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Medical science and spirituality finally come together

One Wire Phenomenon

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
Ok I'm over rubbing it in but just to those who avoided my parasites and entities thread check this out!!

I feel this is very revealing and important information.
And I'm kind of proud of myself for finding it.

If this is not accurate could HP Cobra just tell me so I don't really trust the opinions of others here no offence but HP Cobra knows all and he has not told me I am wrong delusional or anything of the sort yet so I am assuming I am on the right track. I know some others know a lot more than me but unfortunately my mind really can see the truth in this and nobody other that the HP can change it.

There is a lot more on the website.Including some stuff about Corona.

Curotherapy and medicine
Laboratories spend $ 135 billion annually on disease treatment research and $ 256 billion on drug advertising budgets.

In France, the annual expenditure on drugs is 26 billion euros with an average of 56 boxes of drugs per inhabitant.
The largest laboratories are announcing increasingly huge budget forecasts: 1000 billion dollars in the years to come, for a single American laboratory ( Pfizer ).

Whether private or associative, investments do not seem to have more success in solving diseases. The telethon (and the AFM) which invests 100 million euros per year (in donations) in research and this for 30 years, admits to still having found nothing to put an end to myopathy. Progress turns out to be those on DNA and the human genome, which indicate with more and more precision the predispositions to the development of certain diseases. Cancers and diseases continue their progression despite everything.

Despite all the investments, medicine cannot neutralize the development of diseases. Research will not be successful as long as it is confined to the physical body and its DNA, since the parasites causing diseases (myopathy, cancer and others) are etheric in nature. They feed on the energies of the body. They can be slowed down by weakening (chemotherapy, cortisone ...) but cannot be destroyed by chemical drugs which only affect the physical body, and not the etheric energies of which these parasites are made.

As a reminder: man is not only made up of a physical body. It is made up of eight interconnected bodies, of different frequencies: physical, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, crystal and light. All these bodies also have their own wounds, blockages, links, memories, shocks and parasites which constitute the spirits of diseases. These disease spirits set in when the weaknesses of the body allow it, either by DNA predispositions, an accumulation of emotional shocks, particular conditions (cold, weakness, accident), or even by exposure to another disease (case hospitals and nosocomial diseases).

The objective of Curotherapy is not to supplant physical medicine but to supplement it to put an end to diseases. More and more doctors are turning to energy medicine (Example: André MASSON for the removal of emotional shocks ... Luc BODIN to clean up the embarrassments of the etheric body ...).

 Curotherapy teaches through books and courses the techniques of perception and harmonization of energy bodies by means of clairvoyance and clairvoyance. She teaches and demonstrates that all diseases (or almost) can be cured by removing parasites in energy bodies and treating them globally (emotional, mental shocks, memories, links etc.). This also includes the study and harmonization of the energies of the place of residence, because any person living in an unhealthy place is necessarily affected.

The cancer is mainly due to an etheric cyst which implants its roots in a weak zone and draws the energies there to the point that the cells can no longer reproduce normally and generates an anarchic cell proliferation.

The vampires diseases (Alzheimer's ...) appear in a pocket of parasites who settle on the brain and spine, and there draw the energies until the cells are depleted and diminished.

The AIDS is revealed by the presence of one or more etheric parasites attached to the lower abdomen. By removing them, the normal state quickly returns.

The energy bodies of man, like the spirits of nature or the souls in pain, are seen by more and more clairvoyants. Not everyone has this possibility yet, but can perceive them through clairvoyance. There are no devices yet to make etheric spirits visible. However the cameras often show presences on the images, which are not visible to the naked eye, in particular orbs (kaleidoscopic circles), shadows, faces or other shapes, this because of the speed of shooting (therefore the change in frequency).

Several cameras have been invented, especially by the Russians, to see the etheric energy of any living being (Kirlian effect) or the Aura (colored emanations of the emotional body). They still allow very little to be distinguished and cannot be used for medicine.

In order for physical medicine to perceive energetic bodies, their alterations and the parasites that cause illnesses, an etheric camera must be invented. For the moment, we just know that it has to work from light filters, crystals and the principle of kaleidoscopic light which makes visible frequencies, in principle invisible to the naked eye.

In the meantime, Curotherapy practices and teaches the perception of energy bodies and their disturbances by means of clear feeling and clairvoyance. This method, which anyone can develop, works on the same principle as pendulum or stick dowsing. The person can, by concentrating on the object of the search, perceive it physically with the hands.

Diseases created by parasites.
The etheric energies of man and the universe are 12 in number: 3 chemical ethers, 3 vital ethers, 3 reflective ethers and 3 light ethers.

The chemical ether is the glue of the physical. The 1st assembles atoms to build cells. The second assembles cells to build organs. The 3rd assembles the organs to build the physical body, and also constitutes the envelope of the energetic bodies.

The vital ether creates and maintains vitality. The 1st allows the reconstruction of cells identically (when they die, and according to their DNA program). The second is that of growth, which multiplies the cells from seed to child and from child to adult. The 3rd connects body and soul, it is the energy of life and universal love.

The reflective ether feeds our reflex systems. In the iris of the eye is inscribed the whole of the human body and the state of health of each part of it, thanks to the reflective ether. The science that studies these phenomena is called iridology.
The presence of reflective ether omnipresent in the universe, makes remote perception possible. The dowsers can see on a map, all the peculiarities of a house, from a distance. Any representation of a thing is therefore linked to it, thanks to the presence of the reflective ether.

The ether light, omnipresent in space, makes it possible to act at a distance.

Parasites of a physical nature: lice, fleas ... feed on blood or physical particles. Parasites of etheric nature feed on the etheric energies of man and cause diseases that are difficult to treat. For example, osteoarthritis parasites (shaped like mini crabs) consume the chemical ether of the bones. The bones disintegrate because the molecules disperse, which causes damage and pain, nicknamed osteoarthritis. It is enough to remove these parasites to stop the degradation and then to physically rebuild the bone by natural means (plants ...).

There are different parasites which consume the energies of the muscles, creating fibromyalgia, rheumatism etc ... others which create "viral" diseases and others "autoimmune" diseases.

The neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson's, multiple ...) all have in common a category of parasites that are deposited into a pocket around the brain and spinal column, and consume energy parts brain, spinal cord or nervous system. The progression of the disease and the breakdown of cells depends on the weak state of the person.

All of these parasites are etheric in nature, and invisible to the naked eye and microscopes. They could be, if devices were invented to do so. They are perceptible by clairvoyance and clairvoyance, and are easily removed by the techniques practiced in curotherapy.

The physical effects of parasites on cells in the human body can be seen under a microscope. Their vampirizing energetic action on cells causes "waste" made up of a set of proteins with a DNA strand. Each parasite creates a specific, personal "waste" which constitutes its "signature".
This "cellular waste" is nicknamed "virus" by scientists.
1000 times smaller than a bacterium, and visible only under an electron microscope, each cellular waste is devoid of any intelligence, and therefore cannot reproduce. Medicine knows this very well, but it notes that this waste multiplies during illnesses. So, for lack of understanding (since she cannot see the parasites that are at the origin), she says that these viruses are the cause of contagion and disease . Which is totally impossible.
If the viruses were alive, it would be easier to destroy them, and they would also be used by the military as weapons ... which is not the case.
Medicine has great difficulty in finding ways to stop their development because it is as if it were studying the footprints of a pest, in the earth ... to identify the animal in question and be able to destroy it. .
When devices are invented to detect the parasites that cause disease, and they become removable without degrading the physique, medicine will change completely and become effective (but much less profitable - since currently it makes more profit than banks).

In the same vein, during certain illnesses, medicine observes under a microscope the presence of antibodies of the immune system, in the same place where degradation occurs (as in neurodegenerative diseases - alzheimer's, parkinson's ...). Not seeing the etheric parasites under the microscope, which the immune system is trying to fight off, she thinks it is the immune system itself that creates the degradation. She classified all of these diseases as autoimmune diseases. The worst part is that, in an attempt to slow the progression of the disease, it destroys the immune system with chemical poisons. Which obviously doesn't work to stop the disease. But, still not having understood the presence of the parasites, she continues to insist on this destruction (inappropriate and harmful) of the immune system.

Chemical drugs cannot remove or destroy them. They can either put to sleep the physical pains caused (painkillers, sleeping pills ...), or weaken and poison the area of ​​the body attacked and indirectly slow down the parasites by lack of vital energy (chemotherapy, radiotherapy).

Nosocomial diseases hospitals.

The nosocomial infections constitute 1/3 of all diseases, and do THAT catch in hospitals. The latter seek to control them through the massive use of antiseptic processes, spare linens, chemicals, sanitized rooms, etc. But this is not enough.

The cause of nosocomial diseases is due to several unfavorable circumstances, gathered in hospitals. They can be classified into 4 categories.

The first is the accumulation of negative memories of suffering and worry, which accumulate in places, objects and walls.
Places and objects take charge of negative energetic memories of suffering, where they were experienced, if these energies were emitted by intense thoughts. Hospitals retain the energetic egregores of suffering, amplified by emotions. Suffering of the sick and suffering of their family members who visit them. When they are repeated, as in a hospital , the place becomes more and more charged, negatively.
In a house of suicide , crime or illness, memory affects the occupants as long as it is not energetically cleaned (disinfectants are useless). If there was depression and then suicide in a room, the successors will feel the discomfort and be affected by it. Likewise, thoughts of anger, discontent, hatred… are memorized in the places and objects where they were expressed. The daily accumulation of these negativities affects people. In a hospital this accumulation is obvious and logical, including in psychiatric hospitals. The more active or old the hospital, the more it is loaded with negative memories that affect and weaken both patients and medical staff.

The second negative factor is due to the presence of a multitude of souls in pain who walk there and contribute to lower the energy of the places by vampirizing, despite themselves, the energies of the living, in their path.
Due to the rise of earthly energies, the number of people who perceive and hear them is constantly growing. Children are increasingly sensitive and awake from birth to these perceptions. The perception of souls in pain is a basic function of geobiologists and curotherapists but also of any awake person. Simple exercises described in the books allow everyone to perceive them unequivocally, to dialogue with, and to help them to rise.
The first reason for their presence is that some people have simply lived in an isolated or closed environment and at the time of their death they do not rise up because they do not conceive it. They can stay that way indefinitely, for decades, until something special happens. Others were poorly educatedspiritually, by ignorant religious or educators who have told them all their lives that there is nothing after death. So they refuse to let go because they are afraid of disappearing forever. Others are attached to their families and their homes and do not want to leave. Another category fills the pews of churches and temples, including the benches of priests and bishops. These are those who are waiting for something that does not happen (St Peter, Jesus, Allah). The deceased almost always visualize themselves as they are at the time of their death, because they think it cannot be otherwise. A person who died in a fire, will perceive himself (by clear feeling) will see himself (by clairvoyance) and will feel (by the physical odor) as charred. A soul in pain, long dead and coming out of a very old cemetery, can perceive himself as a rotting skeleton (smell included). There is nothing to fear, however , in the presence of any soul in pain.

The third factor comes from the large amount of parasites (disease spirits ) that are there and which are detailed in the book dedicated to the harmonization of people.
Every disease progresses when an etheric parasite maintains that progression. There are therefore as many different parasites as there are diseases. As with physical parasites, they reproduce in the form of larvae and eggs, which they deposit on new patients who enter their space.
This is valid for the smallest (micro-parasites causing fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, putrefaction ...) to the largest (causing depression, bewitchment or psychiatric dementia).
They always settle when a state of weakness allows it, and new patients are fertile ground for this.
Antibiotics and chemical drugs have no effect on them. Moreover, if diseases were only a phenomenon of microbes, the Indians who bathe in the Ganges, (a river which carries everything, including corpses and which is a breeding ground for microbes) would all be sick.
Those who follow curotherapy treatments or training courses, and who are energetically cleansed, also develop their sensitivity (clairvoyance, clairvoyance).

In addition, there are many geobiological problems, as everywhere, and other specific problems even more important than in ordinary places.
As everywhere, there are weakening points of the ground (see the book: Harmonization of the Place), of the electric and magnetic fields of all the devices, as well as all the other phenomena which affect the places in general.
But other specific geobiological phenomena affect people in this place even more than in ordinary places.
The first is electromagnetic fields generated at the level of electric beds, which have become essential to facilitate the mobility of hospital staff. They are permanently connected, causing by the electromagnetic fields of the motors and the wires, a weakness, and an additional tiredness for the patients. This fact alone can cause many failures as you can read on the "real cases" page.

On the other hand, low frequency cosmotelluric chimneys are attracted by states of suffering, and are all the more numerous in these places. They disrupt the energies and normal vitality of people. They affect everyone, patients and medical personnel.

Added to this is the fact that patients receive (unnatural) chemical treatments which indirectly disrupt the body and always have side effects, as well as x-rays, irradiations, chemotherapy ...

Conclusion: nosocomial diseases can really be eliminated when medical services combine with energy medicine (Curotherapy).
The sick will benefit, as will the medical staff! Because according to national statistics there are 4 times more suicides among hospital staff than the general average ...

Chakras, shocks and memory areas.
To be able to understand the origin of diseases and how different bodies are affected, it is first necessary to understand the systems that come into play.

The chakras are energy relays which act on all bodies and have specific functions on each body.

Here is the position diagram of the main chakras and their main function.
The heart chakra governs collective love.
The solar plexus chakra governs family and work.
The navel chakra governs maternal life.
These chakras act at the level of each body (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual). For example, if we take that of the heart:
- At the level of the physical body, it regulates the energy of construction of the physical heart and the lungs (in connection with the DNA program and physical training).
- At the level of the etheric body, it manages the energies necessary to feed the physical heart and maintain its vitality.
- At the level of the emotional body, it manages the energy of collective love, towards others, unlike the second chakra (navel) which manages the energy of family love.
- At the level of the mental body, it is collective "mental" love, compassion in relation to a situation or a logic, for example: the desire to help the poor and underprivileged.
- At the level of the causal body, it manages the programs of automatic operation (breathing, heartbeat) or of different operation according to the recordings induced in the DNA and the conditioned reflexes memorized during life (the fears and the reactions induced by the shocks experienced, etc.).
- At the level of the spiritual body, it is the universal spiritual love promoted by religions and in particular Jesus when he advises "love one another".

Each chakra therefore manages a different function at the level of each body, but it can also be affected when these functions are disturbed. For example: always at the level of the heart, the repetition of deep emotional affections (especially with regard to parents and relatives) create cracks in the heart , a real energy wound that crosses several bodies: etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The emotional shocks experienced during the life affect the person, and create skins in his external bodies (like bruises on the physical body). There may also be, depending on the intensity of the event, coats created as protection (by dint of being fed up with hearing someone, a person may create etheric earplugs, which will decrease his hearing).
Third, the milder but repetitive ailments, which we think we have forgotten by putting "a handkerchief on", are in fact stored in memory boxes. interior which correspond to the reflex zones in relation (All the techniques of psychotherapy can reveal their presence, but none removes them, unlike Curotherapy).

Each "memory box" corresponds to a storage of a certain type of emotion. For example, unspoken things and things that have remained in the throat are stored in the throat box ; sentimental worries in the central box of the heart; and worries of work in the central box of the stomach (family / work chakra) etc.

When it comes to an outside worry, it is stored on the right side. For example, a sentimental anxiety towards a spouse is stored at the heart level but on the right side, therefore at the right breast and right shoulder level (predisposition in case of excess to weakness and the installation of breast cancer right side). If it is a disappointment with regard to religion, it will be at the family level, therefore at the solar plexus level and on the right side (zone of the liver and of the faith).

The boxes on the left side store the personal reproaches, for example the reproaches of missing his work or his family life will be stored at the level of the stomach (family / work), left side, therefore on the spleen. And taking into account the fact that the bodies are interconnected (one in the other), the storages of negative emotions in such or such zone, affect and make sensitive the zone in question (pain and sensitization to the installation of a disease ).

In the back are stored the worries of mental obligations, of responsibility.
Collective liability issues are stored in the back, heart level, and will cause unexplained pain.
Family responsibility concerns are stored in the middle of the back, at stomach height.
In these two cases there will be the feeling of having "full back" and it will be a physical reality and not psychosomatic, since all the bodies are in each other, and these energetic affections, will cause affections. to the physical.

By emptying these storage boxes, the pain stops, but they have to be really removed energetically. The art psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, demotions, family constellations and other methods psycho calming, highlight the problems at the root of these evils. They can hide them by putting a larger bandage on it (a calming autosuggestion) but they do not remove them. There is no method, in physical medicine, which concretely heals at the source these problems of accumulation of shocks. This accumulation creates physical pain and states of depression or even burn out.

The medical palliative method practiced is that of painkillers, antidepressants and anxiolytics, which only put the person to sleep. Curotherapy, energy medicine, well understood and well practiced, really removes all this suffering. Depression and other illnesses called psychosomatic by medicine are not due to storages of emotional and mental ailments only. Other factors come into play, including parasites of several levels. Some feed on emotional energies. The most affecting control the person completely and cause what is nicknamed: bipolar, schizophrenia, bewitchment. But in all cases and for all people, the storage of negative ailments in memory boxes has

must take place, and must be cleaned and harmonized. The older the person, the more they are overloaded with these stored ailments and generally weakened. Statistically 80% of people suffer from back pain. It is quite logical and it is very easily and very quickly healed with Curotherapy.

Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and others ...
Diseases of the bones and joints are not inevitable, nor related to age. They are due to the installation of some parasites that will feed the builders energies bones (like other parasites feed of certain organs). And this because of failings, predispositions and weaknesses of man which prepared the ground and allowed their development.
When they settle and begin to feed, the bones disintegrate, deform, break etc ... The disease progresses because chemical or natural treatments are only devoted to the physical body and to the symptoms (pain ... ), but not at the sources.
Being of an energetic nature, the parasites can be slowed down by certain treatments such as irradiation which destroys the cells and their energy, or certain strong drugs (chemotherapy, drugs ...) but in any case they are not removed or destroyed and continue their destructive effects.

Diseases only develop because there are "living things" that create this progression. Anyone who is informed can, by means of the clear feeling, seek them out, find them and remove them. You just have to experience it to be convinced.

Here are some examples of the appearances of these parasites seen by clairvoyance:

Osteoarthritis : parasites in the form of mini crabs feeding on the chemical ether of bone building.

Enchondromatosis , Paget's disease, Ollier's disease, poliomyelitis, dysplasia ... are caused by marine nano-parasites in the plasma, spider crab-like (white, red, brown).

Calcification of muscles or bones: this is not an excess of limestone, but an abnormal agglomeration of marine nano-parasites with shell, snail-shaped or other. This agglomeration causes calcification, bone growths, and muscle and nerve pain.

Osteoporosis (affects 30% of women and 10% of men) is caused by p arasites resembling mini maggots black bighead. They create galleries in the bones (the mother is shaped like a fly).

Osteochondromatosis : parasites in the shape of seahorses, nibble the serous cartilage areas (knees, hips, shoulders). They leave small ones in the joint, causing bone fragmentation and a liquid gel.

Chondrosarcoma : also called bone cancer, is caused by a parasite in the shape of a beetle with a grasshopper head and yellow belly.

- Parasites in the shape of a frog with a large shell can be found on the shoulders and hips making them painful.
- Parasites in the form of a beetle feed on the aponeurosis membrane of the bones.
- Marine nano-parasites in the shape of half lobster, half spider crab make the bones break.

For treatment: the therapist removes the parasites and their mother from all areas where they have settled. However, the work of a curo therapist does not stop there since it harmonizes the energies of the body as a whole .
In that case :

- It searches for and removes the installed parasites and the mother.
- It searches for and removes the phenomena that increase pain, in other bodies: emotional and mental memories stored in the reflex zone, holes or cracks in the etheric body, memories of wounds from previous lives ...
- He researches if there is a predisposition ground for the renewal of this evil, by checking the place of residence (harmonization of the place), the predispositions of the DNA, the memories of previous lives, a repetitive program of the causal body etc. .
- It helps in the resorption of the lesions caused, by promoting the reconstitution of the bones: drainage of any debris, coating of pearly energy, absorption of lithothamne capsules (an algae whose property is to remineralize the bones), oil of fish (for cartilage) and shark cartilage (for injured tendons).
After these treatments, the bone lesions are really resorbed ( X-rays in support). All those who have been treated in this way have seen the degradation and the associated pain completely disappear .

This is valid for most of the other diseases treated using curotherapy techniques. There is however an exception which concerns some people (around 10% of cases). Either they have voluntarily chosen to experience an illness (in their life program), or they suffer this discomfort to compensate for a previous life error (karma). In these two cases it is not possible, nor authorized to cure the person, one can just (and it is already good) to look after him and to limit the harm and suffering caused.

AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis.
AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis are diseases very popularized by the media because they have affected and affect known people. Yet they are as easy to manage as the others, by curotherapy.

The Cystic Fibrosis appears clairvoyantly or light felt like a fat burning inflammation in the lungs. The parasites present themselves as purulent pockets of larvae that feed on the internal mucus.
The mother on the outside looks like a huge mosquito.
They only settle due to DNA failure. This one seen by clairvoyance appears as a cocoon surrounding a small part of one of the 2 spirals of DNA, which slows down the circulation of energy inside it.
It can be rectified by the help of certain spirits of nature, provided that it is not a program of life, voluntarily chosen by the person.
DNA failure is a predisposition. But with or without DNA correction, the cystic fibrosis can be cured according to the procedure indicated in the book "Energy Harmonization of People".
However, it is a rather stubborn disease and it will be necessary to renew the care every 3 days until satisfaction. The duration of treatment depends on the state of its installation and the damage caused at the time of the start of curotherapy treatment.

AIDS is, despite all that is said about it, one of the simplest and fastest diseases to treat with curotherapy.
One or more astral octopus-like parasites are attached to the lower abdomen, with long wires connected inside where they draw energy. A mother can be above. It is red on the lower abdomen (AIDS) and white when it is elsewhere. It is transmitted by its young in liquids, from one person to another.
As in other cases, chemical drugs do not affect them at all, just because they are not on the same frequency. At best they slow them down, since they slow down the energies of the cells of the human body. The parasites feed on the energies of man, and continue until his final exhaustion.

After removal of the parasites and some care described in the book, the state of health is regenerated very quickly. The majority of cases treated with curotherapy were resolved definitively in 3 treatments. The difficulty is to wean oneself from the imposed physical drugs ...

However, the treatment of AIDS in curotherapy causes a side effect.
Try to imagine it for a moment, before reading the following real-life story.
You will be able to understand what this effect is and check if you have found it.
The real- life case cited here is the one most commonly observed for curotherapists.

Lived case : One day came to see us a man with a very tired appearance, a white face and a low energy, who said "Here, I learned that you were doing energy treatments, and I came to see you because I have had AIDS for over 20 years. I have tried everything, I have suffered a lot and I have had enough. Can you do something for me? "
We started by establishing an assessment, as indicated in Protocol 1 cited in the page "protocol for the harmonization of persons".
Then, without a priori and by testing, we did indeed observe the presence of a large energy parasite fixed on the lower abdomen.
We removed it, as well as the mother, and continued the usual general energetic healing (removal of other parasites, etheric, emotional, mental shocks, blockages, memories, bonds etc.). At the end of the session this visitor was visibly brighter and in better shape.

He came back to see us the following week for a second treatment.
By checking we noticed the presence of another parasite, but much smaller. Didn't we check the previous time to see if there were two? Did he pick up this new parasite from contact with another person? Usually at the second session there are no more. This shows that it is always necessary to check well , and to renew the care at least three times for safety.
We removed it as easily as the first, and continued the overall cleansing care of ALL energetic bodies, in accordance with the planned curotherapy protocols.
This man was already very happy with the first treatment, because he felt in a state of physical well-being that he had never known, according to his words.

