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Magnum Opus Levels Explained

Wotanwarrior said:
satansdisciple34 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
I have had this doubt for a long time: someone for example 3000 years ago may have reached the level 3 of the Magnum Opus and in subsequent and more recent reincarnations may not be able to reach it again because of the biblical curses of the hebrew alphabet?
When the person reaches level 3 they are on the same level of immortality as the Gods. There is very little chance it would ever go back to 2, unless the soul was extremely damaged, which is near impossible. Curses work different on the Gods spiritually than those who didn’t achieve the Magnum Opus at level 2 or above. What some might feel as a pinch passes straight through them as if it doesn’t exist. The Hebrew letters prevent the serpent from rising, but once it has risen the effects of the letters on it change. The Hebrew letters cannot make someone drop from their Magnum Opus level. You simply can’t spiritually block someone on that scale who already has that much control over their existence.

Even with meditations from the Gods, it’s by Satan’s grace that they would ever work.

Hail Astaroth!

If once this phase is reached instead of reaching full immortality someone decides to reincarnate again, you have to raise your kundalini again and re-doing the works, this is where the jewish curses would prevent you from reaching this level again.
Simply put, once you re-raise your kundalini, you will pickup from where you started. Level 2, or Level 3. So you can be prevented from re-waking up to those levels of the Magnum Opus, simply by being prevented from waking up in the first place. You’d live with a perfected sleeping soul :lol:

You have to re-raise your Kundalini again because it needs to re-adjust to the new physical body. Other than that, the soul simply can’t drop from that kind of state once it’s been reached. Note that it says those who reach level 3 can die and reincarnate at will.
Peter said:
Hello Hoodedcobra666.
This is one of the best writings I have read from you!

So there are 3 levels.
Level 1 = Nigredo
Level 2 = Albedo
Level 3 = Rubedo

This is correct?
There is a so-called. Also "Citrinitas" condition, what is it?

Unfortunately, he doesn’t write about what changes are going on in the soul exactly!

Is level 1 the fully ascended kundalini, or just the awakened?

So I would love to read exactly what is happening in the soul, what is being transformed on these levels, what spiritual work needs to be done.

Another question is, for an average person, how long can it take to get to Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 in a fair amount of time? With 90-100 minutes of exercise a day, with a balanced program.
How many hours of exercise per day do you suggest anyway?
Can you develop faster with 150-200 minutes of exercise a day?

Another question if you can tell us about this:
At what level are you and the JOS High Priests?

Sorry if I asked wrong.

I hope you understand, I don't speak English well.


Can anyone answer these questions?
Important to me.
EnkiUK3 said:
Konerloner said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because this question entails many answers, I'll just answer on this mistake: History is not what we have been told. It has been re-written copiously from 350 A.D or so, and many chapters have been removed. The same goes for artifacts.

We are being lied about history even today, and artifacts and unnerving proofs are never allowed to the surface. One example is this recent program that discovered the skeletons of greys somewhere in Peru and Latin America recently. These things would never made it to the light before the Internet.

I do not believe Egyptians or anyone else willingly accepted the Jews, especially so in the spiritual levels they were. One cannot easily be fooled on such advanced levels, let alone Pharaohs. Jews never had the large grip they historically lie they did, until rather recently. There is no "acceptance" or just "stupid mistakes" as the enemy claims, certainly not so in regards to Early or Middle Egypt.

For the most part in Ancient Civilizations, jews were just a pest going around and around doing looting and being unwelcome everywhere, and kept on the sides. This included other bandits.

They never ascended to the top of any of these civilizations, but they played a role in accelerating their fall. Jews started "mattering" a lot in Rome. Before this, they were insidious agitators and destroyers of civilizations, sort of like termites on a big tree.

We also have to contribute the other factor which is the alien invasion factor, on top of falsification of history factor, which is a heavy one. The Xian bandits destroyed everything they could historically for well over 1400 years, and wrote pseudeprigraphical texts to lie about history and our past.

So I have a few questions such as why exactly do we hate Jews again I mean I've had a few problems with an old friend calling me a Nazi and such but it mostly just confuses me, also about the 40 day meditation program I skipped the night meditation sort of accidentally which isn't too bad right (day 4-5) also is there anyway I can email you directly cause I have a few more questions and such.

Dont hate Jews as thats illegal.(Some Parts)
We are just pro Satanist so therefore disregard the rest of the lies from such "religions"

You sound like one of those people from the offshoot groups that some people tried to create.
But truth is Satan himself made it very clear he doesn't like Jews. If you read the JOS site that is clear also. Doesnt matter if something is illegal like this somewhere cause they can't as of now monitor your thoughts and charge you with a crime for thinking stuff hopefully they never will be able to as well.

Bet you don't do the rtr either. If you did then why is it positive and helpful or even there if the Jews are or can be accepted by Satan.

You need to think and read www.satanisgod.org
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
Thanks for your effort .
What if I failed in the journey of life
and did not complete magnum opus ?

will be there another chance reincarnation

Yes, most definitely.

So let me just clear this up. Is it actually possible to achieve immortality of the Magnum Opus in a single lifetime? Depending on the 'level' perhaps?

And are there ways to tell how connected your soul is to the physical body? Such as a knack for biokinesis for instance? I always figured and deduced that for such workings especially in more complex forms to be done successfully would really require a good connection between the soul and physical body in order to actually effect the biology of which the soul is tied to.

I never really grasped how difficult it's actually supposed to be and always just assumed it's the one of the more 'casual' forms of magic that just needs a lot of power to it, but this sermon has brought it to my attention once again that perhaps this connection has a lot more to do with it than I initially thought, because to change the biology of the physical body is to simultaneously spiritually alter the mirror of the soul for it as well. There'd have to be some sort of tight bridge between them is what I'm speculating but correct me if I'm wrong.

