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Nazi and slavic people.


Nov 14, 2024
Hello Brothers and Sisters Satanists!

Is is true that,the Nazis hate the Slavs?

Hail Satan!

Hail Himmler!
Is is true that,the Nazis hate the Slavs?

Your answer:

Extra info:

From what I read, Hitler had this to say about the Slavs from his Table Talks during 1941-44

These ones you'll find on September 17 1941:

"The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master. As far as we are concerned, we may think that the Bolsheviks did us a great service. They began by distributing the land to the peasants, and we know what a frightful famine resulted. So they were obliged, of course, to reestablish a sort of feudal régime, to the benefit of the State."

"It’s not a mere chance that the inventor of anarchism was a Russian. Unless other peoples, beginning with the Vikings, had imported some rudiments of organization into Russian humanity, the Russians would still be living like rabbits. One cannot change rabbits into bees or ants. These insects have the faculty of living in a state of society—but rabbits haven’t.

If left to himself, the Slav would never have emerged from the narrowest of family communities.
The Germanic race created the notion of the State. It incarnated this notion in reality, by compelling the individual to be a part of a whole. It’s our duty continually to arouse the forces that slumber in our people’s blood.

The Slav peoples are not destined to live a cleanly life. They know it, and we would be wrong to persuade them of the contrary. It was we who, in 1918, created the Baltic countries and the Ukraine. But nowadays we have no interest in maintaining Baltic States, any more than in creating an independent Ukraine. We must likewise prevent them from returning to Christianity. That would be a grave fault, for it would be giving them a form of organization.
I am not a partisan, either, of a university at Kiev. It’s better not to teach them to read. They won’t love us for tormenting them with schools. Even to give them a locomotive to drive would be a mistake. And what stupidity it would be on our part to proceed to a distribution of land! In spite of that, we’ll see to it that the natives live better than they’ve lived hitherto. We’ll find amongst them the human material that’s indispensable for tilling the soil."

This one is from April 11 1942:

"Above all, we don’t want a horde of schoolmasters to descend suddenly on these territories and force education down the throats of subject races. To teach the Russians, the Ukrainians and the Kirghiz to read and write will eventually be to our own disadvantage; education will give the more intelligent among them an opportunity to study history, to acquire an historical sense and hence to develop political ideas which cannot but be harmful to our interests. A loudspeaker should be installed in each village, to provide them with odd items of news and, above all, to afford distraction. What possible use to them would a knowledge of politics or economics be? There is also no point in broadcasting any stories of their past history—all the villagers require is music, music and plenty of it. Cheerful music is a great incentive to hard work; give them plenty of opportunities to dance, and the villagers will be grateful to us. The soundness of these views is proved by our experience at home during the time of the Weimar Republic"

This one is from August 6, 1942:

"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them to the shape that suits us, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pigstyes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitant and civilizing him, goes straight off into a concentration camp!"

Personally, I find what he said distasteful. He essentially viewed and wanted to treat the Slavs in a very similar manner to how the jews view and want to treat the Gentiles, unless what I listed above is completely fabricated somehow. If so, I'd be happy to be corrected on the matter. Truth on this subject is important.

Regardless of what he did or didn't say, all Whites like all other races should be united, without any hate or infighting.
Your answer:

Extra info:

Thank You for answering Brother!
From what I read, Hitler had this to say about the Slavs from his Table Talks during 1941-44

These ones you'll find on September 17 1941:

"The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master. As far as we are concerned, we may think that the Bolsheviks did us a great service. They began by distributing the land to the peasants, and we know what a frightful famine resulted. So they were obliged, of course, to reestablish a sort of feudal régime, to the benefit of the State."

"It’s not a mere chance that the inventor of anarchism was a Russian. Unless other peoples, beginning with the Vikings, had imported some rudiments of organization into Russian humanity, the Russians would still be living like rabbits. One cannot change rabbits into bees or ants. These insects have the faculty of living in a state of society—but rabbits haven’t.

If left to himself, the Slav would never have emerged from the narrowest of family communities.
The Germanic race created the notion of the State. It incarnated this notion in reality, by compelling the individual to be a part of a whole. It’s our duty continually to arouse the forces that slumber in our people’s blood.

