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Masters of Deceit — A Short History of the Jews

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The following article is very educational and revealing. It was written for white people, but what the jew does directly affects ALL Gentile races, regardless of color. It also reveals how the jew has from the beginning of time has been active in promoting and operating the slave trade.

Many people do not understand WHY they have certain fears and such. This article below also reveals the subliminal and subconsious programming the jew has been operating for centuries.

To be completely FREE of the program of christianity and related, one must thoroughly know and understand the jew.

Nature's Eternal Religion 1 - 06
The Unavenged Outrage: Masters of Deceit — A Short History of the Jews

Nature in her infinite wisdom has put the highest premium on survival of the species. In her profuse variety Nature has brought forth creatures of all kinds, fish and fowl, animal and vegetable, insect and bacteria. Some creatures like the cardinal and bluebird are beautiful to behold. Others like the scorpion fish are not. Some creatures are flesh eating. Others are herbivorous. Some animals, like cows, forage on the grass of the meadows. Others like the coyote, the wolf and the tiger are predatory. Other creatures like cockroaches, mosquitoes and maggots are parasitic. Each creature has its means of existence and survival and its means of perpetuating its species. In all, the will to live and perpetuate its own kind is intensely strong. If it were not, the species would soon have died out.

In the human species there is one race that stands out above all others in the intensity and fierceness in its will to survive — that is the Jewish race. How this one race has survived and stayed intact through all the convulsions and upheavals of history for 5000 years is something remarkable to behold.

Whereas some of the ancient races of recorded history such as the Babylonians, the Romans, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, as a race, have all gone down the sinkhole of history — the Jew has survived. Not only has he survived, but he has become the slave-master of all the other races of the world, although he only numbers a small percentage of the world's population.

Throughout his history, which goes back more than 5000 years, during which he has remained united as a race, the Jew has been the parasite and
predator on the backs of those nations who have been his unwilling hosts. The Jew has never been a creator, nor a builder, nor a producer. On the contrary, he has been a destroyer of civilizations, a plunderer of
nations, and a killer who invented the very idea of genocide in the earliest stages of his own history. All we have to do is read their own Old Testament to find that in page after page after page they slew, killed and plundered one tribe after another. One nation after another was put to the sword, man, woman and child.

Yes, indeed, the Jews are a blood-thirsty race. They have survived over a long period of time, although they have been scattered throughout the other nations of the world. They have been a plague on the body of mankind from the earliest dawn of recorded history. Nor has that plague abated in modern times.

The history of mankind is filled with wars and conflict, but of all the conflicts that have ensued between the different nations and the different races, there is only one race that has aroused the most violent antagonisms no matter where they settled — that race is the Jewish race.

Throughout all the turmoil of history and all the wars, conflicts and massacres, sooner or later the two conflicting parties settled down and either reconciled their differences, and lived peacefully together, or they went elsewhere to live. Not so with the Jews, however. The Jew has never been reconciled with the host nation upon whose back he feeds. Nor have the Jews peacefully migrated to other countries. The history of the Jews demonstrates two things: first, that there has never been a
reconciliation between them and their hosts, and second, that no nation has ever succeeded in barring them permanently.

Furthermore, as the Jews bored into their host nations and became more and more reprehensible and intolerable, the host nation generally has turned on them and tried to expel them from their national body. However, in no case has a victimized nation been successful in expelling them permanently. In fact, it is surprising that in every case where Jews were expelled from a nation, often under conditions of humiliation and suffering, within a few years the Jews have returned. Not only have they
usually returned, but they then set about with increased viciousness to destroy the host nation upon whom they had previously fed like a parasite.

The Jews have since time immemorial been culture destroyers and civilization destroyers. The Jewish problem has been on the back of all nations for at least the past 5000 years.

Whereas the White Race, with its creativity and restless energy, has moved to the various areas of the world and created civilizations, the Jew invariably followed, bored into their very vitals and sooner or later destroyed those civilizations. They helped to destroy the Egyptian civilization, the Greek civilization, and were the prime cause in the destruction of the great Roman civilization. When Europe slowly again picked up the threads of civilization from Rome, the Jew was already there and has lain like a cancer upon the body of Europe from the time of the Romans.

Why is it that the Jewish Race has survived through all the upheavals of over 5000 years of history, whereas more powerful races like the Romans have perished? Is it because the Jew is tough? We find that the Jew is tough, but other races, such as the Romans, have been even tougher and they have not survived. Is it because he is a good fighter? No, he is, in fact, a physical coward and in open combat he is certainly one of the lesser and more cowardly warriors. Is it because he is more
treacherous and deceitful? Perhaps, since in this characteristic he undoubtedly excels all other peoples. But this is not the sole
reason why he has survived either. The reason for his survival lies in his unique religion.

Early in their history the Jews realized the tremendous potency of religion as a weapon — a weapon to either unite their own race, or a weapon to disintegrate and destroy their enemies. For thousands of years they have capitalized upon this knowledge to the hilt. In a masterful fashion, they have manipulated religion to their advantage with a cunning that no other people seems to have even suspected.

If we could briefly look at the wars between Rome and Carthage, and the brief siege and destruction of Jerusalem during the rise and expansion of the Roman Empire, I think we can find the answer to the Jews' survival.
As Roman power increased and expanded, it was inevitable that it should soon come into conflict with the increasing power of Carthage. For over 100 years these two great rival powers fought battles of attrition and annihilation. Finally Rome emerged the victor, and when they had Carthage at its mercy, they leveled the city, killed all the male population and sold the women and children into slavery. Carthage was no more. It was gone forever.

