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Musical Communication with the Gods: Inquiring into Sounds


Active member
Aug 25, 2021
Perhaps many of you do not know how to interpret certain messages from the Gods through music, this is for people who have this method of communication with the Gods.

How do you realize this?

By your chart, per se it is those people who have a pronounced Neptune or artistic interests, especially a skill with music or a genuine interest in this.

If you are one of those people who meditate with music, who study with music, who even bathe with music, you my friend are one of me, you are one of those people that music is necessary in your life and is a pretty good method of communication.

When the gods use music to communicate with you they will do it in different ways, here I will describe according to my experience what I have been able to determine, the patterns that I have been able to establish and how I was able to determine when they are my thoughts and when they are the Gods talking to me.

I will tell this experience as a result of my communication with Lady Astarte, she helped me to investigate this, to determine when they are messages and when they are not, she helped me to identify my thoughts from what she tells me. Although I don't play any instrument, at least for now, music for me has been like the salvation to all my ills, literally.

Connecting with music expanded my mind, made me more focused, brought out the best in me, connecting with musical energies and their forms opened a whole new world for me.

I want to clarify that NOT all music is to my liking, and according to my personality I adapted to certain musical tastes.

It is well known that music can reduce pain, it even helps with learning, with focus, it helps to meditate, even to visualize. However, before entering this path, I never thought that music could be a method of communication.

Lady Astarte helped me to find the musical genres that best suit me and my personality, she also helped me to discover Satanic music and those bands that make reference to the Gods in every way.

It is worth mentioning that my native language is Spanish, but she also helped me to find English songs, a few but she gave them to me.

Music has a frequency that has an effect on our brain and our body, at this moment I am in an investigative project of astrology with science, and in a few months I will publish it here, this is under the direction of her, this project will shed much light on how all this influences our body and gives a scientific view of all this, with this you will also understand the effect of music in our body and our mind.

There are certain musical genres that are of great help, it should be emphasized that this is my experience and in general, you can adapt this to your style and personality.

The musical genres, bands or singers that I discovered with the help of Lady Astarte for me were.

1. Lofi
2. Dark techno
3. Wizard of oz
4. Rammstein
5. Deep house
6. Hang drum
7. Imagine Dragon (Some songs)
8. Frequency of Thetha, Beta, alpha waves
9. Rock in English and Spanish (Some songs)
10. Techno House

As you can see, some of them are without lyrics, here I will also help you to interpret the messages that come through this musical genre.

In songs like Deep house or Techno house, are good to give energy to the body, I have noticed that when I feel a drop in my mood, which is normal because we are human beings, this type of music reestablishes my mood and gives me much more energy.

You will use the music according to your needs at this moment. For example, to meditate the type of music I use is hangdrum and dark techno, between those two genres is my meditation.

When I study depending on the day and how fresh I am mentally I use lofi or rock in Spanish.

When I am doing another activity, like exercise I use Rammstein as it gives me strength, I have noticed an increase of strength with this band.

I use the thetha, Alpha or beta wave frequencies to relax and get ready to enter into trance or the astral. With the trance theme, you should experiment, because when you are in trance everything is heard much louder, much stronger, so here it depends on the tolerance you have to the sounds or the music. That's why I said at the beginning that this publication is for those who have in some way an affinity with music, either because you play an instrument or you have in your chart something pronounced referring to this.

As you can see, there is no absolute rule for this, it all depends on your personality, what you are and what music you identify with.

To determine an adequate musical communication with the Gods, certain criteria must be fulfilled:

1. an adequate intuition, it must not be very very developed. the important thing is to know it.

2. Distinguish well between your thoughts and when it is a message from them.

3. The astral touch is also important, by this means also clues are given when it is a message from them.

4. Feel energy. This will also give you clues.

5. Work with a God/Goddess/Goddess/Demon/Demoness.

The above will be explained in depth below.

The question more than one must be asking is how to detect intuition?

In this I can help even a little, at first it may seem confusing but the more you practice it, or rather the more a Demon/God communicates with you the faster you will develop it.

Intuition is that thought/feeling/idea that stands out from all your thoughts. I would describe intuition as a strong point among all that you have in your mind. It is that which does not go unnoticed and which generates biochemical reactions in your body.

What do you mean by biochemical reactions?

The biochemical reactions are the emotions/feelings that cause a certain reaction in you, like for example anger, that causes a chemical reaction, I will not go into detail on this as it is more scientific.

Intuition is detected when you are doing a different activity or are focused on a certain activity. To better describe the above I will give a more explanatory example.

Let's say you are studying X subject, it happens that in your study routine, doubts arise, questions that you could not solve at that moment, so you decide to rest and do another activity such as exercise, maybe painting, watching anime etc..

while doing that different activity, an idea comes to you, or maybe you see in the anime chapter something related to what you were asking and at that moment your body reacts perhaps feeling a joy, or simply feeling that thought of "Here is the answer".

Another example of this is, let's say you are in a bookstore, you are looking for a book that talks about the mind and its functions, you do not know what book it is but you know what topic you want to address, you go through the psychology or science section and you look and look at titles when suddenly one catches your attention, you feel that you should take it, this is intuition.

The gods also speak to us and guide us by this, this writing will not be about that specific type of communication.

Let us remember that the High Priest HC 666 in the sermon "How do the Demons teach? tells us

You will begin to learn regularly about a subject, then, competence will come. The demon/God/sa will give you ideas, warnings, guide you to the proper knowledge. I underline here proper, because there is a lot of improper knowledge, that the Demons can help in any subject so that one does not fall into that.

How to detect communications from Gods/Devils?

I will describe a series of steps to detect when Gods/Devils are transmitting a message to us through music:

1. When a phrase from a specific song comes to you: This first step is when you find yourself doing a certain task that has nothing to do with SS or if it does it is in another area. Let's say you are cooking, suddenly a phrase of a song you haven't heard in a while comes to you with the strong feeling of a specific God/Demon or with the strong thought of Father Satan. This is a message through music and intuition and that specific phrase is telling you something, it is your duty to look at the context and analyze the lyrics, sometimes the message is clear especially when you are a beginner, you can take it literally, but as you advance everything will be as encrypted and that is where you must apply spiritual understanding.

2. When you go through your video application (Jewtube or Newpipe) and suddenly there is a song that appears repeated: This aspect can happen, it has already happened to me and I will try to explain it, it turns out that I am watching a video and if you notice the application shows you more videos related to what you are watching, it turns out that when watching those recommended videos there are two or three different videos but they have the same name, that is, that name does not correspond with the Videos, this is not an error or a coincidence, this is a clear and transparent message that tells you to listen to the song and listen to what is there. Many times this type of communication can be that all the lyrics contain the message, that is to say, that you listen to the whole song. Another way is that you listen to the whole song and your intuition is activated to tell you which specific parts of the song are for you and contain the message.

3. The numbers 333, 444, 555, 666: These numbers come with other signs, not only the number in question is taken, we must have other signs that confirm this. I am going to narrate one of the many experiences I have had about this. It happens that one day I was in a cab on my way home, I was with my sister. I was chatting with my sister, we were busy in the recess, so I was neither into JoS nor thinking about the Gods at that moment. Suddenly I looked at my cell phone, it was very strange, when I opened it the video application was open and there was a song that had the number 444, it turns out that when I saw it I felt a tingling in my body too strong and I got the mental image of Astarte's Sigil, with all those signs I determined that it was a message that I had to listen to. When I started to listen to the song I felt like little ants in my body, then as I listened to it there were specific parts of the song that carried a message. So I determined that it was a message from her.

4. A song that wakes you up in the morning: This method is common for beginners, when we sleep, our senses are more open, when we get up a song, this is heard mentally, when you hear that song or phrase, or sometimes there are no lyrics just a humming, in the latter is your duty to find what song it is, if you are familiar or what. The latter is a little difficult, but with time you will find the song. The point is that this mental song that woke you up brings an important message from the Gods, but not only for this, this sound is accompanied by the mental image of what represents that God/Demon, that is to say, at the beginning with Lady Astarte came the song and the # of her, or the Lion, sometimes a snake or simply her sigil, this confirms even more this.

5. New songs in your playlist without you adding them: as it says, I previously said I had playlist, if I didn't say it here I say it XD, it turns out that I know everything I add, I am aware of the songs I manage, they are almost always the same. One day I happened to look at what I had in my playlist when I saw two songs that I had never heard, moreover it was a genre that I do not listen to regularly, when I saw the Lady Astarte sigil appeared mentally and I was ready to listen to it, indeed brought a message.

These are the different ways in which the Gods can communicate. Always the songs are accompanied by a signal, so get ready to recognize those signals. Even sometimes these signals are not at a mental level, they are even at a physical level, for example if you usually have candles on your desk, of those aromatic ones, then many times when you hear the song the flame of the candle increases abnormally, this is also a message from them of course, this method is more advanced.

Other ways to recognize it is with the sense of smell, for example, I know that Queen Astarte has a characteristic smell that she likes, when that smell comes to me in a song I know it is her. Not everything has to be with things that represent it, many times they are physical, but this method is more advanced.

The communication of the senses is also linked to the musical theme, many times the music has certain smells, but as I said this is also advanced and you need to go through a basic process to recognize it. The sense of touch, hearing and smell are vital in these aspects as well, in my experience I am more of these three senses, not so much the sight, I almost do not use it, I like much more to use the other senses, what can not be seen with the naked eye but I can perceive with other senses.

It is important to emphasize that we all have different processes here, some things may help you, some things may help you here, nothing may help you here, what I experience may not help you, I write this as a record that there are other methods to feel, smell, hear the gods, it is not only to see them. In my experience I have found it much more profound for me to use these senses than just sight. I have connected in other ways more deeply especially with the Goddess Astarte and it has allowed me to explore this musical theme.

As I experience more I will surely be able to share more with you.

My dear musical friends, do not be afraid to experience this musical theme. Open your mind through the senses and music. :)

Another important thing I want to emphasize is that as you advance the messages will not be so clear, they will be like encrypted in a song, that is, you should not take it literally but you should apply the spiritual understanding.

Here I will put an example of it, about a song that contains a message.

Wizard of Oz Astaroth

From the night of time
From your darkness
I have returned to seek
A gift to mankind

The first paragraph speaks of the darkness of the soul, from your darkness of the soul she is born to give you a path, gifts and knowledge through your effort and your dedication. It emerges as the path you must take.

And you do not pronounce my name
Though you know well who I am
Of your pride and your hatred
The fed reflection I am

The subject of NOT SPEAKING HER NAME. According to what I have noticed is that she is a very reserved Goddess, her name as such bring hidden attributes and those who discover it should guard them, it is recommended not to name her name outside.

Recall that the Al- Jilwah, Father Satan makes reference to this "mention neither my name nor my attributes" here in this piece she confirms it.

In the third line she speaks of pride and hatred, but it is not that she feeds on this, she represents what my soul is harboring, what I have been feeding on for a long time and also those things that I have to be careful not to fall back into. Astarte appears here as a witch, remember that the word witch means wise, however she also appears as a Goddess, representing also my inner God. when I said before that she is born from the darkness of my soul, it is this. It speaks of all the darkness that as human beings consumes us, some more some less, but we have the same feelings about it.

I am the echo of your anger
The mirror in which
Your greed is reflected
And gives me power

She refers to our feelings again, those that are intact and harbored for a long time, that is why she says she has come to give a gift to humanity, she shows herself as the liberator of all this, granting peace and knowledge.

I flow through the lives
That do not get to know
Where to find the exit
That opens the door of evil and good

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

The first paragraph speaks of the connection we have with her through life, either directly or indirectly, when we enter a new life, we enter under amnesia, so it refers to NOT GET TO KNOW, the output of these people is in her, meeting with the only one who has the key to the two doors, both good and evil, ie the only one who knows the good and evil, light and darkness, knows the duality of life. It also refers to the fact that many do not know her, do not get to know her and therefore do not find the path of light and freedom.

In the second paragraph, it is an invitation to let her dwell, she appears as the only one who knows what we want, those deep desires and what our soul harbors. She appears as the light bearer who will help you to get out of all that darkness harbored in your soul. She invites us to open our soul to her, because she knows us so well that she will show us the way out of all this.

