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Merkaba > Computer rotto & richiesta consigli sulla magia sessuale/ meditazione con sesso


Feb 21, 2022
Lol, volevo faccontare una cosa che è successa pochi secondi fa.computer

Avevo appena finito di fare la merkaba, dopo aver fatto degli esercizi per la visualizzazione, ed ho afferratto il mio portatile. dopo meno di un secondo gli auricolari fischiano, lo schermo diventa nero e man mano si accendono i led RGB fino a diventare bianchi, e il computer si è riavviato in automatico,

Non sono qui per chiedere consigli, so che adesso devo rimanere concentrato e fare la meditazione sul vuoto o, almeno, stare tranquillo con le mie emozioni, le mie bellissime emozioni,

Ma ci pensate. quando ho finito di fare la merkaba ho visualizzato per la prima volta tutto quanto senza fare sforzo, vedevo le doppie piramidi girare anche dopo che me ne ero completamente dimenticato, avevo visto che quando avevo pensato che il centro di quella galassia dentro di me fosse nero, ho fatto un respiro molto inquietante e mi sono spaventato, uno che non avevo mai fatto, adesso vorrei chiedervi.
Ho un certo problema con la mia attività sessuale, nel senso che mi masturbo davvero tanto e da quando ho iniziato a fare la merkaba il problema è peggiorato, non provo sensi di colpa o qualsiasi emozione negativa, vorrei solo che almeno fossero positive per la mia spiritualità o crescita nel mio percorso satanico.

Sto ancora scrivendo tanto e non sono nemmeno stanco, mi sono appena ricordato di una volta che avevo letto online di medicine che sono in grado di farti studiare tanto, ma non bene sfortunatamente, e io mi sento in quella specie di bolla, sono pienamente concentrato e non riesco a smettere,

L'unica cosa che mi chiedo adesso è se la meditazione della merkaba avrà risultati per diverso tempo o è solo una questione di ore.

Buona notte e grazie per la lettura
Sfrutta l'occasione per meditare fortemente sotto il Sole, e poi concentrati sul unirti a Satya con tutta la forza che hai.
Grazie mille per il consiglio, purtroppo oggi, per ironia della sorte, è davvero nuvoloso e non arriva un raggio di sole. Eppure nei giorni precedenti c'er un sole che, come si suol dire, "spaccava le pietre".

Ti confesso che rispetto a ieri, sono molto più tranquillo e calmo. Ho avuto oggi dei problemi simili al pc per ben 3 volte, È davvero molto difficile ripristinare il controllo sulla mia aura per evitare queste sofferenze. All'inizio avevo problemi di bug coi dispositivi ellettronici, ma erano cose di poco conto, Adesso che evidentemente, non per elogiarmi, ho un'aura più forte, i problemi che ho sono più noiosi, e temo il guasto di qualsiasi elettrodomestico sia mio. Ho persino riscontrato problemi con la TV.

Che dite, continuo con la Merkaba o mi prendo una piccola paura? Perchè davvero, non ho idea di cosa fare...
Ricorda che se la tua anima non è totalmente purificata, la merkaba andrà ad alimentare qualsiasi negatività in essa.
Ricorda che se la tua anima non è totalmente purificata, la merkaba andrà ad alimentare qualsiasi negatività in essa.
Come non sapevo una cosa così importante! Devo fare più attenzione adesso!

Scusate se in queste ore parlo come un rincoglionito, ma è davvero strano quello che sta succedendo attorno a me dopo che ho fatto la Merkaba.
I'm not Italian nor speak it and I translated this post using Google Translate. So if anyone wishes to re-translate to Italian my post please do so. I'd rather some Englo-Italo person translate it than having Google Translate.

Anyways MerKaBa is a very scientific technology property in fact the old Russian JoS website had a prominent amount of talk on MerKaBa and it's link to various Geometric properties even properties of the Mecca Cube in regards to usage of the enemy MerKaBa vs our MerKaBa.

In simplest terms MerKaBa amplifies the energy field vibration to the speed of light or faster. Do not go further than SoL as HP.Cobra mentioned in one of my posts years ago 2018 or so, beyond the speed of light you might have issues with affecting reality it might make you the opposite less affective of reality. In time your soul will advance slowly past the speed of light with Yoga (Hatha/Kundalini) and other meditations.

Sheer fact is the best affirmation and direction of MerKaBa is the same property fortify the vibration. As the MerKaBa information page on the Kalachakra tradition states.

"Her Babylonian symbol is known as the "Star Disc of Ishtar." What this meditation can do is take your energy field to a much higher vibration. The geometry of energy has powerful effects.
Once this meditation has begun, you should continue to do it every day until the spinning fields are permanent. You will know they are permanent when you can feel the pulsating senstion any time you focus your attention on them. Once they are permanent, you will no longer have to perform the meditation every single day."

