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Major Victory

Dec 14, 2018
Black people, in general, seem to be more aware of what is really going on than most people think.


This is the power of the Final RTR. Our enemies will not be manifesting their plans so easily. Keep up the good work everyone.
Legendary Creature said:
Black people, in general, seem to be more aware of what is really going on than most people think.


This is the power of the Final RTR. Our enemies will not be manifesting their plans so easily. Keep up the good work everyone.

This news and the latest developments in the Floyd case are also a result of the race rituals of the past days.

Thanks for the news, I hope RT is telling the truth.
There are definitely more Whites in these riots than Blacks but even then I believe the majority of people (both Black and Whites) seems to be aware how stupid this situation is (Asians seem to be the most aware as I have not seen many if not at all in the news but I could be wrong). With the release of the bodycam things will be much better, some very stupids will still remain but the majority will be aware.
luis said:
There are definitely more Whites in these riots than Blacks but even then I believe the majority of people (both Black and Whites) seems to be aware how stupid this situation is (Asians seem to be the most aware as I have not seen many if not at all in the news but I could be wrong). With the release of the bodycam things will be much better, some very stupids will still remain but the majority will be aware.

As for Asians,
I think they simply don't give a shit for the most part, and I would never say they're the "most aware". Maybe on average they could be more aware, hypothetically, again though, I think the vast majority of them just clock in clock out and try to completely ignore average Americans let alone the crazy ones, but the most aware, as a collective, have and always will be a minority of White's.

Most of them are too busy serving as the socio-economic buffer between Whites and jews. A lot of Chinese "Americans" are good buddies with the jews if they're not in bed with them. In a way they piss me off more than other "minorities", in part because they're often times ignored and they could actually do more damage than the simply more violent and vocal minorities, they often get pandered to a bit too much by White's serving as a pacifier and a substitute for a White person's natural instinct for racial pride and identity(in my opinion), and mainly because we're told they're here because they're all very smart like they're all neurosurgeons, scientists, or brilliant engineers when the vast majority of them just take stereotypical upper middle/lower upper jobs. Jobs that could easily be filled by a native White person; forcing quality White people out of a decent paying job in this economy, but, "oy vey, you thought you could go to college for 4 or more years and get a decent American job you privileged White American. Mr India and Mr China just came in today and guess what, they're Asian! They most likely have an extra iq point, which isn't hard to find out of billions of people, they speak two languages, more or less, they didn't go to a dumbed down college catered specifically for non-whites with the intelligence just above that of an average white person, they worked very hard in their parent's back room sweat shop for 8 years, they rarely ask for vacations, and they don't piss me off as much when I look at them". And since so many of them are frugal and like to keep their money in their community, if not send it back home, there's hoards of the economy essentially evaporating and that will never be seen again by a White American. And more importantly, there's no end to them. Even if we(700 million Whites) produced three times the amount of geniuses per capita, they'd still have way more since they outnumber us at least 6.5 to one(4.5 billion Asians) and when you consider that so many mildly aware White Americans are completely stumped on worshiping multicultural meritocracy and are conditioned to not speak against the "smart/successful/patriotic" nonwhites including greedy "chad" jewish ceos and pals or else risk being called a loser, it could lead to them letting themselves get completely cucked by the Asians. They're like the patriotard version of hippies chanting meritocracy and calling out the "real racists", lol. Except there's no jew backing them this time, just a few Joe Rogans they can watch and listen to. Not going to throw the Japanese under the bus completely, since they're only one out of twenty Asian "Americans", and they're undoubtedly the best of them.
PlutonianPlatinum said:
luis said:
There are definitely more Whites in these riots than Blacks but even then I believe the majority of people (both Black and Whites) seems to be aware how stupid this situation is (Asians seem to be the most aware as I have not seen many if not at all in the news but I could be wrong). With the release of the bodycam things will be much better, some very stupids will still remain but the majority will be aware.

