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My experience with JOS so far and some help needed


New member
Mar 18, 2021
So I guess since this is my first post I wanted to introduce myself, and what better way to do that than to talk a bit about my experiences with JOS so far.

So I had dedicated my soul to Satan and has technically been following JOS for over 10 years now, that said, to not lie, for the most of that time I had been both doing meditations and spiritual warfare on on and off all the time.

At first I really had a lot of doubts and confusion like probably most people here, for example I remember clearly being confused on why are we concentrating so much on jews rather than on cristanity considering that cristanity is our greatest enemy, or so I thought at time, regardless to say I knew nothing of the Jews and thought that they are just people in religion that has some connection to cristanity and Islam, witch just goes to show how little I knew at a time.

And while I do believe I had probably has at least some connection to Satanism in some of my previous lives since as long as I can remember I felt some distaint towards religions such as cristanity despite knowing noting at a time, I still had a lot of enemies programing witch come with some doses of fear when I was starting with everything witch is what originally resulted in my on and off meditations and participation into spiritual warfare. Once I was over that phase the next one "I am all powerful, above everyone and don't even need a constant meditation" come witch furred resulted in continuing to only occasionally meditate and do rituals.
Also originally my English was pretty poor so my only source of knowledge was one of translated versions of original/main JOS website. Once my English improved I did occasionally reed JOS forums, but as this was all still in the "I am all powerful"
phase, that for me lasted quite long, like with everything else it was an on and off thing.

Despite this I did learn a lot, I quit pretty much all of my bad habits except for smoking (And even that I switched for waping) and had advanced a lot via time, but I was always very unbalanced. There ware times when I would get great results from my magical workings but at witch I was mentally down or vice versa where I was mentally advancing and at a great shape but where none of my magical workings seemed to have any significant effect. Additionally even at my heights my workings had been also
very unbalanced, like I could see results in a lot bigger meters that do not directly impact me but would have a lot trouble manifesting things that are closer, more personal to me. At particular I always had trouble with money workings and had always had a lot of monetary problems.

While part of this is on me and my irregular (on and off) work done, I do think that part is also from attacks of the enemy.

Now jumping to somewhere in 2017, this is when things started getting really bad for me, 2017 was a absolutely awful year for me and from there it only gone worse up till around the the end of 2019, or beginning of 2020. In 2019 things ware so bad I was
living in a complete poverty, I was often going hungry and at winter I was freezing without any heating, I didn't even had a proper roof above my head, living in an old about to fall down house, mentally I was breaking apart and I come more than a few times close to deing in different ways (Got hit by electricity a few times, got bad food poisoning, nearly got hit via car, etc.).
It seemed that no matter what I do things ware only getting worse, additionally in those kind of conditions it was very hard to concentrate on meditating, especially since I never build up a habit of meditating regularly, on top of everything my PC kept dieing no matter how much time I just barely menage to gather money to patch it up
so for some big chunks of time so I couldn't even check JOS website and forums.

in 2019 I got a particularly strong attack from an enemy, or from something, I still don't know what it was,but whatever it was it was powerful and ceternly wanted and in many ways managed to harm me.
At that time I often had an extremely vivid nightmares, although I am not sure if I sold call them nightmares as they all occurred when I was waking up and already half awake, a state close to that of when we get into a deep trance.
One "nightmare" in particular, and also the last one I had in a raw was particularly standing out from the rest.
I was sleeping on my stomach, I woke up but I couldn't move an inch, I had what some call sleep paralysis, witch is something common among all those nightmares, in most of them I also had a feeling that something was there with me and was doing bad things to me, true it is hard to explain how, it was deforming me. But this time I could actually see it, it was completely black like made out of shadows, it had extremely long and thin arms and legs as well as sharp and extremely long fingers, it also had a very big head, true I didn't notice a resemblance at a moment, I guess now that I am thinking about it it form resembled that of a gray, except it was entirely black made of shadow. It was acting like a rabid beast, it jumped on my back and was trashing and scratching me, or at least trying to, it was acting as if it was trying to rip me apart although there ware no physical wounds or pain, it just felt, for the lack of better words to explain it, extremely nasty.
I couldn't move so all I could do was trying to mentally push it away from me, but it wasn't working, than suddenly it just vanished, this was the last nightmare I had,
but after that, the very same day, it was the worst day of my life, everything that could have gone bad that day did.
I won't go into details, but everything good that was left in my life by that point went to ruin that very day.

