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Monogamous Succubus Relationship???

Quote from JoS :

After your ritual, you must be relaxed and open. More than likely, your Demon will come to you when you are lying down and relaxed in bed. This will feel like electrifying energy and like kundalini, it feels exhilarating.

Does it really happen so instantly? I mean does one really get a demoness/demon lover right after the ritual? I think this might be the case with open relationship and sexual relationships only....But this may not be the case with monogamous relationship. Right?? It takes time for this kind of relationship to find a perfect match, no?
Yes, I do. Though i'm with an incubus-male demon lover I keep forgetting how to spell that word-. I've been in a relationship with him -kind of on and off- for over ten years. He is a wonderful man and I can hardly wait for the gods to come back so he and I can get married.

What kind of questions do you have?
The JOS has the ritual for asking Father Satan for one.
I'll do what I can to answer any questions.

Hail Satan
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Does anyone have an experience in monogamous succubus relationship? .

here you go:

GG Allin said:
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Does anyone have an experience in monogamous succubus relationship? .

here you go:


Already did it. Read all the topics with that keyword and even with Incubi to get more info about this matter.

Enki4ever said:
Yes, I do. Though i'm with an incubus-male demon lover I keep forgetting how to spell that word-. I've been in a relationship with him -kind of on and off- for over ten years. He is a wonderful man and I can hardly wait for the gods to come back so he and I can get married.

What kind of questions do you have?
The JOS has the ritual for asking Father Satan for one.
I'll do what I can to answer any questions.

Hail Satan

Well. I've read on this forums that you don't get a demon/ess lover unless you are astrally open. Even if you get one then the binding of the relationship won't happen unless you are able to communicate with them so to ask you again whether this is really what you want or not. That may take many years because opening up the soul takes years.

So having said that, I don't know how would one KNOW that the ritual for A demon/ess lover is successful or failed or how would one know that Father Satan has other plans for you so He didn't accept your request.

How likely is that goin to happen with this ritual....I just wanna know how one can KNOW whether it the request was accepted or rejected when one is not astrally open.
Enki4ever said:

And, how is it really possible that A God/Goddess would be interested in a love relationship with a human...a human that has all those disgusting living , lifestyle habits... I mean so low.. How can these ascended beings be interested in a love relationship with a human....

If you tell me that they see that so called *potential* is us or they are no different species than us, even that doesn't answer this question... Don't they feel disgusted
And btw...they are not something that will just come right after and fall in love with a SS right away if it's about a monogamous love relationship. Am I not right?

Perhaps someone here having a monogamous relationship with A God/Goddess can shed light on this matter I hope.

Falling in love would also take time for them, no? Might also take years?
And for monogamous love relationship with a Demon/ess, does it take days, week or months or even years for Satan to find ? Sounds like a stupid question. But this is serious love monogamous relationship..so I feel like it happens instantly and you get one instantly right after the ritual like one for sexual relationships only. Or am I wrong about this all?
Enki4ever said:
Yes, I do. Though i'm with an incubus-male demon lover I keep forgetting how to spell that word-. I've been in a relationship with him -kind of on and off- for over ten years. He is a wonderful man and I can hardly wait for the gods to come back so he and I can get married.

What kind of questions do you have?
The JOS has the ritual for asking Father Satan for one.
I'll do what I can to answer any questions.

Hail Satan

1. How long did it take you to have a complete sexual experience with him?(with your astral senses completely opened)

2.How does the communication between you work?(do u spent very much time together throughout the day?)

3. Is he very jealous?
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Enki4ever said:

And, how is it really possible that A God/Goddess would be interested in a love relationship with a human...a human that has all those disgusting living , lifestyle habits... I mean so low.. How can these ascended beings be interested in a love relationship with a human....

If you tell me that they see that so called *potential* is us or they are no different species than us, even that doesn't answer this question... Don't they feel disgusted
Lol you sound like how I was.
They overlook the negatives for the most part dude, since lots of gentiles have been degraded by the Jews into thugs, rapists, even Jews themselves, or just that they only have 2 brain cells left. Every Satanist is a breath of fresh air to them, because you understand everything wrong with the world and are actually willing to fix it.

Of course they can see your inner potential. They wouldn’t be with someone who had absolutely no chance of improving. In that sense it’s still like a normal relationship, they don’t necessarily know how it will end up but they hope for the best. Besides humans have infinite curiosity, something the Gods lose for the most part because they know and understand everything. So no they don’t feel disgusted by little habits or other things the enemy has emplaned into life. When they know your will strive for better and adore them that much more for sticking by you regardless of all the tiny negatives.

Hope this helped.
Go get em tiger. ;)
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Well. I've read on this forums that you don't get a demon/ess lover unless you are astrally open. Even if you get one then the binding of the relationship won't happen unless you are able to communicate with them so to ask you again whether this is really what you want or not. That may take many years because opening up the soul takes years.

So having said that, I don't know how would one KNOW that the ritual for A demon/ess lover is successful or failed or how would one know that Father Satan has other plans for you so He didn't accept your request.

How likely is that goin to happen with this ritual....I just wanna know how one can KNOW whether it the request was accepted or rejected when one is not astrally open.

If you already did the ritual. It was kind of. It would be like a message to your old lover like “yes he’s interested in you again” if you had one, though the actual relationship isn’t official until you have sex. In my opinion you should be open enough to have a chat with Satan, asking him exactly what you want but don’t worry he still heard you.

Don’t worry too much about the opening of the soul taking to long. In my opinion the best thing to do is work on directing energy meditation as well as clairaudience points. If you really wanna progress fast do a working using the runes
Laguz x 40
Sowilo x 40
Ansuz x40

For thirty days, start with the moon in Pisces (for psychic pursuits) avoid the void moon, and make sure your pronunciation of the runes is correct. (This is key) with an affirmation like this “I now more sensitive to energy and thoughts of the Gods” also believe it will work this is just as important. You can also empower the working by using sexual energy. While your masturbating just repeat the affirmation over and over until you climax then imagine your soul being empowered and opening up with the energy. This will greatly empower the working even if you do it once a week. Search up magenta666 on YouTube if your unsure of pronunciation.