The Slav peoples are not destined to live a cleanly life. They know it, and we would be wrong to persuade them of the contrary. It was we who, in 1918, created the Baltic countries and the Ukraine. But nowadays we have no interest in maintaining Baltic States, any more than in creating an independent Ukraine. We must likewise prevent them from returning to Christianity. That would be a grave fault, for it would be giving them a form of organization.
I am not a partisan, either, of a university at Kiev. It’s better not to teach them to read. They won’t love us for tormenting them with schools. Even to give them a locomotive to drive would be a mistake. And what stupidity it would be on our part to proceed to a distribution of land! In spite of that, we’ll see to it that the natives live better than they’ve lived hitherto. We’ll find amongst them the human material that’s indispensable for tilling the soil."

This one is from April 11 1942:

"Above all, we don’t want a horde of schoolmasters to descend suddenly on these territories and force education down the throats of subject races. To teach the Russians, the Ukrainians and the Kirghiz to read and write will eventually be to our own disadvantage; education will give the more intelligent among them an opportunity to study history, to acquire an historical sense and hence to develop political ideas which cannot but be harmful to our interests. A loudspeaker should be installed in each village, to provide them with odd items of news and, above all, to afford distraction. What possible use to them would a knowledge of politics or economics be? There is also no point in broadcasting any stories of their past history—all the villagers require is music, music and plenty of it. Cheerful music is a great incentive to hard work; give them plenty of opportunities to dance, and the villagers will be grateful to us. The soundness of these views is proved by our experience at home during the time of the Weimar Republic"

This one is from August 6, 1942:

"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them to the shape that suits us, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pigstyes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitant and civilizing him, goes straight off into a concentration camp!"

Personally, I find what he said distasteful. He essentially viewed and wanted to treat the Slavs in a very similar manner to how the jews view and want to treat the Gentiles, unless what I listed above is completely fabricated somehow. If so, I'd be happy to be corrected on the matter. Truth on this subject is important.

Regardless of what he did or didn't say, all Whites like all other races should be united, without any hate or infighting.
If hitler was a so-called White Supremacist and wanted all other Peoples to be slaves, and the jew gone, then saying that about the Slavs doesn't make sense. Besides, we know that christianity is jewish, and the history of the word "tithe", as in to give 10% of one's money to the church each Sunday, also refers to the word "Slav"... meaning slave.

Of course, some wouldn't have seen this, so it is decent to share it again -

All "tithing" is is a jew or a shabbos goy leeching and parasitising off you so it can wear fancy clothes, live in a nice house, etc., all free, while you, a poor loser, LARP around like an idiot in a LARP-fantasy nonsense thing, believing it is real.

You could also say that the "tit" in "tithe" is refers to a parasite suckling shekels out of the Goyim constantly. I may be sceptical!

While I might be sceptical, research is better. Based on my actual research, rather than my poetic license -





Well - or welp... the jew suckles like a parasite on the teets of its host Goyim slaves, while the Goyim slaves are all dazed - or judaised/jew-dazed...

I surmise that, since Hitler is the most lied-about person in all of history, perhaps with the exception of the non-person "jesus" who actually never existed, and also because of the jew admitting re-writing history [click], then that which was said about Hitler, which you quoted, is false. Slavs, as christians, are supposedly slaves and christians are supposedly slaves of jewsus, i.e. the jew, and these slaves of jewsus/the jew must give money to it so it can eat hearty meals in a cosy room with fat bellies around a dining table while Oliver Twist and co. are all weak, skinny and starving on... gruel, because "god is love" on the wall in large letters (in the Mark Lester version, at least). The selling of Oliver was not fake, albeit a story; Children were sold, literally. With Hitler being an ebull White Supremacist and hating Slavs, and at the same time being a christian with jew "god" and hating jews and wanting them slaughtered... all tells me the jew really is trolling us and it makes no fucking sense whatsoever. The jew lies through its teeth with the fake muh trolloco$t story by that kike and its kike wife who believed the lie was true in its head... and the kike shulamit aloni of the "israel" cabinet who admitted it's a trick and the jew always uses it... and the fake 6 million which was revised down to about 1 million and which included non-j00z... and that the jew says a wordbook is a lexicon but is not a dictionary, when all three of those words mean the same thing (oh, and yes - this is a revised edition)...

Hitler, being a jew-hating jew-worshipper, a White-loving White (i.e. Slav)-hater, and Slav relating to being a christian slave giving money so the jew can be fat while you're skinny and weak...? None of that adds up, especially when the jew retards about with wordplay and dissimilation, trying to redefine things and trying to change meanings, and rewriting history, and lying about such massively-important things ("the" holocaust, etc.)... No. Hitler didn't say those things. As always, the jew blames its enemies on exactly what it itself does - see the war with Palestine, with maiming and murdering innocent civilians and Children, and pretending and lying that it is "the most just army" or "the most restrained army" and other bullshit. No, Hitler didn't say those things about the Slavs, not at all. I have one small anecdote to share.

