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Mythology of Satanism/Satan

Princess Kumori

New member
Nov 21, 2007
I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...
Satan is the Same God that is in all the mythos going right back to when He and the Gods with him were actually physically here on the planet, as in actual real men and women of the advanced Nordic race. They left Earth about roughly 10 - 12 000 years ago. As far as I know they went to the Orion system. So Satan is yes an actual physical ET. It sounds weird at first but there is actual physical evidence of this going back to Sumeria, Egypt and further but it takes a lot of time and personal study of many books, documentaries and so on to get the full picture of it. I have spent personally about 25 years studying Et's, ufo evidence and looking into ancient mysteries.

You are not going to find 12,000 years of evidence on one website. The HP's have done a phenomenal job putting that body of work together must be thousands of hours of time and work in there. And it is only the tip of it.

If people do not believe He is behind all The names We here know Him as you only need to study the God carefully and weed out the bullshit and the deeper meanings behind the symbols. One thing that is easy to spot. Look at what many of These Gods are holding or have in their pictures from the modern images of 'The devil' to Shiva, Poisidon and so on. A trident. It says on the JOS what the Trident is a symbol for and is very important. An it all has to do with raising the devil. Which is Raising the Kundilini Serpent that is dormant until one starts to work on the Soul. This Serpent can be seen all over the ancient world accross the globe between cultures current archeology swears blind were not in contact with each other at those times. From the ancient Egypt tp South America, Australia, Europe, Asia.

You may want to read the ancient Sanscrit texts that speak of the the wars of The Gods and their flying machines. The Mahabharata has detailed descriptions of advanced weapons and warfare in the ancient past. Physical evidence remains in the areas spoken of in these epics such as vitrified sand and stone (this only happens with intense heat such as from a nuclear explosion... read what happened to the desert sand when the 'ahem first' modern Atomic bomb was tested) Radioactive ancient cities and radioactive skelletons that just dropped dead as they were as if some sudden doom befell them.

Did you know that the KGB sent a team to Egypt to look for alien artifacts and bodies? Reportedly they found one. I can't confirm this is true I havn't had time to look into it. But that they were looking for these things I am sure they were. They were involved in high level psychic experiments early last century and onwards.
The Third Reich sent expiditions around the world looking for lost knowledge of The Gods and occult secrets and power.

http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2011/03/egyp ... amids.html

Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied "I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is "not of this world".

Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr Shaheen had refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.

Down below is 90's The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary, that's deals with the fact that Russian had already discovered the tomb of Alien Humanoid in Egypt and something is beneath the pyramid. The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary interestingly supporting the head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen claim as well.

The Lost Book Of Enki, while it was written by a kike and I believe he left out much important infomation and over simplified much of the tale tells the story of Enki as it was left on ancient tablets in stone.
The Human race was created by advanced genetic engineering. Satan himself aswell as other Nordic Gods also had Human partners. The Gods were all ET's, they look very much like us. They are very much like us only far more advanced spiritually and in sciences and far far older. They do not age they have the medical and genetic advancements we can still only dream of. But it is not science fiction.

Look no offence people want this stuff spoonfed to them as if it can all fit in one neat little book. It dosn't. You can't convince someone in 5 minutes. It is a lot of time, work and late nights pondering some really full on stuff. The fact is anyone short of a certain quality of brain matter will not be able to understand it.

What you are asking for is very generalised you need to get really specific and then we can point you to things you can read further. Our HP's have a lot of Sermons on the groups aswell you can use the search feature. The files sections. Previous conversation topics.

The 'myths' that came after The Gods left had the purpose of concealing and passing on important teachings they are not literal. Olympus is the state of God hood. The God hood is the Human becomming as a God. Thats what all of them are about. The kike religions and twisting of the ancient teachings is to stop Us from doing this. That is it in very simple terms.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@... wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...
The reason that all of these teachings were carved out in stone, and we have these impossible cities and structures and that they chose to make multi tonne Granite and Diorite blocks so perfectly cut as if with a laser and then lifted and fitted so perfectly one on top of the other (see Puma Punku... and remember it is at an altitude where no trees grow which means no log rollers) they are the hardest of rocks that you need high speed diamond tip tools to cut at a minimum and the biggest and most powerfull of todays cranes would struggle to lift these. When they tell you they used thousands of slaves to move them with ropes, the stones would have broken and cut the ropes (they show you the demos of smaller softer stone on TV never the hardest ones they conviniently focus on the easier to explain) the ropes would cut and brake. The stones would crush the logs. Thousands of human hands means thousands of bodies packed together around the stone and they would not fit. There is not enough surface area on a stone like that to fit that many people and hands. Then like at PUMA PUNKU the buildings were smashed apart as if some giant force just blasted it to bits. Even a cannon won't do that much danage to that kind of structure. It's bullshit but it's there and it blows your mind. And THAT is why they did it. We would look at this in thousands of years time and scratch our heads and try to work it out.

Go to youtube type in lloyed pye. Also watch the ancient aliens series. Remember a lot of what they asume is wrong but it shows a lot of stuff you normally don't hear about. Oh the little model planes they found, they built bigger models and guess what? They fly.