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does he give?
I am who I am
The light bearer

Cover your mantle, my light and my love
Soft is the death and sweet this pain
Take me and the wind will make a song
With the eternal fire that will seal our union

In the first paragraph, it is not literal, she refers to the fact that she knows everything about us and that she knows what our dreams are, that with her those longed-for dreams will come true.

In the second line of the first paragraph, it is not a purchase, it is simply that I inquire about my inner God and get in touch with this to know what I really want, she invites us to listen to our inner God and make peace with this. Besides, this is another allegory to what my inner God is capable of, that is to say, what capacity does my inner God have now by himself?

On this occasion she is clearer and names the purpose, showing herself as the light bearer. Again she invites you to let her dwell in her, it is practically an invitation to give all of yourself to her, and leave your affairs in her. When she says the eternal fire that will seal our union, she is referring to the commitment that you are going to make, this commitment will be forever and will not be only for one life or something per season, it is a permanent union.

Take my blood, mix it, drink it, burn it.
Burn it, burn it in the flame
For only then can you worship me
Do as I say for this is the law
Don't believe me, experience
Drink for there is no, there is no other means

When she refers to the Blood, it is the commitment that is made in the initial dedication, for it is the only way to reach it, through this dedication, there is no other way. Here she shows you how to reach it, arising in you as the path you must take.

What she says, is law, that is to say that it must be taken for granted, her word is knowledge, her word must be taken as the absolute truth however she invites you to experiment, that is to say, she invites you to verify what she says. In the same way it incites you to respect her word and all that she says. Drink then, there is no other way, it is "give yourself, there is no other way to what you want to get".

That is to say, she will turn you into practically what you wish to be, in a path of light and a path full of knowledge. She invites you to experience, to grow and not only this, she represents everything positive.

Overall, "Astaroth" explores the themes of temptation, inner darkness and the eternal conflict between good and evil. It serves as a cautionary tale about the allure of darker desires and the consequences of willingly embracing them.

The other part of the lyrics, repeating what we have seen, I will leave here:

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark thing in you

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am
The light bearer

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am

  • YEYE95
I apologize for translating proper names into English.

The name of the band is "Mago de Oz- Astaroth".
I do have some artistic interest as well; probably because I'm a Taurus.

I even took a personality/career test some while ago and turns out I have strong artistic and social aspects.
Take advantage of these abilities with the Gods, they can really help you to focus and enhance it...

I'm glad there are more people with this kind of skills, it connects with the art in all its levels!
This is varry interesting! Thank you for sharing this. 🔥
I second that the Gods very well can communicate to us through music. For example hearing the lyrics of a song randomly in your head that you haven't thought of for sometime that almost appears to apply to something you have inquired upon or just the mood of a tune. I have also had the experience of songs randomly pop in my playlist or come to me that seemed to elude to something or speak to me.

When i was still in Europe in an art museum once i looked at a piece of art where someone was holding an old sheet of music in the painting. suddenly out of nowhere i heard what i later learned was Vilvaldi's winter ballad in my head....5 minutes later that was the music someone was playing right outside...it's as if it was conveyed to me that it was the notes of the sheet of the music in the painting. It was very interesting.
I second that the Gods very well can communicate to us through music. For example hearing the lyrics of a song randomly in your head that you haven't thought of for sometime that almost appears to apply to something you have inquired upon or just the mood of a tune. I have also had the experience of songs randomly pop in my playlist or come to me that seemed to elude to something or speak to me.

When i was still in Europe in an art museum once i looked at a piece of art where someone was holding an old sheet of music in the painting. suddenly out of nowhere i heard what i later learned was Vilvaldi's winter ballad in my head....5 minutes later that was the music someone was playing right outside...it's as if it was conveyed to me that it was the notes of the sheet of the music in the painting. It was very interesting.
How interesting this is, definitely art is something splendid and the Gods are masters in these matters.

I love that more people have experienced it!!!! Thanks for sharing this.
Perhaps many of you do not know how to interpret certain messages from the Gods through music, this is for people who have this method of communication with the Gods.

How do you realize this?

By your chart, per se it is those people who have a pronounced Neptune or artistic interests, especially a skill with music or a genuine interest in this.

If you are one of those people who meditate with music, who study with music, who even bathe with music, you my friend are one of me, you are one of those people that music is necessary in your life and is a pretty good method of communication.

When the gods use music to communicate with you they will do it in different ways, here I will describe according to my experience what I have been able to determine, the patterns that I have been able to establish and how I was able to determine when they are my thoughts and when they are the Gods talking to me.

I will tell this experience as a result of my communication with Lady Astarte, she helped me to investigate this, to determine when they are messages and when they are not, she helped me to identify my thoughts from what she tells me. Although I don't play any instrument, at least for now, music for me has been like the salvation to all my ills, literally.

Connecting with music expanded my mind, made me more focused, brought out the best in me, connecting with musical energies and their forms opened a whole new world for me.

I want to clarify that NOT all music is to my liking, and according to my personality I adapted to certain musical tastes.

It is well known that music can reduce pain, it even helps with learning, with focus, it helps to meditate, even to visualize. However, before entering this path, I never thought that music could be a method of communication.

Lady Astarte helped me to find the musical genres that best suit me and my personality, she also helped me to discover Satanic music and those bands that make reference to the Gods in every way.

It is worth mentioning that my native language is Spanish, but she also helped me to find English songs, a few but she gave them to me.

Music has a frequency that has an effect on our brain and our body, at this moment I am in an investigative project of astrology with science, and in a few months I will publish it here, this is under the direction of her, this project will shed much light on how all this influences our body and gives a scientific view of all this, with this you will also understand the effect of music in our body and our mind.

There are certain musical genres that are of great help, it should be emphasized that this is my experience and in general, you can adapt this to your style and personality.

The musical genres, bands or singers that I discovered with the help of Lady Astarte for me were.

1. Lofi
2. Dark techno
3. Wizard of oz
4. Rammstein
5. Deep house
6. Hang drum
7. Imagine Dragon (Some songs)
8. Frequency of Thetha, Beta, alpha waves
9. Rock in English and Spanish (Some songs)
10. Techno House

As you can see, some of them are without lyrics, here I will also help you to interpret the messages that come through this musical genre.

In songs like Deep house or Techno house, are good to give energy to the body, I have noticed that when I feel a drop in my mood, which is normal because we are human beings, this type of music reestablishes my mood and gives me much more energy.

You will use the music according to your needs at this moment. For example, to meditate the type of music I use is hangdrum and dark techno, between those two genres is my meditation.

When I study depending on the day and how fresh I am mentally I use lofi or rock in Spanish.

When I am doing another activity, like exercise I use Rammstein as it gives me strength, I have noticed an increase of strength with this band.

I use the thetha, Alpha or beta wave frequencies to relax and get ready to enter into trance or the astral. With the trance theme, you should experiment, because when you are in trance everything is heard much louder, much stronger, so here it depends on the tolerance you have to the sounds or the music. That's why I said at the beginning that this publication is for those who have in some way an affinity with music, either because you play an instrument or you have in your chart something pronounced referring to this.

As you can see, there is no absolute rule for this, it all depends on your personality, what you are and what music you identify with.

To determine an adequate musical communication with the Gods, certain criteria must be fulfilled:

1. an adequate intuition, it must not be very very developed. the important thing is to know it.

2. Distinguish well between your thoughts and when it is a message from them.

3. The astral touch is also important, by this means also clues are given when it is a message from them.

4. Feel energy. This will also give you clues.

5. Work with a God/Goddess/Goddess/Demon/Demoness.

The above will be explained in depth below.

The question more than one must be asking is how to detect intuition?

In this I can help even a little, at first it may seem confusing but the more you practice it, or rather the more a Demon/God communicates with you the faster you will develop it.

Intuition is that thought/feeling/idea that stands out from all your thoughts. I would describe intuition as a strong point among all that you have in your mind. It is that which does not go unnoticed and which generates biochemical reactions in your body.

What do you mean by biochemical reactions?

The biochemical reactions are the emotions/feelings that cause a certain reaction in you, like for example anger, that causes a chemical reaction, I will not go into detail on this as it is more scientific.

Intuition is detected when you are doing a different activity or are focused on a certain activity. To better describe the above I will give a more explanatory example.

Let's say you are studying X subject, it happens that in your study routine, doubts arise, questions that you could not solve at that moment, so you decide to rest and do another activity such as exercise, maybe painting, watching anime etc..

while doing that different activity, an idea comes to you, or maybe you see in the anime chapter something related to what you were asking and at that moment your body reacts perhaps feeling a joy, or simply feeling that thought of "Here is the answer".

Another example of this is, let's say you are in a bookstore, you are looking for a book that talks about the mind and its functions, you do not know what book it is but you know what topic you want to address, you go through the psychology or science section and you look and look at titles when suddenly one catches your attention, you feel that you should take it, this is intuition.

The gods also speak to us and guide us by this, this writing will not be about that specific type of communication.

Let us remember that the High Priest HC 666 in the sermon "How do the Demons teach? tells us

You will begin to learn regularly about a subject, then, competence will come. The demon/God/sa will give you ideas, warnings, guide you to the proper knowledge. I underline here proper, because there is a lot of improper knowledge, that the Demons can help in any subject so that one does not fall into that.

How to detect communications from Gods/Devils?

I will describe a series of steps to detect when Gods/Devils are transmitting a message to us through music:

1. When a phrase from a specific song comes to you: This first step is when you find yourself doing a certain task that has nothing to do with SS or if it does it is in another area. Let's say you are cooking, suddenly a phrase of a song you haven't heard in a while comes to you with the strong feeling of a specific God/Demon or with the strong thought of Father Satan. This is a message through music and intuition and that specific phrase is telling you something, it is your duty to look at the context and analyze the lyrics, sometimes the message is clear especially when you are a beginner, you can take it literally, but as you advance everything will be as encrypted and that is where you must apply spiritual understanding.

2. When you go through your video application (Jewtube or Newpipe) and suddenly there is a song that appears repeated: This aspect can happen, it has already happened to me and I will try to explain it, it turns out that I am watching a video and if you notice the application shows you more videos related to what you are watching, it turns out that when watching those recommended videos there are two or three different videos but they have the same name, that is, that name does not correspond with the Videos, this is not an error or a coincidence, this is a clear and transparent message that tells you to listen to the song and listen to what is there. Many times this type of communication can be that all the lyrics contain the message, that is to say, that you listen to the whole song. Another way is that you listen to the whole song and your intuition is activated to tell you which specific parts of the song are for you and contain the message.

3. The numbers 333, 444, 555, 666: These numbers come with other signs, not only the number in question is taken, we must have other signs that confirm this. I am going to narrate one of the many experiences I have had about this. It happens that one day I was in a cab on my way home, I was with my sister. I was chatting with my sister, we were busy in the recess, so I was neither into JoS nor thinking about the Gods at that moment. Suddenly I looked at my cell phone, it was very strange, when I opened it the video application was open and there was a song that had the number 444, it turns out that when I saw it I felt a tingling in my body too strong and I got the mental image of Astarte's Sigil, with all those signs I determined that it was a message that I had to listen to. When I started to listen to the song I felt like little ants in my body, then as I listened to it there were specific parts of the song that carried a message. So I determined that it was a message from her.

4. A song that wakes you up in the morning: This method is common for beginners, when we sleep, our senses are more open, when we get up a song, this is heard mentally, when you hear that song or phrase, or sometimes there are no lyrics just a humming, in the latter is your duty to find what song it is, if you are familiar or what. The latter is a little difficult, but with time you will find the song. The point is that this mental song that woke you up brings an important message from the Gods, but not only for this, this sound is accompanied by the mental image of what represents that God/Demon, that is to say, at the beginning with Lady Astarte came the song and the # of her, or the Lion, sometimes a snake or simply her sigil, this confirms even more this.