The third time he came, he arrived with a worried face. He told us: "Here, I have had several examinations which show that I no longer have any traces of the disease. I am very satisfied with your care, I have never felt so good, I cannot believe it not myself. It's wonderful compared to all the drugs I've tried that had really, really nasty side effects. I'm very happy, but also very worried. "
At that moment we were, too, worried and curious to know what he was going to announce to us.
He added: "Here it is, it has been 20 years that I have been compensated by social security, because it is a disease considered incurable. Since now I am in good health again, they are not going to want me any more. 'compensate. So I will have to find work, which worries me a lot. I would have no more money if I do not work. "

A feeling of stupor and then of understanding surreptitiously invaded us. This man was apparently happy to have recovered his health, but was afraid of reintegration into the world of work, which makes sense after 20 years of inactivity and long sickness benefits.

A few days later, he told us that the health insurance fund only ceases to compensate an AIDS patient if he decides to leave the established protocol. That is to say if he stops taking the treatments imposed by doctors and laboratories.
Our man has therefore chosen to continue to follow this regulation until his retirement. But one day he called us urgently. He was in the hospital because his health suddenly deteriorated. He had suffered general poisoning due to the new drugs in the protocol, according to the doctors themselves.
We intervened to energetically "clean" him of this complication and put him back on his feet.
You are probably going to say to yourself: "How is it that if the examinations had become correct, drugs are still imposed on him by the doctors?".
It is one of the great puzzles of medicine. As it has not been recognized by official services that AIDS is curable, even if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. The patient must continue the treatments in the event that ... there is a recurrence, no doubt.

Today, our man is self-employed as a therapist. Other people have also become apprentice therapists, after having followed the same path. But they want to remain anonymous out of discretion. The associations supposedly created to fight against AIDS or Cystic Fibrosis have all been asked to put curotherapy into practice on their patients ... and none have responded.

Among the public, either people trust us and we treat them, or they criticize that we do not have medical "proof". But who does the tests? Laboratories ! Do you know a laboratory that wants to take the risk of "committing suicide"? Because if they do the tests and they see that it works well, they will no longer be able to sell their drugs ... it will be their commercial suicide ...
No lab, nor any scientist is up for making a case. medical.
No association wants to take the risk of "sabotaging" itself because there too if they find the solution to their medical problem, they will no longer exist.
So if you want proof, send us all the people you know are sick, and you will see the result. But if you wait for the press, the labs or the associations to advise you, you will wait a long time ...
You can also watch the videos on the manipulations of the people by the media, you will perhaps understand better than the public information is more directed to condition than to inform.

Bewitchment, Schizophrenia, Dementia
These are the most important parasites , which are the cause.

In cases of bewitchment and schizophrenia , the parasites take possession of the person's body and mind and manipulate them as they please. The person is therefore under an external influence, and his behavior is completely illogical and abnormal.
In the case of dementia the mental body is totally vampirized by parasites. They do not seek to manipulate the person, but they feed on the energies of his body. The result is the same, the person no longer controls their behavior.

This subject and the energetic treatments are indicated in the book "Energy Harmonization of People". However, the therapist can only exercise this cleansing with confidence after having participated in the training courses.
Thorough cleansing of the trainee and gradual experimentation with increasingly potent parasites and levels of protection is a must.
There is no danger when the prescribed procedure is followed. Conversely, playing the sorcerer's apprentice without training could lead the trainee to be parasitized too.

A spell can occur when an external being enters the interior of the person and takes possession of his functions. Some bewitchments are not permanent and the takeover can be done occasionally or remotely, by implants.

Just as there are positive nature spirits, angels, archangels and holy presences, always ready to help, there are negative spirits always ready to take advantage and abuse others (especially in black magic rituals. ). However, these are only installed when specific circumstances allow or provoke it: use of drugs, alcohol abuse, exercise of black magic, practice of energy care without knowing where the energies come from (Reiki), rituals linking to forces without knowing which ones (Freemasonry), supposedly animist or shamanic rituals without knowing the origin of the intervening spirits (African marabouts ...).

Bewitchment by a soul in pain :
A deceased person enters a living person to manipulate him.
It is only possible if the bewitching sorrowful soul finds itself in the grip of a bewitching parasite who has acted with it during its life (black magic), and who seeks to manipulate another person to continue his life and his activity.

Bewitchment by large parasites: ( schizophrenia , bipolar, possession ...)
The person does not behave autonomously and logically at all. She changes her behavior abnormally and can have incomprehensible, irrational crises . Some can be dangerous for themselves and others to the point that they must be locked in a psychiatric hospital.
The only treatments known and used are neuroleptics or psychotropic drugs, in other words "sleepers", but they do not solve anything. Psychiatrists, who do long studies of human behavior, are of no use in mental hospitals. They should exercise their talents in prisons, because there are people in need of reference or education, who need to be retrained and re-educated. In psychiatric hospitals, only curotherapists or "dewitchers" can cure the sick.

Bewitchment by binding to negative egregores : About 90% of Reiki practitioners are parasitized by spirits which spawn in them and which give them a certain energy in exchange for this gestation. The people in question have a feeling of bloating, because they internally feed the larvae of the parasite. They disseminate them to other people when they provide care. Just ask these people where the energy they impart comes from or according to what principles they act. Their answer will be "it is the energy of the universe", but they do not know exactly what energy it is.
The only positive practitioners use the energies of the Manta Ray (Rei ki) which is a great seawater spirit and can heal problems related to the lymphatic system and plasma (equivalent to desalinated seawater = plasma by Quinton).
Freemasons refer to true old stories (Solomon, Templars ...) but are linked through their rituals to negative forces (spirits of Orion symbolized by the capital G). They have no idea where their rituals come from and what the effects are. They contribute to negatively influence decision-makers without realizing it ... (extract from initiatory books: "the city of peace" and others - see the specific page).

Dementia: is a vampirism of the mental body.
This is not a fatality either, but a disease caused by parasites. They are quite stubborn but less aggressive than those causing schizophrenia or bewitchment. The person with dementia is directly or indirectly parasitized by several implants.
On the other hand, and this is the only case where we observe this, his mental body is almost non-existent, only a small dark blue tube remains in the center of the bodies. Because it is the principle of this disease: it is about the vampirism of the mental body.
Deworming is simple and easy to do using the Curotherapy procedure.
Then it takes time to restore a normal state, because in general the interference has been in progress for a long time, when it is highlighted.
Besides the devitalized mental body, the thalamus has become inactive, the cerebellum is in slow motion, etc. Internment is absolutely useless. He just lets things go on, and the person will end their days in the same state.

Curotherapy is a preventive and curative technique for "psychiatric" diseases. These are either caused by vampirism (parasites), or by the accumulation of emotional or mental problems (depression or burn-out). Generalized, curotherapy will reduce the number of patients and the costs incurred by more than 90%.
The treatment of depression and psychiatric illnesses is currently the largest health spending budget in France (22.6 billion euros per year), well ahead of cardiovascular diseases (16.2 billion euros), cancer ( € 16.1 billion), diabetes (€ 7.9 billion) and degenerative neurological diseases: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and others (€ 6.9 billion).


All this is explained in the books
Energy harmonization of people :
Energy Harmonization of Places.
Think of it like this the Jews have diseases that are incurable because their souls are designed in such a way for the worst of the worst parasitic entities to attach themself on the Jewish host to act as a vessel to wreck havoc on earth and do the bidding of our extraterrestrial enemies. Satan said that he inflicted them with diseases which can also be that because they have unnatural souls that go against Satan eternal truth their souls are not protected the way ours are.

Anyway here is a list of all their diseases and you can only imagine what types of creatures they have stuck on their soul
I am very grateful that I am not a Jew.

Diseases Common to all Jewish Groups
Cystic Fibrosis

Familial Mediterranean Fever

Fragile X Syndrome

Glycogen Storage Disease Type II

Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency

Retinitis Pigmentosa 28

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Tay-Sachs Disease

Wilson Disease

Ashkenazi Jewish Diseases
3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency


Alport Syndrome

Arthrogryposis, Mental Retardation and Seizures

Bardet-Biedl Syndrome

Bloom Syndrome

Canavan Disease

Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase ll Deficiency


Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia

Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation la

Cystic Fibrosis

Deafness-Autosomal Recessive 77

Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive

Ehlers-Danlos VllC

Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome

Factor XI Deficiency

Familial Dysautonomia

Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Familial Hyperinsulinism

Familial Mediterranean Fever

Fanconi Anemia-Group C

Fragile X Syndrome


Gaucher Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease 1A

Glycogen Storage Disease Type II

Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV / Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease Type VII

Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome 3

Joubert Syndrome 2

Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Maple Syrup Urine Disease 1B

Mitochondrial Complex 1 Deficiency

Mucolipidosis IV (ML4)

Multiple Sulphatase Deficiency

Nemaline Myopathy 2

Niemann-Pick Disease Type A/B

Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

Osteopetrosis 1

Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency

Polycystic Kidney Disease, Autosomal Recessive

Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Type 1A

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAH5

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAI1

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAI2

Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 3

Retinitis Pigmentosa 28

Retinitis Pigmentosa 59

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Tay-Sachs Disease

Tyrosinemia-Type 1

Usher Syndrome-Type IF

Usher Syndrome-Type III

Walker Warburg Syndrome and Other FKTN-Related Dystrophies

Wilson Disease

Zellweger Syndrome Spectrum-PEX2

Sephardi-Mizrahi Jewish Diseases
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria, Type III / Optic Atrophy 3, with Cataract

Acute Infantile Liver Failure

Adrenoleukodystrophy-X-Linked ABCD1

Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency

Ataxia Telangiectasia

Beta-Globin-Related Hemoglobinopathies

Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis

Chronic Granulomatous Disease

Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis

Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome

Corticosterone Methyloxidase Deficiency

Cystic Fibrosis


Familial Mediterranean Fever

Fanconi Anemia-Group A

Fragile X Syndrome

Glycogen Storage Disease Type II

Glycogen Storage Disease Type III

Glycogen Storage Disease Type V

GNE Myopathy (Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy)

Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis 49

Homocystinuria due to MTHFR Deficiency

Infantile Cerebral and Cerebellar Atrophy

Leber Congenital Amaurosis 2-Retinitis Pigmentosa 20

Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2B

Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy with Subcortical Cysts

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

Microphthalmia / Anophthalmia

Mitochondrial Complex 1 Deficiency

Mitochondrial Myopathy and Sideroblastic Anemia

Myoneurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy

Omenn Syndrome

Ornithine Aminotransferase Deficiency

Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency

Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome, Type I

Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Type 6

Progressive Cerebello-Cerebral Atrophy

Renal Tubular Acidosis and Deafness

Retinitis Pigmentosa 25

Retinitis Pigmentosa 26

Retinitis Pigmentosa 28

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Tay-Sachs Disease

Usher Syndrome-Type IIA

Wilson Disease

Wolman Disease / Cholesteryl Ester Storage Disease

Zellweger Syndrome Spectrum
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Think of it like this the Jews have diseases that are incurable because their souls are designed in such a way for the worst of the worst parasitic entities to attach themself on the Jewish host to act as a vessel to wreck havoc on earth and do the bidding of our extraterrestrial enemies. Satan said that he inflicted them with diseases which can also be that because they have unnatural souls that go against Satan eternal truth their souls are not protected the way ours are.

Anyway here is a list of all their diseases and you can only imagine what types of creatures they have stuck on their soul
I am very grateful that I am not a Jew.

Diseases Common to all Jewish Groups
Cystic Fibrosis

Familial Mediterranean Fever

Fragile X Syndrome

Glycogen Storage Disease Type II

Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency

Retinitis Pigmentosa 28

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Tay-Sachs Disease

Wilson Disease

Ashkenazi Jewish Diseases
3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency


Alport Syndrome

Arthrogryposis, Mental Retardation and Seizures

Bardet-Biedl Syndrome

Bloom Syndrome

Canavan Disease

Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase ll Deficiency


Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia

Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation la

Cystic Fibrosis

Deafness-Autosomal Recessive 77

Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive

Ehlers-Danlos VllC

Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome

Factor XI Deficiency

Familial Dysautonomia

Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Familial Hyperinsulinism

Familial Mediterranean Fever

Fanconi Anemia-Group C

Fragile X Syndrome


Gaucher Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease 1A

Glycogen Storage Disease Type II

Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV / Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease Type VII

Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome 3

Joubert Syndrome 2

Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Maple Syrup Urine Disease 1B

Mitochondrial Complex 1 Deficiency

Mucolipidosis IV (ML4)

Multiple Sulphatase Deficiency

Nemaline Myopathy 2

Niemann-Pick Disease Type A/B

Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

Osteopetrosis 1

Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency

Polycystic Kidney Disease, Autosomal Recessive

Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Type 1A

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAH5

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAI1

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia DNAI2

Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 3

Retinitis Pigmentosa 28

Retinitis Pigmentosa 59

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Tay-Sachs Disease

Tyrosinemia-Type 1

Usher Syndrome-Type IF

Usher Syndrome-Type III

Walker Warburg Syndrome and Other FKTN-Related Dystrophies

Wilson Disease

Zellweger Syndrome Spectrum-PEX2

Sephardi-Mizrahi Jewish Diseases
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria, Type III / Optic Atrophy 3, with Cataract

Acute Infantile Liver Failure

Adrenoleukodystrophy-X-Linked ABCD1

Asparagine Synthetase Deficiency

Ataxia Telangiectasia

Beta-Globin-Related Hemoglobinopathies

Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis

Chronic Granulomatous Disease

Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis

Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome

Corticosterone Methyloxidase Deficiency

Cystic Fibrosis


Familial Mediterranean Fever

Fanconi Anemia-Group A

Fragile X Syndrome

Glycogen Storage Disease Type II

Glycogen Storage Disease Type III

Glycogen Storage Disease Type V

GNE Myopathy (Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy)

Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis 49

Homocystinuria due to MTHFR Deficiency

Infantile Cerebral and Cerebellar Atrophy

Leber Congenital Amaurosis 2-Retinitis Pigmentosa 20

Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2B

Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy with Subcortical Cysts

Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

Microphthalmia / Anophthalmia

Mitochondrial Complex 1 Deficiency

Mitochondrial Myopathy and Sideroblastic Anemia

Myoneurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy

Omenn Syndrome

Ornithine Aminotransferase Deficiency

Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency

Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome, Type I

Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Type 6

Progressive Cerebello-Cerebral Atrophy

Renal Tubular Acidosis and Deafness

Retinitis Pigmentosa 25

Retinitis Pigmentosa 26

Retinitis Pigmentosa 28

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Tay-Sachs Disease

Usher Syndrome-Type IIA

Wilson Disease

Wolman Disease / Cholesteryl Ester Storage Disease

Zellweger Syndrome Spectrum

Sorry I said it wrong these are only the common ones!!!

The list is endless

I come to think of them as physical parasite within a parasite within another parasite that extends deep into the astral into other worlds and dimensions maybe there is one source from where all species of parasites originated from.

These are just some wild questions I have.
This also explains why gentiles have problems on the soul level when there I an attachment with a Jew and what happens when a gentile has sex with them. The astral parasites on their soul attaches to the gentiles.
And the reality is worse than any horror movie you have ever watched. Take a look at this pic and know that whatever attached is in this category


The Jews know what gentiles fear the most and use it against us by making movies and stuff by linking it to their god which is the god of the parasites and they are real.Human souls have memory and instincts to avoid the dangers like a antelope has a natural fear for a lion and to run away. Then what they do is blame Satan and we all know the story from here. If there truly was nothing to fear out there humans would react differently towards it.
Take for example this picture. It comes close to parasites that cause us diseases. These are the types of things that come out of a Jewish mind and ask yourself why!
I don't believe this to be honest. The causes of all diseases is not Astral parasites or energy or angels Jews or any of that kind of stuff. I know your not the only one claiming this but there is a physical cause as well. I actually skipped over and didn't buy a product one time for this kind of claim that I was looking into.

I believe spiritual issues can lead to physical issues happening I believe that in almost every case there is something spiritual that leads to the problem. However I don't believe they are the full cause of the physical issue. Ignoring the physical cause in some cases is dangerous or deadly.

Good Healthcare deals with both material and spiritual and heals the spirit mind and body has aspects that tie into all three.
The jew thoughtform uses gray energy as the basis for their magic. We see jews having so many diseases because they are made up of gray energy.

I felt sad for my father that kept on praying to the jew god. I told him that Christianity uses gray magic and instructed him to chant Surya to strengthen and clean his aura, but he won't listen.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I'm over rubbing it in but just to those who avoided my parasites and entities thread check this out!!

I feel this is very revealing and important information.
And I'm kind of proud of myself for finding it.

If this is not accurate could HP Cobra just tell me so I don't really trust the opinions of others here no offence but HP Cobra knows all and he has not told me I am wrong delusional or anything of the sort yet so I am assuming I am on the right track. I know some others know a lot more than me but unfortunately my mind really can see the truth in this and nobody other that the HP can change it.

There is a lot more on the website.Including some stuff about Corona.

Curotherapy and medicine
Laboratories spend $ 135 billion annually on disease treatment research and $ 256 billion on drug advertising budgets.

In France, the annual expenditure on drugs is 26 billion euros with an average of 56 boxes of drugs per inhabitant.
The largest laboratories are announcing increasingly huge budget forecasts: 1000 billion dollars in the years to come, for a single American laboratory ( Pfizer ).

Whether private or associative, investments do not seem to have more success in solving diseases. The telethon (and the AFM) which invests 100 million euros per year (in donations) in research and this for 30 years, admits to still having found nothing to put an end to myopathy. Progress turns out to be those on DNA and the human genome, which indicate with more and more precision the predispositions to the development of certain diseases. Cancers and diseases continue their progression despite everything.

Despite all the investments, medicine cannot neutralize the development of diseases. Research will not be successful as long as it is confined to the physical body and its DNA, since the parasites causing diseases (myopathy, cancer and others) are etheric in nature. They feed on the energies of the body. They can be slowed down by weakening (chemotherapy, cortisone ...) but cannot be destroyed by chemical drugs which only affect the physical body, and not the etheric energies of which these parasites are made.

As a reminder: man is not only made up of a physical body. It is made up of eight interconnected bodies, of different frequencies: physical, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, crystal and light. All these bodies also have their own wounds, blockages, links, memories, shocks and parasites which constitute the spirits of diseases. These disease spirits set in when the weaknesses of the body allow it, either by DNA predispositions, an accumulation of emotional shocks, particular conditions (cold, weakness, accident), or even by exposure to another disease (case hospitals and nosocomial diseases).

The objective of Curotherapy is not to supplant physical medicine but to supplement it to put an end to diseases. More and more doctors are turning to energy medicine (Example: André MASSON for the removal of emotional shocks ... Luc BODIN to clean up the embarrassments of the etheric body ...).

 Curotherapy teaches through books and courses the techniques of perception and harmonization of energy bodies by means of clairvoyance and clairvoyance. She teaches and demonstrates that all diseases (or almost) can be cured by removing parasites in energy bodies and treating them globally (emotional, mental shocks, memories, links etc.). This also includes the study and harmonization of the energies of the place of residence, because any person living in an unhealthy place is necessarily affected.

The cancer is mainly due to an etheric cyst which implants its roots in a weak zone and draws the energies there to the point that the cells can no longer reproduce normally and generates an anarchic cell proliferation.

The vampires diseases (Alzheimer's ...) appear in a pocket of parasites who settle on the brain and spine, and there draw the energies until the cells are depleted and diminished.

The AIDS is revealed by the presence of one or more etheric parasites attached to the lower abdomen. By removing them, the normal state quickly returns.

The energy bodies of man, like the spirits of nature or the souls in pain, are seen by more and more clairvoyants. Not everyone has this possibility yet, but can perceive them through clairvoyance. There are no devices yet to make etheric spirits visible. However the cameras often show presences on the images, which are not visible to the naked eye, in particular orbs (kaleidoscopic circles), shadows, faces or other shapes, this because of the speed of shooting (therefore the change in frequency).

Several cameras have been invented, especially by the Russians, to see the etheric energy of any living being (Kirlian effect) or the Aura (colored emanations of the emotional body). They still allow very little to be distinguished and cannot be used for medicine.

In order for physical medicine to perceive energetic bodies, their alterations and the parasites that cause illnesses, an etheric camera must be invented. For the moment, we just know that it has to work from light filters, crystals and the principle of kaleidoscopic light which makes visible frequencies, in principle invisible to the naked eye.

In the meantime, Curotherapy practices and teaches the perception of energy bodies and their disturbances by means of clear feeling and clairvoyance. This method, which anyone can develop, works on the same principle as pendulum or stick dowsing. The person can, by concentrating on the object of the search, perceive it physically with the hands.

Diseases created by parasites.
The etheric energies of man and the universe are 12 in number: 3 chemical ethers, 3 vital ethers, 3 reflective ethers and 3 light ethers.

The chemical ether is the glue of the physical. The 1st assembles atoms to build cells. The second assembles cells to build organs. The 3rd assembles the organs to build the physical body, and also constitutes the envelope of the energetic bodies.

The vital ether creates and maintains vitality. The 1st allows the reconstruction of cells identically (when they die, and according to their DNA program). The second is that of growth, which multiplies the cells from seed to child and from child to adult. The 3rd connects body and soul, it is the energy of life and universal love.

The reflective ether feeds our reflex systems. In the iris of the eye is inscribed the whole of the human body and the state of health of each part of it, thanks to the reflective ether. The science that studies these phenomena is called iridology.
The presence of reflective ether omnipresent in the universe, makes remote perception possible. The dowsers can see on a map, all the peculiarities of a house, from a distance. Any representation of a thing is therefore linked to it, thanks to the presence of the reflective ether.

The ether light, omnipresent in space, makes it possible to act at a distance.

Parasites of a physical nature: lice, fleas ... feed on blood or physical particles. Parasites of etheric nature feed on the etheric energies of man and cause diseases that are difficult to treat. For example, osteoarthritis parasites (shaped like mini crabs) consume the chemical ether of the bones. The bones disintegrate because the molecules disperse, which causes damage and pain, nicknamed osteoarthritis. It is enough to remove these parasites to stop the degradation and then to physically rebuild the bone by natural means (plants ...).

There are different parasites which consume the energies of the muscles, creating fibromyalgia, rheumatism etc ... others which create "viral" diseases and others "autoimmune" diseases.

The neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson's, multiple ...) all have in common a category of parasites that are deposited into a pocket around the brain and spinal column, and consume energy parts brain, spinal cord or nervous system. The progression of the disease and the breakdown of cells depends on the weak state of the person.

All of these parasites are etheric in nature, and invisible to the naked eye and microscopes. They could be, if devices were invented to do so. They are perceptible by clairvoyance and clairvoyance, and are easily removed by the techniques practiced in curotherapy.

The physical effects of parasites on cells in the human body can be seen under a microscope. Their vampirizing energetic action on cells causes "waste" made up of a set of proteins with a DNA strand. Each parasite creates a specific, personal "waste" which constitutes its "signature".
This "cellular waste" is nicknamed "virus" by scientists.
1000 times smaller than a bacterium, and visible only under an electron microscope, each cellular waste is devoid of any intelligence, and therefore cannot reproduce. Medicine knows this very well, but it notes that this waste multiplies during illnesses. So, for lack of understanding (since she cannot see the parasites that are at the origin), she says that these viruses are the cause of contagion and disease . Which is totally impossible.
If the viruses were alive, it would be easier to destroy them, and they would also be used by the military as weapons ... which is not the case.
Medicine has great difficulty in finding ways to stop their development because it is as if it were studying the footprints of a pest, in the earth ... to identify the animal in question and be able to destroy it. .
When devices are invented to detect the parasites that cause disease, and they become removable without degrading the physique, medicine will change completely and become effective (but much less profitable - since currently it makes more profit than banks).