A good one, how did they see down in those pitch black tunnels and tombs to paint the complex pictures and heiroglyphs on the walls? Are you going to think they used torches? But there are no stains or soot residue on the ceilings!! Torches burn and produce smoke and leaves stains. Did they use mirrors to direct sunlight? They tested this it didn't work the light fizzed out before it got deep enough. What else could ancient people use?

Egypt itself is a mystery where did this level of civilisation come from all of a sudden? And the dates many of the dates for these cultures are off by quite a lot. Egypt is actually older than people think. There is much underground in Egypt aswell as above.

The ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed, what wasn't destroyed was stolen. I believe there is much still in existance hidden in vaults of governments and the vatican.

There has been destruction of ancient artifacts and coverups of evidence.

There is a lot more to The Pyramids. The acoustics of the building everything about it is special.
The Egyptian God Ptah is also another name Satan was known as.

Do you know why the Peacock is sacred? Watch a Peacock put his tail up in mating season and shake it. When you get far enough in meditation you will understand. The hood of the cobra on The Egyptian statues it is the expanding conciousness. The snake comming out of the head. This is seen on statues worldwide. The snake again is a symbol for the current of energy which moves like a serpent it even makes a hissing sound. Your body wants to move and stretch like a snake. Look at the dances such as the belly dance not the modern one that is just for entertainment but the dance that is like a snake dance. This is very ancient right back to the far east. It stretches and moves the body like a serpent, it unlocks trapped energy in joints and muscles and it has a spiritual effect on the dancer and those watching. Much of it is similar to yoga. The hip movements stimulate the lower chakras and produce a lot of heat and sexual energy.
Sexuality has been heavily supressed and cheapened. Pure sexuality in its natural healthy form stimulates the serpent energy to rise.

The best way to know all this is true is to get to work on meditations and yoga and see and experience it yourself. It works.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

Satan is the Same God that is in all the mythos going right back to when He and the Gods with him were actually physically here on the planet, as in actual real men and women of the advanced Nordic race. They left Earth about roughly 10 - 12 000 years ago. As far as I know they went to the Orion system. So Satan is yes an actual physical ET. It sounds weird at first but there is actual physical evidence of this going back to Sumeria, Egypt and further but it takes a lot of time and personal study of many books, documentaries and so on to get the full picture of it. I have spent personally about 25 years studying Et's, ufo evidence and looking into ancient mysteries.

You are not going to find 12,000 years of evidence on one website. The HP's have done a phenomenal job putting that body of work together must be thousands of hours of time and work in there. And it is only the tip of it.

If people do not believe He is behind all The names We here know Him as you only need to study the God carefully and weed out the bullshit and the deeper meanings behind the symbols. One thing that is easy to spot. Look at what many of These Gods are holding or have in their pictures from the modern images of 'The devil' to Shiva, Poisidon and so on. A trident. It says on the JOS what the Trident is a symbol for and is very important. An it all has to do with raising the devil. Which is Raising the Kundilini Serpent that is dormant until one starts to work on the Soul. This Serpent can be seen all over the ancient world accross the globe between cultures current archeology swears blind were not in contact with each other at those times. From the ancient Egypt tp South America, Australia, Europe, Asia.

You may want to read the ancient Sanscrit texts that speak of the the wars of The Gods and their flying machines. The Mahabharata has detailed descriptions of advanced weapons and warfare in the ancient past. Physical evidence remains in the areas spoken of in these epics such as vitrified sand and stone (this only happens with intense heat such as from a nuclear explosion... read what happened to the desert sand when the 'ahem first' modern Atomic bomb was tested) Radioactive ancient cities and radioactive skelletons that just dropped dead as they were as if some sudden doom befell them.

Did you know that the KGB sent a team to Egypt to look for alien artifacts and bodies? Reportedly they found one. I can't confirm this is true I havn't had time to look into it. But that they were looking for these things I am sure they were. They were involved in high level psychic experiments early last century and onwards.
The Third Reich sent expiditions around the world looking for lost knowledge of The Gods and occult secrets and power.

http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2011/03/egyp ... amids.html

Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied "I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is "not of this world".

Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr Shaheen had refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.

Down below is 90's The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary, that's deals with the fact that Russian had already discovered the tomb of Alien Humanoid in Egypt and something is beneath the pyramid. The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary interestingly supporting the head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen claim as well.

The Lost Book Of Enki, while it was written by a kike and I believe he left out much important infomation and over simplified much of the tale tells the story of Enki as it was left on ancient tablets in stone.
The Human race was created by advanced genetic engineering. Satan himself aswell as other Nordic Gods also had Human partners. The Gods were all ET's, they look very much like us. They are very much like us only far more advanced spiritually and in sciences and far far older. They do not age they have the medical and genetic advancements we can still only dream of. But it is not science fiction.

Look no offence people want this stuff spoonfed to them as if it can all fit in one neat little book. It dosn't. You can't convince someone in 5 minutes. It is a lot of time, work and late nights pondering some really full on stuff. The fact is anyone short of a certain quality of brain matter will not be able to understand it.

What you are asking for is very generalised you need to get really specific and then we can point you to things you can read further. Our HP's have a lot of Sermons on the groups aswell you can use the search feature. The files sections. Previous conversation topics.

