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"Munka Working To Remove Negative Karma": Be Patient...

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Hype0 said:
I have been doing Munka work for removing negative karma and i clean myself and my aura after every work. However, i feel devastated and exhausted since when i started. Is it normal, what can i do? I feel like i lost my joy.

That's normal, but this means you pushed things too much, more than you should have.

You have pushed this with removal, and pushed into insensibility. Experiences like this can be signs you need to have a little bit more patience or cut back. This is not a game to try to take it all out, thinking that will solve everything "faster" and with the rest of the arrogant garbage in mind that it will simply "quickly" come out.

Quickly and other demands here stem from the lower mind [desire] and therefore this can act in contrast with the rules of the universe on these subjects, causing a clash from the negativity and harm that comes out.

You need to do cleaning from this, learn how to cut back, and take this in measurements. If the karma is taken out very abruptly, there can be negative consequences. Listen to my advice carefully here.

Removal needs to happen, slowly, gradually, and with cycles of empowering the soul and having the strength to do it.

Backlash has to be within manageable territory, and if starts going out from this, then reduction of repetitions and cleaning must happen immediately.

There is a constant child absent mindedness in the current "Spiritual Satanist" approach, because many due to lack of experience might no clue what they are doing, and they have no clue what they are experiencing in the form of backfires.

That should try to bridge that gap here.

If one gets this type of very violent reaction, it means that they are not doing this properly, and despite of saying in a positive way, they are doing a bigger surgery than what one can lift. Therefore, one has to lower intensity, and expand the timeline.

As "very violent" we can define a reaction that borderline overtakes your control of the situation.

Most people are false desire oriented and they want "to be done" with everything "quickly", in the same way one goes to the doctor and they want a quick removal instead of a 5 year plan to instate perfect health. One can't get a perfect health in 24 hours or one week. These things generally can have bad consequences, because the laws of the universe and laws of healing stand in the way.

In the same way one can do a surgery on themselves but has no idea how to deal with the bloodletting this might do, because of recklessness or stupidity, one might also do numerous things that make them feel "advanced" yet backfire in more that one ways, due to the nature of misplaced wants on top of more misplaced wants.

The above can be rectified by this: Have modesty, a longterm plan, and work dilligently, instead of recklessly. When you are given signs this needs more fortification, you can push insofar you understand you can control the outcome.

With the above clarified, you can know that what has occurred won't really harm you, but that it's a pushback from the working and that you need to get more powerful, clean, and approach things with a more modest and respectable attitude in regards to limitations.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yes, but isn't backlash normal? For example, I am 60 or so days in, to a Munka working, and starting around 20 days in and ending around 40 the problem (emotional nature) came back to bite. However, now I feel more free than ever in a long time.
Okay, I re read and got the clarification I needed. I don't think my backlash was as intense as your warnings described. Especially since I am cleaning at the same time.

Thanks for the knowledge HP
I have 100% dealt with this before when I tried to force certain outcomes through sheer force; it never works out well.
In regards to cutting back a bit with a working like this, could one reduce the number of reps or make each vibration shorter?
GoldenxChild1 said:
Yes, but isn't backlash normal? For example, I am 60 or so days in, to a Munka working, and starting around 20 days in and ending around 40 the problem (emotional nature) came back to bite. However, now I feel more free than ever in a long time.

Backlash up to an extent, yes. But backlash that goes past a territory, means that one has properly pushed too much.

Coming back to bite is one thing, yet if something comes back with big force, then one needs to be careful.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hype0 said:
I have been doing Munka work for removing negative karma and i clean myself and my aura after every work. However, i feel devastated and exhausted since when i started. Is it normal, what can i do? I feel like i lost my joy.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I felt less patient with my kids last weak, I was beeing aggressive. I was not doing any cleaning. One day I read one of Blitz post and saw and understand I had to clean myself after doing munka. And know I make the connection between my aggresive behavior and my working without cleaning.

Days are getting better since I vibrate Surya 111x after my munka working.
I didn't start doing the Removing Karma/MUNKA working until I had done 2.5 years of Returning Curses, cleansing and FRTR every single day, so people have to be careful. And, actually, my GD guided me to it after something specific happened, I considered it too much to deal with before.

It gave me amazing results - but I have to bear in mind that's not necessarily what is going to happen for a beginner, someone who hasn't done the RC routine or long workings before, someone who may have been here ages yet their Chakras aren't even open (because they dislike meditation, can't concentrate or something), or someone who is very mentally ill, etc.

Whenever I give advice for this in future, I will try to specify its a LONG TERM goal. If you are new, your Chakras have been opened and you decide to do it, go low and slow. 1 repetition per Chakra is fine. Focus on building up protection, yoga and doing workings most of all.