In the same vein, during certain illnesses, medicine observes under a microscope the presence of antibodies of the immune system, in the same place where degradation occurs (as in neurodegenerative diseases - alzheimer's, parkinson's ...). Not seeing the etheric parasites under the microscope, which the immune system is trying to fight off, she thinks it is the immune system itself that creates the degradation. She classified all of these diseases as autoimmune diseases. The worst part is that, in an attempt to slow the progression of the disease, it destroys the immune system with chemical poisons. Which obviously doesn't work to stop the disease. But, still not having understood the presence of the parasites, she continues to insist on this destruction (inappropriate and harmful) of the immune system.

Chemical drugs cannot remove or destroy them. They can either put to sleep the physical pains caused (painkillers, sleeping pills ...), or weaken and poison the area of ​​the body attacked and indirectly slow down the parasites by lack of vital energy (chemotherapy, radiotherapy).

Nosocomial diseases hospitals.

The nosocomial infections constitute 1/3 of all diseases, and do THAT catch in hospitals. The latter seek to control them through the massive use of antiseptic processes, spare linens, chemicals, sanitized rooms, etc. But this is not enough.

The cause of nosocomial diseases is due to several unfavorable circumstances, gathered in hospitals. They can be classified into 4 categories.

The first is the accumulation of negative memories of suffering and worry, which accumulate in places, objects and walls.
Places and objects take charge of negative energetic memories of suffering, where they were experienced, if these energies were emitted by intense thoughts. Hospitals retain the energetic egregores of suffering, amplified by emotions. Suffering of the sick and suffering of their family members who visit them. When they are repeated, as in a hospital , the place becomes more and more charged, negatively.
In a house of suicide , crime or illness, memory affects the occupants as long as it is not energetically cleaned (disinfectants are useless). If there was depression and then suicide in a room, the successors will feel the discomfort and be affected by it. Likewise, thoughts of anger, discontent, hatred… are memorized in the places and objects where they were expressed. The daily accumulation of these negativities affects people. In a hospital this accumulation is obvious and logical, including in psychiatric hospitals. The more active or old the hospital, the more it is loaded with negative memories that affect and weaken both patients and medical staff.

The second negative factor is due to the presence of a multitude of souls in pain who walk there and contribute to lower the energy of the places by vampirizing, despite themselves, the energies of the living, in their path.
Due to the rise of earthly energies, the number of people who perceive and hear them is constantly growing. Children are increasingly sensitive and awake from birth to these perceptions. The perception of souls in pain is a basic function of geobiologists and curotherapists but also of any awake person. Simple exercises described in the books allow everyone to perceive them unequivocally, to dialogue with, and to help them to rise.
The first reason for their presence is that some people have simply lived in an isolated or closed environment and at the time of their death they do not rise up because they do not conceive it. They can stay that way indefinitely, for decades, until something special happens. Others were poorly educatedspiritually, by ignorant religious or educators who have told them all their lives that there is nothing after death. So they refuse to let go because they are afraid of disappearing forever. Others are attached to their families and their homes and do not want to leave. Another category fills the pews of churches and temples, including the benches of priests and bishops. These are those who are waiting for something that does not happen (St Peter, Jesus, Allah). The deceased almost always visualize themselves as they are at the time of their death, because they think it cannot be otherwise. A person who died in a fire, will perceive himself (by clear feeling) will see himself (by clairvoyance) and will feel (by the physical odor) as charred. A soul in pain, long dead and coming out of a very old cemetery, can perceive himself as a rotting skeleton (smell included). There is nothing to fear, however , in the presence of any soul in pain.

The third factor comes from the large amount of parasites (disease spirits ) that are there and which are detailed in the book dedicated to the harmonization of people.
Every disease progresses when an etheric parasite maintains that progression. There are therefore as many different parasites as there are diseases. As with physical parasites, they reproduce in the form of larvae and eggs, which they deposit on new patients who enter their space.
This is valid for the smallest (micro-parasites causing fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, putrefaction ...) to the largest (causing depression, bewitchment or psychiatric dementia).
They always settle when a state of weakness allows it, and new patients are fertile ground for this.
Antibiotics and chemical drugs have no effect on them. Moreover, if diseases were only a phenomenon of microbes, the Indians who bathe in the Ganges, (a river which carries everything, including corpses and which is a breeding ground for microbes) would all be sick.
Those who follow curotherapy treatments or training courses, and who are energetically cleansed, also develop their sensitivity (clairvoyance, clairvoyance).

In addition, there are many geobiological problems, as everywhere, and other specific problems even more important than in ordinary places.
As everywhere, there are weakening points of the ground (see the book: Harmonization of the Place), of the electric and magnetic fields of all the devices, as well as all the other phenomena which affect the places in general.
But other specific geobiological phenomena affect people in this place even more than in ordinary places.
The first is electromagnetic fields generated at the level of electric beds, which have become essential to facilitate the mobility of hospital staff. They are permanently connected, causing by the electromagnetic fields of the motors and the wires, a weakness, and an additional tiredness for the patients. This fact alone can cause many failures as you can read on the "real cases" page.

On the other hand, low frequency cosmotelluric chimneys are attracted by states of suffering, and are all the more numerous in these places. They disrupt the energies and normal vitality of people. They affect everyone, patients and medical personnel.

Added to this is the fact that patients receive (unnatural) chemical treatments which indirectly disrupt the body and always have side effects, as well as x-rays, irradiations, chemotherapy ...

Conclusion: nosocomial diseases can really be eliminated when medical services combine with energy medicine (Curotherapy).
The sick will benefit, as will the medical staff! Because according to national statistics there are 4 times more suicides among hospital staff than the general average ...

Chakras, shocks and memory areas.
To be able to understand the origin of diseases and how different bodies are affected, it is first necessary to understand the systems that come into play.

The chakras are energy relays which act on all bodies and have specific functions on each body.

Here is the position diagram of the main chakras and their main function.
The heart chakra governs collective love.
The solar plexus chakra governs family and work.
The navel chakra governs maternal life.
These chakras act at the level of each body (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual). For example, if we take that of the heart:
- At the level of the physical body, it regulates the energy of construction of the physical heart and the lungs (in connection with the DNA program and physical training).
- At the level of the etheric body, it manages the energies necessary to feed the physical heart and maintain its vitality.
- At the level of the emotional body, it manages the energy of collective love, towards others, unlike the second chakra (navel) which manages the energy of family love.
- At the level of the mental body, it is collective "mental" love, compassion in relation to a situation or a logic, for example: the desire to help the poor and underprivileged.
- At the level of the causal body, it manages the programs of automatic operation (breathing, heartbeat) or of different operation according to the recordings induced in the DNA and the conditioned reflexes memorized during life (the fears and the reactions induced by the shocks experienced, etc.).
- At the level of the spiritual body, it is the universal spiritual love promoted by religions and in particular Jesus when he advises "love one another".

Each chakra therefore manages a different function at the level of each body, but it can also be affected when these functions are disturbed. For example: always at the level of the heart, the repetition of deep emotional affections (especially with regard to parents and relatives) create cracks in the heart , a real energy wound that crosses several bodies: etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The emotional shocks experienced during the life affect the person, and create skins in his external bodies (like bruises on the physical body). There may also be, depending on the intensity of the event, coats created as protection (by dint of being fed up with hearing someone, a person may create etheric earplugs, which will decrease his hearing).
Third, the milder but repetitive ailments, which we think we have forgotten by putting "a handkerchief on", are in fact stored in memory boxes. interior which correspond to the reflex zones in relation (All the techniques of psychotherapy can reveal their presence, but none removes them, unlike Curotherapy).

Each "memory box" corresponds to a storage of a certain type of emotion. For example, unspoken things and things that have remained in the throat are stored in the throat box ; sentimental worries in the central box of the heart; and worries of work in the central box of the stomach (family / work chakra) etc.

When it comes to an outside worry, it is stored on the right side. For example, a sentimental anxiety towards a spouse is stored at the heart level but on the right side, therefore at the right breast and right shoulder level (predisposition in case of excess to weakness and the installation of breast cancer right side). If it is a disappointment with regard to religion, it will be at the family level, therefore at the solar plexus level and on the right side (zone of the liver and of the faith).

The boxes on the left side store the personal reproaches, for example the reproaches of missing his work or his family life will be stored at the level of the stomach (family / work), left side, therefore on the spleen. And taking into account the fact that the bodies are interconnected (one in the other), the storages of negative emotions in such or such zone, affect and make sensitive the zone in question (pain and sensitization to the installation of a disease ).

In the back are stored the worries of mental obligations, of responsibility.
Collective liability issues are stored in the back, heart level, and will cause unexplained pain.
Family responsibility concerns are stored in the middle of the back, at stomach height.
In these two cases there will be the feeling of having "full back" and it will be a physical reality and not psychosomatic, since all the bodies are in each other, and these energetic affections, will cause affections. to the physical.

By emptying these storage boxes, the pain stops, but they have to be really removed energetically. The art psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, demotions, family constellations and other methods psycho calming, highlight the problems at the root of these evils. They can hide them by putting a larger bandage on it (a calming autosuggestion) but they do not remove them. There is no method, in physical medicine, which concretely heals at the source these problems of accumulation of shocks. This accumulation creates physical pain and states of depression or even burn out.

The medical palliative method practiced is that of painkillers, antidepressants and anxiolytics, which only put the person to sleep. Curotherapy, energy medicine, well understood and well practiced, really removes all this suffering. Depression and other illnesses called psychosomatic by medicine are not due to storages of emotional and mental ailments only. Other factors come into play, including parasites of several levels. Some feed on emotional energies. The most affecting control the person completely and cause what is nicknamed: bipolar, schizophrenia, bewitchment. But in all cases and for all people, the storage of negative ailments in memory boxes has

must take place, and must be cleaned and harmonized. The older the person, the more they are overloaded with these stored ailments and generally weakened. Statistically 80% of people suffer from back pain. It is quite logical and it is very easily and very quickly healed with Curotherapy.

Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and others ...
Diseases of the bones and joints are not inevitable, nor related to age. They are due to the installation of some parasites that will feed the builders energies bones (like other parasites feed of certain organs). And this because of failings, predispositions and weaknesses of man which prepared the ground and allowed their development.
When they settle and begin to feed, the bones disintegrate, deform, break etc ... The disease progresses because chemical or natural treatments are only devoted to the physical body and to the symptoms (pain ... ), but not at the sources.
Being of an energetic nature, the parasites can be slowed down by certain treatments such as irradiation which destroys the cells and their energy, or certain strong drugs (chemotherapy, drugs ...) but in any case they are not removed or destroyed and continue their destructive effects.

Diseases only develop because there are "living things" that create this progression. Anyone who is informed can, by means of the clear feeling, seek them out, find them and remove them. You just have to experience it to be convinced.

Here are some examples of the appearances of these parasites seen by clairvoyance:

Osteoarthritis : parasites in the form of mini crabs feeding on the chemical ether of bone building.

Enchondromatosis , Paget's disease, Ollier's disease, poliomyelitis, dysplasia ... are caused by marine nano-parasites in the plasma, spider crab-like (white, red, brown).

Calcification of muscles or bones: this is not an excess of limestone, but an abnormal agglomeration of marine nano-parasites with shell, snail-shaped or other. This agglomeration causes calcification, bone growths, and muscle and nerve pain.

Osteoporosis (affects 30% of women and 10% of men) is caused by p arasites resembling mini maggots black bighead. They create galleries in the bones (the mother is shaped like a fly).

Osteochondromatosis : parasites in the shape of seahorses, nibble the serous cartilage areas (knees, hips, shoulders). They leave small ones in the joint, causing bone fragmentation and a liquid gel.

Chondrosarcoma : also called bone cancer, is caused by a parasite in the shape of a beetle with a grasshopper head and yellow belly.

- Parasites in the shape of a frog with a large shell can be found on the shoulders and hips making them painful.
- Parasites in the form of a beetle feed on the aponeurosis membrane of the bones.
- Marine nano-parasites in the shape of half lobster, half spider crab make the bones break.

For treatment: the therapist removes the parasites and their mother from all areas where they have settled. However, the work of a curo therapist does not stop there since it harmonizes the energies of the body as a whole .
In that case :

- It searches for and removes the installed parasites and the mother.
- It searches for and removes the phenomena that increase pain, in other bodies: emotional and mental memories stored in the reflex zone, holes or cracks in the etheric body, memories of wounds from previous lives ...
- He researches if there is a predisposition ground for the renewal of this evil, by checking the place of residence (harmonization of the place), the predispositions of the DNA, the memories of previous lives, a repetitive program of the causal body etc. .
- It helps in the resorption of the lesions caused, by promoting the reconstitution of the bones: drainage of any debris, coating of pearly energy, absorption of lithothamne capsules (an algae whose property is to remineralize the bones), oil of fish (for cartilage) and shark cartilage (for injured tendons).
After these treatments, the bone lesions are really resorbed ( X-rays in support). All those who have been treated in this way have seen the degradation and the associated pain completely disappear .

This is valid for most of the other diseases treated using curotherapy techniques. There is however an exception which concerns some people (around 10% of cases). Either they have voluntarily chosen to experience an illness (in their life program), or they suffer this discomfort to compensate for a previous life error (karma). In these two cases it is not possible, nor authorized to cure the person, one can just (and it is already good) to look after him and to limit the harm and suffering caused.

AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis.
AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis are diseases very popularized by the media because they have affected and affect known people. Yet they are as easy to manage as the others, by curotherapy.

The Cystic Fibrosis appears clairvoyantly or light felt like a fat burning inflammation in the lungs. The parasites present themselves as purulent pockets of larvae that feed on the internal mucus.
The mother on the outside looks like a huge mosquito.
They only settle due to DNA failure. This one seen by clairvoyance appears as a cocoon surrounding a small part of one of the 2 spirals of DNA, which slows down the circulation of energy inside it.
It can be rectified by the help of certain spirits of nature, provided that it is not a program of life, voluntarily chosen by the person.
DNA failure is a predisposition. But with or without DNA correction, the cystic fibrosis can be cured according to the procedure indicated in the book "Energy Harmonization of People".
However, it is a rather stubborn disease and it will be necessary to renew the care every 3 days until satisfaction. The duration of treatment depends on the state of its installation and the damage caused at the time of the start of curotherapy treatment.

AIDS is, despite all that is said about it, one of the simplest and fastest diseases to treat with curotherapy.
One or more astral octopus-like parasites are attached to the lower abdomen, with long wires connected inside where they draw energy. A mother can be above. It is red on the lower abdomen (AIDS) and white when it is elsewhere. It is transmitted by its young in liquids, from one person to another.
As in other cases, chemical drugs do not affect them at all, just because they are not on the same frequency. At best they slow them down, since they slow down the energies of the cells of the human body. The parasites feed on the energies of man, and continue until his final exhaustion.

After removal of the parasites and some care described in the book, the state of health is regenerated very quickly. The majority of cases treated with curotherapy were resolved definitively in 3 treatments. The difficulty is to wean oneself from the imposed physical drugs ...

However, the treatment of AIDS in curotherapy causes a side effect.
Try to imagine it for a moment, before reading the following real-life story.
You will be able to understand what this effect is and check if you have found it.
The real- life case cited here is the one most commonly observed for curotherapists.

Lived case : One day came to see us a man with a very tired appearance, a white face and a low energy, who said "Here, I learned that you were doing energy treatments, and I came to see you because I have had AIDS for over 20 years. I have tried everything, I have suffered a lot and I have had enough. Can you do something for me? "
We started by establishing an assessment, as indicated in Protocol 1 cited in the page "protocol for the harmonization of persons".
Then, without a priori and by testing, we did indeed observe the presence of a large energy parasite fixed on the lower abdomen.
We removed it, as well as the mother, and continued the usual general energetic healing (removal of other parasites, etheric, emotional, mental shocks, blockages, memories, bonds etc.). At the end of the session this visitor was visibly brighter and in better shape.

He came back to see us the following week for a second treatment.
By checking we noticed the presence of another parasite, but much smaller. Didn't we check the previous time to see if there were two? Did he pick up this new parasite from contact with another person? Usually at the second session there are no more. This shows that it is always necessary to check well , and to renew the care at least three times for safety.
We removed it as easily as the first, and continued the overall cleansing care of ALL energetic bodies, in accordance with the planned curotherapy protocols.
This man was already very happy with the first treatment, because he felt in a state of physical well-being that he had never known, according to his words.

The third time he came, he arrived with a worried face. He told us: "Here, I have had several examinations which show that I no longer have any traces of the disease. I am very satisfied with your care, I have never felt so good, I cannot believe it not myself. It's wonderful compared to all the drugs I've tried that had really, really nasty side effects. I'm very happy, but also very worried. "
At that moment we were, too, worried and curious to know what he was going to announce to us.
He added: "Here it is, it has been 20 years that I have been compensated by social security, because it is a disease considered incurable. Since now I am in good health again, they are not going to want me any more. 'compensate. So I will have to find work, which worries me a lot. I would have no more money if I do not work. "

A feeling of stupor and then of understanding surreptitiously invaded us. This man was apparently happy to have recovered his health, but was afraid of reintegration into the world of work, which makes sense after 20 years of inactivity and long sickness benefits.

A few days later, he told us that the health insurance fund only ceases to compensate an AIDS patient if he decides to leave the established protocol. That is to say if he stops taking the treatments imposed by doctors and laboratories.
Our man has therefore chosen to continue to follow this regulation until his retirement. But one day he called us urgently. He was in the hospital because his health suddenly deteriorated. He had suffered general poisoning due to the new drugs in the protocol, according to the doctors themselves.
We intervened to energetically "clean" him of this complication and put him back on his feet.
You are probably going to say to yourself: "How is it that if the examinations had become correct, drugs are still imposed on him by the doctors?".
It is one of the great puzzles of medicine. As it has not been recognized by official services that AIDS is curable, even if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. The patient must continue the treatments in the event that ... there is a recurrence, no doubt.

Today, our man is self-employed as a therapist. Other people have also become apprentice therapists, after having followed the same path. But they want to remain anonymous out of discretion. The associations supposedly created to fight against AIDS or Cystic Fibrosis have all been asked to put curotherapy into practice on their patients ... and none have responded.

Among the public, either people trust us and we treat them, or they criticize that we do not have medical "proof". But who does the tests? Laboratories ! Do you know a laboratory that wants to take the risk of "committing suicide"? Because if they do the tests and they see that it works well, they will no longer be able to sell their drugs ... it will be their commercial suicide ...
No lab, nor any scientist is up for making a case. medical.
No association wants to take the risk of "sabotaging" itself because there too if they find the solution to their medical problem, they will no longer exist.
So if you want proof, send us all the people you know are sick, and you will see the result. But if you wait for the press, the labs or the associations to advise you, you will wait a long time ...
You can also watch the videos on the manipulations of the people by the media, you will perhaps understand better than the public information is more directed to condition than to inform.

Bewitchment, Schizophrenia, Dementia
These are the most important parasites , which are the cause.

In cases of bewitchment and schizophrenia , the parasites take possession of the person's body and mind and manipulate them as they please. The person is therefore under an external influence, and his behavior is completely illogical and abnormal.
In the case of dementia the mental body is totally vampirized by parasites. They do not seek to manipulate the person, but they feed on the energies of his body. The result is the same, the person no longer controls their behavior.

This subject and the energetic treatments are indicated in the book "Energy Harmonization of People". However, the therapist can only exercise this cleansing with confidence after having participated in the training courses.
Thorough cleansing of the trainee and gradual experimentation with increasingly potent parasites and levels of protection is a must.
There is no danger when the prescribed procedure is followed. Conversely, playing the sorcerer's apprentice without training could lead the trainee to be parasitized too.

A spell can occur when an external being enters the interior of the person and takes possession of his functions. Some bewitchments are not permanent and the takeover can be done occasionally or remotely, by implants.

Just as there are positive nature spirits, angels, archangels and holy presences, always ready to help, there are negative spirits always ready to take advantage and abuse others (especially in black magic rituals. ). However, these are only installed when specific circumstances allow or provoke it: use of drugs, alcohol abuse, exercise of black magic, practice of energy care without knowing where the energies come from (Reiki), rituals linking to forces without knowing which ones (Freemasonry), supposedly animist or shamanic rituals without knowing the origin of the intervening spirits (African marabouts ...).

Bewitchment by a soul in pain :
A deceased person enters a living person to manipulate him.
It is only possible if the bewitching sorrowful soul finds itself in the grip of a bewitching parasite who has acted with it during its life (black magic), and who seeks to manipulate another person to continue his life and his activity.

Bewitchment by large parasites: ( schizophrenia , bipolar, possession ...)
The person does not behave autonomously and logically at all. She changes her behavior abnormally and can have incomprehensible, irrational crises . Some can be dangerous for themselves and others to the point that they must be locked in a psychiatric hospital.
The only treatments known and used are neuroleptics or psychotropic drugs, in other words "sleepers", but they do not solve anything. Psychiatrists, who do long studies of human behavior, are of no use in mental hospitals. They should exercise their talents in prisons, because there are people in need of reference or education, who need to be retrained and re-educated. In psychiatric hospitals, only curotherapists or "dewitchers" can cure the sick.

Bewitchment by binding to negative egregores : About 90% of Reiki practitioners are parasitized by spirits which spawn in them and which give them a certain energy in exchange for this gestation. The people in question have a feeling of bloating, because they internally feed the larvae of the parasite. They disseminate them to other people when they provide care. Just ask these people where the energy they impart comes from or according to what principles they act. Their answer will be "it is the energy of the universe", but they do not know exactly what energy it is.
The only positive practitioners use the energies of the Manta Ray (Rei ki) which is a great seawater spirit and can heal problems related to the lymphatic system and plasma (equivalent to desalinated seawater = plasma by Quinton).
Freemasons refer to true old stories (Solomon, Templars ...) but are linked through their rituals to negative forces (spirits of Orion symbolized by the capital G). They have no idea where their rituals come from and what the effects are. They contribute to negatively influence decision-makers without realizing it ... (extract from initiatory books: "the city of peace" and others - see the specific page).

Dementia: is a vampirism of the mental body.
This is not a fatality either, but a disease caused by parasites. They are quite stubborn but less aggressive than those causing schizophrenia or bewitchment. The person with dementia is directly or indirectly parasitized by several implants.
On the other hand, and this is the only case where we observe this, his mental body is almost non-existent, only a small dark blue tube remains in the center of the bodies. Because it is the principle of this disease: it is about the vampirism of the mental body.
Deworming is simple and easy to do using the Curotherapy procedure.
Then it takes time to restore a normal state, because in general the interference has been in progress for a long time, when it is highlighted.
Besides the devitalized mental body, the thalamus has become inactive, the cerebellum is in slow motion, etc. Internment is absolutely useless. He just lets things go on, and the person will end their days in the same state.

Curotherapy is a preventive and curative technique for "psychiatric" diseases. These are either caused by vampirism (parasites), or by the accumulation of emotional or mental problems (depression or burn-out). Generalized, curotherapy will reduce the number of patients and the costs incurred by more than 90%.
The treatment of depression and psychiatric illnesses is currently the largest health spending budget in France (22.6 billion euros per year), well ahead of cardiovascular diseases (16.2 billion euros), cancer ( € 16.1 billion), diabetes (€ 7.9 billion) and degenerative neurological diseases: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and others (€ 6.9 billion).


All this is explained in the books
Energy harmonization of people :
Energy Harmonization of Places.

The other day I cleaned something from myself which I could only describe as some kind of parasite actually (the detaching actually left electric shocks on some places) and a couple of times before that Ive had to clean and detach links from places which weren't chakras.
And it would explain why elderly and sick people in general are sooo draining on your energy.

