In Latin by Olaus Wormius, c. 1228 A.D. First circulated in manuscript form, then printed in Mainz Germany around the end of the 15th century as a black letter folio."

"Necronomicon – In English, translated by John Dee c. 1586. An accurate but expurgated version of the Greek edition. Printed only in small numbers by private publishers, manuscript copies also are known to have existed. It is from this edition that this reprint comes from."

"Necronomicon – In Latin c. 1630 A poor quality reprint of the 1228 Latin version. Published by an unknown publisher in Spain."

"Al Azif – Ye Booke Of Ye Arabe – In English, translator unknown, c. 1590 An incomplete and muddled text. Circulated in manuscript form, there were probably fewer than ten of these manuscripts ever written."

"Cultus Maleficarum – In English, translated by Baron Fredric, c. 1597. A partial translation of the Latin text. Published in Sussex England."

"Necronomicon" means the "Book of Dead Names." With the intrusion and dominance of Christianity, the names of the Original Pagan Gods were dead. In other words, few people used them. Even for those who are marginally literate in regards to the occult, it is glaringly obvious that this text is not a work of fiction.
In addition, there have been tragic consequences for a few who experimented with this book the wrong way. The "Gods" are real beings, but as with other ancient texts on the occult, there is another side to the writings- that of allegories. Those who take the writings in a literal way often do not get the results they expected or desired. With everything of so-called religion, there is a true and there is a false aspect; the real and the artificial. This can be blatantly seen in Satanism vs. Christianity. Everything in Christianity is false and artificial.

The true purpose of the Necronomicon text is to serve as a grimoire for opening the soul. "Leviathan," "Cthulhu," are names for the serpent kundalini "who lies sleeping and dreaming." "Narayana" probably one of the most ancient names for Cthulhu is also seen in the East Indian Hindu "Mahâbhârata" which is thousands of years old.

The Necronomicon is a very powerful grimoire. So much knowledge has been systematically destroyed and confiscated, but Satan and his Demons have preserved nearly everything to this day. To the uninitiated, writings are taken as literal. The closer you get to Satan and the more you know of Satanic symbols and True Satanism, you will see things for what they really are: allegories that reveal ancient and powerful knowledge.

The Necronomicon translates into the "Book of Dead names." Those who are without take this as necromancy. Those who know, understand the book is not about necromancy, but working with names that have not been used for thousands of years; thus- "dead." These "names" are words of power, when correctly vibrated.

Many grimoires use code words. The only way to understand is either from divine guidance given from Satan and his Demons or from a disciple who has already received this. Most of the 1586 Necronomicon has to do with opening the chakras and raising the kundalini. The "Mad Arab" raised his kundalini, which opened his mind and soul and made him "mad." In other words, too much psychic input too soon for some, can be a problem in maintaining sanity. The "burning" of the seals and such in the Necronomicon represents the burning of the seals of the chakras and thus the cleansing of the chakras through kundalini. The madness and experiences of Abd al-Hazrad are resulting from his opened chakras and the kundalini.

The symbols in the 1586 Necronomicon are real alchemical symbols, no different from the Sigils of the Goetic Demons. Properly used, they have power.

The same is with the Tarot. Those who are without (many are those holier than thou new agers) are forever excavating and digging around Ancient Egyptian tombs and beneath the sphinx searching for scrolls that were reportedly hidden by Thoth. Those of us who are close to Satan know that Thoth's writings and message is before us here and now, and is contained in the Tarot for one. Those who are without cannot see into the deeper meanings, as this can only come through Satan.

Historians quibble over Akhenaton's supposed disease, which caused his serpentine features. None can see the alchemical message of the male/female hermaphrodite, which symbolizes the union of the male and female chakras, leading to the Magnum Opus. Those who are without take things as literal. They also miss the meaning of the serpent entirely.

The Elders and the Ancients are an allegory. "God/s" = the code word for chakra/s.

This is all advanced. Once you know the code words, you will be able to see the meanings. It is a different way of reading.

Getting back to the Necronomicon, the Simon copy has been altered and so have the symbols. This does not mean the book is fiction; it has just been altered and corrupted.

To wrap this up, at this point (I will write more later on this), nearly all of the "occult" has its foundation in spiritual alchemy. Each and every one of the tales of the Gods is an allegory. Those who are advanced in knowledge know this. Spiritual knowledge was hidden over the centuries due to attacks such as the huge blemish of Christianity upon the world that rots spirituality til this day.

Unbeknownst to many Satanists, the roots and foundations of Satanism have been preserved in the Far East. Many of these later came to Egypt, such as the mantra "Ohm" vibrated "AUM" which evolved into "Amon" and was then stolen and perverted into "Amen." "Left Hand Path" originated with Tantra, the meaning being the way of doing in contrast to the "Right hand Path" of abstaining.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... micon.html

© Copyright 2008, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sss D." <vgb464@... wrote:

can we actualy use necronomicon if yes then wich one? why the seals are in crcle and whats the story of necronomicon im realy confiused with this book.thank you! :)

Thank you High Priestess Maxine Dietrich! you help me very much! :D
To: [email protected]
From: maxine.dietrich@...
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 13:40:06 -0700
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: necronomicon

I also want to add, in addition to the article below - anyone who has performed the meditations in this book, KNOWS this grimoire is not 'a work of fiction.' In addition, those who know the technique to using the Necronomicon, KNOW this grimoire produces results. My opinion on this is because if correctly used, this book is powerful and those who know this try to deny its authenticity, so this knowledge isn't made public.

