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Mar 26, 2020
I don't think it puts holes in your aura anymore. It used to after 9/11 for sure but I think something changed.
Shieeeeeeeeeeet...Dat strong
Speaking from personal experience with that stuff I have had increased psychic attacks back when I used it but I chose to NOT do it anymore. It's been a few months since I quit taking that jew poison and I have noticed an increase in my overall health spiritually and physically! It was definitely holding me back.
the person who’s trying to spiritually advance who doesn’t use any drugs is stronger than the person who’s trying to advance who does use drugs, this includes marijuana. Drugs do weaken the aura and soul, maybe some like marijuana to a lesser extent but what that does is open you up to psychic attack, it does slow down your reaction time etc. people and the enemy can curse you easier especially if you don’t do cleaning.

they’re also bad for the mind, especially chronic use. the mind is important for advancement and and magickal ability. You will and can be more in control of your life with a sober and clean mind.
These things didn’t stop damaging a person at all. The only thing that changed probably is they are no longer hooking you into some sort of Jewish thoughtform as much or at all that was there the only reason for this is it is very weak or destroyed. This didn’t change that it still messes up your mind and life. Just made the energy more pleasant that is all.

So it’s never good to do this but yes I noticed this too although not with Marijuana I am talking about another medication someone I knew took that used to give off really bad vibe but doesn’t do anything much bad anymore energy wise. Still doesn’t mean any of this is good though.

It’s very stupid to use drugs.
After 9/11 :lol:
You know what, I think you may be right. Something about watching planes take down two buildings started making my chakras burst out of my body through my aura and do like the Dancing Israelis every time I'd take a bong rip.

Weed's safe goyim, don't worry about it.
Legendary Creature said:
What about marijuana that doesn’t have any THC? I have seen people on this forum advocating CBD oil.

it sucks you only use it to diminish positive symptoms of mania otherwise it's kinda worthless unless you need to remind yourself of what it feels like to get high
ER057H3F41R said:
I don't think it puts holes in your aura anymore. It used to after 9/11 for sure but I think something changed.

ShermanTank said:
Speaking from personal experience with that stuff (...)
Tried it like 3 years ago, had my sixth Chakra very dim for a while and headache. Also my Chakra was rotating slower than usual. Only took a few hits that time, while ~10 years ago I used to smoke a lot, I eventually stopped when I decided to start meditating seriously. That was my "hey let's try again one time".
Weed 2/10 would not recommend, either before, after or during 9/11.
ER057H3F41R said:
I don't think it puts holes in your aura anymore. It used to after 9/11 for sure but I think something changed.

Maybe you got this wonderful "idea" after smoking cat-grass tonight? So you burped out this wonderful masterpiece of logic and brilliance.
For sure the 9/11 changed marijuana DNA. Why didn't we think that before!!!
I am wondering if you trolls are now hired for cheap incomes somewhere in third world?
Have a nice day off trolling-call-center-operator!

PS Just wondering why those posts are online?
ER057H3F41R said:
Legendary Creature said:
What about marijuana that doesn’t have any THC? I have seen people on this forum advocating CBD oil.

it sucks you only use it to diminish positive symptoms of mania otherwise it's kinda worthless unless you need to remind yourself of what it feels like to get high

But it doesn’t get you high. Is it really any different than smoking a cigarette? Is smoking every once and while really such a bad thing (like once or twice a week)?
Legendary Creature said:
ER057H3F41R said:
Legendary Creature said:
What about marijuana that doesn’t have any THC? I have seen people on this forum advocating CBD oil.

it sucks you only use it to diminish positive symptoms of mania otherwise it's kinda worthless unless you need to remind yourself of what it feels like to get high

But it doesn’t get you high. Is it really any different than smoking a cigarette? Is smoking every once and while really such a bad thing (like once or twice a week)?

I see them promoting this literally everywhere even in places that really have nothing to do with it (such as a family video store saying we now sell cbd here on a poster in the window I saw this the other day walking by) so I would be sort of suspicious of what this is doing to people in reality on the spiritual or in the physical.

This may be better than many of the antidepressant type prescription medications they push but the point is that is not saying much. Even the street drugs such as weed and heavier ones are probably but that doesn’t mean anyone should ever use them.

Drugs in general weaken the aura and create holes in it as well as this leads to imbalances in the chakras and damages things.