And now this shows up. Tbh I don't think there are so many parasites but I do see this as a confirmation and something that I do need to look into.
Ok this is some scary stuff when I first came here with my problem i thought I was the only one but it looks to me it's a fucking epidemic. I read something on JoS about the Trinity being the reptilians the Torah and the Jew themselves. People who experience this type of stuff are into the enemy Jewish programs. The ARCHONS are what these people call them.If I understand correctly.

A man from Hong Kong wrote me, asking for help with a spiritual crisis he has been having for the last two years. He believes he has an etheric implant in his neck. He wrote, "And it is hiding inside my neck. Omg. There are many different types of jellyfish entity/implant/creature I have seen the “astral” ones which don’t carry a shape. They are astral jellyfish and most healers can see it clear it. They are just creatures in astral dimension. For me though, Mine seems to be more a “technology weapon” from a different source . It seems like a more targeted weapon. Targeted on me."

Interestingly, this is where the movie The Host depicts the jellyfish-like parasites attaching to its human hosts, although they claim humans are the parasites. When I showed him the video clip from the movie, he said, "Oh shoot. Mine is very much the same. Except it’s bigger and stronger ."

Here are some excerpts from his emails: "I am sorry for writing directly and urgently. I am stuck in a spiritual crisis. And having intense suffering for 2 years

Right now I really don’t know what’s happening to me spiritually, energetically mentally. I am now in Australia seeking for clarity after traveling around the world.

Right now, I have - a weird thing inside my neck which causes me heavy spiritual dissociation (no memory. No thoughts. No emotions. emotional and mental body not grounded in the physical)

- the weird thing is also connected to my brain and nervous system

- energy depletion

- the thing looks like a colorless plasma blob, with tentacles. Tightly inside my neck right now. Most of my Méridien, blood flow, energy flow inside my body blocked. Cannot. Breathe. This thing jump inside of my body in december last year, when I had a spiritual opening and out of body experience in India.

It’s not a demon or normal entity. And I have visited shamans/spirit release/healers/people and they don’t know what it is. I have been travelling the world (India, Hong Kong, bali, USA. UK) and no one knows what it is.

The few versions I heard are Bio engineering with parasitic consciousness implanted - lower dimensional being jellyfish

- alien implant (they want to investigate human life)

- Nano dna poisoning

- extra-terrestrial

I did clearings, energy healings, meditation (my awareness cannot go below my neck), chi medicine, qigong, accupuncture, Akashic clearing. Brain scan and spine scan. Quantum healing. Working on myself, Release emotions. nothing works.

I just did 12 holographic kinetics + energy session with an experienced healer yet no effect on me. After intense suffering for 2 years.

Only a few months ago I start to realize:

- I have been following a false guru with ego. he shot some power into my body in our first encounter 2 years ago, without my consent. Causing fight or flight, dissociation since then.
- I have been taking too much pain from parents

- I am highly sensitive but now I am heavily dissociated

- I carry some pure energy yet egoic mind.

My true soul comes from a place of true compassion and purity. People merge with nature and they manifest with color and sounds.

I also had 2 near deaths last year where one time I was saved by grandma and another by Jesus (both in golden spirit form)

So right now, I let go of all my family/friends/ old spiritual friends and seeking assistance and clarity.


I saw it with my third eye one.The thing in my neck is like the below one in black But mine is much bigger stronger and colorless And tightly inside my neck.


And it has been an intense suffering for 2 years since I met my ex guru... Am really weak now sleeping 15 hours and 3 hours don’t make a difference to me

And I can only sleep eat and (sometimes talk).. I have been travelling around the world but no one knows what it is. It’s very uncommon.

I kind of feel this nasty thing has been following me after i received the “energy blast” my ex guru. The energy transfer was so strong that I was connected to thunderstorm. With this kind of energy, I could attract anything from the universe. But obviously my body cannot handle this energy after several months of high in 2017 my physical and energy declines sharply and suffering until then.

I just know my ex guru is not a normal being and he plays dangerously with the power/energy... Seems no one knows what the thing in my neck is that is causing me so much torture... I saw almost all types of doctors. Western doctor Chinese doctor neutrologist psychiatrist psychologist.

Western doctor: no need worry too much just anxiety

Chinese doctor: weird energy flow

Others said I am fine but I am totally not... Sometimes It feels like a super lonely and desperate journey. Non stop harvesting...Wayne I don’t wanna die

These days I can only eat and sleep. Completely depleted

All my lower parts including reproductive organs are shaking... nothing really works for me now

There is still a weird alien thing inside my neck.

I still cannot breathe, energy depletion and dissociation (the alien thing is pushing part of my soul out of my body)

Right now I have 2 options
- go back hk and China, take intensive accupuncture treatments to sustain my life
- try to connect with someone who can connect with Mother Earth, try using earth energy for full healing...

I did walking in the grassland and grounding yoga (if I have energy) everyday for several months straight but no use.

There is a terrible thing inside my neck... I just tried something and I know I am seriously in a crisis. I did some energy sessions with friend/healers. I can feel energy coming inside my body.

Then it’s leaving after 10 minutes. I am seriously in a crisis being hijack by an inter dimensional thing inside my neck... Sigh after this crisis I just look a lot of people are just interested in my money not in my well being

Did I tell you that I was charged 10k usd by a healer in shasta, California.

And then so many healers they don’t know they are doing, essentially....
I have a session with calogero tomorrow but I wonder if I should cancel or postpone it first

I am at an depletion stage so hypnosis may not have effect on me now...
It’s not a physical thing. Yet it’s something hiding inside my physical body and sucking myself energy. I can feel it’s presence literally... I was about to kill myself this morning. Totally depleted... I just did accupuncture. And will continue to fight on... Just now I was thinking , I must get well and regain my full state

These 2 years are crazy
- 2 near death with heart almost stop
- attack by demon and black magic, lost body consciousness
- full penetrated by astral spiders, high fever
- complete dissociation - my spirit leaving my body and my mind
- fake guru shoot me a lot of energy inside my body which causes internal explosion

But I am still alive

Gosh I must regain all my power, energy and health.
I am still figuring out what is inside my neck
- it is latching inside my neck
- it would suck my energy
- it create confusion/doubt energy interference
- it was pulled out once in April but it came back in
- when a friend sent everything back to “source”, it didn’t go and hiding behind my back
- It’s not a normal entity or implant.
- it came inside me in shanghai after I had a out of body/spiritual opening/went to another dimension in India

Meanwhile I will keep working on my physical well being.
I went to see the same Guy in August for second time but that didn’t work unfortunately. Long story short. In April I was brought by a friend to see a village guy in Bali. He asked me to hold a small stone on left hand.

Then he uses his right hand to touch my back. He sent me energy. While he sent me energy he also asked me to push everything out through my hand

I can feel/see black and colorless energy leaving from my head + neck to the hand and then go out

That day all my energy. Thought and feelings come back. (But my neck is empty)

Then the second day. This thing jump back inside my neck.

This is the first time (April 2019)


The second time in August - we tried the same but it didn’t work. I could only feel “one leg” is moving inside my body. Very weird sensation


Sorry and thank you."

Emails from An Anonymous Emailer
An anonymous emailer has been experimenting with a lot of different herbs. When I mentioned that I was writing an article on parasites based on emails I was receiving, he coincidentally had just started investigating the same phenomenon and had begun trying different things.

He has been brewing tea from Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) which is supposed to be a third eye activator and pineal Gland decalcifier to cleanse and open. He says it much milder than others and allows him to have very lucid dreams. He gave some to me, I tried it and did have a vivid dream about both my father and brother who have recently passed on.

"I continue to use herbs including turmeric, oat straw, ashkawanda occasionally, Jalapeños, kefir and also a combination of ginger, honey and lemon tea to fight off allergies and related brain fog but the antibacterial gel tabs and the acidophilus gel tabs appear to really attack the parasites best...I feel a little tummy ache myself from the ginger tea so I will hold back a bit from everything and drink coffee, take a few tablespoons of magnesium citrate and drink lots and lots of water to move the die off through my gut and out through my feces.

I think die off is scary but it may mean you are over the target... I definitely feel I am over the target... The vice are still in my head but my own internal voice is less subdued."

"I am going to get a HEPA filter to get rid of spores and mold in my room. The A/C Heater Filter could go a long way to overall health improvement and maybe even chem trail metals and/or other toxins."

"I thought I was being attacked by bed bugs when I was laying down and realized it was not bed bugs but parasites under my skin.... I took an anti parasite pill and an acidophilus pill around lunchtime. I also took frank some diced ginger tea with a bit of lemon and honey... I wonder if the combination of the anti parasite pill and ginger really gets them screaming to get out? Parasite Kryptonite.... Laughs... if those parasites are causing all kinds of havoc... I am giving them back some of their own medicine... "

My friend Nadia sent me a link to an article listing the 12 best essential oils for parasite cleaning, saying, "I used oregano oil to clear my SIBO" Link. He said, "I am with them on ginger, cinnamon and camomile but most of the others are nasty tasting.... I wish I could sample some of the ones I have not tried... Parasites are an offense to the gut and mind function and maybe worse if chem trails make parasites stronger and more capable of controlling life forms on earth... "

He recently texted to me, "The Toxoplasma Gondii May be the primary parasite that is the root cause For triggering schizophrenia (voices in our head) Think how targeted individuals Could be controlled through these voices. I have been fighting voices..." When one of his texts contained a mispelling, he wrote, "Somehow these parasites trigger responses when we give up on tasks we are programmed to do... Even to the point of telling us to kill ourselves or to die... It is a pervasive thought for those in the military but I am certain it is what makes the slaves show up to work each day... Any unique or unusual thought is stifled just as the spellcheck cancels unusual words... It takes deliberate focus to override the mental correction transmitted through parasites... ai... microscopic metals that help broadcasts from the off worlders to our brains... "

"The reward and punishment aspect of the arc virus may very well be the negative voices I hear in my head. I can’t help but believe these viruses or parasites could be what is being programmed into us by the off worlders? The chips found in some targeted individuals may amplify the signal?"

"I have been thinking about your discovery of parasites and applied it to targeted individuals: I am in a way summing up where my thoughts armrest going...

"There are parasites that talk to a part of our brain. Remember Mac attacks or chocolate is calling my name? The off worlders control most every person this way in much the same way. They can’t read your mind but if they can subtly manipulate your impulses... without having to speak in internal verbal commands... then there is no need for stronger interference.

We are more or less owned by off worlders. If the off worlders can control our diet then they can control us with sugary drinks, pasta and bread. If more subtle simple gut parasite and harmful gut bacteria sugar cravings do not work to manipulate us (My gut feeling) then they use verbal voice commands through brain parasites (intuition) to control us.

They will also follow more closely those who can refuse their commands (think of all the soldiers killing themselves either from voice commands to do so or through shame... especially when they can get a compromising photo or video to control them).

The easy answer is to exhaust our lives doing as our gut or intuition tells us. It is what our owners (who think of us as slaves, pets or Sims) would prefer but if that doesn’t work then they may turn to harsh demands.

If the voice is hateful, just a craving for a taco, or intuition... know you are being tamed and gamed like a Sim. But if you want to free your mind... one would need to get rid of the brain parasites and gut parasites (who mostly crave large quantities of sugar/glutens). We may have to learn to like...Eat and drink sour and bitter things? There are other methods but getting rid of voices, brain fog and ringing in our ears requires action.

If you do Free your mind of brain fog and gut/mind control... then you have to think for yourself... No more getting messages to change lanes while driving... You have to be more conscious and aware of danger... of not depending on your instincts or gut...
It is easier to eat a Big Mac with fries and slug down a large diet soda. Then go back to doing as you are told. I am just not sure if that is what I want to do though. If whatever it is that controls me really had my best interest at heart, why would they resort to self harm to get me to comply?

Knowing the craving and demands are pure manipulation... it is difficult to know what is programmed into my DNA or piped into my mind and gut through parasites? I think it is at least worth a look into discovering what life could be without being a slave to cravings?"

"Magnesium and boron are two important minerals that I sometimes take that if taken in very large quantities have a negative impact but in lesser quantities improve brain health. The lesson is moderation in all things...

"I find that our foods have been depleted of magnesium and boron from modern farming methods using fertilizer. I am low in vitamin D and find that Vitamin D in foods is reduced with low levels of minerals. Only if I take very high daily levels of boron and or magnesium and other minerals then the studies begin showing negative effect. Too much or too little magnesium can raise dementia risk. Moderation in everything. Anything we overdo may have consequences. The herxheimer effect is a good barometer to help us determine when we are hitting the target but may have gone too far. We may have flu like symptoms because of pathogens, bacteria and parasites dying in our body... Herxheimer symptoms are great indicator that we have hit the target but then need to flush out the toxins dying of. Magnesium and salt with lots of water are great ways help our bodies flush out the die off. Lots of water and adding acidophilus into our body helps the body add new good bacteria into our body...

But if it isn’t broke... don’t fix it. For me, I have times brain fog, low level of Vitamin D, voices in my head asking me to do self harm and ringing in my ears. Mostly the voices and ringing are aggravated by high levels of pain. When the brain fog or ringing subside, that is a positive clue that I am on the right track. The best way for us to use different herbs and minerals is to pay attention to the clues our body is giving us.

I feel empowered by some of the supplements, I have started using and also herbs, flowers and other natural materials that I have been adding to my teas. I attribute having had the least lost days of work from allergies, in several years, from adding vinegary Drinks and ginger tea to my weekly intake. I believe some of the other herbs and other plant matter have reduced my brain fog. There has been a definite improvement in my brain function and lucid dreaming. I think as long as I am conscious of when a herxheimer reaction is present, then I can address it with magnesium, salt and lots of water. I also believe just being more conscious and grounded can also help in many areas of my life.

One area of concern for me is that of allowing voices in my head from either meditating, parasites, my diet, and supplements or legal but natural medicinal substances. When I get negative voices then I feel I am getting close to eliminating the parasites, just aggravating the parasites or am I just empowering them?

It is hard to know if I am doing what is best for my health but I like it best when I can reduce the negative voices. Ones telling me to kill myself have been significantly reduced since I have been addressing the voices since adding legal herbs, teas and vinegary drinks into my diet. They switched gears and tell me that I am a loser now. Believe me... that is better... and even those voices are not as intense and not as frequent....

Paying attention to how herbal and natural foods and minerals impact our overall physical/mental/sexual/ health seems the best path for now. I believe that moderate use of natural substances are a better risk than using drugs that must kill rats to be certified as drugs. At least, I feel like I am doing a better job... Time will tell.

Emails from "Catherine"
While searching for the term 'oregano' in my emails, I just now came across emails written to me from Catherine in September, 2015, more than four years before my publishing of this article. She wrote,

"Everything began to unravel, as I became a Targeted Individual...

Ever since then, I have struggled to overcome the Archons that have hijacked my mission. At first, they seemed like benevolent helpers, but gradually, as the blocks around my awareness dissolved, The Light exposed their deception. In particular, I became aware of a hidden and most insidious form of Darkness - a parasitic "bug" implanted when I was around 12 years of age. This device, along with other physical forms of parasites, enable the Influence of Darkness to be exerted more directly. For this reason, undergoing a parasite cleanse on a regular basis is essential, in addition to Invoking The Light to dissolve any influence they may try to elicit. I am not surprised that many of the NDEs and other experiences you describe in your article mention worm-like creatures - a sure sign of parasitic invasion within a host.

Truly, "Archons" arrive in "threes" and I have been struggling to overcome three beings (one female and two males). The female poses as the "bug", one male poses as St Michael and the other as a Lucifer-like character (classic religious archetypes). So far I have managed to overcome the latter male and return him to True Original Source. Every day I continue to make great progress, as my True Light Frequency builds.

As you mention in your article, and as I reveal in my book, a form of counterfeit light exists....
Lunar Dance 666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I'm over rubbing it in but just to those who avoided my parasites and entities thread check this out!!

I feel this is very revealing and important information.
And I'm kind of proud of myself for finding it.

If this is not accurate could HP Cobra just tell me so I don't really trust the opinions of others here no offence but HP Cobra knows all and he has not told me I am wrong delusional or anything of the sort yet so I am assuming I am on the right track. I know some others know a lot more than me but unfortunately my mind really can see the truth in this and nobody other that the HP can change it.

There is a lot more on the website.Including some stuff about Corona.

Curotherapy and medicine
Laboratories spend $ 135 billion annually on disease treatment research and $ 256 billion on drug advertising budgets.

In France, the annual expenditure on drugs is 26 billion euros with an average of 56 boxes of drugs per inhabitant.
The largest laboratories are announcing increasingly huge budget forecasts: 1000 billion dollars in the years to come, for a single American laboratory ( Pfizer ).

Whether private or associative, investments do not seem to have more success in solving diseases. The telethon (and the AFM) which invests 100 million euros per year (in donations) in research and this for 30 years, admits to still having found nothing to put an end to myopathy. Progress turns out to be those on DNA and the human genome, which indicate with more and more precision the predispositions to the development of certain diseases. Cancers and diseases continue their progression despite everything.

Despite all the investments, medicine cannot neutralize the development of diseases. Research will not be successful as long as it is confined to the physical body and its DNA, since the parasites causing diseases (myopathy, cancer and others) are etheric in nature. They feed on the energies of the body. They can be slowed down by weakening (chemotherapy, cortisone ...) but cannot be destroyed by chemical drugs which only affect the physical body, and not the etheric energies of which these parasites are made.

As a reminder: man is not only made up of a physical body. It is made up of eight interconnected bodies, of different frequencies: physical, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, crystal and light. All these bodies also have their own wounds, blockages, links, memories, shocks and parasites which constitute the spirits of diseases. These disease spirits set in when the weaknesses of the body allow it, either by DNA predispositions, an accumulation of emotional shocks, particular conditions (cold, weakness, accident), or even by exposure to another disease (case hospitals and nosocomial diseases).

The objective of Curotherapy is not to supplant physical medicine but to supplement it to put an end to diseases. More and more doctors are turning to energy medicine (Example: André MASSON for the removal of emotional shocks ... Luc BODIN to clean up the embarrassments of the etheric body ...).

 Curotherapy teaches through books and courses the techniques of perception and harmonization of energy bodies by means of clairvoyance and clairvoyance. She teaches and demonstrates that all diseases (or almost) can be cured by removing parasites in energy bodies and treating them globally (emotional, mental shocks, memories, links etc.). This also includes the study and harmonization of the energies of the place of residence, because any person living in an unhealthy place is necessarily affected.

The cancer is mainly due to an etheric cyst which implants its roots in a weak zone and draws the energies there to the point that the cells can no longer reproduce normally and generates an anarchic cell proliferation.

The vampires diseases (Alzheimer's ...) appear in a pocket of parasites who settle on the brain and spine, and there draw the energies until the cells are depleted and diminished.

The AIDS is revealed by the presence of one or more etheric parasites attached to the lower abdomen. By removing them, the normal state quickly returns.

The energy bodies of man, like the spirits of nature or the souls in pain, are seen by more and more clairvoyants. Not everyone has this possibility yet, but can perceive them through clairvoyance. There are no devices yet to make etheric spirits visible. However the cameras often show presences on the images, which are not visible to the naked eye, in particular orbs (kaleidoscopic circles), shadows, faces or other shapes, this because of the speed of shooting (therefore the change in frequency).

Several cameras have been invented, especially by the Russians, to see the etheric energy of any living being (Kirlian effect) or the Aura (colored emanations of the emotional body). They still allow very little to be distinguished and cannot be used for medicine.

In order for physical medicine to perceive energetic bodies, their alterations and the parasites that cause illnesses, an etheric camera must be invented. For the moment, we just know that it has to work from light filters, crystals and the principle of kaleidoscopic light which makes visible frequencies, in principle invisible to the naked eye.

In the meantime, Curotherapy practices and teaches the perception of energy bodies and their disturbances by means of clear feeling and clairvoyance. This method, which anyone can develop, works on the same principle as pendulum or stick dowsing. The person can, by concentrating on the object of the search, perceive it physically with the hands.

Diseases created by parasites.
The etheric energies of man and the universe are 12 in number: 3 chemical ethers, 3 vital ethers, 3 reflective ethers and 3 light ethers.

The chemical ether is the glue of the physical. The 1st assembles atoms to build cells. The second assembles cells to build organs. The 3rd assembles the organs to build the physical body, and also constitutes the envelope of the energetic bodies.

The vital ether creates and maintains vitality. The 1st allows the reconstruction of cells identically (when they die, and according to their DNA program). The second is that of growth, which multiplies the cells from seed to child and from child to adult. The 3rd connects body and soul, it is the energy of life and universal love.

The reflective ether feeds our reflex systems. In the iris of the eye is inscribed the whole of the human body and the state of health of each part of it, thanks to the reflective ether. The science that studies these phenomena is called iridology.
The presence of reflective ether omnipresent in the universe, makes remote perception possible. The dowsers can see on a map, all the peculiarities of a house, from a distance. Any representation of a thing is therefore linked to it, thanks to the presence of the reflective ether.

The ether light, omnipresent in space, makes it possible to act at a distance.

Parasites of a physical nature: lice, fleas ... feed on blood or physical particles. Parasites of etheric nature feed on the etheric energies of man and cause diseases that are difficult to treat. For example, osteoarthritis parasites (shaped like mini crabs) consume the chemical ether of the bones. The bones disintegrate because the molecules disperse, which causes damage and pain, nicknamed osteoarthritis. It is enough to remove these parasites to stop the degradation and then to physically rebuild the bone by natural means (plants ...).

There are different parasites which consume the energies of the muscles, creating fibromyalgia, rheumatism etc ... others which create "viral" diseases and others "autoimmune" diseases.

The neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson's, multiple ...) all have in common a category of parasites that are deposited into a pocket around the brain and spinal column, and consume energy parts brain, spinal cord or nervous system. The progression of the disease and the breakdown of cells depends on the weak state of the person.

All of these parasites are etheric in nature, and invisible to the naked eye and microscopes. They could be, if devices were invented to do so. They are perceptible by clairvoyance and clairvoyance, and are easily removed by the techniques practiced in curotherapy.

The physical effects of parasites on cells in the human body can be seen under a microscope. Their vampirizing energetic action on cells causes "waste" made up of a set of proteins with a DNA strand. Each parasite creates a specific, personal "waste" which constitutes its "signature".
This "cellular waste" is nicknamed "virus" by scientists.
1000 times smaller than a bacterium, and visible only under an electron microscope, each cellular waste is devoid of any intelligence, and therefore cannot reproduce. Medicine knows this very well, but it notes that this waste multiplies during illnesses. So, for lack of understanding (since she cannot see the parasites that are at the origin), she says that these viruses are the cause of contagion and disease . Which is totally impossible.
If the viruses were alive, it would be easier to destroy them, and they would also be used by the military as weapons ... which is not the case.
Medicine has great difficulty in finding ways to stop their development because it is as if it were studying the footprints of a pest, in the earth ... to identify the animal in question and be able to destroy it. .
When devices are invented to detect the parasites that cause disease, and they become removable without degrading the physique, medicine will change completely and become effective (but much less profitable - since currently it makes more profit than banks).

In the same vein, during certain illnesses, medicine observes under a microscope the presence of antibodies of the immune system, in the same place where degradation occurs (as in neurodegenerative diseases - alzheimer's, parkinson's ...). Not seeing the etheric parasites under the microscope, which the immune system is trying to fight off, she thinks it is the immune system itself that creates the degradation. She classified all of these diseases as autoimmune diseases. The worst part is that, in an attempt to slow the progression of the disease, it destroys the immune system with chemical poisons. Which obviously doesn't work to stop the disease. But, still not having understood the presence of the parasites, she continues to insist on this destruction (inappropriate and harmful) of the immune system.

Chemical drugs cannot remove or destroy them. They can either put to sleep the physical pains caused (painkillers, sleeping pills ...), or weaken and poison the area of ​​the body attacked and indirectly slow down the parasites by lack of vital energy (chemotherapy, radiotherapy).