5. New songs in your playlist without you adding them: as it says, I previously said I had playlist, if I didn't say it here I say it XD, it turns out that I know everything I add, I am aware of the songs I manage, they are almost always the same. One day I happened to look at what I had in my playlist when I saw two songs that I had never heard, moreover it was a genre that I do not listen to regularly, when I saw the Lady Astarte sigil appeared mentally and I was ready to listen to it, indeed brought a message.

These are the different ways in which the Gods can communicate. Always the songs are accompanied by a signal, so get ready to recognize those signals. Even sometimes these signals are not at a mental level, they are even at a physical level, for example if you usually have candles on your desk, of those aromatic ones, then many times when you hear the song the flame of the candle increases abnormally, this is also a message from them of course, this method is more advanced.

Other ways to recognize it is with the sense of smell, for example, I know that Queen Astarte has a characteristic smell that she likes, when that smell comes to me in a song I know it is her. Not everything has to be with things that represent it, many times they are physical, but this method is more advanced.

The communication of the senses is also linked to the musical theme, many times the music has certain smells, but as I said this is also advanced and you need to go through a basic process to recognize it. The sense of touch, hearing and smell are vital in these aspects as well, in my experience I am more of these three senses, not so much the sight, I almost do not use it, I like much more to use the other senses, what can not be seen with the naked eye but I can perceive with other senses.

It is important to emphasize that we all have different processes here, some things may help you, some things may help you here, nothing may help you here, what I experience may not help you, I write this as a record that there are other methods to feel, smell, hear the gods, it is not only to see them. In my experience I have found it much more profound for me to use these senses than just sight. I have connected in other ways more deeply especially with the Goddess Astarte and it has allowed me to explore this musical theme.

As I experience more I will surely be able to share more with you.

My dear musical friends, do not be afraid to experience this musical theme. Open your mind through the senses and music. :)

Another important thing I want to emphasize is that as you advance the messages will not be so clear, they will be like encrypted in a song, that is, you should not take it literally but you should apply the spiritual understanding.

Here I will put an example of it, about a song that contains a message.

Wizard of Oz Astaroth

From the night of time
From your darkness
I have returned to seek
A gift to mankind

The first paragraph speaks of the darkness of the soul, from your darkness of the soul she is born to give you a path, gifts and knowledge through your effort and your dedication. It emerges as the path you must take.

And you do not pronounce my name
Though you know well who I am
Of your pride and your hatred
The fed reflection I am

The subject of NOT SPEAKING HER NAME. According to what I have noticed is that she is a very reserved Goddess, her name as such bring hidden attributes and those who discover it should guard them, it is recommended not to name her name outside.

Recall that the Al- Jilwah, Father Satan makes reference to this "mention neither my name nor my attributes" here in this piece she confirms it.

In the third line she speaks of pride and hatred, but it is not that she feeds on this, she represents what my soul is harboring, what I have been feeding on for a long time and also those things that I have to be careful not to fall back into. Astarte appears here as a witch, remember that the word witch means wise, however she also appears as a Goddess, representing also my inner God. when I said before that she is born from the darkness of my soul, it is this. It speaks of all the darkness that as human beings consumes us, some more some less, but we have the same feelings about it.

I am the echo of your anger
The mirror in which
Your greed is reflected
And gives me power

She refers to our feelings again, those that are intact and harbored for a long time, that is why she says she has come to give a gift to humanity, she shows herself as the liberator of all this, granting peace and knowledge.

I flow through the lives
That do not get to know
Where to find the exit
That opens the door of evil and good

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

The first paragraph speaks of the connection we have with her through life, either directly or indirectly, when we enter a new life, we enter under amnesia, so it refers to NOT GET TO KNOW, the output of these people is in her, meeting with the only one who has the key to the two doors, both good and evil, ie the only one who knows the good and evil, light and darkness, knows the duality of life. It also refers to the fact that many do not know her, do not get to know her and therefore do not find the path of light and freedom.

In the second paragraph, it is an invitation to let her dwell, she appears as the only one who knows what we want, those deep desires and what our soul harbors. She appears as the light bearer who will help you to get out of all that darkness harbored in your soul. She invites us to open our soul to her, because she knows us so well that she will show us the way out of all this.

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does he give?
I am who I am
The light bearer

Cover your mantle, my light and my love
Soft is the death and sweet this pain
Take me and the wind will make a song
With the eternal fire that will seal our union

In the first paragraph, it is not literal, she refers to the fact that she knows everything about us and that she knows what our dreams are, that with her those longed-for dreams will come true.

In the second line of the first paragraph, it is not a purchase, it is simply that I inquire about my inner God and get in touch with this to know what I really want, she invites us to listen to our inner God and make peace with this. Besides, this is another allegory to what my inner God is capable of, that is to say, what capacity does my inner God have now by himself?

On this occasion she is clearer and names the purpose, showing herself as the light bearer. Again she invites you to let her dwell in her, it is practically an invitation to give all of yourself to her, and leave your affairs in her. When she says the eternal fire that will seal our union, she is referring to the commitment that you are going to make, this commitment will be forever and will not be only for one life or something per season, it is a permanent union.

Take my blood, mix it, drink it, burn it.
Burn it, burn it in the flame
For only then can you worship me
Do as I say for this is the law
Don't believe me, experience
Drink for there is no, there is no other means

When she refers to the Blood, it is the commitment that is made in the initial dedication, for it is the only way to reach it, through this dedication, there is no other way. Here she shows you how to reach it, arising in you as the path you must take.

What she says, is law, that is to say that it must be taken for granted, her word is knowledge, her word must be taken as the absolute truth however she invites you to experiment, that is to say, she invites you to verify what she says. In the same way it incites you to respect her word and all that she says. Drink then, there is no other way, it is "give yourself, there is no other way to what you want to get".

That is to say, she will turn you into practically what you wish to be, in a path of light and a path full of knowledge. She invites you to experience, to grow and not only this, she represents everything positive.

Overall, "Astaroth" explores the themes of temptation, inner darkness and the eternal conflict between good and evil. It serves as a cautionary tale about the allure of darker desires and the consequences of willingly embracing them.

The other part of the lyrics, repeating what we have seen, I will leave here:

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark thing in you

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am
The light bearer

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am

  • YEYE95
Thanks for the post! I used to like house and techno, but I experienced so much drugs and alcohol surrounding the scene, that I don’t listen to it anymore. If you have any plays lists of music, you would like to share. I will definitely have a listen.
Oh my goodness! I have had that happen to me where I sometimes randomly hear parts of song lyrics! This article has answered my questions that I have had about my experiences since I was wondering if hearing random song lyrics in my head sometimes was a sign from the gods.
I do really love music, I try to listen to it as much as I can.
Wonderful post!
I especially like the points you made (1-5), these can be definite signs from the Gods. Thanks for making this post, it will help members become more aware when these incidents happen (songs popping into our mind, etc) :)
Perhaps many of you do not know how to interpret certain messages from the Gods through music, this is for people who have this method of communication with the Gods.
How do you realize this?
By your chart, per se it is those people who have a pronounced Neptune or artistic interests, especially a skill with music or a genuine interest in this.
If you are one of those people who meditate with music, who study with music, who even bathe with music, you my friend are one of me, you are one of those people that music is necessary in your life and is a pretty good method of communication.
When the gods use music to communicate with you they will do it in different ways, here I will describe according to my experience what I have been able to determine, the patterns that I have been able to establish and how I was able to determine when they are my thoughts and when they are the Gods talking to me.
I will tell this experience as a result of my communication with Lady Astarte, she helped me to investigate this, to determine when they are messages and when they are not, she helped me to identify my thoughts from what she tells me. Although I don't play any instrument, at least for now, music for me has been like the salvation to all my ills, literally.
Connecting with music expanded my mind, made me more focused, brought out the best in me, connecting with musical energies and their forms opened a whole new world for me.
I want to clarify that NOT all music is to my liking, and according to my personality I adapted to certain musical tastes.
It is well known that music can reduce pain, it even helps with learning, with focus, it helps to meditate, even to visualize. However, before entering this path, I never thought that music could be a method of communication.
Lady Astarte helped me to find the musical genres that best suit me and my personality, she also helped me to discover Satanic music and those bands that make reference to the Gods in every way.
It is worth mentioning that my native language is Spanish, but she also helped me to find English songs, a few but she gave them to me.
Music has a frequency that has an effect on our brain and our body, at this moment I am in an investigative project of astrology with science, and in a few months I will publish it here, this is under the direction of her, this project will shed much light on how all this influences our body and gives a scientific view of all this, with this you will also understand the effect of music in our body and our mind.
There are certain musical genres that are of great help, it should be emphasized that this is my experience and in general, you can adapt this to your style and personality.
The musical genres, bands or singers that I discovered with the help of Lady Astarte for me were.
1. Lofi
2. Dark techno
3. Wizard of oz
4. Rammstein
5. Deep house
6. Hang drum
7. Imagine Dragon (Some songs)
8. Frequency of Thetha, Beta, alpha waves
9. Rock in English and Spanish (Some songs)
10. Techno House
As you can see, some of them are without lyrics, here I will also help you to interpret the messages that come through this musical genre.
In songs like Deep house or Techno house, are good to give energy to the body, I have noticed that when I feel a drop in my mood, which is normal because we are human beings, this type of music reestablishes my mood and gives me much more energy.
You will use the music according to your needs at this moment. For example, to meditate the type of music I use is hangdrum and dark techno, between those two genres is my meditation.
When I study depending on the day and how fresh I am mentally I use lofi or rock in Spanish.
When I am doing another activity, like exercise I use Rammstein as it gives me strength, I have noticed an increase of strength with this band.
I use the thetha, Alpha or beta wave frequencies to relax and get ready to enter into trance or the astral. With the trance theme, you should experiment, because when you are in trance everything is heard much louder, much stronger, so here it depends on the tolerance you have to the sounds or the music. That's why I said at the beginning that this publication is for those who have in some way an affinity with music, either because you play an instrument or you have in your chart something pronounced referring to this.
As you can see, there is no absolute rule for this, it all depends on your personality, what you are and what music you identify with.
To determine an adequate musical communication with the Gods, certain criteria must be fulfilled:
1. an adequate intuition, it must not be very very developed. the important thing is to know it.
2. Distinguish well between your thoughts and when it is a message from them.
3. The astral touch is also important, by this means also clues are given when it is a message from them.
4. Feel energy. This will also give you clues.
5. Work with a God/Goddess/Goddess/Demon/Demoness.
The above will be explained in depth below.
The question more than one must be asking is how to detect intuition?
In this I can help even a little, at first it may seem confusing but the more you practice it, or rather the more a Demon/God communicates with you the faster you will develop it.
Intuition is that thought/feeling/idea that stands out from all your thoughts. I would describe intuition as a strong point among all that you have in your mind. It is that which does not go unnoticed and which generates biochemical reactions in your body.
What do you mean by biochemical reactions?
The biochemical reactions are the emotions/feelings that cause a certain reaction in you, like for example anger, that causes a chemical reaction, I will not go into detail on this as it is more scientific.
Intuition is detected when you are doing a different activity or are focused on a certain activity. To better describe the above I will give a more explanatory example.
Let's say you are studying X subject, it happens that in your study routine, doubts arise, questions that you could not solve at that moment, so you decide to rest and do another activity such as exercise, maybe painting, watching anime etc..
while doing that different activity, an idea comes to you, or maybe you see in the anime chapter something related to what you were asking and at that moment your body reacts perhaps feeling a joy, or simply feeling that thought of "Here is the answer".
Another example of this is, let's say you are in a bookstore, you are looking for a book that talks about the mind and its functions, you do not know what book it is but you know what topic you want to address, you go through the psychology or science section and you look and look at titles when suddenly one catches your attention, you feel that you should take it, this is intuition.
The gods also speak to us and guide us by this, this writing will not be about that specific type of communication.
Let us remember that the High Priest HC 666 in the sermon "How do the Demons teach? tells us
You will begin to learn regularly about a subject, then, competence will come. The demon/God/sa will give you ideas, warnings, guide you to the proper knowledge. I underline here proper, because there is a lot of improper knowledge, that the Demons can help in any subject so that one does not fall into that.
How to detect communications from Gods/Devils?
I will describe a series of steps to detect when Gods/Devils are transmitting a message to us through music:
1. When a phrase from a specific song comes to you: This first step is when you find yourself doing a certain task that has nothing to do with SS or if it does it is in another area. Let's say you are cooking, suddenly a phrase of a song you haven't heard in a while comes to you with the strong feeling of a specific God/Demon or with the strong thought of Father Satan. This is a message through music and intuition and that specific phrase is telling you something, it is your duty to look at the context and analyze the lyrics, sometimes the message is clear especially when you are a beginner, you can take it literally, but as you advance everything will be as encrypted and that is where you must apply spiritual understanding.
2. When you go through your video application (Jewtube or Newpipe) and suddenly there is a song that appears repeated: This aspect can happen, it has already happened to me and I will try to explain it, it turns out that I am watching a video and if you notice the application shows you more videos related to what you are watching, it turns out that when watching those recommended videos there are two or three different videos but they have the same name, that is, that name does not correspond with the Videos, this is not an error or a coincidence, this is a clear and transparent message that tells you to listen to the song and listen to what is there. Many times this type of communication can be that all the lyrics contain the message, that is to say, that you listen to the whole song. Another way is that you listen to the whole song and your intuition is activated to tell you which specific parts of the song are for you and contain the message.
3. The numbers 333, 444, 555, 666: These numbers come with other signs, not only the number in question is taken, we must have other signs that confirm this. I am going to narrate one of the many experiences I have had about this. It happens that one day I was in a cab on my way home, I was with my sister. I was chatting with my sister, we were busy in the recess, so I was neither into JoS nor thinking about the Gods at that moment. Suddenly I looked at my cell phone, it was very strange, when I opened it the video application was open and there was a song that had the number 444, it turns out that when I saw it I felt a tingling in my body too strong and I got the mental image of Astarte's Sigil, with all those signs I determined that it was a message that I had to listen to. When I started to listen to the song I felt like little ants in my body, then as I listened to it there were specific parts of the song that carried a message. So I determined that it was a message from her.
4. A song that wakes you up in the morning: This method is common for beginners, when we sleep, our senses are more open, when we get up a song, this is heard mentally, when you hear that song or phrase, or sometimes there are no lyrics just a humming, in the latter is your duty to find what song it is, if you are familiar or what. The latter is a little difficult, but with time you will find the song. The point is that this mental song that woke you up brings an important message from the Gods, but not only for this, this sound is accompanied by the mental image of what represents that God/Demon, that is to say, at the beginning with Lady Astarte came the song and the # of her, or the Lion, sometimes a snake or simply her sigil, this confirms even more this.
5. New songs in your playlist without you adding them: as it says, I previously said I had playlist, if I didn't say it here I say it XD, it turns out that I know everything I add, I am aware of the songs I manage, they are almost always the same. One day I happened to look at what I had in my playlist when I saw two songs that I had never heard, moreover it was a genre that I do not listen to regularly, when I saw the Lady Astarte sigil appeared mentally and I was ready to listen to it, indeed brought a message.
These are the different ways in which the Gods can communicate. Always the songs are accompanied by a signal, so get ready to recognize those signals. Even sometimes these signals are not at a mental level, they are even at a physical level, for example if you usually have candles on your desk, of those aromatic ones, then many times when you hear the song the flame of the candle increases abnormally, this is also a message from them of course, this method is more advanced.
Other ways to recognize it is with the sense of smell, for example, I know that Queen Astarte has a characteristic smell that she likes, when that smell comes to me in a song I know it is her. Not everything has to be with things that represent it, many times they are physical, but this method is more advanced.
The communication of the senses is also linked to the musical theme, many times the music has certain smells, but as I said this is also advanced and you need to go through a basic process to recognize it. The sense of touch, hearing and smell are vital in these aspects as well, in my experience I am more of these three senses, not so much the sight, I almost do not use it, I like much more to use the other senses, what can not be seen with the naked eye but I can perceive with other senses.
It is important to emphasize that we all have different processes here, some things may help you, some things may help you here, nothing may help you here, what I experience may not help you, I write this as a record that there are other methods to feel, smell, hear the gods, it is not only to see them. In my experience I have found it much more profound for me to use these senses than just sight. I have connected in other ways more deeply especially with the Goddess Astarte and it has allowed me to explore this musical theme.
As I experience more I will surely be able to share more with you.
My dear musical friends, do not be afraid to experience this musical theme. Open your mind through the senses and music. :)
Another important thing I want to emphasize is that as you advance the messages will not be so clear, they will be like encrypted in a song, that is, you should not take it literally but you should apply the spiritual understanding.
Here I will put an example of it, about a song that contains a message.
Wizard of Oz Astaroth
From the night of time
From your darkness
I have returned to seek
A gift to mankind