The 1586 Necronomicon is for opening the soul. The Necronomicon spellbook is used for workings. Each has a specific number and the names of the Gods need to be vibrated to that number. The 1586 Necronomicon and all of the Necronoicon books only make sense to the initiated. To others, they are just nonsense. These works are extremely powerful in the right hands.

As for the Sigils, many can be deciphered with a knowledge of alchemical symbols, as each in the 1586 Necronomicon is geared towards the working, which is opening the soul. The Sigils give symbolic meaning to the specific times the workings should be performed, along with the planets - each planet corresponds to a specific chakra and is required for further empowering the soul, when it is waxing and exalted.

I have worked with the Necronomicon extensively, with major results. The Necronomicon Spellbook is for spell workings, whils the 1586 Necronomicon is for opening and empowering the soul. The Necronomicon has its roots in Sanskrit.


The Necronomicon

I am writing this in response to the numerous posts in the Joy of Satan e-groups regarding the authenticity of the Necronomicon.

Far too many people just believe what they are told or whatever they read and take it as a fact. This is what is called "The God Part of the Brain." Being servile and needing direction from others deemed as "authority." I know where much of the crap about the Necronomicon being a work of fiction comes from. This is the same old shit as they claim Satan is an "archetype."

The Necronomicon is NOT a work of fiction, nor was it "invented by Howard Phillips Lovecraft." Now, for starters, HP Lovecraft was born August 20th, 1890 and died the 15th of March 1937.

Ok, now for those self-appointed authorities, if he was born in 1890, just how in the hell did he invent the 1586 Necronomicon? That's right, 1586, FOR ONE. That's just one. There are others that even precede this copy. The 1586 copy was authored by Dr. John Dee, you know, the man who brought us the Enochian calls. If anyone would take the time to read the Preface in this book, authored by Dr. Joseph Talbet, Ph.D., D.Litt, Harvard University, the TRUE history of this powerful GRIMOIRE is revealed:

Here are some excerpts from the 1586 copy of the Necronomicon:

"The Necronomicon is primarily known to the general public due to the writings of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The word "necronomicon" is the title of a Greek translation made around 950 A.D. by Theodoras Philetas from an original Arabic manuscript. A Latin version of the Greek translation was made by Olaus Wormius in 1228 A.D. The original Arabic title of the work was "Kitab al Azif" which can be roughly translated as "The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn (or demons). The name, "necronomicon", which the Latin version retains means something like things pertaining to the customs, practices, or laws of the dead. Nekros being Latin for "dead" and nomos meaning the customs, practice, or law."
"The original writer was supposed to have been an Arab named Abdul al Azrad who supposedly died around 738 A.D. in Damascus. Death was due to being torn apart in the street by unseen entities. The name is probably mistranslation since no self-respecting Arab would have such a name. The true name was probably Abd Al Azrad. In Arabic the name is more of a title meaning the "slave of the devourer" or "worshipper of the great devourer", supposedly alluding to the Great Old Ones."

"The John Dee translation of the Necronomicon reprinted in this work comes from the collection of the Widener Library at Harvard University. The book was part of the personal library of Harry Elkins Widener, American millionaire and founder of the Widener Library. Mr. Widener obtained this text in 1912 shortly before he boarded the Titanic. The binding of the book is original, but badly cracked and split. The text is complete, but many pages are separated and others are crumbling. Restoration efforts are presently underway, and the book has been digitally preserved as part of this effort."


"Al Azif – In Arabic, written by Abd al-Hazrad c. 730 A.D. Original for is unknown but numerous manuscript versions were long circulated among various medieval scholars. As early as the 12th century this version was referred to as lost."

"Necronomicon - In Greek translated by Theodoras Philetas c. 950 A.D. Existence of early hand written copies is unknown. Mass printing of copies in Italy in the summer of 1501 in a folio-sized edition led to a surge of religious suppression by the church. The book was banned by the church and included in the Index Epurgatorius by Pope Gregory IX. The last known copy of this version was known to have been burned in Salem in 1692."

"Voynich Manuscript – In Latin and Greek using Arabic script. Translator unknown, c. 1020. An unknown number of this manuscript were produced probably in Romania. Only three copies are known to have existed."

"Necronomicon- In Latin by Olaus Wormius, c. 1228 A.D. First circulated in manuscript form, then printed in Mainz Germany around the end of the 15th century as a black letter folio."

"Necronomicon – In English, translated by John Dee c. 1586. An accurate but expurgated version of the Greek edition. Printed only in small numbers by private publishers, manuscript copies also are known to have existed. It is from this edition that this reprint comes from."