Depending on the level one could, such as Hitler. If you’re trying to figure out what level you’re on, don’t base this off of one ability or two alone. You’ve got to look at the totality of the soul, because while this is linear, it’s more like a linear graph. Maybe a loopdeloop. There’s other parts of the soul and many abilities. Also, sometimes not all of these abilities need be tapped into in order to be present. They’re not all useful for ones particular life path, imo. Although I have a lot to learn. There are many abilities someone can possess, having a natural knack for one or two can tell you a lot about your “speciality” like particular Gods and Goddesses, they’re capable of all though. I don’t like to view things as linear. Sometimes I have difficulty in wording my thoughts. Some of my own natural abilities are in visions, art, and math. Though I cannot actually write out math problems. It’s all, for now, in my head. One day, out of the blue, this just came about as I grew up. I blew some teachers minds, as I was never taught calculus and I was not your classic “good student” I was able to answer problems with accuracy by vision and thought. Unlocking the powers of the soul is important and caused this, this was uncomfortable for me for a long time though. I didn’t have fun with math. It’s just something I did without wanting to, the rest of my mind needed to catch up. I also rewrote many natural laws, and can on occasion create some insane works of art. It comes in bursts. Since then, I’ve largely let it math go unless I need to cross trade stocks. I’ve had random high paying mathematical gigs, but I’m not “qualified” by any means. I don’t have shit to show on paper except results. This is also where race comes in to being important, because if I wasn’t in an aryan body I’m not sure this would come as easily or naturally, though it exists. This may not be as cool as biokinesis or pyrokinesis, or even seemingly special... but it is useful and powerful (to anyone eager in developing “supernatural abilities,” there’s no need to race to the top) I’m not sure if a person can compare what possessing specific abilities means in regards to advancement. A lot of this for many of us is a game of catch up, I highly recommend trance and ehwaz in resurfacing past abilities. Trying to resurface them can be uncomfortable if one isn’t caught up in other areas. Sometimes, these can resurface without a proper understanding or power over them. Though, at that point generally the Gods will help come in to educate you in gaining control. Careful with what you say on here, I noticed you also gave some insight to your location at one point. I may have as well and I haven’t been the most careful either. I’m not always sure what is or isn’t safe to say, but I feel safer now more than ever. I just know that people with specific abilities may be sought after and these forums are public.
satansdisciple34 said:
Wotanwarrior said:

If once this phase is reached instead of reaching full immortality someone decides to reincarnate again, you have to raise your kundalini again and re-doing the works, this is where the jewish curses would prevent you from reaching this level again.
Simply put, once you re-raise your kundalini, you will pickup from where you started. Level 2, or Level 3. So you can be prevented from re-waking up to those levels of the Magnum Opus, simply by being prevented from waking up in the first place. You’d live with a perfected sleeping soul :lol:

You have to re-raise your Kundalini again because it needs to re-adjust to the new physical body. Other than that, the soul simply can’t drop from that kind of state once it’s been reached. Note that it says those who reach level 3 can die and reincarnate at will.

Good answer. All of us as members carry pieces of the puzzle and we are here to bring it all to the forefront. I’m glad we can help each other.
I wonder where George Washington and Alexander the great were at.
Blackdragon666 said:
I wonder the levels George Washington and Alexander the Great were at.
Alexander completed it as far as I am aware, so the third level.
Blackdragon666 said:
I wonder the levels George Washington and Alexander the Great were at.

Many important members of the illustration and the founders of the United States reached level 2 and some may even level 3 as well.
In the old ages when someone was deified, for example, Alexander the Great was because they had reached level 3 or even complete immortality.
I think the age we are in also matters if you read "Lemurian Scrolls" by Sat guru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya it describes how humans would achieve the Magnum opus were Atman fully manifests and you are converted into a being of Light you don't die and you ascend to Siva loka i.e the heavenly planets were the Gods abide this of course would happen in the monastery and the ascended Human would even communicate to his friends or fellow monks on earth on how Siva loka is they will come a point/age we're this would be facilitated on a large scale....the Magnum Opus is were you are converted into a being of Light (Atman) and ageing is completely reversed there are some advanced yogis who raise the Kundalini over and over to slow the ageing process were they can live up to 200 years and over and chose when to die but this is not the Opus....in the Hindu Saivite Siddhanta sect they say Siva (God) is in 3 eternal aspects Parasiva the u manifested,timeless,formless, incomprehensible e.t.c aspect....Satchidananda the eternal manifested consciousness of Parasiva this is Light, Superconsciousness and the eternal manifested Fire cosmic body of Parasiva called Mahesvara now every soul has Parasiva and Satchidananda and infact by default we are supposed to be consciously Superconsciousness ( Satchidananda) what we are here to do on Bhuloka (middle physical realm) is to merge the spirit body (individual soul) into Mahesvara the cosmic fire body of Parasiva while being consciously Superconsciousness ( Satchidananda) so for the spirit body to merge into Mahesvara it had to develop the other bodies from mental down to the physical bodies to develop the physical body we needed to descend from Siva loka (heavenly realms) to Bhuloka the middle physical realm on a planet whose core is hot ( fire planet ) for the Kundalini to work optimally and use the physical and other bodies developed to merge the individual soul/spirit body into Mahesvara (cosmic fire body or body of Brahma) bringing the other bodies also astral which contains the mental, emotional bodies..the pranic body which is in-between the astral and physical bodies all these bodies merge into Mahesvara to give you the Light body,Fire body, Diamond thunderbolt body e.t.c now when the Kundalini was attacked and dropped in humanity we lost Satchidananda (Superconsciousness) while in the physical bodies(one becomes Superconsciousness when they die)with psychic powers that came naturally to us so the first rising of the snake power is to restore this default position we had when we first descended to have physical bodies then the final permanent rising is when the full Opus is achieved in the current age we are in very ,very,very few souls will achieve this.... this has to do with the radiation we are getting from the Central Sun i.e the Sun at the middle of every Galaxy which all the solar systems in a Galaxy rotate around it's this radiation that determines the 4 main ages when it's at its fullest this is the Golden age (sat yuga) now I think the repitialians chose to attack the planet when the radiation is at its lowest Kali yuga and have to achieve their agenda before the next Golden age.....the merging of the bodies into Mahesvara is what we here to do this is Dharma(Divine Cosmic Order) the Swastika and higher intelligences and the Gods as upholders of Dharma assist Divine individual souls to do this it's like a Divine duty from Siva itself that's why even you when you ascend you also start assisting lower Divine souls to ascend this is the Eternal Natural Way ( Sanatana Dharma to the Hindus ,Mahat to the Egyptians ,the Tao to the Chinese,Dao to the Japanese and so on and forth) and according to the Hindu Saivite sect ( who have Murugan/Satan as one of their 3 main God's ....Parasiva the supreme source of everything and Ganesh being the others) say is the eventual destiny of every soul without exception.....
slyscorpion said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Konerloner said:
So I have a few questions such as why exactly do we hate Jews again I mean I've had a few problems with an old friend calling me a Nazi and such but it mostly just confuses me, also about the 40 day meditation program I skipped the night meditation sort of accidentally which isn't too bad right (day 4-5) also is there anyway I can email you directly cause I have a few more questions and such.