The 'myths' that came after The Gods left had the purpose of concealing and passing on important teachings they are not literal. Olympus is the state of God hood. The God hood is the Human becomming as a God. Thats what all of them are about. The kike religions and twisting of the ancient teachings is to stop Us from doing this. That is it in very simple terms.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@ wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...
For further information for the question check out the articles in the JoS Newsletter group. You will get an indepth education. For my part I still have to update a lot. But the core info is there.  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/ It needs to be stated all the ancient cultures state an out of the East origin. Not out of the West or Near East which is the popular ones being pushed. From personal experience in years upon years of research all the evidence matches the records of an Eastern origin. And only makes any sense when weighed in this understanding.  The Peacock as a symbol is also in Europe from ancient murals dug up in England to the Greeks with Hera and Dionysus. But yet the Peacock is only native to the far East. In Egypt the Peacock was the Bennu bird or Phoenix. You can see the depiction of the Peacock sitting on the top of the Mount Meru axis in Sri Lanka at the Temple of Murruga to this day. Itsidentical to the Phoenix sitting on the top of the Osiris column in ancient Egypt.etc The Peacock [Phoenix] is the ancient symbol if not one of the most ancient symbols for the perfected human being.
From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 2:28:41 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Mythology of Satanism/Satan

  The reason that all of these teachings were carved out in stone, and we have these impossible cities and structures and that they chose to make multi tonne Granite and Diorite blocks so perfectly cut as if with a laser and then lifted and fitted so perfectly one on top of the other (see Puma Punku... and remember it is at an altitude where no trees grow which means no log rollers) they are the hardest of rocks that you need high speed diamond tip tools to cut at a minimum and the biggest and most powerfull of todays cranes would struggle to lift these. When they tell you they used thousands of slaves to move them with ropes, the stones would have broken and cut the ropes (they show you the demos of smaller softer stone on TV never the hardest ones they conviniently focus on the easier to explain) the ropes would cut and brake. The stones would crush the logs. Thousands of human hands means thousands of bodies packed together around the stone and they would not fit. There is not enough surface area on a stone like that to fit that many people and hands. Then like at PUMA PUNKU the buildings were smashed apart as if some giant force just blasted it to bits. Even a cannon won't do that much danage to that kind of structure. It's bullshit but it's there and it blows your mind. And THAT is why they did it. We would look at this in thousands of years time and scratch our heads and try to work it out.

Go to youtube type in lloyed pye. Also watch the ancient aliens series. Remember a lot of what they asume is wrong but it shows a lot of stuff you normally don't hear about. Oh the little model planes they found, they built bigger models and guess what? They fly.

A good one, how did they see down in those pitch black tunnels and tombs to paint the complex pictures and heiroglyphs on the walls? Are you going to think they used torches? But there are no stains or soot residue on the ceilings!! Torches burn and produce smoke and leaves stains. Did they use mirrors to direct sunlight? They tested this it didn't work the light fizzed out before it got deep enough. What else could ancient people use?

Egypt itself is a mystery where did this level of civilisation come from all of a sudden? And the dates many of the dates for these cultures are off by quite a lot. Egypt is actually older than people think. There is much underground in Egypt aswell as above.

The ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed, what wasn't destroyed was stolen. I believe there is much still in existance hidden in vaults of governments and the vatican.

There has been destruction of ancient artifacts and coverups of evidence.

There is a lot more to The Pyramids. The acoustics of the building everything about it is special.
The Egyptian God Ptah is also another name Satan was known as.

Do you know why the Peacock is sacred? Watch a Peacock put his tail up in mating season and shake it. When you get far enough in meditation you will understand. The hood of the cobra on The Egyptian statues it is the expanding conciousness. The snake comming out of the head. This is seen on statues worldwide. The snake again is a symbol for the current of energy which moves like a serpent it even makes a hissing sound. Your body wants to move and stretch like a snake. Look at the dances such as the belly dance not the modern one that is just for entertainment but the dance that is like a snake dance. This is very ancient right back to the far east. It stretches and moves the body like a serpent, it unlocks trapped energy in joints and muscles and it has a spiritual effect on the dancer and those watching. Much of it is similar to yoga. The hip movements stimulate the lower chakras and produce a lot of heat and sexual energy.
Sexuality has been heavily supressed and cheapened. Pure sexuality in its natural healthy form stimulates the serpent energy to rise.

The best way to know all this is true is to get to work on meditations and yoga and see and experience it yourself. It works.

Hail Satan.

--- In mailto:HellsArmy666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

Satan is the Same God that is in all the mythos going right back to when He and the Gods with him were actually physically here on the planet, as in actual real men and women of the advanced Nordic race. They left Earth about roughly 10 - 12 000 years ago. As far as I know they went to the Orion system. So Satan is yes an actual physical ET. It sounds weird at first but there is actual physical evidence of this going back to Sumeria, Egypt and further but it takes a lot of time and personal study of many books, documentaries and so on to get the full picture of it. I have spent personally about 25 years studying Et's, ufo evidence and looking into ancient mysteries.

You are not going to find 12,000 years of evidence on one website. The HP's have done a phenomenal job putting that body of work together must be thousands of hours of time and work in there. And it is only the tip of it.