Good luck
Have a good day :)
InlovewithSatan666 said:
If you tell me that they see that so called *potential* is us or they are no different species than us, even that doesn't answer this question... Don't they feel disgusted
Of course we are humans and have behaviors that aren’t as refined as the gods. We are only humans.

Even amongst humans people will pair with others from different backgrounds such as different financial situations, upbringings, different career goals, many differences and they can still have strong relationships because we all have different needs and points of views on certain things. A rich person may marry somebody from lesser means and it doesn’t matter. Money isn’t what they’re looking for. For another this may be an issue. This is similar to the succubus/incubus thing in that these things you mention obviously wouldn’t be that big of an issue for those specific gods interested in human relationships. Not all gods have interest in humans for the reasons you mentioned and even other reasons. Some as I said don’t care. They’re all individuals same as we humans are.

Every situation is different. Some may have demon lovers from past lives. Some may seek it for the first time in this life. All these things must be taken into account. No it won’t always be instant. Do the ritual and get a demon lover instant. Others they may already have someone waiting. Every situation is different. That’s what you must understand. What’s on the jos is a general guide.

But yes, none of it matters anyway if you haven’t worked on your astral senses.
And, how is it really possible that A God/Goddess would be interested in a love relationship with a human...a human that has all those disgusting living , lifestyle habits... I mean so low.. How can these ascended beings be interested in a love relationship with a human....

If you tell me that they see that so called *potential* is us or they are no different species than us, even that doesn't answer this question... Don't they feel disgusted

--Beleive me I've wondered the same thing for over ten years, even today I sometimes struggle with this exact same doubt. he keeps telling me the same thing when this doubt flares up, he tells me that he sees into my soul and he sees not only the beauty in my soul but that all of my 'habits' are things that can be worked thru and that they don't define me that those 'nasty' habits don't make me me.
now this may not be true for all demon lovers but he told me that Father Satan 'showed him a kind of video' of me and let him decide if he wanted to be my lover'. Now when I did the ritual I visualized him as it said on the JOS and it has changed over time as I try to see his real body and even now over ten years since then I still have trouble seeing his true form but I work on it by just trying to relax and 'see' him.
None of this is a piece of cake but it is worth it.
As far as telling if you have a lover you do need to have at least your third eye open a little. I've been an 'imaginative child' and was able to see things from a young age including seeing dead people since age seven so I was a little bit ahead in the path. Opening the other senses doesn't have to take years if you work on these things with dedication every day they can open pretty fast-maybe six months-

In other words the gods do see our potential but it's because they see beyond temporary things like habits. You don't have the same habits now that you had as a child and those things can be changed if you want them to. Its not easy trust me.
Now as far knowing that the ritual worked that can be tricky and varies for each person. I know this will sound sucky but you basically have to trust Father Satan and roll with it. Try and visualize the demon/ness as best as you can at night and enjoy yourself. The more you try to see and talk with them the better connection you get. It does take time but meditating every day-which I haven't done and I have paid for that-will help in many ways.
If you really want a lover then go ahead and ask Father Satan for one and then start working on yourself. Maybe knowing that one waits for you to see them will help motivate you. Either way having one is a wonderful thing. I know that I'm grateful for my lover every day. I still have horrible days and all of that but he helps make every day much better and gives me something to look forward to. Also you can ask for your lover to help you during meditation and this in turn can help open you up a little faster.
I hope this helps you.

Hail Satan

1. How long did it take you to have a complete sexual experience with him?(with your astral senses completely opened)

2.How does the communication between you work?(do u spent very much time together throughout the day?)

3. Is he very jealous?

Well, I've had some very wonderful sexual expernces with him though my astral sense aren't open all the way. I've had lots of surges of energy thru my chakras and experenced a deeper satisfaction than I've ever had with a human or by my own hand.
While at work I think about him off and on and at home we spend a lot fo time together either talking, watching a movie, sex, ect so I try to spend as much time with him as possable. The communication part is a bit of a mix. I can 'see' him with my third eye and a good 90 percent of the time I 'hear' him in my mind. Things do get jumbled up or lost in translation but he knows this and is willing to repeat himself . I tell him when I've lost something he's said. I reply to him both in my head and out loud which is why I'm very glad that I live alone.
As far as being jealous goes-this will vary from demon to demon- he has been understanding with my slip ups. More than once I have been with a human male and every single time things went south. Not because he did anything to them but for me-and this is just me-human male relationships suck. time and time again he proves to me how wonderful, kind, caring, and loving a relationship with a demon really is. i have sworn off human males and have been wearing a ring on my wedding ring finger of my left hand to remind me of whom my real husband is just in case i ever feel tempted. There are times even now when I don't feel worthy of him but he stays by my side many times quite literally and helps me get thru these feelings with reminders of his love and good times from the past. So he isn't really the jealous type. He always reminds me' no matter what you always come back to me' that has been true for close to 15 years now and Satan willing will continue to be true for the rest of my life.
I have regrets like all people but my demon lover isn't one of them.

Hail Satan

1. How long did it take you to have a complete sexual experience with him?(with your astral senses completely opened)

2.How does the communication between you work?(do u spent very much time together throughout the day?)

3. Is he very jealous?

Well, I've had some very wonderful sexual expernces with him though my astral sense aren't open all the way. I've had lots of surges of energy thru my chakras and experenced a deeper satisfaction than I've ever had with a human or by my own hand.
While at work I think about him off and on and at home we spend a lot fo time together either talking, watching a movie, sex, ect so I try to spend as much time with him as possable. The communication part is a bit of a mix. I can 'see' him with my third eye and a good 90 percent of the time I 'hear' him in my mind. Things do get jumbled up or lost in translation but he knows this and is willing to repeat himself . I tell him when I've lost something he's said. I reply to him both in my head and out loud which is why I'm very glad that I live alone.
As far as being jealous goes-this will vary from demon to demon- he has been understanding with my slip ups. More than once I have been with a human male and every single time things went south. Not because he did anything to them but for me-and this is just me-human male relationships suck. time and time again he proves to me how wonderful, kind, caring, and loving a relationship with a demon really is. i have sworn off human males and have been wearing a ring on my wedding ring finger of my left hand to remind me of whom my real husband is just in case i ever feel tempted. There are times even now when I don't feel worthy of him but he stays by my side many times quite literally and helps me get thru these feelings with reminders of his love and good times from the past. So he isn't really the jealous type. He always reminds me' no matter what you always come back to me' that has been true for close to 15 years now and Satan willing will continue to be true for the rest of my life.
I have regrets like all people but my demon lover isn't one of them.