Nosocomial diseases hospitals.

The nosocomial infections constitute 1/3 of all diseases, and do THAT catch in hospitals. The latter seek to control them through the massive use of antiseptic processes, spare linens, chemicals, sanitized rooms, etc. But this is not enough.

The cause of nosocomial diseases is due to several unfavorable circumstances, gathered in hospitals. They can be classified into 4 categories.

The first is the accumulation of negative memories of suffering and worry, which accumulate in places, objects and walls.
Places and objects take charge of negative energetic memories of suffering, where they were experienced, if these energies were emitted by intense thoughts. Hospitals retain the energetic egregores of suffering, amplified by emotions. Suffering of the sick and suffering of their family members who visit them. When they are repeated, as in a hospital , the place becomes more and more charged, negatively.
In a house of suicide , crime or illness, memory affects the occupants as long as it is not energetically cleaned (disinfectants are useless). If there was depression and then suicide in a room, the successors will feel the discomfort and be affected by it. Likewise, thoughts of anger, discontent, hatred… are memorized in the places and objects where they were expressed. The daily accumulation of these negativities affects people. In a hospital this accumulation is obvious and logical, including in psychiatric hospitals. The more active or old the hospital, the more it is loaded with negative memories that affect and weaken both patients and medical staff.

The second negative factor is due to the presence of a multitude of souls in pain who walk there and contribute to lower the energy of the places by vampirizing, despite themselves, the energies of the living, in their path.
Due to the rise of earthly energies, the number of people who perceive and hear them is constantly growing. Children are increasingly sensitive and awake from birth to these perceptions. The perception of souls in pain is a basic function of geobiologists and curotherapists but also of any awake person. Simple exercises described in the books allow everyone to perceive them unequivocally, to dialogue with, and to help them to rise.
The first reason for their presence is that some people have simply lived in an isolated or closed environment and at the time of their death they do not rise up because they do not conceive it. They can stay that way indefinitely, for decades, until something special happens. Others were poorly educatedspiritually, by ignorant religious or educators who have told them all their lives that there is nothing after death. So they refuse to let go because they are afraid of disappearing forever. Others are attached to their families and their homes and do not want to leave. Another category fills the pews of churches and temples, including the benches of priests and bishops. These are those who are waiting for something that does not happen (St Peter, Jesus, Allah). The deceased almost always visualize themselves as they are at the time of their death, because they think it cannot be otherwise. A person who died in a fire, will perceive himself (by clear feeling) will see himself (by clairvoyance) and will feel (by the physical odor) as charred. A soul in pain, long dead and coming out of a very old cemetery, can perceive himself as a rotting skeleton (smell included). There is nothing to fear, however , in the presence of any soul in pain.

The third factor comes from the large amount of parasites (disease spirits ) that are there and which are detailed in the book dedicated to the harmonization of people.
Every disease progresses when an etheric parasite maintains that progression. There are therefore as many different parasites as there are diseases. As with physical parasites, they reproduce in the form of larvae and eggs, which they deposit on new patients who enter their space.
This is valid for the smallest (micro-parasites causing fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, putrefaction ...) to the largest (causing depression, bewitchment or psychiatric dementia).
They always settle when a state of weakness allows it, and new patients are fertile ground for this.
Antibiotics and chemical drugs have no effect on them. Moreover, if diseases were only a phenomenon of microbes, the Indians who bathe in the Ganges, (a river which carries everything, including corpses and which is a breeding ground for microbes) would all be sick.
Those who follow curotherapy treatments or training courses, and who are energetically cleansed, also develop their sensitivity (clairvoyance, clairvoyance).

In addition, there are many geobiological problems, as everywhere, and other specific problems even more important than in ordinary places.
As everywhere, there are weakening points of the ground (see the book: Harmonization of the Place), of the electric and magnetic fields of all the devices, as well as all the other phenomena which affect the places in general.
But other specific geobiological phenomena affect people in this place even more than in ordinary places.
The first is electromagnetic fields generated at the level of electric beds, which have become essential to facilitate the mobility of hospital staff. They are permanently connected, causing by the electromagnetic fields of the motors and the wires, a weakness, and an additional tiredness for the patients. This fact alone can cause many failures as you can read on the "real cases" page.

On the other hand, low frequency cosmotelluric chimneys are attracted by states of suffering, and are all the more numerous in these places. They disrupt the energies and normal vitality of people. They affect everyone, patients and medical personnel.

Added to this is the fact that patients receive (unnatural) chemical treatments which indirectly disrupt the body and always have side effects, as well as x-rays, irradiations, chemotherapy ...

Conclusion: nosocomial diseases can really be eliminated when medical services combine with energy medicine (Curotherapy).
The sick will benefit, as will the medical staff! Because according to national statistics there are 4 times more suicides among hospital staff than the general average ...

Chakras, shocks and memory areas.
To be able to understand the origin of diseases and how different bodies are affected, it is first necessary to understand the systems that come into play.

The chakras are energy relays which act on all bodies and have specific functions on each body.

Here is the position diagram of the main chakras and their main function.
The heart chakra governs collective love.
The solar plexus chakra governs family and work.
The navel chakra governs maternal life.
These chakras act at the level of each body (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual). For example, if we take that of the heart:
- At the level of the physical body, it regulates the energy of construction of the physical heart and the lungs (in connection with the DNA program and physical training).
- At the level of the etheric body, it manages the energies necessary to feed the physical heart and maintain its vitality.
- At the level of the emotional body, it manages the energy of collective love, towards others, unlike the second chakra (navel) which manages the energy of family love.
- At the level of the mental body, it is collective "mental" love, compassion in relation to a situation or a logic, for example: the desire to help the poor and underprivileged.
- At the level of the causal body, it manages the programs of automatic operation (breathing, heartbeat) or of different operation according to the recordings induced in the DNA and the conditioned reflexes memorized during life (the fears and the reactions induced by the shocks experienced, etc.).
- At the level of the spiritual body, it is the universal spiritual love promoted by religions and in particular Jesus when he advises "love one another".

Each chakra therefore manages a different function at the level of each body, but it can also be affected when these functions are disturbed. For example: always at the level of the heart, the repetition of deep emotional affections (especially with regard to parents and relatives) create cracks in the heart , a real energy wound that crosses several bodies: etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The emotional shocks experienced during the life affect the person, and create skins in his external bodies (like bruises on the physical body). There may also be, depending on the intensity of the event, coats created as protection (by dint of being fed up with hearing someone, a person may create etheric earplugs, which will decrease his hearing).
Third, the milder but repetitive ailments, which we think we have forgotten by putting "a handkerchief on", are in fact stored in memory boxes. interior which correspond to the reflex zones in relation (All the techniques of psychotherapy can reveal their presence, but none removes them, unlike Curotherapy).

Each "memory box" corresponds to a storage of a certain type of emotion. For example, unspoken things and things that have remained in the throat are stored in the throat box ; sentimental worries in the central box of the heart; and worries of work in the central box of the stomach (family / work chakra) etc.

When it comes to an outside worry, it is stored on the right side. For example, a sentimental anxiety towards a spouse is stored at the heart level but on the right side, therefore at the right breast and right shoulder level (predisposition in case of excess to weakness and the installation of breast cancer right side). If it is a disappointment with regard to religion, it will be at the family level, therefore at the solar plexus level and on the right side (zone of the liver and of the faith).

The boxes on the left side store the personal reproaches, for example the reproaches of missing his work or his family life will be stored at the level of the stomach (family / work), left side, therefore on the spleen. And taking into account the fact that the bodies are interconnected (one in the other), the storages of negative emotions in such or such zone, affect and make sensitive the zone in question (pain and sensitization to the installation of a disease ).

In the back are stored the worries of mental obligations, of responsibility.
Collective liability issues are stored in the back, heart level, and will cause unexplained pain.
Family responsibility concerns are stored in the middle of the back, at stomach height.
In these two cases there will be the feeling of having "full back" and it will be a physical reality and not psychosomatic, since all the bodies are in each other, and these energetic affections, will cause affections. to the physical.

By emptying these storage boxes, the pain stops, but they have to be really removed energetically. The art psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, demotions, family constellations and other methods psycho calming, highlight the problems at the root of these evils. They can hide them by putting a larger bandage on it (a calming autosuggestion) but they do not remove them. There is no method, in physical medicine, which concretely heals at the source these problems of accumulation of shocks. This accumulation creates physical pain and states of depression or even burn out.

The medical palliative method practiced is that of painkillers, antidepressants and anxiolytics, which only put the person to sleep. Curotherapy, energy medicine, well understood and well practiced, really removes all this suffering. Depression and other illnesses called psychosomatic by medicine are not due to storages of emotional and mental ailments only. Other factors come into play, including parasites of several levels. Some feed on emotional energies. The most affecting control the person completely and cause what is nicknamed: bipolar, schizophrenia, bewitchment. But in all cases and for all people, the storage of negative ailments in memory boxes has

must take place, and must be cleaned and harmonized. The older the person, the more they are overloaded with these stored ailments and generally weakened. Statistically 80% of people suffer from back pain. It is quite logical and it is very easily and very quickly healed with Curotherapy.

Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and others ...
Diseases of the bones and joints are not inevitable, nor related to age. They are due to the installation of some parasites that will feed the builders energies bones (like other parasites feed of certain organs). And this because of failings, predispositions and weaknesses of man which prepared the ground and allowed their development.
When they settle and begin to feed, the bones disintegrate, deform, break etc ... The disease progresses because chemical or natural treatments are only devoted to the physical body and to the symptoms (pain ... ), but not at the sources.
Being of an energetic nature, the parasites can be slowed down by certain treatments such as irradiation which destroys the cells and their energy, or certain strong drugs (chemotherapy, drugs ...) but in any case they are not removed or destroyed and continue their destructive effects.

Diseases only develop because there are "living things" that create this progression. Anyone who is informed can, by means of the clear feeling, seek them out, find them and remove them. You just have to experience it to be convinced.

Here are some examples of the appearances of these parasites seen by clairvoyance:

Osteoarthritis : parasites in the form of mini crabs feeding on the chemical ether of bone building.

Enchondromatosis , Paget's disease, Ollier's disease, poliomyelitis, dysplasia ... are caused by marine nano-parasites in the plasma, spider crab-like (white, red, brown).

Calcification of muscles or bones: this is not an excess of limestone, but an abnormal agglomeration of marine nano-parasites with shell, snail-shaped or other. This agglomeration causes calcification, bone growths, and muscle and nerve pain.

Osteoporosis (affects 30% of women and 10% of men) is caused by p arasites resembling mini maggots black bighead. They create galleries in the bones (the mother is shaped like a fly).

Osteochondromatosis : parasites in the shape of seahorses, nibble the serous cartilage areas (knees, hips, shoulders). They leave small ones in the joint, causing bone fragmentation and a liquid gel.

Chondrosarcoma : also called bone cancer, is caused by a parasite in the shape of a beetle with a grasshopper head and yellow belly.

- Parasites in the shape of a frog with a large shell can be found on the shoulders and hips making them painful.
- Parasites in the form of a beetle feed on the aponeurosis membrane of the bones.
- Marine nano-parasites in the shape of half lobster, half spider crab make the bones break.

For treatment: the therapist removes the parasites and their mother from all areas where they have settled. However, the work of a curo therapist does not stop there since it harmonizes the energies of the body as a whole .
In that case :

- It searches for and removes the installed parasites and the mother.
- It searches for and removes the phenomena that increase pain, in other bodies: emotional and mental memories stored in the reflex zone, holes or cracks in the etheric body, memories of wounds from previous lives ...
- He researches if there is a predisposition ground for the renewal of this evil, by checking the place of residence (harmonization of the place), the predispositions of the DNA, the memories of previous lives, a repetitive program of the causal body etc. .
- It helps in the resorption of the lesions caused, by promoting the reconstitution of the bones: drainage of any debris, coating of pearly energy, absorption of lithothamne capsules (an algae whose property is to remineralize the bones), oil of fish (for cartilage) and shark cartilage (for injured tendons).
After these treatments, the bone lesions are really resorbed ( X-rays in support). All those who have been treated in this way have seen the degradation and the associated pain completely disappear .

This is valid for most of the other diseases treated using curotherapy techniques. There is however an exception which concerns some people (around 10% of cases). Either they have voluntarily chosen to experience an illness (in their life program), or they suffer this discomfort to compensate for a previous life error (karma). In these two cases it is not possible, nor authorized to cure the person, one can just (and it is already good) to look after him and to limit the harm and suffering caused.

AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis.
AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis are diseases very popularized by the media because they have affected and affect known people. Yet they are as easy to manage as the others, by curotherapy.

The Cystic Fibrosis appears clairvoyantly or light felt like a fat burning inflammation in the lungs. The parasites present themselves as purulent pockets of larvae that feed on the internal mucus.
The mother on the outside looks like a huge mosquito.
They only settle due to DNA failure. This one seen by clairvoyance appears as a cocoon surrounding a small part of one of the 2 spirals of DNA, which slows down the circulation of energy inside it.
It can be rectified by the help of certain spirits of nature, provided that it is not a program of life, voluntarily chosen by the person.
DNA failure is a predisposition. But with or without DNA correction, the cystic fibrosis can be cured according to the procedure indicated in the book "Energy Harmonization of People".
However, it is a rather stubborn disease and it will be necessary to renew the care every 3 days until satisfaction. The duration of treatment depends on the state of its installation and the damage caused at the time of the start of curotherapy treatment.

AIDS is, despite all that is said about it, one of the simplest and fastest diseases to treat with curotherapy.
One or more astral octopus-like parasites are attached to the lower abdomen, with long wires connected inside where they draw energy. A mother can be above. It is red on the lower abdomen (AIDS) and white when it is elsewhere. It is transmitted by its young in liquids, from one person to another.
As in other cases, chemical drugs do not affect them at all, just because they are not on the same frequency. At best they slow them down, since they slow down the energies of the cells of the human body. The parasites feed on the energies of man, and continue until his final exhaustion.

After removal of the parasites and some care described in the book, the state of health is regenerated very quickly. The majority of cases treated with curotherapy were resolved definitively in 3 treatments. The difficulty is to wean oneself from the imposed physical drugs ...

However, the treatment of AIDS in curotherapy causes a side effect.
Try to imagine it for a moment, before reading the following real-life story.
You will be able to understand what this effect is and check if you have found it.
The real- life case cited here is the one most commonly observed for curotherapists.

Lived case : One day came to see us a man with a very tired appearance, a white face and a low energy, who said "Here, I learned that you were doing energy treatments, and I came to see you because I have had AIDS for over 20 years. I have tried everything, I have suffered a lot and I have had enough. Can you do something for me? "
We started by establishing an assessment, as indicated in Protocol 1 cited in the page "protocol for the harmonization of persons".
Then, without a priori and by testing, we did indeed observe the presence of a large energy parasite fixed on the lower abdomen.
We removed it, as well as the mother, and continued the usual general energetic healing (removal of other parasites, etheric, emotional, mental shocks, blockages, memories, bonds etc.). At the end of the session this visitor was visibly brighter and in better shape.

He came back to see us the following week for a second treatment.
By checking we noticed the presence of another parasite, but much smaller. Didn't we check the previous time to see if there were two? Did he pick up this new parasite from contact with another person? Usually at the second session there are no more. This shows that it is always necessary to check well , and to renew the care at least three times for safety.
We removed it as easily as the first, and continued the overall cleansing care of ALL energetic bodies, in accordance with the planned curotherapy protocols.
This man was already very happy with the first treatment, because he felt in a state of physical well-being that he had never known, according to his words.

The third time he came, he arrived with a worried face. He told us: "Here, I have had several examinations which show that I no longer have any traces of the disease. I am very satisfied with your care, I have never felt so good, I cannot believe it not myself. It's wonderful compared to all the drugs I've tried that had really, really nasty side effects. I'm very happy, but also very worried. "
At that moment we were, too, worried and curious to know what he was going to announce to us.
He added: "Here it is, it has been 20 years that I have been compensated by social security, because it is a disease considered incurable. Since now I am in good health again, they are not going to want me any more. 'compensate. So I will have to find work, which worries me a lot. I would have no more money if I do not work. "

A feeling of stupor and then of understanding surreptitiously invaded us. This man was apparently happy to have recovered his health, but was afraid of reintegration into the world of work, which makes sense after 20 years of inactivity and long sickness benefits.

A few days later, he told us that the health insurance fund only ceases to compensate an AIDS patient if he decides to leave the established protocol. That is to say if he stops taking the treatments imposed by doctors and laboratories.
Our man has therefore chosen to continue to follow this regulation until his retirement. But one day he called us urgently. He was in the hospital because his health suddenly deteriorated. He had suffered general poisoning due to the new drugs in the protocol, according to the doctors themselves.
We intervened to energetically "clean" him of this complication and put him back on his feet.
You are probably going to say to yourself: "How is it that if the examinations had become correct, drugs are still imposed on him by the doctors?".
It is one of the great puzzles of medicine. As it has not been recognized by official services that AIDS is curable, even if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. The patient must continue the treatments in the event that ... there is a recurrence, no doubt.

Today, our man is self-employed as a therapist. Other people have also become apprentice therapists, after having followed the same path. But they want to remain anonymous out of discretion. The associations supposedly created to fight against AIDS or Cystic Fibrosis have all been asked to put curotherapy into practice on their patients ... and none have responded.

Among the public, either people trust us and we treat them, or they criticize that we do not have medical "proof". But who does the tests? Laboratories ! Do you know a laboratory that wants to take the risk of "committing suicide"? Because if they do the tests and they see that it works well, they will no longer be able to sell their drugs ... it will be their commercial suicide ...
No lab, nor any scientist is up for making a case. medical.
No association wants to take the risk of "sabotaging" itself because there too if they find the solution to their medical problem, they will no longer exist.
So if you want proof, send us all the people you know are sick, and you will see the result. But if you wait for the press, the labs or the associations to advise you, you will wait a long time ...
You can also watch the videos on the manipulations of the people by the media, you will perhaps understand better than the public information is more directed to condition than to inform.

Bewitchment, Schizophrenia, Dementia
These are the most important parasites , which are the cause.

In cases of bewitchment and schizophrenia , the parasites take possession of the person's body and mind and manipulate them as they please. The person is therefore under an external influence, and his behavior is completely illogical and abnormal.
In the case of dementia the mental body is totally vampirized by parasites. They do not seek to manipulate the person, but they feed on the energies of his body. The result is the same, the person no longer controls their behavior.

This subject and the energetic treatments are indicated in the book "Energy Harmonization of People". However, the therapist can only exercise this cleansing with confidence after having participated in the training courses.
Thorough cleansing of the trainee and gradual experimentation with increasingly potent parasites and levels of protection is a must.
There is no danger when the prescribed procedure is followed. Conversely, playing the sorcerer's apprentice without training could lead the trainee to be parasitized too.

A spell can occur when an external being enters the interior of the person and takes possession of his functions. Some bewitchments are not permanent and the takeover can be done occasionally or remotely, by implants.

Just as there are positive nature spirits, angels, archangels and holy presences, always ready to help, there are negative spirits always ready to take advantage and abuse others (especially in black magic rituals. ). However, these are only installed when specific circumstances allow or provoke it: use of drugs, alcohol abuse, exercise of black magic, practice of energy care without knowing where the energies come from (Reiki), rituals linking to forces without knowing which ones (Freemasonry), supposedly animist or shamanic rituals without knowing the origin of the intervening spirits (African marabouts ...).

Bewitchment by a soul in pain :
A deceased person enters a living person to manipulate him.
It is only possible if the bewitching sorrowful soul finds itself in the grip of a bewitching parasite who has acted with it during its life (black magic), and who seeks to manipulate another person to continue his life and his activity.

Bewitchment by large parasites: ( schizophrenia , bipolar, possession ...)
The person does not behave autonomously and logically at all. She changes her behavior abnormally and can have incomprehensible, irrational crises . Some can be dangerous for themselves and others to the point that they must be locked in a psychiatric hospital.
The only treatments known and used are neuroleptics or psychotropic drugs, in other words "sleepers", but they do not solve anything. Psychiatrists, who do long studies of human behavior, are of no use in mental hospitals. They should exercise their talents in prisons, because there are people in need of reference or education, who need to be retrained and re-educated. In psychiatric hospitals, only curotherapists or "dewitchers" can cure the sick.

Bewitchment by binding to negative egregores : About 90% of Reiki practitioners are parasitized by spirits which spawn in them and which give them a certain energy in exchange for this gestation. The people in question have a feeling of bloating, because they internally feed the larvae of the parasite. They disseminate them to other people when they provide care. Just ask these people where the energy they impart comes from or according to what principles they act. Their answer will be "it is the energy of the universe", but they do not know exactly what energy it is.
The only positive practitioners use the energies of the Manta Ray (Rei ki) which is a great seawater spirit and can heal problems related to the lymphatic system and plasma (equivalent to desalinated seawater = plasma by Quinton).
Freemasons refer to true old stories (Solomon, Templars ...) but are linked through their rituals to negative forces (spirits of Orion symbolized by the capital G). They have no idea where their rituals come from and what the effects are. They contribute to negatively influence decision-makers without realizing it ... (extract from initiatory books: "the city of peace" and others - see the specific page).

Dementia: is a vampirism of the mental body.
This is not a fatality either, but a disease caused by parasites. They are quite stubborn but less aggressive than those causing schizophrenia or bewitchment. The person with dementia is directly or indirectly parasitized by several implants.
On the other hand, and this is the only case where we observe this, his mental body is almost non-existent, only a small dark blue tube remains in the center of the bodies. Because it is the principle of this disease: it is about the vampirism of the mental body.
Deworming is simple and easy to do using the Curotherapy procedure.
Then it takes time to restore a normal state, because in general the interference has been in progress for a long time, when it is highlighted.
Besides the devitalized mental body, the thalamus has become inactive, the cerebellum is in slow motion, etc. Internment is absolutely useless. He just lets things go on, and the person will end their days in the same state.

Curotherapy is a preventive and curative technique for "psychiatric" diseases. These are either caused by vampirism (parasites), or by the accumulation of emotional or mental problems (depression or burn-out). Generalized, curotherapy will reduce the number of patients and the costs incurred by more than 90%.
The treatment of depression and psychiatric illnesses is currently the largest health spending budget in France (22.6 billion euros per year), well ahead of cardiovascular diseases (16.2 billion euros), cancer ( € 16.1 billion), diabetes (€ 7.9 billion) and degenerative neurological diseases: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and others (€ 6.9 billion).


All this is explained in the books
Energy harmonization of people :
Energy Harmonization of Places.

The other day I cleaned something from myself which I could only describe as some kind of parasite actually (the detaching actually left electric shocks on some places) and a couple of times before that Ive had to clean and detach links from places which weren't chakras.
And it would explain why elderly and sick people in general are sooo draining on your energy.

And now this shows up. Tbh I don't think there are so many parasites but I do see this as a confirmation and something that I do need to look into.

Something very interesting and a big coincidence look at my prev parasite photo

Archaeon or Archon? The 'Ancient Ones'


While writing this article, I was following links to bacteria and parasites. I stumbled upon these terms: archaea and archaeon. Archaeon, the singular form of archaea, is very close to the word 'archon'. This may be due to the fact that 'arche' means original or beginning'. According to Merrian-Webster Dictionary, "As a prefix, arch- appears in a number of titles referring to positions of superiority, such as archduke and archbishop. Ultimately deriving (via Latin and French) from the Greek verb archein ("to begin, rule"), it can also mean "chief " (as in archnemesis) or "extreme" (as in archconservative)." And, accordingly, the greek word archon means ruler. In many ways unknown to us, these bacteria are indeed rulers over our bodies. Wikipedia states, "Archaea (/ɑːrˈkiːə/ (About this soundlisten) or /ɑːrˈkeɪə/ ar-KEE-ə or ar-KAY-ə) (singular archaeon) constitute a domain of single-celled organisms. These microorganisms lack cell nuclei and are therefore prokaryotes. Archaea were initially classified as bacteria, receiving the name archaebacteria (in the Archaebacteria kingdom), but this classification is outmoded."

