Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lydia said:
This is irrelevant. What matters is if Mercury is strong in home or exalted, which it currently is. What you wrote has nothing to do with opening a chakra...
Maybe not relevant to opening a chakra, but completely relevent for someone who is going to start a planet square, which is what this topic is about anyway. I didn't know that Mercury is in a good sign now, but I do think it's important for people to know what sign a planet is in when they start a planet square, and know what those energies of that planet/sign combination are like. As a general idea, not just this one time with this example. They should have an idea of that so they can decide if that energy is the right choice for what they are trying to do, or if it is conflicting to their goal and they shouldn't start it yet. Are you really saying this is worthless for people to consider? I think it's better than just blindly starting any square at any time and having a random unexpected energy come from it.
I’ve done at least 50 squares over the years. When you do a square, it is of that planets pure energy. What matters is if the planet is in home or exalted sign for strength. I’ve done Venus in all 3 of its home/exalted signs, Jupiter in all 3, Mars in all 3, Sun in both, etc, and its always been the planets energy, not planet in sign. If it adds any energy from the sign, it is minuscule, and not to be warned about for “conflicting to a goal” or “random unexpected energy”.
Doing Mercury square in Libra (as a random example), is not going to add much if any Libra energy to it. Planets in signs for natal charts, are for personality traits for a natal chart, not for doing a planetary square. So doing Mercury square when it is in Libra is not the same as someone having Mercury in Libra. It is not going to give “Mercury in Libra” energy. You are correlating it too much. Its not a soul, its a square.
So as I said already, irrelevant. And you are putting words in my mouth, I never advised to blindly do a square at any time, I even stated to make sure it is in home or exalted sign.
The only thing that matters, is to not do it when the planet is in detriment or fall, and don't start during VoC Moon. You mentioned conflicting to goal, this would be if the planet is in detriment or fall, and as it says for each square, don't do it when it is. Anything relating to Mercury will not be conflicting to the goal when it is in any home or exalted sign.