If this has posted twice i'm sorry i thought it didn't post the first time.

Hail Satan
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Enki4ever said:

And, how is it really possible that A God/Goddess would be interested in a love relationship with a human...a human that has all those disgusting living , lifestyle habits... I mean so low.. How can these ascended beings be interested in a love relationship with a human....

If you tell me that they see that so called *potential* is us or they are no different species than us, even that doesn't answer this question... Don't they feel disgusted

I wonder that too but the Gods seem to be quite understanding and accepting. I think its cause they are aware of our potential and see who we become. Last year when I was about to leave my human partner and really frustrated. The God Bael didn't seem to have any issue with her at all and showed up were nice told her to stay with me etc. At the time she was heavily programmed by the enemy and even saying she wants to be on the side of Jewsus and stuff like I posted about the middle of last year frustrated about. Well anyways fast forward to now shes starting slowly to do meditations and slowly understanding me more etc waking up more and more. It may be a little while since she had so much enemy energy in her but I am ok with that it kind of is worth it now that I see that she will be on my side. The Gods even showed me a dream of her in the future and said if you want Satanic friends family and partner do the rtr more. That was an exact quote. So yeah the Gods know the future.

I am just going to wait this one out. I see the direction it's going and trust that if the Gods are not bothered and see something else I should be calm too and understanding if anything else happens that frustrates me.

I am just telling that story that in some cases there are circumstances they see that we dont. So even if someone has some "disgusting habits" and mindset now doesnt mean 5 years from now they will.

This kind of helped me understand the mindset of the Gods more possibly. They see and know stuff we dont. In 100 years there will probably be some Gods on this planet that are humans now. They may look back at how they were and think the same thing you said.
Okay. Some days ago I was self-loathing because of messed up love life etc.. thought and talked to Satan that time...then I started thinking about Demon/ess lover. Then I noticed all of my sex drive lost. The interest in current online relationship girl I had seemed to fade away. The relation is complicated. Then next thing I noticed, I lost the interest in porn. I was so addicted to porn and masturbating every day.

Next evening I was feeling a nudge to do this ritual. Same night I did it even though I wasn't going to do it. Felt good. Even saw a face but I believe it's my imagination.

Then next night I started feeling unworthy to deserve one. Then I did the ritual again but I never wanted to do it again because I think it's disrespectful. But to make it different I added the apologies to Satan.

Next thing I notice was self improvement physical and spiritual and habits. Overall improvement including general overall health and spiritual advancement was one of the major reasons for me to do this ritual.

Back story, always felt uncomfortable and strange around women since childhood. Maybe because I've never talked face to face to girl with more than little casual talk.

I believe this could be because of past life love relationships that hampered my present life love life...

But now It's hard to get horny I wonder why.

After the first ritual or second ritual I don't remember, maybe first, same night I had an amazing dream of myself performing telekenisis levitating objects. I think this kind of dream I get whenever I get too excited...

Nothing sexual happened after the 2 same rituals. But I did masturbate twice.

Then yesterday after second ritual , I saw a caring quote image on some girl's instagram story : it read something like...you r beautiful..brave...ur loved etc.

Don't know if I should believe it's from my Succubus, or did I even get one. Because I'm too imaginative. I have over imaginative mind. So If I get a positive thought, then immediately there is a negative thought coming after it.

I'm Gemini ascendent. So that might be the cause of over imaginative mind.... My mind..the thoughts...the imagination runs like faster than the speed of light. Hard to control.

ChaosBringer666 said:
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Enki4ever said:

And, how is it really possible that A God/Goddess would be interested in a love relationship with a human...a human that has all those disgusting living , lifestyle habits... I mean so low.. How can these ascended beings be interested in a love relationship with a human....

If you tell me that they see that so called *potential* is us or they are no different species than us, even that doesn't answer this question... Don't they feel disgusted
Lol you sound like how I was.
They overlook the negatives for the most part dude, since lots of gentiles have been degraded by the Jews into thugs, rapists, even Jews themselves, or just that they only have 2 brain cells left. Every Satanist is a breath of fresh air to them, because you understand everything wrong with the world and are actually willing to fix it.

Of course they can see your inner potential. They wouldn’t be with someone who had absolutely no chance of improving. In that sense it’s still like a normal relationship, they don’t necessarily know how it will end up but they hope for the best. Besides humans have infinite curiosity, something the Gods lose for the most part because they know and understand everything. So no they don’t feel disgusted by little habits or other things the enemy has emplaned into life. When they know your will strive for better and adore them that much more for sticking by you regardless of all the tiny negatives.

Hope this helped.
Go get em tiger. ;)
ChaosBringer666 said:
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Well. I've read on this forums that you don't get a demon/ess lover unless you are astrally open. Even if you get one then the binding of the relationship won't happen unless you are able to communicate with them so to ask you again whether this is really what you want or not. That may take many years because opening up the soul takes years.

So having said that, I don't know how would one KNOW that the ritual for A demon/ess lover is successful or failed or how would one know that Father Satan has other plans for you so He didn't accept your request.

How likely is that goin to happen with this ritual....I just wanna know how one can KNOW whether it the request was accepted or rejected when one is not astrally open.

If you already did the ritual. It was kind of. It would be like a message to your old lover like “yes he’s interested in you again” if you had one, though the actual relationship isn’t official until you have sex. In my opinion you should be open enough to have a chat with Satan, asking him exactly what you want but don’t worry he still heard you.