If people do not believe He is behind all The names We here know Him as you only need to study the God carefully and weed out the bullshit and the deeper meanings behind the symbols. One thing that is easy to spot. Look at what many of These Gods are holding or have in their pictures from the modern images of 'The devil' to Shiva, Poisidon and so on. A trident. It says on the JOS what the Trident is a symbol for and is very important. An it all has to do with raising the devil. Which is Raising the Kundilini Serpent that is dormant until one starts to work on the Soul. This Serpent can be seen all over the ancient world accross the globe between cultures current archeology swears blind were not in contact with each other at those times. From the ancient Egypt tp South America, Australia, Europe, Asia.

You may want to read the ancient Sanscrit texts that speak of the the wars of The Gods and their flying machines. The Mahabharata has detailed descriptions of advanced weapons and warfare in the ancient past. Physical evidence remains in the areas spoken of in these epics such as vitrified sand and stone (this only happens with intense heat such as from a nuclear explosion... read what happened to the desert sand when the 'ahem first' modern Atomic bomb was tested) Radioactive ancient cities and radioactive skelletons that just dropped dead as they were as if some sudden doom befell them.

Did you know that the KGB sent a team to Egypt to look for alien artifacts and bodies? Reportedly they found one. I can't confirm this is true I havn't had time to look into it. But that they were looking for these things I am sure they were. They were involved in high level psychic experiments early last century and onwards.
The Third Reich sent expiditions around the world looking for lost knowledge of The Gods and occult secrets and power.

http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2011/03/egyp ... amids.html

Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied "I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is "not of this world".

Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr Shaheen had refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.

Down below is 90's The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary, that's deals with the fact that Russian had already discovered the tomb of Alien Humanoid in Egypt and something is beneath the pyramid. The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary interestingly supporting the head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen claim as well.

The Lost Book Of Enki, while it was written by a kike and I believe he left out much important infomation and over simplified much of the tale tells the story of Enki as it was left on ancient tablets in stone.
The Human race was created by advanced genetic engineering. Satan himself aswell as other Nordic Gods also had Human partners. The Gods were all ET's, they look very much like us. They are very much like us only far more advanced spiritually and in sciences and far far older. They do not age they have the medical and genetic advancements we can still only dream of. But it is not science fiction.

Look no offence people want this stuff spoonfed to them as if it can all fit in one neat little book. It dosn't. You can't convince someone in 5 minutes. It is a lot of time, work and late nights pondering some really full on stuff. The fact is anyone short of a certain quality of brain matter will not be able to understand it.

What you are asking for is very generalised you need to get really specific and then we can point you to things you can read further. Our HP's have a lot of Sermons on the groups aswell you can use the search feature. The files sections. Previous conversation topics.

The 'myths' that came after The Gods left had the purpose of concealing and passing on important teachings they are not literal. Olympus is the state of God hood. The God hood is the Human becomming as a God. Thats what all of them are about. The kike religions and twisting of the ancient teachings is to stop Us from doing this. That is it in very simple terms.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:HellsArmy666%40yahoogroups.com, "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@ wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...

In addition to actual evidence we find ourselves looking for proof. I can't count how many times The Gods have answered my concerns, helped me understand something that confused me and led me directly to infomation, books, documentaries and answers. I mean without fail every time I ask a genuine question in meditation I get an answer usually within days. That in itself to me is proof. But not proof I can show someone else.
Ive asked questions I have been answered during meditation by someone taking me on a guided meditation in a sense and showing me things that I have never even seen or heard of in science fiction. I can't really talk about most of it, one it wouldnt make any sense in words here and 2 I treat it as something special that isn't to be talked about yet. If they see you working at this stuff and know you are serious They will help you.

They know we have our times where we loose it a bit and have a rough time for whatever reason and this past week this past few nights I havn't been comefortable in myself, not sure why yet but I had trouble getting into my meditation and keeping myself focussed. Each night I did not even ask I just felt off and not myself and then a calmness would come over me like don't worry tonight your ok just relax. Then I would have a good sleep and this was really telling to me. Ok I have a folder full of all my image files that display at random like a screensaver when my computer goes to sleep mode. So hundreds of pictures just display a few seconds each at random. Each time I woke up the picture I drew of Andras was on the screen. I had experienced no troubling dreams or upsets overnight and felt a whole lot better in the morning.
When I was new before and after for a few months of dedicating I was seeing 666 EVERYWHERE. Even my pay 3 times in a row was at 666 up from previous weeks. It was comming up as 'accidently' moving 666 files to my ipod, looking at a random file and it being 666mb in size. I would log in here to see 666 members online and so on. I can be walking down the road at night and think about Satan and the street light will dip as I pass under it. It happened one night twice. Only as I passed under it.

These are personal experiences that are not proof to others but will be to yourself as you go ahead on this path. As for other people there is so MUCH evidence it can even be overwhelming at times trying to get through it. The JOS is great for making sense out of all the chaos. It brings the basics together to help you get started.