"Necronomicon – In Latin c. 1630 A poor quality reprint of the 1228 Latin version. Published by an unknown publisher in Spain."

"Al Azif – Ye Booke Of Ye Arabe – In English, translator unknown, c. 1590 An incomplete and muddled text. Circulated in manuscript form, there were probably fewer than ten of these manuscripts ever written."

"Cultus Maleficarum – In English, translated by Baron Fredric, c. 1597. A partial translation of the Latin text. Published in Sussex England."

"Necronomicon" means the "Book of Dead Names." With the intrusion and dominance of Christianity, the names of the Original Pagan Gods were dead. In other words, few people used them. Even for those who are marginally literate in regards to the occult, it is glaringly obvious that this text is not a work of fiction.
In addition, there have been tragic consequences for a few who experimented with this book the wrong way. The "Gods" are real beings, but as with other ancient texts on the occult, there is another side to the writings- that of allegories. Those who take the writings in a literal way often do not get the results they expected or desired. With everything of so-called religion, there is a true and there is a false aspect; the real and the artificial. This can be blatantly seen in Satanism vs. Christianity. Everything in Christianity is false and artificial.

The true purpose of the Necronomicon text is to serve as a grimoire for opening the soul. "Leviathan," "Cthulhu," are names for the serpent kundalini "who lies sleeping and dreaming." "Narayana" probably one of the most ancient names for Cthulhu is also seen in the East Indian Hindu "Mahâbhârata" which is thousands of years old.

The Necronomicon is a very powerful grimoire. So much knowledge has been systematically destroyed and confiscated, but Satan and his Demons have preserved nearly everything to this day. To the uninitiated, writings are taken as literal. The closer you get to Satan and the more you know of Satanic symbols and True Satanism, you will see things for what they really are: allegories that reveal ancient and powerful knowledge.

The Necronomicon translates into the "Book of Dead names." Those who are without take this as necromancy. Those who know, understand the book is not about necromancy, but working with names that have not been used for thousands of years; thus- "dead." These "names" are words of power, when correctly vibrated.

Many grimoires use code words. The only way to understand is either from divine guidance given from Satan and his Demons or from a disciple who has already received this. Most of the 1586 Necronomicon has to do with opening the chakras and raising the kundalini. The "Mad Arab" raised his kundalini, which opened his mind and soul and made him "mad." In other words, too much psychic input too soon for some, can be a problem in maintaining sanity. The "burning" of the seals and such in the Necronomicon represents the burning of the seals of the chakras and thus the cleansing of the chakras through kundalini. The madness and experiences of Abd al-Hazrad are resulting from his opened chakras and the kundalini.

The symbols in the 1586 Necronomicon are real alchemical symbols, no different from the Sigils of the Goetic Demons. Properly used, they have power.

The same is with the Tarot. Those who are without (many are those holier than thou new agers) are forever excavating and digging around Ancient Egyptian tombs and beneath the sphinx searching for scrolls that were reportedly hidden by Thoth. Those of us who are close to Satan know that Thoth's writings and message is before us here and now, and is contained in the Tarot for one. Those who are without cannot see into the deeper meanings, as this can only come through Satan.

Historians quibble over Akhenaton's supposed disease, which caused his serpentine features. None can see the alchemical message of the male/female hermaphrodite, which symbolizes the union of the male and female chakras, leading to the Magnum Opus. Those who are without take things as literal. They also miss the meaning of the serpent entirely.

The Elders and the Ancients are an allegory. "God/s" = the code word for chakra/s.

This is all advanced. Once you know the code words, you will be able to see the meanings. It is a different way of reading.

Getting back to the Necronomicon, the Simon copy has been altered and so have the symbols. This does not mean the book is fiction; it has just been altered and corrupted.

To wrap this up, at this point (I will write more later on this), nearly all of the "occult" has its foundation in spiritual alchemy. Each and every one of the tales of the Gods is an allegory. Those who are advanced in knowledge know this. Spiritual knowledge was hidden over the centuries due to attacks such as the huge blemish of Christianity upon the world that rots spirituality til this day.

Unbeknownst to many Satanists, the roots and foundations of Satanism have been preserved in the Far East. Many of these later came to Egypt, such as the mantra "Ohm" vibrated "AUM" which evolved into "Amon" and was then stolen and perverted into "Amen." "Left Hand Path" originated with Tantra, the meaning being the way of doing in contrast to the "Right hand Path" of abstaining.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... micon.html

© Copyright 2008, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sss D." <vgb464@... wrote:

can we actualy use necronomicon if yes then wich one? why the seals are in crcle and whats the story of necronomicon im realy confiused with this book.thank you! :)
#ygrps-yiv-342263306 .ygrps-yiv-342263306ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;padding:0 10px;} #ygrps-yiv-342263306 .ygrps-yiv-342263306ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #ygrps-yiv-342263306 .ygrps-yiv-342263306ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxygrp-mkp #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxhd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;} #ygrps-yiv-342263306 .ygrps-yiv-342263306ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxygrp-mkp #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxads {margin-bottom:10px;} #ygrps-yiv-342263306 .ygrps-yiv-342263306ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxygrp-mkp .ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxad {padding:0 0;} #ygrps-yiv-342263306 .ygrps-yiv-342263306ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxygrp-mkp .ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;} #ygrps-yiv-342263306 .ygrps-yiv-342263306ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxygrp-sponsor #ygrps-yiv-342263306ecxygrp-lc 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HP Maxine,

You should consider doing some "instructions" on how to interpret the symbols and applying them in the various stages of meditations, healings, etc. Perhaps in CD or DVD visual method.