Then somewhere around end of 2019, or was it beginning of 2020, I can't remember as those whole points of my life feel fogy, but around the time covid was starting, things just started going toward the better for me, one thing after another just started falling
into the right place. I still had some problem properly meditating due to problem with concentration, but I started doing RTRs more than ever before, pretty much nearly every single day, it was also around the time tentagramation ritual come out.

In less than a year I reverted my monetary problems, not only did I solve them all but I earned so much money I got a new place of my own. While everyone was complaining about Covid and everything falling apart in my life things ware never going better,
every single thing was going my way to an unbelievable point.

That said, while materially I had solved everything that was bothering me for not only those last few years but most of my life, and while I definitely have way more knowledge and understanding then I did 10+ years ego when I first encountered JOS,
when it comes to my mental state I feel like I am back at a beginning before I ever knew about meditations, while I don't encounter the same problem while I do RTRs, when I am trying to meditate a have a lot of trouble concentrating and even when I do I just don't feel that much energy/power.
Except that unlike 10 years ago now I actually know how it feels to have a clear head and to be at a lot higher level mentaly witch is why my current mental level bothers me so much more.
Knowing how it is to have a clear head yet not being able to be at that state is just terrible.

So that is why I want to ask people here for advice, and while I appreciate any advice from experienced members, I would be very grateful if by some chance HP Hoodedcobra666 ware to read this and answer me as he is my "favorite" HP here despite the fact that some of his post make me rather confused and go like "I am ether terribly misunderstanding something here or I just can't agree with this if not".
But despite that, aside from HPS Maxine he is definitely the one who I think I learned from the most in years I was reading seremons here, on original website and other sites accepted by original JOS.

As for the reason why I am asking here rather than asking Gods, well aside from monetary workings, astral hearing, projection, vision and therefore talking with Demons was always the point I was weakest at. Witch is why despite years of experience I have I still don't even know who my GD is. While I did ask Gods for assistance a few times before, at start I remember clearly trying to summon Asmodey in order to ask him
to teach me the truth about this world, and I do think he helped me as after that, sometimes answers to some questions would just come to me, I had actually only a few times had a moment where I could actually clearly hear and see non-earthly entities
(Including that attack from the enemy the total number of times is 5, although only two of those times I actually think ware our Gods, I will talk more about those later).
And with other means of communication it is easy to misunderstand or mix things that come from demons and our own thoughts, and at a state I am currently at the chance of misunderstanding and getting confused is very high.
Witch is why while I could ask for Gods with assistance with some workings, like I do for that money and prosperity ritual we do, when I want answers on questions, at my current state I can't relay on Gods as I am too mentally down to properly interrupt anything they would tell me.

I already described that "encounter" with an enemy entity, so now about those other 4 times, like I said i only think 2 of those ware actually from our gods,
the other two I am not entirely sure what to make of, on one I at least have some idea and know that it was friendly, the last one
is a complete mystery, so I will start from that one and go down toward a more vivid and more certain experiences.

