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S.S. 666

New member
Mar 30, 2008
This point came to my mind after reading about Kefir - I did not know about that.

How do you use and consider milk ?
I am turning around in circles around this food, as I used to eat milk daily in the past but I put it apart for a while; now I am feeling to use it again as my body seems to seek for dairy products more than before. But I have some diffculties to digest it in its raw form.

What I am sure about is :
- Milk (at least in EU) sounds like another kike business, as we have absurd laws that compell local farmers NOT to produce too much milk to comply with EU "levels" for every country, and farmers are fined if they produce too much (!). The result is a lot of milk comes from foreign countries, France, East Europe, etc. So the milk travels for long distances and is all but fresh
- Cheap milk can be made with expired milk (!) that is treated to "renew" it and make it edible again. I don't know the process - stay away from it!
- A lot of antibiotics, chemicals get into non-rganic milk as cattles are not correcly fed and are abused by the kike or kike-like companies. Also cattles suffer so the milk's energy seems to be bad.
- Organic milk do not cost much more than non-organic milk so it's the only choice in my opinion.
- Pasteurization kills bacteria however reduces vitamins as heat is destroying them

I have doubt about :
- Many automatic machines selling milk are popping around here. They are good as local farmers can deliver their fresh milk daily within few Km from their farm, often organic milk. This milk is NOT pasteurized. Would it be better or worst than commercial milk undr this point of view?
- Many people says "milk is only for childhood" - I don't fully agree. I believe that as a young child can grow eating milk only, and the body is able to grow and develop all organs and functions with milk only, this food is probably helping a lot in repairing/mantaining the body even later. What do you think about this ?
- Meditation is transforming and probably milk is helpful to support body transformation?

Milk is very heavy and damp, even in its raw form. It is considered a strong Yin tonic and should only really be consumed in small amounts, or even smaller amounts but more frequently for those who experience symptoms of Yin deficiency (heat especially in the afternoon, night sweats, insomnia, low grade thirst).

People who have weak digestion or poor appetite are advised to stay away from milk altogether. I'd say though if you are in tune with your body and you are craving it or seeking it out then you probably need it, but drinking a glass of milk is like dumping a box of ice cubes in a boiling saucepan... the boiling saucepan is your digestive energy, a fire if you will and the milk is ice... so adding it in small amounts over a longer period will allow it to assimilate better without quashing your digestion.

Admittedly I don't know much about what is or isn't added to milk, or even the pasteurisation and homogenisation of it except that these are done supposedly for hygiene purposes but then my take is that if your mind and aura are strong enough, the food you eat will be transformed into what you want it to anyway and stressing unnecessarily about how processed this or that food is beyond the obvious poisons is more damaging to health than one initially realises..
Thanks you for answering! I was thinking about assuming it in small quantities not regularity, made more sense to me.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 00:01:11 -0700
Subject: [SSHealth] Re: Milk

  Milk is very heavy and damp, even in its raw form. It is considered a strong Yin tonic and should only really be consumed in small amounts, or even smaller amounts but more frequently for those who experience symptoms of Yin deficiency (heat especially in the afternoon, night sweats, insomnia, low grade thirst).

People who have weak digestion or poor appetite are advised to stay away from milk altogether. I'd say though if you are in tune with your body and you are craving it or seeking it out then you probably need it, but drinking a glass of milk is like dumping a box of ice cubes in a boiling saucepan... the boiling saucepan is your digestive energy, a fire if you will and the milk is ice... so adding it in small amounts over a longer period will allow it to assimilate better without quashing your digestion.