Now let us contrast this with what happened to Jerusalem in the year 70 C.E. During the rule of Emperor Vespasian, the Jews in Judea became rebellious. Emperor Vespasian sent General Titus down there and after a 139 day siege of Jerusalem, the city was sacked, leveled to the ground, and the Jews were either killed or dispersed. It would seem that in a fate similar to that of Carthage, this would be the end of the Jews, But not so.
The Jews had one extraordinary thing going for them: and that was the unique religion that bound their race together. Far from being destroyed, the Jews in their cunning and resourcefulness, with their religion uniting and binding them together, planned revenge on the Romans. And revenge they did get. They inflected on the Romans a religion that undermined the will of the Romans to survive as a race and as a nation.

With tremendous zeal the Jews propagated among the Romans a new religion with such suicidal ideas as "turn the other cheek, love your enemies, resist not evil" and other self-destructive philosophies that sapped the strength of the Romans and left them naked and defenseless before their enemies. In a few centuries the great Roman civilization completely disintegrated and was defenseless against the marauding vandals who finally sacked Rome in the year 476 C.E. and Rome was no more.

However, with his tenacity and zeal for preserving the Jewish race as embodied in his fanatic religion, the Jew did not go down with Rome. No, on the contrary, he fed on the corpse and went from the Roman corpse to scatter and infect the incipient and growing new cultures that were emerging in Western Europe, cultures and civilizations that were blighted from the very beginning with the handicap of the new religion with which the Jew had destroyed Rome.

It is true that the Jew is tough. He is cunning and he is treacherous. He is also tenacious and he is persistent. All these qualities fit him well to be the foremost predator and parasite on the body of mankind. But even with all these qualities he would not have survived had it not been for his Mosaic religion. It is the basic ingredients of his religion that bind him together in a holy brotherhood hostile to all mankind, striving, pushing, clawing, always and forever for the good of his race, for the survival of his race, and exhibiting in its raw form one of the strongest laws of Nature: the propagation and survival of its own species.

The Jews learned one other significant fact early in their history: There is nothing as powerful in uniting a group (any group) as having a common enemy. Based on this premise, they have seen to it that they have always been at war with other races. In fact, all other peoples are their enemies at all times. It is only a matter of strategy as to who is the prime enemy at any given time.
This theory has worked wonders. It has kept the Jews united and fighting. Their solidarity has destroyed all enemies before them.

The central theme of the Jewish religion is hatred, hatred for the Gentiles, that is all other races. The other overwhelmingly powerful facet of the Jewish religion is racial loyalty, loyalty to its own kind. Whereas to the average Gentile, sadly enough, it matters very little with whom he does business, whether it is another Gentile or not.

Nor is the average Gentile too interested in whether the person next door or the person he meets is one of his own kind. But to a Jew, whether he
is doing business with a Jew, living next door to a Jew, or meets a Jew, this means everything. That the Judaic religion has been the rock of strength around which the Jewish race has rallied for the last 5000 years is without question. The Jews do not believe in God nor are they foolish enough to put their efforts or beliefs centered in a hereafter.

Golda Meir, the present Prime Minister of Israel, stated succinctly when she said in her speech from the Knesset, the Israel Parliament in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer, yet no one will be able to root from the heart and mind the conviction that without the Jewish religion we would have been like all other nations, who once existed and disappeared." From the earliest glimmerings of childhood the Jewish parents inculcate into their offspring the idea of racial loyalty, the idea that the survival of
the Jewish race is everything, the idea that all other peoples are their enemies to be either exploited or destroyed.

The Jewish Old Testament is crammed full of make-believe of Jewish history, very little of it true. But interwoven through all this
fantasy the idea of racial survival is driven into their brains, advice on how to survive. It and the Talmud are full of advice and wisdom binding the Jewish race together in an indestructible unit of purpose.

In Prov. 29:18 is spelled out the idea of a long term program, "where there is no vision, a people perish." If we contrast this with the advice the Jews foisted on the Gentiles in the New Testament, for instance: Matt. 6:34 where it says, "take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself." Here we see clearly spelled out that it is essential for the Jews to have vision for the long term, a long term plan. In reality, their religion is a perpetual conspiracy which is essential for their survival as a parasitic race. But in order to weaken and soften their victims for aggression, conquest and
slavery, the White Race has had its brains polluted with all kinds of bad Jewish advice of which, "take no thought for tomorrow" is one of the many, and that is exactly the position of Gentiles today.

The Jew has planned and planned and prepared. He has a far-reaching and all-encompassing program for the control, domination and exploitation of his host, for whom he nurtures a terrible, pathological hatred. The driving force of his whole religion is hatred for his host. He has always hated his host nation with a terrible passion. How many times have we heard the expression ingrained in Jewish controlled books about the "whore of Babylon." The fact is that the Babylonian people were a good White people, a productive people, a creative people, who were finally destroyed by the Jews in their midst. Throughout history the Jews have propagated a vicious Iying propaganda about degeneracy of the Babylonian people; a monstrous lie.

When the Jews poured into the Roman civilization and finally destroyed it with the new suicidal religion they foisted upon the Romans, they then pictured the Romans as being cruel, degenerate and immoral. Even to this day, the Jewish movies coming out of Hollywood depict the Romans as a debauched and degenerate people. Even Iying Jewish propagandists like Billy
Graham perpetually denounce the Romans as cruel, debauched and tyrannical. Another terrible Jewish lie.