Your knowledge on the matter is definately worth the cost of purchase for these types of assistance that you provide to all of us. Especially those of us (like me lol) who might be a little slower figuring out how to interpret and apply ancient knowledge.

You have a wonderful ability concerning these matters that I would love to have, but, in my case, I have not quite mastered that technique.

Hail Satan always!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I also want to add, in addition to the article below - anyone who has performed the meditations in this book, KNOWS this grimoire is not 'a work of fiction.' In addition, those who know the technique to using the Necronomicon, KNOW this grimoire produces results. My opinion on this is because if correctly used, this book is powerful and those who know this try to deny its authenticity, so this knowledge isn't made public.

The 1586 Necronomicon is for opening the soul. The Necronomicon spellbook is used for workings. Each has a specific number and the names of the Gods need to be vibrated to that number. The 1586 Necronomicon and all of the Necronoicon books only make sense to the initiated. To others, they are just nonsense. These works are extremely powerful in the right hands.

As for the Sigils, many can be deciphered with a knowledge of alchemical symbols, as each in the 1586 Necronomicon is geared towards the working, which is opening the soul. The Sigils give symbolic meaning to the specific times the workings should be performed, along with the planets - each planet corresponds to a specific chakra and is required for further empowering the soul, when it is waxing and exalted.

I have worked with the Necronomicon extensively, with major results. The Necronomicon Spellbook is for spell workings, whils the 1586 Necronomicon is for opening and empowering the soul. The Necronomicon has its roots in Sanskrit.


The Necronomicon

I am writing this in response to the numerous posts in the Joy of Satan e-groups regarding the authenticity of the Necronomicon.

Far too many people just believe what they are told or whatever they read and take it as a fact. This is what is called "The God Part of the Brain." Being servile and needing direction from others deemed as "authority." I know where much of the crap about the Necronomicon being a work of fiction comes from. This is the same old shit as they claim Satan is an "archetype."

The Necronomicon is NOT a work of fiction, nor was it "invented by Howard Phillips Lovecraft." Now, for starters, HP Lovecraft was born August 20th, 1890 and died the 15th of March 1937.

Ok, now for those self-appointed authorities, if he was born in 1890, just how in the hell did he invent the 1586 Necronomicon? That's right, 1586, FOR ONE. That's just one. There are others that even precede this copy. The 1586 copy was authored by Dr. John Dee, you know, the man who brought us the Enochian calls. If anyone would take the time to read the Preface in this book, authored by Dr. Joseph Talbet, Ph.D., D.Litt, Harvard University, the TRUE history of this powerful GRIMOIRE is revealed:

Here are some excerpts from the 1586 copy of the Necronomicon:

"The Necronomicon is primarily known to the general public due to the writings of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The word "necronomicon" is the title of a Greek translation made around 950 A.D. by Theodoras Philetas from an original Arabic manuscript. A Latin version of the Greek translation was made by Olaus Wormius in 1228 A.D. The original Arabic title of the work was "Kitab al Azif" which can be roughly translated as "The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn (or demons). The name, "necronomicon", which the Latin version retains means something like things pertaining to the customs, practices, or laws of the dead. Nekros being Latin for "dead" and nomos meaning the customs, practice, or law."
"The original writer was supposed to have been an Arab named Abdul al Azrad who supposedly died around 738 A.D. in Damascus. Death was due to being torn apart in the street by unseen entities. The name is probably mistranslation since no self-respecting Arab would have such a name. The true name was probably Abd Al Azrad. In Arabic the name is more of a title meaning the "slave of the devourer" or "worshipper of the great devourer", supposedly alluding to the Great Old Ones."

"The John Dee translation of the Necronomicon reprinted in this work comes from the collection of the Widener Library at Harvard University. The book was part of the personal library of Harry Elkins Widener, American millionaire and founder of the Widener Library. Mr. Widener obtained this text in 1912 shortly before he boarded the Titanic. The binding of the book is original, but badly cracked and split. The text is complete, but many pages are separated and others are crumbling. Restoration efforts are presently underway, and the book has been digitally preserved as part of this effort."


"Al Azif â€" In Arabic, written by Abd al-Hazrad c. 730 A.D. Original for is unknown but numerous manuscript versions were long circulated among various medieval scholars. As early as the 12th century this version was referred to as lost."