Shortly after coronavirus lockdowns, or as I am calling it controlnavirus scamdemic plandemic mockdowns, I met someone. He told me that just before the first "lockdown" he met a Russian and they were getting on well together, and because of the force of "social bubbles" he and she decided that, if they wanted to continue seeing each other properly, they'd be in the same "bubble" together, effectively moving-in together. He's English. She's Russian. What he told me was that she, and People, hate the Russian government, because they steal all their money; that's why she, and others, travel over here to work and live.

It is the jew's corruption of things while it fantasises, experiencing schadenfreude. See also - any popular TV programmes or films which have a mention of Nazism and/or Hitler in them, e.g. in the Simpsons the fantasy of Itchy and Scratchy bashing Hitler, or in Futurama the fantasy of Farnsworth going through time and pausing to assassinate Hitler, or in Star Trek the fantasy of a couple of things putting Hitler/the Nazis in bad light. The jew always has to enact and remind us about Godwin's law, but not just in online discussion. All the jew can do is fantasise and lie and hope that people don't use their Brains to do research instead of just accepting what they're preached to accept... and pay for the "privilege" - that's all the jew did in its corrupting of Hitler's talks here.
From what I read, Hitler had this to say about the Slavs from his Table Talks during 1941-44

These ones you'll find on September 17 1941:

"The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master. As far as we are concerned, we may think that the Bolsheviks did us a great service. They began by distributing the land to the peasants, and we know what a frightful famine resulted. So they were obliged, of course, to reestablish a sort of feudal régime, to the benefit of the State."

"It’s not a mere chance that the inventor of anarchism was a Russian. Unless other peoples, beginning with the Vikings, had imported some rudiments of organization into Russian humanity, the Russians would still be living like rabbits. One cannot change rabbits into bees or ants. These insects have the faculty of living in a state of society—but rabbits haven’t.

If left to himself, the Slav would never have emerged from the narrowest of family communities.
The Germanic race created the notion of the State. It incarnated this notion in reality, by compelling the individual to be a part of a whole. It’s our duty continually to arouse the forces that slumber in our people’s blood.

The Slav peoples are not destined to live a cleanly life. They know it, and we would be wrong to persuade them of the contrary. It was we who, in 1918, created the Baltic countries and the Ukraine. But nowadays we have no interest in maintaining Baltic States, any more than in creating an independent Ukraine. We must likewise prevent them from returning to Christianity. That would be a grave fault, for it would be giving them a form of organization.
I am not a partisan, either, of a university at Kiev. It’s better not to teach them to read. They won’t love us for tormenting them with schools. Even to give them a locomotive to drive would be a mistake. And what stupidity it would be on our part to proceed to a distribution of land! In spite of that, we’ll see to it that the natives live better than they’ve lived hitherto. We’ll find amongst them the human material that’s indispensable for tilling the soil."

This one is from April 11 1942:

"Above all, we don’t want a horde of schoolmasters to descend suddenly on these territories and force education down the throats of subject races. To teach the Russians, the Ukrainians and the Kirghiz to read and write will eventually be to our own disadvantage; education will give the more intelligent among them an opportunity to study history, to acquire an historical sense and hence to develop political ideas which cannot but be harmful to our interests. A loudspeaker should be installed in each village, to provide them with odd items of news and, above all, to afford distraction. What possible use to them would a knowledge of politics or economics be? There is also no point in broadcasting any stories of their past history—all the villagers require is music, music and plenty of it. Cheerful music is a great incentive to hard work; give them plenty of opportunities to dance, and the villagers will be grateful to us. The soundness of these views is proved by our experience at home during the time of the Weimar Republic"

This one is from August 6, 1942:

"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them to the shape that suits us, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pigstyes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitant and civilizing him, goes straight off into a concentration camp!"

Personally, I find what he said distasteful. He essentially viewed and wanted to treat the Slavs in a very similar manner to how the jews view and want to treat the Gentiles, unless what I listed above is completely fabricated somehow. If so, I'd be happy to be corrected on the matter. Truth on this subject is important.

Regardless of what he did or didn't say, all Whites like all other races should be united, without any hate or infighting.

Thank You ror answering!
From my experience Slavs are warriors and strong, in character as well.
Right now i would say they are better than western white people.
They are less corrupt internally and more masculine/feminine, more traditional down to earth people, more trustworthy, more humane etc.
They are direct and not cowards, they show balls and say what they have to say.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