A BBC article There is one animal that seems to survive without oxygen states, "It is microscopic, looks a bit like a jellyfish, and survives in a place that would kill every other known animal species." The article goes on to say, "Many of these lifeforms – such as bacteria and archaea – are still living happily without oxygen today.

Andrew Crosse & Abiogenesis of Acari Insects

In 1836, Andrew Crosse, an early pioneer and experimenter of electricity, reported to the London Electrical Society regarding the accidental spontaneous generation of Acari insects while conducting experiments on the formation of artificial crystals after being exposed to electrical current.

He wrote, "My dear Sir -- I trust that the gentlemen who compose the "Electrical Society" will not imagine that I have so long delayed answering their request, to furnish the Society through you, as its organ, with a full account of my electrical experiments, in which a certain insect made its unexpected appearance... It would be superfluous to attempt a description of these little mites, when so excellent a one has been transmitted from Paris. It seems that they are of the genus Acarus, but of a species not hitherto observed. I have had 3 separate formations of similar insects at different times, from fresh portions of the same fluid, with the same apparatus. As I considered the result of my experiment rather extraordinary, I made some of my friends acquainted with it, amongst whom were some highly scientific gentlemen, and they plainly perceived the insect in various states... on the 26th day, each figure assumed the form of a perfect insect, standing erect on a few bristles which formed its tail. Till this period I had no notion that these appearances were any other than an incipient mineral formation; but it was not until the 28th day, when I plainly perceived these little creatures move their legs, that I felt any surprise, and I must own that when this took place, I was not a little astonished... Out of about a hundred insects, not above 5 or 6 were born on the south side of the stone... I have had 3 separate formations of similar insects at different times... In the course of some months, indeed, these insects so increased, that when they were strong enough to leave their moistened birthplace, they issued out in different directions, I suppose in quest of food; but they generally huddled together under a card or piece of paper in their neighborhood, as if to avoid light and disturbance... I have not observed a formation of the insect, except on a moist and electrified surface, or under an electrified fluid."

Although the acari are not worms per se, they definitely fit the bill as being insects in the form of parasites/mites/ticks. This seems to maybe tie in with cymatics. I think the arc-hons have to do with the movement that created the duality we experience. The two poles and the oscillation or arcing between the poles is associated directly with the arcing of electricity. This could also be the secret meaning behind the freemasonic symbol of the arch(way) between two pillars (or poles). Interestingly, the word acari has as an anagram 'arcai', very close phonetically to archai, archaea and archons.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I'm over rubbing it in but just to those who avoided my parasites and entities thread check this out!!

I feel this is very revealing and important information.
And I'm kind of proud of myself for finding it.

If this is not accurate could HP Cobra just tell me so I don't really trust the opinions of others here no offence but HP Cobra knows all and he has not told me I am wrong delusional or anything of the sort yet so I am assuming I am on the right track. I know some others know a lot more than me but unfortunately my mind really can see the truth in this and nobody other that the HP can change it.

There is a lot more on the website.Including some stuff about Corona.

Curotherapy and medicine
Laboratories spend $ 135 billion annually on disease treatment research and $ 256 billion on drug advertising budgets.

In France, the annual expenditure on drugs is 26 billion euros with an average of 56 boxes of drugs per inhabitant.
The largest laboratories are announcing increasingly huge budget forecasts: 1000 billion dollars in the years to come, for a single American laboratory ( Pfizer ).

Whether private or associative, investments do not seem to have more success in solving diseases. The telethon (and the AFM) which invests 100 million euros per year (in donations) in research and this for 30 years, admits to still having found nothing to put an end to myopathy. Progress turns out to be those on DNA and the human genome, which indicate with more and more precision the predispositions to the development of certain diseases. Cancers and diseases continue their progression despite everything.

Despite all the investments, medicine cannot neutralize the development of diseases. Research will not be successful as long as it is confined to the physical body and its DNA, since the parasites causing diseases (myopathy, cancer and others) are etheric in nature. They feed on the energies of the body. They can be slowed down by weakening (chemotherapy, cortisone ...) but cannot be destroyed by chemical drugs which only affect the physical body, and not the etheric energies of which these parasites are made.

As a reminder: man is not only made up of a physical body. It is made up of eight interconnected bodies, of different frequencies: physical, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, crystal and light. All these bodies also have their own wounds, blockages, links, memories, shocks and parasites which constitute the spirits of diseases. These disease spirits set in when the weaknesses of the body allow it, either by DNA predispositions, an accumulation of emotional shocks, particular conditions (cold, weakness, accident), or even by exposure to another disease (case hospitals and nosocomial diseases).

The objective of Curotherapy is not to supplant physical medicine but to supplement it to put an end to diseases. More and more doctors are turning to energy medicine (Example: André MASSON for the removal of emotional shocks ... Luc BODIN to clean up the embarrassments of the etheric body ...).

 Curotherapy teaches through books and courses the techniques of perception and harmonization of energy bodies by means of clairvoyance and clairvoyance. She teaches and demonstrates that all diseases (or almost) can be cured by removing parasites in energy bodies and treating them globally (emotional, mental shocks, memories, links etc.). This also includes the study and harmonization of the energies of the place of residence, because any person living in an unhealthy place is necessarily affected.

The cancer is mainly due to an etheric cyst which implants its roots in a weak zone and draws the energies there to the point that the cells can no longer reproduce normally and generates an anarchic cell proliferation.

The vampires diseases (Alzheimer's ...) appear in a pocket of parasites who settle on the brain and spine, and there draw the energies until the cells are depleted and diminished.

The AIDS is revealed by the presence of one or more etheric parasites attached to the lower abdomen. By removing them, the normal state quickly returns.

The energy bodies of man, like the spirits of nature or the souls in pain, are seen by more and more clairvoyants. Not everyone has this possibility yet, but can perceive them through clairvoyance. There are no devices yet to make etheric spirits visible. However the cameras often show presences on the images, which are not visible to the naked eye, in particular orbs (kaleidoscopic circles), shadows, faces or other shapes, this because of the speed of shooting (therefore the change in frequency).

Several cameras have been invented, especially by the Russians, to see the etheric energy of any living being (Kirlian effect) or the Aura (colored emanations of the emotional body). They still allow very little to be distinguished and cannot be used for medicine.

In order for physical medicine to perceive energetic bodies, their alterations and the parasites that cause illnesses, an etheric camera must be invented. For the moment, we just know that it has to work from light filters, crystals and the principle of kaleidoscopic light which makes visible frequencies, in principle invisible to the naked eye.

In the meantime, Curotherapy practices and teaches the perception of energy bodies and their disturbances by means of clear feeling and clairvoyance. This method, which anyone can develop, works on the same principle as pendulum or stick dowsing. The person can, by concentrating on the object of the search, perceive it physically with the hands.

Diseases created by parasites.
The etheric energies of man and the universe are 12 in number: 3 chemical ethers, 3 vital ethers, 3 reflective ethers and 3 light ethers.

The chemical ether is the glue of the physical. The 1st assembles atoms to build cells. The second assembles cells to build organs. The 3rd assembles the organs to build the physical body, and also constitutes the envelope of the energetic bodies.

The vital ether creates and maintains vitality. The 1st allows the reconstruction of cells identically (when they die, and according to their DNA program). The second is that of growth, which multiplies the cells from seed to child and from child to adult. The 3rd connects body and soul, it is the energy of life and universal love.

The reflective ether feeds our reflex systems. In the iris of the eye is inscribed the whole of the human body and the state of health of each part of it, thanks to the reflective ether. The science that studies these phenomena is called iridology.
The presence of reflective ether omnipresent in the universe, makes remote perception possible. The dowsers can see on a map, all the peculiarities of a house, from a distance. Any representation of a thing is therefore linked to it, thanks to the presence of the reflective ether.

The ether light, omnipresent in space, makes it possible to act at a distance.

Parasites of a physical nature: lice, fleas ... feed on blood or physical particles. Parasites of etheric nature feed on the etheric energies of man and cause diseases that are difficult to treat. For example, osteoarthritis parasites (shaped like mini crabs) consume the chemical ether of the bones. The bones disintegrate because the molecules disperse, which causes damage and pain, nicknamed osteoarthritis. It is enough to remove these parasites to stop the degradation and then to physically rebuild the bone by natural means (plants ...).

There are different parasites which consume the energies of the muscles, creating fibromyalgia, rheumatism etc ... others which create "viral" diseases and others "autoimmune" diseases.

The neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson's, multiple ...) all have in common a category of parasites that are deposited into a pocket around the brain and spinal column, and consume energy parts brain, spinal cord or nervous system. The progression of the disease and the breakdown of cells depends on the weak state of the person.

All of these parasites are etheric in nature, and invisible to the naked eye and microscopes. They could be, if devices were invented to do so. They are perceptible by clairvoyance and clairvoyance, and are easily removed by the techniques practiced in curotherapy.

The physical effects of parasites on cells in the human body can be seen under a microscope. Their vampirizing energetic action on cells causes "waste" made up of a set of proteins with a DNA strand. Each parasite creates a specific, personal "waste" which constitutes its "signature".
This "cellular waste" is nicknamed "virus" by scientists.
1000 times smaller than a bacterium, and visible only under an electron microscope, each cellular waste is devoid of any intelligence, and therefore cannot reproduce. Medicine knows this very well, but it notes that this waste multiplies during illnesses. So, for lack of understanding (since she cannot see the parasites that are at the origin), she says that these viruses are the cause of contagion and disease . Which is totally impossible.
If the viruses were alive, it would be easier to destroy them, and they would also be used by the military as weapons ... which is not the case.
Medicine has great difficulty in finding ways to stop their development because it is as if it were studying the footprints of a pest, in the earth ... to identify the animal in question and be able to destroy it. .
When devices are invented to detect the parasites that cause disease, and they become removable without degrading the physique, medicine will change completely and become effective (but much less profitable - since currently it makes more profit than banks).

In the same vein, during certain illnesses, medicine observes under a microscope the presence of antibodies of the immune system, in the same place where degradation occurs (as in neurodegenerative diseases - alzheimer's, parkinson's ...). Not seeing the etheric parasites under the microscope, which the immune system is trying to fight off, she thinks it is the immune system itself that creates the degradation. She classified all of these diseases as autoimmune diseases. The worst part is that, in an attempt to slow the progression of the disease, it destroys the immune system with chemical poisons. Which obviously doesn't work to stop the disease. But, still not having understood the presence of the parasites, she continues to insist on this destruction (inappropriate and harmful) of the immune system.

Chemical drugs cannot remove or destroy them. They can either put to sleep the physical pains caused (painkillers, sleeping pills ...), or weaken and poison the area of ​​the body attacked and indirectly slow down the parasites by lack of vital energy (chemotherapy, radiotherapy).

Nosocomial diseases hospitals.

The nosocomial infections constitute 1/3 of all diseases, and do THAT catch in hospitals. The latter seek to control them through the massive use of antiseptic processes, spare linens, chemicals, sanitized rooms, etc. But this is not enough.

The cause of nosocomial diseases is due to several unfavorable circumstances, gathered in hospitals. They can be classified into 4 categories.

The first is the accumulation of negative memories of suffering and worry, which accumulate in places, objects and walls.
Places and objects take charge of negative energetic memories of suffering, where they were experienced, if these energies were emitted by intense thoughts. Hospitals retain the energetic egregores of suffering, amplified by emotions. Suffering of the sick and suffering of their family members who visit them. When they are repeated, as in a hospital , the place becomes more and more charged, negatively.
In a house of suicide , crime or illness, memory affects the occupants as long as it is not energetically cleaned (disinfectants are useless). If there was depression and then suicide in a room, the successors will feel the discomfort and be affected by it. Likewise, thoughts of anger, discontent, hatred… are memorized in the places and objects where they were expressed. The daily accumulation of these negativities affects people. In a hospital this accumulation is obvious and logical, including in psychiatric hospitals. The more active or old the hospital, the more it is loaded with negative memories that affect and weaken both patients and medical staff.

The second negative factor is due to the presence of a multitude of souls in pain who walk there and contribute to lower the energy of the places by vampirizing, despite themselves, the energies of the living, in their path.
Due to the rise of earthly energies, the number of people who perceive and hear them is constantly growing. Children are increasingly sensitive and awake from birth to these perceptions. The perception of souls in pain is a basic function of geobiologists and curotherapists but also of any awake person. Simple exercises described in the books allow everyone to perceive them unequivocally, to dialogue with, and to help them to rise.
The first reason for their presence is that some people have simply lived in an isolated or closed environment and at the time of their death they do not rise up because they do not conceive it. They can stay that way indefinitely, for decades, until something special happens. Others were poorly educatedspiritually, by ignorant religious or educators who have told them all their lives that there is nothing after death. So they refuse to let go because they are afraid of disappearing forever. Others are attached to their families and their homes and do not want to leave. Another category fills the pews of churches and temples, including the benches of priests and bishops. These are those who are waiting for something that does not happen (St Peter, Jesus, Allah). The deceased almost always visualize themselves as they are at the time of their death, because they think it cannot be otherwise. A person who died in a fire, will perceive himself (by clear feeling) will see himself (by clairvoyance) and will feel (by the physical odor) as charred. A soul in pain, long dead and coming out of a very old cemetery, can perceive himself as a rotting skeleton (smell included). There is nothing to fear, however , in the presence of any soul in pain.

The third factor comes from the large amount of parasites (disease spirits ) that are there and which are detailed in the book dedicated to the harmonization of people.
Every disease progresses when an etheric parasite maintains that progression. There are therefore as many different parasites as there are diseases. As with physical parasites, they reproduce in the form of larvae and eggs, which they deposit on new patients who enter their space.
This is valid for the smallest (micro-parasites causing fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, putrefaction ...) to the largest (causing depression, bewitchment or psychiatric dementia).
They always settle when a state of weakness allows it, and new patients are fertile ground for this.
Antibiotics and chemical drugs have no effect on them. Moreover, if diseases were only a phenomenon of microbes, the Indians who bathe in the Ganges, (a river which carries everything, including corpses and which is a breeding ground for microbes) would all be sick.
Those who follow curotherapy treatments or training courses, and who are energetically cleansed, also develop their sensitivity (clairvoyance, clairvoyance).

In addition, there are many geobiological problems, as everywhere, and other specific problems even more important than in ordinary places.
As everywhere, there are weakening points of the ground (see the book: Harmonization of the Place), of the electric and magnetic fields of all the devices, as well as all the other phenomena which affect the places in general.
But other specific geobiological phenomena affect people in this place even more than in ordinary places.
The first is electromagnetic fields generated at the level of electric beds, which have become essential to facilitate the mobility of hospital staff. They are permanently connected, causing by the electromagnetic fields of the motors and the wires, a weakness, and an additional tiredness for the patients. This fact alone can cause many failures as you can read on the "real cases" page.

On the other hand, low frequency cosmotelluric chimneys are attracted by states of suffering, and are all the more numerous in these places. They disrupt the energies and normal vitality of people. They affect everyone, patients and medical personnel.

Added to this is the fact that patients receive (unnatural) chemical treatments which indirectly disrupt the body and always have side effects, as well as x-rays, irradiations, chemotherapy ...

Conclusion: nosocomial diseases can really be eliminated when medical services combine with energy medicine (Curotherapy).
The sick will benefit, as will the medical staff! Because according to national statistics there are 4 times more suicides among hospital staff than the general average ...

Chakras, shocks and memory areas.
To be able to understand the origin of diseases and how different bodies are affected, it is first necessary to understand the systems that come into play.

The chakras are energy relays which act on all bodies and have specific functions on each body.

Here is the position diagram of the main chakras and their main function.
The heart chakra governs collective love.
The solar plexus chakra governs family and work.
The navel chakra governs maternal life.
These chakras act at the level of each body (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual). For example, if we take that of the heart:
- At the level of the physical body, it regulates the energy of construction of the physical heart and the lungs (in connection with the DNA program and physical training).
- At the level of the etheric body, it manages the energies necessary to feed the physical heart and maintain its vitality.
- At the level of the emotional body, it manages the energy of collective love, towards others, unlike the second chakra (navel) which manages the energy of family love.
- At the level of the mental body, it is collective "mental" love, compassion in relation to a situation or a logic, for example: the desire to help the poor and underprivileged.
- At the level of the causal body, it manages the programs of automatic operation (breathing, heartbeat) or of different operation according to the recordings induced in the DNA and the conditioned reflexes memorized during life (the fears and the reactions induced by the shocks experienced, etc.).
- At the level of the spiritual body, it is the universal spiritual love promoted by religions and in particular Jesus when he advises "love one another".

Each chakra therefore manages a different function at the level of each body, but it can also be affected when these functions are disturbed. For example: always at the level of the heart, the repetition of deep emotional affections (especially with regard to parents and relatives) create cracks in the heart , a real energy wound that crosses several bodies: etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The emotional shocks experienced during the life affect the person, and create skins in his external bodies (like bruises on the physical body). There may also be, depending on the intensity of the event, coats created as protection (by dint of being fed up with hearing someone, a person may create etheric earplugs, which will decrease his hearing).
Third, the milder but repetitive ailments, which we think we have forgotten by putting "a handkerchief on", are in fact stored in memory boxes. interior which correspond to the reflex zones in relation (All the techniques of psychotherapy can reveal their presence, but none removes them, unlike Curotherapy).

Each "memory box" corresponds to a storage of a certain type of emotion. For example, unspoken things and things that have remained in the throat are stored in the throat box ; sentimental worries in the central box of the heart; and worries of work in the central box of the stomach (family / work chakra) etc.

When it comes to an outside worry, it is stored on the right side. For example, a sentimental anxiety towards a spouse is stored at the heart level but on the right side, therefore at the right breast and right shoulder level (predisposition in case of excess to weakness and the installation of breast cancer right side). If it is a disappointment with regard to religion, it will be at the family level, therefore at the solar plexus level and on the right side (zone of the liver and of the faith).

The boxes on the left side store the personal reproaches, for example the reproaches of missing his work or his family life will be stored at the level of the stomach (family / work), left side, therefore on the spleen. And taking into account the fact that the bodies are interconnected (one in the other), the storages of negative emotions in such or such zone, affect and make sensitive the zone in question (pain and sensitization to the installation of a disease ).

In the back are stored the worries of mental obligations, of responsibility.
Collective liability issues are stored in the back, heart level, and will cause unexplained pain.
Family responsibility concerns are stored in the middle of the back, at stomach height.
In these two cases there will be the feeling of having "full back" and it will be a physical reality and not psychosomatic, since all the bodies are in each other, and these energetic affections, will cause affections. to the physical.

By emptying these storage boxes, the pain stops, but they have to be really removed energetically. The art psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, demotions, family constellations and other methods psycho calming, highlight the problems at the root of these evils. They can hide them by putting a larger bandage on it (a calming autosuggestion) but they do not remove them. There is no method, in physical medicine, which concretely heals at the source these problems of accumulation of shocks. This accumulation creates physical pain and states of depression or even burn out.

The medical palliative method practiced is that of painkillers, antidepressants and anxiolytics, which only put the person to sleep. Curotherapy, energy medicine, well understood and well practiced, really removes all this suffering. Depression and other illnesses called psychosomatic by medicine are not due to storages of emotional and mental ailments only. Other factors come into play, including parasites of several levels. Some feed on emotional energies. The most affecting control the person completely and cause what is nicknamed: bipolar, schizophrenia, bewitchment. But in all cases and for all people, the storage of negative ailments in memory boxes has

must take place, and must be cleaned and harmonized. The older the person, the more they are overloaded with these stored ailments and generally weakened. Statistically 80% of people suffer from back pain. It is quite logical and it is very easily and very quickly healed with Curotherapy.

Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and others ...
Diseases of the bones and joints are not inevitable, nor related to age. They are due to the installation of some parasites that will feed the builders energies bones (like other parasites feed of certain organs). And this because of failings, predispositions and weaknesses of man which prepared the ground and allowed their development.
When they settle and begin to feed, the bones disintegrate, deform, break etc ... The disease progresses because chemical or natural treatments are only devoted to the physical body and to the symptoms (pain ... ), but not at the sources.
Being of an energetic nature, the parasites can be slowed down by certain treatments such as irradiation which destroys the cells and their energy, or certain strong drugs (chemotherapy, drugs ...) but in any case they are not removed or destroyed and continue their destructive effects.

Diseases only develop because there are "living things" that create this progression. Anyone who is informed can, by means of the clear feeling, seek them out, find them and remove them. You just have to experience it to be convinced.

Here are some examples of the appearances of these parasites seen by clairvoyance:

Osteoarthritis : parasites in the form of mini crabs feeding on the chemical ether of bone building.

Enchondromatosis , Paget's disease, Ollier's disease, poliomyelitis, dysplasia ... are caused by marine nano-parasites in the plasma, spider crab-like (white, red, brown).

Calcification of muscles or bones: this is not an excess of limestone, but an abnormal agglomeration of marine nano-parasites with shell, snail-shaped or other. This agglomeration causes calcification, bone growths, and muscle and nerve pain.

Osteoporosis (affects 30% of women and 10% of men) is caused by p arasites resembling mini maggots black bighead. They create galleries in the bones (the mother is shaped like a fly).

Osteochondromatosis : parasites in the shape of seahorses, nibble the serous cartilage areas (knees, hips, shoulders). They leave small ones in the joint, causing bone fragmentation and a liquid gel.

Chondrosarcoma : also called bone cancer, is caused by a parasite in the shape of a beetle with a grasshopper head and yellow belly.

- Parasites in the shape of a frog with a large shell can be found on the shoulders and hips making them painful.
- Parasites in the form of a beetle feed on the aponeurosis membrane of the bones.
- Marine nano-parasites in the shape of half lobster, half spider crab make the bones break.

For treatment: the therapist removes the parasites and their mother from all areas where they have settled. However, the work of a curo therapist does not stop there since it harmonizes the energies of the body as a whole .
In that case :

- It searches for and removes the installed parasites and the mother.
- It searches for and removes the phenomena that increase pain, in other bodies: emotional and mental memories stored in the reflex zone, holes or cracks in the etheric body, memories of wounds from previous lives ...
- He researches if there is a predisposition ground for the renewal of this evil, by checking the place of residence (harmonization of the place), the predispositions of the DNA, the memories of previous lives, a repetitive program of the causal body etc. .
- It helps in the resorption of the lesions caused, by promoting the reconstitution of the bones: drainage of any debris, coating of pearly energy, absorption of lithothamne capsules (an algae whose property is to remineralize the bones), oil of fish (for cartilage) and shark cartilage (for injured tendons).
After these treatments, the bone lesions are really resorbed ( X-rays in support). All those who have been treated in this way have seen the degradation and the associated pain completely disappear .

This is valid for most of the other diseases treated using curotherapy techniques. There is however an exception which concerns some people (around 10% of cases). Either they have voluntarily chosen to experience an illness (in their life program), or they suffer this discomfort to compensate for a previous life error (karma). In these two cases it is not possible, nor authorized to cure the person, one can just (and it is already good) to look after him and to limit the harm and suffering caused.

AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis.
AIDS and Cystic Fibrosis are diseases very popularized by the media because they have affected and affect known people. Yet they are as easy to manage as the others, by curotherapy.

