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Muslim double standards: How they worship Muhammad without realising it

Jul 8, 2024
It's a big thing in Islam that only "Allah"(essential the arabic word for EL, so just means god) is to be worshipped and that Muhammad was just a prophet, the last one, so the "Seal of the Prophets" but at the end of the day, he is only meant to be a man, NOT divine in any way.

And yet, even though they don't worship him, they treat him with more veneration than "Allah" and I'll prove it.

Ever notice how people can insult "God" all the time throughout the West, and yet, you never hear a Muslim going in a frenzy and killing someone for insulting "God".

Jesus as well, insulted publicly, in cartoons, ect, even though Jesus is also a prophet, so in a sense equal to Muhammad, and yet, you never ever hear a Muslim killing someone for making fun of Jesus. Same thing with Moses.

And yet with Muhammad, the examples are numerous. Now why is that the case? Muslims claims they only worship "Allah" and yet no one ever dies for mocking "Allah", why do they treat a man with more veneration than their "God"?

"God" can be drawn freely in the West as well, for mocking purposes by atheist(usually ethnic Jew atheists since they have no shame) cartoonists, but Muhammad, the man, can never be drawn, not even for educational purposes, without Muslims protesting, rioting and throwing fatwas at everybody.

Why do they treat their "prophet" with more veneration than their "God"? Well it's because in the surface they claim to worship "Allah" but in deed, they worship their "prophet". They try to copy his life as well in their rituals, since he was the "perfect example". Muhammad, the man, also broke his own rules, by having more than 4 wives, which is the limit in Islam. So the "perfect" man can break the rules of Islam and is treated with more veneration than "God" himself?

It's essentially the ego. All Muslims and Christians really worship themselves. When Jesus or Muhammad are insulted, they feel insulted because it's something they value, similar to how when u insult someone's favorite celebrity or politician they get all uppity about it as well. How dare you insult something THEY value? They feel like they're attacked by proxy and therefore they have to rage about it, as if "God" or "God's prophet" can't stand up for themselves.

This ironically makes them Satanists by deed, since they worship and deify themselves, even though their religions are anti-ego, they can't help but being ultra-egoists since that's how humans are supposed to be(don't misunderstand me, I don't mean someone is supposed to kill anyone who insults them, I mean having pride in yourself).

This is very apparent when they boast about their religion, "Proud to be Muslim/Christian", but their religions are anti-pride, why are they proud of being anti-proud?

Most radicals in these religions actually worship themselves, without realizing it, Muhammad/Jesus/God/Whatever is just a proxy for themselves and their actions show that. Now if only they had self-awareness and decided to just directly worship themselves rather than give power to the greys all day, but that would require some humility, to admit they could be wrong, something they can't do since behind that pride is a weakness, it's really narcissism, false pride as opposed to true pride, in one's abilities, they externalize their self-worship to a super-ego archetype like Muhammad so they can have some kind of Platonic entity that can't be questioned or lowered to a human level. This is why they get mad when you specifically insult THEIR super-ego celebrity and don't seem to care when you insult the "God" they're supposed to worship, since "God" isn't really there, Muhammad is the human "light bearer" of "God" so they'll venerate him more than their formless "God", even if asked directly they claim to only worship "Allah".
This is also why Christians focus only on Jesus and never on the other 2 "equal" gods of the trinity. Jesus is the human "light-bearer" that humanizes the formless nothingness called "God".
As a final message. 99% of humans are Satanists by deed(self-worshippers). By nature, you're a Satanist(not necessarily an SS). You want to have confidence, pride in yourself. It's in your blood, your soul. The 1% who really go full on with the anti ego bullshit are losers, they go on the streets, they beg, they try to connect with "God" aka nothing, they're weak in all aspects of life. They also ironically developed an ego in being "anti-ego" since they think that makes them "above" everybody else by repressing their desire to succeed in life by getting rich, getting a partner, having children, fully immersing in LIFE. They're cowards. The other 99% are self-unaware hypocrites who have more in common with a SS(as they're supposed to be) in their actions than what their "religions" actually teach.
Dude those people are completely not good!! to think about or waste time with. It’s a mutated form of arab paganism which converted for reason i couldn’t care less about
When one speaks against someone's faith, they get insulted, as you say, but claim it is their faith that one is insulting. Their faith cannot be insulted because faith doesn't have a mind, etc. Offence is recieved - or taken, rather. Furthermore, one, who I don't know if she was a christian or not, was offended by something someone said regarding Blacks. She is White but has a half-cast... daughter, I believe. The comment was not about her nor her half-cast daughter, but she still took offence about the comment.

as if "God" or "God's prophet" can't stand up for themselves.
Clearly not! /s If it could defend itself, then... why doesn't it? We know the responses "you'll go to christian/muslim hell - that's the revenge", herp-derp.

This ironically makes them Satanists by deed, since they worship and deify themselves, even though their religions are anti-ego
The jew knows what needs to be done. It takes actual Nature, of what Humans are, and tries to mould it, and dirties it with its own jew things.

why are they proud of being anti-proud?
Circular "reasoning". Illogic. Nonsense. Stupidity... and to think - Asians, generally, are supposed to be cleverererer than Blacks and Whites - and how many of them are muslims, and sikhs and modern-day hindus?!

This circular "reasoning" and illogic is, literally, a closed loop, a closed system. Outside sources or interference, other than what I will mention in a second, are not welcome and are spun-off in directions away from the spinning loop, because it is spinning; the outside source/interference doesn't have the same momentum and balance as the spinning loop so it is not in unison with it. The outside sources and interference which are welcome are those who like to stir the pot, as it were (imagine a plate spinner variety/talent act) - the preachers and the higher-ups (e.g. pope) who delegate-down what's to be done, to keep the loop spinning under its own gravity.

I was going to keep the metaphor there, but I'll extend it - those in/on the loop are along for the ride (and Children brought-up in it might be freed one day from it, or might not be), and of course centrifugal forces of the spinning separate the wheat from the chaff and some fall off and are saved, yet hurt, while others buckle-in and grip-on tightly because they're too afraid, or blindingly ignorant; and some become sick from the dizziness only after they get off... and of course fall over and hurt themselves... then go running back to the spinning mayhem which is more comfortable for them to do instead of standing up and accepting the grazed, bloody knee and cleaning themselves up, and standing on their own two feet and living under their own gravity and choice and spin their own way or just walk and run in life, which - their choice - they are not used to performing.

The analogy might be able to be extended further, but for those who followed it, I think I have made my point.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