That also goes for VISHUDDHI, which in my estimation at 9 repetitions can be too extreme and seems to have caused issues and backlash with some new people for a while. AUM seems like a softer energy for cleansing at the start.

The problem is that many come to the JoS expecting immediate results in regards to crisis situations where the shit has already hit the fan dramatically from years, possibly even centuries, of building up or neglect and seeing this can make some of us over-eager in trying to help. The reality is that any problem that took centuries, decades or even two years to dramatically explode are not going to go away easily, even within a few months. One has to be patient and understand you're making investments for eternity.
OKAY.... this is new to me! And I wanted to hear about the warnings of this and how to do this right! I have been using this monitor for the past 3 weeks! Especially during the time of the alignment of the planets and all the crazy shit that was going on causing problems between people arguments breaking out and getting out of control people getting into an argument over the stupidest things and the backlashing and the energy flowing all different directions sporadically and out of control and Then followed by the Mercury retrograde! And suddenly aware of the things that I am picking up! And the anger and the emotions that I have picked up from other people and how it affected me! I have been meditating 🧘‍♀️ and at least 2 hours a day! And using Munka to help me! Overcome my problems from the past and overcoming anger issues! Dealing with enemies and idiots! Especially when I'm on the job site and when I come home I don't want to bring these problems with me! I do know that I feel more comfortable and I feel a little more at ease! Taking my time and doing it slowly and softly! Try not to think of what the negative shit! Trying not to let this stupidity and the ignorance of other people get under my skin! I too have been experiencing all kinds of crazy shit! For the first two weeks. It was like my head was spitting! Trying to figure out what I can do with all of these energies coming at me at all different directions without allowing it to take effect on me! It is not easy! You have to learn to deal with your own pain and your own shit! I go into a meditation and sometimes I will even take a yoga class and sit down clearing my head! Allowing myself some time to think before I go into removing the negativity! Not to mention the fact I have been doing my Saturn planetary Square along with it! Something very powerful! That a lot of people don't seem to understand or appreciate! You have to be calm and patient when it comes to doing these things and you can't rush through things and be sloppy! I've had problems with this before! And needless to say I have learned my lesson well! And yes I said that I am new to this! And I too have been dealing with a lot of problems as well! We all do when we don't take our time to do things right! And I needed to hear about this! And what to do. And how to do this right! Thank you for sharing this information! 🙏 I am still learning this and the lessons from my own experiences with this!. We all seem to think that we know everything! Until we get out and do something stupid! You get a wake up call! When things come flying out at you! People's emotions everybody's energy is flying all over the place! And what to do with yours and how to harness your own and work with your own problems as well! I too and knew at this! It is helping me in many many ways! Yes but in the same sense I want to learn to do this right!
I started out with Munka just a couple weeks ago. I started out with 10 and worked my way up to the count of 20! And that's when things started going haywire with me too! And now I am trying to get things organized and worked out the best I can without making a bigger mess!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is a constant child absent mindedness in the current "Spiritual Satanist" approach, because many due to lack of experience might no clue what they are doing, and they have no clue what they are experiencing in the form of backfires.
On the other hand, how could anyone know ancient spiritual teachings that were purged, burned or hoarded into the vacuum vaults? This is a rhetorical question.
The other thing is, in today's materialistic clown goy world almost everyone wants everything done yesterday. Then, due to the lack of knowledge and any experience whatsoever, the same mentality is used when approaching spiritual matters. Hence all the childishness. Because spiritual things change/grow in an organical way (just like children), they need time and patience.

I can still be childish in these matters.
Karnonnos said:
One has to be patient and understand you're making investments for eternity.

This is a very important lesson, I cannot stress this enough. Not doing it properly and with an unsound basis almost cost me my sanity and life. The warning was there but I chose to ignore it having an overinflated self-confidence pushed it too hard. In combination with unresolved mental issues it can be devastating.

To all brothers and sisters starting or intending to do karma removal workings please heed these warnings and go slow.

I quoted you just to say that I enjoy reading your posts an have found some of them helpful personally, thank you. We need more people assuming responsible leading and teaching positions.
Yea, my intrusive thoughts frequency went up by quite a bit when I jumped the gun from 5-7 times RAUM chanting into solar chakra(not necessarily during sun hour) to 108-216x a day specifically during sun hours.

I was losing control of myself.

Now I reduced it to 50 times a day(still during sun hours) along with base chakra chanting of LAUM during Saturn hours as well.

I think because I am getting strong feelings to do base chakra chanting, probably because my guardian demon is showing me, because base chakra helps decrease intrusive thoughts I think, because it has earth element.