Ive got some video links aswell I can put up. Some good ones on the Third Reich, human genetic stuff theres tonnes of evidence. But there is also a lot of lies and shit mixed in to be weary of. Sorting the crap out of it is part of the challenge.
You can't force people to read or learn I think the people who are meant to find this will if the infomation is avaliable to them. Some are just not ready.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

For further information for the question check out the articles in the JoS Newsletter group. You will get an indepth education. For my part I still have to update a lot. But the core info is there.
It needs to be stated all the ancient cultures state an out of the East origin. Not out of the West or Near East which is the popular ones being pushed. From personal experience in years upon years of research all the evidence matches the records of an Eastern origin. And only makes any sense when weighed in this understanding.
The Peacock as a symbol is also in Europe from ancient murals dug up in England to the Greeks with Hera and Dionysus. But yet the Peacock is only native to the far East. In Egypt the Peacock was the Bennu bird or Phoenix. You can see the depiction of the Peacock sitting on the top of the Mount Meru axis in Sri Lanka at the Temple of Murruga to this day. Itsidentical to the Phoenix sitting on the top of the Osiris column in ancient Egypt.etc
The Peacock [Phoenix] is the ancient symbol if not one of the most ancient symbols for the perfected human being.

From: Serpentfire666 <firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 2:28:41 AM
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: Mythology of Satanism/Satan


The reason that all of these teachings were carved out in stone, and we have these impossible cities and structures and that they chose to make multi tonne Granite and Diorite blocks so perfectly cut as if with a laser and then lifted and fitted so perfectly one on top of the other (see Puma Punku... and remember it is at an altitude where no trees grow which means no log rollers) they are the hardest of rocks that you need high speed diamond tip tools to cut at a minimum and the biggest and most powerfull of todays cranes would struggle to lift these. When they tell you they used thousands of slaves to move them with ropes, the stones would have broken and cut the ropes (they show you the demos of smaller softer stone on TV never the hardest ones they conviniently focus on the easier to explain) the ropes would cut and brake. The stones would crush the logs. Thousands of human hands means thousands of bodies packed together around the stone and they
would not fit. There is not enough surface area on a stone like that to fit that many people and hands. Then like at PUMA PUNKU the buildings were smashed apart as if some giant force just blasted it to bits. Even a cannon won't do that much danage to that kind of structure. It's bullshit but it's there and it blows your mind. And THAT is why they did it. We would look at this in thousands of years time and scratch our heads and try to work it out.

Go to youtube type in lloyed pye. Also watch the ancient aliens series. Remember a lot of what they asume is wrong but it shows a lot of stuff you normally don't hear about. Oh the little model planes they found, they built bigger models and guess what? They fly.

A good one, how did they see down in those pitch black tunnels and tombs to paint the complex pictures and heiroglyphs on the walls? Are you going to think they used torches? But there are no stains or soot residue on the ceilings!! Torches burn and produce smoke and leaves stains. Did they use mirrors to direct sunlight? They tested this it didn't work the light fizzed out before it got deep enough. What else could ancient people use?

Egypt itself is a mystery where did this level of civilisation come from all of a sudden? And the dates many of the dates for these cultures are off by quite a lot. Egypt is actually older than people think. There is much underground in Egypt aswell as above.

The ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed, what wasn't destroyed was stolen. I believe there is much still in existance hidden in vaults of governments and the vatican.

There has been destruction of ancient artifacts and coverups of evidence.

There is a lot more to The Pyramids. The acoustics of the building everything about it is special.
The Egyptian God Ptah is also another name Satan was known as.

Do you know why the Peacock is sacred? Watch a Peacock put his tail up in mating season and shake it. When you get far enough in meditation you will understand. The hood of the cobra on The Egyptian statues it is the expanding conciousness. The snake comming out of the head. This is seen on statues worldwide. The snake again is a symbol for the current of energy which moves like a serpent it even makes a hissing sound. Your body wants to move and stretch like a snake. Look at the dances such as the belly dance not the modern one that is just for entertainment but the dance that is like a snake dance. This is very ancient right back to the far east. It stretches and moves the body like a serpent, it unlocks trapped energy in joints and muscles and it has a spiritual effect on the dancer and those watching. Much of it is similar to yoga. The hip movements stimulate the lower chakras and produce a lot of heat and sexual energy.
Sexuality has been heavily supressed and cheapened. Pure sexuality in its natural healthy form stimulates the serpent energy to rise.

The best way to know all this is true is to get to work on meditations and yoga and see and experience it yourself. It works.

Hail Satan.

--- In mailto:HellsArmy666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

Satan is the Same God that is in all the mythos going right back to when He and the Gods with him were actually physically here on the planet, as in actual real men and women of the advanced Nordic race. They left Earth about roughly 10 - 12 000 years ago. As far as I know they went to the Orion system. So Satan is yes an actual physical ET. It sounds weird at first but there is actual physical evidence of this going back to Sumeria, Egypt and further but it takes a lot of time and personal study of many books, documentaries and so on to get the full picture of it. I have spent personally about 25 years studying Et's, ufo evidence and looking into ancient mysteries.

You are not going to find 12,000 years of evidence on one website. The HP's have done a phenomenal job putting that body of work together must be thousands of hours of time and work in there. And it is only the tip of it.

If people do not believe He is behind all The names We here know Him as you only need to study the God carefully and weed out the bullshit and the deeper meanings behind the symbols. One thing that is easy to spot. Look at what many of These Gods are holding or have in their pictures from the modern images of 'The devil' to Shiva, Poisidon and so on. A trident. It says on the JOS what the Trident is a symbol for and is very important. An it all has to do with raising the devil. Which is Raising the Kundilini Serpent that is dormant until one starts to work on the Soul. This Serpent can be seen all over the ancient world accross the globe between cultures current archeology swears blind were not in contact with each other at those times. From the ancient Egypt tp South America, Australia, Europe, Asia.