Admittedly I don't know much about what is or isn't added to milk, or even the pasteurisation and homogenisation of it except that these are done supposedly for hygiene purposes but then my take is that if your mind and aura are strong enough, the food you eat will be transformed into what you want it to anyway and stressing unnecessarily about how processed this or that food is beyond the obvious poisons is more damaging to health than one initially realises..
I had read this enormous article about milk but it was in Greek! D;I really need to find the time to write some topics in this group but I'm still busy doing other things...
In regards to milk I can say with a few words that:1. Humans are the only "animals" that drink milk after the infant age, which is not normal.2. Milk causes osteoporosis (It is the exact opossite of what they tell us!! They say 'drink milk to strengthen your bones' but the opossite happens! The reason is, very nicely written in Greek LOL I need time to translate this, or find other english sources about milk)3. The cows are.... very abused. Very very very abused for humans to fucking drink milk. Normally, a cow would create milk in her body, after -or a little before- giving birth to baby cows. So, in the milk industry they take the cows in a place of 'rape' (they call it like that) where they make the cows pregnant without them wanting to.. or they make them think they are pregnant... oh I really need to re-read the article, all that I remember is that it is NOT A NORMAL SITUATION/OCCURENCE!!!!
4. The way they edit the milk they will put many bad things in it, and remove all the healthy things from it. (things = vitamins and stuff xD The article has so much detail about that....)5. In the article it also explains why cow -or any other animal- milk is not suitable for people.
In the article it also explains how some specific ingredients in the milk (in its process/editting) have bad affect on us.
And it pisses me off because milk... almost everyone drinks milk. And they think it's a good thing. I was drinking milk until I was in freakin' Lyceum because I liked the chocolate corn flakes with milk... WHICH CORN FLAKES HAVE FUCKING ASPARTAME AND GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE I was feeding myself with so much SHIT in my entire life, so now it's very hard and I will need years to make my body as it should be, and especially my pineal gland... I started taking magnesium and I feel freakin' euphoric...
A[/IMG]ALSO!! Corn flakes (the ones with the chicken https://michaelstvtray.files.wordpress. ... flakes.jpg) contain high fructose corn syrup WHICH IS FUCKING DEADLY!!!!!!!!!!![/B]Don't eat that shit!!!!
MAN I am so angry with all with the food industry, the deodorants that contain aluminum and the list goes on.... Ever since I started searching through the ingredients and stuff, I HAVE BECOME FURIOUS!!! And the irony is that, if I tell my mother about it, or any other relative, all they have to say is "But I was eating/taking/drinking that for so long and nothing happened." YES I CAN FUCKING SEE THAT FROM YOUR AMAZING FUCKING HEALTH YOU LITTLE FUCKING BRAINLESS STUPID FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My mother had so many health problems it's not even funny... She had cancer more than twice, has removed anything womanly she had on her body (breasts etc) and now the doctors are asking her to do MORE EXAMS that WILL FUCKING COST US OUR WHOLE YEAR'S FOOD MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND THAT FUCKING STUPID PERSON (my mother, yes my mother) IS MORE THAN WILLING TO DO/EAT/DRINK ALL THE SHIT THE DOCTORS TELL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<b [/IMG]I had also read another article (in Greek! Omg I need time to translate...) about how mammography is actually VERY LIKEABLE TO CAUSE BREAST CANCER and how it gives much much more radiation than a chest x-ray!!![/B] FOR FUCK'S SAKE AHJFKJAHFKJ PEOPLE NEED TO RESEARCH THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
*takes deep breaths*Yes. Milk. I even forgot what the topic was about. I really need time to translate the above articles.This is all I can tell you for now. I hope it helped.

Στις 11:54 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 22 Ιουλίου 2015, ο/η "'S.S. 666' s.s.666@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Thanks you for answering! I was thinking about assuming it in small quantities not regularity, made more sense to me.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 00:01:11 -0700
Subject: [SSHealth] Re: Milk

  Milk is very heavy and damp, even in its raw form. It is considered a strong Yin tonic and should only really be consumed in small amounts, or even smaller amounts but more frequently for those who experience symptoms of Yin deficiency (heat especially in the afternoon, night sweats, insomnia, low grade thirst).

People who have weak digestion or poor appetite are advised to stay away from milk altogether. I'd say though if you are in tune with your body and you are craving it or seeking it out then you probably need it, but drinking a glass of milk is like dumping a box of ice cubes in a boiling saucepan... the boiling saucepan is your digestive energy, a fire if you will and the milk is ice... so adding it in small amounts over a longer period will allow it to assimilate better without quashing your digestion.

Admittedly I don't know much about what is or isn't added to milk, or even the pasteurisation and homogenisation of it except that these are done supposedly for hygiene purposes but then my take is that if your mind and aura are strong enough, the food you eat will be transformed into what you want it to anyway and stressing unnecessarily about how processed this or that food is beyond the obvious poisons is more damaging to health than one initially realises..