Dont hate Jews as thats illegal.(Some Parts)
We are just pro Satanist so therefore disregard the rest of the lies from such "religions"

You sound like one of those people from the offshoot groups that some people tried to create.
But truth is Satan himself made it very clear he doesn't like Jews. If you read the JOS site that is clear also. Doesnt matter if something is illegal like this somewhere cause they can't as of now monitor your thoughts and charge you with a crime for thinking stuff hopefully they never will be able to as well.

Bet you don't do the rtr either. If you did then why is it positive and helpful or even there if the Jews are or can be accepted by Satan.

You need to think and read http://www.satanisgod.org

Im not going to get myself a charge for saying that i hate jews when you obviously my thoughts. Been here since 2013 was talking to a poster with 1 post saying why do we hate jews.

i have posted personal details on here hence the safety but if you want to accuse me off some utter tripe then it doesnt bother me im only trying explain, although i shouldnt have too, you should realise what i was doing :lol: :lol: :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
<o> said:
"-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events."

For instance, visiting an area that isn't there a couple years later?

This is extremely rare and closely impossible [2-3 humans have been recorded in all of history doing this] and Thoth himself [Hermes Trismegistus] but it is called "Walking through the dimensions", and one can appear and re-appear materially, sort of like teleportation.

If one was part Jewish even in the slightest would it be impossible for them to "walk through the dimensions"? I would very very much appreciate an answer to this more than the original question I had as it may clear up alot of self hate
Blackdragon666 said:
I wonder where George Washington and Alexander the great were at.
George Washington has a baphomet-like statue adapted to look like him, I’m pretty sure he’s made Satan proud
Sundara said:
satansdisciple34 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
If once this phase is reached instead of reaching full immortality someone decides to reincarnate again, you have to raise your kundalini again and re-doing the works, this is where the jewish curses would prevent you from reaching this level again.
Simply put, once you re-raise your kundalini, you will pickup from where you started. Level 2, or Level 3. So you can be prevented from re-waking up to those levels of the Magnum Opus, simply by being prevented from waking up in the first place. You’d live with a perfected sleeping soul :lol:

You have to re-raise your Kundalini again because it needs to re-adjust to the new physical body. Other than that, the soul simply can’t drop from that kind of state once it’s been reached. Note that it says those who reach level 3 can die and reincarnate at will.

Good answer. All of us as members carry pieces of the puzzle and we are here to bring it all to the forefront. I’m glad we can help each other.
It has been an honour to be serving The Lord, which in turn is also us serving ourselves, as He also has our best interests in His heart. I will continue to do so for the rest of eternity.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, most definitely.

So let me just clear this up. Is it actually possible to achieve immortality of the Magnum Opus in a single lifetime? Depending on the 'level' perhaps?

And are there ways to tell how connected your soul is to the physical body? Such as a knack for biokinesis for instance? I always figured and deduced that for such workings especially in more complex forms to be done successfully would really require a good connection between the soul and physical body in order to actually effect the biology of which the soul is tied to.

I never really grasped how difficult it's actually supposed to be and always just assumed it's the one of the more 'casual' forms of magic that just needs a lot of power to it, but this sermon has brought it to my attention once again that perhaps this connection has a lot more to do with it than I initially thought, because to change the biology of the physical body is to simultaneously spiritually alter the mirror of the soul for it as well. There'd have to be some sort of tight bridge between them is what I'm speculating but correct me if I'm wrong.

Depending on the level one could, such as Hitler. If you’re trying to figure out what level you’re on, don’t base this off of one ability or two alone. You’ve got to look at the totality of the soul, because while this is linear, it’s more like a linear graph. Maybe a loopdeloop. There’s other parts of the soul and many abilities. Also, sometimes not all of these abilities need be tapped into in order to be present. They’re not all useful for ones particular life path, imo. Although I have a lot to learn. There are many abilities someone can possess, having a natural knack for one or two can tell you a lot about your “speciality” like particular Gods and Goddesses, they’re capable of all though. I don’t like to view things as linear. Sometimes I have difficulty in wording my thoughts. Some of my own natural abilities are in visions, art, and math. Though I cannot actually write out math problems. It’s all, for now, in my head. One day, out of the blue, this just came about as I grew up. I blew some teachers minds, as I was never taught calculus and I was not your classic “good student” I was able to answer problems with accuracy by vision and thought. Unlocking the powers of the soul is important and caused this, this was uncomfortable for me for a long time though. I didn’t have fun with math. It’s just something I did without wanting to, the rest of my mind needed to catch up. I also rewrote many natural laws, and can on occasion create some insane works of art. It comes in bursts. Since then, I’ve largely let it math go unless I need to cross trade stocks. I’ve had random high paying mathematical gigs, but I’m not “qualified” by any means. I don’t have shit to show on paper except results. This is also where race comes in to being important, because if I wasn’t in an aryan body I’m not sure this would come as easily or naturally, though it exists. This may not be as cool as biokinesis or pyrokinesis, or even seemingly special... but it is useful and powerful (to anyone eager in developing “supernatural abilities,” there’s no need to race to the top) I’m not sure if a person can compare what possessing specific abilities means in regards to advancement. A lot of this for many of us is a game of catch up, I highly recommend trance and ehwaz in resurfacing past abilities. Trying to resurface them can be uncomfortable if one isn’t caught up in other areas. Sometimes, these can resurface without a proper understanding or power over them. Though, at that point generally the Gods will help come in to educate you in gaining control. Careful with what you say on here, I noticed you also gave some insight to your location at one point. I may have as well and I haven’t been the most careful either. I’m not always sure what is or isn’t safe to say, but I feel safer now more than ever. I just know that people with specific abilities may be sought after and these forums are public.

But Hitler wasn't on this earth in his later life he was taken somewhere else and he probably had support from people around him wherever he was. This doesnt mean it is totally a great possibility here in our current circumstances unfortunately. I havent really heard of anyone on earth in this current time really doing it not even Maxine I dont think. I am thinking its really hard on earth with the current vibration and some curses still here and all the other stuff people have to be with even if they were reincarnated after almost achieving it the previous life.

But Hitler wasn't on this earth in his later life he was taken somewhere else and he probably had support from people around him wherever he was. This doesnt mean it is totally a great possibility here in our current circumstances unfortunately. I havent really heard of anyone on earth in this current time really doing it not even Maxine I dont think. I am thinking its really hard on earth with the current vibration and some curses still here and all the other stuff people have to be with even if they were reincarnated after almost achieving it the previous life.[/quote]

I don’t think so. It may seem that way to you right now, but keep doing the RTR’s and working on yourself. The odds are ever in our favor.
slyscorpion said:
But Hitler wasn't on this earth in his later life he was taken somewhere else and he probably had support from people around him wherever he was.

I recall a recent about +/- week or two ago. Someone mentioned that he was escorted to Shamballah the Tibetan located underground city.