As for Asians,
I think they simply don't give a shit for the most part, and I would never say they're the "most aware". Maybe on average they could be more aware, hypothetically, again though, I think the vast majority of them just clock in clock out and try to completely ignore average Americans let alone the crazy ones, but the most aware, as a collective, have and always will be a minority of White's.

Most of them are too busy serving as the socio-economic buffer between Whites and jews. A lot of Chinese "Americans" are good buddies with the jews if they're not in bed with them. In a way they piss me off more than other "minorities", in part because they're often times ignored and they could actually do more damage than the simply more violent and vocal minorities, they often get pandered to a bit too much by White's serving as a pacifier and a substitute for a White person's natural instinct for racial pride and identity(in my opinion), and mainly because we're told they're here because they're all very smart like they're all neurosurgeons, scientists, or brilliant engineers when the vast majority of them just take stereotypical upper middle/lower upper jobs. Jobs that could easily be filled by a native White person; forcing quality White people out of a decent paying job in this economy, but, "oy vey, you thought you could go to college for 4 or more years and get a decent American job you privileged White American. Mr India and Mr China just came in today and guess what, they're Asian! They most likely have an extra iq point, which isn't hard to find out of billions of people, they speak two languages, more or less, they didn't go to a dumbed down college catered specifically for non-whites with the intelligence just above that of an average white person, they worked very hard in their parent's back room sweat shop for 8 years, they rarely ask for vacations, and they don't piss me off as much when I look at them". And since so many of them are frugal and like to keep their money in their community, if not send it back home, there's hoards of the economy essentially evaporating and that will never be seen again by a White American. And more importantly, there's no end to them. Even if we(700 million Whites) produced three times the amount of geniuses per capita, they'd still have way more since they outnumber us at least 6.5 to one(4.5 billion Asians) and when you consider that so many mildly aware White Americans are completely stumped on worshiping multicultural meritocracy and are conditioned to not speak against the "smart/successful/patriotic" nonwhites including greedy "chad" jewish ceos and pals or else risk being called a loser, it could lead to them letting themselves get completely cucked by the Asians. They're like the patriotard version of hippies chanting meritocracy and calling out the "real racists", lol. Except there's no jew backing them this time, just a few Joe Rogans they can watch and listen to. Not going to throw the Japanese under the bus completely, since they're only one out of twenty Asian "Americans", and they're undoubtedly the best of them.
It's all jews fault. This would be fixed if each race lived separated, probabily it would work better in a society without jews but of course each race need to be separated for the best of all.
Legendary Creature said:
Black people, in general, seem to be more aware of what is really going on than most people think.


This is the power of the Final RTR. Our enemies will not be manifesting their plans so easily. Keep up the good work everyone.

Great to read this from someone else, I noticed exactly the same today when talking to a Black guy from work.

Hail Satan!
Zoomer Blacks are definitely more aware of the Jewry messing with their community

I really find it funny how they tried to brainwash young blacks into the oppression, only to have them look deeper into what's keeping them down and realize that the answer is jews
PlutonianPlatinum said:

I'm Asian and I feel the stereotype about Asians being "Smart" is rather unfounded. Sure there are SOME smart ones but majority I interact with seem to be rather narrow-minded or just lack common sense. I have NEVER MET an Asian HERE who is aware of the worldwide Jew problem. Do take note that these opinions are purely limited to interactions with the Asians in my REGION (Which comprise almost 100% Asians. I occasionally see Whites a few times in my lifetime and very rarely see Blacks and never interacted with both).

