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Nashville Bomber: "The Earth is controlled by a race of reptilian Lizard people"


Nov 4, 2017
For the people here in America, you might have heard of the Nashville bombing that happened on Christmas. I just came across an MSN article that said he wrote messages and recorded several videos and sent them to several different people.

here is the MSN article: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/nashville-bomber-mailed-writings-promoting-conspiracy-theories/ar-BB1cqzJm?ocid=HPDHP17&li=BBnb7Kz

The guy responsible for the bombing, Anthony Warner, stated in his letters and videos that he "understands who / what we really are and what the known universe really is".

Warner wrote about 9/11 and the moon landing, saying at one point, "the moon landing, and 9/11 have so many anomalies they are hard to count" Warner also wrote that aliens have been attacking the earth since September 2011, and that the media is covering up the attacks.

I don't know how long the article will stay up until its purged by jews. The guy says that "The earth is controlled by a race of reptilian lizard people" And he also says "They put a switch in our brains so they could walk among us and appear human"

This bombing never really made it big in the media, and you can guess why. The jews most likely don't want it to be a popular topic.

What do you guys think about this?
This person was clearly for the asylum, and anything other than that, he appears to be one of these Xians who constantly whine about the "Lizards". And picking "Xmas" out of all dates, was just the usual energy raising and kosher bullshit we have saw over the years.

These lunatics are used by the enemy to discredit the reality of the above actually being the case, and relate this to murder and insanity. It's just propaganda and nothing else.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This person was clearly for the asylum, and anything other than that, he appears to be one of these Xians who constantly whine about the "Lizards". And picking "Xmas" out of all dates, was just the usual energy raising and kosher bullshit we have saw over the years.

These lunatics are used by the enemy to discredit the reality of the above actually being the case, and relate this to murder and insanity. It's just propaganda and nothing else.

Just like the OKC bombing this individual didn’t actually do anything and was used as a fall guy. Of course like you said they do it to make “conspiracy theorists” look bad.
This guy like HP.Cobra said is "crazy". Maybe even a drug user or perhaps at some point used drugs. But most likely just a fanatical xtian connected to the enemy kabalistic matrix. His own deluded self went as far as suicide by bombing to somehow free himself from the lizard people.

Lulz what is this the movie and show about lizard people from a few years ago the old 1980s remake show.

In my personal opinion I believe people like these are suffering from some mental illness or IF schizophrenia or some other mental illness maybe erroneously tapping into the astral realm and seeing or possibly detecting enemy extra-terrestrials especially in Nashville which is another haven for xtianity especially with all the xtian country music singers. Non-the less I'm not sure if hostile aliens pay attention to everyone or everything but it's possible this guy peered into the astral and some enemy detected him and decided lets play a little game of fuckery.

It's just another sad example of how people are some how popping into the spiritual realm "blipping" if you will and not knowing what to do. Maybe even hampered by his own delusions. In JoS I believe GitM(Ghost in the Machine) mentioned or suggested to mention that we take the slow and steady "turtle" approach to spiritual empowerment. Some people open up way too fast and some way too slow(in my case as well being stagnant). But I'll admit as much as my reluctance to open up to the astral realm is strong. I've learned a lot from taking it slow and reading JoS and other members. It seems the occult can't be surppressed enough and people want and demand answers.



Here is a more interesting alternative scenario of the December 25th, 2020 Nashville bomber perhaps most likely a false flag attempt. This was stated by [@member: Jack a.k.a. Jack the good guy]. It seems more plausible this person was in contact with the federalis and somehow was creating a terrorist attack particularly a false flag attack as well as HP.Cobra's aforementioned "Kaballah pump scenario" i.e. create a "doom and gloom" sad, sack of shit scenario and make the xtians and muzzies pray and dance and love everything to generate more energy for the enemy agenda.(xtians will cry and be like "OMG" and the muzzies will cheer and be like "death to America" and whatnot typical anti-civilization judeo-bolshevistic activites. Nothing to see here folks same old faggotry going on since millenias ago).

Jack said:
Update (1748ET): On Sunday evening, AT&T released a statement that said its building on 2nd Avenue in Downtown Nashville sustained "significant damage" in the early hours of Christmas morning. As a result, tens of thousands of customers across the Nashville metro area, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama experienced a loss of communication service(s).