The first paragraph speaks of the darkness of the soul, from your darkness of the soul she is born to give you a path, gifts and knowledge through your effort and your dedication. It emerges as the path you must take.
And you do not pronounce my name
Though you know well who I am
Of your pride and your hatred
The fed reflection I am

The subject of NOT SPEAKING HER NAME. According to what I have noticed is that she is a very reserved Goddess, her name as such bring hidden attributes and those who discover it should guard them, it is recommended not to name her name outside.
Recall that the Al- Jilwah, Father Satan makes reference to this "mention neither my name nor my attributes" here in this piece she confirms it.
In the third line she speaks of pride and hatred, but it is not that she feeds on this, she represents what my soul is harboring, what I have been feeding on for a long time and also those things that I have to be careful not to fall back into. Astarte appears here as a witch, remember that the word witch means wise, however she also appears as a Goddess, representing also my inner God. when I said before that she is born from the darkness of my soul, it is this. It speaks of all the darkness that as human beings consumes us, some more some less, but we have the same feelings about it.
I am the echo of your anger
The mirror in which
Your greed is reflected
And gives me power

She refers to our feelings again, those that are intact and harbored for a long time, that is why she says she has come to give a gift to humanity, she shows herself as the liberator of all this, granting peace and knowledge.
I flow through the lives
That do not get to know
Where to find the exit
That opens the door of evil and good
Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

The first paragraph speaks of the connection we have with her through life, either directly or indirectly, when we enter a new life, we enter under amnesia, so it refers to NOT GET TO KNOW, the output of these people is in her, meeting with the only one who has the key to the two doors, both good and evil, ie the only one who knows the good and evil, light and darkness, knows the duality of life. It also refers to the fact that many do not know her, do not get to know her and therefore do not find the path of light and freedom.
In the second paragraph, it is an invitation to let her dwell, she appears as the only one who knows what we want, those deep desires and what our soul harbors. She appears as the light bearer who will help you to get out of all that darkness harbored in your soul. She invites us to open our soul to her, because she knows us so well that she will show us the way out of all this.
I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does he give?
I am who I am
The light bearer
Cover your mantle, my light and my love
Soft is the death and sweet this pain
Take me and the wind will make a song
With the eternal fire that will seal our union

In the first paragraph, it is not literal, she refers to the fact that she knows everything about us and that she knows what our dreams are, that with her those longed-for dreams will come true.
In the second line of the first paragraph, it is not a purchase, it is simply that I inquire about my inner God and get in touch with this to know what I really want, she invites us to listen to our inner God and make peace with this. Besides, this is another allegory to what my inner God is capable of, that is to say, what capacity does my inner God have now by himself?
On this occasion she is clearer and names the purpose, showing herself as the light bearer. Again she invites you to let her dwell in her, it is practically an invitation to give all of yourself to her, and leave your affairs in her. When she says the eternal fire that will seal our union, she is referring to the commitment that you are going to make, this commitment will be forever and will not be only for one life or something per season, it is a permanent union.
Take my blood, mix it, drink it, burn it.
Burn it, burn it in the flame
For only then can you worship me
Do as I say for this is the law
Don't believe me, experience
Drink for there is no, there is no other means

When she refers to the Blood, it is the commitment that is made in the initial dedication, for it is the only way to reach it, through this dedication, there is no other way. Here she shows you how to reach it, arising in you as the path you must take.
What she says, is law, that is to say that it must be taken for granted, her word is knowledge, her word must be taken as the absolute truth however she invites you to experiment, that is to say, she invites you to verify what she says. In the same way it incites you to respect her word and all that she says. Drink then, there is no other way, it is "give yourself, there is no other way to what you want to get".
That is to say, she will turn you into practically what you wish to be, in a path of light and a path full of knowledge. She invites you to experience, to grow and not only this, she represents everything positive.
Overall, "Astaroth" explores the themes of temptation, inner darkness and the eternal conflict between good and evil. It serves as a cautionary tale about the allure of darker desires and the consequences of willingly embracing them.
The other part of the lyrics, repeating what we have seen, I will leave here:
Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark thing in you
I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am
The light bearer
Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you
I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am

  • YEYE95
Dance or electronic music puts me in a good mood for a while, its almost like being in a nostalgia for days back when I was more ignorant, like a trance, and it does stop thoughts. But then the euphoria usually passes, as I remember it is kinda empty, like a false bliss of synthetic high.

In a way a lot of people thats are into dance music don’t think at all about anything, and are in a state of hypnosis, I know, as I used to be like this. Bliss, bliss, bliss, same as is the New Age music, and new world music, and all the devotional chanting etc, it’s like an ignorant joy.

I would also love more suggestions of satanic music, a play list, classical, rock music, dance music which has depth :).

I love rock music, but even here it is difficult to find satanic artists, as so many of them got caught up in christianity, for instance, I love sound garden and audiosoave, but some of Chris’ lyrics also sound to have a christian influence, even though his soul is clearly of satan .
I love sound garden and audiosoave, but some of Chris’ lyrics also sound to have a christian influence, even though his soul is clearly of satan .
Chris Cornell is a jew. His mother was a verified jew. Always take a quick look online before thinking people are of Satan.
yes, incorrect wording on my part.

All humans have a human soul, but if you are born into a jewish family,

1, you might have bad genes, which will make you more susceptible to the jewish thought form, i.e. you are more degenerate, maybe the jewish genome is a result of race mixing?

2 you will be subjected to abuse and general thought programming, i.e. bad family karma.

The problem is spiritual, it’s a war for souls, the take over over of souls, i.e. how many minds can the thought-form/ parasite infiltrate.
Dance or electronic music puts me in a good mood for a while, its almost like being in a nostalgia for days back when I was more ignorant, like a trance, and it does stop thoughts. But then the euphoria usually passes, as I remember it is kinda empty, like a false bliss of synthetic high.

In a way a lot of people thats are into dance music don’t think at all about anything, and are in a state of hypnosis, I know, as I used to be like this. Bliss, bliss, bliss, same as is the New Age music, and new world music, and all the devotional chanting etc, it’s like an ignorant joy.

I would also love more suggestions of satanic music, a play list, classical, rock music, dance music which has depth :).

I love rock music, but even here it is difficult to find satanic artists, as so many of them got caught up in christianity, for instance, I love sound garden and audiosoave, but some of Chris’ lyrics also sound to have a christian influence, even though his soul is clearly of satan .
I will talk about this type of music later, although, what gives some people negative thoughts to others helps them to meditate deeply. In the example that you put of hypnosis, I use this type of music for my self-hypnosis, I give it a use very much in my favor, but this will be covered in another post on how to do it and how to also look for what works for you.

although music helps to communicate, everyone can use it, however it is well known that there are some that it works differently, broadening their perspective and abilities.

This is my case, music broadens my psychic abilities and I have learned to use it to grow and to be a tool in my favor and NOT against.

Besides the fact that my brain works with music... I have realized that everything about me works with music, it seems that my body is more musical than anything else XD

Music personally and in my experience, is different for each individual, that's why I always clarify that we are all different and what works for me may not work for you.

There is some music that in general does not fit me, and listening to music, at least for me, must have a meaning, as an encounter with the gods, their appearance, etc..

For example, the Goddess has sent me messages for almost 44 songs and those songs I have in a list that I exclusively listen to a lot, since it allows me to connect with her.

My method of communication with the Gods is music and sounds, so I always try to listen to the songs that they send me, when I listen to them again it opens a portal to them to talk to them again about other subjects.

