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Manipulation Spell ? Please Help


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2018
I need to change someones business decision about a contrakt.
How can I do this ?
Fuchs said:
I need to change someones business decision about a contrakt.
How can I do this ?

I believe incorporating the use of a rune here should help you. The ISA rune is a rune of stillness and binding, "It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing" "It is also used in preventing any action and can ruin planned activity". Use the rune as an obstacle to prevent action and the fruition of this individual's decision and direct energy through an affirmation to better specify your intents.

I also recommend building extra on your aura of protection when using any runes for a working. You should vibrate the rune PERTHRO 10 or 20 times every single time first before you move onto vibrating ISA as the PERTHRO rune protects against the destructive forces of certain runes and is an extra layer of safety. I suggest vibrating ISA 9 times or a multiple of 9 as 9 is the number of endings. Follow through after with your own affirmation.

If you have any further questions please do ask as working with runes can be dangerous for some if you don't know what you are doing. You also don't have to do this but if you could write down the affirmation you plan on using with the working here, I could look it over and make sure there aren't any loopholes or potential dangers in it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:
I need to change someones business decision about a contrakt.
How can I do this ?

I believe incorporating the use of a rune here should help you. The ISA rune is a rune of stillness and binding, "It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing" "It is also used in preventing any action and can ruin planned activity". Use the rune as an obstacle to prevent action and the fruition of this individual's decision and direct energy through an affirmation to better specify your intents.

I also recommend building extra on your aura of protection when using any runes for a working. You should vibrate the rune PERTHRO 10 or 20 times every single time first before you move onto vibrating ISA as the PERTHRO rune protects against the destructive forces of certain runes and is an extra layer of safety. I suggest vibrating ISA 9 times or a multiple of 9 as 9 is the number of endings. Follow through after with your own affirmation.

If you have any further questions please do ask as working with runes can be dangerous for some if you don't know what you are doing. You also don't have to do this but if you could write down the affirmation you plan on using with the working here, I could look it over and make sure there aren't any loopholes or potential dangers in it.
I agree with your advice. Though I would recommend always vibrating each rune at least 25 times, as HPs Maxine has stated on page 29 of the runic kabalah, "My point here is that I have found kabbalistic vibrations should be performed at least 25 or more times to be effective. The number of times should be a multiple of the original number of the rune". So Perthro and Isa in this case should be vibrated for a number above 25 times.

Also while Isa is a great option for preventing someone from taking up a business contract, I'm uncertain if it would be very effective in making someone want to sign a contract that they previously refused to sign.
Though this is just me throwing in possibilities. Personally to me it seems like the stagnative effect of Isa would not be very great in making someone change their mind in this way, but I could be wrong. I have not used the Isa rune overly much personally as I go for a more dominative approach when working manipu-
lative magick. "Fire instead of Ice", if you will.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:
I need to change someones business decision about a contrakt.
How can I do this ?

I believe incorporating the use of a rune here should help you. The ISA rune is a rune of stillness and binding, "It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing" "It is also used in preventing any action and can ruin planned activity". Use the rune as an obstacle to prevent action and the fruition of this individual's decision and direct energy through an affirmation to better specify your intents.

I also recommend building extra on your aura of protection when using any runes for a working. You should vibrate the rune PERTHRO 10 or 20 times every single time first before you move onto vibrating ISA as the PERTHRO rune protects against the destructive forces of certain runes and is an extra layer of safety. I suggest vibrating ISA 9 times or a multiple of 9 as 9 is the number of endings. Follow through after with your own affirmation.

If you have any further questions please do ask as working with runes can be dangerous for some if you don't know what you are doing. You also don't have to do this but if you could write down the affirmation you plan on using with the working here, I could look it over and make sure there aren't any loopholes or potential dangers in it.

First of all thanks Ghost in the Machine for your fast and well written reply.
If i did undestand right. With the Isa rune I can freeze someones actions and with the affirmation redirect his intentions in the way I need it right?

The person which I want to manipulate doesn´t want to agree on a contract.

This could be a good affirmation:
[Person name] agrees immediatly, fully, permanent on the cheapest condition about the [ details/contract name ] contract. The contract duration is unlimited.

What do you think?
Fuchs said:

My assumption was you were trying to prevent someone from agreeing with the contract, hence the ISA rune and binding. If you want someone to actually agree with the contract then don't use the ISA rune, use SOWILO instead and vibrate it 8 or a multiple of 8 times instead of 9. SOWILO instills action and confidence and is the rune of final triumph, use this combatively to influence the individuals decision and persuade them to agree with the contract.

And if you have experience in working with colours or if you would like to try it out, use the colour orange for the energy in the working as this colour incites change, attraction and adaptability which will help with your goal. You can visualize the energy of the working as orange in colour; picture it entering the mind of your target with the intent to influence them to agree with the contract.