The AT&T building on 2nd Avenue suffered significant damage in the blast. That facility includes connection points for regional internet services as well as local wireless, internet and video. In the hours that followed the explosion, our local service remained intact through temporary battery power. Unfortunately, a combination of the explosion and resulting water and fire damage took out a number of backup power generators intended to provide power to the batteries. That led to service disruptions across parts of Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. More than 48 hours later, some customers are still experiencing outages. We know it is frustrating and we apologize for the inconvenience. We also thank you for your understanding. -AT&T statement

The Description of the individual who coincidentally died (the bomber) makes it EXTREMELY likely that this was a Fed inside job,

Multiple law enforcement sources say investigators are looking seriously at whether Warner may have been motivated, at least in part, by a paranoia over #5G cellular technology. Sources say it appears he may also have believed in aliens. #NashvilleBomb


Why is this important ?

Intelligent people who know how to do heuristics analysis must remember KLAUS SWABB the Davos group mastermind predicted a CYBERPANDEMIC that will dwarf the veracity of the covid 19 lockdown effects.

Once the communication networks are down, they can launch their various nefarious plans and no one would be able to coordinate a counterattack or organize a quick resistance.

They can come to a block and release Ebola type viruses that will start a mass pandemic and you won't even know what's happening because all communication is cut off.

IMPORTANT - The US treasury and nuclear Department was recently hacked ,along with cold storage plant companies (where they store the food). This is not a drill.

The CIA backed Deagel projects millions dying (only in the US).
Didn’t Include ‘Death By Pandemic’ But Warned Us What Could Happen: ‘A Scenario Could Evolve Of A Death Toll Of Up To 90%’

– Those Who Don’t Prepare Have Sealed Their Own Fate

V.V.Important Vids tying all this together (no doom and gloom ,calm analysis) -




V.V.V.V.Important -

For the people living in the U S, you need to be prepared for any and all possibilities. They are prepared to try everything and anything. Remember they wargamed all this out in CyberPolygon and Food Chain Reaction and Dark Winter and Event 201. They are moving according to plan.

Stock up on essential supplies and GUNS. Please get GUNS and ammunition. They are going to forment mass civil unrest and violence.

Get out of the big cities if you haven't already. This is serious, this is not a joke. You can commute to work. It may take extra 2 hours but the living costs and expenses will make up for it. You can get cheap rent in small cities. More importantly, you do not want to be in a congested big city where they can cordon entire sectors and cause massive death. There won't be many law enforcement inside small cities and if they close the internet and everything else - That's your cue to run.

We can laugh at all this and say that I was raving like a paranoid freak if it doesn't happen.

But if it does, you are going to lament that you didn't prepare. So please get ready. You don't have much time to prepare. They project mass death within 5 years.

All of the schemes are tied together. China is just a beta testing site where they've already tried all this. This is now 21st century war, and they're coming for all of us, starting with the Americans.

Visit the prepping sites and get ready by forming an action plan. When the cyberattacks and the pandemics happen you don't want to be paranoid and freak out.

Therefore if you are going to freak out, do so now. Yes, they are coming to kill all of you. No one knows what combination of tactics they will use but you can get a clear picture by looking at their wargames. Be very calm and move according to plan.

  • According to the Food chain Reaction ,they claim there will be massive famines and the Food Chain will break .

  • They need probable cause to shut down the country to create such a reaction, so they will release actual killer viruses (As lockdowns are normalized, they can deploy lockdowns at any time shutting you down in your house after which they can easily kill you off.)

  • They will shut off communications (Cyber Polygon) so you cant form an organize with each other or your closed ones. They will blame it on terrorists claiming that terrorists did it - as they blamed the moslems for 911, to justify the invasion of Afghanistan.
  • They might start Massive false flag bombings like the one you saw that trigger all this (and blame it on conspiracy theorists or trump supporters. )

  • They might deploy some of these or a combination or individually or all at once, which will create mass paranoia and mass death (easily hundreds of millions) - of we take into account they will actually release the preplanned killer viruses.

No matter what happens, don't freak out and don't take the vaccines. Carefully work according to plan. Once all this starts, if you haven't already take a bunch of friends and make the journey out of the big cities. Try to evade law enforcement at any cost. Under martial law, you won't have any rights and they will forcibly quarantine you.

Try to go to places where you you can camp temporarily and then move on to another place. Never stay in one place. You'll need to be mentally prepared to leave all entertainment and stuff, and focus on survival.

This is possibly and allegedly going to get way,way worse especially within 5years in the U.S which is the major target for the Globalists now.
I hate this method of discrediting. Next you see a guy who sets a school on fire while screaming "jesus is a jewish hoax, I support the ancient Gods, racemixing is wrong and visit joyofsatan dot org... I wanted to wake you up while killing some kids". And of course vegetables (people) will believe and hate us.
Sun said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This person appears to have had a streak of very bad luck over the past months, with who knows what other issues may have been there prior. I think that he chose a very sensible and nice manner of suicide. From what little I have read, he gave away his properties (presumably to someone he found nice) beforehand so that corrupt state idiots wouldnt get it, and then drove his RV to a crappy telecommunications company and sent a loud evacuation message for 15 minutes to make sure nobody gets injured, before blowing himself up and inflicting a decent bit of damage on the building.