The Cystic Fibrosis appears clairvoyantly or light felt like a fat burning inflammation in the lungs. The parasites present themselves as purulent pockets of larvae that feed on the internal mucus.
The mother on the outside looks like a huge mosquito.
They only settle due to DNA failure. This one seen by clairvoyance appears as a cocoon surrounding a small part of one of the 2 spirals of DNA, which slows down the circulation of energy inside it.
It can be rectified by the help of certain spirits of nature, provided that it is not a program of life, voluntarily chosen by the person.
DNA failure is a predisposition. But with or without DNA correction, the cystic fibrosis can be cured according to the procedure indicated in the book "Energy Harmonization of People".
However, it is a rather stubborn disease and it will be necessary to renew the care every 3 days until satisfaction. The duration of treatment depends on the state of its installation and the damage caused at the time of the start of curotherapy treatment.

AIDS is, despite all that is said about it, one of the simplest and fastest diseases to treat with curotherapy.
One or more astral octopus-like parasites are attached to the lower abdomen, with long wires connected inside where they draw energy. A mother can be above. It is red on the lower abdomen (AIDS) and white when it is elsewhere. It is transmitted by its young in liquids, from one person to another.
As in other cases, chemical drugs do not affect them at all, just because they are not on the same frequency. At best they slow them down, since they slow down the energies of the cells of the human body. The parasites feed on the energies of man, and continue until his final exhaustion.

After removal of the parasites and some care described in the book, the state of health is regenerated very quickly. The majority of cases treated with curotherapy were resolved definitively in 3 treatments. The difficulty is to wean oneself from the imposed physical drugs ...

However, the treatment of AIDS in curotherapy causes a side effect.
Try to imagine it for a moment, before reading the following real-life story.
You will be able to understand what this effect is and check if you have found it.
The real- life case cited here is the one most commonly observed for curotherapists.

Lived case : One day came to see us a man with a very tired appearance, a white face and a low energy, who said "Here, I learned that you were doing energy treatments, and I came to see you because I have had AIDS for over 20 years. I have tried everything, I have suffered a lot and I have had enough. Can you do something for me? "
We started by establishing an assessment, as indicated in Protocol 1 cited in the page "protocol for the harmonization of persons".
Then, without a priori and by testing, we did indeed observe the presence of a large energy parasite fixed on the lower abdomen.
We removed it, as well as the mother, and continued the usual general energetic healing (removal of other parasites, etheric, emotional, mental shocks, blockages, memories, bonds etc.). At the end of the session this visitor was visibly brighter and in better shape.

He came back to see us the following week for a second treatment.
By checking we noticed the presence of another parasite, but much smaller. Didn't we check the previous time to see if there were two? Did he pick up this new parasite from contact with another person? Usually at the second session there are no more. This shows that it is always necessary to check well , and to renew the care at least three times for safety.
We removed it as easily as the first, and continued the overall cleansing care of ALL energetic bodies, in accordance with the planned curotherapy protocols.
This man was already very happy with the first treatment, because he felt in a state of physical well-being that he had never known, according to his words.

The third time he came, he arrived with a worried face. He told us: "Here, I have had several examinations which show that I no longer have any traces of the disease. I am very satisfied with your care, I have never felt so good, I cannot believe it not myself. It's wonderful compared to all the drugs I've tried that had really, really nasty side effects. I'm very happy, but also very worried. "
At that moment we were, too, worried and curious to know what he was going to announce to us.
He added: "Here it is, it has been 20 years that I have been compensated by social security, because it is a disease considered incurable. Since now I am in good health again, they are not going to want me any more. 'compensate. So I will have to find work, which worries me a lot. I would have no more money if I do not work. "

A feeling of stupor and then of understanding surreptitiously invaded us. This man was apparently happy to have recovered his health, but was afraid of reintegration into the world of work, which makes sense after 20 years of inactivity and long sickness benefits.

A few days later, he told us that the health insurance fund only ceases to compensate an AIDS patient if he decides to leave the established protocol. That is to say if he stops taking the treatments imposed by doctors and laboratories.
Our man has therefore chosen to continue to follow this regulation until his retirement. But one day he called us urgently. He was in the hospital because his health suddenly deteriorated. He had suffered general poisoning due to the new drugs in the protocol, according to the doctors themselves.
We intervened to energetically "clean" him of this complication and put him back on his feet.
You are probably going to say to yourself: "How is it that if the examinations had become correct, drugs are still imposed on him by the doctors?".
It is one of the great puzzles of medicine. As it has not been recognized by official services that AIDS is curable, even if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. The patient must continue the treatments in the event that ... there is a recurrence, no doubt.

Today, our man is self-employed as a therapist. Other people have also become apprentice therapists, after having followed the same path. But they want to remain anonymous out of discretion. The associations supposedly created to fight against AIDS or Cystic Fibrosis have all been asked to put curotherapy into practice on their patients ... and none have responded.

Among the public, either people trust us and we treat them, or they criticize that we do not have medical "proof". But who does the tests? Laboratories ! Do you know a laboratory that wants to take the risk of "committing suicide"? Because if they do the tests and they see that it works well, they will no longer be able to sell their drugs ... it will be their commercial suicide ...
No lab, nor any scientist is up for making a case. medical.
No association wants to take the risk of "sabotaging" itself because there too if they find the solution to their medical problem, they will no longer exist.
So if you want proof, send us all the people you know are sick, and you will see the result. But if you wait for the press, the labs or the associations to advise you, you will wait a long time ...
You can also watch the videos on the manipulations of the people by the media, you will perhaps understand better than the public information is more directed to condition than to inform.

Bewitchment, Schizophrenia, Dementia
These are the most important parasites , which are the cause.

In cases of bewitchment and schizophrenia , the parasites take possession of the person's body and mind and manipulate them as they please. The person is therefore under an external influence, and his behavior is completely illogical and abnormal.
In the case of dementia the mental body is totally vampirized by parasites. They do not seek to manipulate the person, but they feed on the energies of his body. The result is the same, the person no longer controls their behavior.

This subject and the energetic treatments are indicated in the book "Energy Harmonization of People". However, the therapist can only exercise this cleansing with confidence after having participated in the training courses.
Thorough cleansing of the trainee and gradual experimentation with increasingly potent parasites and levels of protection is a must.
There is no danger when the prescribed procedure is followed. Conversely, playing the sorcerer's apprentice without training could lead the trainee to be parasitized too.

A spell can occur when an external being enters the interior of the person and takes possession of his functions. Some bewitchments are not permanent and the takeover can be done occasionally or remotely, by implants.

Just as there are positive nature spirits, angels, archangels and holy presences, always ready to help, there are negative spirits always ready to take advantage and abuse others (especially in black magic rituals. ). However, these are only installed when specific circumstances allow or provoke it: use of drugs, alcohol abuse, exercise of black magic, practice of energy care without knowing where the energies come from (Reiki), rituals linking to forces without knowing which ones (Freemasonry), supposedly animist or shamanic rituals without knowing the origin of the intervening spirits (African marabouts ...).

Bewitchment by a soul in pain :
A deceased person enters a living person to manipulate him.
It is only possible if the bewitching sorrowful soul finds itself in the grip of a bewitching parasite who has acted with it during its life (black magic), and who seeks to manipulate another person to continue his life and his activity.

Bewitchment by large parasites: ( schizophrenia , bipolar, possession ...)
The person does not behave autonomously and logically at all. She changes her behavior abnormally and can have incomprehensible, irrational crises . Some can be dangerous for themselves and others to the point that they must be locked in a psychiatric hospital.
The only treatments known and used are neuroleptics or psychotropic drugs, in other words "sleepers", but they do not solve anything. Psychiatrists, who do long studies of human behavior, are of no use in mental hospitals. They should exercise their talents in prisons, because there are people in need of reference or education, who need to be retrained and re-educated. In psychiatric hospitals, only curotherapists or "dewitchers" can cure the sick.

Bewitchment by binding to negative egregores : About 90% of Reiki practitioners are parasitized by spirits which spawn in them and which give them a certain energy in exchange for this gestation. The people in question have a feeling of bloating, because they internally feed the larvae of the parasite. They disseminate them to other people when they provide care. Just ask these people where the energy they impart comes from or according to what principles they act. Their answer will be "it is the energy of the universe", but they do not know exactly what energy it is.
The only positive practitioners use the energies of the Manta Ray (Rei ki) which is a great seawater spirit and can heal problems related to the lymphatic system and plasma (equivalent to desalinated seawater = plasma by Quinton).
Freemasons refer to true old stories (Solomon, Templars ...) but are linked through their rituals to negative forces (spirits of Orion symbolized by the capital G). They have no idea where their rituals come from and what the effects are. They contribute to negatively influence decision-makers without realizing it ... (extract from initiatory books: "the city of peace" and others - see the specific page).

Dementia: is a vampirism of the mental body.
This is not a fatality either, but a disease caused by parasites. They are quite stubborn but less aggressive than those causing schizophrenia or bewitchment. The person with dementia is directly or indirectly parasitized by several implants.
On the other hand, and this is the only case where we observe this, his mental body is almost non-existent, only a small dark blue tube remains in the center of the bodies. Because it is the principle of this disease: it is about the vampirism of the mental body.
Deworming is simple and easy to do using the Curotherapy procedure.
Then it takes time to restore a normal state, because in general the interference has been in progress for a long time, when it is highlighted.
Besides the devitalized mental body, the thalamus has become inactive, the cerebellum is in slow motion, etc. Internment is absolutely useless. He just lets things go on, and the person will end their days in the same state.

Curotherapy is a preventive and curative technique for "psychiatric" diseases. These are either caused by vampirism (parasites), or by the accumulation of emotional or mental problems (depression or burn-out). Generalized, curotherapy will reduce the number of patients and the costs incurred by more than 90%.
The treatment of depression and psychiatric illnesses is currently the largest health spending budget in France (22.6 billion euros per year), well ahead of cardiovascular diseases (16.2 billion euros), cancer ( € 16.1 billion), diabetes (€ 7.9 billion) and degenerative neurological diseases: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and others (€ 6.9 billion).


All this is explained in the books
Energy harmonization of people :
Energy Harmonization of Places.

The other day I cleaned something from myself which I could only describe as some kind of parasite actually (the detaching actually left electric shocks on some places) and a couple of times before that Ive had to clean and detach links from places which weren't chakras.
And it would explain why elderly and sick people in general are sooo draining on your energy.

And now this shows up. Tbh I don't think there are so many parasites but I do see this as a confirmation and something that I do need to look into.

This is something I shared in another thread but look does this not seem like something to do with the Jewish VEIL covering this planet? In one of my prev post in that article you will see something interesting about bugs that spawned out from a rock with electric charge or something. I'm kind of going overboard with this but I'm linking it to the Jews who chant into a wall. They create thought forms and the chants can be heard in a meditative state coming from it long after the praying or chanting not sure what they do exactly but I'm really thinking it could be linked to the astral attacks on gentiles in some way.The post that you replied to the woman said that more and more people are reporting this phenomenon due to the earths frequencies or something. HP Cobra said that he thinks drugs were created by enemy ETs to hack the human brain. Most cases I noticed of these parasite attacked are on people who do drugs and are into the enemy religions in one way or another. This makes sense to me because that Jews are behind this.

The Arcons- Many people that have done DMT & Ayawasca have reported seeing the "AI" as an octopus like being controlling this planet. This octopus like being is giving birth to entities known as the Arcons. Researchers of the Archons have stated that the Archons are the Reptilians and the Greys, this is incorrect. The Reptilians and the Grey clones have become fully possessed and no longer have any freewill and are completely living out an archontic agenda and placing us all in an energetic prison to become food for their Archon overlords. The Archons began to hang out around those beings which were also programmed to survive and thus they found the ancient races of the Reptilians, because of their genetics the Reptilians came very easily under the archontic influence. After time they possessed the Reptilian races and thus they fell in consciousness. The Reptilian races have been under the influence and possession of these Archontic entities for thousands of years. It seems that the falling of many races within our galaxy have all been caused to one degree or another by this archontic infection. An archontic infection begins by the parasite lowering your vibration to lock you in an astral plane; there you are much more easily influenced and controlled. They can achieve this through many methods, drugs, alcohol and pharmaceuticals can be used by the Archons to infiltrate the freewill of people. In this state the possessing entity can then drain the energy directly from the solar plexus. Anyone trying to rid themselves of an archontic infection will be brought very quickly to paranoia and anger towards other people. It is reported that Meth addicts and heroin users often see these archontic parasites as demons around them.
I do have a overactive imagination. Thank goodness I have JoS for a foundation otherwise I would be completely out of my mind already.
Sorry for the crazyness I'm just gonna stop now
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I do have a overactive imagination. Thank goodness I have JoS for a foundation otherwise I would be completely out of my mind already.
Sorry for the crazyness I'm just gonna stop now
That's okay.

You know with what JoS provides, you can be your own foundation. :)
This stuff is literally just a thoughtform.

They can be very draining and difficult to remove or deal with if one is without proper spiritual knowledge and protection, but for an SS this sort of thing should be effortless to remove.

Just do your aura cleaning, do a banishing ritual and do your returning curses. When done right, you will never see any of this astral filth on you again after a week or two at most.

Do not dwell on this and just clean it off. If you dwell on it, you empower the negative thoughtforms trying to stick to you, or you may even create them yourself.

Just detach from this and clean it, no need to worry so much about this.

As for if this is common, the answer is yes. Because the enemy thoughtform has been around for a long time, and because the astral in our region of space is very messy, like a dusty infested attic that hasn't been cleaned in 2000 years, there are a lot of these filthy thoughtforms around on the astral that latch on to people.

People exchange them with each other as they meet, courtesy of most people never cleaning their souls.

You can see the astral filth on people when your third eye is fully functional. There's a lot of it around.

Aura cleaning and AoP keeps you safe and protected from these things, and keeps your aura vibrant in the midst of this tainted environment, so you can live free from the astral filth while you try to advance on all levels.

Hail Satan!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I do have a overactive imagination. Thank goodness I have JoS for a foundation otherwise I would be completely out of my mind already.
Sorry for the crazyness I'm just gonna stop now
VoiceofEnki said:
This stuff is literally just a thoughtform.

They can be very draining and difficult to remove or deal with if one is without proper spiritual knowledge and protection, but for an SS this sort of thing should be effortless to remove.

Just do your aura cleaning, do a banishing ritual and do your returning curses. When done right, you will never see any of this astral filth on you again after a week or two at most.

Do not dwell on this and just clean it off. If you dwell on it, you empower the negative thoughtforms trying to stick to you, or you may even create them yourself.

Just detach from this and clean it, no need to worry so much about this.

As for if this is common, the answer is yes. Because the enemy thoughtform has been around for a long time, and because the astral in our region of space is very messy, like a dusty infested attic that hasn't been cleaned in 2000 years, there are a lot of these filthy thoughtforms around on the astral that latch on to people.

People exchange them with each other as they meet, courtesy of most people never cleaning their souls.

You can see the astral filth on people when your third eye is fully functional. There's a lot of it around.

Aura cleaning and AoP keeps you safe and protected from these things, and keeps your aura vibrant in the midst of this tainted environment, so you can live free from the astral filth while you try to advance on all levels.

Hail Satan!

I agree more on the thoughtform thing. Also people don't know how to cleanse and destroy properly.

Also I would suggest to put up a barrier around your living space to prevent such things from entering and to energetically cleanse it thoroughly from all energies.
VoiceofEnki said:
This stuff is literally just a thoughtform.

They can be very draining and difficult to remove or deal with if one is without proper spiritual knowledge and protection, but for an SS this sort of thing should be effortless to remove.

Just do your aura cleaning, do a banishing ritual and do your returning curses. When done right, you will never see any of this astral filth on you again after a week or two at most.

Do not dwell on this and just clean it off. If you dwell on it, you empower the negative thoughtforms trying to stick to you, or you may even create them yourself.

Just detach from this and clean it, no need to worry so much about this.

As for if this is common, the answer is yes. Because the enemy thoughtform has been around for a long time, and because the astral in our region of space is very messy, like a dusty infested attic that hasn't been cleaned in 2000 years, there are a lot of these filthy thoughtforms around on the astral that latch on to people.

People exchange them with each other as they meet, courtesy of most people never cleaning their souls.

You can see the astral filth on people when your third eye is fully functional. There's a lot of it around.

Aura cleaning and AoP keeps you safe and protected from these things, and keeps your aura vibrant in the midst of this tainted environment, so you can live free from the astral filth while you try to advance on all levels.

Hail Satan!

But why do these things look like bugs or litteral parasites to people who can see them? That's what I don't understand

Anyway thanx for clearing it up.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
VoiceofEnki said:
This stuff is literally just a thoughtform.

They can be very draining and difficult to remove or deal with if one is without proper spiritual knowledge and protection, but for an SS this sort of thing should be effortless to remove.

Just do your aura cleaning, do a banishing ritual and do your returning curses. When done right, you will never see any of this astral filth on you again after a week or two at most.

Do not dwell on this and just clean it off. If you dwell on it, you empower the negative thoughtforms trying to stick to you, or you may even create them yourself.

Just detach from this and clean it, no need to worry so much about this.

As for if this is common, the answer is yes. Because the enemy thoughtform has been around for a long time, and because the astral in our region of space is very messy, like a dusty infested attic that hasn't been cleaned in 2000 years, there are a lot of these filthy thoughtforms around on the astral that latch on to people.

People exchange them with each other as they meet, courtesy of most people never cleaning their souls.

You can see the astral filth on people when your third eye is fully functional. There's a lot of it around.

Aura cleaning and AoP keeps you safe and protected from these things, and keeps your aura vibrant in the midst of this tainted environment, so you can live free from the astral filth while you try to advance on all levels.

Hail Satan!

But why do these things look like bugs or litteral parasites to people who can see them? That's what I don't understand

Anyway thanx for clearing it up.
You said you were in a moving car when you saw it for the first time, this means you weren't in a trance but in a sleep like dream state, after you saw this[which I believe was your immagination] you panicked and obsessed on it, making it an actual thoughtform. It's you who created it, by obsessing over that image you saw in the dream like state.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
But why do these things look like bugs or litteral parasites to people who can see them? That's what I don't understand

Anyway thanx for clearing it up.

The way we see these things is often influenced by the mind. The mind tries to make an interpretation of the astral phenomenon observed or tuned into that makes sense to the brain which is tuned to observe 3 dimensional material space.

In reality, things on the astral are very different from just about anything here, it's very vibrational and loose, not really comparable to material things. The mind tuned into these things and interprets them in ways that make sense to it.

Since negative thoughtforms are parasitic in nature, your mind made the connection "negative thoughtform = parasite" and interpreted the way it looks based on what you know about the appearance of physical parasites.

I've dealt with many negative thoughtforms as I've cleaned my aura.

What they are in essence is just a small glob of grey or blackish energy that latches on and siphons from your soul, sometimes it will have certain programming and can for example drone thoughts into your mind that are negative or harmful to you.

Ordinary people can be driven crazy by those things since they do not understand how to deal with it.

They can have preset shapes or detailed forms if they were created by people, but interpreting the shape is as I said usually influenced by the mind, so you will see them in a way that makes sense to you most of the time.

With a perfectly functioning third eye, you can see them for what they really are in essence, by shutting your thoughts of and looking at it's real form.

Sometimes to me these thoughtforms looked similar to parasites as well, or like chains, geometric shapes, ugly disembodied faces, leeches, etc.

What matters is not really how they look, but recognizing that it's something negative and cleaning it up.

Visualization can help with this, such as visualizing yourself grabbing the thing with your astral hand and pulling it of yourself, then throwing it away into a blue flame. Or crushing it in a golden hand blazing with blue flame.

The visualization will serve as a guide to accomplish the goal of getting rid of them.

It's also possible to remove things from other people using visualization like that.

For example, I was speaking with a friend that is not an SS, he spoke to me how he was feeling presences when home alone, how he sometimes wakes up at night to loud sounds, like bangs on the wall that nobody else hears, or feels things staring at him when he lies down to sleep at night etc.

During that conversation I looked at him with my astral senses, and behind him appeared a terrifying visage of a tall creature with 3 wide open eyes, a huge mouth with sharp teeth, a gaunt horrific appearance, 4 arms with long thin fingers and sharp nails, blackness billowing outward from around the face, etc.

Just a really disturbing visage, which if an ordinary person suddenly saw this staring at them, it would have spooked most people pretty bad. It's appearance was more disturbing than any horror monster picture or depiction I'd ever seen.

I identified it as a thoughtform of some kind, perhaps a spirit or some other negative entity, and proceeded to remove it from him while I was chatting with him about his experiences.

I visualized myself grabbing the ugly thing by its throat, dragged it away from him, got my face close it's ugly mug and spoke to it "if you want to get to him, you'll have to get past me first".

Then I brightened my aura, radiating gold light as bright as I could, chopped through the ugly things form with my hands, threw the now decimated thing into a pile and incinerated it with blue flame until it was gone.

Of course it tried to latch on to me, drain me, attack me, etc, but it couldn't do anything to me, since it's just some weak astral garbage entity, thoughtform or otherwise.

While my friend was non the wiser, I covered him in gold light and cleaned his aura briefly for him and gave him some advice on how to deal with this sort of feelings or things (by mentally rejecting them, and pushing them away).

For a few weeks he hadn't experienced anything like what he spoke to me about again. Only 2 months later did he have another strange experience. Different entities latched onto him because he doesn't know how to clean his aura, and I believe he is a satanic soul who is yet to find the JoS.

Often to try and scare potential SS away from the occult negative entities latch onto them to give them negative experiences like this, which happened to me for a few years before I found the JoS.

If he is an SS soul, he will undoubtedly find his way here, since I'll drop some hints to him to help him out as well.

Thoughtforms sometimes try to appear very terrifying or monstrous in an attempt to overwhelm people with fear so they can have power over them.

It's like a blowfish's display really, there's not really any actual threat behind it, just an embellishment to appear dangerous when actually it's just an empty threat.

Enemy entities often do the same, except there is actual power behind them, so it's less of a blowfish like display and more of a dangerous creature showing it's fangs. In that case, you just show your own fangs and fight it out till you get the upper hand, never capitulating to them.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
But why do these things look like bugs or litteral parasites to people who can see them? That's what I don't understand

Anyway thanx for clearing it up.

The way we see these things is often influenced by the mind. The mind tries to make an interpretation of the astral phenomenon observed or tuned into that makes sense to the brain which is tuned to observe 3 dimensional material space.

In reality, things on the astral are very different from just about anything here, it's very vibrational and loose, not really comparable to material things. The mind tuned into these things and interprets them in ways that make sense to it.

Since negative thoughtforms are parasitic in nature, your mind made the connection "negative thoughtform = parasite" and interpreted the way it looks based on what you know about the appearance of physical parasites.

I've dealt with many negative thoughtforms as I've cleaned my aura.

What they are in essence is just a small glob of grey or blackish energy that latches on and siphons from your soul, sometimes it will have certain programming and can for example drone thoughts into your mind that are negative or harmful to you.

Ordinary people can be driven crazy by those things since they do not understand how to deal with it.

They can have preset shapes or detailed forms if they were created by people, but interpreting the shape is as I said usually influenced by the mind, so you will see them in a way that makes sense to you most of the time.

With a perfectly functioning third eye, you can see them for what they really are in essence, by shutting your thoughts of and looking at it's real form.

Sometimes to me these thoughtforms looked similar to parasites as well, or like chains, geometric shapes, ugly disembodied faces, leeches, etc.

What matters is not really how they look, but recognizing that it's something negative and cleaning it up.

Visualization can help with this, such as visualizing yourself grabbing the thing with your astral hand and pulling it of yourself, then throwing it away into a blue flame. Or crushing it in a golden hand blazing with blue flame.

The visualization will serve as a guide to accomplish the goal of getting rid of them.

It's also possible to remove things from other people using visualization like that.

For example, I was speaking with a friend that is not an SS, he spoke to me how he was feeling presences when home alone, how he sometimes wakes up at night to loud sounds, like bangs on the wall that nobody else hears, or feels things staring at him when he lies down to sleep at night etc.

