Just want to tell my story here, unsure if im in the right place and more then likely most of you will probably not believe me which is fine. I am going to explain it in very short form. A couple years ago I had a really bad head injury which I developed a minor type of epilepsy in my hippocampus. I had extremely bad depersonalization, I felt like I was in a dream all day and could not focus it was hell. When western medicine had nothing left for me I decided I would start doing meditation and deep breathing ( very stupid) , unbeknownst of some of the effects. I also started doing the Tibetan rites, thinking that this would help speed up the healing in my body which it did but not quite as desired. During meditation over the year I would go into deeper and deeper states, thinking it would help where I would get into a deep silence one day I felt something swirl around in the bottom of my spine but I didn't think anything of it. I kept doing my extreme deep breathing at nights and kept going about my exercise. Then it happened, I had a dream of a black snake crawling on my arm, I was sitting in a classroom and the snake came up and bit me on my hand which I will never forget. The next day I felt something swirling up like a snake from my spine, I had a huge ass erection too I felt so sexually aroused, after the snake rose I masturbated a couple times to keep it down because I didn't know wtf was going on, I was also blasted with prana and being lit up like a Christmas tree. It took me 3 months to fully ground the energy. Lights in my house were flickering, astral entities were grabbing me, I hallucinated a tiny bit , and I forget what else happened because I was in such a stressed out state. Somehow the head injury lead me down this path like it was meant to happen. Fast forward till now I have talked to tons of new age nut jobs, people in Chinese medicine, so called life coaches that deal with kundalini and many more. The problem is really that my body was not ready to hold in this influx of energy as I was much too yin so to speak. Now I have been doing infrared sauna therapy, I went to a chiropractor , started eating healthy and remineralizing the body, also drinking spring water and getting ready to up my voltage to handle this energy. I am extremely fearful and as long as I masturbate or orgasm once a week all is fine. But I have extremely low Jing/ kidney energy/ adrenal fatigue or whatever you want to call it. Here lies my dilemma now. If I masturbate once a week all stays the same, I can keep preparing my body, IF I DONT orgasm I will start to have nightmares of snakes again and bliss flying around on my spine and it tries to raise again. I have even had snake skin show up in my parents god dam new house as some sort of synchronicity. SNAKES everywhere. I am not trying to be one of these new agers who think they have done yoga once and have this energy but this is how I have perceived my reality. So now I dont know what to do because my body is extremely tired/ adrenal fatigue and I am fearful and not ready for it to raise again until I am fully prepared. If this makes sense to anyone or if anyone here believes me I am grateful to talk to someone who Is very knowledgeable about this topic. If you dont believe me thats fine too, this is not just some energy flying up my spine or repressed energy I really believe this is the real thing and its just my souls time.