HERE, I will have to agree that most (even though I feel like ALL here) actually don't give a shit. And yes, majority are very frugal (even if rich) and place ALOT of emphasis on money, material assets, saving one's reputation/face and social status/hierarchy. Many are motivated (some also owing to strict parents who don't want to lose 'face') to study hard in school and strive for the promise of a well paid and reputable job. Most burn the books into their brains and play by its rules. Many may be well-educated but when challenged to think beyond, they may become dogmatic, rigid or just shit their pants and continue their denial. However, I feel that their being educated also means that they are less likely to participate in destructive activities which can also be a plus but I do note that academical intellect is only 'A' form of intellect and does not necessarily add to the awareness we're concerned about. Asians HERE are very discrete when it comes to sensitive topics and would prefer to avoid them at all costs to avoid challenging anyone upfront. Quite a number here also just adopt the mainstream racial prejudice of the portrayed media but are discrete about it. This may also be a reason why I 'haven't' come across anyone seemingly aware but judging from MY prolonged interactions with them, I think I may feel otherwise as the reasons stated above. Many play by social politics to fit in socially and they are generally afraid to go against stereotypical norms and voice their own opinions. Those within my sphere of contact are just too focus on climbing the social ladder to mind anything else. Surely there are Asians who are well aware but at least NOT those I KNOW...

I know that we should be proud of our own race but I just can't help but feel otherwise after seeing many unaware cowards who just insist on the beliefs they were brought up with (even if presented with evidence that conclude otherwise) which just annoys the shit outta me. I know there are a great number of Asians and their numbers would probably be put to better use if only they were more aware and braver... makes me feel rather ashamed like we aren't contributing much to fighting Jewish oppression.

Therefore I was a little dumbfounded that there hasn't been an awakening race ritual for Asians as it would surely make a difference if they could at least be more aware...
Blue_Turtle said:
PlutonianPlatinum said:

I'm Asian and I feel the stereotype about Asians being "Smart" is rather unfounded. Sure there are SOME smart ones but majority I interact with seem to be rather narrow-minded or just lack common sense. I have NEVER MET an Asian HERE who is aware of the worldwide Jew problem. Do take note that these opinions are purely limited to interactions with the Asians in my REGION (Which comprise almost 100% Asians. I occasionally see Whites a few times in my lifetime and very rarely see Blacks and never interacted with both).

HERE, I will have to agree that most (even though I feel like ALL here) actually don't give a shit. And yes, majority are very frugal (even if rich) and place ALOT of emphasis on money, material assets, saving one's reputation/face and social status/hierarchy. Many are motivated (some also owing to strict parents who don't want to lose 'face') to study hard in school and strive for the promise of a well paid and reputable job. Most burn the books into their brains and play by its rules. Many may be well-educated but when challenged to think beyond, they may become dogmatic, rigid or just shit their pants and continue their denial. However, I feel that their being educated also means that they are less likely to participate in destructive activities which can also be a plus but I do note that academical intellect is only 'A' form of intellect and does not necessarily add to the awareness we're concerned about. Asians HERE are very discrete when it comes to sensitive topics and would prefer to avoid them at all costs to avoid challenging anyone upfront. Quite a number here also just adopt the mainstream racial prejudice of the portrayed media but are discrete about it. This may also be a reason why I 'haven't' come across anyone seemingly aware but judging from MY prolonged interactions with them, I think I may feel otherwise as the reasons stated above. Many play by social politics to fit in socially and they are generally afraid to go against stereotypical norms and voice their own opinions. Those within my sphere of contact are just too focus on climbing the social ladder to mind anything else. Surely there are Asians who are well aware but at least NOT those I KNOW...

I know that we should be proud of our own race but I just can't help but feel otherwise after seeing many unaware cowards who just insist on the beliefs they were brought up with (even if presented with evidence that conclude otherwise) which just annoys the shit outta me. I know there are a great number of Asians and their numbers would probably be put to better use if only they were more aware and braver... makes me feel rather ashamed like we aren't contributing much to fighting Jewish oppression.

Therefore I was a little dumbfounded that there hasn't been an awakening race ritual for Asians as it would surely make a difference if they could at least be more aware...