The thing about pure raw milk it is a healing food and very nourishing in general. It is a Yin food but these days a lot of people do not have a complete balance of Yin and yang in their bodies. I heard of a saying once, "People who have strong digestive" fire" can tolerate all kinds of foods to their liking."
But anyway, I have read of people who have fixed many digestive ailments by including raw milk into their diets and other health improvements.
It's not a matter of whether milk is fit for consumption of adults or not...because when you think about it nothing is really meant exactly for our consumption. It's not like a plant thinks to itself " I'm going to make some fruit for the humans to eat." In this matter it just is. Milk can be consumed by children and adults.
Most people have an intolerance to commercial milk because it is pasteurized and homogenized and it completely warps and distorts the natural form. Milk does not need to be pasteurized or homogenized. Milk contains beneficial bacteria and enzymes that naturally keep it safe and clean. Nature doesn't make mistakes.
Many are not lactose intolerant, they are pasteurization intolerant. Pasteurization just kills all the good bacteria in the milk....after that all you have is lack of vitamins and enzymes and dead bacteria bodies in it. On top of that, synthetic vitamins are added to it....which are pretty much useless. I think at this point you should 
 Virtually all people who switch to pure raw milk have no digestive problems after that.
I drink raw milk everyday. It's a matter of personal taste and what works for me. 
TCM is not my specialty and so everyone is different and has their own digestive capabilities. I personally don't have a problem with drinking raw milk everyday. Just go slow in the beginning and according to what central force says, it may dampen your digestive fire but at the same time the raw milk is beneficial for the gut and body. Everyone is different. 
In my opinion, you should be very concerned at what you are putting into your body especially since our food is being systematically poisoned slowly but need not worry to the point of where you are losing sleep at night.Seek put the best you can.
@Light Yagami, bear in mind that many of the anti-milk crusaders are also major players in the vegan movement and much of the justification for what they write is based on pushing veganism. Always research the claims of these articles beyond just the references they provide (and check the references too, because often things are taken out of context in order to prove a point).

Shannon, yes it is correct that people with strong digestive fire can usually eat whatever they like however SS 666 is Italian like me, and we have a propensity toward poor digestion whereas my experience with people of your descent is that they are naturally very Yang in nature, hence the ability for black people to consume large amounts of food in one sitting and assimilate it well.

For me, having the number of children that I have, it is difficult if not near on financially impossible to eat purely organic and clean food all the time but certainly I stay away from refined sugars and flours and hydrogenated anything and all of the families medicine except emergency interventions comes from herbs and I include as many fresh fruit and veg as I can but as a matter of life circumstance, I would be killing myself to go to the extent of analysing everything in minute detail. Also, the college where I attend is filled with people who do abide by these rules and I have to say that the number of health complaints is barely if at all any better but I notice those whose mind is positive to what they eat and convinced what they are doing is beneficial regardless of diet seem to hold the best records... that comes down to strength of mind and aura for me and the connection between sympathetic nervous system and digestive action is too strong to be ignored in my view...

I don't personally drink milk but that's because my body tends towards stagnant energy leading to phlegm and milk worsens this propensity but sometimes I crave and have it but only in small amounts. And almost no one has appropriate balance of yin and yang that is correct, otherwise there would be very health problems,let alone the epidemic of poor health and disease that the western world is amongst but many people are complex cases of yin and yang deficiencies and excess that are far beyond simply ascribing one or two additional choices to rectify.

I would expect that most people in this group however are in a better state than most as meditation increases the connection with one's own body and hence the capabilities for rectifying ones own health.

The easiest way to view the state of your body at a glance is to look at your tongue, as the cells there are replaced very often and they accurately reflect the yin and yang balance of the whole body. I don't want to start another thread here but perhaps I might start another thread entitled tongue diagnosis, in order to shed light on healthy tongues, tongues in a state of disease or disharmony and western medical conditions which untreated disharmonies *might* lead to...
Please do. This is indeed a health group.:)
 And I am sure many would be interested in what the tongue can reveal about the health.

And as I have mentioned before, there are many ways to heal. Herbs, diet, energy healing and even strength of will. 
We are all unique. 
I switched from cow milk to coconut-almond milk a few years ago after researching cow milk. I'm not sure if my coconut-almond milk is much better, but I do crave milk and it satisfies that craving. Plus, I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels) and I NEED to eat within 15 minutes of getting up, which means I don't really have the time to make breakfast, so I turn to cereal with milk.
Now, cereal. I spent about an hour one day in the grocery store reading ingredients. I need to stay away from refined sugars, because of hypoglycemia, I always got a major crash about an hour after eating breakfast and had to eat again. It made my life complicated and inconvenient, having to plan around meals all the time. If I eat cereal that is sweetened naturally, that really saves the day for me. Plus, I read up on GMO's and how most cereal brands are made with them. After all that time in the grocery store, I found only 2 cereals I can eat. Fortunately they taste good and come in large packaging and I can usually get them on sale.
Who knows how much healthier I would have been growing up, if I knew then what I know now -_-
Almond milk is far drier than cow's milk, which makes it a slightly better alternative... I just hate the taste of it!