I still chant for other chakras but only 5x a day. Along with cleaning of course.
If you have been doing this for many years more around say 8 years or so you will come to find that much of the negative energy kind of just irradiates out of you anyway without needing to do cleansing to some ridiculous degree only really when i have been doing some not very nice magic or i have been exposed to not very nice people do i do cleansing or when i was opening chakras and pushing through things such as the nadis blockages or doing twin serpent meditation did i do cleansing oh yes and if i felt a sickness starting to fester but yeah that was pretty much it not after every single ritual or meditation.
I do the Munka working to free my soul from the enemy everyday and sofar it seems it's really working and I'm not even near 90 days and i stopped with four things that are of the enemy and i have had no push back yet does this mean it's not really working or what?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Yes, but isn't backlash normal? For example, I am 60 or so days in, to a Munka working, and starting around 20 days in and ending around 40 the problem (emotional nature) came back to bite. However, now I feel more free than ever in a long time.

Backlash up to an extent, yes. But backlash that goes past a territory, means that one has properly pushed too much.

Coming back to bite is one thing, yet if something comes back with big force, then one needs to be careful.

So it is like when one tries to burn fat eating less but you literally didn't ate the whole day and then when you eat your body save it as fat?
Karma is a powerful force to reconcile with, especially when it was attempted to influenced by the heaping amounts of energy the enemy has sent for centuries. So what's especially true for many of us is that healing, cleaning, protective and cleaning workings will have to done progressively throughout our lifetime.

Many of us have done 40, 90, 180, 360 day workings and some even 2.5 years amazingly enough, but what's important to remember is that they all build upon another. Some workings will be easier than others, just depending on the severity of the situation whether internally or externally. And some obviously, will seem a little tough; these will all reveal aspects about you and your life that deserve introspection.

And lastly, one should never forget the basics:

- Are you pushing yourself too hard?
- Do you feel strong enough to accomplish the working?
- Do you actually have the will and desire to commit to this change?

Taking the time to prioritize what needs to be done for yourself is essential to healing your soul. You can always ask Father or your Guardian to help confirm the working you'd like to take on.
It's always very important to be patient with any working. People tend to not consider that you can't just force things like this because they can't outright see or tell they're overdoing it right away. You've just got to learn to pay attention to the warning signs and learn your limits.

Just because it's spiritual and not physical doesn't mean you can't over do it. It's just as much tiring as any exercise or workout. Just in different ways. And too much can be just as harmful as working out too hard and ignoring warning signs from your body that you need to slow down.

Treat it like any workout just like exercising. You can't push your body too far or too hard without having to rest or else you'll burn yourself out or worse, it's no different with spiritual workings. Once you learn your limits you'll know how much you can handle. And the more you safely work on yourself, it'll build up like building muscles to where you can handle more. Just like with anything you've gotta work your way up.

It's definitely important to keep this in mind.
Good to know. One thing a lot of SS has to consider is to do workings on specific problems instead of general workings. This is more powerful for specific issues. Just want to add this in because before I was trying to remove everything with just general workings/cleanings and it does not work that way. They help a lot but if you need to heal or remove something you need to be specific. This has been my experience.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Yes, but isn't backlash normal? For example, I am 60 or so days in, to a Munka working, and starting around 20 days in and ending around 40 the problem (emotional nature) came back to bite. However, now I feel more free than ever in a long time.

Backlash up to an extent, yes. But backlash that goes past a territory, means that one has properly pushed too much.

Coming back to bite is one thing, yet if something comes back with big force, then one needs to be careful.

Does one need to clean bad Karma or is this optional? I only did cleaning and empowering consistenly. Recently I started doing a full 111 reps SURYAE SUUU-RR-YAH-YAY cleaning after I do one round off FRTR+Tetra+Shattering, with good outcome. Before I only did raise energy with 6x VU VA VO. Along with kundalini/hatha yoga.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Blitz mentioned in a reply that doing a "general karmic" working isn't good and that karma needs to be popped by pinpoint attacks.

But can that still work? One member was like, I did it in general because I didn't know what to remove eventually after a cycle of time, I figured it out and when the following date appeared dekarma'd that specific negativity.

Right now since April 8th; Lilith's Vu6/Va6/Vo6 after x40 UR(UUU-RRR) vibration; affirmation "I am fully free from any and all negative karma now and forever. x9"

My question is if I don't know what to remove is this okay?

I don't want to do more vibration till 90 or 108 as 90 is a lesser number that is positive. And 108 or 18 more is a Saturn-based number that requires minimum 40 days to work with. So I did 40 a lower number but reasonable.