It might be probable he may have been escorted off-World to another place but that doesn't mean those underground are any less advanced. Sure perhaps not as free to make a civilization above ground but certainly they have the spiritual understanding.
<o> said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
<o> said:
"-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events."

For instance, visiting an area that isn't there a couple years later?

This is extremely rare and closely impossible [2-3 humans have been recorded in all of history doing this] and Thoth himself [Hermes Trismegistus] but it is called "Walking through the dimensions", and one can appear and re-appear materially, sort of like teleportation.

If one was part Jewish even in the slightest would it be impossible for them to "walk through the dimensions"? I would very very much appreciate an answer to this more than the original question I had as it may clear up alot of self hate
Yes the Jews can and do astral project if that is what you are asking. They are not meant to advance as much as humans can but they can develop all sorts of siddhis even to high degrees like the jesuits.

Are we also to understand that you are part jewish?
Wotanwarrior said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I wonder the levels George Washington and Alexander the Great were at.

Many important members of the illustration and the founders of the United States reached level 2 and some may even level 3 as well.
In the old ages when someone was deified, for example, Alexander the Great was because they had reached level 3 or even complete immortality.
I see. :ugeek:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I wonder where George Washington and Alexander the great were at.
They finished it
I don't think so they died the Magnum Opus you don't die the aging process is completing reversed and you are converted into a being of Light George Washington was Self Realised at the soul level with the Magnum Opus the physical body also gets Self Realised making the physical body youthful and you are converted into a being of Light you then ascend to Siva Loka to be with the Gods as one of them in our current age it's difficult to achieve given the Repitialian problem and the low radiation we are getting from the Central Sun this is what determines the Yugas(ages) we are at the lowest point Kali yuga when the Golden age nears this is when the radiation of the Central Sun is at its fullest the Hindu swamis say that the Kundalini of the earth which is connected to the Kundalini in the spine will be enhanced and the snake will automatically rise this event will be so intense that if one is not well prepared they can even disintergrate animals will even start talking ,there will be bigger flowers were a human can even lie on ,bigger trees e.t.c everything gets enhanced most will achieve the Magnum Opus during that time but in our current time it's very difficult power meditation now mainly serves as preparation for the Golden age some have achieved the Opus in the Kali yuga the present times we are in but those are very few some Hindu adepts say that they will also be a mini Golden age within the Kali yuga I suspect that those who are well prepared will probably also achieve then that is before the real major Golden age comes....with the Magnum Opus the physical body doesn't die it merges with Atman and you become a Solar being what most are achieving in this current age is just at the soul/spirit body level you do become a god at that level but only the soul merges with Atman with the Magnum Opus the physical body also merges reversing the aging process there is no physical death....
TopoftheAbyss said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I wonder where George Washington and Alexander the great were at.
They finished it
I don't think so they died the Magnum Opus you don't die the aging process is completing reversed and you are converted into a being of Light George Washington was Self Realised at the soul level with the Magnum Opus the physical body also gets Self Realised making the physical body youthful and you are converted into a being of Light you then ascend to Siva Loka to be with the Gods as one of them in our current age it's difficult to achieve given the Repitialian problem and the low radiation we are getting from the Central Sun this is what determines the Yugas(ages) we are at the lowest point Kali yuga when the Golden age nears this is when the radiation of the Central Sun is at its fullest the Hindu swamis say that the Kundalini of the earth which is connected to the Kundalini in the spine will be enhanced and the snake will automatically rise this event will be so intense that if one is not well prepared they can even disintergrate animals will even start talking ,there will be bigger flowers were a human can even lie on ,bigger trees e.t.c everything gets enhanced most will achieve the Magnum Opus during that time but in our current time it's very difficult power meditation now mainly serves as preparation for the Golden age some have achieved the Opus in the Kali yuga the present times we are in but those are very few some Hindu adepts say that they will also be a mini Golden age within the Kali yuga I suspect that those who are well prepared will probably also achieve then that is before the real major Golden age comes....with the Magnum Opus the physical body doesn't die it merges with Atman and you become a Solar being what most are achieving in this current age is just at the soul/spirit body level you do become a god at that level but only the soul merges with Atman with the Magnum Opus the physical body also merges reversing the aging process there is no physical death....
Sundara said:
satansdisciple34 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
If once this phase is reached instead of reaching full immortality someone decides to reincarnate again, you have to raise your kundalini again and re-doing the works, this is where the jewish curses would prevent you from reaching this level again.
Simply put, once you re-raise your kundalini, you will pickup from where you started. Level 2, or Level 3. So you can be prevented from re-waking up to those levels of the Magnum Opus, simply by being prevented from waking up in the first place. You’d live with a perfected sleeping soul :lol:

You have to re-raise your Kundalini again because it needs to re-adjust to the new physical body. Other than that, the soul simply can’t drop from that kind of state once it’s been reached. Note that it says those who reach level 3 can die and reincarnate at will.

Good answer. All of us as members carry pieces of the puzzle and we are here to bring it all to the forefront. I’m glad we can help each other.
(Apologies for making so many posts)
On the JoS meditations there is one called Meditation On The Spirit, it says all aspects of consciousness is of the Earth element. So keeping that in mind when we reincarnate our conscience becomes active on the physical body, meaning the conscience is physical for the time being but for it to also become spiritual it would first need to have a soul, which as SS we do, which is why we raise our Kundalini. But let’s say you don’t raise it, your conscience will simply shift to your soul when you die, then if you have achieved the Magnum Opus levels you would be strolling around with that. And if you’ve forgotten your memories, you would need to re-learn all the new things that were available to do on the specific Magnum Opus levels, 2 or 3, but the soul itself will remain on the highest level you’ve achieved. Imagine the times you went on a rollercoaster ride, the adrenaline rush can’t be forgotten, the same way the state of the soul cannot be changed. Unless you piss off The Lord, that’s really one of the only ways you’d lose it.
<o> said:
If one was part Jewish even in the slightest would it be impossible for them to "walk through the dimensions"? I would very very much appreciate an answer to this more than the original question I had as it may clear up alot of self hate
Teleportation can easily be explained as a process, and you do not have to be a gentile in order to do this. As Cobra said, it's a very very advanced thing and so not many are capable of it. But in pure theory, anyone who is sufficiently advanced could do it, even a jew. Of course, no jew would ever reach a level like this to begin with however.

You should try to recognize that you're just having the basic "am I a jew?" attack, and get over it. Clean yourself and stop worrying.
For this topic, let me play the devil's advocate a bit

A little backstory for this. Back in 2012 there was the new age thing about ascension and the end of the world stuff with the mayan calendar and all that. Anyway, I didn't really believed in the actual end of times, but expected a massive change of some kind.