I would imagine cereals with low GI would be best, things like rolled oats (which can be made by soaking in boiling water for 5 minutes and then eaten, it doesn't require a large amount of time to cook contrary to what most people think) would be beneficial to avoid hypoglycemic incidents...

Natural honey is a good addition to oats or cereal in general and I put sunflower seeds, flaxseeds and psyllium husks over my oats for fibre, essential fatty acids (omega-3 and -6) and the benefit to digestion which sunflower seeds provide (note they will pass in your stool relatively unchanged but TCM classifies them as being a spleen qi tonic which is good for digestive ability).

I also put butter in there for energy from the saturated fat and to make me feel less hungry as time passes after the meal.
Yes, fats eaten with a meal especially a sugary one, will steadily and beneficially release the sugars for fuel so you won't crash. Fats always keep me satisfied after a meal too.
My favorite breakfast for energy and keeping me satisified is sprouted oatmeal with butter  or coconut oil and honey and some fresh berries or bananas. Really does a god job. I have seen a few people mention oatmeal as a good source of energy and holding one over til' lunch time.
Thank you for all replies on the subjet, each of them was illuminating and helpful - I will try to add raw milk in the diet as I feel I need it, in small quantities not to overload my digestive system and weaken my 3rd chakra as a consequence (I noticed a strong relationship between them).

Not sure about "Italian way" of digesting, probably we are most used to carbohidrates rather than to fat/protein rich diet this might be a reason? :)

. <[/IMG]
The human body is designed to metabolise all macro nutrients but my experience with an Italian diet is that it consists mainly of hot natured foods combined with dampness... think chilli, saturated fats and alcohol... Over the years this has weakened the digestive system of the people as a whole, not to mention as you said the weaker solar chakra... my opinion is that having the disgusting vatican in the centre of the homeland is one manner in which Italians have had their solar power relentlessly attacked and you are right, the solar chakra rules the liver and the stomach, two of the major organs involved in digestion.

This is just my opinion based on the shocking state of the digestive systems (and willpower) of my entire extended family (all of whom are Italian BUT we live in Australia)... so I am just speculating in regards to you Myla but you can take what you find useful and discard the rest...
@ billoblueskees "Bravi, vi siete messi in salvo in Australia :) - bellissimo paese"

PS : I believe Australia has a good level of organic farming?
Europe is rich in organic - Germany and Italy are up in the list of producers. So that you can find good quality milk with few effortt.

Despite the fact Australia is one of the most exploited countries in the world for mining/minerals IMO

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 01:00:57 -0700
Subject: RE: [SSHealth] Re: Milk

  The human body is designed to metabolise all macro nutrients but my experience with an Italian diet is that it consists mainly of hot natured foods combined with dampness... think chilli, saturated fats and alcohol... Over the years this has weakened the digestive system of the people as a whole, not to mention as you said the weaker solar chakra... my opinion is that having the disgusting vatican in the centre of the homeland is one manner in which Italians have had their solar power relentlessly attacked and you are right, the solar chakra rules the liver and the stomach, two of the major organs involved in digestion.

This is just my opinion based on the shocking state of the digestive systems (and willpower) of my entire extended family (all of whom are Italian BUT we live in Australia)... so I am just speculating in regards to you Myla but you can take what you find useful and discard the rest...
I am fortunate to live here yes... Perhaps but the product is so expensive by the time it hits the supermarket shelf that it is not viable to eat solely organic. You have to be rich to do so.. and I am in the city so it is not as easily accessed as what it might be rurally where it is cheaper...

And yes, Satan's Australia is the vision :)
I live in Australia and yes, our farms are actually very good, well....at least the one I work on is :p
Well this was... eye opening. o_o I'm speechless, I feel like no matter what I give my body, I'm fucked. T-T
@Thanatos, you do not have to feel that way. Just increase your digestive fire and balance out your body. The rest follows after that.

Start from square one.

Trust me on this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