Your affirmation is also definitely a good start, but we can build upon it to make it even better and more specified. Always add "in a safe, healthy and positive way for me" even though you are using the energy on someone else, this is just a safety net to ensure nothing goes wrong on your end. So:

"In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, [name] now completely, totally and undoubtedly agrees with the cheapest condition about the [details/contract name] contract in every way. The duration of this contract and agreement is eternal." could be an example of an improved affirmation. It's important to remember that energy needs specifications for it's course. Think of energy as kind of like those asshole types of genies that grant a persons wish exactly as they word it even though it's not what the individual meant.

Keep doing your working until the individual finally does agree with the contract. Once they've agreed and signed themselves to it, you can then preform a working with the ISA rune to bind them to the contract and prevent them from 'escaping' it.
Shael said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:
I need to change someones business decision about a contrakt.
How can I do this ?

I believe incorporating the use of a rune here should help you. The ISA rune is a rune of stillness and binding, "It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing" "It is also used in preventing any action and can ruin planned activity". Use the rune as an obstacle to prevent action and the fruition of this individual's decision and direct energy through an affirmation to better specify your intents.

I also recommend building extra on your aura of protection when using any runes for a working. You should vibrate the rune PERTHRO 10 or 20 times every single time first before you move onto vibrating ISA as the PERTHRO rune protects against the destructive forces of certain runes and is an extra layer of safety. I suggest vibrating ISA 9 times or a multiple of 9 as 9 is the number of endings. Follow through after with your own affirmation.

If you have any further questions please do ask as working with runes can be dangerous for some if you don't know what you are doing. You also don't have to do this but if you could write down the affirmation you plan on using with the working here, I could look it over and make sure there aren't any loopholes or potential dangers in it.
I agree with your advice. Though I would recommend always vibrating each rune at least 25 times, as HPs Maxine has stated on page 29 of the runic kabalah, "My point here is that I have found kabbalistic vibrations should be performed at least 25 or more times to be effective. The number of times should be a multiple of the original number of the rune". So Perthro and Isa in this case should be vibrated for a number above 25 times.

Also while Isa is a great option for preventing someone from taking up a business contract, I'm uncertain if it would be very effective in making someone want to sign a contract that they previously refused to sign.
Though this is just me throwing in possibilities. Personally to me it seems like the stagnative effect of Isa would not be very great in making someone change their mind in this way, but I could be wrong. I have not used the Isa rune overly much personally as I go for a more dominative approach when working manipu-
lative magick. "Fire instead of Ice", if you will.

Thanks for your advice Shael
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:

My assumption was you were trying to prevent someone from agreeing with the contract, hence the ISA rune and binding. If you want someone to actually agree with the contract then don't use the ISA rune, use SOWILO instead and vibrate it 8 or a multiple of 8 times instead of 9. SOWILO instills action and confidence and is the rune of final triumph, use this combatively to influence the individuals decision and persuade them to agree with the contract.

And if you have experience in working with colours or if you would like to try it out, use the colour orange for the energy in the working as this colour incites change, attraction and adaptability which will help with your goal. You can visualize the energy of the working as orange in colour; picture it entering the mind of your target with the intent to influence them to agree with the contract.

Your affirmation is also definitely a good start, but we can build upon it to make it even better and more specified. Always add "in a safe, healthy and positive way for me" even though you are using the energy on someone else, this is just a safety net to ensure nothing goes wrong on your end. So:

"In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, [name] now completely, totally and undoubtedly agrees with the cheapest condition about the [details/contract name] contract in every way. The duration of this contract and agreement is eternal." could be an example of an improved affirmation. It's important to remember that energy needs specifications for it's course. Think of energy as kind of like those asshole types of genies that grant a persons wish exactly as they word it even though it's not what the individual meant.

Keep doing your working until the individual finally does agree with the contract. Once they've agreed and signed themselves to it, you can then preform a working with the ISA rune to bind them to the contract and prevent them from 'escaping' it.

Thanks for your help Ghost in the Machine.
Which astology time would be best to start this (Isa counts as black magic, is Sowilo used on someone else also black magic, I´m asking because of the calendar)?

Isa rune affirmation: In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, [name person] is unabel to cancel the [name contract] contract at any time.
Fuchs said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Fuchs said:

My assumption was you were trying to prevent someone from agreeing with the contract, hence the ISA rune and binding. If you want someone to actually agree with the contract then don't use the ISA rune, use SOWILO instead and vibrate it 8 or a multiple of 8 times instead of 9. SOWILO instills action and confidence and is the rune of final triumph, use this combatively to influence the individuals decision and persuade them to agree with the contract.

And if you have experience in working with colours or if you would like to try it out, use the colour orange for the energy in the working as this colour incites change, attraction and adaptability which will help with your goal. You can visualize the energy of the working as orange in colour; picture it entering the mind of your target with the intent to influence them to agree with the contract.