So... Yes!!! there is contaminated music but the Gods take this and your personality into account so they can adapt the music to it.
Perhaps many of you do not know how to interpret certain messages from the Gods through music, this is for people who have this method of communication with the Gods.

How do you realize this?

By your chart, per se it is those people who have a pronounced Neptune or artistic interests, especially a skill with music or a genuine interest in this.

If you are one of those people who meditate with music, who study with music, who even bathe with music, you my friend are one of me, you are one of those people that music is necessary in your life and is a pretty good method of communication.

When the gods use music to communicate with you they will do it in different ways, here I will describe according to my experience what I have been able to determine, the patterns that I have been able to establish and how I was able to determine when they are my thoughts and when they are the Gods talking to me.

I will tell this experience as a result of my communication with Lady Astarte, she helped me to investigate this, to determine when they are messages and when they are not, she helped me to identify my thoughts from what she tells me. Although I don't play any instrument, at least for now, music for me has been like the salvation to all my ills, literally.

Connecting with music expanded my mind, made me more focused, brought out the best in me, connecting with musical energies and their forms opened a whole new world for me.

I want to clarify that NOT all music is to my liking, and according to my personality I adapted to certain musical tastes.

It is well known that music can reduce pain, it even helps with learning, with focus, it helps to meditate, even to visualize. However, before entering this path, I never thought that music could be a method of communication.

Lady Astarte helped me to find the musical genres that best suit me and my personality, she also helped me to discover Satanic music and those bands that make reference to the Gods in every way.

It is worth mentioning that my native language is Spanish, but she also helped me to find English songs, a few but she gave them to me.

Music has a frequency that has an effect on our brain and our body, at this moment I am in an investigative project of astrology with science, and in a few months I will publish it here, this is under the direction of her, this project will shed much light on how all this influences our body and gives a scientific view of all this, with this you will also understand the effect of music in our body and our mind.

There are certain musical genres that are of great help, it should be emphasized that this is my experience and in general, you can adapt this to your style and personality.

The musical genres, bands or singers that I discovered with the help of Lady Astarte for me were.

1. Lofi
2. Dark techno
3. Wizard of oz
4. Rammstein
5. Deep house
6. Hang drum
7. Imagine Dragon (Some songs)
8. Frequency of Thetha, Beta, alpha waves
9. Rock in English and Spanish (Some songs)
10. Techno House

As you can see, some of them are without lyrics, here I will also help you to interpret the messages that come through this musical genre.

In songs like Deep house or Techno house, are good to give energy to the body, I have noticed that when I feel a drop in my mood, which is normal because we are human beings, this type of music reestablishes my mood and gives me much more energy.

You will use the music according to your needs at this moment. For example, to meditate the type of music I use is hangdrum and dark techno, between those two genres is my meditation.

When I study depending on the day and how fresh I am mentally I use lofi or rock in Spanish.

When I am doing another activity, like exercise I use Rammstein as it gives me strength, I have noticed an increase of strength with this band.

I use the thetha, Alpha or beta wave frequencies to relax and get ready to enter into trance or the astral. With the trance theme, you should experiment, because when you are in trance everything is heard much louder, much stronger, so here it depends on the tolerance you have to the sounds or the music. That's why I said at the beginning that this publication is for those who have in some way an affinity with music, either because you play an instrument or you have in your chart something pronounced referring to this.

As you can see, there is no absolute rule for this, it all depends on your personality, what you are and what music you identify with.

To determine an adequate musical communication with the Gods, certain criteria must be fulfilled:

1. an adequate intuition, it must not be very very developed. the important thing is to know it.

2. Distinguish well between your thoughts and when it is a message from them.

3. The astral touch is also important, by this means also clues are given when it is a message from them.

4. Feel energy. This will also give you clues.

5. Work with a God/Goddess/Goddess/Demon/Demoness.

The above will be explained in depth below.

The question more than one must be asking is how to detect intuition?

In this I can help even a little, at first it may seem confusing but the more you practice it, or rather the more a Demon/God communicates with you the faster you will develop it.

Intuition is that thought/feeling/idea that stands out from all your thoughts. I would describe intuition as a strong point among all that you have in your mind. It is that which does not go unnoticed and which generates biochemical reactions in your body.

What do you mean by biochemical reactions?

The biochemical reactions are the emotions/feelings that cause a certain reaction in you, like for example anger, that causes a chemical reaction, I will not go into detail on this as it is more scientific.

Intuition is detected when you are doing a different activity or are focused on a certain activity. To better describe the above I will give a more explanatory example.

Let's say you are studying X subject, it happens that in your study routine, doubts arise, questions that you could not solve at that moment, so you decide to rest and do another activity such as exercise, maybe painting, watching anime etc..

while doing that different activity, an idea comes to you, or maybe you see in the anime chapter something related to what you were asking and at that moment your body reacts perhaps feeling a joy, or simply feeling that thought of "Here is the answer".

Another example of this is, let's say you are in a bookstore, you are looking for a book that talks about the mind and its functions, you do not know what book it is but you know what topic you want to address, you go through the psychology or science section and you look and look at titles when suddenly one catches your attention, you feel that you should take it, this is intuition.

The gods also speak to us and guide us by this, this writing will not be about that specific type of communication.

Let us remember that the High Priest HC 666 in the sermon "How do the Demons teach? tells us

You will begin to learn regularly about a subject, then, competence will come. The demon/God/sa will give you ideas, warnings, guide you to the proper knowledge. I underline here proper, because there is a lot of improper knowledge, that the Demons can help in any subject so that one does not fall into that.

How to detect communications from Gods/Devils?

I will describe a series of steps to detect when Gods/Devils are transmitting a message to us through music:

1. When a phrase from a specific song comes to you: This first step is when you find yourself doing a certain task that has nothing to do with SS or if it does it is in another area. Let's say you are cooking, suddenly a phrase of a song you haven't heard in a while comes to you with the strong feeling of a specific God/Demon or with the strong thought of Father Satan. This is a message through music and intuition and that specific phrase is telling you something, it is your duty to look at the context and analyze the lyrics, sometimes the message is clear especially when you are a beginner, you can take it literally, but as you advance everything will be as encrypted and that is where you must apply spiritual understanding.

2. When you go through your video application (Jewtube or Newpipe) and suddenly there is a song that appears repeated: This aspect can happen, it has already happened to me and I will try to explain it, it turns out that I am watching a video and if you notice the application shows you more videos related to what you are watching, it turns out that when watching those recommended videos there are two or three different videos but they have the same name, that is, that name does not correspond with the Videos, this is not an error or a coincidence, this is a clear and transparent message that tells you to listen to the song and listen to what is there. Many times this type of communication can be that all the lyrics contain the message, that is to say, that you listen to the whole song. Another way is that you listen to the whole song and your intuition is activated to tell you which specific parts of the song are for you and contain the message.

3. The numbers 333, 444, 555, 666: These numbers come with other signs, not only the number in question is taken, we must have other signs that confirm this. I am going to narrate one of the many experiences I have had about this. It happens that one day I was in a cab on my way home, I was with my sister. I was chatting with my sister, we were busy in the recess, so I was neither into JoS nor thinking about the Gods at that moment. Suddenly I looked at my cell phone, it was very strange, when I opened it the video application was open and there was a song that had the number 444, it turns out that when I saw it I felt a tingling in my body too strong and I got the mental image of Astarte's Sigil, with all those signs I determined that it was a message that I had to listen to. When I started to listen to the song I felt like little ants in my body, then as I listened to it there were specific parts of the song that carried a message. So I determined that it was a message from her.

4. A song that wakes you up in the morning: This method is common for beginners, when we sleep, our senses are more open, when we get up a song, this is heard mentally, when you hear that song or phrase, or sometimes there are no lyrics just a humming, in the latter is your duty to find what song it is, if you are familiar or what. The latter is a little difficult, but with time you will find the song. The point is that this mental song that woke you up brings an important message from the Gods, but not only for this, this sound is accompanied by the mental image of what represents that God/Demon, that is to say, at the beginning with Lady Astarte came the song and the # of her, or the Lion, sometimes a snake or simply her sigil, this confirms even more this.

5. New songs in your playlist without you adding them: as it says, I previously said I had playlist, if I didn't say it here I say it XD, it turns out that I know everything I add, I am aware of the songs I manage, they are almost always the same. One day I happened to look at what I had in my playlist when I saw two songs that I had never heard, moreover it was a genre that I do not listen to regularly, when I saw the Lady Astarte sigil appeared mentally and I was ready to listen to it, indeed brought a message.

These are the different ways in which the Gods can communicate. Always the songs are accompanied by a signal, so get ready to recognize those signals. Even sometimes these signals are not at a mental level, they are even at a physical level, for example if you usually have candles on your desk, of those aromatic ones, then many times when you hear the song the flame of the candle increases abnormally, this is also a message from them of course, this method is more advanced.

Other ways to recognize it is with the sense of smell, for example, I know that Queen Astarte has a characteristic smell that she likes, when that smell comes to me in a song I know it is her. Not everything has to be with things that represent it, many times they are physical, but this method is more advanced.

The communication of the senses is also linked to the musical theme, many times the music has certain smells, but as I said this is also advanced and you need to go through a basic process to recognize it. The sense of touch, hearing and smell are vital in these aspects as well, in my experience I am more of these three senses, not so much the sight, I almost do not use it, I like much more to use the other senses, what can not be seen with the naked eye but I can perceive with other senses.

It is important to emphasize that we all have different processes here, some things may help you, some things may help you here, nothing may help you here, what I experience may not help you, I write this as a record that there are other methods to feel, smell, hear the gods, it is not only to see them. In my experience I have found it much more profound for me to use these senses than just sight. I have connected in other ways more deeply especially with the Goddess Astarte and it has allowed me to explore this musical theme.

As I experience more I will surely be able to share more with you.

My dear musical friends, do not be afraid to experience this musical theme. Open your mind through the senses and music. :)

Another important thing I want to emphasize is that as you advance the messages will not be so clear, they will be like encrypted in a song, that is, you should not take it literally but you should apply the spiritual understanding.

Here I will put an example of it, about a song that contains a message.

Wizard of Oz Astaroth

From the night of time
From your darkness
I have returned to seek
A gift to mankind

The first paragraph speaks of the darkness of the soul, from your darkness of the soul she is born to give you a path, gifts and knowledge through your effort and your dedication. It emerges as the path you must take.

And you do not pronounce my name
Though you know well who I am
Of your pride and your hatred
The fed reflection I am

The subject of NOT SPEAKING HER NAME. According to what I have noticed is that she is a very reserved Goddess, her name as such bring hidden attributes and those who discover it should guard them, it is recommended not to name her name outside.

Recall that the Al- Jilwah, Father Satan makes reference to this "mention neither my name nor my attributes" here in this piece she confirms it.

In the third line she speaks of pride and hatred, but it is not that she feeds on this, she represents what my soul is harboring, what I have been feeding on for a long time and also those things that I have to be careful not to fall back into. Astarte appears here as a witch, remember that the word witch means wise, however she also appears as a Goddess, representing also my inner God. when I said before that she is born from the darkness of my soul, it is this. It speaks of all the darkness that as human beings consumes us, some more some less, but we have the same feelings about it.

I am the echo of your anger
The mirror in which
Your greed is reflected
And gives me power

She refers to our feelings again, those that are intact and harbored for a long time, that is why she says she has come to give a gift to humanity, she shows herself as the liberator of all this, granting peace and knowledge.

I flow through the lives
That do not get to know
Where to find the exit
That opens the door of evil and good

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

The first paragraph speaks of the connection we have with her through life, either directly or indirectly, when we enter a new life, we enter under amnesia, so it refers to NOT GET TO KNOW, the output of these people is in her, meeting with the only one who has the key to the two doors, both good and evil, ie the only one who knows the good and evil, light and darkness, knows the duality of life. It also refers to the fact that many do not know her, do not get to know her and therefore do not find the path of light and freedom.