Having chosen to play the role of a parasite far back in their history, the die is now long cast and they can do no other than to roam the civilized world seeking any spot where they can settle down in the midst of an established community, where they can remain and prosper at the expense of others.

As a parasitic people the Jews can only survive by living on that which others produce. When they come into a community they bring nothing with them but their cunning and their treachery. The Jew knows when he enters the Gentile community that sooner or later he will be discovered and there will be violence and retribution. The thing the Jew fears more than anything else is open detection and the ensuing physical violence. One of his phrases throughout the centuries has been "Oy, gewalt!" This old Yiddish phrase translates "Oh, violence." Knowing that his parasitic activities of fleecing, robbing and plundering the Gentile community will eventually result in violence against his person, he prepares for it in advance. We go back to the quotation from Proverbs in which the Jews are advised "where there is no vision, a people perish." So as he sinks his tentacles deeply into the body of the community that he is about to ravish, he prepares in advance to
nullify, neutralize and minimize the opposition from the Gentile community that he knows
sooner or later will develop into hostility against him.

In this respect the Jew is very similar to other parasitic creatures of Nature. When a woodtick crawls up the leg of an individual he does so very stealthily and usually completely unnoticed. The woodtick is searching for an appropriate place on the body of the host he can dig into and suck its blood for its own nourishment. The woodtick knows that when he digs in, normally it would be painful to the host, therefore attract its attention and result in its being picked off and destroyed. But the woodtick has a
remedy for this. Before digging in he carefully anesthetizes the skin surface of the victim host. Having done this, it then carefully begins to chew and suck, all this time anesthetizing the area so that the host will feel no pain. Meanwhile, the head bores in deeper and deeper and the parasite begins to bloat itself on the blood of its victim without the host having felt any pain whatsoever, or even being aware of its presence. By the time the victim finally discovers the tick, it is thoroughly rooted into its flesh. The host is no longer in a position to remove it without causing pain and infection to himself and the death and destruction of the parasitic tick. Even though the victim now tries to remove the parasite, he cannot do so. He can pull off the bloated body and destroy part of the tick but the head will remain imbedded and cause infection and perhaps blood poisoning.

At this stage it becomes a major operation to remove the infectious tick, which he could have easily flicked off with a finger at the beginning, had he realized that the parasite had designs upon his blood. The parasitic operation of the Jew upon the body of his unfortunate host is very similar.
Being a non-productive parasite, the Jew has less than nothing to offer to the host community or nation which he enters and into which forthwith he beings to sink deep his tentacles. Remember the title of this chapter that the Jews are masters of deceit.

His main commodity is deceit and lies on a massive scale. Having chosen to be a professional parasite this characteristic is now so deeply and instinctively ingrained in his very nature that he knows by instinct what he must do to protect himself and what the weaknesses of his Gentile host are. He therefore chooses to concentrate on all the nerve centers of power in his productive and creative host. In short order, he has control of the main functions that determine the destiny and welfare of a people and a nation. The Jew does not farm, he does not labor in the fields, he does not work in the factories. He concentrates on placing himself in control of the money of a nation, of the news media of that country, of its educational facilities, and of its government. He labors diligently and skillfully to manipulate, confuse and confound the minds of his victims. Like the woodtick, he anesthetizes the brain of the Gentile nation in whose midst he has settled.
He sinks his tentacles deep and prepares to
counter any efforts to dislodge him.

Today, throughout the world in general, and in America in particular, we therefore find the Jew in charge of the nation's fiances.
He has complete control of the Federal Reserve System about which most Americans understand nothing, but believe that it is a department of the Federal Government. Many books have been written about Jewish ownership of the Federal Reserve System and we do not have space here to treat this subject in detail. But suffice it to say here that the Federal Reserve Board is not a government function, but a completely private system of banks owned, controlled and manipulated by the international Jewish bankers and completely beyond the reach and control of the Federal Government. Not that this would make much difference in any case, because the Federal Government also is controlled by the Jews, but it is significant to make this distinction.

Through manipulation, through the floating of Government bonds, the Federal Reserve can have billions printed for its own aggrandizement and pay nothing more for the billions of dollars that go into its coffers than the cost of the paper and ink involved. This usually costs about 7/10 of a cent per paper note, whether that note is a $10.00 bill or a $1000.00 bill. The actual printing is done by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, but the notes are then transferred to the international Jewish
bankers under the guise of the Federal Reserve System. The only expense to the bankers is the cost of the paper and ink.

Not only do the Jewish bankers get the money virtually free, but the U.S. Government is then obligated to issue U.S. Government Bonds as security for the loan involved. The American people are then shackled with not only paying off the principal of the Government Bonds over a period of years but also the interest thereon. These debts are never paid off, but on
the contrary, as the history of the last 40 years shows, they increase from year to year. And so the American taxpayer is increasingly enslaved in debts, paying interest in this generation and the next and the next to the international Jewish bankers, who, by and large, acquired the loan money free of charge from the Government Printing Office itself.

The Jews have been manipulators of money and usurpers of the nation's treasuries of the world from time immemorial. Their Bible speaks of the money changers in their temples. They were all, of course, Jews. The Jewish monopoly of money goes back as far as the history of money itself. The fraud of the Federal Reserve System is by no means new and it has evolved over the thousands of years from the ancient practice of the goldsmiths being safe keepers of the gold of wealthy individuals.

