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Meditation Music


Apr 13, 2020
I usually don't find much on youtube but this one is actually good:
I usually don't find much on youtube but this one is actually good:
There seems to be some underlying problems here regarding understanding what Satanism really is.

What Satanism really is:

Who Satan really is:

About REAL Satanic Spirituality:

Honestly, if you understand these things, I don't know how you can consider a YouTube video like this "pretty good"

You've probably listened to or at least shared two and a half hours of a strange and disturbing video that has nothing to do with Satan. Do you have any idea how much TRUE spirituality could be practiced in two and a half hours?

Personally, I meditate for about an hour, and I dedicate an hour to Yoga. Do you have any idea how "long" two hours is? Sorry if I'm too direct, but I want you to understand that in two hours instead of listening to these disgusting things, wasting time that no one will give you back, you could actually do useful things!

What exactly have you "transformed" into in these lost hours? What would you have transformed into if you had dedicated at least half an hour/an hour to something TRULY spiritual every day? Maybe even half an hour in the morning when you wake up and half an hour before going to sleep!

Information on true Satanism is on JoS. They're certainly not on a YouTube channel that uses circles and HEBREW letters in Baphometh.
I'll also add that if you want music for meditation, you certainly shouldn't use this junk. Personally I meditate without music trying to enjoy the moment of meditation and Yoga, etc. also as a form of personal entertainment, but music can be used in meditation.

But this blasphemous stuff makes no sense... you have to be careful about what you listen to while meditating. Such a macabre video could harm you as you open your mind by meditating. I've even stopped listening to modern romantic songs because they mostly talk about unrequited love, suffering from the loss of love, missing others, betrayals and wrongs, etc.

I used to be a huge fan of this crap, now I'm disgusted by the level of negativity I was putting myself in (as if I didn't already have enough blocks and bad karma to deal with in this area), if you already can't distinguish something macabre from Satanism , avoid immersing yourself even more in this macabre stuff...

I say it for you, the more you immerse yourself in it, the more difficult it is for you to come out of this type of mentality...

this one is actually good
These types of videos are meant to program ones subcounscious mind, so that the enemy weakens people, don't listen and find better solutions like learning from our websites joyofsatan.org satanisgod.org satanslibrary.org don't waste your time with these, all symbols with jewish letters are from our enemy the jews, we don't agree with them. If you want you can program your subcounscious mind with affirmations record your voice and listen to them, the best time after waking up and before going to sleep, and don't start them when the moon is void. Our satanic calendar notes when void of course takes place. It's findable on our website jos-astro.com examples of affirmations are "I'm advancing in spiritual satanism safely and positively for me" or for improvement like intelligence "I'm removing any and all negative blockages and programs from my mind about intelligence and i'm always intelligent (or very intelligent) in a healthy and pozitive way for me. Or any other improvement that you want but make it in a healthy and pozitive way for you.
Be careful of anything on youtube. I learned this the hard way when years ago I was using subliminals (just for superficial things like long hair, slim waist, etc) and later found out there were harmful things in the subliminal which were probably contributing to my poor mental health at the time. You never know. Some people might not have good intentions and nothing is really 100% safe unless you made it yourself. I know it's tempting because it's nice to have music etc but it's really not worth it if it's not from a trusted source. Something that's helped me recently is getting noise canceling earplugs that block out noises from the neighbors TV, etc when I'm having a hard time focusing. And (as said in other comments) you can always record your own affirmations if you want something to listen to :) Then they will be better fitted to your specific goals and desires as well

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