My plan is 40 days but if it works out go to 90 and if that works out I'd honestly like to try and keep going all the way to 720 days, extreme but if all the negative karma gets removed better that way.

Honestly I just don't know what to remove. Hell some people stated you can remove personality traits or other properties for example, if an angry person perhaps working on that negative anger manifestation or if having love issues a present/past life removal for vows and oaths made as mentioned on the page on the JoS mainsite.

Can a "in general working" work? Any and all Negative Karma? Or is that not how it works?

Shouldn't it be in general and just blast as long as possible to slough everything off? particularly if we don't know specifics. Or if specifically known have so much on your plate you don't know where to start.

Does that harm the person removing everything?
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is a constant child absent mindedness in the current "Spiritual Satanist" approach, because many due to lack of experience might no clue what they are doing, and they have no clue what they are experiencing in the form of backfires.
On the other hand, how could anyone know ancient spiritual teachings that were purged, burned or hoarded into the vacuum vaults? This is a rhetorical question.
The other thing is, in today's materialistic clown goy world almost everyone wants everything done yesterday. Then, due to the lack of knowledge and any experience whatsoever, the same mentality is used when approaching spiritual matters. Hence all the childishness. Because spiritual things change/grow in an organical way (just like children), they need time and patience.

I can still be childish in these matters.

Exactly. That's why I mentioned this. This mentality however is not going to really produce any fruits whatsoever in the long-run, therefore, I have to relate the reality here.
Yurei said:
In regards to cutting back a bit with a working like this, could one reduce the number of reps or make each vibration shorter?

If you are experiencing results which are hard to deal with, despite increased cleaning, then you could even stop the working and just wait. Even if 40 days was not reached, some progress was still made.

One can also work more on their lower chakras to boost their health and discipline in order to be able to handle the increased stress that karmic negativity can bring. Doing this and lots of cleaning would be a good way to prep yourself to attempt to tackle the problem at a later date.

We can also affirm that the freeing energy is working only in a gentle manner, which would help mitigate some of the negativity. This can be used in conjunction with doing fewer reps.
Gear88 said:

It will still work, but it can be harder for newer people to manage. They may not understand what is going on, or it could unearth harsh events.

As for what else you can work on, just think of your priorities. For you, you will probably want to do more work on your lower chakras to balance out your mental activity. As I mentioned earlier, doing work with water runes like Eihwaz or Laguz may help your complaints about lack of energy sensitivity.

Just be mindful not to get ahead of yourself. There is power in doing the basics, such as cleaning and yoga, so if you want to push yourself, then look towards doing more of the fundamentals themselves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is a constant child absent mindedness in the current "Spiritual Satanist" approach, because many due to lack of experience might no clue what they are doing, and they have no clue what they are experiencing in the form of backfires.
On the other hand, how could anyone know ancient spiritual teachings that were purged, burned or hoarded into the vacuum vaults? This is a rhetorical question.
The other thing is, in today's materialistic clown goy world almost everyone wants everything done yesterday. Then, due to the lack of knowledge and any experience whatsoever, the same mentality is used when approaching spiritual matters. Hence all the childishness. Because spiritual things change/grow in an organical way (just like children), they need time and patience.

I can still be childish in these matters.

Exactly. That's why I mentioned this. This mentality however is not going to really produce any fruits whatsoever in the long-run, therefore, I have to relate the reality here.

A dutch proverb: "langzaam aan, dan breekt t lijntje niet."
Meaning to take it slow to not break things (in the proverb, a tiny or small rope).

Just thought it was fitting to add here.

But you're right. I want things done and finished asap and I end up stressing too much from having too many things unfinished and want to get it done *now*.

But at least I am not trying to fix a trillion things at once when meditating. Just as they come up, is what I use as a guidance to fix things. But sometimes a lot is going on at once. Which especially happened when I first joined.
I believe it is more than important to be very patient when doing munka workings and most of all, any meditational workings that is.

Sometimes we have ourselves in face of the mental delusion of thinking that after meditating for three days only on a very blocked Chakra due to Xian programming, you will have it unlocked.

No, that is not true, you need to meditate even three or 10 months or maybe 1 or two years depending on the severity of the blockage, until you will finally reach out the opening.

Sometimes, in my case I can relate, it is very important to keep patience and calm when doing workings and also munka workings.

Minka workings are very important to do.
For a while I was really struggling with this. I was like in a war with myself when backlashes started to kick me from left and right, now when it just get little balanced and little calmness started to happen, this article is perfectly right at the time.
I have a lot questions about magick, invocations of deamons, and more for spiritual evolution.