Gold has had a special and fascinating attraction to the Jews in particular from the earliest of times. From the early beginnings
of money, gold has been used as a means of exchange and from the earliest beginnings, the Jews have gravitated around the occupation of being safe keepers of other peoples' gold. They soon found that as they had a number of clients who kept gold in their vaults, that at no time did they all withdraw their gold at the same time. They then hit upon the secondary idea of loaning out some of the gold that belonged to somebody else at a rate of interest, which means they could loan out somebody else's
gold and have the borrower use it for a limited period of time with an additional amount of gold coming back as a premium. As the number of clients increased they found out that they could loan out practically 90 percent of all the gold they held and still have enough reserve on hand to cover any withdrawals. This then developed into the business of banking and this became a tremendously powerful tool for the benefit of the Jew in accumulating the wealth of the productive traders and merchants in
whose midst they operated.

From this basic beginning all foundations of banking have evolved. Today the Jews have added to this tricky arrangement thousands of further embellishments, and through the payments of interest, through the Federal Reserve System, through international loans and manipulations, they now exclusively control the money of the world.

Not only do they control the banking systems but they also control the stock markets of the world. Anyone examining the roster of those who own seats on the N.Y. Stock Exchange, or the other stock exchanges throughout the nation, will find that by and large they're all Jews, and a few associates of Jews. By also controlling the stock market, which they can manipulate up or down at will, they can and do skim all the benefits of the hard working, productive and creative Americans off the top into
their own coffers. Not only that, but by withholding credit at any time they choose, they can throw this nation (or any other nation) or the whole world economy, into a depression. Since these are planned and the Jews know in advance when they are going to do these things, they can, of course, again reap tremendous benefits and fleece the unsuspecting goyim forever and endlessly.

The Jew could never maintain such a stranglehold and such vicious control over his victims for any period of time were it not for the fact that he is also completely in control of the means of communications, the means of information, and the means of propaganda. Few people realize how powerful a tool propaganda is. Adolf Hitler has said correctly that by the use of
propaganda the Jews can make heaven look like hell, and hell look like heaven. This is only too true, and the Jews have done this skillfully and artistically. Because they control the money, they have the means wherewith to acquire control of all newspapers, all radio networks, all television networks, all television stations, all leading national magazines, and moreover, the news wires themselves, such as United Press International, the Associated Press, and every other news wire network.
Thus they can control every piece of news that goes nationwide, or worldwide for that matter. They can just as easily also suppress and reject any story that comes into their news gathering headquarters and withhold it from the world, and this is even more important.

Also in their arsenal of propaganda, and a very important one, is the movie industry — again completely controlled by the Jews. In fact, so thoroughly is Hollywood and the movie industry controlled by the Jews that Hollywood has often been referred to as Kosher Valley. The movie industry in the last 50 years has undoubtedly developed into one of the most powerful means of propaganda and brain pollution the world has ever seen. It is only in recent years that it has been equalled, and perhaps excelled by the Jewish controlled television industry. You can be sure that the movie industry was not left unexploited in promoting the interests of the Jews and in promoting their program for the destruction of the White Race.

During the war years the Jewish movie industry in Hollywood was busy cranking out one anti-German, anti-Hitler, anti-Nazi propaganda film after another. Being naive and gullible as we are, many of our brothers swallowed this poisonous bait and was enlisted in the Jewish snare of having the White Americans join in the vicious Jewish program of having White brothers kill White brothers in order to save the neck of the perfidious Jew. At the same time the communist countries were lauded to the skies. By treacherous Iying propaganda it was made to seem plausible that we, the United States of America, could join forces with Jewish controlled communist Russia in waging a suicidal war of destruction against the heroic defenders of the White Race, namely the German people.

Not only have the movies been used as instruments for getting us involved in suicidal wars, but they have also been used as a means of setting the tone of our morals and our mores. Basically they have been used to undermine and degenerate the moral climate of our youth and of our country as a whole. During the 1920's the movies had become debauched and degenerate to the point where they were threatening their own survival. Strangely enough, during the 30's the moral tone improved somewhat. Many of the best stories that have been put out by Hollywood originated during the 1930's and people were lured back into the movie theatres in large numbers. Then the Jew cleverly began to interject the anti-German, anti-Nazi propaganda into his revitalized movie industry and began to inflame and pollute the minds of the White people of America towards hatred and a willingness to accept the idea of war against their own White brothers.

During the war itself the movies went into high gear. Nearly every production was viciously slanted to enhance the war effort in destroying Germany. At the same time, injected into the theme was the idea of racial integration. When the war was over the idea of co-existence and collaboration with Russia was promoted along with an intensification of the idea of one world, one-world government, and the United Nations.

The television industry, which went into high gear shortly after the end of World War II, now rivals, and undoubtedly excels, the effectiveness and the viciousness of the movie industry itself in polluting the minds of the American people.
So thoroughly polluted have the minds of the American viewing audience become with the obsession of watching television that in many families, if their television set were taken away, they would be left absolutely helpless in knowing what to do with their time. Some mothers shunt their youngsters off into a room with the television set on, full blast, using the Jewish idiot box as a baby sitter for their youngsters. Little do they realize that while these impressionable young minds sit in front of these
Jewish boob-tubes, they are absorbing degenerate Jewish ideas. Nor do they realize that they are allowing their most precious possessions to become polluted with poison that will be hard to eliminate from the minds of their offspring for the rest of their lives.

And so with the Jews in full control of all the propaganda networks, the news wires, the newspapers, the radio networks, television networks, the movies, magazines and every other form of propaganda, America and the world is being deluged with the Jewish poison. Above all, the idea of racial loyalty is being portrayed as the most heinous crime a person could ever entertain in his thoughts.
Not one constructive idea comes out of all these hours and days and months and years of brain pollution that the Jew is promoting. In aggressive pursuit of his vicious program of brain pollution, the minds of our young people are the initial and main target. In order to capture the brains of our youth, the field of education is of vital importance and the Jews have completely monopolized our educational facilities for many, many decades.

