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My personal life concern

Mar 24, 2024
I saw another video on my TikTok feed about Afrikaners leaving South Africa and seeking refuge in the United States
Am I as an SS obligated to also leave
Because now I am wondering if things get worse in my country that if I Don't go it would be my own fault for not going when I had the chance
What if things just stay the same and all the moving was unnecessary
I will say that refugee status usually means needing to revoke your existing citizenship, so you could be faced with having no home country and (as we all know that politics/politicians can be fickle and all-talk, if Trump decides to no longer take in the Afrikaners due to xyz reason) acting as a refugee in a place where you are not a full legally acting citizen. The USA isn't being very kind to it's own farmers at the moment either, so I'm not sure how well foreign farmers would be treated, as I'm sure it's just a political talking-point.

The US is also making is harder for people to apply/become citizens, which is important to note for your potential children (e.g., the removal of birth-right citizenship, which makes sense as it has historically been abused by immigrants and green card marriages etc.,). Maybe consider other options for becoming an expat to being a refugee, also ask for guidance from the Gods and your Guardian.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