To me this person appears to have simply been someone who was somewhat aware of the reality of the world, living in loneliness and - after having a streak of very bad luck - deciding to go out with a bang. I dont think I would even say that he would have been for the asylum or insane in any way. There are plenty of genuinely insane people running around all over the world, doing deep damage to people and killing them (directly or indirectly) who are not seen as criminals thanks to the jewish system.
Meteor said:
I was gonna say he sounds insane, but Cobra just replied with that already, so I'll say something else.

All we can really see with our own eyes are the things that happen here on Earth. People who have "visions" or whatever about other worlds or aliens or "how the universe works" often conflate those things with confirming it for themselves with their own eyes. Even a thunderstorm can look like an alien invasion to someone in an altered state of mind. What do you think is more likely, that this one guy is hallucinating and mistaking some other humans for lizards, or that every other human out there is mistaking lizards for humans? I think the answer is obvious.

The idea of media managing to keep things hidden doesn't make sense anymore either these days. Things can go viral extremely rapidly before anyone can react, and taking something off the internet completely after many people have viewed it is next to impossible nowadays.

Speculation about things is fine, but always keep thinking critically. Making assumptions can help you act quickly or ahead of time, and I think assumptions can help people a lot with finding their way in spirituality, especially if they're new; assumptions can set a foundation where there would otherwise be nothing but unknowns, and this foundation can give people the courage to make real advancements spiritually and grow as a person. But always remember that it is an assumption, not something that has been confirmed yet in reality. Something which has not been confirmed physically is a theory, and can be true and false; but no matter how sure you feel about something, you can't truly know it for sure until you can confirm it with experiments or gather evidence, and rule out every other explanation for those things. And no, a witness report from an insane person (or someone with ulterior motives like that Israeli space chief recently) is not reliable evidence.

If something is true, then in time it will become apparent. Taking your intuition into consideration is important too because it can help you understand many things very quickly. But intuition without logic grounded in reality to balance it can turn into fantasy before you realise it.

I think I actually know what this lunatic was talking about, regarding lizards walking among us. I remember reading why back when a fictitious "interview" with a reptillian, which was clearly written by a jew in the know. This lizardess describes that they apparently "made humans have a psychic switch" that will make them view lizards as humans, so they can walk among us, but this doesn't work on cameras, so they've mostly stopped doing this apparently, lol. They describe other psychic skills that clearly show an occultist jew was probably writing it. This "bomber" clearly fell for one of the enemies numerous traps out there in the internet.

I question how possible something like that would be, if someone powerful enough could really trick others into seeing something different. It doesn't sound implausible from my knowledge, but yeah, that's what this lunatic clearly read, if I had to guess.
I discovered JoS from DuckDuckGo searching “are Jews reptilians”. I did so because I was watching a livestream from some “conspiracy theorist/truther” where it came up that apparently David Icke said something about Jews being reptilians, or that him saying “reptilians” is sort of a code for Jews.

However, this reptilians control the government is the type of crazy conspiracy theorist meme that has existed for a long time and people don’t really believe it, you say it as a joke. I think the Jews probably even push this reptilian idea because unless you stumble upon JoS, it’s a joke to typical NPCs. Especially considering how full of Xian’s and relating shit to the (((book of revelations))) the conspiracy theorist/truther community is.
Meteor said:
I was gonna say he sounds insane, but Cobra just replied with that already, so I'll say something else.

All we can really see with our own eyes are the things that happen here on Earth. People who have "visions" or whatever about other worlds or aliens or "how the universe works" often conflate those things with confirming it for themselves with their own eyes. Even a thunderstorm can look like an alien invasion to someone in an altered state of mind. What do you think is more likely, that this one guy is hallucinating and mistaking some other humans for lizards, or that every other human out there is mistaking lizards for humans? I think the answer is obvious.

The idea of media managing to keep things hidden doesn't make sense anymore either these days. Things can go viral extremely rapidly before anyone can react, and taking something off the internet completely after many people have viewed it is next to impossible nowadays.

Speculation about things is fine, but always keep thinking critically. Making assumptions can help you act quickly or ahead of time, and I think assumptions can help people a lot with finding their way in spirituality, especially if they're new; assumptions can set a foundation where there would otherwise be nothing but unknowns, and this foundation can give people the courage to make real advancements spiritually and grow as a person. But always remember that it is an assumption, not something that has been confirmed yet in reality. Something which has not been confirmed physically is a theory, and can be true and false; but no matter how sure you feel about something, you can't truly know it for sure until you can confirm it with experiments or gather evidence, and rule out every other explanation for those things. And no, a witness report from an insane person (or someone with ulterior motives like that Israeli space chief recently) is not reliable evidence.