Don’t worry too much about the opening of the soul taking to long. In my opinion the best thing to do is work on directing energy meditation as well as clairaudience points. If you really wanna progress fast do a working using the runes
Laguz x 40
Sowilo x 40
Ansuz x40

For thirty days, start with the moon in Pisces (for psychic pursuits) avoid the void moon, and make sure your pronunciation of the runes is correct. (This is key) with an affirmation like this “I now more sensitive to energy and thoughts of the Gods” also believe it will work this is just as important. You can also empower the working by using sexual energy. While your masturbating just repeat the affirmation over and over until you climax then imagine your soul being empowered and opening up with the energy. This will greatly empower the working even if you do it once a week. Search up magenta666 on YouTube if your unsure of pronunciation.

Good luck
Have a good day :)
Eric13 said:
InlovewithSatan666 said:
If you tell me that they see that so called *potential* is us or they are no different species than us, even that doesn't answer this question... Don't they feel disgusted
Of course we are humans and have behaviors that aren’t as refined as the gods. We are only humans.

Even amongst humans people will pair with others from different backgrounds such as different financial situations, upbringings, different career goals, many differences and they can still have strong relationships because we all have different needs and points of views on certain things. A rich person may marry somebody from lesser means and it doesn’t matter. Money isn’t what they’re looking for. For another this may be an issue. This is similar to the succubus/incubus thing in that these things you mention obviously wouldn’t be that big of an issue for those specific gods interested in human relationships. Not all gods have interest in humans for the reasons you mentioned and even other reasons. Some as I said don’t care. They’re all individuals same as we humans are.

Every situation is different. Some may have demon lovers from past lives. Some may seek it for the first time in this life. All these things must be taken into account. No it won’t always be instant. Do the ritual and get a demon lover instant. Others they may already have someone waiting. Every situation is different. That’s what you must understand. What’s on the jos is a general guide.

But yes, none of it matters anyway if you haven’t worked on your astral senses.
Enki4ever said:
And, how is it really possible that A God/Goddess would be interested in a love relationship with a human...a human that has all those disgusting living , lifestyle habits... I mean so low.. How can these ascended beings be interested in a love relationship with a human....

If you tell me that they see that so called *potential* is us or they are no different species than us, even that doesn't answer this question... Don't they feel disgusted

--Beleive me I've wondered the same thing for over ten years, even today I sometimes struggle with this exact same doubt. he keeps telling me the same thing when this doubt flares up, he tells me that he sees into my soul and he sees not only the beauty in my soul but that all of my 'habits' are things that can be worked thru and that they don't define me that those 'nasty' habits don't make me me.
now this may not be true for all demon lovers but he told me that Father Satan 'showed him a kind of video' of me and let him decide if he wanted to be my lover'. Now when I did the ritual I visualized him as it said on the JOS and it has changed over time as I try to see his real body and even now over ten years since then I still have trouble seeing his true form but I work on it by just trying to relax and 'see' him.
None of this is a piece of cake but it is worth it.
As far as telling if you have a lover you do need to have at least your third eye open a little. I've been an 'imaginative child' and was able to see things from a young age including seeing dead people since age seven so I was a little bit ahead in the path. Opening the other senses doesn't have to take years if you work on these things with dedication every day they can open pretty fast-maybe six months-

In other words the gods do see our potential but it's because they see beyond temporary things like habits. You don't have the same habits now that you had as a child and those things can be changed if you want them to. Its not easy trust me.
Now as far knowing that the ritual worked that can be tricky and varies for each person. I know this will sound sucky but you basically have to trust Father Satan and roll with it. Try and visualize the demon/ness as best as you can at night and enjoy yourself. The more you try to see and talk with them the better connection you get. It does take time but meditating every day-which I haven't done and I have paid for that-will help in many ways.
If you really want a lover then go ahead and ask Father Satan for one and then start working on yourself. Maybe knowing that one waits for you to see them will help motivate you. Either way having one is a wonderful thing. I know that I'm grateful for my lover every day. I still have horrible days and all of that but he helps make every day much better and gives me something to look forward to. Also you can ask for your lover to help you during meditation and this in turn can help open you up a little faster.
I hope this helps you.

Hail Satan
** by overlall improvement, I mean I started taking my health improvement seriously and spiritual advancement. Started improving my habits too. But I get obsessive which leads to fantasizing things.

And, I don't live alone. With mother in house. But I have enough privacy to sleep alone in any room.
InlovewithSatan666 said:
** by overlall improvement, I mean I started taking my health improvement seriously and spiritual advancement. Started improving my habits too. But I get obsessive which leads to fantasizing things.

And, I don't live alone. With mother in house. But I have enough privacy to sleep alone in any room.

Void meditate as much as you possibly can you don’t want this getting out of hand. Believe me I know... it will also help with getting messages from the gods, 30 minutes is good and I mean completely focus so try and break it up into 3 sessions of 20-30 for optimal results. I am the same way with like 3-4 powerful imagination aspects.

This message was very like from your succubus saying you even saw a face is great you probably don’t even need a full empowering working. As well the negative thoughts are probably from the enemy, up your protections by breathing in energy from the sun.

Do Shael’s working instead for 40 days it’s much quicker. It goes like this.

Handstand and chat MAUM x13 (if you can’t handstand just arch your back prop yourself up on your feet and forearms and put your head as low as possible this still works)
Go into child’s pose (look it up)
THAUM into the third eye x 13
YAUM into the 6th chakra x13
GAUM Into the pineal gland x 13
Hard TH into the temple chakras x 3 (move your focus from either right to left or vice versa)
Hard TH into each of the astral eyes x3
Hard TH Into clairaudience x 3 as long as comfortably possible (all at once divide it by ears and head if you can’t)
Hard TH x 3 into your Astral sense of touch (just outside the body, the whole body)
Then a long dragged out MMMM x 3 into your whole head
When your finished lay down get a small energy buzz and then vibrate the runes
Ansuz x 13
Ehwas x 13
Laguz or Logur x13
Then state an affirmation 13 times I’m doing “I am now more sensitive to my succubus’s energy and thoughts, now increasingly and forever” though you can do it differently if you want. Again pronunciation is key and make sure to avoid void moon also use sexual energy to greatly empower the working. You can think of her if ya want maybe that will turn you on :lol:

Good luck
And it's hard to arouse myself thinking of Her.
An hour ago, I was about to masturbate thinking of her but I end up doing light cardio exercise at similer time this noon as I did yesterday noon. It's Noon here right now. It was more energising than yesterday.