In the second paragraph, it is an invitation to let her dwell, she appears as the only one who knows what we want, those deep desires and what our soul harbors. She appears as the light bearer who will help you to get out of all that darkness harbored in your soul. She invites us to open our soul to her, because she knows us so well that she will show us the way out of all this.

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does he give?
I am who I am
The light bearer

Cover your mantle, my light and my love
Soft is the death and sweet this pain
Take me and the wind will make a song
With the eternal fire that will seal our union

In the first paragraph, it is not literal, she refers to the fact that she knows everything about us and that she knows what our dreams are, that with her those longed-for dreams will come true.

In the second line of the first paragraph, it is not a purchase, it is simply that I inquire about my inner God and get in touch with this to know what I really want, she invites us to listen to our inner God and make peace with this. Besides, this is another allegory to what my inner God is capable of, that is to say, what capacity does my inner God have now by himself?

On this occasion she is clearer and names the purpose, showing herself as the light bearer. Again she invites you to let her dwell in her, it is practically an invitation to give all of yourself to her, and leave your affairs in her. When she says the eternal fire that will seal our union, she is referring to the commitment that you are going to make, this commitment will be forever and will not be only for one life or something per season, it is a permanent union.

Take my blood, mix it, drink it, burn it.
Burn it, burn it in the flame
For only then can you worship me
Do as I say for this is the law
Don't believe me, experience
Drink for there is no, there is no other means

When she refers to the Blood, it is the commitment that is made in the initial dedication, for it is the only way to reach it, through this dedication, there is no other way. Here she shows you how to reach it, arising in you as the path you must take.

What she says, is law, that is to say that it must be taken for granted, her word is knowledge, her word must be taken as the absolute truth however she invites you to experiment, that is to say, she invites you to verify what she says. In the same way it incites you to respect her word and all that she says. Drink then, there is no other way, it is "give yourself, there is no other way to what you want to get".

That is to say, she will turn you into practically what you wish to be, in a path of light and a path full of knowledge. She invites you to experience, to grow and not only this, she represents everything positive.

Overall, "Astaroth" explores the themes of temptation, inner darkness and the eternal conflict between good and evil. It serves as a cautionary tale about the allure of darker desires and the consequences of willingly embracing them.

The other part of the lyrics, repeating what we have seen, I will leave here:

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark thing in you

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am
The light bearer

Come to me
And let me dwell in you
I am the desire
The dark in you

I buy your dreams
For your soul, your God
How much does it give?
I am who I am

  • YEYE95
Very Interesting - I have thought about a song called Leveller last week. Part of those lyrics are about wiping out differences and giving a fair chance to everyone.

I know I am very susceptible to the mood thats given by music, so I tend to stick much to what I already know is safe for me (- to specify, stabilizes how I feel & the lyrics should not affirm negative stuff).

I'll be looking forward to the detailed post that you mentioned..

Uhm.. maybe something that people don't realize.. but when you are a tad bit relaxed, it is much easier for messages to get to you and go through than when you're running around like a headless chicken ( i.e. thinking about the gigantic to do list that you have). Lol.
yes, incorrect wording on my part.

All humans have a human soul, but if you are born into a jewish family,

1, you might have bad genes, which will make you more susceptible to the jewish thought form, i.e. you are more degenerate, maybe the jewish genome is a result of race mixing?

2 you will be subjected to abuse and general thought programming, i.e. bad family karma.

The problem is spiritual, it’s a war for souls, the take over over of souls, i.e. how many minds can the thought-form/ parasite infiltrate.

No, if you have born into a Jewish family, you have a Jewish soul. Jews breed Jews, a Human can't reincarnate into a Jewish family.
I grew up next door to a biker family, who was very abusive and very offensive with each other, and love to take it out on other people and had a fascination with abusing animals. I've wondered about them throughout the years? If they might have some Jewish blood in them.🤔
And that's pretty scary having somebody like that in your neighborhood let alone a family. And I had nightmares about these people as a kid growing up too. And I know that these kids had struggles all through school and always seem to be getting into trouble. I know it's common for teenagers and little kids to explore and do stupid things just out of curiosity? And I know that everyone has their struggles when it comes to learning things, and I too had my struggles throughout school as well. And I have been famous for getting into trouble on and off throughout my teen years! Which is nothing new for many people,. 🤔 but? When it comes down to Troublesome people and problem kids? And makes you wonder what is being taught at home? And when it comes down to people like that that abuse animals? And find pleasure and tormenting children and other people? For their pleasure or for their fascination? Or more big curiosity? That is what scares the shit out of me. And makes me wonder about some of these people and their bloodlines? Especially when it comes down to talking about Jews and Christians.? 🤐🤨
Very Interesting - I have thought about a song called Leveller last week. Part of those lyrics are about wiping out differences and giving a fair chance to everyone.

I know I am very susceptible to the mood thats given by music, so I tend to stick much to what I already know is safe for me (- to specify, stabilizes how I feel & the lyrics should not affirm negative stuff).

I'll be looking forward to the detailed post that you mentioned..

Uhm.. maybe something that people don't realize.. but when you are a tad bit relaxed, it is much easier for messages to get to you and go through than when you're running around like a headless chicken ( i.e. thinking about the gigantic to do list that you have). Lol.
What you say about the lyrics is very important, I have chosen to remove the lyrics to a certain song and keep the instrumental, because for X or Y reason I like the sound and it transmits good vibes.

Another thing is that music serves to elevate the energy by means of high emotional states, such as joy, love, harmony, etc.

This topic will be deepened in other posts, since to cover it all in one post would be a lot of information to process.

It is important that the music transmits if or if a good message either of progress, wisdom or new knowledge, this is another way to determine if it is some God / demon that sends you a message.

They will never give bad omens or negative things, here determining this is crucial as well ....

My inquiry into music and how I can reach other states of mind is what I will post here in future publications, so it will serve as a guide for those people who like me, need music to calm their psyche and continue on this path.
What you say about the lyrics is very important, I have chosen to remove the lyrics to a certain song and keep the instrumental, because for X or Y reason I like the sound and it transmits good vibes.

Another thing is that music serves to elevate the energy by means of high emotional states, such as joy, love, harmony, etc.

This topic will be deepened in other posts, since to cover it all in one post would be a lot of information to process.

It is important that the music transmits if or if a good message either of progress, wisdom or new knowledge, this is another way to determine if it is some God / demon that sends you a message.

They will never give bad omens or negative things, here determining this is crucial as well ....

My inquiry into music and how I can reach other states of mind is what I will post here in future publications, so it will serve as a guide for those people who like me, need music to calm their psyche and continue on this path.

I noticed that when I do more meditations sometimes things, patterns, show up more but there is not always something behind it, I think.
As if I draw the patterns myself into my life, perhaps. I dare not say if someone else suggested it or if it was a reflection of myself or if I attracted it. #mindfuck

There are some days where I really feel the need for some noise around me whilst I am doing stuff or its hard to get me moving. Sometimes its difficult and I wonder if I did not develop a dependency...

"Another thing is that music serves to elevate the energy by means of high emotional states, such as joy, love, harmony, etc."
Oh by the way, yes I definitely feel that, some pieces of music just make you feel like you can go full out into a deep dive of part of you (especially if you put it on repeat).. but to other people the same piece of music would not do so much.
I personally also avoid music that for whatever reason has a negative or depressive vibe to it. Sometimes it helps to let out some negative feelings if you are already carrying them but overdoing it can actually spiral one into depression.. What goes on in your surroundings affects you, what goes on inside you affects whats around you.

I guess music can actually be used as a weapon, if you're thinking about it. Affecting what people think and feel, affirming patterns into others lives even if those things did not excist there in the first place..

Anyway, rambling on too much. Have a good day/evening/night :)
Oh, and thank you for your reply :)
I apologize for changing the subject here. You were talking about music to start out with. And I just want to let you know that I'm aware of the lyrics you've posted up there. I have heard of her music and her lyrics are very powerful. I honestly think that music is very inspirational and very empowering. And my personal perspective. I believe that music is Magic and I do use it when I do rituals sometimes. And it doesn't matter if it's instrumental? Or sometimes even the powerful lyrics in some songs, and the powerful meaning behind each and every word is almost like you're listening to somebody read you a story because you can feel it move through you as a builder speaking to you through your mind and soul. Because you can pick up on it what they are saying and what they mean. Depending on the artist or the band? And their background and where they come from? I think music is very powerful. It plays in many ways depending on how you feel emotionally? Especially throughout the day with the different personality changes you go through dealing with people and how they affect you. ? And that was what got my attention about this thread. ♥️ In the first place.
I noticed that when I do more meditations sometimes things, patterns, show up more but there is not always something behind it, I think.
As if I draw the patterns myself into my life, perhaps. I dare not say if someone else suggested it or if it was a reflection of myself or if I attracted it. #mindfuck
I apologize for changing the subject here. You were talking about music to start out with. And I just want to let you know that I'm aware of the lyrics you've posted up there. I have heard of her music and her lyrics are very powerful. I honestly think that music is very inspirational and very empowering. And my personal perspective. I believe that music is Magic and I do use it when I do rituals sometimes. And it doesn't matter if it's instrumental? Or sometimes even the powerful lyrics in some songs, and the powerful meaning behind each and every word is almost like you're listening to somebody read you a story because you can feel it move through you as a builder speaking to you through your mind and soul. Because you can pick up on it what they are saying and what they mean. Depending on the artist or the band? And their background and where they come from? I think music is very powerful. It plays in many ways depending on how you feel emotionally? Especially throughout the day with the different personality changes you go through dealing with people and how they affect you. ? And that was what got my attention about this thread. ♥️ In the first place.
Not all of us work in the same way, music is powerful for those who know how to work with it...

In my case I have to have music to do anything, I know myself and I work better so ....

Music for me is a power really, my brain captures in different ways this kind of vibrations and at times sees figures in this....

At the beginning I thought it was wrong for me to function like this and it was hard for me to accept myself in these environments, however with the help of Satan and Astarte I realized that my psyche needs music, because in fact this appears in my chart....

Yes maybe I could change this but I DON'T want to HAHAHAHAJ actually I love to be like this, for me music is as necessary as food for the body and it helps me to have high levels of focus, it allows me to enter in trance with my eyes open and even allows me to hypnotize myself, so yes or yes I need music to make my psyche work....

Satan and Astarte showed me that it is not bad and that there are people that their brain works like this, that in this way their psyche and all their abilities are enhanced....

When you learn to work with music you start to pick up the sound of people.... It has happened to me that each person has a sound and depending on what it transmits I capture the information of X individual.

Even my olfactory activity increased and I can say that when I focus on my solar chakra, it has a mint smell...

Absolutely my psyche seems to be awakened by music... this music must be instrumental, it does not have to have lyrics, because I have noticed that if it has lyrics the information atrophies and does not manifest as I want it to manifest.

I would say that my soul is 100% musical...

Music helped me to discover my emotional power, it helped me to direct the energy, to connect with the Gods through sounds. It has helped me a lot to move forward...

Without music my brain does not focus and I have tried a thousand times to work without music but my meditation does not flow, nothing flows.

In fact nature has its sound and Satan recently told me "Dance to the rhythm of life".

They are training me with this musical side and later I will share more of this, I have noticed that maybe many of you also work the same way and if you do NOT do it maybe you could use some things I have learned.
Not to detract from OP.. Off topic but does anyone know - aren't Rammstein jewish? I always thought the -stein suffix was jewish [also German]. Like einstein, frankenstein, RL stine etc? To me, their shock value was way over the top, a bit like Marilyn.
But on the topic of music, I couldn't imagine my life without it. Boiled down, music is simply pleasant (or unpleasant) vibration, which can be attuned to any intention you want. The bell is part of old rituals as it is a symbol of the occult importance of vibration.
Unfortunately these days in the music industry you have to kiss ass to jews to be famous as they own most major record labels [even Michael Jackson had to do this].
Not to detract from OP.. Off topic but does anyone know - aren't Rammstein jewish? I always thought the -stein suffix was jewish [also German]. Like einstein, frankenstein, RL stine etc?
Stein is German for stone. The jews steal names, doesn't mean the name was always jewish. And Rammstein isn't the last name of any member.
At the beginning I thought it was wrong for me to function like this and it was hard for me to accept myself in these environments, however with the help of Satan and Astarte I realized that my psyche needs music, because in fact this appears in my chart....