If something is true, then in time it will become apparent. Taking your intuition into consideration is important too because it can help you understand many things very quickly. But intuition without logic grounded in reality to balance it can turn into fantasy before you realise it.

This guy is probably xtian and just spent hours at home alone reading all sorts of stuff online he probably read and watched at least some of the stuff related to David icke and Alex Jones and related. The good news is no one (at least well known) thinks the Reptilains and Greys are good and positive as far as I know other than the kikes but the bad news is all the disinformation so many are putting out to try and discredit us by linking the enemy with Satan like they usually do in the buybull and other places.

So yeah some of these people are going to go insane especially if they are alone a lot and living in their own world. I am not really suprised by stuff like this myself the guy sounds like he lost it what I dont understand is how these people think any stuff like this will actually help their case.

It may be good or bad this is getting put out there. Bad in that the enemy is trying to link stuff about believing in reptilians and alien attack against earth to being crazy and committing terrorist acts. Good in that maybe a bunch of people are not even at all aware of this and now might look into it and find our site. That is why I dont know why they published this.
As said above, It's a false flag in an attempt to categorize individuals with similar thinking/knowledge as loonies and "dangers to society". It's basically the same thing with gun control.

"oy vey, dis goyim knows lock them up, they're dangerous as you see what they do oy vey"
I don't know, who is the conspiracy theorist when Rabbis trained in Jerusalem literally admit they are in collaboration with reptilians? This has been proven in the documentary.

Icke made this stupid theory about "Reptilians" who are physically reptilians, as in, they are literal reptiles. This drove a lot of people insane. Because this was never the case. Icke also added some "Satanism" in it to make it cheezy and make lots of sales, targeting the usual xians without logical thinking in them. Then, they started crying that lizards rule the world. They said some shit about reptilians shapeshifting in cameras or something, physically.

Little attention did they pay that Jews are these so called "Lizards", but none of this about any physical shapeshifting. They admit to being "Alien", as in "Alien Souls" though, who are sent here and were seeded here by hostile aliens. And all their culture is about destroying Pagan/Satanic cultures since they existed on this earth. All they made was to destroy Paganism, what we collectively call "Satanism" today. They were the original creators of Christianity as a jewish sect in Judea. The mission of which, was to destroy/depose all Pagan cultures. The same Christian Jesus these idiots believe in, was based on the hoax of a non existent rebel jew from Judea.

All this is, is just some idiots kvetching about their own stupidity as per usual. Every so often they also kill a few here and there, but that is nothing, granted the past of xianity.

Apparently this requires too high IQ for these stupid bongoloid xians to understand. I guess they will still complain about shapeshifting reptiles and try to catch them on camera, all while worshiping a toy story that was created by the so called "Reptiles". They just complain about their masters and go apeshit, that is all there is to these events. And every so often, they try to discredit everyone else who understands the full and actual picture of this.
Or maybe these weren't written or recorded by him at all. Maybe the feds did this and since the media are a propaganda arm of the elites, they can manufacture reality as they see fit.

You can never prove if it was the same guy or if it was the feds who did all this in a false flag. More you look into it it, more you see they were testing Cyber Polygon modules by seeing if they can black out communication lines through the AT&T infrastructure.

The feds use internet autists in entrapment plots and other false flags. Its their MO. This boomer doesn't look like your typical Internet FailStreamer.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This person was clearly for the asylum, and anything other than that, he appears to be one of these Xians who constantly whine about the "Lizards". And picking "Xmas" out of all dates, was just the usual energy raising and kosher bullshit we have saw over the years.

These lunatics are used by the enemy to discredit the reality of the above actually being the case, and relate this to murder and insanity. It's just propaganda and nothing else.

Just like the OKC bombing this individual didn’t actually do anything and was used as a fall guy. Of course like you said they do it to make “conspiracy theorists” look bad.

So McVeigh was innocent?
Or just a scapegoat like Harvey Lee Oswald
idiocy smasher said:
So McVeigh was innocent?
Or just a scapegoat like Harvey Lee Oswald

Can’t say for sure if he actually had any involvement at all. The RV in the surveillance video and the one someone found on his address via google earth don’t match. There was also no noticeable crater from this supposed bombing. It was probably a propelled rocket that did this, IDK. Still trying to gather the full story myself.
Some people in those states ( not only the chosenites but some Shabbos goyim as well) are alive because you get prosecuted for harming them

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