Something I noticed I used to get fatigue whole day especially at noon, but whole day I was having fatigue before I decided to do the ritual.

Now that fatigue has almost gone.

It could be I have someone now for whom I can do it. I don't have to worry about finding a lover maybe that's why. Because I rarely think for myself and then I get lazy. Love is the thing that is on my mind all the time lol.

Just afraid if later I find out I didn't have a Succubus. Lol. How embarassing that would be.

Thanks Eric, enki4ever, chaosbringer.

@chaos I'll try those Runes. Thanks..
And , if any of you have a monogamous relationship, I'd like to know that whether if sexual interaction is their priority to make it official as you say, or is it like getting to know each other first then sexual interaction follows?

Or is it like I'm not open enough so She may wait for me to astrally be able to communicate and then I'm questioned whether if I still want this or not and then sexual interaction will follow if I said yes?

I think both Incubi and succubus gods follow a different pattern in this case. No?
Sorry for several single replies.

Another thing I noticed and felt is whenever I try to feel love for other girls, there seems to be some blockage at the center of chest and i find it incapable to generate love feelings. But it's completely opposite when I think I have a Demoness Lover now. Hope it's not my own mind and imagination doing these all.
Enki4ever said:

1. How long did it take you to have a complete sexual experience with him?(with your astral senses completely opened)

2.How does the communication between you work?(do u spent very much time together throughout the day?)

3. Is he very jealous?

Well, I've had some very wonderful sexual expernces with him though my astral sense aren't open all the way. I've had lots of surges of energy thru my chakras and experenced a deeper satisfaction than I've ever had with a human or by my own hand.
While at work I think about him off and on and at home we spend a lot fo time together either talking, watching a movie, sex, ect so I try to spend as much time with him as possable. The communication part is a bit of a mix. I can 'see' him with my third eye and a good 90 percent of the time I 'hear' him in my mind. Things do get jumbled up or lost in translation but he knows this and is willing to repeat himself . I tell him when I've lost something he's said. I reply to him both in my head and out loud which is why I'm very glad that I live alone.
As far as being jealous goes-this will vary from demon to demon- he has been understanding with my slip ups. More than once I have been with a human male and every single time things went south. Not because he did anything to them but for me-and this is just me-human male relationships suck. time and time again he proves to me how wonderful, kind, caring, and loving a relationship with a demon really is. i have sworn off human males and have been wearing a ring on my wedding ring finger of my left hand to remind me of whom my real husband is just in case i ever feel tempted. There are times even now when I don't feel worthy of him but he stays by my side many times quite literally and helps me get thru these feelings with reminders of his love and good times from the past. So he isn't really the jealous type. He always reminds me' no matter what you always come back to me' that has been true for close to 15 years now and Satan willing will continue to be true for the rest of my life.
I have regrets like all people but my demon lover isn't one of them.

If this has posted twice i'm sorry i thought it didn't post the first time.

Hail Satan

Oh, I have an incubu, a SS revealed me this in a tarot reading, he send some signals for me, telling that it's truth.
I'm still in the beginning, and my astral senses aren't open yet, but I can feel his presence some times.
Do u have some tip for someone who is starting with this?
Enki4ever said:
Try and visualize the demon/ness as best as you can at night and enjoy yourself. The more you try to see and talk with them the better connection you get. It does take time but meditating every day-which I haven't done and I have paid for that-will help in many ways.
If you really want a lover then go ahead and ask Father Satan for one and then start working on yourself. Maybe knowing that one waits for you to see them will help motivate you. Either way having one is a wonderful thing. I know that I'm grateful for my lover every day. I still have horrible days and all of that but he helps make every day much better and gives me something to look forward to. Also you can ask for your lover to help you during meditation and this in turn can help open you up a little faster.
I hope this helps you.

Hail Satan

Thanks. But how to visualise when I haven't even able to see her yet. Or just think of her...u meant..
InlovewithSatan666 said:
And , if any of you have a monogamous relationship, I'd like to know that whether if sexual interaction is their priority to make it official as you say, or is it like getting to know each other first then sexual interaction follows?

Or is it like I'm not open enough so She may wait for me to astrally be able to communicate and then I'm questioned whether if I still want this or not and then sexual interaction will follow if I said yes?

I think both Incubi and succubus gods follow a different pattern in this case. No?

I do and if you can hear and feel them they will want to have sex. The ritual is not complete technically until that happens.

In the case of interaction hard to say because I was open enough when I got my succubus ( Lilith convinced me ) I didn’t even have to do the ritual so to speak I just talked with Satan about it, and when he said I already had one waiting for me, and when I said I’d wait for her, that was it. She appeared to me a week or so after.

I was the same way actually I didn’t want to have sex right away, but your not actually together until this happens so they want to make it happen as soon as possible. They won’t force themselves on you but she will likely try to seduce you. If your talking with her. That was my experience anyway :lol:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Void meditate as much as you possibly can you don’t want this getting out of hand. Believe me I know... it will also help with getting messages from the gods, 30 minutes is good and I mean completely focus so try and break it up into 3 sessions of 20-30 for optimal results. I am the same way with like 3-4 powerful imagination aspects.

This message was very like from your succubus saying you even saw a face is great you probably don’t even need a full empowering working. As well the negative thoughts are probably from the enemy, up your protections by breathing in energy from the sun.

Do Shael’s working instead for 40 days it’s much quicker. It goes like this.