Yes maybe I could change this but I DON'T want to HAHAHAHAJ actually I love to be like this, for me music is as necessary as food for the body and it helps me to have high levels of focus, it allows me to enter in trance with my eyes open and even allows me to hypnotize myself, so yes or yes I need music to make my psyche work....

Satan and Astarte showed me that it is not bad and that there are people that their brain works like this, that in this way their psyche and all their abilities are enhanced....

When you learn to work with music you start to pick up the sound of people.... It has happened to me that each person has a sound and depending on what it transmits I capture the information of X individual.

Even my olfactory activity increased and I can say that when I focus on my solar chakra, it has a mint smell...


In fact nature has its sound and Satan recently told me "Dance to the rhythm of life".

They are training me with this musical side and later I will share more of this, I have noticed that maybe many of you also work the same way and if you do NOT do it maybe you could use some things I have learned.
I am glad to hear that you can accept yourself as you are. I have come across someone before, a few years ago, who was also dependend on music to get anything done (chart placement, I checked).

Although I don't have such a placement in my natal chart, I do have a placement that gives a clear preference for a style of music.

I really appreciate that you've typed out so much. Having perspective on things also increases ones own understanding. So thank you :)

I have a question and I am not sure if you are able to answer this, but I have been wondering if the smells that are present (I am speaking along the lines of smelling the astral) are able to manifest themselves through (rearranging) molecules already present. In other words, that sometimes it might be very difficult or impossible for a certain smell to appear, or that the smell is off?
During cleaning somewhere last year I've smelled cigarette stench a couple of times.. And I don't smoke. I never have and I never will. But a lot of neighbours do.
In fact nature has its sound and Satan recently told me "Dance to the rhythm of life".
Not to detract from OP.. Off topic but does anyone know - aren't Rammstein jewish? I always thought the -stein suffix was jewish [also German]. Like einstein, frankenstein, RL stine etc? To me, their shock value was way over the top, a bit like Marilyn.
But on the topic of music, I couldn't imagine my life without it. Boiled down, music is simply pleasant (or unpleasant) vibration, which can be attuned to any intention you want. The bell is part of old rituals as it is a symbol of the occult importance of vibration.
Unfortunately these days in the music industry you have to kiss ass to jews to be famous as they own most major record labels [even Michael Jackson had to do this].
They are not Jewish but they do promote a lot of degenerate stuff in many of their videos and songs.
I am glad to hear that you can accept yourself as you are. I have come across someone before, a few years ago, who was also dependend on music to get anything done (chart placement, I checked).

Although I don't have such a placement in my natal chart, I do have a placement that gives a clear preference for a style of music.

I really appreciate that you've typed out so much. Having perspective on things also increases ones own understanding. So thank you :)

I have a question and I am not sure if you are able to answer this, but I have been wondering if the smells that are present (I am speaking along the lines of smelling the astral) are able to manifest themselves through (rearranging) molecules already present. In other words, that sometimes it might be very difficult or impossible for a certain smell to appear, or that the smell is off?
During cleaning somewhere last year I've smelled cigarette stench a couple of times.. And I don't smoke. I never have and I never will. But a lot of neighbours do.
In the type of astral smells, according to what I have experienced you have to take into account several things when determining if the smell that comes to you is from the astral or is perhaps from the air in general.

I will tell you how I determine it and my conditions in which I meditate, normally in the rooms there are windows, mine remains closed all the time and I ventilate it only for about 30 minutes a day.

I have 2 cats and I live in an apartment so they can't stay open because I have two crazy cats JAJAJAJ that jump from such a height XD

The smells that come to me usually come when I am very immersed in some activity, when I normally enter in alpha state which can be studying, listening to music, painting etc....

Goddess Astarte has a particular smell for me and it is a vanilla smell or a sweet floral, so when she is near, the smell comes to me and I know it is her, because when I perceive the smell, the sigil is drawn on the wall.

When I meditate on my solar chakra, it smells like mint, so when I feel the smell of mint it is because I activate it correctly, also the smell of mint intensifies according to how much I meditate on the solar chakra, the more I meditate on it in a prolonged period of time, normally this smell intensifies.

About the molecules already present through a rearrangement, it is very possible, I have read a lot about Dr. Joe Dizpenza and he talks about something related, I will try to summarize it...

Here in JoS there is a lot of talk about vibration and how powerful it is, this Dr explains that the vibrations themselves are transformed into something that makes sense to you and appears clearly in your senses.

So for example, let's take Goddess Astarte, let's say she maybe emits a sound or she emits some kind of wind type wave, my brain picks it up in the astral but for me to understand it she sends me a specific smell that is associated with her and it is easier for me to perceive it. I really like sweet smells, before I did not have this taste in fact I acquired it with Goddess Astarte, because she likes them, the first time I was presented with this smell was at midnight when I was sleeping, a very strong smell of vanilla appeared to me and immediately I saw her sigil drawn in my mind, so with this strong event of emotions it was registered in my brain and in my body so she can emit any kind of message but it will reach me first through that smell.

Here at this point you have to determine the situation very well, since your brain tends to replicate things, these things usually happen when you are in alpha state doing another activity or very immersed in the activity that has to do with that matter.

I have said that in my experience, the Gods communicate when I am totally immersed in activities other than JoS or spirituality issues....

For example, Father Satan knows that I have acquired a taste for reading and that it is better for me to take a message through writing or books and just this week he showed up and took me to a book in which he spoke to me at length about something I need to learn and this book I did not even know of its existence until recently.

So yes, it is very possible that they are present in molecules already present, however here the instinct is crucial to determine if it is something from the astral or my abilities or something external at an environmental level.

Another example of this, is something you said about cleaning, normally when I have a lot of dirt from being with a lot of people or some kind of very strong negative energy, when I clean I feel the fire, its sound and even when the negative energy comes out through my feet, I feel a rotten smell and followed by that the freshness comes with a sound of water.

Everything manifests according to the sense it has for you and your mind .... In fact Dr Joe says something like this "Everything will manifest in your life according to what your mind believes makes sense to you, it may be in something you have already seen or was present" Over time as you grow in your abilities things will manifest in totally different things to you, that you have never seen before.

In fact there are times when energy manifests in geometric shapes and I draw them when that happens.

For example recently Lord Pazuzu appeared to me in the middle of the night in a very beautiful snake, with a black cape, something that we would say is "irrational" at the human level but at the SS level it makes perfect sense. As I have nothing about him nor information my mind showed it to me as a very pretty snake, very small and he smiled at me. How did I know it was him? because I had already seen a sidelong image of him in JoS and when he finished smiling at me he showed me that image, so I knew it was really him. Also because when I saw him I got excited, since I've wanted to be friends with him ever since I started this journey.

I hope that these examples and experiences will clarify your question...

Thank you very much for reading and your attention!!!!
In the type of astral smells, according to what I have experienced you have to take into account several things when determining if the smell that comes to you is from the astral or is perhaps from the air in general.

I will tell you how I determine it and my conditions in which I meditate, normally in the rooms there are windows, mine remains closed all the time and I ventilate it only for about 30 minutes a day.

I have 2 cats and I live in an apartment so they can't stay open because I have two crazy cats JAJAJAJ that jump from such a height XD

The smells that come to me usually come when I am very immersed in some activity, when I normally enter in alpha state which can be studying, listening to music, painting etc....

Goddess Astarte has a particular smell for me and it is a vanilla smell or a sweet floral, so when she is near, the smell comes to me and I know it is her, because when I perceive the smell, the sigil is drawn on the wall.

When I meditate on my solar chakra, it smells like mint, so when I feel the smell of mint it is because I activate it correctly, also the smell of mint intensifies according to how much I meditate on the solar chakra, the more I meditate on it in a prolonged period of time, normally this smell intensifies.

About the molecules already present through a rearrangement, it is very possible, I have read a lot about Dr. Joe Dizpenza and he talks about something related, I will try to summarize it...

Here in JoS there is a lot of talk about vibration and how powerful it is, this Dr explains that the vibrations themselves are transformed into something that makes sense to you and appears clearly in your senses.

So for example, let's take Goddess Astarte, let's say she maybe emits a sound or she emits some kind of wind type wave, my brain picks it up in the astral but for me to understand it she sends me a specific smell that is associated with her and it is easier for me to perceive it. I really like sweet smells, before I did not have this taste in fact I acquired it with Goddess Astarte, because she likes them, the first time I was presented with this smell was at midnight when I was sleeping, a very strong smell of vanilla appeared to me and immediately I saw her sigil drawn in my mind, so with this strong event of emotions it was registered in my brain and in my body so she can emit any kind of message but it will reach me first through that smell.

Here at this point you have to determine the situation very well, since your brain tends to replicate things, these things usually happen when you are in alpha state doing another activity or very immersed in the activity that has to do with that matter.

I have said that in my experience, the Gods communicate when I am totally immersed in activities other than JoS or spirituality issues....

For example, Father Satan knows that I have acquired a taste for reading and that it is better for me to take a message through writing or books and just this week he showed up and took me to a book in which he spoke to me at length about something I need to learn and this book I did not even know of its existence until recently.

So yes, it is very possible that they are present in molecules already present, however here the instinct is crucial to determine if it is something from the astral or my abilities or something external at an environmental level.

Another example of this, is something you said about cleaning, normally when I have a lot of dirt from being with a lot of people or some kind of very strong negative energy, when I clean I feel the fire, its sound and even when the negative energy comes out through my feet, I feel a rotten smell and followed by that the freshness comes with a sound of water.

Everything manifests according to the sense it has for you and your mind .... In fact Dr Joe says something like this "Everything will manifest in your life according to what your mind believes makes sense to you, it may be in something you have already seen or was present" Over time as you grow in your abilities things will manifest in totally different things to you, that you have never seen before.

In fact there are times when energy manifests in geometric shapes and I draw them when that happens.

For example recently Lord Pazuzu appeared to me in the middle of the night in a very beautiful snake, with a black cape, something that we would say is "irrational" at the human level but at the SS level it makes perfect sense. As I have nothing about him nor information my mind showed it to me as a very pretty snake, very small and he smiled at me. How did I know it was him? because I had already seen a sidelong image of him in JoS and when he finished smiling at me he showed me that image, so I knew it was really him. Also because when I saw him I got excited, since I've wanted to be friends with him ever since I started this journey.

I hope that these examples and experiences will clarify your question...

Thank you very much for reading and your attention!!!!

Ahh. Your reply is very insightful, thank you.

I don't keep my windows open when meditating (I close them), but I basicly live in a giant metal box and it gets warmer inside than outside, so keeping the windows closed all that time is impossible, as it literally gets to be a sauna inside, especially in summer. I do close them immediately when I get a whiff of toxic substances though.

Sounds like your cats are not that afraid of death, if it is that high up. They sound like real acrobatic artists.

So those signs come to you when you do things that are relaxing to you? To me, I would not really count studying as such, but I guess it also depends on what meaning the person associates with the activity. In example, when I read a book, I become totally focussed on what is written in that book. I shut everything out, even my own thoughts, unless they are way too overwhelming but then I can't focus on reading anyway.

... I never could think of any questions to ask about a story or an article that I had to read that supposedly 'raised some questions' because I was so immersed in reading that I didn't even think of them.. and failed a couple of tests on 'begrijpend lezen' (understanding what you read) in primary school because of this haha. They also asked 'summarize this text in 2 sentences.' Just how .. fucking how?! My thinking is too detailed I need at least 5 sentences lol.
Now that I think back, I wish I had the wits and the guts to write down something witty. I wasn't going to get it anyway. I tried though.

How the communication is, is really different from person to person, huh? Not one way is the same for another person. But thank you very much for sharing some examples.

