Length said:
something i need to understand is what are the main chakras. meaning the spine or middle set with the other being extensions. also the root and crown doesn't have extensions but on the jos web the root has extensions in a picture of the chakras and their extensions
Front = emotional chakras
Middle/Center-line = Main chakras
Rear = Kundalini chakras: most powerful chakras at least considering their intent in being pierced by the kundalini and transmitting energy throughout the nadi system.
Middle = main and extensions are front, rear, and sides to those having sides. Why primarily because if we view the seven chakras as rear we ignore the transition alignment of Sahasrara. Sahasrara is aligned with center-line chakras.
That is what I know. The hip chakras are red cause they are slightly above the muladhara chakra. Like anahata the shoulder chakras sit slightly above the chest area.
Also I have my own semi-off topic question to Granthis are those natural blocks that exist in everyone or are they natural and reinforced by the enemy or are they unnatural and are machinations from the enemy who sealed them up?