"Necronomicon - In Greek translated by Theodoras Philetas c. 950 A.D. Existence of early hand written copies is unknown. Mass printing of copies in Italy in the summer of 1501 in a folio-sized edition led to a surge of religious suppression by the church. The book was banned by the church and included in the Index Epurgatorius by Pope Gregory IX. The last known copy of this version was known to have been burned in Salem in 1692."

"Voynich Manuscript â€" In Latin and Greek using Arabic script. Translator unknown, c. 1020. An unknown number of this manuscript were produced probably in Romania. Only three copies are known to have existed."

"Necronomicon- In Latin by Olaus Wormius, c. 1228 A.D. First circulated in manuscript form, then printed in Mainz Germany around the end of the 15th century as a black letter folio."

"Necronomicon â€" In English, translated by John Dee c. 1586. An accurate but expurgated version of the Greek edition. Printed only in small numbers by private publishers, manuscript copies also are known to have existed. It is from this edition that this reprint comes from."

"Necronomicon â€" In Latin c. 1630 A poor quality reprint of the 1228 Latin version. Published by an unknown publisher in Spain."

"Al Azif â€" Ye Booke Of Ye Arabe â€" In English, translator unknown, c. 1590 An incomplete and muddled text. Circulated in manuscript form, there were probably fewer than ten of these manuscripts ever written."

"Cultus Maleficarum â€" In English, translated by Baron Fredric, c. 1597. A partial translation of the Latin text. Published in Sussex England."

"Necronomicon" means the "Book of Dead Names." With the intrusion and dominance of Christianity, the names of the Original Pagan Gods were dead. In other words, few people used them. Even for those who are marginally literate in regards to the occult, it is glaringly obvious that this text is not a work of fiction.
In addition, there have been tragic consequences for a few who experimented with this book the wrong way. The "Gods" are real beings, but as with other ancient texts on the occult, there is another side to the writings- that of allegories. Those who take the writings in a literal way often do not get the results they expected or desired. With everything of so-called religion, there is a true and there is a false aspect; the real and the artificial. This can be blatantly seen in Satanism vs. Christianity. Everything in Christianity is false and artificial.

The true purpose of the Necronomicon text is to serve as a grimoire for opening the soul. "Leviathan," "Cthulhu," are names for the serpent kundalini "who lies sleeping and dreaming." "Narayana" probably one of the most ancient names for Cthulhu is also seen in the East Indian Hindu "Mahâbhârata" which is thousands of years old.

The Necronomicon is a very powerful grimoire. So much knowledge has been systematically destroyed and confiscated, but Satan and his Demons have preserved nearly everything to this day. To the uninitiated, writings are taken as literal. The closer you get to Satan and the more you know of Satanic symbols and True Satanism, you will see things for what they really are: allegories that reveal ancient and powerful knowledge.

The Necronomicon translates into the "Book of Dead names." Those who are without take this as necromancy. Those who know, understand the book is not about necromancy, but working with names that have not been used for thousands of years; thus- "dead." These "names" are words of power, when correctly vibrated.

Many grimoires use code words. The only way to understand is either from divine guidance given from Satan and his Demons or from a disciple who has already received this. Most of the 1586 Necronomicon has to do with opening the chakras and raising the kundalini. The "Mad Arab" raised his kundalini, which opened his mind and soul and made him "mad." In other words, too much psychic input too soon for some, can be a problem in maintaining sanity. The "burning" of the seals and such in the Necronomicon represents the burning of the seals of the chakras and thus the cleansing of the chakras through kundalini. The madness and experiences of Abd al-Hazrad are resulting from his opened chakras and the kundalini.

The symbols in the 1586 Necronomicon are real alchemical symbols, no different from the Sigils of the Goetic Demons. Properly used, they have power.

The same is with the Tarot. Those who are without (many are those holier than thou new agers) are forever excavating and digging around Ancient Egyptian tombs and beneath the sphinx searching for scrolls that were reportedly hidden by Thoth. Those of us who are close to Satan know that Thoth's writings and message is before us here and now, and is contained in the Tarot for one. Those who are without cannot see into the deeper meanings, as this can only come through Satan.

Historians quibble over Akhenaton's supposed disease, which caused his serpentine features. None can see the alchemical message of the male/female hermaphrodite, which symbolizes the union of the male and female chakras, leading to the Magnum Opus. Those who are without take things as literal. They also miss the meaning of the serpent entirely.

The Elders and the Ancients are an allegory. "God/s" = the code word for chakra/s.

This is all advanced. Once you know the code words, you will be able to see the meanings. It is a different way of reading.

Getting back to the Necronomicon, the Simon copy has been altered and so have the symbols. This does not mean the book is fiction; it has just been altered and corrupted.

To wrap this up, at this point (I will write more later on this), nearly all of the "occult" has its foundation in spiritual alchemy. Each and every one of the tales of the Gods is an allegory. Those who are advanced in knowledge know this. Spiritual knowledge was hidden over the centuries due to attacks such as the huge blemish of Christianity upon the world that rots spirituality til this day.

