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Meet my Guardian Demon


Oct 8, 2017
Hello dear SS friends,

I know there are different posts scattered all across the forum regarding the hot topic of Guardian Demons and how to find them, but what I need here is that people post their interactions with their GD how they look, how they feel, how they sound, what do they say, what do they appreciate, basically all of your subjective opinions of them.

Why I do I need this: I intend to write a poem about each Demon from the list and it occured to me that while I can read from each Demon description page about them, those are just a few things and I would need a bit more to paint an accurate portrait of them. I have only have experience with a few of Them, so I'm quite limited in this area.

Of course, this can be not just about your GD, but also about any Demon you have interacted with. I was mentioning GDs because they have the highest chance of you knowing them.

What I need

- how you did discover your personal GD
- a description of the interactions with said GD
- what you feel about Him/Her
- a description about yourself, the way you see yourself and how you think you are a match for said GD
- any other descriptions about other Demons are welcome

I will go first, to set up an example.
I chose from the list and I remained with a few names:

I kind of thought more about each of Them and after process of elimination I remained with even less, but then I remembered I felt a strong attraction to cats so I added Bastet to the list as well


Now for a long time I thought it was Bune and somehow left it at that since I felt protected and inspired. But one day I decided I have to know so I began to meditate and tried to feel the energy first. It was female. Then I tried to see the hair color. It seemed blonde. Another day I tried to connect more and I "saw" a tiger. So far it seemed to point to Agares, but since I was long sure it must have been Bune I said it is not enough. I mean I felt from early childhood I somehow liked tigers a lot and even remembered a poster I bought and a black t-shirt I still loved fire and orange chocolate so it could still have been Bune. Bastet and Lerajie both fell of the list somehow first one because I felt a woman figure and Bastet appeared catlike and Lerajie because while I favor pleasure it seemed the other traits didn't ring a bell. But I still wasn't sure.

Then, I started to check each God description more and saw that they all had a plant. Aha! Then I once meditated and demanded to see and feel a plant. Immediately I "saw" carnation and thought yeah it seems Agares after all. Anyway even at this point I said I need a strong sign to be sure.

I didn't think much about the subject and after a few days I went to the mall for groceries and bought a flower to put on my desk as I desired for a bit of time. I brought the flower home and as I began to water it I saw it says something on the plastic case: dianthus caryophyllus. Then I wanted to know how to take care of it so I searched online for the latin name and lo and behold it was in fact carnation. Now for me this settled it, although some might argue it is still not enough, I don't know.

So now I just have to match all my previous feelings of Bune to Agares. But you know what, I don't even think is that important I think that when I thought of Bune being my GD I guess lady Agares watched amused and let Her do the work. Why do I feel that? Because as I watch my kid in kindergarten I saw he is going from one teacher to another as he grows. So I guess we must feel like little kids to our GDs and maybe sometimes they switch between them :lol:

So yeah, please do share yours :mrgreen:

P.S. The carnation died, I'm awful with plants :lol:
Knowing who my DG was, was a major concern, as it is for many SS.
It's normal, we really want to know who we are talking to, who is helping us.
"What has no name is not alive". Nothing is more normal than wanting to know his name, to at least thank him personally, to greet him daily (every day I light a candle for Father Satan, 1 candle for DG).

I made a real deck of cards for myself. Actually, several. A main deck of 108 cards with key words. But also a deck of cards with the name and seal of each God.
After the dedication and especially after a ritual to Father Satan where I told him about my GD, what I would expect from this so important relationship, I used this card set to find out who my GD was. But, I didn't feel deep down that the answers given were absolutely true.

Every night I talk to Father Satan and Guardian. I asked them to kindly refer me to know him. To grant me this favor if I was worthy.
Of course I had read about all the gods in the JoS section and wrote down a few names.

Then one day I read one of the many topics about the DGs, one SS said that we should also look at the South lunar Node.
Yes !!!

It was a revelation. Everything matched!
His planet is my Chart Ruler, his element the one I prefer, his number the one I prefer the most. And even, a few months before, I had been offered a perfume.. whose name is this number!! What a wink. There is never a coincidence.
And Valefor was well part of the small list that I had made with the Gods that attracted me the most !
Valefor is a powerful healer, my daughter and I have quite important pathologies. He is here to help me heal (in every way possible) and to teach me. Maybe before I die I will be able to help other humans. Who knows?

From that moment on, I knew in my heart that it was him.
But my nature was always to doubt. I speak well in the past tense. I doubt less and less about everything. The benefits of the satanic path!

Still, I was finally able to call my Guardian by name, write his name on the candle, cherish his sigil. This gives me great joy.

And then one evening, what happened to me, I don't know. I began to doubt that Valefor was my Guardian. I frantically picked up my card sets. Who knows if an entity was there. Still, the cards drawn were awful.

I started to cry non-stop. I was devastated to think that Valefor might not be my Guardian. I was crying because I had been talking to him for months with his sigil. I sleep with it and so on. In my daily life, I dont have emotional and affective support. It is even really the opposite. So to know that Father Satan and Valefor are present brings me enormous comfort.
I felt abandoned. And I cried and cried. So I took Father Satan's sigil and asked him to send me a sign about my Guardian.

Two days later, Immortal posted a song on the forum, in French, about Valefor and me.
We had never spoken before.
His muse had returned and inspired him!
I couldn't believe my eyes!