Handstand and chat MAUM x13 (if you can’t handstand just arch your back prop yourself up on your feet and forearms and put your head as low as possible this still works)
Go into child’s pose (look it up)
THAUM into the third eye x 13
YAUM into the 6th chakra x13
GAUM Into the pineal gland x 13
Hard TH into the temple chakras x 3 (move your focus from either right to left or vice versa)
Hard TH into each of the astral eyes x3
Hard TH Into clairaudience x 3 as long as comfortably possible (all at once divide it by ears and head if you can’t)
Hard TH x 3 into your Astral sense of touch (just outside the body, the whole body)
Then a long dragged out MMMM x 3 into your whole head
When your finished lay down get a small energy buzz and then vibrate the runes
Ansuz x 13
Ehwas x 13
Laguz or Logur x13
Then state an affirmation 13 times I’m doing “I am now more sensitive to my succubus’s energy and thoughts, now increasingly and forever” though you can do it differently if you want. Again pronunciation is key and make sure to avoid void moon also use sexual energy to greatly empower the working. You can think of her if ya want maybe that will turn you on :lol:

Good luck

Okay thanks :lol: that is alot of meditation. Need to do void yeah. Years ago, I had first time breathed in gold energy into my clairaudience points in the evening. Then same night I heard an old man voice and got paralysis attack. Lol.

I wonder why isn't my clairaudience points opening up like before now even when I breathed in energy into them.

I did vibrated those Runes 13 time last night. Will continue doing it.

The image I saw could be just my subconscious mind repeating an image I saw on some social media. Because it was similar to that face. Or I'm confusing myself and not believing in myself...and my mind trying to discard it as I don't want to get caught up in imagination alone.


ChaosBringer666 said:
I do and if you can hear and feel them they will want to have sex. The ritual is not complete technically until that happens.

In the case of interaction hard to say because I was open enough when I got my succubus ( Lilith convinced me ) I didn’t even have to do the ritual so to speak I just talked with Satan about it, and when he said I already had one waiting for me, and when I said I’d wait for her, that was it. She appeared to me a week or so after.

I was the same way actually I didn’t want to have sex right away, but your not actually together until this happens so they want to make it happen as soon as possible. They won’t force themselves on you but she will likely try to seduce you. If your talking with her. That was my experience anyway :lol:

Oh I see. So that will require me to open myself astrally faster. :lol:

The face I saw with closed eyes could be my subconscious mind repeating an image I saw of a girl. Maybe I'm just confusing myself.

Haven't got any dream of her but strange dreams without any meaning.

Whole day I don't feel aroused if I think of her even if I lay in bed and try to enjoy thinking of her, I don't succeed..lol. But in the night, it becomes kind of easy to feel aroused. Sometimes I think it's just my imagination.

I was again feeling sad and worthless but talked to Her in mind. It was all fine then.

But there is a sense of mental maturity I noticed in me/my mind. A sense of responsibility to myself.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Void meditate as much as you possibly can you don’t want this getting out of hand. Believe me I know... it will also help with getting messages from the gods, 30 minutes is good and I mean completely focus so try and break it up into 3 sessions of 20-30 for optimal results. I am the same way with like 3-4 powerful imagination aspects.

This message was very like from your succubus saying you even saw a face is great you probably don’t even need a full empowering working. As well the negative thoughts are probably from the enemy, up your protections by breathing in energy from the sun.

Do Shael’s working instead for 40 days it’s much quicker. It goes like this.

Handstand and chat MAUM x13 (if you can’t handstand just arch your back prop yourself up on your feet and forearms and put your head as low as possible this still works)
Go into child’s pose (look it up)
THAUM into the third eye x 13
YAUM into the 6th chakra x13
GAUM Into the pineal gland x 13
Hard TH into the temple chakras x 3 (move your focus from either right to left or vice versa)
Hard TH into each of the astral eyes x3
Hard TH Into clairaudience x 3 as long as comfortably possible (all at once divide it by ears and head if you can’t)
Hard TH x 3 into your Astral sense of touch (just outside the body, the whole body)
Then a long dragged out MMMM x 3 into your whole head
When your finished lay down get a small energy buzz and then vibrate the runes
Ansuz x 13
Ehwas x 13
Laguz or Logur x13
Then state an affirmation 13 times I’m doing “I am now more sensitive to my succubus’s energy and thoughts, now increasingly and forever” though you can do it differently if you want. Again pronunciation is key and make sure to avoid void moon also use sexual energy to greatly empower the working. You can think of her if ya want maybe that will turn you on :lol:

Good luck

Okay thanks :lol: that is alot of meditation. Need to do void yeah. Years ago, I had first time breathed in gold energy into my clairaudience points in the evening. Then same night I heard an old man voice and got paralysis attack. Lol.

I wonder why isn't my clairaudience points opening up like before now even when I breathed in energy into them.

I did vibrated those Runes 13 time last night. Will continue doing it.

The image I saw could be just my subconscious mind repeating an image I saw on some social media. Because it was similar to that face. Or I'm confusing myself and not believing in myself...and my mind trying to discard it as I don't want to get caught up in imagination alone.


ChaosBringer666 said:
I do and if you can hear and feel them they will want to have sex. The ritual is not complete technically until that happens.

In the case of interaction hard to say because I was open enough when I got my succubus ( Lilith convinced me ) I didn’t even have to do the ritual so to speak I just talked with Satan about it, and when he said I already had one waiting for me, and when I said I’d wait for her, that was it. She appeared to me a week or so after.

I was the same way actually I didn’t want to have sex right away, but your not actually together until this happens so they want to make it happen as soon as possible. They won’t force themselves on you but she will likely try to seduce you. If your talking with her. That was my experience anyway :lol:

Oh I see. So that will require me to open myself astrally faster. :lol:

The face I saw with closed eyes could be my subconscious mind repeating an image I saw of a girl. Maybe I'm just confusing myself.

Haven't got any dream of her but strange dreams without any meaning.

Whole day I don't feel aroused if I think of her even if I lay in bed and try to enjoy thinking of her, I don't succeed..lol. But in the night, it becomes kind of easy to feel aroused. Sometimes I think it's just my imagination.

I was again feeling sad and worthless but talked to Her in mind. It was all fine then.