Unbeknownst to many Satanists, the roots and foundations of Satanism have been preserved in the Far East. Many of these later came to Egypt, such as the mantra "Ohm" vibrated "AUM" which evolved into "Amon" and was then stolen and perverted into "Amen." "Left Hand Path" originated with Tantra, the meaning being the way of doing in contrast to the "Right hand Path" of abstaining.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... micon.html

© Copyright 2008, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sss D." <vgb464@ wrote:

can we actualy use necronomicon if yes then wich one? why the seals are in crcle and whats the story of necronomicon im realy confiused with this book.thank you! :)
The problem is there is never enough time. I have been running behind on a lot of things. The important thing to know in working with the Necronomicon Spellbook is to vibrate both the Name of the God and his/her Word of Power to the number given for each one. It is optional whether you vibrate the Sumerian prayer. Afterwards, you need to immediately affirm a statement to direct the energies you have raised with the vibrations. These need to be performed repeatedly, at least for a moon cycle, every day/night. The line with the little circle attached- when it is pointing with the circle up- the working should be done at night, after the sun has set. With the circle on the down pointing end, the working is best done during the day.

I will try to write more on this. There is so much to do. Also, the significance of the bell in Satanism is symbolic of the reverberation of the mantras/vibrations/chants, which are 'engraved' into the soul.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "wynterwatcher" <wynterwatcher@... wrote:

HP Maxine,

You should consider doing some "instructions" on how to interpret the symbols and applying them in the various stages of meditations, healings, etc. Perhaps in CD or DVD visual method.

Your knowledge on the matter is definately worth the cost of purchase for these types of assistance that you provide to all of us. Especially those of us (like me lol) who might be a little slower figuring out how to interpret and apply ancient knowledge.

You have a wonderful ability concerning these matters that I would love to have, but, in my case, I have not quite mastered that technique.

Hail Satan always!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I also want to add, in addition to the article below - anyone who has performed the meditations in this book, KNOWS this grimoire is not 'a work of fiction.' In addition, those who know the technique to using the Necronomicon, KNOW this grimoire produces results. My opinion on this is because if correctly used, this book is powerful and those who know this try to deny its authenticity, so this knowledge isn't made public.

The 1586 Necronomicon is for opening the soul. The Necronomicon spellbook is used for workings. Each has a specific number and the names of the Gods need to be vibrated to that number. The 1586 Necronomicon and all of the Necronoicon books only make sense to the initiated. To others, they are just nonsense. These works are extremely powerful in the right hands.

As for the Sigils, many can be deciphered with a knowledge of alchemical symbols, as each in the 1586 Necronomicon is geared towards the working, which is opening the soul. The Sigils give symbolic meaning to the specific times the workings should be performed, along with the planets - each planet corresponds to a specific chakra and is required for further empowering the soul, when it is waxing and exalted.

I have worked with the Necronomicon extensively, with major results. The Necronomicon Spellbook is for spell workings, whils the 1586 Necronomicon is for opening and empowering the soul. The Necronomicon has its roots in Sanskrit.


The Necronomicon

I am writing this in response to the numerous posts in the Joy of Satan e-groups regarding the authenticity of the Necronomicon.

Far too many people just believe what they are told or whatever they read and take it as a fact. This is what is called "The God Part of the Brain." Being servile and needing direction from others deemed as "authority." I know where much of the crap about the Necronomicon being a work of fiction comes from. This is the same old shit as they claim Satan is an "archetype."

The Necronomicon is NOT a work of fiction, nor was it "invented by Howard Phillips Lovecraft." Now, for starters, HP Lovecraft was born August 20th, 1890 and died the 15th of March 1937.

Ok, now for those self-appointed authorities, if he was born in 1890, just how in the hell did he invent the 1586 Necronomicon? That's right, 1586, FOR ONE. That's just one. There are others that even precede this copy. The 1586 copy was authored by Dr. John Dee, you know, the man who brought us the Enochian calls. If anyone would take the time to read the Preface in this book, authored by Dr. Joseph Talbet, Ph.D., D.Litt, Harvard University, the TRUE history of this powerful GRIMOIRE is revealed:

Here are some excerpts from the 1586 copy of the Necronomicon:

"The Necronomicon is primarily known to the general public due to the writings of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The word "necronomicon" is the title of a Greek translation made around 950 A.D. by Theodoras Philetas from an original Arabic manuscript. A Latin version of the Greek translation was made by Olaus Wormius in 1228 A.D. The original Arabic title of the work was "Kitab al Azif" which can be roughly translated as "The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn (or demons). The name, "necronomicon", which the Latin version retains means something like things pertaining to the customs, practices, or laws of the dead. Nekros being Latin for "dead" and nomos meaning the customs, practice, or law."
"The original writer was supposed to have been an Arab named Abdul al Azrad who supposedly died around 738 A.D. in Damascus. Death was due to being torn apart in the street by unseen entities. The name is probably mistranslation since no self-respecting Arab would have such a name. The true name was probably Abd Al Azrad. In Arabic the name is more of a title meaning the "slave of the devourer" or "worshipper of the great devourer", supposedly alluding to the Great Old Ones."

