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Mercury tooth filling


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2018
My teeth are in need of repairs and the dentist told me he will use a filling comprised of silver and mercury. Is it okay?
TopoftheAbyss said:
My teeth are in need of repairs and the dentist told me he will use a filling comprised of silver and mercury. Is it okay?

It's not great, but it won't cause you any issues. See if you can get an alternative, but otherwise don't worry about it.
TopoftheAbyss said:
My teeth are in need of repairs and the dentist told me he will use a filling comprised of silver and mercury. Is it okay?

One alternative would be composite fillings. You can read more here. Alternatives are definitely out there, so I would be surprised if the dentist would absolutely not do anything else. It is probably a cost of time (such as shipping the material) or money, where you pay more out of pocket or something.

An SS will be able to deal with mercury exposure, however it is up to you if you want to even bother. I personally would take extra steps to avoid it, because I know I would always be thinking about it afterwards.
Blitzkreig said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
My teeth are in need of repairs and the dentist told me he will use a filling comprised of silver and mercury. Is it okay?

It's not great, but it won't cause you any issues. See if you can get an alternative, but otherwise don't worry about it.
It's the best option the dentist has so I'll stick with it. Good to know it's not a bad option.
Blitzkreig said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
My teeth are in need of repairs and the dentist told me he will use a filling comprised of silver and mercury. Is it okay?

It's not great, but it won't cause you any issues. See if you can get an alternative, but otherwise don't worry about it.
Mercury fillings are said to cause Alzheimer's.

People with Alzheimer's who had have their mercury fillings removed have actually recovered.

I forgot where I read that but I don't doubt it.

There is much about it though on the web.
of the true light said:
Mercury fillings are said to cause Alzheimer's.

People with Alzheimer's who had have their mercury fillings removed have actually recovered.

I forgot where I read that but I don't doubt it.

There is much about it though on the web.

I believe it. These fillings result in increased exposure to Mercury. The problem is that not all places offer alternatives (for whatever stupid reason).

The reason why I said it would be ok if there was no other choice is because health works in a way that is based on your energy. Someone with high bioenergy (good health) can deal with toxic exposures without problem, as the body can filter it. Someone with very poor health cannot deal with it, and so they will get very sick.

This is something that the modern medical community does not understand, because it is hard to test (how do you find people with relatively equal bioenergy?). This is why it is not clearly evident how fluoride leads to cancer, for example, because for some people they will only get a minor oxidative stress reaction, whereas others will get much sicker. This goes for everything else humans are exposed to.
They do it with plastic. The plastic is soft at first so they can mold and shape it, then they shine UV light on it and it makes the plastic hard. So I don't know why they would do it with mercury. The plastic works just as well, it's easier to do, and cheaper.
Stormblood said:
With real medicine they could actually regrow the whole tooth. Plastic is made from petrol and thus toxic. I would not want it in my mouth for sure.
Pick you poison, eh?

Having either one (or something completely different, but then be ready to hand out the cash big time) is better than having broken teeth, and as one advances it is possible to grow the teeth back so no problemo methinks.

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"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