This one happened years ago and is the first time I had clearly seen an otherworldly/spiritual entity, but is also the one I am least certain of.
It was durning a bad surgery I had, I was under a local anesthesia (The one in witch you don't fall asleep but are just suppose to not feel anything),
now the surgery it self wasn't supposed to be bad, it was supposed to be no risk short 15min surgery, but everything went wrong, for start anesthesia didn't work,
but surgeons realized it only after they opened me and as dubleing a dose didn't help they had no other way than to processed with it.
Additionally there ware many complications so surgery that was supposed to last only 15 minutes lasted over 2 hours, and I could feel everything, regardless to say it was a literal torchure.
Some time in the surgery I felt as if my soul has left my body, I was feeling if I was on the side of my body, and while I could still feel the pain it was as if I had felt the pain from the other side of the room. The only way to explain it would be as if you would feel a pain in a limb you didn't have, or if someone cut a chair with an axe on the other side of the room and you could feel what it was feeling. It's the kind of experience you can't quote explain if to someone who didn't feel it, (Altrough I once talked with a friend of mine who has at a time giving birth recently and she explained the experience regarding to pain very similar to what I have experienced, except that I am male so wouldn't ever be able to confirm it.) Now the whole experience also come with being able too see the whole room from above despite my eyes being covered so that strong lights directed at me wouldn't hurt my eyes, and at one point I was clearly able to see a figure different from surgeons, that didn't quite fit into the room, slightly flouting above my legs, while I remember that it appeared as someone I know and trust, I can't actually remember who it was other than that it was female (Altrough I don't think it is someone I know in this life).
While this could be simply a hallucination caused by pain there is a fact that I didn't seen some of those surges before the surgery, and therefore before my eyes ware uncovered once it was done, they looked exactly the same as when I saw them from "above" the room while my eyes ware covered.
That said, this entity didn't do anything and I am not sure what to make of it, although I did read once here that angels of the enemy will sometimes take appearances of the trusted person when someone is dieing witch is what explains some of the near death experiences, so this too might have been from the side of enemy.

Now onto the more pleasant experiences and the one that I am for the very least sure is not of the enemy.
It was durning a time I was very sick, I kinda felt like something was telling me that meditating next to fire fill help me, so I did try it as it was already winter and I had fire already lit, I had just put more firewood and let it burn on maximum by opening airflow on max, I set right next to it as close as I could and I started meditating, I was focusing on fire energy and visualizing as if fire is burning away all the negative energy and dissiese away from me, I don't know where did it come to me to do that, it just kinda felt right at a moment. Now during meditation I could see a being of pure fire within me that was assisting me in doing so, it felt incredibly warm and nice.
The thing is, once I opened my eyes, my head was only 2-3cm max away from a firplace of witch steel was raging red from heat, and I was siting in that position for a good half a hour, no matter how one looks at it that should burn me very badly, but it didn't, I wasn't even sweating, in fact it was one of the most pleasant things I ever felt. After that, while I was feeling extremely tired and week, even more so than before meditation,
I didn't feel sick any more, I felt sparkling clean, healthy and just good. I immediately went to bed after that, and when I woke up a few hours latter I indeed wasn't sick any more. This was also the most immediate effect any of my workings had ever had, and I was actually thinking about opening account here that time to share this,
but in the end I didn't cause I don't really fully understand what happened but I do that if something ware to go wrong here one could seriously burn themselves or worse.
Now my understanding of this is that this was some kind of a fire elemental/thoughform/servitor, either send by our gods to help me, or maybe the one I created in some of my previous lives, ever since I read on JOS that advance thoughtforms could develop counciences and exist without it's creator and even fallow it's creator trueouth many lives and help them I was very intrigued/attracted to idea, but really that is just my guess and I had never again seen or felt this entity.

One I will skip describing in detail since it is an encounter with a succubus and therefore of an private/intimate matter, but I will just say that I didn't really tried summoning one but was really lonely after my GF left me that I thought is the one and at time even thought that I could lead her into Satanism as she was showing some interest in witchcraft/occult and thought that maybe eventually we could start a real satanic family together, so when she left me I took it pretty hard and was feeling more lonely than ever despite the fact that loneliness never bothered me before, and durring time I was waking up a succubus come to me, and let me just say it felt as real as a phisical thing.

And the last case, I suspect might actually be beef moment when I saw my GD, it also occurred in a moment right when I was waking up, I remember it was a women, she was sitting on the bed watching over me as I slept, protectively, it's hard to explain how, but I felt very clearly that it had the kind of motherly love and gentleness towards me.
That is really all I can say, as it is not easy to explain, we didn't talk or anything, but I felt she was watching over me and protecting me, and it couldn't have had been any kind of suppressed memory or anything like that as IRL/materially I never really had a mother.