During that conversation I looked at him with my astral senses, and behind him appeared a terrifying visage of a tall creature with 3 wide open eyes, a huge mouth with sharp teeth, a gaunt horrific appearance, 4 arms with long thin fingers and sharp nails, blackness billowing outward from around the face, etc.

Just a really disturbing visage, which if an ordinary person suddenly saw this staring at them, it would have spooked most people pretty bad. It's appearance was more disturbing than any horror monster picture or depiction I'd ever seen.

I identified it as a thoughtform of some kind, perhaps a spirit or some other negative entity, and proceeded to remove it from him while I was chatting with him about his experiences.

I visualized myself grabbing the ugly thing by its throat, dragged it away from him, got my face close it's ugly mug and spoke to it "if you want to get to him, you'll have to get past me first".

Then I brightened my aura, radiating gold light as bright as I could, chopped through the ugly things form with my hands, threw the now decimated thing into a pile and incinerated it with blue flame until it was gone.

Of course it tried to latch on to me, drain me, attack me, etc, but it couldn't do anything to me, since it's just some weak astral garbage entity, thoughtform or otherwise.

While my friend was non the wiser, I covered him in gold light and cleaned his aura briefly for him and gave him some advice on how to deal with this sort of feelings or things (by mentally rejecting them, and pushing them away).

For a few weeks he hadn't experienced anything like what he spoke to me about again. Only 2 months later did he have another strange experience. Different entities latched onto him because he doesn't know how to clean his aura, and I believe he is a satanic soul who is yet to find the JoS.

Often to try and scare potential SS away from the occult negative entities latch onto them to give them negative experiences like this, which happened to me for a few years before I found the JoS.

If he is an SS soul, he will undoubtedly find his way here, since I'll drop some hints to him to help him out as well.

Thoughtforms sometimes try to appear very terrifying or monstrous in an attempt to overwhelm people with fear so they can have power over them.

It's like a blowfish's display really, there's not really any actual threat behind it, just an embellishment to appear dangerous when actually it's just an empty threat.

Enemy entities often do the same, except there is actual power behind them, so it's less of a blowfish like display and more of a dangerous creature showing it's fangs. In that case, you just show your own fangs and fight it out till you get the upper hand, never capitulating to them.

Hail Satan!
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
VoiceofEnki said:
This stuff is literally just a thoughtform.

They can be very draining and difficult to remove or deal with if one is without proper spiritual knowledge and protection, but for an SS this sort of thing should be effortless to remove.

Just do your aura cleaning, do a banishing ritual and do your returning curses. When done right, you will never see any of this astral filth on you again after a week or two at most.

Do not dwell on this and just clean it off. If you dwell on it, you empower the negative thoughtforms trying to stick to you, or you may even create them yourself.

Just detach from this and clean it, no need to worry so much about this.

As for if this is common, the answer is yes. Because the enemy thoughtform has been around for a long time, and because the astral in our region of space is very messy, like a dusty infested attic that hasn't been cleaned in 2000 years, there are a lot of these filthy thoughtforms around on the astral that latch on to people.

People exchange them with each other as they meet, courtesy of most people never cleaning their souls.

You can see the astral filth on people when your third eye is fully functional. There's a lot of it around.

Aura cleaning and AoP keeps you safe and protected from these things, and keeps your aura vibrant in the midst of this tainted environment, so you can live free from the astral filth while you try to advance on all levels.

Hail Satan!

But why do these things look like bugs or litteral parasites to people who can see them? That's what I don't understand

Anyway thanx for clearing it up.
You said you were in a moving car when you saw it for the first time, this means you weren't in a trance but in a sleep like dream state, after you saw this[which I believe was your immagination] you panicked and obsessed on it, making it an actual thoughtform. It's you who created it, by obsessing over that image you saw in the dream like state.

Aquarius one day I'm gonna be advanced and then I'm going to kick your astral ass!!!!

If I was not in a trance I would be able to move my body when I returned but I could not. I was completely paralyzed still looking at the canopy and fearing the children would come jump on me if they climbed through the small window.
VoiceofEnki said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
But why do these things look like bugs or litteral parasites to people who can see them? That's what I don't understand

Anyway thanx for clearing it up.

The way we see these things is often influenced by the mind. The mind tries to make an interpretation of the astral phenomenon observed or tuned into that makes sense to the brain which is tuned to observe 3 dimensional material space.

In reality, things on the astral are very different from just about anything here, it's very vibrational and loose, not really comparable to material things. The mind tuned into these things and interprets them in ways that make sense to it.

Since negative thoughtforms are parasitic in nature, your mind made the connection "negative thoughtform = parasite" and interpreted the way it looks based on what you know about the appearance of physical parasites.

I've dealt with many negative thoughtforms as I've cleaned my aura.

What they are in essence is just a small glob of grey or blackish energy that latches on and siphons from your soul, sometimes it will have certain programming and can for example drone thoughts into your mind that are negative or harmful to you.

Ordinary people can be driven crazy by those things since they do not understand how to deal with it.

They can have preset shapes or detailed forms if they were created by people, but interpreting the shape is as I said usually influenced by the mind, so you will see them in a way that makes sense to you most of the time.

With a perfectly functioning third eye, you can see them for what they really are in essence, by shutting your thoughts of and looking at it's real form.

Sometimes to me these thoughtforms looked similar to parasites as well, or like chains, geometric shapes, ugly disembodied faces, leeches, etc.

What matters is not really how they look, but recognizing that it's something negative and cleaning it up.

Visualization can help with this, such as visualizing yourself grabbing the thing with your astral hand and pulling it of yourself, then throwing it away into a blue flame. Or crushing it in a golden hand blazing with blue flame.

The visualization will serve as a guide to accomplish the goal of getting rid of them.

It's also possible to remove things from other people using visualization like that.

For example, I was speaking with a friend that is not an SS, he spoke to me how he was feeling presences when home alone, how he sometimes wakes up at night to loud sounds, like bangs on the wall that nobody else hears, or feels things staring at him when he lies down to sleep at night etc.

During that conversation I looked at him with my astral senses, and behind him appeared a terrifying visage of a tall creature with 3 wide open eyes, a huge mouth with sharp teeth, a gaunt horrific appearance, 4 arms with long thin fingers and sharp nails, blackness billowing outward from around the face, etc.

Just a really disturbing visage, which if an ordinary person suddenly saw this staring at them, it would have spooked most people pretty bad. It's appearance was more disturbing than any horror monster picture or depiction I'd ever seen.

I identified it as a thoughtform of some kind, perhaps a spirit or some other negative entity, and proceeded to remove it from him while I was chatting with him about his experiences.

I visualized myself grabbing the ugly thing by its throat, dragged it away from him, got my face close it's ugly mug and spoke to it "if you want to get to him, you'll have to get past me first".

Then I brightened my aura, radiating gold light as bright as I could, chopped through the ugly things form with my hands, threw the now decimated thing into a pile and incinerated it with blue flame until it was gone.

Of course it tried to latch on to me, drain me, attack me, etc, but it couldn't do anything to me, since it's just some weak astral garbage entity, thoughtform or otherwise.

While my friend was non the wiser, I covered him in gold light and cleaned his aura briefly for him and gave him some advice on how to deal with this sort of feelings or things (by mentally rejecting them, and pushing them away).

For a few weeks he hadn't experienced anything like what he spoke to me about again. Only 2 months later did he have another strange experience. Different entities latched onto him because he doesn't know how to clean his aura, and I believe he is a satanic soul who is yet to find the JoS.

Often to try and scare potential SS away from the occult negative entities latch onto them to give them negative experiences like this, which happened to me for a few years before I found the JoS.

If he is an SS soul, he will undoubtedly find his way here, since I'll drop some hints to him to help him out as well.

Thoughtforms sometimes try to appear very terrifying or monstrous in an attempt to overwhelm people with fear so they can have power over them.

It's like a blowfish's display really, there's not really any actual threat behind it, just an embellishment to appear dangerous when actually it's just an empty threat.

Enemy entities often do the same, except there is actual power behind them, so it's less of a blowfish like display and more of a dangerous creature showing it's fangs. In that case, you just show your own fangs and fight it out till you get the upper hand, never capitulating to them.

Hail Satan!

That's relieving.

Very big thanks!!

What about the dieseses are the thoughtforms the cause of the diseases like aids?

Also I can literally feel pain there where is attached does this mean its a thoughtform or a real thing?

The pain has gotten so much worse since I have been talking about this Im battling to move it. It whent from my back into my left shoulder and a little bit in my neck.

Anyway that's my last questions. I have to now learn how to clean my aura properly and close the holes. It's probably gonna take me years but I have no other choice
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
But why do these things look like bugs or litteral parasites to people who can see them? That's what I don't understand

Anyway thanx for clearing it up.
You said you were in a moving car when you saw it for the first time, this means you weren't in a trance but in a sleep like dream state, after you saw this[which I believe was your immagination] you panicked and obsessed on it, making it an actual thoughtform. It's you who created it, by obsessing over that image you saw in the dream like state.

Aquarius one day I'm gonna be advanced and then I'm going to kick your astral ass!!!!

If I was not in a trance I would be able to move my body when I returned but I could not. I was completely paralyzed still looking at the canopy and fearing the children would come jump on me if they climbed through the small window.
Common sleep paralysis, for someone who is not in touch with the astral it's more of a state where you immagine things rather the see real things.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
VoiceofEnki said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
But why do these things look like bugs or litteral parasites to people who can see them? That's what I don't understand

Anyway thanx for clearing it up.

The way we see these things is often influenced by the mind. The mind tries to make an interpretation of the astral phenomenon observed or tuned into that makes sense to the brain which is tuned to observe 3 dimensional material space.

In reality, things on the astral are very different from just about anything here, it's very vibrational and loose, not really comparable to material things. The mind tuned into these things and interprets them in ways that make sense to it.

Since negative thoughtforms are parasitic in nature, your mind made the connection "negative thoughtform = parasite" and interpreted the way it looks based on what you know about the appearance of physical parasites.

I've dealt with many negative thoughtforms as I've cleaned my aura.

What they are in essence is just a small glob of grey or blackish energy that latches on and siphons from your soul, sometimes it will have certain programming and can for example drone thoughts into your mind that are negative or harmful to you.

Ordinary people can be driven crazy by those things since they do not understand how to deal with it.

They can have preset shapes or detailed forms if they were created by people, but interpreting the shape is as I said usually influenced by the mind, so you will see them in a way that makes sense to you most of the time.

With a perfectly functioning third eye, you can see them for what they really are in essence, by shutting your thoughts of and looking at it's real form.

Sometimes to me these thoughtforms looked similar to parasites as well, or like chains, geometric shapes, ugly disembodied faces, leeches, etc.

What matters is not really how they look, but recognizing that it's something negative and cleaning it up.

Visualization can help with this, such as visualizing yourself grabbing the thing with your astral hand and pulling it of yourself, then throwing it away into a blue flame. Or crushing it in a golden hand blazing with blue flame.

The visualization will serve as a guide to accomplish the goal of getting rid of them.

It's also possible to remove things from other people using visualization like that.

For example, I was speaking with a friend that is not an SS, he spoke to me how he was feeling presences when home alone, how he sometimes wakes up at night to loud sounds, like bangs on the wall that nobody else hears, or feels things staring at him when he lies down to sleep at night etc.

During that conversation I looked at him with my astral senses, and behind him appeared a terrifying visage of a tall creature with 3 wide open eyes, a huge mouth with sharp teeth, a gaunt horrific appearance, 4 arms with long thin fingers and sharp nails, blackness billowing outward from around the face, etc.

Just a really disturbing visage, which if an ordinary person suddenly saw this staring at them, it would have spooked most people pretty bad. It's appearance was more disturbing than any horror monster picture or depiction I'd ever seen.

I identified it as a thoughtform of some kind, perhaps a spirit or some other negative entity, and proceeded to remove it from him while I was chatting with him about his experiences.

I visualized myself grabbing the ugly thing by its throat, dragged it away from him, got my face close it's ugly mug and spoke to it "if you want to get to him, you'll have to get past me first".

Then I brightened my aura, radiating gold light as bright as I could, chopped through the ugly things form with my hands, threw the now decimated thing into a pile and incinerated it with blue flame until it was gone.

Of course it tried to latch on to me, drain me, attack me, etc, but it couldn't do anything to me, since it's just some weak astral garbage entity, thoughtform or otherwise.

While my friend was non the wiser, I covered him in gold light and cleaned his aura briefly for him and gave him some advice on how to deal with this sort of feelings or things (by mentally rejecting them, and pushing them away).

For a few weeks he hadn't experienced anything like what he spoke to me about again. Only 2 months later did he have another strange experience. Different entities latched onto him because he doesn't know how to clean his aura, and I believe he is a satanic soul who is yet to find the JoS.

Often to try and scare potential SS away from the occult negative entities latch onto them to give them negative experiences like this, which happened to me for a few years before I found the JoS.

If he is an SS soul, he will undoubtedly find his way here, since I'll drop some hints to him to help him out as well.

Thoughtforms sometimes try to appear very terrifying or monstrous in an attempt to overwhelm people with fear so they can have power over them.

It's like a blowfish's display really, there's not really any actual threat behind it, just an embellishment to appear dangerous when actually it's just an empty threat.

Enemy entities often do the same, except there is actual power behind them, so it's less of a blowfish like display and more of a dangerous creature showing it's fangs. In that case, you just show your own fangs and fight it out till you get the upper hand, never capitulating to them.

Hail Satan!

That's relieving.

Very big thanks!!

What about the dieseses are the thoughtforms the cause of the diseases like aids?

Also I can literally feel pain there where is attached does this mean its a thoughtform or a real thing?

The pain has gotten so much worse since I have been talking about this Im battling to move it. It whent from my back into my left shoulder and a little bit in my neck.

Anyway that's my last questions. I have to now learn how to clean my aura properly and close the holes. It's probably gonna take me years but I have no other choice

Lol what am I asking. A disease cannot be a thoughtform sorry didn't think it through!

But it is a entity non the less on the astral?
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
You said you were in a moving car when you saw it for the first time, this means you weren't in a trance but in a sleep like dream state, after you saw this[which I believe was your immagination] you panicked and obsessed on it, making it an actual thoughtform. It's you who created it, by obsessing over that image you saw in the dream like state.

Aquarius one day I'm gonna be advanced and then I'm going to kick your astral ass!!!!

If I was not in a trance I would be able to move my body when I returned but I could not. I was completely paralyzed still looking at the canopy and fearing the children would come jump on me if they climbed through the small window.
Common sleep paralysis, for someone who is not in touch with the astral it's more of a state where you immagine things rather the see real things.

O ok I don't think I was sleeping though. I felt wide awake. Especially when I felt the presence.
One Wire Phenomenon said:

About seeing something parasitic/thoughtform like on your soul and feeling physical pain in the exact same area, this can have a few reasons.

One, illness and other localized health issues (such as inflammation, infection or even injury), can be caused by thoughtforms stuck to the soul for longer periods of time. Thoughtforms, or patches/blobs of negative energy sticking to a part of the soul cause holes in the aura which makes one susceptible to material harm and illness.

Cleaning off the negative energy or thoughtform will heal the holes in the aura (filling the affected area with gold or white gold light is effective here), and prevent illness or injury or heal it quickly.

This is actually a technique used in spiritual healing. You look at the persons aura and identify holes in the aura, as well as places where negative energy has gathered. Then you remove the negative energy, either by washing it away with gold or white gold energy/light, or first pulling the negative energy away and then filling the gaps/holes with white gold light.

This is the basic principle behind spiritual healing, and is very effective to apply to yourself as well.

For example, if you have a headache, or an excessively stuffed nose, you should be able to see this astrally with your third eye, or at least, you should be able to notice negative energy on these parts when feeling your aura.

Doing spiritual healing on these areas, can clear these symptoms up immediately as you fill these areas with white gold light and remove the negative energy.

Stuffed nose, which can interfere with alternate nostril breathing, is noticeably easy to heal, just by visualizing the airways open and white gold energy flowing freely through the nose as you breathe in and out.

Bisualizing the stuffiness as a pile of sand or dirt stuck in the nose, which breaks apart and dissolves under the flood of white gold energy is a technique I find very effective if I ever experience this.

The astral does affect the material body.

Specific diseases aren't necessarily caused by negative astral energies or thoughtforms, but they can make one susceptible to these, and diseases or injuries present on the body often manifest on the astral body/aura/light body as holes or spots of negative energy and sometimes as external things (like parasitic blotches with tendrils digging into the energy bodies, like a black or grey fungus or something similar).

Infections often look like that. For a person who is terribly sick with something like cancer, the whole body often looks grey when astrally observed, with huge blocks of energy stuck in places and big negative clumps that just suck energy in like a black hole, incredibly draining and very difficult to heal.

In theory, if one can astrally remove or extract all those negative spots, the cancer could be cured without any material interference, but the energy required to remove the negative draining spots that signify a cancerous tumor is immense and hardly humanly possible.

I have other theories on this that I haven't been able to verify or test as well, which may allow spiritual healing to actually cure just about anything, but it is a little too advanced to fully understand for me or to apply, and I have no way to test these ideas either at this time.

Two, it can be a warning sign that illness is coming. Before the body gets sick, the first signs can be seen on the soul before the illness manifests.

That is because the astral is more malleable than the material and often things first manifest astrally before they manifest materially, trickling down from above to below.

As above, so below is a statement that originates from that understanding.

If one sees negative or strange things on the soul, either on themselves or on another person, it could mean that illness is imminent, and if you spiritually intervene at that time, it can be prevented completely.

I tested this out on myself multiple times. I don't really get sick often or at all, but a few times I recognized there was something negative on my soul which I identified as a warning sign of illness, and to test this theory I let it stay and observed it carefully, while keeping watch on my own physical condition.

Everytime I began feeling feverish about a day or two after. I then cleaned it off vigorously for a few hours that same day, not taking any physical or material measures (like taking medicine, or eating specific foods, resting more than usual, etc) and the fever went away a few hours later while I felt better than ever.

This has been consistent for me everytime I tried this. Maxine also wrote about how illness can be seen manifesting on the aura or soul first.

Not the actual illness itself, but the onset of it.

If it sticks and is not cleaned off, you will get sick.

I never get sick anymore because I always clean my aura completely, so no illness is really able to manifest.

Even if you get infected through purely material means, such as, a sibling or family member is sick and you are within their vicinity while they spread it around through their breath, coughs and other things, if you have a very vibrant aura or clean your aura very well, you can avoid getting sick, or you can heal almost immediately after you catch it altogether as your immune system is empowered by your vibrant aura to better defend against any threat or influence that can harm you.

AoP also helps here, protecting you energetically, but also trickling this protection down to the material level, propping your body up in defense against harmful things around you, while also warding you against the potential manifestation of harm. It steers or deflects harmful potential away from you, changing the causality around you to be more favorable or stable, avoiding instances of negative cause and effect completely.

The limits of your AoP are based on your own spiritual power as well as the energy put into this over time.

Even a weak meditator can build a powerful AoP by putting energy into it every day over the course of decades, becoming almost invincible against any negative influences in this world so long as harmful things aren't sought out and no risky, stupid or dangerous things are undertaken.
VoiceofEnki said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:

About seeing something parasitic/thoughtform like on your soul and feeling physical pain in the exact same area, this can have a few reasons.

One, illness and other localized health issues (such as inflammation, infection or even injury), can be caused by thoughtforms stuck to the soul for longer periods of time. Thoughtforms, or patches/blobs of negative energy sticking to a part of the soul cause holes in the aura which makes one susceptible to material harm and illness.

Cleaning off the negative energy or thoughtform will heal the holes in the aura (filling the affected area with gold or white gold light is effective here), and prevent illness or injury or heal it quickly.

This is actually a technique used in spiritual healing. You look at the persons aura and identify holes in the aura, as well as places where negative energy has gathered. Then you remove the negative energy, either by washing it away with gold or white gold energy/light, or first pulling the negative energy away and then filling the gaps/holes with white gold light.

This is the basic principle behind spiritual healing, and is very effective to apply to yourself as well.

For example, if you have a headache, or an excessively stuffed nose, you should be able to see this astrally with your third eye, or at least, you should be able to notice negative energy on these parts when feeling your aura.

Doing spiritual healing on these areas, can clear these symptoms up immediately as you fill these areas with white gold light and remove the negative energy.

Stuffed nose, which can interfere with alternate nostril breathing, is noticeably easy to heal, just by visualizing the airways open and white gold energy flowing freely through the nose as you breathe in and out.

Bisualizing the stuffiness as a pile of sand or dirt stuck in the nose, which breaks apart and dissolves under the flood of white gold energy is a technique I find very effective if I ever experience this.

The astral does affect the material body.

Specific diseases aren't necessarily caused by negative astral energies or thoughtforms, but they can make one susceptible to these, and diseases or injuries present on the body often manifest on the astral body/aura/light body as holes or spots of negative energy and sometimes as external things (like parasitic blotches with tendrils digging into the energy bodies, like a black or grey fungus or something similar).

Infections often look like that. For a person who is terribly sick with something like cancer, the whole body often looks grey when astrally observed, with huge blocks of energy stuck in places and big negative clumps that just suck energy in like a black hole, incredibly draining and very difficult to heal.

In theory, if one can astrally remove or extract all those negative spots, the cancer could be cured without any material interference, but the energy required to remove the negative draining spots that signify a cancerous tumor is immense and hardly humanly possible.

I have other theories on this that I haven't been able to verify or test as well, which may allow spiritual healing to actually cure just about anything, but it is a little too advanced to fully understand for me or to apply, and I have no way to test these ideas either at this time.

Two, it can be a warning sign that illness is coming. Before the body gets sick, the first signs can be seen on the soul before the illness manifests.

That is because the astral is more malleable than the material and often things first manifest astrally before they manifest materially, trickling down from above to below.

As above, so below is a statement that originates from that understanding.

If one sees negative or strange things on the soul, either on themselves or on another person, it could mean that illness is imminent, and if you spiritually intervene at that time, it can be prevented completely.

I tested this out on myself multiple times. I don't really get sick often or at all, but a few times I recognized there was something negative on my soul which I identified as a warning sign of illness, and to test this theory I let it stay and observed it carefully, while keeping watch on my own physical condition.

Everytime I began feeling feverish about a day or two after. I then cleaned it off vigorously for a few hours that same day, not taking any physical or material measures (like taking medicine, or eating specific foods, resting more than usual, etc) and the fever went away a few hours later while I felt better than ever.

This has been consistent for me everytime I tried this. Maxine also wrote about how illness can be seen manifesting on the aura or soul first.

Not the actual illness itself, but the onset of it.

If it sticks and is not cleaned off, you will get sick.

I never get sick anymore because I always clean my aura completely, so no illness is really able to manifest.

Even if you get infected through purely material means, such as, a sibling or family member is sick and you are within their vicinity while they spread it around through their breath, coughs and other things, if you have a very vibrant aura or clean your aura very well, you can avoid getting sick, or you can heal almost immediately after you catch it altogether as your immune system is empowered by your vibrant aura to better defend against any threat or influence that can harm you.

AoP also helps here, protecting you energetically, but also trickling this protection down to the material level, propping your body up in defense against harmful things around you, while also warding you against the potential manifestation of harm. It steers or deflects harmful potential away from you, changing the causality around you to be more favorable or stable, avoiding instances of negative cause and effect completely.

The limits of your AoP are based on your own spiritual power as well as the energy put into this over time.

Even a weak meditator can build a powerful AoP by putting energy into it every day over the course of decades, becoming almost invincible against any negative influences in this world so long as harmful things aren't sought out and no risky, stupid or dangerous things are undertaken.

I got a Voltaren injection yesterday it definitely helped for the pain. But today the pain is back. I'm gonna do as you say and try and remove whatever it is and patch up the hole with white gold light.

Thank you for your time!!!!! :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