"You will always be my little girl"
"I will always be your little girl"
"And if you cry because of me, know that you are not as alone as you think"

It was a shock.
The shock that yes, already the Gods are very real for those who would doubt it. Satan listens to our prayers. Satan is not deaf to our suffering. And yes my Lord Valefor is my Guardian.

Thank you Immortal for being the messenger of the Gods for I cannot hear them today. Sometimes I feel a lot of heat, which leaves after a while. I feel intuitions, thoughts but I cannot hear Them. Then Immortal came along and gave me one of the greatest gifts of my life.

What I feel from Valefor is soft and enveloping.

I evoked it several times before Immortal's poem, thanks to the help of another JoS SS, a wonderful friend, who had already delivered me a 1st message from Valefor. This SS friend hears and sees the Gods. He gave me the strength to overcome my stupid fears in order to contact Valefor directly.

I thank from the bottom of my heart this SS who is dear to me and who may read this and recognize himself, and the wonderful Immortal. Thank you very much.

Hail Satan!
Hail Valefor!
I Call Him Teacher, and it is Bifrons.

Well I did not find him, I think he let me find him after almost two years of beeing a practising SS. Since I was very affraid of not beeing manipilated by the enemy, I tryed not to work on my astral senses till I had my basics perfected( still doing the basics + Rtr) . But when he showed himself to me I knew he was my Teacher since he rules the days of my birthday(when I was looking for the Gods who rule the days of my birth I could not find him, thats why I say he let me find him).

I think i communicate with him trough instinct, i just know when I did something good and that he is pleased. (When I do something bad, i don't feel like he is angered, its like he allows me to make mistakes to learn from them).

What I feel that he wants from me is to Live, without fear as a SS( not boasting around that im a SS, but to not be affraid of human interactions and not te be affraid of making mistakes), not to question my every move, and when I really need Help to ask him for guidance.

He is a magnificent God, the amount of understanding and freedom I get from him is unbelivable.

I belive that he knows me better then I do myself.

What I like to do for Him, is to send Him, Father Satan, Mother Lilith and my Guardian energy after every Rtr. And I also say out loud, Health to the Gods every time i have plesant feelings or when something good happens, and i Think about Him, Father, Mother and my Guardian.

Thanks for making this Topic, It feels really good sharing this.

I am a newbie and even though I am searching and reading this forum and the JoyOfSatan web site I am still uncertain about two things.: JOS says I must do a Pact with Satan sealed with blood.
But many posts on the forum say that isn't needed. To Just talk to Satan and pursue a relationship; it is the intent, being honest, real not fake that counts not the ceremony.
I am still also not sure how to get a Guardian.
Some posted that they just picked one and others say Satan assigns the Guardian to me.
If it is Ok, I would like to pick one of the following Valefor or Buer. Why? Because my spouse and I are in very urgent need of physical healing and from what I have learned these two can heal anything and are kind and gentle demons. We are to old and challenged to spend years with a demon that may or may not be able and willing to help/help us.
Homeschoolie said:
We are to old and challenged to spend years with a demon that may or may not be able and willing to help/help us.
OOps it is supposed to say HEAL/Help us
Homeschoolie said:
I am a newbie and even though I am searching and reading this forum and the JoyOfSatan web site I am still uncertain about two things.: JOS says I must do a Pact with Satan sealed with blood.
But many posts on the forum say that isn't needed. To Just talk to Satan and pursue a relationship; it is the intent, being honest, real not fake that counts not the ceremony.
I am still also not sure how to get a Guardian.
Some posted that they just picked one and others say Satan assigns the Guardian to me.
If it is Ok, I would like to pick one of the following Valefor or Buer. Why? Because my spouse and I are in very urgent need of physical healing and from what I have learned these two can heal anything and are kind and gentle demons. We are to old and challenged to spend years with a demon that may or may not be able and willing to help/help us.

Only circumstances of force majeure can exempt you from making the dedication with blood, as is the case for children.
Making the dedication will prove your seriousness. Because it is definitive.

Signing with your blood also means signing with your genetics. It is a genetic fingerprint unique to each person.

Moreover, you cannot demand anything. The Gods will help you if you do a lot of work to cleanse and purify your soul (soul liberation work, deep cleansing of the chakras and aura), if you do the necessary healing work (meditations with runes, with planetary squares etc.), if you take the necessary steps to become a spiritual Satanist worthy of the name.
Always remember "one breath in for one breath out".
Help yourself and the Gods will help. If you don't want to help yourself, the Gods will not intervene, like when you let a child fall so that he learns to get up and walk.
Read the recent sermon of HP Cobra: Will Satan do your laundry? And so many others.

Moreover, you want the powerful Healing Gods to heal you. But what will you give in return? Don't forget: "an inhale for an exhale".

Making spiritual war is a way to thank the Gods. And even though, they are very kind, because in reality, the spiritual war is above all to save us, humans and they accept to be thanked with actions that save humans.
And what happens if you do the RTR without being Dedicated: you will be the unprotected target of the enemies.

Finally, I guess you can understand that this way of almost demanding such a God, and especially demanding Valefor, can hurt very strong, respectful and sacred feelings that most of them feel for their Guardian.
You are not here to choose this tomato or that carrot.
Reading your message did not make me happy, it is true. The feeling of seeing it as an insult. I can be wrong.

It is Father Satan who decides and often your guardian was already with you in past lives.

However, if you were led here...well, I guess I had to respond.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