Then, nothing happened and you can imagine my disappointment. The new age sites kept going on about delays like how god is waiting for more humans to be able to ascend and that kind of bullshit. I guess I was kinda broken hearted for about a whole year. Then, pissed and not trusting anything anymore I found jos.

Since then, things cleared, but to me personally any topic of ascension remains a hole in my soul so to speak. Also I think it has the detrimental aspect of giving one hopes. Some of you even say that this is possible in this very lifetime. I find myself bitter laughing at this possibility. You fight and you endure pain till you die and that's it. And then you come back in the next life and fight some more. If one becomes in the end a master at the art of war, yes he then might get promoted but that is a remote possibility in a far far away future.

You all keep talking here about the advanced yogis in the east. The mongol empire razed all Asia. Where was their enlightenment then to be seen by everyone? Oh boy, I think those conquered by the mongols sure wished for better warrior leaders than spiritual ones. I don't mean to discredit the spiritual part and advancement, but I think it's better to not put the carriage before the horses. We should first focus on bettering ourselves at war and then think about the rewards. Look at us now, 2000 years enslaved by a bunch of rats and their overlords. The only thing that comes to my mind is that we are weak. Nothing to be ashamed of, we just have to get stronger and better ourselves. This whole talking of magnum opus and people asking how can they tell which level are they at is just ludicrous.

And now, to ask a question that has been bothering me for a while now. How do you even know this world is for real? There is staggering evidence we might be living in a simulated world. I invite you all to check the Nick Bostrom's hypothesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_hypothesis

To be more clear, this would mean that even the afterlife would be a simulated experience. You can also check these interesting effects: http://mandelaeffectproof.blogspot.com/2016/06/kennedy-assassination-how-many-in-car.html
Gear88 said:
slyscorpion said:
But Hitler wasn't on this earth in his later life he was taken somewhere else and he probably had support from people around him wherever he was.

I recall a recent about +/- week or two ago. Someone mentioned that he was escorted to Shamballah the Tibetan located underground city.

It might be probable he may have been escorted off-World to another place but that doesn't mean those underground are any less advanced. Sure perhaps not as free to make a civilization above ground but certainly they have the spiritual understanding.

Either way he's in a better position to do this to be honest. If there were a lot of spiritual people in some area on earth there wouldn't be nearly as many curses there. There is also Mars its been stated by several people that there are aryans living on Mars underground still there are probably other places in the solar system as well that have bases on them maybe one is good.

We just don't know. Since the Nazis visited the planet near the star Aldabarran (spelling ?) I read one time on here maybe thats where he went. We wouldn't know.
I think if he was still on earth somewhere he wouldn't say shit to anyone and if he gave someone this message maybe they should not have posted it.
slyscorpion said:
Gear88 said:
slyscorpion said:
But Hitler wasn't on this earth in his later life he was taken somewhere else and he probably had support from people around him wherever he was.

I recall a recent about +/- week or two ago. Someone mentioned that he was escorted to Shamballah the Tibetan located underground city.

It might be probable he may have been escorted off-World to another place but that doesn't mean those underground are any less advanced. Sure perhaps not as free to make a civilization above ground but certainly they have the spiritual understanding.

Either way he's in a better position to do this to be honest. If there were a lot of spiritual people in some area on earth there wouldn't be nearly as many curses there. There is also Mars its been stated by several people that there are aryans living on Mars underground still there are probably other places in the solar system as well that have bases on them maybe one is good.

We just don't know. Since the Nazis visited the planet near the star Aldabarran (spelling ?) I read one time on here maybe thats where he went. We wouldn't know.
I think if he was still on earth somewhere he wouldn't say shit to anyone and if he gave someone this message maybe they should not have posted it.
I meditated so chinas desert could turn into grass, google,''china desert turns into green grass". ive been making great progress in Satanism, and my "god head" was achived.
Shael said:
<o> said:
If one was part Jewish even in the slightest would it be impossible for them to "walk through the dimensions"? I would very very much appreciate an answer to this more than the original question I had as it may clear up alot of self hate
Teleportation can easily be explained as a process, and you do not have to be a gentile in order to do this. As Cobra said, it's a very very advanced thing and so not many are capable of it. But in pure theory, anyone who is sufficiently advanced could do it, even a jew. Of course, no jew would ever reach a level like this to begin with however.

You should try to recognize that you're just having the basic "am I a jew?" attack, and get over it. Clean yourself and stop worrying.
is that actually possible also would it be possible to do Cryokinesis and make stuff colder or make ice or not?
Blackdragon666 said:
<o> said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is extremely rare and closely impossible [2-3 humans have been recorded in all of history doing this] and Thoth himself [Hermes Trismegistus] but it is called "Walking through the dimensions", and one can appear and re-appear materially, sort of like teleportation.

If one was part Jewish even in the slightest would it be impossible for them to "walk through the dimensions"? I would very very much appreciate an answer to this more than the original question I had as it may clear up alot of self hate
Yes the Jews can and do astral project if that is what you are asking. They are not meant to advance as much as humans can but they can develop all sorts of siddhis even to high degrees like the jesuits.

Are we also to understand that you are part jewish?
I normally read posts in a hurry (time). I skipped what HC had said about walking the dimensions.

I apologise for the confusion.
sola said:
hello babes. can i go from level 0 to 3 in one lifetime?
It depends on each individual. From which moment you start meditating, how serious you are with meditations and it is also how fast you advance. It might be possible yes. But anyway I don't see the point (at least for me) to think about such things now. Nor should you be disappointed when you see that there are people who have already reached a certain level. It is best for you to just meditate, to focus on what you have to do and then you will see.
Hitler was very advanced in His spiritual development when He was still on Earth as shown by the tremors He had. He might have completed the Magnum Opus on this planet.
Immortal said:
For this topic, let me play the devil's advocate a bit

A little backstory for this. Back in 2012 there was the new age thing about ascension and the end of the world stuff with the mayan calendar and all that. Anyway, I didn't really believed in the actual end of times, but expected a massive change of some kind.

Then, nothing happened and you can imagine my disappointment. The new age sites kept going on about delays like how god is waiting for more humans to be able to ascend and that kind of bullshit. I guess I was kinda broken hearted for about a whole year. Then, pissed and not trusting anything anymore I found jos.

Since then, things cleared, but to me personally any topic of ascension remains a hole in my soul so to speak. Also I think it has the detrimental aspect of giving one hopes. Some of you even say that this is possible in this very lifetime. I find myself bitter laughing at this possibility. You fight and you endure pain till you die and that's it. And then you come back in the next life and fight some more. If one becomes in the end a master at the art of war, yes he then might get promoted but that is a remote possibility in a far far away future.