"The John Dee translation of the Necronomicon reprinted in this work comes from the collection of the Widener Library at Harvard University. The book was part of the personal library of Harry Elkins Widener, American millionaire and founder of the Widener Library. Mr. Widener obtained this text in 1912 shortly before he boarded the Titanic. The binding of the book is original, but badly cracked and split. The text is complete, but many pages are separated and others are crumbling. Restoration efforts are presently underway, and the book has been digitally preserved as part of this effort."


"Al Azif â€" In Arabic, written by Abd al-Hazrad c. 730 A.D. Original for is unknown but numerous manuscript versions were long circulated among various medieval scholars. As early as the 12th century this version was referred to as lost."

"Necronomicon - In Greek translated by Theodoras Philetas c. 950 A.D. Existence of early hand written copies is unknown. Mass printing of copies in Italy in the summer of 1501 in a folio-sized edition led to a surge of religious suppression by the church. The book was banned by the church and included in the Index Epurgatorius by Pope Gregory IX. The last known copy of this version was known to have been burned in Salem in 1692."

"Voynich Manuscript â€" In Latin and Greek using Arabic script. Translator unknown, c. 1020. An unknown number of this manuscript were produced probably in Romania. Only three copies are known to have existed."

"Necronomicon- In Latin by Olaus Wormius, c. 1228 A.D. First circulated in manuscript form, then printed in Mainz Germany around the end of the 15th century as a black letter folio."

"Necronomicon â€" In English, translated by John Dee c. 1586. An accurate but expurgated version of the Greek edition. Printed only in small numbers by private publishers, manuscript copies also are known to have existed. It is from this edition that this reprint comes from."

"Necronomicon â€" In Latin c. 1630 A poor quality reprint of the 1228 Latin version. Published by an unknown publisher in Spain."

"Al Azif â€" Ye Booke Of Ye Arabe â€" In English, translator unknown, c. 1590 An incomplete and muddled text. Circulated in manuscript form, there were probably fewer than ten of these manuscripts ever written."

"Cultus Maleficarum â€" In English, translated by Baron Fredric, c. 1597. A partial translation of the Latin text. Published in Sussex England."

"Necronomicon" means the "Book of Dead Names." With the intrusion and dominance of Christianity, the names of the Original Pagan Gods were dead. In other words, few people used them. Even for those who are marginally literate in regards to the occult, it is glaringly obvious that this text is not a work of fiction.
In addition, there have been tragic consequences for a few who experimented with this book the wrong way. The "Gods" are real beings, but as with other ancient texts on the occult, there is another side to the writings- that of allegories. Those who take the writings in a literal way often do not get the results they expected or desired. With everything of so-called religion, there is a true and there is a false aspect; the real and the artificial. This can be blatantly seen in Satanism vs. Christianity. Everything in Christianity is false and artificial.

The true purpose of the Necronomicon text is to serve as a grimoire for opening the soul. "Leviathan," "Cthulhu," are names for the serpent kundalini "who lies sleeping and dreaming." "Narayana" probably one of the most ancient names for Cthulhu is also seen in the East Indian Hindu "Mahâbhârata" which is thousands of years old.

The Necronomicon is a very powerful grimoire. So much knowledge has been systematically destroyed and confiscated, but Satan and his Demons have preserved nearly everything to this day. To the uninitiated, writings are taken as literal. The closer you get to Satan and the more you know of Satanic symbols and True Satanism, you will see things for what they really are: allegories that reveal ancient and powerful knowledge.

The Necronomicon translates into the "Book of Dead names." Those who are without take this as necromancy. Those who know, understand the book is not about necromancy, but working with names that have not been used for thousands of years; thus- "dead." These "names" are words of power, when correctly vibrated.

Many grimoires use code words. The only way to understand is either from divine guidance given from Satan and his Demons or from a disciple who has already received this. Most of the 1586 Necronomicon has to do with opening the chakras and raising the kundalini. The "Mad Arab" raised his kundalini, which opened his mind and soul and made him "mad." In other words, too much psychic input too soon for some, can be a problem in maintaining sanity. The "burning" of the seals and such in the Necronomicon represents the burning of the seals of the chakras and thus the cleansing of the chakras through kundalini. The madness and experiences of Abd al-Hazrad are resulting from his opened chakras and the kundalini.

The symbols in the 1586 Necronomicon are real alchemical symbols, no different from the Sigils of the Goetic Demons. Properly used, they have power.

The same is with the Tarot. Those who are without (many are those holier than thou new agers) are forever excavating and digging around Ancient Egyptian tombs and beneath the sphinx searching for scrolls that were reportedly hidden by Thoth. Those of us who are close to Satan know that Thoth's writings and message is before us here and now, and is contained in the Tarot for one. Those who are without cannot see into the deeper meanings, as this can only come through Satan.

Historians quibble over Akhenaton's supposed disease, which caused his serpentine features. None can see the alchemical message of the male/female hermaphrodite, which symbolizes the union of the male and female chakras, leading to the Magnum Opus. Those who are without take things as literal. They also miss the meaning of the serpent entirely.

The Elders and the Ancients are an allegory. "God/s" = the code word for chakra/s.

