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Mercury square

I think you'd want to go with Svaha for this purpose. I would recommend using a different method though, as the Mercury square is rather long and planetary squares are easy to mess up.

You can vibrate Visuddhi into your heart chakra instead for a couple times, like 18, 27, 36, 44 and so on.
Alternatively you can use Surya or Suryae, Raum or any other mantra that works for cleaning. Try some out and use the one that feels best :)
Remember to look where mercury is right now, you can see on www.planetwatcher.com where the planets are. And then go to Azazel's Astrology to the page, I think it's called something like "planets, signs, positions, houses, and aspects", and click on the one for Mercury because there's a different page for each planet. And read about the description of the energies that the planet has when it is in that sign. Because they work one way in one sign, then when they are in a different sign they can work a different way, so see if the energy is correct for what you need with the planet where it is now. And read the description for all the signs because you might see it could be better to wait and do it when it's in a better sign.
Shael said:

I have something to ask on this and this isn't the first time Vishuddi has popped in either, even on the prior ProPHP forums this was mentioned.

1. First Vishuddi as mantra being Sanskrit is the name of the Throat Chakras. So what is the Throat chakra name and mantra being used on the Center Anahata in this case and as well on the other two Anahata chakra. Why would we vibrate Vishuddi into the Anahata? Shouldn't Anahata be vibrated instead or the appropriate word of power?

2. Vishuddi again popped in, in the prior ProPHP forum as a cleaning mantra. I DID use it a bit doing cleanings(36-108 at those times) with Vishuddi apparently the person also created an affirmation and the affirmation was, basically paraphrasing the affirmation was something along the lines that Vishuddi cleans the soul and aura. Kinda like say using the Surya mantra but instead of developing the solar aura of protection or current Returning curses affirmation, instead you state for it to clean you. I guess the idea is to program the energy to perform a deeper clean or something along the lines of affirming to make the energy clean only, not protect as well.

So what exactly is Vishuddi in the bigger picture. Is it one of those multi-use mantras that really has no definitive aspect besides certain key things but in general it's usable, kinda like Aum or SATANAS.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Remember to look where mercury is right now, you can see on http://www.planetwatcher.com where the planets are. And then go to Azazel's Astrology to the page, I think it's called something like "planets, signs, positions, houses, and aspects", and click on the one for Mercury because there's a different page for each planet. And read about the description of the energies that the planet has when it is in that sign. Because they work one way in one sign, then when they are in a different sign they can work a different way, so see if the energy is correct for what you need with the planet where it is now. And read the description for all the signs because you might see it could be better to wait and do it when it's in a better sign.

This is irrelevant. What matters is if Mercury is strong in home or exalted, which it currently is. What you wrote has nothing to do with opening a chakra...

As for the OP, work with mantras for opening chakras, as listed on JoS. Don't bother with a square for it.
Gear88 said:
Visuddhi means something like "purified one" among lots of other things. It's an overall cleaning mantra. I do think it has a connection to the throat chakra if I remember correctly but it works for cleaning almost anything really, not just the throat chakra.

I am using Visuddhi for cleaning some things and it's bringing traumas and hangups to the surface very quickly for me.
Lydia said:
This is irrelevant. What matters is if Mercury is strong in home or exalted, which it currently is. What you wrote has nothing to do with opening a chakra...
Maybe not relevant to opening a chakra, but completely relevent for someone who is going to start a planet square, which is what this topic is about anyway. I didn't know that Mercury is in a good sign now, but I do think it's important for people to know what sign a planet is in when they start a planet square, and know what those energies of that planet/sign combination are like. As a general idea, not just this one time with this example. They should have an idea of that so they can decide if that energy is the right choice for what they are trying to do, or if it is conflicting to their goal and they shouldn't start it yet. Are you really saying this is worthless for people to consider? I think it's better than just blindly starting any square at any time and having a random unexpected energy come from it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lydia said:
This is irrelevant. What matters is if Mercury is strong in home or exalted, which it currently is. What you wrote has nothing to do with opening a chakra...
Maybe not relevant to opening a chakra, but completely relevent for someone who is going to start a planet square, which is what this topic is about anyway. I didn't know that Mercury is in a good sign now, but I do think it's important for people to know what sign a planet is in when they start a planet square, and know what those energies of that planet/sign combination are like. As a general idea, not just this one time with this example. They should have an idea of that so they can decide if that energy is the right choice for what they are trying to do, or if it is conflicting to their goal and they shouldn't start it yet. Are you really saying this is worthless for people to consider? I think it's better than just blindly starting any square at any time and having a random unexpected energy come from it.

I’ve done at least 50 squares over the years. When you do a square, it is of that planets pure energy. What matters is if the planet is in home or exalted sign for strength. I’ve done Venus in all 3 of its home/exalted signs, Jupiter in all 3, Mars in all 3, Sun in both, etc, and its always been the planets energy, not planet in sign. If it adds any energy from the sign, it is minuscule, and not to be warned about for “conflicting to a goal” or “random unexpected energy”.