You all keep talking here about the advanced yogis in the east. The mongol empire razed all Asia. Where was their enlightenment then to be seen by everyone? Oh boy, I think those conquered by the mongols sure wished for better warrior leaders than spiritual ones. I don't mean to discredit the spiritual part and advancement, but I think it's better to not put the carriage before the horses. We should first focus on bettering ourselves at war and then think about the rewards. Look at us now, 2000 years enslaved by a bunch of rats and their overlords. The only thing that comes to my mind is that we are weak. Nothing to be ashamed of, we just have to get stronger and better ourselves. This whole talking of magnum opus and people asking how can they tell which level are they at is just ludicrous.

And now, to ask a question that has been bothering me for a while now. How do you even know this world is for real? There is staggering evidence we might be living in a simulated world. I invite you all to check the Nick Bostrom's hypothesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_hypothesis

To be more clear, this would mean that even the afterlife would be a simulated experience. You can also check these interesting effects: http://mandelaeffectproof.blogspot.com/2016/06/kennedy-assassination-how-many-in-car.html

Haha, simulated world, good one. One of my old favourite jokes there, haven't heard that in a while.

In 2012 I didn't believe in nothing personally till I came here and everything I learnt got filtered through the JoS. We aren't living in a simulation brother, we would all be potent viruses and neo's that would screw up the simulation lol. I don't think there's any point of "human vat slavery" where they simulate literal all-knowing godhood and advancement that doesn't make sense at all. I'm sure they simulate every great discovery we've made and will make as well, the imaginary simulation people.

What is true is Race and our Gods, if you think we are in random human vats. In this simulated world those are a very high truth and carry a lot of strong feelings and great honour in their exaltation, which you should build in yourself and those around you. Maybe one day we can all neo out of it lol.
13th_Wolf said:
Immortal said:
For this topic, let me play the devil's advocate a bit

A little backstory for this. Back in 2012 there was the new age thing about ascension and the end of the world stuff with the mayan calendar and all that. Anyway, I didn't really believed in the actual end of times, but expected a massive change of some kind.

Then, nothing happened and you can imagine my disappointment. The new age sites kept going on about delays like how god is waiting for more humans to be able to ascend and that kind of bullshit. I guess I was kinda broken hearted for about a whole year. Then, pissed and not trusting anything anymore I found jos.

Since then, things cleared, but to me personally any topic of ascension remains a hole in my soul so to speak. Also I think it has the detrimental aspect of giving one hopes. Some of you even say that this is possible in this very lifetime. I find myself bitter laughing at this possibility. You fight and you endure pain till you die and that's it. And then you come back in the next life and fight some more. If one becomes in the end a master at the art of war, yes he then might get promoted but that is a remote possibility in a far far away future.

You all keep talking here about the advanced yogis in the east. The mongol empire razed all Asia. Where was their enlightenment then to be seen by everyone? Oh boy, I think those conquered by the mongols sure wished for better warrior leaders than spiritual ones. I don't mean to discredit the spiritual part and advancement, but I think it's better to not put the carriage before the horses. We should first focus on bettering ourselves at war and then think about the rewards. Look at us now, 2000 years enslaved by a bunch of rats and their overlords. The only thing that comes to my mind is that we are weak. Nothing to be ashamed of, we just have to get stronger and better ourselves. This whole talking of magnum opus and people asking how can they tell which level are they at is just ludicrous.

And now, to ask a question that has been bothering me for a while now. How do you even know this world is for real? There is staggering evidence we might be living in a simulated world. I invite you all to check the Nick Bostrom's hypothesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_hypothesis

To be more clear, this would mean that even the afterlife would be a simulated experience. You can also check these interesting effects: http://mandelaeffectproof.blogspot.com/2016/06/kennedy-assassination-how-many-in-car.html

Haha, simulated world, good one. One of my old favourite jokes there, haven't heard that in a while.

In 2012 I didn't believe in nothing personally till I came here and everything I learnt got filtered through the JoS. We aren't living in a simulation brother, we would all be potent viruses and neo's that would screw up the simulation lol. I don't think there's any point of "human vat slavery" where they simulate literal all-knowing godhood and advancement that doesn't make sense at all. I'm sure they simulate every great discovery we've made and will make as well, the imaginary simulation people.

What is true is Race and our Gods, if you think we are in random human vats. In this simulated world those are a very high truth and carry a lot of strong feelings and great honour in their exaltation, which you should build in yourself and those around you. Maybe one day we can all neo out of it lol.

Not to support his statement, but the matrix version of a simulation is a very skewed perspective of what a simulation could be. Your own personal prison inside your mind, your perfect fantasy, you're the main character in your story trying to achieve godhood. Sounds pretty cool right.

What if you're in a coma and youre just perceiving his message that way, you think its absurd while in reality it might be a nurse or relative calling out to you. Its just the way your mind filters the information to you.

How can you ever know for sure?

Theres countless possibilities that you can never truly disprove.
Powerofjustice said:
13th_Wolf said:
Immortal said:
For this topic, let me play the devil's advocate a bit

A little backstory for this. Back in 2012 there was the new age thing about ascension and the end of the world stuff with the mayan calendar and all that. Anyway, I didn't really believed in the actual end of times, but expected a massive change of some kind.

Then, nothing happened and you can imagine my disappointment. The new age sites kept going on about delays like how god is waiting for more humans to be able to ascend and that kind of bullshit. I guess I was kinda broken hearted for about a whole year. Then, pissed and not trusting anything anymore I found jos.

Since then, things cleared, but to me personally any topic of ascension remains a hole in my soul so to speak. Also I think it has the detrimental aspect of giving one hopes. Some of you even say that this is possible in this very lifetime. I find myself bitter laughing at this possibility. You fight and you endure pain till you die and that's it. And then you come back in the next life and fight some more. If one becomes in the end a master at the art of war, yes he then might get promoted but that is a remote possibility in a far far away future.

You all keep talking here about the advanced yogis in the east. The mongol empire razed all Asia. Where was their enlightenment then to be seen by everyone? Oh boy, I think those conquered by the mongols sure wished for better warrior leaders than spiritual ones. I don't mean to discredit the spiritual part and advancement, but I think it's better to not put the carriage before the horses. We should first focus on bettering ourselves at war and then think about the rewards. Look at us now, 2000 years enslaved by a bunch of rats and their overlords. The only thing that comes to my mind is that we are weak. Nothing to be ashamed of, we just have to get stronger and better ourselves. This whole talking of magnum opus and people asking how can they tell which level are they at is just ludicrous.