Henry Ford wrote his excellent book The International Jew over 50 years ago. Here is what he says about the Jewry in schools and colleges: "Colleges are being constantly invaded by the Jewish idea." "The sons of the Anglo-Saxons are being attacked in their very heredity." "The sons of the builders, the makers, are being subverted to the philosophy of the destroyers." "Young men in the first exhilarating months of intellectual freedom are being seized with promissory doctrines, the source and consequences of which they do not see."... "The central group of Red philosophers in every university is a Jewish group, with
often enough a "Gentile front" in the shape of a deluded professor.

Some of these professors are in the pay of outside Red organizations. There are Intercollegiate Socialist Societies, swarming with Jews and Jewish influences, and toting Jewish professors around the country, addressing fraternities under the patronage of the best civic and university auspices."

In suggesting what to do about it, Henry Ford said, "Simply identify the source and nature of the influence which has overrun our schools and universities. Let the students know that their choice is between the Anglo-Saxon and the Tribe of Judah. ...
The only absolute antidote to the Jewish influence is to call college students back to a pride of race." Remember Henry Ford, the great American, wrote these lines back in 1921, over 50 years ago. Since then the Jewish avalanche in our educational systems, starting with kindergarten, running through grade school, high school, and through the
colleges, has turned these institutions for learning into absolute insane asylums in which the young, fertile, creative mind of the child is polluted and perverted into an instrument for its own destruction and for the destruction of its country, nation and race. What with compulsory laws compelling the parents to send their impressionable young children to school through the age of 16 today, it invariably amounts to becoming the inmate of a penitentiary for five days a week during school hours, and,
whether they like it or not, then having the young brains polluted with Jewish trash and garbage for the destruction of their race.

Henry Ford's idea of merely identifying the source today is no longer possible or practical. Much more fundamental and drastic measures must be taken. There is hardly a phase in any sphere of activity that controls the destiny of this nation that the Jews don't directly or indirectly
control. With two powerful segments in their hands, namely control of the means of propaganda, and control of the money, the government of the United States is a captive puppet going through the motions of being a democracy representing all the people.

There is hardly a public official in office of any importance today who is a free man. Almost every one of them has been placed in office or has obtained his position through Jewish manipulation and Jewish design. Having arrived where they are through the beneficence of the Jews, they then in turn must answer to the Jewish conspiracy. Behind a man like President Nixon is a Jewish boss like Henry Kissinger, born in Germany of a Jewish Rabbi. Not only does Nixon have one Jewish "advisor," but two.
The other is the Jew Arthur Burns, born Bernstein, in Austria, also the son of a Rabbi. In fact, Nixon's whole political career was originally launched back in 1946 by a Jew named Murray Chotiner. He has continuously guided Nixon's career and been the pimp between the Jewish community and Nixon.

President Lyndon B. Johnson had the notorious Abe Fortas and Walter Rostoff, both Jews. President Kennedy had Walter Rostoff and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. President Roosevelt had as his real boss the head of the Kehilla, the tough, no-nonsense Jew, Bernard Baruch, as well as several lesser Jewish advisors. And, so it goes.

The same kind of Jewish control, of Jewish background, of advising and controlling, is found all the way down to the local municipal level. Many Jews themselves are elected to office, but preferably they like to have some White Gentile stooge fronting for them with the Jews pulling the strings in the background, directing, manipulating, giving orders.
Should any honest, natural leader of the White Race try to run for office and make it on his own, the gigantic propaganda machines that the Jews have at their disposal are immediately set in motion. Such a man is then smeared and attacked and vilified. Or sometimes the reverse tactic is used and he is completely blacked out so that the voters hardly know that he is even running. Should such a natural leader make it despite all these handicaps, then the full power of the propaganda apparatus is brought into play to smear, besmirch and slander him, and downgrade him before the gullible public. The full resources of their money power is also brought into play and in the next election his opponent is well financed, given a
tremendous build-up by the news media.

Usually the Jews like to select as their front stooges, men who have a fatal weakness in their character and a shameful episode in their past, one not generally known to the public. Because of their weakness of character in general and their vulnerability to blackmail, such people are easy to manipulate. What with bribery and financial assistance, they are easily enticed into becoming traitors to their own race and doing the bidding of the Jews. They are easily kept in line by threat of
exposure of their disgraceful past.

I have mentioned the means of communications as being in the hands of the Jews. I have mentioned control of money and international banking, control of education and control of government as all being in the hands of the Jews. By no means does this cover the whole territory. In fact, there is hardly an activity of any significance in this country that is not directly or indirectly controlled by the "chosen" race. This also includes the law enforcement agencies, the courts and even the White Man's
religions. Of the latter we will have more to say in another chapter. I do want to mention here, however, the fact that most of the businesses, especially the significant big businesses, are all in the hands of the Jews.

Over 50 years ago Henry Ford wrote the following: "To make a list of the lines of businesses controlled by the Jews of the United States would be to touch most of the vital industries of the country — those which are really vital, and those which cultivated habits have been made to seem vital. The theatrical business is exclusively Jewish: play producing, booking, theatre operations are all in the hands of the Jews. This accounts for the fact that in almost every production today can be detected
propaganda, sometimes glaringly commercial advertisement, sometimes direct political construction."

