The sun
The Sun represents in dreams and in spiritual symbolism, divinity, father, royalty and spiritual perfection (666).
The solar cults celebrated its importance in the cultures of the ancient world as a source of life with solar deities such as Horus, Osiris, Apollo, Azazel, Elios, Amaterasu.
The halos in art are an image that originally belongs to the pagan solar cults then stolen by Christianity with the halos on the heads of the saints to hijack the atavistic racial memory of our human genetic code created by Satan with genetic engineering in an attempt to do not finalize the Magnum Opus to humanity.
The Sun as a male symbol represents reason and light of the psyche, rationality, yang, the world of consciousness, civilization, the rules of society, the search for power with the will to power, sovereignty, guidance, leadership, l 'ego.
The Sun in dreams is connected with movement, feelings and emotions and all contents of consciousness that are conscious and the masculine power of the mind to consciously direct the natural power which is an essential quality for the spiritual power used with intellect under the control and government of conscience.
The Sun in dreams, in spiritual visions and in psycho-spiritual symbolism represents: Rationality, intellect, lucidity, logic, clarity, consciousness, conscious self, vital energy, strength, glory, splendor, power, self-esteem, a man who admires himself, that you love, that in your eyes it shines like the sun and that for you is an important point of reference.
Extroversion, light of the ego reflecting towards the world, sincerity, trust, transparency, illumination, blessing, truth, justice, divine presence and omniscience, happiness, optimism, gratification, tranquility, peace, luck, wealth, security, well-being, rebirth, renewal, resurrection, victory over death and immortality.
Dreams of the Sun:
Dreaming of the rising sun (dawn): New beginning, renewal, inner transformation, psychic rebirth, mental regeneration, reintegration of consciousness, in premonitory dreams reveals a new period of life with positive hopes and promises, optimism for the future due to energies psychic and spiritual brighter than the soul.
Dreaming of the Sun shining brightly: fullness of the self and maturity, personality and ego with greater consciousness and inner awareness, return of joy and optimism and hopes for the future, what is illuminated by the Sun has no hidden and occult sides and is therefore a sign of trust,
Dreaming of a giant, huge, large Sun: it can represent if you feel comfortable in the dream, great material, psychic and spiritual luck, an abundance of vital energy, on the contrary if you feel anguish and negative emotions there is fear of being discovered for one's true self and fear of uncontrolled power.
Dreaming of a dazzling, blinding, fiery Sun: strong and intense emotions, most likely there is a truth that is difficult to accept, a strong desire for knowledge to transform the unconscious into conscious but which has not yet reached appreciable maturity, there is no still readiness to accept knowledge and a particular truth.
Dreaming of a burning sun, burning sun - burning and damage from being exposed too much to certain people who have created damage, fear of exposing themselves to others.
Dreaming of a Sun at noon, Zenith of the Sun: it represents a moment of between and of transition and rest, (noon is the panic hour of the god Pan who is the god of afternoon rest and daytime meditation) an hour in which meditation favors the emergence of the irrational and of hidden psyche contents.
Dreaming A small, pale sun, veiled by clouds, blurred: a moment of temporary difficulty, confusion and uncertainty, can positively mean something destined to shine in the future.
Dreaming of a Sun of a different color from normal: I will deal with the black Sun below, the color of the Sun different from the normal must be interpreted based on the meaning of the color assumed by it and can allude to one's mood also the color of the Sun indicates that the energy of that color is very important depending on the brightness that appeared in the dream.
Dreaming of the Sun at night: hypervigil and over-excited mood, inability to relax and let go of the tension to calm down, this dream is also a warning to rest and meditate to calm down and seek a better balance that creates peace.
Dreaming of the Sun together with the Moon: mystical union of the male and female principles, a state of spiritual balance from yin yang, a dream favorable to the resolution of psychic conflicts and the sacred marriage between sexual energies.
Dreaming of two Suns, many Suns: opposing polarities that struggle and create confusion and conflict (two Suns).
Three or more Suns: period of bewilderment due to some excess, in the worst case personality disorder
multiple, split ego.
Dreaming of the sun going down / dreaming of the sun going out: it marks the end of a phase of life and in some cases nostalgia for it, it also indicates the need for rest, contemplation, meditation to regenerate, tranquility, intimacy.
Dreaming of the sun exploding / dreaming of the sun falling: seeing a dream of a sun falling on the earth reveals danger coming from the fire and there could be or more likely a strong passion that upsets.
Dreaming of a sun that explodes, which breaks is a sign of a destabilizing traumatic event due to the end of a landmark in life.
Sun that moves: it is a warning to become aware of something as soon as possible
Dreaming of sick sun - it is a sign of fear and inner discomfort in particular relating to male energy and sometimes to the father, it can also indicate health problems of the father in certain dreams
Dreaming of a solar eclipse, Sun that goes dark: Dreaming of a Sun that goes dark reveals spiritual loss of sight and darkening of the intellect that involves disorientation, crisis, panic, lack of mental clarity that causes fear.
Dreaming of a solar eclipse can reveal a loss of well-being and sustenance and a period of sadness and depression but also be a positive sign of an alchemical transformation of being, the solar eclipse / black sun is a symbol of the nigredo, the first stage of the Magnum Opus or Great Work.
The Sol Invictus: it is very important as a symbol because it is connected with the winter solstice and the Yule season, the moment when the Sun after months of loss of strength and heat and in which the days get shorter and the nights get longer. to shine and the day begins to lengthen compared to the night, the Sun conquering the darkness that spiritually represents the final victory of darkness and even physical death by reaching divinity by completing the Magnum Opus or Great Work by reversing aging making youth and its eternal regenerative energy, in fact the last cardinal sign Capricorn representing the immortal and permanent union of the sexual energies of creation coincides with the beginning of winter and the time when the kidneys that govern the jing (regenerative energy of youth) when the Sun enters 0 ° in Capricorn makes the energy powerful enough spiritually to activate the telomerase gene and reset the reduction of the telomeres sublimating Saturn and the physical body starting from the spiritual body activated in the light body, 10 also the number of Capricorn is a number of permanent materialization of the ether and of the physical body in this case, shifting the transformation of life and death to a new level that allows for physical immortality, these meanings spiritually represent that Satan created us with the intention of making us perfect, divine and immortal and that humanity has the potential of divinity within itself and that it can overcome darkness and bad luck, the rebirth of the Sun in symbolism and also in dreams is an extremely positive symbol and is very deep spiritually and psychically.