Part of it is just a cultural/language barrier, to be fair. Not to mention one is more reserved like you said, and in the other information just get's thrown in the fan.
I think if a significant portion of Asians became jew aware, and defended nationalism, and vice versa, it would really accelerate the awakening of both races. Especially Whites, I think a lot them can only be awakened by a person who isn't White, unfortunately, and it would surely make it much easier for other White's to talk to them. Though, I think this would happen abroad first, really Japan, perhaps Korea, maybe Hong Kong; which is probably too early to tell. I think if one of them became very "anit-semitic" that would do more for the West than if an Eastern European country became "anti-semitic" first. It's got to start somewhere. We need to make you into a Satanic secret agent, lol.

I'm sure there's something out there to work with. Who ever makes those animes seems to know what's going on. Isn't there a Japanese professional who was trying to say that israel used an offshore nuke to cause Fukushima? Hong Kong can probably be told about the jewish origins of communism, and ccp, and the jewish Sassoon family that was a key figure in China's opium crisis/war. There's Thomas Goodrich's book about the truth of Japan during and after the war, "Summer, 1945—Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate", which is basically more of the same of the American occupational brutality seen in Germany as explained in "Hellstorm", and of course lies about the Japanese.
Blue_Turtle said:
PlutonianPlatinum said:

I'm Asian and I feel the stereotype about Asians being "Smart" is rather unfounded. Sure there are SOME smart ones but majority I interact with seem to be rather narrow-minded or just lack common sense. I have NEVER MET an Asian HERE who is aware of the worldwide Jew problem. Do take note that these opinions are purely limited to interactions with the Asians in my REGION (Which comprise almost 100% Asians. I occasionally see Whites a few times in my lifetime and very rarely see Blacks and never interacted with both).

HERE, I will have to agree that most (even though I feel like ALL here) actually don't give a shit. And yes, majority are very frugal (even if rich) and place ALOT of emphasis on money, material assets, saving one's reputation/face and social status/hierarchy. Many are motivated (some also owing to strict parents who don't want to lose 'face') to study hard in school and strive for the promise of a well paid and reputable job. Most burn the books into their brains and play by its rules. Many may be well-educated but when challenged to think beyond, they may become dogmatic, rigid or just shit their pants and continue their denial. However, I feel that their being educated also means that they are less likely to participate in destructive activities which can also be a plus but I do note that academical intellect is only 'A' form of intellect and does not necessarily add to the awareness we're concerned about. Asians HERE are very discrete when it comes to sensitive topics and would prefer to avoid them at all costs to avoid challenging anyone upfront. Quite a number here also just adopt the mainstream racial prejudice of the portrayed media but are discrete about it. This may also be a reason why I 'haven't' come across anyone seemingly aware but judging from MY prolonged interactions with them, I think I may feel otherwise as the reasons stated above. Many play by social politics to fit in socially and they are generally afraid to go against stereotypical norms and voice their own opinions. Those within my sphere of contact are just too focus on climbing the social ladder to mind anything else. Surely there are Asians who are well aware but at least NOT those I KNOW...

I know that we should be proud of our own race but I just can't help but feel otherwise after seeing many unaware cowards who just insist on the beliefs they were brought up with (even if presented with evidence that conclude otherwise) which just annoys the shit outta me. I know there are a great number of Asians and their numbers would probably be put to better use if only they were more aware and braver... makes me feel rather ashamed like we aren't contributing much to fighting Jewish oppression.