As for why I never joined JOS forums before, well that is because while I never really had doubts about Satanic core values, or about necessity to destroy an enemy, and I had stopped having my doubts about Satan and Demons, when it comes to JOS forums,
well HPs are one thing but when I look at a community here as a whole I still don't really know what to make of it, like for example it confuses me so much to see even here that so many members would seem to be embarrassing the right hand path, especially recently, as if forgetting that it was that right hand path that was what Jews used to enslave us for centuries if not millenniums, far before they resorted to using a perverted version of the left hand path, or that to begin with the right hand path is all about
being a good goyim and fallowing jews created "values", or that Statanism is a left hand path religion.
Defining an enemy won't really mean much if all we do afterwards is obediently go back to the right hand path and fall for "Hey goyim, see we told you that left hand path is bad for you, so now that there are no more evil jews on the left side just come back to crist,
oh you don't won't to call it crist, no matter, you can call it weather you want, even Sa.. Sat... an... if you want, as long as you obediently fallow our orders and return to the start we won't mind."

That was a rather long introduction, but in short, nice to meet you all. I will probably continue to read a lot more that I will post here as I don't won't to spam and shitpost so I won't be posting unless I actually feel like I have something valuable to say or something important to ask, but I guess I hope we get along comrades.

Hail Satan!
Hail Demons of hell!
Hail victory!
Hey, OrionFlame,
You're welcome here!
Here is some of my advice so you can finally improve your life and become a powerful and worthy Spiritual Satanist.

1- Meditate and do Yoga consistenly, daily and without fail!
-I know this step might be hard as even me couldn't meditate consistenly for a long time. I was on and off as well. But being incosistent with meditations wasted a lot of opportunities with being powerful and created a lot of problems.

Also being incosistent with meditations helps the enemy control and sabotage our lives as once we stop meditations we become much weaker and a fertile land for them to plant their seeds of destruction.

Just 30 minutes of meditation and yoga can completely transform your life for the best and make you a much powerful, healthy, and strong individual. It will help you grow your psychic powers so you can learn to control your life. With meditations NO MORE BAD YEARS!

Also your lack of concentration is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of. A giant percentage of people lack concentration these days. Even satanists when they start meditating they find it hard to conecentrate.

Concentration is A SKILL. It is built with consistent practice with void and other meditations. Don't let your lack of concentration deter you from meditations. It should MOTIVATE you to build this powerful skill.

Hps Maxine said that even advanced meditators can have problems with thoughts and lack of concentration. But what makes them advanced is that they KEEP GOING, they keep building this skill of concentration.

Keep your meditations your #1 PRIORITY! Do them everyday and without fail. Never skip a day!

But it's important to make meditation doable as well. So for beginning just do something basic like cleaning the aura, building an aura of protection, and most importantly for you, void meditation! Doing those three will at most take 15-25 minutes once in the morning and once in night. But they will make you so much better and powerful if you stick with them.

No matter how much you don't want to do meditations JUST DO IT! Is it a really horrible and busy day filled with stress? DO YOUR MEDITATIONS NO MATTER WHAT!

-Do the RTRs daily so we can free ourselves from the jewish parasite. If you serve father Satan with spiritual warfare you will have much importance to him.

As Hps Maxine said, There is no one more important to father Satan than a warrior is.

If you help the Satanic cause on earth Satan will help your cause.

Of course this will also help your satanic brothers and sisters to get rid of the jewish virus that is plaguing this earth along with other programs of death like xianity and pisslam.

- This doesn't have to be done daily but reading and learning everything Joy of Satan has to offer along with meditations will make you a transformed and refined person.
If you follow those steps, you'll reap the delicious fruits of your efforts. Work hard, stay strong and disciplined with your spiritual pursuits and you will be eternally rewarded.

Best of luck, stay strong!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