You may want to read the ancient Sanscrit texts that speak of the the wars of The Gods and their flying machines. The Mahabharata has detailed descriptions of advanced weapons and warfare in the ancient past. Physical evidence remains in the areas spoken of in these epics such as vitrified sand and stone (this only happens with intense heat such as from a nuclear explosion... read what happened to the desert sand when the 'ahem first' modern Atomic bomb was tested) Radioactive ancient cities and radioactive skelletons that just dropped dead as they were as if some sudden doom befell them.

Did you know that the KGB sent a team to Egypt to look for alien artifacts and bodies? Reportedly they found one. I can't confirm this is true I havn't had time to look into it. But that they were looking for these things I am sure they were. They were involved in high level psychic experiments early last century and onwards.
The Third Reich sent expiditions around the world looking for lost knowledge of The Gods and occult secrets and power.

http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2011/03/egyp ... amids.html

Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied "I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is "not of this world".

Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr Shaheen had refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.

Down below is 90's The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary, that's deals with the fact that Russian had already discovered the tomb of Alien Humanoid in Egypt and something is beneath the pyramid. The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary interestingly supporting the head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen claim as well.

The Lost Book Of Enki, while it was written by a kike and I believe he left out much important infomation and over simplified much of the tale tells the story of Enki as it was left on ancient tablets in stone.
The Human race was created by advanced genetic engineering. Satan himself aswell as other Nordic Gods also had Human partners. The Gods were all ET's, they look very much like us. They are very much like us only far more advanced spiritually and in sciences and far far older. They do not age they have the medical and genetic advancements we can still only dream of. But it is not science fiction.

Look no offence people want this stuff spoonfed to them as if it can all fit in one neat little book. It dosn't. You can't convince someone in 5 minutes. It is a lot of time, work and late nights pondering some really full on stuff. The fact is anyone short of a certain quality of brain matter will not be able to understand it.

What you are asking for is very generalised you need to get really specific and then we can point you to things you can read further. Our HP's have a lot of Sermons on the groups aswell you can use the search feature. The files sections. Previous conversation topics.

The 'myths' that came after The Gods left had the purpose of concealing and passing on important teachings they are not literal. Olympus is the state of God hood. The God hood is the Human becomming as a God. Thats what all of them are about. The kike religions and twisting of the ancient teachings is to stop Us from doing this. That is it in very simple terms.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:HellsArmy666%40yahoogroups.com, "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@ wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...
Also please tell me you don't really mean this:

"Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is..."

Why really do you want to make something up that isn't based on science in order just to explain something you don't know? That's pretty stupid, and the opposite of Satanism. As it's been said we're scientific. Actually the mainstream definition of religion, the one you mentioned, it's pretty stupid and can be summed up as "making things up". There's absolutely no point in doing that. REAL religion, in the sense of the ancient religions, is about evolving humanity spiritually, as it can been observed from the ancient mythologies which were mostly allegories about soul empowerment and kundalini. Why else do you think that the number "7" was everywhere? Of course because it symbolizes the 7 chakras!!

Just to mention something, as I said since Satanism is about the evolution and empowerment on humanity, I fail to see that knowing how everything was created has anything to do with this main point. Maybe somebody knows about that, but your post makes it sound as if you are accusing us of something and we have to "prove" something in regards to that. It's not the main point here, so nobody really HAS to explain or care about how that was done. I personally don't care at all how everything was created, like I said I fail to see how this knowledge will help me on the empowerment of my soul.

In these topics, we usually agree with science. We accept what science has to say and not try to make new things up.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@... wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...
I agree, and want to add that it's a logical fallacy when you assume that Satanism is a religion just like the mainstream religions. Of course it's not. Actually the word "religion" needs a redefinition, because mainstream religions are not really religions but political hoaxes. They have nothing spiritual in them, spiritual meaning relating to the spirit world, the astral, and your astral body.

Satan's story and how he came to be is irrelevant to SS as SS is about empowering your soul and becoming a God. It's about the evolution and empowerment of humanity. That's what this entire thing is about. We're mostly focused on things that have to do with the development of human soul and the awakening of humanity.

What stories and mythologies, symbols, animals and other things were in the ancient world, they were allegories for the empowerment of one's soul. Everything was centered on that main point.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

The reason that all of these teachings were carved out in stone, and we have these impossible cities and structures and that they chose to make multi tonne Granite and Diorite blocks so perfectly cut as if with a laser and then lifted and fitted so perfectly one on top of the other (see Puma Punku... and remember it is at an altitude where no trees grow which means no log rollers) they are the hardest of rocks that you need high speed diamond tip tools to cut at a minimum and the biggest and most powerfull of todays cranes would struggle to lift these. When they tell you they used thousands of slaves to move them with ropes, the stones would have broken and cut the ropes (they show you the demos of smaller softer stone on TV never the hardest ones they conviniently focus on the easier to explain) the ropes would cut and brake. The stones would crush the logs. Thousands of human hands means thousands of bodies packed together around the stone and they would not fit. There is not enough surface area on a stone like that to fit that many people and hands. Then like at PUMA PUNKU the buildings were smashed apart as if some giant force just blasted it to bits. Even a cannon won't do that much danage to that kind of structure. It's bullshit but it's there and it blows your mind. And THAT is why they did it. We would look at this in thousands of years time and scratch our heads and try to work it out.