And now, to ask a question that has been bothering me for a while now. How do you even know this world is for real? There is staggering evidence we might be living in a simulated world. I invite you all to check the Nick Bostrom's hypothesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_hypothesis

To be more clear, this would mean that even the afterlife would be a simulated experience. You can also check these interesting effects: http://mandelaeffectproof.blogspot.com/2016/06/kennedy-assassination-how-many-in-car.html

Haha, simulated world, good one. One of my old favourite jokes there, haven't heard that in a while.

In 2012 I didn't believe in nothing personally till I came here and everything I learnt got filtered through the JoS. We aren't living in a simulation brother, we would all be potent viruses and neo's that would screw up the simulation lol. I don't think there's any point of "human vat slavery" where they simulate literal all-knowing godhood and advancement that doesn't make sense at all. I'm sure they simulate every great discovery we've made and will make as well, the imaginary simulation people.

What is true is Race and our Gods, if you think we are in random human vats. In this simulated world those are a very high truth and carry a lot of strong feelings and great honour in their exaltation, which you should build in yourself and those around you. Maybe one day we can all neo out of it lol.

Not to support his statement, but the matrix version of a simulation is a very skewed perspective of what a simulation could be. Your own personal prison inside your mind, your perfect fantasy, you're the main character in your story trying to achieve godhood. Sounds pretty cool right.

What if you're in a coma and youre just perceiving his message that way, you think its absurd while in reality it might be a nurse or relative calling out to you. Its just the way your mind filters the information to you.

How can you ever know for sure?

Theres countless possibilities that you can never truly disprove.

OOGA BOOGA :eek: :eek:

If one may "never know for sure" they can justify all kinds of nihilism to themselves. I don't give a shit if something like that would be the case and neither should you just get on with it. Our ancestors weren't thinking this shit before Charles Babbage made his differential machine, and didn't even really fully conceive this farcical idea till the 90's. Meanwhile the effects of goyim cattle feudalism do linger. History is a very important thing for this reason. This is a modern jew 1984 thing of "oh you think your free goy but we have you in a simulation" but you can simulate emotion, yh right good one there gg rabbi.
Powerofjustice said:
13th_Wolf said:
Immortal said:
For this topic, let me play the devil's advocate a bit

A little backstory for this. Back in 2012 there was the new age thing about ascension and the end of the world stuff with the mayan calendar and all that. Anyway, I didn't really believed in the actual end of times, but expected a massive change of some kind.

Then, nothing happened and you can imagine my disappointment. The new age sites kept going on about delays like how god is waiting for more humans to be able to ascend and that kind of bullshit. I guess I was kinda broken hearted for about a whole year. Then, pissed and not trusting anything anymore I found jos.

Since then, things cleared, but to me personally any topic of ascension remains a hole in my soul so to speak. Also I think it has the detrimental aspect of giving one hopes. Some of you even say that this is possible in this very lifetime. I find myself bitter laughing at this possibility. You fight and you endure pain till you die and that's it. And then you come back in the next life and fight some more. If one becomes in the end a master at the art of war, yes he then might get promoted but that is a remote possibility in a far far away future.

You all keep talking here about the advanced yogis in the east. The mongol empire razed all Asia. Where was their enlightenment then to be seen by everyone? Oh boy, I think those conquered by the mongols sure wished for better warrior leaders than spiritual ones. I don't mean to discredit the spiritual part and advancement, but I think it's better to not put the carriage before the horses. We should first focus on bettering ourselves at war and then think about the rewards. Look at us now, 2000 years enslaved by a bunch of rats and their overlords. The only thing that comes to my mind is that we are weak. Nothing to be ashamed of, we just have to get stronger and better ourselves. This whole talking of magnum opus and people asking how can they tell which level are they at is just ludicrous.

And now, to ask a question that has been bothering me for a while now. How do you even know this world is for real? There is staggering evidence we might be living in a simulated world. I invite you all to check the Nick Bostrom's hypothesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_hypothesis

To be more clear, this would mean that even the afterlife would be a simulated experience. You can also check these interesting effects: http://mandelaeffectproof.blogspot.com/2016/06/kennedy-assassination-how-many-in-car.html

Haha, simulated world, good one. One of my old favourite jokes there, haven't heard that in a while.

In 2012 I didn't believe in nothing personally till I came here and everything I learnt got filtered through the JoS. We aren't living in a simulation brother, we would all be potent viruses and neo's that would screw up the simulation lol. I don't think there's any point of "human vat slavery" where they simulate literal all-knowing godhood and advancement that doesn't make sense at all. I'm sure they simulate every great discovery we've made and will make as well, the imaginary simulation people.

What is true is Race and our Gods, if you think we are in random human vats. In this simulated world those are a very high truth and carry a lot of strong feelings and great honour in their exaltation, which you should build in yourself and those around you. Maybe one day we can all neo out of it lol.

Not to support his statement, but the matrix version of a simulation is a very skewed perspective of what a simulation could be. Your own personal prison inside your mind, your perfect fantasy, you're the main character in your story trying to achieve godhood. Sounds pretty cool right.

What if you're in a coma and youre just perceiving his message that way, you think its absurd while in reality it might be a nurse or relative calling out to you. Its just the way your mind filters the information to you.

How can you ever know for sure?

Theres countless possibilities that you can never truly disprove.

Okay let's say we are living in a simulation. Who gives a fuck? Whether or not we live in a simulation doesn't matter at all. What matters is not thinking about shit we would be completely unable to control(i.e living in a simulated existence) and focus on what we can control and gain the ability to control(i.e our fates, reality itself, whether our life is 100 years or never ending).

Whether or not we live in a simulation doesn't fucking matter because if we did then there is nothing we could do to stop that. The thing we can do is follow Satan, ascend to Godhead, and live forever.

How is literal immortality not enough?
Shrouded said:
Powerofjustice said:
13th_Wolf said:
Haha, simulated world, good one. One of my old favourite jokes there, haven't heard that in a while.

In 2012 I didn't believe in nothing personally till I came here and everything I learnt got filtered through the JoS. We aren't living in a simulation brother, we would all be potent viruses and neo's that would screw up the simulation lol. I don't think there's any point of "human vat slavery" where they simulate literal all-knowing godhood and advancement that doesn't make sense at all. I'm sure they simulate every great discovery we've made and will make as well, the imaginary simulation people.

What is true is Race and our Gods, if you think we are in random human vats. In this simulated world those are a very high truth and carry a lot of strong feelings and great honour in their exaltation, which you should build in yourself and those around you. Maybe one day we can all neo out of it lol.