Your post really helped to broaden my perspective and I am very thankful for the information and explation that you've given.
So those signs come to you when you do things that are relaxing to you? To me, I would not really count studying as such, but I guess it also depends on what meaning the person associates with the activity. In example, when I read a book, I become totally focussed on what is written in that book. I shut everything out, even my own thoughts, unless they are way too overwhelming but then I can't focus on reading anyway.
There is something that caught my attention in the previous paragraph, when you are immersed in a book is because you are in an alpha state and you are relaxed, your attention is focused on it.

Entering the alpha state is easier than we think and many times we don't realize it.

When we are in this alpha state is because we are immersed in an activity or situation, when this happens we are in a flow, this flow helps to relax the body and allow everything we are doing to stay in us.

That is why when we study something and we get totally into it to the point of ignoring our exterior and forgetting ourselves as a body, becoming literally "nothing" in that moment, we are in alpha waves and many times we go from alpha to theta in this state with open eyes...

Many times even doing an activity we go into a trance, allowing whatever you are doing to stay inside you...

These states that I am talking about are advanced and come with meditation, in my case I did not make a lot of effort for it, it came to me, in fact sometimes when I go walking I enter in an alpha meditative state and I take advantage of those long walks to program my mind, or simply meditate or talk to the Gods....

Right now I am in an experiment about this that I plan to share with you later, I really like the mind and how it works, I love metaphysics and its applications therefore, I'm into that world and soon I will enter to study psychology of the Hand with Father Satan and the Goddess and other demons ....

If you want to read about this so you understand, for me Joe Dispenza has been one of the best on this subject and he totally explains how to access this part in an easier way, there are some tools he gives that help to polish your meditation and to live in the present-future and NOT in the present-past.

Search about this author and his books, he does not lose....
Ahh. Your reply is very insightful, thank you.

I don't keep my windows open when meditating (I close them), but I basicly live in a giant metal box and it gets warmer inside than outside, so keeping the windows closed all that time is impossible, as it literally gets to be a sauna inside, especially in summer. I do close them immediately when I get a whiff of toxic substances though.

Sounds like your cats are not that afraid of death, if it is that high up. They sound like real acrobatic artists.

So those signs come to you when you do things that are relaxing to you? To me, I would not really count studying as such, but I guess it also depends on what meaning the person associates with the activity. In example, when I read a book, I become totally focussed on what is written in that book. I shut everything out, even my own thoughts, unless they are way too overwhelming but then I can't focus on reading anyway.

... I never could think of any questions to ask about a story or an article that I had to read that supposedly 'raised some questions' because I was so immersed in reading that I didn't even think of them.. and failed a couple of tests on 'begrijpend lezen' (understanding what you read) in primary school because of this haha. They also asked 'summarize this text in 2 sentences.' Just how .. fucking how?! My thinking is too detailed I need at least 5 sentences lol.
Now that I think back, I wish I had the wits and the guts to write down something witty. I wasn't going to get it anyway. I tried though.

How the communication is, is really different from person to person, huh? Not one way is the same for another person. But thank you very much for sharing some examples.

Your post really helped to broaden my perspective and I am very thankful for the information and explation that you've given.
In terms of reading and its comprehension, many times the questions or that comprehension does not come at the moment but later when you do different activities.

In my case it has happened a lot and I already know myself in that aspect. Before, when I didn't have a very direct communication with the Gods, many times I didn't understand their messages through books or music, so I would do something else that had nothing to do with what I wanted to understand.

I used to paint or often put together puzzles, so that my mind was immersed in something else... When this happened, what I couldn't understand would come to me and I would write it down in one piece.

Something to understand is that the message is quick and clear and you have to write it at once, if you leave it for later it is difficult to remember it, at least in my case.

So now everything they tell me I write it down, lately I have opted for memorization techniques that I will also cover later.

One of those memorization techniques is to enlarge what you want to memorize or by association. For example if a God/ess gives you a number, what you do is to visualize it in your mind but in a huge way, when we amplify the size of the visions they are more easily engraved in us and enter our subconscious directly.

So now when I am given a message or some kind of intuition what I do is associate it to some object whether it is logical to my mind or not, and I put it very enormously and add the word or phrase. This is good for short phrases and word, that word or short phrase will allow me to remember the whole message.

It is a tactic for when you are walking down the street or have nowhere to write down.

The functioning of intuition is another subject but you must know that intuition is fast and does not give much time, it is something strong but fleeting.

There are many things that I will share with you all along the way that will clarify many things, from this thread there are about two or three more parts going deeper about more things.

I hope this has been of great help.....

A big hug from Colombiaaaa
There is something that caught my attention in the previous paragraph, when you are immersed in a book is because you are in an alpha state and you are relaxed, your attention is focused on it.

Entering the alpha state is easier than we think and many times we don't realize it.

These states that I am talking about are advanced and come with meditation, in my case I did not make a lot of effort for it, it came to me, in fact sometimes when I go walking I enter in an alpha meditative state and I take advantage of those long walks to program my mind, or simply meditate or talk to the Gods....
If you want to read about this so you understand, for me Joe Dispenza has been one of the best on this subject and he totally explains how to access this part in an easier way, there are some tools he gives that help to polish your meditation and to live in the present-future and NOT in the present-past.

Search about this author and his books, he does not lose....
Thank you for your explanation, and what you said in the earlier posts. I really missed this when I first stumbled upon the JoS.
I'll try to look up his books and download some. Even if I don't read them, at least I made the effort to look them up.

In terms of reading and its comprehension, many times the questions or that comprehension does not come at the moment but later when you do different activities.

In my case it has happened a lot and I already know myself in that aspect. Before, when I didn't have a very direct communication with the Gods, many times I didn't understand their messages through books or music, so I would do something else that had nothing to do with what I wanted to understand.

I used to paint or often put together puzzles, so that my mind was immersed in something else... When this happened, what I couldn't understand would come to me and I would write it down in one piece.

Something to understand is that the message is quick and clear and you have to write it at once, if you leave it for later it is difficult to remember it, at least in my case.

So now everything they tell me I write it down, lately I have opted for memorization techniques that I will also cover later.

One of those memorization techniques is to enlarge what you want to memorize or by association. For example if a God/ess gives you a number, what you do is to visualize it in your mind but in a huge way, when we amplify the size of the visions they are more easily engraved in us and enter our subconscious directly.

So now when I am given a message or some kind of intuition what I do is associate it to some object whether it is logical to my mind or not, and I put it very enormously and add the word or phrase. This is good for short phrases and word, that word or short phrase will allow me to remember the whole message.

It is a tactic for when you are walking down the street or have nowhere to write down.

The functioning of intuition is another subject but you must know that intuition is fast and does not give much time, it is something strong but fleeting.

There are many things that I will share with you all along the way that will clarify many things, from this thread there are about two or three more parts going deeper about more things.

I hope this has been of great help.....

A big hug from Colombiaaaa

I sometimes have it when I want to write poetry. Then I have a good part of it and all I have to do is just finish it but 5 minutes later I had already almost completely forgotten what it was..

...I have been running on 'survival mode' for too long. I am just now learning to get out of it, and to find my own way.. Instead of believing in what other people want or said I should do or whatever they projected onto me. Relaxing has been a bit hard for me.
I guess it also really depends on the society that you grow up in.

Actually.. for art class when I was still in high school we were asked to redraw something that already excisted but change something to it. I picked a card with a greek vase (?) painting on it of Artemis. I still have the card. I never got asked to hand that card back in haha.
This was years before I found the JoS.
Thank you for your explanation, and what you said in the earlier posts. I really missed this when I first stumbled upon the JoS.
I'll try to look up his books and download some. Even if I don't read them, at least I made the effort to look them up.

I sometimes have it when I want to write poetry. Then I have a good part of it and all I have to do is just finish it but 5 minutes later I had already almost completely forgotten what it was..

...I have been running on 'survival mode' for too long. I am just now learning to get out of it, and to find my own way.. Instead of believing in what other people want or said I should do or whatever they projected onto me. Relaxing has been a bit hard for me.
I guess it also really depends on the society that you grow up in.

Actually.. for art class when I was still in high school we were asked to redraw something that already excisted but change something to it. I picked a card with a greek vase (?) painting on it of Artemis. I still have the card. I never got asked to hand that card back in haha.
This was years before I found the JoS.
I lived in survival mode for a long time, besides, for me to relax and have fun was almost impossible at that time...

I learned this with the books that I recommend to you, besides the Lord Satan was vital and the Goddess Astarte was even more vital for this...

Trust your instinct, lean on the Gods and don't stop moving forward........

Keep going, keep going and keep going, don't stop.... Obsess yourself with improvement, with progress, with providing contributions to humanity....

Create your reality, create your life, don't stop creating, change the chip of your body and mind and you will see how everything will start to square?

When you learn to relax, have fun and progress, your body gets used to this sensation and the more you make use of this sensation the more it will be automatic....
@Yeye95 She wants me to listen to Metal/Heavy Metal and EDM/House music, but I don't know any songs or artists in these genres.

Do you know what she likes, or some bands/musicians you recommend?
@Yeye95 She wants me to listen to Metal/Heavy Metal and EDM/House music, but I don't know any songs or artists in these genres.

Do you know what she likes, or some bands/musicians you recommend?
In Recommendation I will not give many Artists or Bands since this is very very personal. In my experience with sounds I have come to the conclusion that we are all as unique as the musical experience is, so here I recommend that you experiment and ask the Gods for guidance. Father Satan can help you, he is very musical too, master of the violin, he has refined musical tastes but also very extroverted.

But in general what I do is that if I like a sound of a song with lyrics, I download only the sound, I put in the search engine XXXXX karaoke or just track and at once I throw it...

As for EDM/house I have no knowledge of it, as for Metal , well there are several that I know of and they are just specific songs.

Metallica has several good songs, Megadeth I like a lot Dystopia.... Rammstein only has a few, like Zerstoren and Zieg Dich.... With Rammstein I only focus on the great sound they have, nothing else.

The lyrics are few that I like, as Warrior said they are quite, how to say, they are quite dirty. What I do is just use the track for exercise and that helps me with the mind-muscle connection (this is something I didn't clarify).

Jazz is another great genre to listen to, Father Satan likes it a lot....

As for Rock, I know a few but they are bands that sing in Spanish. In English I've hardly ever heard.

My advice is to experiment, meditate on the music, dedicate 10 or 15 minutes to it with different genres and you will see how the Gods will help you to detect which one adapts better to your personality and which one works better with your mind.

There are some who need music with lyrics to focus, for me the lyrics distract me so I just extract the track and that's it.

Musical Meditation:

Sit down, relax, do pranayamas to relax your body or some other exercise to help you prepare yourself mentally. You can even use a guided stillness and mental calmness meditation to get into the right state. If you can go into trance all the better, but going into an alpha state is very functional. If you meditate with your eyes open, even your mind can be in this trance state until you study.

2. Choose 3 or 4 audio tracks, the ones that resonate with you, close your eyes or keep them open, as you prefer and just feel what the music transmits to you.

3. As you feel the sound in your body, it will bring to you ideas or thoughts about it, analyze this, is it positive or negative for me?

Which sound caused the most energy in me? Which piece of the sound caused the most positive emotions in me? Write it all down and compare.

Note: In my experience when I hear a positive sound for me, I get the most pleasant shiver, that shiver often comes from the Gods telling you that this type of music is for you, it pleases them in some way. You have to determine this well, usually after the shiver, they will show you something that characterizes them so that you know that this comes from them.

Many times the shiver is from the sound it produces, this is also a signal but from your body and mind, saying that this sound pleases them and that they really like it very much.
I didn't get a shiver but I was forcibly put into a trance of sorts, and she blasted Metal/House music into both my Sacral and 6th Chakras, which felt very good.

The lyrics were unintelligble, though, so my assumption is she just wants me to explore these genres specifically because they have some sort of "medicinal quality" to aid my current development, or issues and problems related to these chakras specifically.

I've noticed she will also oft send you signs in advance, because she is already aware of struggles you will encounter in the near future and wants you to be prepared. I'm pretty sure she is aware of my past memories, which I'm not sure if it's just a natural ability of God's or it's because she has always been "with" me, so to speak.
We do have this thread..

It'd be nice if we have an overview list of songs ordered by genre and alphabeticly?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
