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March 28th Group Ritual- Exposing the vatican

Feb 1, 2006

The destruction of the Vatican

Date of the ritual

Thursday March 28th. On this day the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits.

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, transformation, obsession, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Scorpio is usually permanent.

As shown above the day of this ritual is Thursday which is ruled by Jupiter and giving us the following benefits

Religion, higher education, good timing, and law

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Jupiter or Saturn

***On this day the moon will not enter Scorpio until 852PM EST here in the U.S. Before this the moon will be void so please adjust your times for your location and make sure that the moon is in Scorpio and no longer void***

Ritual Affirmations

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously
working to completely and totally reveal the hidden secrets of the Vatican to all Gentiles, ending in the vaticans destruction, now and for all eternity"

Ritual Affirmation- The hidden secrets of the Vatican are being revealed to all Gentiles, ending in the vatican's destruction, now and for all eternity

Blood Affirmation- "The energies within my blood, within my life force are for all eternity binding the Vatican into transparency, desperation, irrationality, and complete and utter failure"

Runes to be used

1.Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy


3.Nauthiz- suffering and hardship

4.Laguz- the hidden is revealed

***Extra Rune***

5.Isa- Magickally, Iss is a rune of binding and preventing action through hidden means. It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing. It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming. is also used in preventing any action and can ruin planned activity

Sigil to be used

The sigil for this ritual will include the seal of the Vatican found at the link

http://www.vatican.va/news_services/pre ... stemma.gif

***You can either use the above link or use the sigil templates created by our brother "En Haradren Amlug". Which the below link includes***

http://24.media.tumblr.com/e28ed07f2857 ... Ho1rw\

1.Take the image and draw three circles around the image. A small one around the image, a larger one around the first circle and an even larger circle around the second circle

2.In the space between the smallest and second largest circle draw the first four runes with each rune being presented equally

3.Inbetween the second largest and largest circle draw four isa runes. One on top, one on far right, one on bottom and one on far left.

4.Draw the four original runes in the center over top the image, and covering the image completely

Ritual Declaration

Time and time again in the dawn of this the new and permanent age of the Gentiles have we triumphed in disrupting the advances of the enemies of the Gentile Nations and destroying any efforts they make to disrupt our true and unbreakable willpower. The once strong Vatican, the seat and sole house of power within the entire right hand path is crumbling from within side.

Losing power daily they are becoming confused, distraught angry and lost in which way to turn. They have upped their attack only to be met by the strengthening force of we, the Warriors of Hell and complete and utter failure. They may twist and lie all they want, as they have done for centuries but the world is known to their corruption and for this they will up their attack.

Regardless of what they may do their fate is sealed within the stars and within the desire of all Gentiles. Their power is diminishing and their exposure is imminent. Their walls are ready to fall and with it so shall fall the right hand path, so shall fall the jew.

And by the energies I (state your full name) raise here tonight I shall see it done.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail to All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hell's Great Army

Hail to Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

1.Before beginning the ritual raise your energies through one or more techniques, which can include alternate nostril breathing, breath of fire or etc. This is so that you can remain strong during this ritual giving as much energy into it as possible but also to keep your energies from dropping causing you to become vulnerable due to the nature of the ritual

2.Cleanse your ritual area using satanic flames, affirming they are doing their job. This is to destroy any conflicting energies that remain on your ritual area

3.Open the ritual with the basic format found on the JoS or the grand Satanic Ritual format found on HP Vovim's website

4.Read the ritual declaration with much passion and know what you are reading is manifesting into reality

5.Burn the ritual declaration or save it and burn it at the end with the sigil

6.Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation one time and as you are saying the ritual affirmation see the entire sigil glow in a reddish gray energy

7.Begin with the rune Fehu and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Fehu runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

8.Begin with the rune Hagl and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Hagl runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

9.Begin with the rune Nauthiz and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Nauthiz runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

10.Begin with the rune Laguz and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Laguz runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

11.Begin with the rune Isa and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Isa runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

12.Take a sterilized needle, razor or etc. and make a small cut on your left index finer, or the finger of which is best to draw blood for you. In your blood draw an Isa rune upon the image of the Vatican in the center of the sigil as you do this recite the blood affirmation.

13.Vibrate Isa once more and see the Isa rune in your blood in a reddish-grey color

14.Take a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Raise as much anger during this time and direct this energy into the sigil

15.Burn the sigil and as it is burning recite the ritual affirmation as many times as needed until the flames have died out completely.

16.Dispose of the ashes in a degrading (flush them, piss on them, throw them away and spit on them, etc.)

17.Close the ritual

18.Clean your aura and raise your energies.
<td val[/IMG]Sounds great. For people in Aus the Moon is in scorpio, and is out of void after lunch time on the 29th and stays out until early morning on the 30th.

So the best time would be on the night of the 29th. (Friday night, Sat morning)

Thanks for putting this up.

Hail Satan!

--- On Mon, 25/3/13, strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@... wrote:
From: strengththroughsatan89 <horrorfan89@...
Subject: [JoS4adults] March 28th Group Ritual- Exposing the vatican
To: [email protected]
Received: Monday, 25 March, 2013, 8:09 PM


The destruction of the Vatican

Date of the ritual

Thursday March 28th. On this day the moon will be in the sign of Scorpio giving us the following benefits.