"The motion picture industry; the sugar industry; the tobacco industry; 50 percent or more of the meat packing industry; over 60 percent of the shoe making industry; most of the musical purveying done in the country; jewelry; grain; cotton, oil; steel; magazine authorship; news distribution; liquor business; the loan business; these, to name only the industries with national and international sweep, are in control of the Jews of the United States, either alone or in association with Jews overseas."

This is what Henry Ford observed over 50 years ago. Having built the mighty Ford empire he found that some mysterious forces were trying to steal it from him through trickery and cunning. He suspected that these manipulators were being engineered by powerful Jewish financiers Being an intelligent and resourceful man, Mr. Ford set about to find the culprits back of this maneuver. He called into his office the most intelligent
research men within his acquaintance. He commissioned them to make a thorough study of the International Jew and published their fundings in The Dearborn Independent which, at that time, was the official organ of the Ford Motor Company.

The results of those findings, published in 1921, were a bombshell, not only to the Gentiles, but to the Jewish conspiracy itself, because it exposed their nefarious tactics in their world-wide conspiracy. The information compiled was a valuable contribution to the Gentiles of America and is recommended reading for everyone who wishes to learn more about the background of the International Jewish Conspiracy.

Most White people are terribly confused about the Jewish race. One of the sorriest notions most Gentiles have fallen for is the mistaken idea that Jews are members of the White Race. This is a most treacherous deception the Jews themselves have promoted among our people, but to their own they have made it abundantly clear that they have nothing in common with the
White Race.

Jewish Professor Leonard J. Fine, makes the racial point crystal clear to his own people: "We are not White symbolically, and we are not White literally. We should not permit ourselves to be lumped together with White America, for that is not where we belong."

Much time is wasted among the Gentiles in arguing whether the Jews are a race, or whether they are a religion, or whether they are a nation. The fact is they are all three, and it matters little in what proportion you want to attribute the importance of any of these three factors.

From ancient times, they have constituted a race that has been the plague of the civilized world. This they have been able to do because of the uniqueness of their religion. It was primarily designed to perpetuate and preserve the race by being a parasite on the body of productive nations. They are a world-wide nation and form a nation within a nation in each country on which they have fastened their tentacles. This includes just about every country in the world. If there is one factor that has
bound the Jews together and made them the most tenacious, persistent race in the world it is their Mosaic religion, and the resultant racial loyalty that it has imbued upon every Jew member.

The early origins of the Jewish race are lost in antiquity. The Jewish shibboleths as set forth in the story about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are, of course, so many Jewish lies which make a good story around which they can rally their ideology, but it has absolutely no basis in fact or history.

The Jews themselves have never bothered about really tracing their origins in history, which origins remain shrouded in mystery. They simply come out with a claim that they are the chosen people of God, a very special people, and they also claim the longest historical record of any people of earth. Whereas the former claim about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a basic tenet in their religion, one that has built the Jewish race, the second claim about having the longest historical record is hard to dispute.

The Jews appear and reappear in histories of other nations for 5000 years. Being basically a predator and a parasite, they were either never able to, nor have they ever been willing to establish a nation in their own right. This is rather a sorry record for such a strange and virulent race, and incredible when one considers that they claim to be the favorite "chosen" of God.

The word Jew is of fairly modern usage and derives from the word Judah and Judaic. In ancient history the Jews were known as Hebrews which derives from the Aramaic word "Ebri," which in turn derives from the Hebrew word "lbhri" meaning "one who is from across the river." Hebrew in all ancient literature was written as "Habiru" and appears as such frequently in the Bible and in Egyptian literature. In the Bible, Habiru is used interchangeably with "Sagaz" meaning cutthroat. Thus the Egyptians
always wrote of the Jews as "the cut-throat bandits from across the river."
Since Palestine was the crossroads of the ancient world, most of the wealthy trade routes crossed in this area. This, of course, made it a natural habitat for bands of cutthroats and robbers. The fact that deserts and mountains were part of the natural landscape further attributed to making this area the natural habitat for the development of a nation of bandits, cutthroats, robbers and parasites. This is exactly what developed, and this is as far as historical facts can show the early origin of the Jewish race.

A German Jew, Kastein, who shortened his name from Katzenstein, is recognized as an outstanding scholar of Jewish and Biblical history. In his History of the Jews, Kastein identifies many of the great names in Jewish history as bandits. He mentions Jepthah as one of the saviors of the Jewish people and identifies him as the robber chief of Gilead. Of the great Jewish hero David, he says, "At the time of Saul's death, we find David the leader of a band of free-booters, living in Ziklag... On hearing
that the throne was vacant, David immediately hastened to Hebron in Judea. Nobody had summoned him, but he put forward his claim to the kingship, declaring that Samuel had secretly appointed him." About the great and wise Solomon, Kastein has this to say, "Shelmo, Solomon the Peaceable, inaugurated his rule by committing three murders which cleared his path and got rid of his only brother, and did so without the slightest qualms of conscience."

The fact that Solomon, David and Jepthah were all blood-thirsty bandits is typical of all Jewish leaders. Whereas the Jews have been a part of history since the dawn of civilization, theirs has always been a history of treachery, of bloodshed, murder, robbery and crime.
Despite the fact that this peculiar race has persisted longer than any other on the face of the earth, two rather strange facts stand out. One is that over these thousands of years they never tried to form a country or nation of their own, and even today's bandit state of Israel is no exception to that statement. Israel is intended only to become the headquarters for the Jewish dictatorship of the world, not a gathering place for all the Jews of the world. The second strange fact is that this tough and persistent people has never developed a civilization or a culture of their own, all their claims to the contrary notwithstanding.