The good news is it’s not insanely hard to heal some or all and it may not even take a long time unless someone was a serious addict for years (it kind of depends on what you used as well though) but that takes consistent meditation and of course not using the drugs at all again which is where most people fail.

Once someone becomes aware on the energetic level more so they will realize there is really no way to advance very much or at all if they are using any kind of drugs or even many of the meds they push on people. Think about it why are they pushing this stuff. Many people even if they meditate a lot with our meditations when using these substances are devolving and going backwards not advancing. The good news I think in this is that what people did meditation wise may not be a complete waste and once they are off the drugs they will advance much quicker because of it that was my experience but it takes getting off the drugs before they will advance regardless.

Once someone realizes this that should make them quit. Only then will they advance and heal fully.
Legendary Creature said:
ER057H3F41R said:
Legendary Creature said:
What about marijuana that doesn’t have any THC? I have seen people on this forum advocating CBD oil.

it sucks you only use it to diminish positive symptoms of mania otherwise it's kinda worthless unless you need to remind yourself of what it feels like to get high

But it doesn’t get you high. Is it really any different than smoking a cigarette? Is smoking every once and while really such a bad thing (like once or twice a week)?
Yes, it is very bad, and will mentally weaken you to the point you have to ask these questions and you behave like a degenerate like this fellow with strange name does.
Legendary Creature said:
But it doesn’t get you high.
Yes, it does. Talking past experience, if you don't feel it idk but it definitely does.
Legendary Creature said:
Is it really any different than smoking a cigarette?
Yes, it is not a cigarette. It's pot, they are different things and both harmful.
Legendary Creature said:
Is smoking every once and while really such a bad thing (like once or twice a week)?
Yes. If you don't need it for medical reasons (tourette syndrome etc, you're not smoking it anyway, you take CBD oil) then don't take it. Not hard I guess
If you want to look like the cool kids and can't self control your urge to get high, it's a problem of yours you should address. But remember, smoking pot is not Satanism
This cunt... anything to "get high" like it's more important than your own life. Get fucked instead maybe? Those asking questions shouldn't take pathetic trash like this seriously- very weak types of people that dont know shit, their like a sort of inverse of a child molesting priest where if you talk to them- you have to take an analytical and detached stance because they're essentially just walking piles of garbage. Talking to them and gaining information is like rooting through a scrapyard- an extraordinary slim chance that you'll find anything worthwhile. Meanwhile you are getting dirty around it and are gonna contract TB or general bad hygiene.

Not all who are involved in garbage really fully embody it, but they haven't found that out about themselves yet. Priest or potard.

Anyone can develop a cool, easy-going nature and that is usually what those who are interested by stoner types of people are after. It's called meditation- and not taking everything too seriously once in a while. The easy-going nature where nothing really matters in its extreme: this equates to the retard who sits around laughing at anything and cant act in his own interest anymore, all aspirations withering and all passions and dreams sinking into nothingness, lost. This is why many stoner types are just that, and all they have is weed to advertise themselves- because everything they had before it died with it. CBD is neither here nor there, Turmeric, Vitamins and Spirulina are pretty decent too- so CBD is nothing to do with being the above, just another supplement.

IMsa OvErdoSe on da CbDeeBies bRo, SCHWEEEEEEEEENG!!!!!
ghU , Uhg WhoT aBbout 3 11 mAyn.

I mean you have fucking astral projection, eternal life, teleki-fucking-knesis, why the hell is da wed better than those things, because jewboy said so- must be cool then goys lets follow the trend. I'm sure I can be Al Capone level gangster whilst I forget to brush my teeth because I tinks about the 3 11's too much.

Pirate11 said:
Legendary Creature said:
But it doesn’t get you high.
Yes, it does. Talking past experience, if you don't feel it idk but it definitely does.
Legendary Creature said:
Is it really any different than smoking a cigarette?
Yes, it is not a cigarette. It's pot, they are different things and both harmful.
Legendary Creature said:
Is smoking every once and while really such a bad thing (like once or twice a week)?
Yes. If you don't need it for medical reasons (tourette syndrome etc, you're not smoking it anyway, you take CBD oil) then don't take it. Not hard I guess
If you want to look like the cool kids and can't self control your urge to get high, it's a problem of yours you should address. But remember, smoking pot is not Satanism

But isn’t it the THC that actually gets you high? I don’t use regardless, I just see these stores selling CBD only weed in a state that is generally very anti-marijuana.
ER057H3F41R said:
I don't think it puts holes in your aura anymore. It used to after 9/11 for sure but I think something changed.

