SleepingWolf said:
So is the only real issue with MSG that it's just used to make junk objectively bad for you taste good and addicting? I see some new recipes often that recommend it's use without any of the other junk, and wonder if that's okay then. If I know I'm cooking for myself with all the ingredients being up to par, is there any harm in MSG?
MSG as it exists is similar to table sugar in that it has been distilled into an artificially concentrated form. Therefore, this forces your body to expend energy to rebalance the body. This concept is the basis of all health and why an excess or deficiency of anything will cause harm to you.
However, each item has a different magnitude of damage that it does to you. So in the context you describe, I would not be worried about the MSG. That does not mean it does not represent some sort of damage to you, though.
From a Satanic viewpoint, we should take steps to increase our physical energy so that we can better deal with these things, rather than obsessively and inefficiently try to remove everything that can harm us. Just as you can increase the strength of a chakra, you can permanently increase the vitality of your physical body.
Doing yoga, meditations, and generally strengthening your soul will improve your physical health, however, some people have a weaker physical body, ruled by the lower chakras, especially the solar chakra. Therefore, working with fire energies, such as the Sun, Mars, Sowilo, Thurisaz, and Uruz would be how to increase your vitality.
The biggest problem SS face currently, in my opinion, is mainly the issue of time. It is not useful to be spending 50 minutes creating a perfect meal when you can rather have a decent meal in less time, but have a stronger vitality to deal with the difference.