One of the outstanding fortes of the Jews is the skillful manipulation of propaganda. However, the record of the Hebrews and their history shows that all the Jewish claims of culture are entirely without foundation. The Horizon Book of Christianity, a standard reference work, says "The Jews began as an agglomeration of small tribes who later attained independence only in the interlude between the rise and fall of great empires. They have bequeathed no monuments testifying to magnificence.

There are no tombs of Hebrew kings with chaplets of gold and chariots studded with jewels. Palestine archeology has unearthed no statues of David or Solomon, but only water pots like the one from which Rebecca watered the camels of Abraham's servants."

The Oriental Institute of Chicago contains one of the world's most outstanding collections of the fine arts, specializing in Egyptian, Syrian and other cultures of the Near East, in the area which the Jews claim as that of their origin. One would expect to find the Jewish contribution to civilization well represented there. After walking through vast halls filled with great works of art, splendid statues, exquisite jewels, and other artifacts from the tombs of Egyptian and Assyrian conquerors, we come to the Jewish exhibit. Here we find a glass case filled with broken bits of clay pots, crude, undecorated, and unglazed utensils which
might have come down to us from the Stone Age. This is the great Jewish "culture" about which the Jews brag so flagrantly and it is about all they have to offer.

The fact is that the Jews were known throughout ancient history only as destroyers. They produced no art, founded no dynasties, built no great cities, and, alone of all the ancient peoples, had no talent for the finer things of culture or civilized life.

Yet today we will hear the Jews boast loud and long about how they are the sole torch bearers of civilization. The noted historian, Arnold Toynbee, defined the Jews for all time a few years ago, when he described them as a "fossil" people. By this he meant that they were a people who had failed to develop since the Stone Age, as their primitive clay pots prove to us. They were never able to master agriculture, animal husbandry, architecture, or any of the civilized arts. Even as a bandit nation the Jews were not too successful, and eked out a precarious living in Palestine where they were often on the verge of starvation.

Kastein says further of the Jews: "Some remained within the confines of Canaan, others settled down along the great military highway of the East, and in the neighboring deserts and wildernesses, where they led a nomadic existence, while a smaller section, driven by hunger, finally succeeded in reaching Egypt, where the Pharaohs took them under their protection."
The Egyptians, who built one of the earliest and one of the great civilizations of all time, failed to recognize their own greatest asset: the innate, inborn value of their racial lines which produced the civilization in their midst.

The Pharaohs having allowed the Jews to come in through sheer sympathy for their starved and miserable existence, were soon to learn the virulent and destructive nature of the parasite that they had allowed to enter. The Jews soon rose to high positions in the land of the Pharaohs, and, simultaneously, as was to happen in so many other countries, the Empire began to disintegrate. The parasites the Egyptians had taken in through sympathy, in short order began to manifest their outstanding
characteristics, namely that of tearing down a civilization from within. Gangs of bandits soon sprang up and began to harass and plunder the trade routes. They became bolder in the outposts of the Empire. They seemed to know just when to strike and which of the towns were poorly guarded.

With the Jews acting as leaders and catalysts, the process of trading in black slaves was increased and the Egyptian Empire began to decay from within.

We saw the same thing happen in the downfall of Babylon. In studying the French Revolution and the Russian communist revolution we find a similar and parallel occurrence.

A leading businessman, J. J. Cavanaugh, has compared the dispersion of the Jews to the physiological effects of cancer. He says, "The Jews can be best understood as a disease of civilization. They can be likened to the spread of cancer throughout the human system. Just as the Jews spread out through the civilized world, following the trade routes, so cancer cells spread through the body, traveling along the arteries and veins to every part of the system. And just as the Jews gather in critical areas
of the world and begin to multiply, and strangle and poison whole communities and nations, so cancer cells gather and multiply and destroy the organs of the body, and finally, the body itself."

Many historians of the ancient world noted the Jewish phenomenon, and commented upon it, but most of these works have since been destroyed. When Julius Caesar arrived in Alexandria, one of the first acts that he had his soldiers perform was to burn the great libraries that the Egyptians had accumulated in Alexandria. Since Julius Caesar was a defender of the Jews and one of their agents, this is easily understood. If we still had these libraries, these books and this information available to us today, we would undoubtedly be able to focus a lot more light on the influence of Jewish infestation on the ancient civilizations.

Among the few comments on Jews which have survived the Jewish destruction of libraries are those of Philo and Strabo. Philo, an important historian, wrote that "Jewish communities have spread out over all the continents and islands."
Strabo's comments upon the Jews, written in the time of the Emperor Augustus of Rome, is even more revealing. He wrote, "This people (the Jews) has already made its way into every city, and it is not easy to find any place in the habitable world which has not received this nation and in which it has not made its power felt."

So we see that as the Roman civilization developed the Jews were there. By the time of Julius Caesar the Jews were a powerful and controlling influence on the financial structure of Rome and the government of Rome itself. Julius Caesar was one of their agents, as in modern times were Roosevelt and Churchill. By this time the Romans themselves were becoming well aware of the evil and destructive influence that the Jews heaped upon their nation and there began a reaction against the Jews. The Romans, like so many other peoples who were infested with this parasite, made attempt after attempt to get the Jews out of Rome, but they always came back.

Rome, at the time of Julius Caesar, was operating under a republican/democratic form of government made up of many opposing political parties and groups, a situation similar to what we find in America today. In order to win, a politician needed the support of one group which would stick by him without fail and, thus, influence other groups to support him. In Roman times, as in the present day democracies, the one solidified, unified group who knew their purpose in politics were the Jews. They would guarantee their support to any politician who, in turn, would become their stooge.