Your affirmation is also definitely a good start, but we can build upon it to make it even better and more specified. Always add "in a safe, healthy and positive way for me" even though you are using the energy on someone else, this is just a safety net to ensure nothing goes wrong on your end. So:

"In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, [name] now completely, totally and undoubtedly agrees with the cheapest condition about the [details/contract name] contract in every way. The duration of this contract and agreement is eternal." could be an example of an improved affirmation. It's important to remember that energy needs specifications for it's course. Think of energy as kind of like those asshole types of genies that grant a persons wish exactly as they word it even though it's not what the individual meant.

Keep doing your working until the individual finally does agree with the contract. Once they've agreed and signed themselves to it, you can then preform a working with the ISA rune to bind them to the contract and prevent them from 'escaping' it.

Thanks for your help Ghost in the Machine.
Which astology time would be best to start this (Isa counts as black magic, is Sowilo used on someone else also black magic, I´m asking because of the calendar)?

Isa rune affirmation: In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, [name person] is unabel to cancel the [name contract] contract at any time.
If you need it know and cannot wait at all then do it whenever (just make sure it's a waning Moon) if you can wait then check the Calendar for a time where its wrote that you can do a binding spell or/and Black magick. Make sure to clean your aura with Surya (or Raum whatever you use) after that spell, usualy after a binding spell you need to clean your aura and i'm sure what you are doing it's a binding spell. The affirmation is perfect.
Look at Ehwaz and Gebo.
Ehwaz for binding their thoughts and actions to your will, directed with an affirmation making them choose what you want them to.
Gebo for binding them to the obligation to do your will even if they don't want to.
Fuchs said:
Thanks for your help Ghost in the Machine.
Which astology time would be best to start this (Isa counts as black magic, is Sowilo used on someone else also black magic, I´m asking because of the calendar)?

Isa rune affirmation: In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, [name person] is unabel to cancel the [name contract] contract at any time.

My specialty is more in combative properties and warfare, not astrology. You can try asking our members who are adept in the divination of astrology such as Lydia for assistance regarding such or you can ask in the astrology section of our forums.

All runes can be used for either white magic or black magic, it depends on what you use the rune for, for SOWILO though, instilling action and what not are positive factors, you do not need to attack the individual negatively in order to persuade them, sometimes white magic can be just as good for combative needs depending on what you are trying to get the individual to do. If you use white magic for example to give somebody confidence to do something they initially didn't want to do, you are using white magic, but it will still result in you receiving what you wanted in the end if that makes any sense to you.

That affirmation should also work just fine for your goal with ISA afterwords. Remember what I said about using PERTHRO and such when using any rune, especially when using a rune for black magic.
Way_Seeker666 said:
Look at Ehwaz and Gebo.
Ehwaz for binding their thoughts and actions to your will, directed with an affirmation making them choose what you want them to.
Gebo for binding them to the obligation to do your will even if they don't want to.

^ these runes.

As for time, today, Moon in Libra (before the VoC). Libra rules contracts. Or the next few days, Scorpio, good for using your power to make others do what you want. And Moon in Sagittarius after, also good for this. So, you can start any day from now until (and including) Sunday, just make sure the Moon is not Void when you begin. Try to aim for hours of Venus, Jupiter, or Sun.
Lydia said:
Way_Seeker666 said:
Look at Ehwaz and Gebo.
Ehwaz for binding their thoughts and actions to your will, directed with an affirmation making them choose what you want them to.
Gebo for binding them to the obligation to do your will even if they don't want to.

^ these runes.

As for time, today, Moon in Libra (before the VoC). Libra rules contracts. Or the next few days, Scorpio, good for using your power to make others do what you want. And Moon in Sagittarius after, also good for this. So, you can start any day from now until (and including) Sunday, just make sure the Moon is not Void when you begin. Try to aim for hours of Venus, Jupiter, or Sun.
I'm courious, would this kind of spell count as a binding spell and so you would need to clean your aura after? In my opinion yes buy i would like to know your opinion.
Fuchs said:
I need to change someones business decision about a contrakt.
How can I do this ?
You can use Gebo and Isa to get what you want for free. The best option I recommend is to use a thought form.
luis said:
I'm courious, would this kind of spell count as a binding spell and so you would need to clean your aura after? In my opinion yes buy i would like to know your opinion.

It is a binding yes, although I don't believe it carries quite the same "risk" as a standard binding where you're stopping a person from being able to do/say/think/feel whatever it may be. Those energies could end up putting the brakes on the caster if not cleaned off. This one is for causing rather than preventing and puts the caster in control. Thay being said, I would still clean my soul after this, just in case someone or something tried to turn the residual energies against me. You know the old saying on prevention vs. cure.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