This is all advanced. Once you know the code words, you will be able to see the meanings. It is a different way of reading.

Getting back to the Necronomicon, the Simon copy has been altered and so have the symbols. This does not mean the book is fiction; it has just been altered and corrupted.

To wrap this up, at this point (I will write more later on this), nearly all of the "occult" has its foundation in spiritual alchemy. Each and every one of the tales of the Gods is an allegory. Those who are advanced in knowledge know this. Spiritual knowledge was hidden over the centuries due to attacks such as the huge blemish of Christianity upon the world that rots spirituality til this day.

Unbeknownst to many Satanists, the roots and foundations of Satanism have been preserved in the Far East. Many of these later came to Egypt, such as the mantra "Ohm" vibrated "AUM" which evolved into "Amon" and was then stolen and perverted into "Amen." "Left Hand Path" originated with Tantra, the meaning being the way of doing in contrast to the "Right hand Path" of abstaining.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... micon.html

© Copyright 2008, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sss D." <vgb464@ wrote:

can we actualy use necronomicon if yes then wich one? why the seals are in crcle and whats the story of necronomicon im realy confiused with this book.thank you! :)
does any one tried macroeconomicon? by simon,john Dee,aliester crowly, or others ?
extremely sorry sorry a spelling mistake it is necronomicon not macroeconomic sorry sorry ppl apologize from me 
From: kikesmasher71 <kikesmasher71@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, November 1, 2010 5:02:45 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: necronomicon


--- In [email protected], "anandha" <ashankar88@... wrote:

does any one tried macroeconomicon? by simon,john Dee,aliester crowly, or others ?

does anyone know where you can find a safe, legit, and accredited pdf download link for the 1586 Necronomicon?
Im asking this ahead of time, even tho ill probly figure it out eventually, but I downloaded a pdf for the 1568 necronomicon and all of the sigils and signs throughout the book are not rite. Example:A


Is there any way to convert these signs to actual pictures. Any knowledge to make light of this situation wuold be GREATLY appreciated. Need to figure out.
Hail Satan!
Ah, I took note of two days for the 3rd eye (the first Necronomicon meditation) if anyone is interested. One is 22th of September (yeap, this month), and the other is 20th of October.However, the days are *not* Monday... I don't know if it's supposed to be on a Monday too, I didn't see it written in the meditation (well maybe, it was logical to assume so, but I didn't... ah... yeah).
You can see when the Moon goes where in: http://www.moontracks.com/lunar_ingress.htmland if it's a void or not (avoid void) in: lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp
Thanks a million. I was giuded to do the Necrenomicons, but I'm really bad at astrology and couldn't figure out when.
From: Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 11:07 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Necronomicon Dates
  Ah, I took note of two days for the 3rd eye (the first Necronomicon meditation) if anyone is interested. One is 22th of September (yeap, this month), and the other is 20th of October.However, the days are *not* Monday... I don't know if it's supposed to be on a Monday too, I didn't see it written in the meditation (well maybe, it was logical to assume so, but I didn't... ah... yeah).
You can see when the Moon goes where in: http://www.moontracks.com/lunar_ingress.htmland if it's a void or not (avoid void) in: lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp
I'm bad at it as well haha, but I checked the websites. (always the easiest way :p)
Απο: Fourth Reich <fourth_reich666@...
Προς: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 1:16 π.μ. Τρίτη, 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Necronomicon Dates

  Thanks a million. I was giuded to do the Necrenomicons, but I'm really bad at astrology and couldn't figure out when.
From: Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 11:07 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Necronomicon Dates
  Ah, I took note of two days for the 3rd eye (the first Necronomicon meditation) if anyone is interested. One is 22th of September (yeap, this month), and the other is 20th of October.However, the days are *not* Monday... I don't know if it's supposed to be on a Monday too, I didn't see it written in the meditation (well maybe, it was logical to assume so, but I didn't... ah... yeah).
You can see when the Moon goes where in: http://www.moontracks.com/lunar_ingress.htmland if it's a void or not (avoid void) in: lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp

From: Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 6:18:12 PM
Subject: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] Necronomicon Dates

  I'm bad at it as well haha, but I checked the websites. (always the easiest way :p)
Απο: Fourth Reich <fourth_reich666@...
Προς: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 1:16 π.μ. Τρίτη, 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Θέμα: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Necronomicon Dates

  Thanks a million. I was giuded to do the Necrenomicons, but I'm really bad at astrology and couldn't figure out when.
From: Light Yagami <tapapakiastinseira@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 11:07 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Necronomicon Dates
  Ah, I took note of two days for the 3rd eye (the first Necronomicon meditation) if anyone is interested. One is 22th of September (yeap, this month), and the other is 20th of October.However, the days are *not* Monday... I don't know if it's supposed to be on a Monday too, I didn't see it written in the meditation (well maybe, it was logical to assume so, but I didn't... ah... yeah).
You can see when the Moon goes where in: http://www.moontracks.com/lunar_ingress.htmland if it's a void or not (avoid void) in: lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