Julius Caesar discovered this simple fact of life. He sought out the Jews and won their support. With the Jews behind him, Caesar soon became the dictator of Rome and the unchallenged ruler of the world. Alarmed by his increasing subservience to the Jews, a group of loyal senators, led by Brutus, a former friend of Caesar's in his pre-Jewish period, resolved to assassinate him. We have all heard of the famous assassination of Julius Caesar, but few have heard of the central fact in the case, namely
that Julius Caesar was assassinated because he was a stooge for the Jews. Emperor Augustus, who inherited the Empire after Caesar's generals fell out among themselves, again restored special privileges to the Jews. This explains why he emerged stronger than the other factions which divided Rome after Caesar's death.

Despite the strong Jewish influence, one factor emerged that helped strengthen the Roman position. The democratic/republican form of government changed to the Empire form, with an Emperor as head of the nation. The Romans had finally found from experience that the multi-party system, with the powers split among several divisive factions, was a weak and ineffective method of government. When they changed over to the leadership principle, the Empire for 200 years progressed amidst peace and prosperity. In fact, Pax Romana, a period from the time of Emperor Augustus to approximately 200 C.E., was the longest period of peace in the history of civilized nations of the world and in the history of the White Race.

We must remember that this was accomplished despite the Jewish influence and because some of the Emperors had the intestinal fortitude to resist the Jewish power.
This they could never have done under the democratic-republican system of government.
We find, therefore, under Emperor Vespasian, that when the Jews in Jerusalem and Judea rebelled, he sent General Titus down there to lay siege to the city. In short order the city was conquered, the inhabitants were either slain or sold into captivity and the city itself was levelled to the ground.

Roman justice was tough and final but the Jews were far from finished. It was at this time that Jewish hatred for the Romans reached its peak intensity. They hated the Romans with a vengeance as they had the Babylonians, whom they had destroyed earlier. This is a key characteristic of the Jews: to hate with a fierce passion the host upon whom they are feeding and whom they have marked for destruction. The fact that the host has been their main means of sustenance makes no difference. Like a
true parasite they will pursue the destruction of their host to the bitter end, although this might mean their own destruction.

Having learned the lesson in the destruction of Jerusalem that they were no match for the Romans in open combat, the treacherous and cunning mind of the Jews conceived a means of pulling down and destroying the Roman Empire. It was during this period, shortly after the destruction of Jerusalem that the Jews feverishly began propagating the Christian ideology
which implanted in the minds of the Romans such suicidal ideas as "turn the other cheek", "love shine enemy", "sell all thou hast and give it to the poor", "resist not evil", "judge not", "think not of the morrow", "lay up treasures in heaven."

The new religion that the Jews foisted upon the Romans promised them that if they would do all these suicidal things, they would get their reward in the hereafter, eternal salvation, etc. The Romans fell for this suicidal advice with the bait of a promised reward in the hereafter. Shortly thereupon the Roman Empire went into rapid decline.

When the Roman Empire collapsed, one of the primary reasons for its fall was the declining birth rate of Roman children. History records that eventually there was virtually no one left to rule Rome but mongrelized minority groups who had bred themselves into the majority and formed the mindless mob that brought death and destruction to the Roman Empire.

After the death of Emperor Domitian in 96 C.E., the emperors of Rome were no longer of Roman birth; from there on they were all foreigners influenced by Jewish "advisors" in the background. By the year 313 C.E., Emperor Constantine, in the Edict of Milan proclaimed Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. From there on out, under the influence of the Jewish ideology imposed on the Roman people, history shows that Rome began to disintegrate rapidly. By the year 476 C.E. the
barbarians from the West had conquered Rome with hardly any opposition.

The will of the now mongrelized and Christianized people of Rome to defend their nation and homes was gone. Rome was no more.
In all our history books, and especially in religious circles, we are told that Christianity and the Jews were in opposition; that Christ denounced the Jews; that the Jews crucified Christ. Even today we are being told in Kosher Konservative circles that the main objective of the Jews is to destroy Christianity. This is, of course, one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the world.

The facts are plainly there for everyone to see. The Jews concocted Christianity as their special poison to unhinge the minds of the Romans so that they would no longer be able to maintain their civilization. This was the Jews' revenge for the destruction of Jerusalem and the biological manifestation of the intense Jewish hatred for the host nation upon which they prey.

The Jewish historian, Kastein, frankly admits this extraordinary characteristic of the Jews. He says, "To the Jews, Rome constituted the quintessence of all that was odious and should be swept away from off the face of the earth. They hated Rome and her device, arma et leges, with an inhuman hatred." We have seen other examples of how the Jew continues to hate the people he has destroyed. Centuries after Babylon was no more the Jew fulminates again and again about "the whore of Babylon." But of all the nations, the Jews hated Rome the most, probably because Rome represented one of the finest examples of what a beautiful and powerful civilization can produce.

So terrible is the hatred that the parasitic Jew has for the host upon whom he feeds, that it is most important for the Jew to mask his true feelings. Consequently, he always appears bearing an olive branch. His first word is "shalom," or peace. It is this necessity to conceal his true feelings which leads the Jew to conduct his affairs and his meetings in secret.

We have much to learn from the history of Rome. Roman history probably is the greatest teacher mankind will ever have, for all time. They built a wonderful civilization, an achievement that has never been equalled.
On the negative side the lessons we can learn are even stronger.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