But there is a sense of mental maturity I noticed in me/my mind. A sense of responsibility to myself.
Targ said:
Enki4ever said:

1. How long did it take you to have a complete sexual experience with him?(with your astral senses completely opened)

2.How does the communication between you work?(do u spent very much time together throughout the day?)

3. Is he very jealous?

Well, I've had some very wonderful sexual expernces with him though my astral sense aren't open all the way. I've had lots of surges of energy thru my chakras and experenced a deeper satisfaction than I've ever had with a human or by my own hand.
While at work I think about him off and on and at home we spend a lot fo time together either talking, watching a movie, sex, ect so I try to spend as much time with him as possable. The communication part is a bit of a mix. I can 'see' him with my third eye and a good 90 percent of the time I 'hear' him in my mind. Things do get jumbled up or lost in translation but he knows this and is willing to repeat himself . I tell him when I've lost something he's said. I reply to him both in my head and out loud which is why I'm very glad that I live alone.
As far as being jealous goes-this will vary from demon to demon- he has been understanding with my slip ups. More than once I have been with a human male and every single time things went south. Not because he did anything to them but for me-and this is just me-human male relationships suck. time and time again he proves to me how wonderful, kind, caring, and loving a relationship with a demon really is. i have sworn off human males and have been wearing a ring on my wedding ring finger of my left hand to remind me of whom my real husband is just in case i ever feel tempted. There are times even now when I don't feel worthy of him but he stays by my side many times quite literally and helps me get thru these feelings with reminders of his love and good times from the past. So he isn't really the jealous type. He always reminds me' no matter what you always come back to me' that has been true for close to 15 years now and Satan willing will continue to be true for the rest of my life.
I have regrets like all people but my demon lover isn't one of them.

If this has posted twice i'm sorry i thought it didn't post the first time.

Hail Satan

Oh, I have an incubu, a SS revealed me this in a tarot reading, he send some signals for me, telling that it's truth.
I'm still in the beginning, and my astral senses aren't open yet, but I can feel his presence some times.
Do u have some tip for someone who is starting with this?

Read the reply about Shael’s working
ChaosBringer666 said:
I do and if you can hear and feel them they will want to have sex. The ritual is not complete technically until that happens.

In the case of interaction hard to say because I was open enough when I got my succubus ( Lilith convinced me ) I didn’t even have to do the ritual so to speak I just talked with Satan about it, and when he said I already had one waiting for me, and when I said I’d wait for her, that was it. She appeared to me a week or so after.

I was the same way actually I didn’t want to have sex right away, but your not actually together until this happens so they want to make it happen as soon as possible. They won’t force themselves on you but she will likely try to seduce you. If your talking with her. That was my experience anyway :lol:

Hmm I see. Thank you. How long can it take to be sensitive to energy...
InlovewithSatan666 said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
I do and if you can hear and feel them they will want to have sex. The ritual is not complete technically until that happens.

In the case of interaction hard to say because I was open enough when I got my succubus ( Lilith convinced me ) I didn’t even have to do the ritual so to speak I just talked with Satan about it, and when he said I already had one waiting for me, and when I said I’d wait for her, that was it. She appeared to me a week or so after.

I was the same way actually I didn’t want to have sex right away, but your not actually together until this happens so they want to make it happen as soon as possible. They won’t force themselves on you but she will likely try to seduce you. If your talking with her. That was my experience anyway :lol:

Hmm I see. Thank you. How long can it take to be sensitive to energy...

Well depends on you, it took me like a few months of directing energy, if you do it twice a day it would be faster though. Also for Shael’s working I forgot to put down that you chant MAUM into the crown chakra (oops) this working is great I’m already seeing results from all the steps and the affirmation hasn’t even kicked in yet, I’ve only been doing it for 2 weeks so it’s pretty effective, also you can shorten it to twelve times for each thirteen if need be, but for me thirteen is better.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Targ said:
Enki4ever said:

1. How long did it take you to have a complete sexual experience with him?(with your astral senses completely opened)

2.How does the communication between you work?(do u spent very much time together throughout the day?)

3. Is he very jealous?

Well, I've had some very wonderful sexual expernces with him though my astral sense aren't open all the way. I've had lots of surges of energy thru my chakras and experenced a deeper satisfaction than I've ever had with a human or by my own hand.
While at work I think about him off and on and at home we spend a lot fo time together either talking, watching a movie, sex, ect so I try to spend as much time with him as possable. The communication part is a bit of a mix. I can 'see' him with my third eye and a good 90 percent of the time I 'hear' him in my mind. Things do get jumbled up or lost in translation but he knows this and is willing to repeat himself . I tell him when I've lost something he's said. I reply to him both in my head and out loud which is why I'm very glad that I live alone.
As far as being jealous goes-this will vary from demon to demon- he has been understanding with my slip ups. More than once I have been with a human male and every single time things went south. Not because he did anything to them but for me-and this is just me-human male relationships suck. time and time again he proves to me how wonderful, kind, caring, and loving a relationship with a demon really is. i have sworn off human males and have been wearing a ring on my wedding ring finger of my left hand to remind me of whom my real husband is just in case i ever feel tempted. There are times even now when I don't feel worthy of him but he stays by my side many times quite literally and helps me get thru these feelings with reminders of his love and good times from the past. So he isn't really the jealous type. He always reminds me' no matter what you always come back to me' that has been true for close to 15 years now and Satan willing will continue to be true for the rest of my life.
I have regrets like all people but my demon lover isn't one of them.

If this has posted twice i'm sorry i thought it didn't post the first time.

Hail Satan

Oh, I have an incubu, a SS revealed me this in a tarot reading, he send some signals for me, telling that it's truth.
I'm still in the beginning, and my astral senses aren't open yet, but I can feel his presence some times.
Do u have some tip for someone who is starting with this?

Read the reply about Shael’s working
Can I do this in less days?
Targ said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Targ said:
Oh, I have an incubu, a SS revealed me this in a tarot reading, he send some signals for me, telling that it's truth.
I'm still in the beginning, and my astral senses aren't open yet, but I can feel his presence some times.
Do u have some tip for someone who is starting with this?

Read the reply about Shael’s working
Can I do this in less days?