Go to youtube type in lloyed pye. Also watch the ancient aliens series. Remember a lot of what they asume is wrong but it shows a lot of stuff you normally don't hear about. Oh the little model planes they found, they built bigger models and guess what? They fly.

A good one, how did they see down in those pitch black tunnels and tombs to paint the complex pictures and heiroglyphs on the walls? Are you going to think they used torches? But there are no stains or soot residue on the ceilings!! Torches burn and produce smoke and leaves stains. Did they use mirrors to direct sunlight? They tested this it didn't work the light fizzed out before it got deep enough. What else could ancient people use?

Egypt itself is a mystery where did this level of civilisation come from all of a sudden? And the dates many of the dates for these cultures are off by quite a lot. Egypt is actually older than people think. There is much underground in Egypt aswell as above.

The ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed, what wasn't destroyed was stolen. I believe there is much still in existance hidden in vaults of governments and the vatican.

There has been destruction of ancient artifacts and coverups of evidence.

There is a lot more to The Pyramids. The acoustics of the building everything about it is special.
The Egyptian God Ptah is also another name Satan was known as.

Do you know why the Peacock is sacred? Watch a Peacock put his tail up in mating season and shake it. When you get far enough in meditation you will understand. The hood of the cobra on The Egyptian statues it is the expanding conciousness. The snake comming out of the head. This is seen on statues worldwide. The snake again is a symbol for the current of energy which moves like a serpent it even makes a hissing sound. Your body wants to move and stretch like a snake. Look at the dances such as the belly dance not the modern one that is just for entertainment but the dance that is like a snake dance. This is very ancient right back to the far east. It stretches and moves the body like a serpent, it unlocks trapped energy in joints and muscles and it has a spiritual effect on the dancer and those watching. Much of it is similar to yoga. The hip movements stimulate the lower chakras and produce a lot of heat and sexual energy.
Sexuality has been heavily supressed and cheapened. Pure sexuality in its natural healthy form stimulates the serpent energy to rise.

The best way to know all this is true is to get to work on meditations and yoga and see and experience it yourself. It works.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

Satan is the Same God that is in all the mythos going right back to when He and the Gods with him were actually physically here on the planet, as in actual real men and women of the advanced Nordic race. They left Earth about roughly 10 - 12 000 years ago. As far as I know they went to the Orion system. So Satan is yes an actual physical ET. It sounds weird at first but there is actual physical evidence of this going back to Sumeria, Egypt and further but it takes a lot of time and personal study of many books, documentaries and so on to get the full picture of it. I have spent personally about 25 years studying Et's, ufo evidence and looking into ancient mysteries.

You are not going to find 12,000 years of evidence on one website. The HP's have done a phenomenal job putting that body of work together must be thousands of hours of time and work in there. And it is only the tip of it.

If people do not believe He is behind all The names We here know Him as you only need to study the God carefully and weed out the bullshit and the deeper meanings behind the symbols. One thing that is easy to spot. Look at what many of These Gods are holding or have in their pictures from the modern images of 'The devil' to Shiva, Poisidon and so on. A trident. It says on the JOS what the Trident is a symbol for and is very important. An it all has to do with raising the devil. Which is Raising the Kundilini Serpent that is dormant until one starts to work on the Soul. This Serpent can be seen all over the ancient world accross the globe between cultures current archeology swears blind were not in contact with each other at those times. From the ancient Egypt tp South America, Australia, Europe, Asia.

You may want to read the ancient Sanscrit texts that speak of the the wars of The Gods and their flying machines. The Mahabharata has detailed descriptions of advanced weapons and warfare in the ancient past. Physical evidence remains in the areas spoken of in these epics such as vitrified sand and stone (this only happens with intense heat such as from a nuclear explosion... read what happened to the desert sand when the 'ahem first' modern Atomic bomb was tested) Radioactive ancient cities and radioactive skelletons that just dropped dead as they were as if some sudden doom befell them.

Did you know that the KGB sent a team to Egypt to look for alien artifacts and bodies? Reportedly they found one. I can't confirm this is true I havn't had time to look into it. But that they were looking for these things I am sure they were. They were involved in high level psychic experiments early last century and onwards.
The Third Reich sent expiditions around the world looking for lost knowledge of The Gods and occult secrets and power.

http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2011/03/egyp ... amids.html

Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied "I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is "not of this world".

Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr Shaheen had refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.

Down below is 90's The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary, that's deals with the fact that Russian had already discovered the tomb of Alien Humanoid in Egypt and something is beneath the pyramid. The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary interestingly supporting the head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen claim as well.

The Lost Book Of Enki, while it was written by a kike and I believe he left out much important infomation and over simplified much of the tale tells the story of Enki as it was left on ancient tablets in stone.
The Human race was created by advanced genetic engineering. Satan himself aswell as other Nordic Gods also had Human partners. The Gods were all ET's, they look very much like us. They are very much like us only far more advanced spiritually and in sciences and far far older. They do not age they have the medical and genetic advancements we can still only dream of. But it is not science fiction.

Look no offence people want this stuff spoonfed to them as if it can all fit in one neat little book. It dosn't. You can't convince someone in 5 minutes. It is a lot of time, work and late nights pondering some really full on stuff. The fact is anyone short of a certain quality of brain matter will not be able to understand it.