Since 9/11 you haven’t had a weed problem... it‘s only a problem when you run out of weed lol
Legendary Creature said:
Pirate11 said:
Legendary Creature said:
But it doesn’t get you high.
Yes, it does. Talking past experience, if you don't feel it idk but it definitely does.
Legendary Creature said:
Is it really any different than smoking a cigarette?
Yes, it is not a cigarette. It's pot, they are different things and both harmful.
Legendary Creature said:
Is smoking every once and while really such a bad thing (like once or twice a week)?
Yes. If you don't need it for medical reasons (tourette syndrome etc, you're not smoking it anyway, you take CBD oil) then don't take it. Not hard I guess
If you want to look like the cool kids and can't self control your urge to get high, it's a problem of yours you should address. But remember, smoking pot is not Satanism

But isn’t it the THC that actually gets you high? I don’t use regardless, I just see these stores selling CBD only weed in a state that is generally very anti-marijuana.

THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid that produces the type of high that most people are familiar and associate weed with. The light-headed, relaxed feelings of happiness and perceived - emphasis on perceived - expanded consciousness. Combining this with other cannabinoids will alter the high; that's why you can have sativas that induce excitement, mental stimulation and anxiety, and indicas that induce a physically calming body high. THC is still at play here, but the level of all the different cannabinoids are different and are what create differences in strains.

CBD is argued by some to counter THC's psychoactive element, but this isn't entirely true. It simply alters the high into something that's perceived as less intense. Taken alone, it still induces a calming effect which is why it's pushed on people with anxiety issues. My parents bought CBD oil once but decided against using it and gave it to me. I definitely felt something akin enough to a weed high that it sated my psychological urge to smoke. That's enough for me, personally, to conclude that it's still dangerous and ought to be avoided. It provides nothing that meditation can't provide already for free.

NinRick said:
ER057H3F41R said:
I don't think it puts holes in your aura anymore. It used to after 9/11 for sure but I think something changed.

Since 9/11 you haven’t had a weed problem... it‘s only a problem when you run out of weed lol

No no, you don't understand NinRick, 9/11 physically altered the genetic constitution of all weed everywhere and made it dangerous. But now it's been long enough that weed's recovered and is safe now. Like radiation or something.
Az I wuz waytzin dat tower blow up, I thought sheeet. Das Som real Shewt ma nigga. Then ma homeless homie pazzed me that joint az we wuz enjoining dat view with dat pot.

I be slaying theez bitches Cuz Potheads gets all tha girlz too chackmate bigut
I have a personal relationship with marijuana that makes it hard to abstain from. But I'm hoping that through empowering my soul I will no longer need it.

It's been hard to stay away from because I always get to a point in my life where my environment and routine are far too abysmally dull to cope with and I need something to change my life. Hopefully now that I am dedicated and spending most of my daily willpower on Spiritual Satanism that this will be a thing of the past.
ER057H3F41R said:
I don't think it puts holes in your aura anymore. It used to after 9/11 for sure but I think something changed.

LOL fuck
schiz0Thomas666 said:
I have a personal relationship with marijuana that makes it hard to abstain from. But I'm hoping that through empowering my soul I will no longer need it.

It's been hard to stay away from because I always get to a point in my life where my environment and routine are far too abysmally dull to cope with and I need something to change my life. Hopefully now that I am dedicated and spending most of my daily willpower on Spiritual Satanism that this will be a thing of the past.

Then get out of the house and do something interesting to you get a hobby. Simply do the rtr more or something. Most peoples lives are boring but that's no reason to turn to drugs. Find something else to do. I mean I am sure you can entertain yourself. Go out in nature etc. You dont need drugs just cause life is boring. Take that feeling and do the rtr more cause without the enemy everything would be hella fun more so.
schiz0Thomas666 said:
I have a personal relationship with marijuana that makes it hard to abstain from. But I'm hoping that through empowering my soul I will no longer need it.

It's been hard to stay away from because I always get to a point in my life where my environment and routine are far too abysmally dull to cope with and I need something to change my life. Hopefully now that I am dedicated and spending most of my daily willpower on Spiritual Satanism that this will be a thing of the past.

I had too. I think many of us did.

Once we realized how shit of a habit it was there was no going back to old habits.

Hope you get well and progress on your journey past those things.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