Not to support his statement, but the matrix version of a simulation is a very skewed perspective of what a simulation could be. Your own personal prison inside your mind, your perfect fantasy, you're the main character in your story trying to achieve godhood. Sounds pretty cool right.

What if you're in a coma and youre just perceiving his message that way, you think its absurd while in reality it might be a nurse or relative calling out to you. Its just the way your mind filters the information to you.

How can you ever know for sure?

Theres countless possibilities that you can never truly disprove.

Okay let's say we are living in a simulation. Who gives a fuck? Whether or not we live in a simulation doesn't matter at all. What matters is not thinking about shit we would be completely unable to control(i.e living in a simulated existence) and focus on what we can control and gain the ability to control(i.e our fates, reality itself, whether our life is 100 years or never ending).

Whether or not we live in a simulation doesn't fucking matter because if we did then there is nothing we could do to stop that. The thing we can do is follow Satan, ascend to Godhead, and live forever.

How is literal immortality not enough?

What did i say?

Its something thats unknown and even if it was it'd be out of our control.

Just do what you know, but don't spout generic answers to something that no one can say for certain is the way it is.
Shrouded said:
Powerofjustice said:
13th_Wolf said:
Haha, simulated world, good one. One of my old favourite jokes there, haven't heard that in a while.

In 2012 I didn't believe in nothing personally till I came here and everything I learnt got filtered through the JoS. We aren't living in a simulation brother, we would all be potent viruses and neo's that would screw up the simulation lol. I don't think there's any point of "human vat slavery" where they simulate literal all-knowing godhood and advancement that doesn't make sense at all. I'm sure they simulate every great discovery we've made and will make as well, the imaginary simulation people.

What is true is Race and our Gods, if you think we are in random human vats. In this simulated world those are a very high truth and carry a lot of strong feelings and great honour in their exaltation, which you should build in yourself and those around you. Maybe one day we can all neo out of it lol.

Not to support his statement, but the matrix version of a simulation is a very skewed perspective of what a simulation could be. Your own personal prison inside your mind, your perfect fantasy, you're the main character in your story trying to achieve godhood. Sounds pretty cool right.

What if you're in a coma and youre just perceiving his message that way, you think its absurd while in reality it might be a nurse or relative calling out to you. Its just the way your mind filters the information to you.

How can you ever know for sure?

Theres countless possibilities that you can never truly disprove.

Okay let's say we are living in a simulation. Who gives a fuck? Whether or not we live in a simulation doesn't matter at all. What matters is not thinking about shit we would be completely unable to control(i.e living in a simulated existence) and focus on what we can control and gain the ability to control(i.e our fates, reality itself, whether our life is 100 years or never ending).

Whether or not we live in a simulation doesn't fucking matter because if we did then there is nothing we could do to stop that. The thing we can do is follow Satan, ascend to Godhead, and live forever.

How is literal immortality not enough?

Ok, here's the thing. It's like the phobias everyone has. For some might be spiders, for me is this. If for you it isn't spiders, yes then you wouldn't give a fuck. But if you we were talking about your personal fear, then it is a different kind of animal, right ?

Now back to the question why living in a simulation might be/is important. It is authenticity. It is truth. We know politicians lie, right? We know singers who just do playback, right? We know athletes who take steroids and thus cheat, right? And we fucking hate them all. Why? Because they are fake.

You say literal immortality. But that's the thing, it wouldn't be literal. It would be generated. It wouldn't be genuine.

Now back to the simulation type. Yes, you are right in the sense that this wouldn't automatically mean we are in the matrix/enslavement simulation type. We could be in a sexual fantasy simulation, or a zombie horror apocalypse simulation or our very own satanic uprise simulation :lol:

Still, it wouldn't matter what kind of simulation it is. It's the principle. Think of it like this. Suppose you are the son of a king in an european country during the ottoman empire era. But you are kidnapped at a very young age and you do not remember anything about your origins. You are then raised to be ottoman and are sent to conquer the very country you were born in. You do that and are very proud of your results. Then you find out the truth. Would those results be the same to you? I bet they would be not. Or would you love the same way your gf/boyfriend/wife/husband if you found out they were cheating on you?

Now back to the simulation question itself. Is it really true or just a hoax/prank/joke as some here very quickly jump to dismiss it. Check the double slit experiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOcPHOJ7GAQ Also how do you explain the Planck's space and time constants? The speed of light? E8 lattice?

I am not saying we are definitely living in a simulation, but there are enough question marks to question reality. And I know this, constants and probabilities do resemble a software program with limited resources in which you have to save processing power. And just like in video games, you render objects when they are observed/measured. Like when the waves turn to particles and boohoo the probability turns to a specific location.

I know some of you will say but hey feelings/emotions. These can not be computed bro. Well, I think quite the opposite. Let's say I define the Being abstract class then I extend the Human class from it and then I start to instantiate objects like actual persons. Among the human class' private methods I have the changeMood() method. Which quite interestingly sometimes when we wake up we feel sad or happy or angry for no 'apparent' reason.

These are some of the questions that haunt me :cry: If anyone here can dismantle this theory for good or bring some ways/methods in which this isn't important or even better ways to hack into the sim be my guest :mrgreen:

P.S. I'm not trolling with this
I just realized the changeMood() method might no be the brightest example :lol:

I meant it in the sense that we, the instances running in the simulation as human beings have properties such as feelings that can be changed by other entities such as various level administrators and in this way we are influenced externally/not by our own volition by the ones running the software. The feeling itself as a complex emotion might be a huge class on its own with many properties to which ourselves we would have limited access and we could influence it through great effort aka meditation.

There would be background processes running as well, cronjobs etc. In this light, fate could hold little or no meaning especially if all probable actions would be simulated. The so called parallel universes could just mean multithreading programming in which all of our life-changing decisions are analyzed and simulated
Altered (non-conditioned) states of being with Vital Interest. That is the first level above contentment.
Blackdragon666 said:
<o> said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is extremely rare and closely impossible [2-3 humans have been recorded in all of history doing this] and Thoth himself [Hermes Trismegistus] but it is called "Walking through the dimensions", and one can appear and re-appear materially, sort of like teleportation.

If one was part Jewish even in the slightest would it be impossible for them to "walk through the dimensions"? I would very very much appreciate an answer to this more than the original question I had as it may clear up alot of self hate
Yes the Jews can and do astral project if that is what you are asking. They are not meant to advance as much as humans can but they can develop all sorts of siddhis even to high degrees like the jesuits.

Are we also to understand that you are part jewish?

I am really curious how can kikes actually advance, they have 4 functional chakras and not 7 like us.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