This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, transformation, obsession, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Scorpio is usually permanent.

As shown above the day of this ritual is Thursday which is ruled by Jupiter and giving us the following benefits

Religion, higher education, good timing, and law

Time of Ritual

During the hours of Jupiter or Saturn

***On this day the moon will not enter Scorpio until 852PM EST here in the U.S. Before this the moon will be void so please adjust your times for your location and make sure that the moon is in Scorpio and no longer void***

Ritual Affirmations

Runic Affirmation- "The energies of (name of rune) are continuously
working to completely and totally reveal the hidden secrets of the Vatican to all Gentiles, ending in the vaticans destruction, now and for all eternity"

Ritual Affirmation- The hidden secrets of the Vatican are being revealed to all Gentiles, ending in the vatican's destruction, now and for all eternity

Blood Affirmation- "The energies within my blood, within my life force are for all eternity binding the Vatican into transparency, desperation, irrationality, and complete and utter failure"

Runes to be used

1.    Fehu- Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy; instills fear and dependence in an enemy

2.    Hagl

3.    Nauthiz- suffering and hardship

4.    Laguz- the hidden is revealed

***Extra Rune***

5.    Isa- Magickally, Iss is a rune of binding and preventing action through hidden means. It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing. It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming. is also used in preventing any action and can ruin planned activity

Sigil to be used

The sigil for this ritual will include the seal of the Vatican found at the link

http://www.vatican.va/news_services/pre ... stemma.gif

***You can either use the above link or use the sigil templates created by our brother "En Haradren Amlug". Which the below link includes***

http://24.media.tumblr.com/e28ed07f2857 ... Ho1rw&#92;

1.    Take the image and draw three circles around the image. A small one around the image, a larger one around the first circle and an even larger circle around the second circle

2.    In the space between the smallest and second largest circle draw the first four runes with each rune being presented equally

3.    Inbetween the second largest and largest circle draw four isa runes. One on top, one on far right, one on bottom and one on far left.

4.    Draw the four original runes in the center over top the image, and covering the image completely

Ritual Declaration

Time and time again in the dawn of this the new and permanent age of the Gentiles have we triumphed in disrupting the advances of the enemies of the Gentile Nations and destroying any efforts they make to disrupt our true and unbreakable willpower.  The once strong Vatican, the seat and sole house of power within the entire right hand path is crumbling from within side.

Losing power daily they are becoming confused, distraught angry and lost in which way to turn. They have upped their attack only to be met by the strengthening force of we, the Warriors of Hell and complete and utter failure. They may twist and lie all they want, as they have done for centuries but the world is known to their corruption and for this they will up their attack.

Regardless of what they may do their fate is sealed within the stars and within the desire of all Gentiles. Their power is diminishing and their exposure is imminent. Their walls are ready to fall and with it so shall fall the right hand path, so shall fall the jew.

And by the energies I (state your full name) raise here tonight I shall see it done.

Hail Satan

Hail Beelzebub

Hail Astaroth

Hail Azazel

Hail to All Gods of Hell

Heil Hitler

Heil Heinrich Himmler

Hail to All Warriors of Hell's Great Army

Hail to Our Most Definite Victory

The Ritual

1.    Before beginning the ritual raise your energies through one or more techniques, which can include alternate nostril breathing, breath of fire or etc. This is so that you can remain strong during this ritual giving as much energy into it as possible but also to keep your energies from dropping causing you to become vulnerable due to the nature of the ritual

2.    Cleanse your ritual area using satanic flames, affirming they are doing their job. This is to destroy any conflicting energies that remain on your ritual area

3.    Open the ritual with the basic format found on the JoS or the grand Satanic Ritual format found on HP Vovim's website

4.    Read the ritual declaration with much passion and know what you are reading is manifesting into reality

5.    Burn the ritual declaration or save it and burn it at the end with the sigil

6.    Place the sigil on your alter and begin by repeating the ritual affirmation one time and as you are saying the ritual affirmation see the entire sigil glow in a reddish gray energy

7.    Begin with the rune Fehu and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Fehu runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

8.    Begin with the rune Hagl and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Hagl runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

9.    Begin with the rune Nauthiz and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Nauthiz runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

10.    Begin with the rune Laguz and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Laguz runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

11.    Begin with the rune Isa and begin the process of breathing. On each inhale recite the runic affirmation and upon the exhale vibrate the rune while seeing all the Isa runes upon the sigil glow in a reddish-grey energy. Do this process nine times and after the ninth time recite the ritual affirmation one time while seeing the entire sigil glow in a reddish-grey color.

12.    Take a sterilized needle, razor or etc. and make a small cut on your left index finer, or the finger of which is best to draw blood for you. In your blood draw an Isa rune upon the image of the Vatican in the center of the sigil as you do this recite the blood affirmation.

13.    Vibrate Isa once more and see the Isa rune in your blood in a reddish-grey color

14.    Take a few minutes and meditate on your desired outcome. Raise as much anger during this time and direct this energy into the sigil

15.    Burn the sigil and as it is burning recite the ritual affirmation as many times as needed until the flames have died out completely.

16.    Dispose of the ashes in a degrading (flush them, piss on them, throw them away and spit on them, etc.)

17.    Close the ritual

18.    Clean your aura and raise your energies.


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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