Sadly it's such a simple meditation of less than 2 minutes it should be done everyday never stop it's so simple. Some people spend 5-15 minutes meditating on it.

Anyways MerKaBa probably has uses for many things and probably is an entire scientific magickal field unto itself. The most basic information on it is we use it to fortify our vibration of our energy field to the sped of light. There is other colors than White-Gold, other chakra usage than Solar main, and frankly it's possible MerKaBa might be an excellent meditation for Spiritual Warfare. Enemy jews and rabbis use their MerKaba as well during their prayers, litanies, and magickal rituals using the tefilin for example.

I digress what we know is it's very powerful it has time dilation properties perhaps not outright I took a psychedelic or cannabis and I'm tripping balls in time distortion.

But like the MKB page states, "The hexagram version was given to new age enthusiasts by angels. What the hexagram does is it establishes a geometric energy field that corresponds to the planet Saturn, of time; the lower octave of Saturn. The current system of time, based on the number 3 and 6, is out of sync with the vibrations of the earth and the universe, which are naturally 13 and 20; the 13 lunar months. Unbeknownst to many, the hexagram meditation is a conspiracy and is to the detriment of humanity."

So frankly it's quite possible this meditation alters our time on a Soul, Mental, Biological factor in subtle ways to 13/20 rather than 3/6. Again I can't vouch for it but in my own personal dealing with MKB ignoring my mental health disorder I believe this meditation requires a good, clean person and an intense person.

I wish HP.Cobra and others would vouch for it using Spiritual Warfare and Gods Rituals. I know it produces a hell of a lot of energy in the Galaxy disc and while there are other methods like the mini-QnK Lilith's Vu/Va/Vo and we want to PUMP energy. I strongly believe in my own personal thought that Joy of Satan ministries war department i.e. Spiritual Warfare should engage with MerKaBa and I strongly believe we should tell more people to use it.

Again Hp.Cobra might not like that and might want people to be careful due to his 2012 sermons on the MerKaBa when Hp.Cobra was climbing up the ladder a decade after JoS established itself in 2002.

Affirmation wise stick with empowering the energy field.

My affirmation is "My energy field is fully vibrating at the speed of light at all times and in every way forevermore(combines now and forever)" x8, 8 link with MKB and 8 link with Multiplication towards infinity as two or three members have posted similar things describing 8 numerology.

Anyways I've done it over the years a lot and never felt a drop of sensation maybe meditation is fake or something or requires trance. Maybe I do it properly in trance and it blows me away. People have stated like Blitzkreig[JG] that even if you don't feel anything you still did something.


But MerKaBa is awesome and too simple and quick not to do daily, under 2 minutes. My best guess it's the 5-15 minute meditating part. I normally skip that a lot but anyways.

MerKaBa is something else and I don't know about your computer or anything involving electrokinetic properties. Maybe it's a coincidence maybe it's something else but computers now a days are usually built in shitty crappy ways and often times your RGB LEDs are like 40 cents for everything but they charge 100-200 for it.

Kinda like DDR RAM or other products 10-15 cents worth of LED but lets charge easily 40-50-60 dollars more.

Maybe the computers you bought particular laptops as they usually have their fair share of issues not just issues with irregular parts and parts that are questionable like having this APU or processor over another tier which would make it better and more powerful for a slight BOM cost to manufacturer and even the end user would enjoy the product more.

It's weird maybe MKB did something or maybe it's just outright issues with the quantum mechanism affecting reality. Anyways with cleaning I suggest focusing on vibration clean it doesn't even have to be 216 vibrations you can do 27-36-88 vibrations or for example taking advantage of Friday/Saturday Witches Sabbath or waiting for a purification/cleaning bathing ritual of Witches Sabbath period of 7, 14, 21, 28 days two or three in one year can have significant positivity. Or simply stick with doing every Friday/Saturday a Witches two-day clean 52 x 2 = 104 purification/cleaning dates per year.
I'm not Italian nor speak it and I translated this post using Google Translate. So if anyone wishes to re-translate to Italian my post please do so. I'd rather some Englo-Italo person translate it than having Google Translate.

Thanks for your post; next time, please, you can publish your post in English and underneath--spacing--you can paste the translation of your post into Italian using DeepL.

Don't worry that if there is something in Italian that doesn't match it will be corrected.

Grazie per il post; la prossima volta per favore puoi postare il tuo post in inglese e sotto - spaziando - puoi incollare la traduzione del tuo post in italiano usando DeepL.

Non preoccuparti che se ci sarà qualcosa in italiano che non corrisponderà verrà corretto.
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