Therefore I was a little dumbfounded that there hasn't been an awakening race ritual for Asians as it would surely make a difference if they could at least be more aware...
To me Asians seems to be quite neutral and "smart" enough to not do stupid shits. Of course this is not everybody and it seems they are not aware in the majority of the jews.
Blue_Turtle said:
Therefore I was a little dumbfounded that there hasn't been an awakening race ritual for Asians as it would surely make a difference if they could at least be more aware...
You said it yourself that you never see blacks and very little whites, what do you need an awakening for, we whites have to constantly see blacks because of the mass immigration or because others live in America, and many whites just accept it like it's nothing, your people will not accept such a disgusting thing, therefore they already have racial common sense.
Aquarius said:
Blue_Turtle said:
Therefore I was a little dumbfounded that there hasn't been an awakening race ritual for Asians as it would surely make a difference if they could at least be more aware...
You said it yourself that you never see blacks and very little whites, what do you need an awakening for, we whites have to constantly see blacks because of the mass immigration or because others live in America, and many whites just accept it like it's nothing, your people will not accept such a disgusting thing, therefore they already have racial common sense.

Yes, the interracial rate is lower than other races but from seeing the affirmations done during the rituals for the awakening rituals, some include affirming the race as being aware of the Jewish menace. As you mentioned, there probably is not much need for Asians to be more racially aware as they more or less are but the affirmation for being more aware of enemy is desirable... Unless there are other rituals that have the same effect/affirmation for this? I do not know how to term it otherwise but to follow by its given name, my bad.
Blue_Turtle said:
Yes, the interracial rate is lower than other races but from seeing the affirmations done during the rituals for the awakening rituals, some include affirming the race as being aware of the Jewish menace. As you mentioned, there probably is not much need for Asians to be more racially aware as they more or less are but the affirmation for being more aware of enemy is desirable... Unless there are other rituals that have the same effect/affirmation for this? I do not know how to term it otherwise but to follow by its given name, my bad.

Final RTR.

While white race and black race have race awakening rituals asians should be focusing on final rtr.
Blue_Turtle said:
Aquarius said:
Blue_Turtle said:
Therefore I was a little dumbfounded that there hasn't been an awakening race ritual for Asians as it would surely make a difference if they could at least be more aware...
You said it yourself that you never see blacks and very little whites, what do you need an awakening for, we whites have to constantly see blacks because of the mass immigration or because others live in America, and many whites just accept it like it's nothing, your people will not accept such a disgusting thing, therefore they already have racial common sense.

Yes, the interracial rate is lower than other races but from seeing the affirmations done during the rituals for the awakening rituals, some include affirming the race as being aware of the Jewish menace. As you mentioned, there probably is not much need for Asians to be more racially aware as they more or less are but the affirmation for being more aware of enemy is desirable... Unless there are other rituals that have the same effect/affirmation for this? I do not know how to term it otherwise but to follow by its given name, my bad.
Your people will never accept jewish bullshit to the extent western countries have accepted it. You say you're ashamed of how people are close minded but you don't know how good you have it actually, if you're ashamed of such racial conscious people than what should we Whites be? Since our people seem to enjoy destroying their own race through race mixing and being degenerates.
Aquarius said:
Blue_Turtle said:
Aquarius said:
You said it yourself that you never see blacks and very little whites, what do you need an awakening for, we whites have to constantly see blacks because of the mass immigration or because others live in America, and many whites just accept it like it's nothing, your people will not accept such a disgusting thing, therefore they already have racial common sense.

Yes, the interracial rate is lower than other races but from seeing the affirmations done during the rituals for the awakening rituals, some include affirming the race as being aware of the Jewish menace. As you mentioned, there probably is not much need for Asians to be more racially aware as they more or less are but the affirmation for being more aware of enemy is desirable... Unless there are other rituals that have the same effect/affirmation for this? I do not know how to term it otherwise but to follow by its given name, my bad.
Your people will never accept jewish bullshit to the extent western countries have accepted it. You say you're ashamed of how people are close minded but you don't know how good you have it actually, if you're ashamed of such racial conscious people than what should we Whites be? Since our people seem to enjoy destroying their own race through race mixing and being degenerates.

Yes, you're right. Pls excuse my ignorance in this matter. Seems I need to do some introspection and cleaning as I have been experiencing intense bouts of negative energy that seems to be muddling with my thoughts recently. I've still got a lot to learn. Thanks for the insight.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