What topic you recomanded for me, that I ask mey questions?

Unfortunatly we have same JoS site in Hungary, but not making answer never. I don't knew anything ales, who I can speaking and evolve in may spiritual life. This point of view I want put here may questions, here at least has something who make an answer.

It would be good a coven ... -_- .

Exist a Jos Facebbok page, there making answer, but anybady can view me, I think you understand what I mean. Although it may see it that way, who shouldn't. :D

So you can't really fight alone. At least I'd have a guardian demon, or I'd be related to demons. I don't want to spoil the holiday, but fighting alone is as hard as fighting naked with a broken arrow against a multi-million armed army.

These fucking Jewish, Rosicrucian, Masonic scumbags have thousands of years of stolen knowledge in their hands and are fueled by Elohim energy. I have experienced this crocodile energy several times when I was a Rosicrucian, where many of the Grand Master are also Freemasons. Very big energy. Three or four breaths of energy is not enough, especially not one person, instead they attack in a herd. First they send the gypsy army of millions, then they come with even greater energy.
Let's get together!
I need a little help in this area, that's why my muth speaks a lot :)
HP Cobra. I am guilty of being one of these people who try to rush things. Then I get overwhelmed and thrown off track. It takes me weeks or even months to get back into starting another working. I think the biggest driving force behind this stupidity in my current situation is that I'm afraid of time. I just think all the time that life is too short and if I don't get them all in this lifetime I might not even get them in the next because I don't have guarantee that the Jos will be here in my next lifetime. I might die today or tomorrow and it's all over, my dreams my goals are over. That's always how I think. Any advice on how to get rid of this mindset HP?
Our beloved High Priest,

I actually did an intense 90-day Munka working many years ago, around the time when it was first getting talked about on the forums. It had actually taken two attempts. The first time I started, I spiraled downwards so quickly and intensely and it was so unexpexted - I got literally suicidal. So I stopped after a couple of weeks in. The symptoms subsided really quickly after.

Then, relatively soon after, I began again. I knew what was awaiting me and I went ahead anyway because I believed I could handle it since I knew it was coming and I had already developed some ability to detach myself from my feelings. I did it and sure enough, those overwhelmingly negative feelings returned, I was practically vomiting that kind of thing. But this time, I was prepared and did manage to keep myself mostly separate from the inner storm that was ravaging me within - to the point nobody in my life noticed anything was amiss and I was perforng professionally pretty much the same.

Anyway, I have a question. I felt better after I saw they working through to completion and the benefits have been notable. I don't feel any negativity about it to this date.

So would you say I acted haphazardly and was just lucky or was the second attempt within the scope of acceptable and controllable risk? Because I remember your words about knowing our limits and if we ensure this, occasionally pushing ourselves to 110% or 120% within reason and as needed.

I am mostly asking for reasons of contemplation and also, I am considering doing yet another such working when the time is ripe.

Thank you for your wisdom. I'll also appreciate any input from our other Brothers and Sisters.
Is it normal to feel a burning sensation after/during a working like this, and a strong pressure in the third eye area? I've been using uruz & ansuz instead of munka, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable or negative. I assume it's just energies being purified, but I figured I'd ask to be sure
Jihiji12 said:
Is it normal to feel a burning sensation after/during a working like this, and a strong pressure in the third eye area? I've been using uruz & ansuz instead of munka, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable or negative. I assume it's just energies being purified, but I figured I'd ask to be sure

Yes it is, the burning is the feeling that we feel as our soul gets released from chains and the energy can flow correctly.

So does anger and overreaction are included in this?
I've been overreacting lately and can be very angry lately.
does it mean it works?
Karma is not something which can be negeated.. it is the essense of Justice and Equality.. the Idea that one can utilize a “Freedom Ritual” to then go and opress others is Deluded and Flat out wrong.. Karma is not some being in the sky like YHVH is portrayed to be.. it is a universal Force and Law.. attempting to exchange energies with karma is far different than multiplying positive Karma.. I do appologize for any decisions youve made.. but Satan stands for Justice.. In addition.. it was stated previously Karma did not exist.. and that was true.. for a time.. the Ritual Provided on the JoS provides loosing of Karmic Bonds from Relationships.. in other words.. you will not have to pay penance to a particular individual.. however the energy output will be the same.. In reality.. this ritual Grabs the attention from those of a past life in order to give them a final notice that one will begin looking again if they do not hasten their progress.. To take the years of torment for an individual through the power of the voice would take decades.. in addition the energy exchange would not be equivelant. Granted this is my opinion.. However it is based on Universal and Scientific Law. Cause and Effect was created for a reason..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