What you are asking for is very generalised you need to get really specific and then we can point you to things you can read further. Our HP's have a lot of Sermons on the groups aswell you can use the search feature. The files sections. Previous conversation topics.

The 'myths' that came after The Gods left had the purpose of concealing and passing on important teachings they are not literal. Olympus is the state of God hood. The God hood is the Human becomming as a God. Thats what all of them are about. The kike religions and twisting of the ancient teachings is to stop Us from doing this. That is it in very simple terms.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@ wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...
Did you also read the site carefully, because clearly says Satan is an extraterrestrial being, he genetically engineered humanity and not created everything. He is not like the xian "god" nor such being like the xian "god" exists, Satan as it's been said is a Nordic alien who reached physical immortality and awakened his spiritual powers. His race of Gods used to be mortals like us but found out how to do that and want to teach their teachings so we can become Gods like them. That's the real definition, what we define as "religion", following the teachings of the Gods and practicing power meditaitons, yoga e.t.c. in order to awaken our kundalini and reach Godhood.

Like I said, the confusion here lies if you think of Satanism as a religion like xianity with no spiritual or improvement of humanity within it. Of course it's not like that at all. It's also been said that we're scientific and we support science. The Gods evolved from lesser species like animals do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@... wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...
Apparantly some people find it easier to believe in made up entities that cannot be seen or defined or explained that are just floating around 'out there' than actual real beings that are highly advanced.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@... wrote:

Did you also read the site carefully, because clearly says Satan is an extraterrestrial being, he genetically engineered humanity and not created everything. He is not like the xian "god" nor such being like the xian "god" exists, Satan as it's been said is a Nordic alien who reached physical immortality and awakened his spiritual powers. His race of Gods used to be mortals like us but found out how to do that and want to teach their teachings so we can become Gods like them. That's the real definition, what we define as "religion", following the teachings of the Gods and practicing power meditaitons, yoga e.t.c. in order to awaken our kundalini and reach Godhood.

Like I said, the confusion here lies if you think of Satanism as a religion like xianity with no spiritual or improvement of humanity within it. Of course it's not like that at all. It's also been said that we're scientific and we support science. The Gods evolved from lesser species like animals do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@ wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...
They make up those entities to explain phenomena which our *current* level of knowledge and science can't. Note: this doesn't mean that these phenomena will never be explained unless you make up a god who does these, it just means that our current scientific development is not advanced enough to explain them. Many phenomena which have been scientifically explained now, were previously attributed to "god". But they don't realize that when you make up such an entity you also have to explain how that entity came to be and its whys and hows.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "firebird894" <firebird894@... wrote:

Apparantly some people find it easier to believe in made up entities that cannot be seen or defined or explained that are just floating around 'out there' than actual real beings that are highly advanced.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@ wrote:

Did you also read the site carefully, because clearly says Satan is an extraterrestrial being, he genetically engineered humanity and not created everything. He is not like the xian "god" nor such being like the xian "god" exists, Satan as it's been said is a Nordic alien who reached physical immortality and awakened his spiritual powers. His race of Gods used to be mortals like us but found out how to do that and want to teach their teachings so we can become Gods like them. That's the real definition, what we define as "religion", following the teachings of the Gods and practicing power meditaitons, yoga e.t.c. in order to awaken our kundalini and reach Godhood.

Like I said, the confusion here lies if you think of Satanism as a religion like xianity with no spiritual or improvement of humanity within it. Of course it's not like that at all. It's also been said that we're scientific and we support science. The Gods evolved from lesser species like animals do.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Princess Kumori" <kumori_hotchick@ wrote:

I don't want to sound strange, but what is the story (mythos) of Satan? I have checked the JOS website, and all they say is that the origin of Satanism comes from the far east, but it doesn't go directly into his story or what there was to be expected of his people.

I have learned lately that Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, social structures and practices based on peoples experience and understanding of the world, which helps them with their moral, political needs, and understanding of the world. Which that thesis alone can be unpacked into 8 different topics and described further, but for the time being, I'll make this short by asking and redirecting to the question above.

What is his story? I'm very much a believer, but when people go to ask me "How is Satanism a real religion? You claim so much, and have so little to back it up on." And trust me, I've read plenty on the JOS website, and I've noticed with little that the site has credited in research, and the topics they truly address.

Mythology/Mythos is the greek word for stories. That's all the word means, it doesn't mean that it's a lie, or scientific/logical at all. It's just a story. I am wondering what Satan's is, and since no one will tell me, I'm asking the community to pitch in what they really know. Please site if you have read it from another book, a website with legit citations or people who you have met in real life who you look up to and understand.

I know that the AlJilwah says his story, but I'm uncertain about it. Maybe I'm just uneducated in ancient text, but please tell me how old it is, how are the world/humans created by him?

I'm going to guess that it's Creation by Immination, which is creation out of the big guy himself, made from his very being and like that, things are created. Unlike Creation by Battle, Pro-creation, or other.

I'd contact the clergy themselves, but they are too busy for many, so please help. I'm sorry if this is too long, but I want to make sure I have my grounds before I continue with this, and tell people of my understanding.

Again, the story/myth doesn't have to make sense, but I want to know what his is...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