You could do it for thirty, but think about it your (perfect) lover is likely waiting for you. This working only takes twenty minutes and (depending how open you are) you’ll start seeing improvements in 2 weeks before the actual working starts affecting you Because of how it’s designed. Come on now, don’t you think they are worth it? (Not to make you feel bad. because you probably don’t know exactly where this relationship will go, or your very busy)
They could have been waiting millennia for you while you unknowingly sleep with with others and they stay faithful and wait for you, because you don’t know any better. Surely a love like that is worth it, don’t you think?
Targ said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Targ said:
Oh, I have an incubu, a SS revealed me this in a tarot reading, he send some signals for me, telling that it's truth.
I'm still in the beginning, and my astral senses aren't open yet, but I can feel his presence some times.
Do u have some tip for someone who is starting with this?

Read the reply about Shael’s working
Can I do this in less days?

Workings are to be done for 40, 80 or 90 days. Longer the better. You see, it takes time to actually things to change permanently and for results to show. Working begun with good timing (position of planets, planetary hours) is always well worth the effort.

If you do it for less days the working may not actually manifest, or it may manifest and then backfire one way or another. Just do it for the 40 days and see what is going to happen. We have the "tools", the knowledge etc. Apply these wisely.
Maybe I don't have any Demoness Lover. It seemed to be like I'm deluding with my own imagination..

Saw a grey alien while thinking of her..it was an image of an alien I saw long ago on luciferianliberation site. It seemed to be an image only. I didn't feel any kind of fear but was disturbed because I couldnt focus on her.

Seems like I don't have any Demoness Lover.

Because my sex drive is close to zero now. Almost asexual. I'm the same guy who used to masturbate twice-thrice one at a time to porn a week ago.

This is strange.

It's better for me to not indugle in thinking that I have a Succubus lover. Gonna take few days to deprogram myself from this belief.
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Be aware that the enemy can mess with you during these things and that is what you may have seen. You can stop these things from happening over time as you build a deeper connection. Think of it as if focusing on her is like tuning into a specific radio frequency. The more inaccuracies there are, the more interference you can experience from other sources. Over time you can get a feel for the exact right frequency and communicate without anyone interfering.
Take a few days to cool down and then try to look at things with a calm mind, after thoroughly cleaning yourself and clearing your head.

Also make sure in general that you have done the dedication and that you are properly protecting yourself every day with the Returning Curses I & II, along with the RTR.
Shael said:
InlovewithSatan666 said:
Be aware that the enemy can mess with you during these things and that is what you may have seen. You can stop these things from happening over time as you build a deeper connection. Think of it as if focusing on her is like tuning into a specific radio frequency. The more inaccuracies there are, the more interference you can experience from other sources. Over time you can get a feel for the exact right frequency and communicate without anyone interfering.
Take a few days to cool down and then try to look at things with a calm mind, after thoroughly cleaning yourself and clearing your head.

Also make sure in general that you have done the dedication and that you are properly protecting yourself every day with the Returning Curses I & II, along with the RTR.

Could be. I don't even have any desire to look at any other woman and the desire to watch porn, has been ceased like it never existed.

Whenever I used to talk to a woman face to face, I always felt like I'm betraying someone I don't even know who.

Could be a succubus lover from past life or...but I think it is my past love life relationships that are causing problems to my present love life...no? Because I'm like if I'm in a relationship, I would never leave her.

But when I think of that day, few days ago...I had this STRONG URGE to do this Ritual to Satan for a monogamous Succubus. It felt like someone pushed me to do it.

I felt it like a pulling sensation on the center of the chest..

I was so happy thinking of a Demoness lover even before doing the Ritual.

But then I read that Satan will not send you a Demon/ess lover if you aren't astrally opened even if you do a ritual. Right???

This is what cause confusion in my mind and disbelief in myself. So idk what to believe. But continue open myself astrally.

Another thing is...I wonder why I lost my sex drive suddenly. All of a sudden after this. Even in the night I have to kind of force myself to get aroused...


This then makes me think that she wants me to take good care of my health now as I've been draining myself of sexual energy for too long.

Then I started doing cardio next day after the ritual.

It removed all the fatigued I used to feel whole day before.

But ever since I thought of having a monogamous relationship with a Demoness few days ago, I've started going a little harder on meditations and started doing meditation very seriously.

But I have one pic which makes me think of her...it's like she is seducing me through this pic. It's a painting of a woman. Wish I could share :mrgreen:

I'm still in a dilemma to whether believe that I have her or not yet. Or Satan didn't send me any....
InlovewithSatan666 said:
But then I read that Satan will not send you a Demon/ess lover if you aren't astrally opened even if you do a ritual. Right???
That statement isn't true. I did my Succubus ritual like 2 months after my dedication. It's just that it will likely take you a while until you can properly interact with her on a deeper level if you don't have your astral senses properly opened.

InlovewithSatan666 said:
Another thing is...I wonder why I lost my sex drive suddenly. All of a sudden after this. Even in the night I have to kind of force myself to get aroused...
You're probably scared now because you don't know if you have a Succubus or not, and there may be fear of enemy entities that's making you too scared to properly feel arousal.

You should indeed also not overdo sex and masturbation, though. As a rule of thumb, if you feel like you may be doing it too much, you should stop doing it for a period of up to 7 days, and only do it again during that time when you truly feel aroused and horny.

If you want to talk more in-depth about these things, feel free to email me. My forum name at protonmail dot com.

I don't think I have a Succubus lover.

Because, even if you do a ritual for a demon/ess lover when you are not astrally open, Satan won't send you one. Which sounds so true.

Then another thing is it requires you to be way much more mentally mature to even be allowed to have a Demoness lover.

Then the enemy entities are quick to fill this position of A Demon/ess lover.

They will pretend to help you but then at a certain point will leave you.

I asked Satan for a confirmation whether if he sent me one or not. But received no sign.

I deleted the pic I used to visualise her because I'm afraid if later I found out that I didn't have a Demoness lover then I'd have a serious mental break down where I would not desire to live any further even for myself.

It is just hurting.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