Doing Mercury square in Libra (as a random example), is not going to add much if any Libra energy to it. Planets in signs for natal charts, are for personality traits for a natal chart, not for doing a planetary square. So doing Mercury square when it is in Libra is not the same as someone having Mercury in Libra. It is not going to give “Mercury in Libra” energy. You are correlating it too much. Its not a soul, its a square.

So as I said already, irrelevant. And you are putting words in my mouth, I never advised to blindly do a square at any time, I even stated to make sure it is in home or exalted sign.

The only thing that matters, is to not do it when the planet is in detriment or fall, and don't start during VoC Moon. You mentioned conflicting to goal, this would be if the planet is in detriment or fall, and as it says for each square, don't do it when it is. Anything relating to Mercury will not be conflicting to the goal when it is in any home or exalted sign.
Shael said:
Gear88 said:
Visuddhi means something like "purified one" among lots of other things. It's an overall cleaning mantra. I do think it has a connection to the throat chakra if I remember correctly but it works for cleaning almost anything really, not just the throat chakra.

I am using Visuddhi for cleaning some things and it's bringing traumas and hangups to the surface very quickly for me.

I see thanks again Shael. Might incorporate say 36 vibrations into my cleaning. I recently returned to doing 36 surya, smaller number than getting burnt out with 216 Surya for Returning Curses pt2.

1. Okay to return to vibrating the mantra, Visuddi? or like the JoS page Vishuddhi(with or without the Hs)?

2. And to pronounce it right:
  • 1. V(as in Very or Vin)
    2. I(long e like Tetragrammaton I/O section, not Eh with a coarse deep sound)
    3. S(separately) or SH(I recall Sanskrit isn't Runes so letters can be combined)
    H(Separately like Haum)

    4. D(I always have trouble with D or Dh I usually vibrate by sticking my tongue out and vibrating D with my mouth closed around my tongue and teeth lightly touching my tongue.

    5.Then there is a second D, when double letters appear is that a sign to extend the vibration longer or is that a sign like Maxine's vibrations of the squares where _aam(For example Jupiter Gra'am, the apostrophe is a sign I place on the Square (_a'am) mantra to make it easier to glottal stop when vibrating the mantra), or is it a seperate A, so vibrate AAAA-Glottal momentary pause-then vibrate AAAA to complete the vibration correctly?
Lydia said:
Okay you're probably right, I'm not going to act like you're not so much smarter than me about this. But in my own experience, I have felt what I've described. I've done many different venus squares, always starting them in one of venus's strong signs. But the venus square is so long venus moves into other signs before the square is done. And every time this has ever happened, I always felt very strong deep changes in the energy to the point I know venus must be in a new sign now. So I look where it is, and I was right. It was such a deep and clear change in the energy I knew the sign must have changed. I've done venus squares so many times, and every single time I have felt when venus goes into a new sign.

This isn't a contest of who did more planet squares. But it is my own personal experience, repeated many different times, that this change in signs is very powerful and is immediately felt. And this changing in the energies that I've felt was correctly described in that page that talks about the planets and their signs. The way the energy was described of venus in each sign, that is exactly what I felt.

I want to hear about other people's experience about this, because I know what I experienced and I know I ain't making it up.
Gear88 said:
I see thanks again Shael. Might incorporate say 36 vibrations into my cleaning. I recently returned to doing 36 surya, smaller number than getting burnt out with 216 Surya for Returning Curses pt2.

1. Okay to return to vibrating the mantra, Visuddi? or like the JoS page Vishuddhi(with or without the Hs)?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 recommended "Visuddhi" and this is also what I use.

Gear88 said:
2. And to pronounce it right:
The "V", "I", and "S" are correct. Don't add an "H" after the "S".
The "U" should be easy enough, like in AUM.
The "D" is vibrated by putting your tounge slightly behind your upper front teeth on the roof of your mouth, just like when you say "Distant" in english, you produce the "D" sound like this, too. Just hold this sound and vibrate it. Easy.
I do the double D as just simply DDDDD-DDDDD (very small pause in-between, like the RRR-AAA-AAA-MMM in planetary square mantras).
Then just quick exhale "H" into the last "I". Look into Maxine's rune audios of "Ehwaz" and/or "Eihwaz" for more intel on how to vibrate this "H". https://www.dropbox.com/s/hrejp9gwxovoq4v/Runes.rar?dl=1
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It seems pretty clear that you are purposely, either consciously or subconsciously, drawing in energy from the constellation, and not the planet itself. I can also feel the planet in sign but I don't draw it in, so my square stays how I want it to. No additional energy from the constellations it moves into.
Gear88 said:

Vishuddhi (with h) is not the name of the throat chakra. All chakra names end in A, which relates to the expansion of energy, while the I relates to the bindu, focusing energy on one point.

The SH is a sound of its own in sankrit. It's a different letter altogether, not the combination of S and H. The same goes for DH, contrary to what other people have suggested.

There a difference between Visuddhi and Vishuddhi. The first one is more subtle, while the second is more forceful. I've been using the second for 40 to great effect, before switching to the first one. The subtle version seems to work better for me but it may be different for other people.

DH is pronunced like an aspirated D, but it's vibrated similar to the TH in THAUM. The only difference is that it is a D and not a T.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
