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Mageson666's article on Ganesha


New member
Oct 26, 2018
Hello everyone,
There was a beautiful article by HP Mageson666 where he beautifully explained the allegorical representation of Ganesha, I cannot seem to find it in any forum or online in general, does anyone have it saved? Please share if you do.


HP Mageson666 said:

Ganesh is a primeval from of Siva and the elephant God is worshipped across South East Asia from India to Japan. From ancient times to this day. The elephant is symbolized in ancient Ireland as well. There have been ancient Ganesh statues found by archeologists in North and South America as well. North America contained an Aryan civilization with some of the largest cities in the world. And buildings on the level of what is in ancient Egypt and at Baalbek . As well as Aryan civilizations in central and south America. Thousands of years before the Amerindians moved in. Even by the Amerindian tribes own records as they recorded a race of Whites already in America who where established in even more ancient times, when they the Amerindians migrated here themselves thousand of years ago. America is mentioned in the Vedic writings as the Land of the Immortal Serpents and was part of a world wide Vedic/Dharma civilization. So the find of Ganesh statues in the America’s is revealing but not surprising. As to how primeval the worship of Ganesh really is. We are looking at seventeen and more thousand years.

Ganesh is the leader of the Gana’s as is Siva because they are the same God at the core. There are 12 gana’s with the God as the leader making the 13th. Skanda who is the reborn or incarnated Siva and worshiped as Amitabha Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism. The eternal youth of 16 years who rides a Peacock mount is red and carries a spear. And is a pre Buddhist God. Is also known to be Ganesh in the esoteric teachings. Ganesha is pictured red. He is called the Great Red Lord of Hosts. He is the leader of the army of the Deva’s and is also connected to Mars as is Skanda. He holds all the same identifying traits of Skanda. Ganesha is the divine androgyne. The third power or reborn soul generated by the union of male and female aspects of the soul.
The primordal rites of Ganesh are of maithuna.
Read the below linked article for understanding this one.
The Metaphysic’s Of Sexual Union:
Siva’s meaning in some languages such as Tamil relates to Sev, sivappu. Danielou in his work “ The Myths And Gods Of India.” Mentions this could be the origin of Rudra the ancient title of Siva. Rudra, the red one. Which can be a relation to Si, male and Va female. By unification generated the perfected being. Who is always of the color red. To depict the final stage of the perfection process. Which points that Ganesha is the image of primeval Siva.
The elephant head is the Vak or logos but the head is important as all the astrological signs rule the head this is a reason the animal head is chosen to show the micro and macro. Also the elephant head is serpentine looking with the trunk and the ears. The 13th constellation. The serpent bearer. The head also rules the element of quintessence or space which is in the Macrocosm, the unmanifest God. Of which Ganesha is the manifest of. The microcosm, the incarnated logos. Of where mind connects into cosmic mind.
Ganesha ‘s vehicle the mouse is the symbol of the quintessence. Like the mouse stays hidden. So does the element of quintessence stay hidden deep within physical matter.

The elephant in the East is the symbol of the Pranava and the AUM symbol represents the image of an elephant head. And the Pranava is the macrocosm manifestation of the Zodiac which relates what is previous mentioned the reason for the elephant head as the Vak. Ganesha’s wives are Siddhi and Buddhi. The powers of the serpent along with Buddhi or wisdom the super consciousness of this cosmic power. He is also shown red colored the symbol of the magnum opus finished the color of the fire of the sun. Ganesha as stated as means Lord of Hosts. The Hosts in the east are the elements and thus the energy centers that govern them. He is the All, the primordial quintessence of ether. That all the elements are formed from and of. Mars is Vulcan the forge God who crafts and purifies the metal that are the elements of the soul by fire. Red is also the color of the blood of the Gods. The serpentine energies. And the planet of war, the divine war to purify the blood/energies of the soul. Ganesh being the leader of the Devonic forces who commands and governs the spiritual war to transform the soul and defeat the Asura’s who are the dross that rule the imperfect state and the force of time.
Ganesh is the supreme God of War as well for the God of transcendence must always be the God of War. For the act of this inner holy war is the act of transcendence.
Ganesh is the Lord Of categories. Which relates to him being the Grand Artificer of the universe. Of which the All is number.

I note the Ganesh tradition is always reserved for high level initiation in Japan its kept very secret. The same in Sri Lanka.
Gajanana is a title of Ganesha. “The elephant faced.” Gaja esoterically means ga and ja , relate to “beginning “and “ending.”. Ganesha is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. The path of liberation by the union of the soul. The symbol of the Magnum Opus.

The elephant Headed God in the East is prayed to before undertaking any working but in the main books his bija mantra to be used is Gam. Its actually AUM. Ganesh represents the ether and the ability to remove obstacles. Which refers also to the Saturn and the force of time. There is a myth around him in which he defeats the genie of time form getting in the way of the rituals of the Sages. The ether or logos is above the forces of time and its causations. The AUM relates to the bringing and endings of ritual workings as well. Ganesh is the principal of why AUM is prefixed to mantra’s. Within the formula of AUM. A generates existence and the M closes it. M relates to Siva the destroyer of time. Where A is Brahma the creator. Yet AUM is the one letter mantra that of A. To use AUM properly for a ritual working is to act by the principal that all things come into existence by.

He is also the Lord Of Obstacles. But in the fact of only if he is not evocated before the working. Because without doing so. You will not overcome what evocation of Ganesh overcomes. The principal of Ganesh is supreme, eternal truth.

The mythos of Ganesha’s is that upon creation his head was stuck off by Saturn. Siva and the Gana’s took the head of Indra’s elephant and Siva baptizing Ganesh with holy water and mantra affixing the new head to the body. Resurrected Ganesha as the reborn God. The union of opposites as Siva is the energy of life that perfected the divine form which was the Goddess in this case. Hence the union of opposites finished. Which is Ganesh the divine androgyne.

Saturn striking of Ganesha’s head the symbolic death stage of the work. Where the dross is purified from the soul and the old form dematerialized. Ganesha’s regeneration and rebirth. Is the symbol of the supreme ascension of the soul to the perfected state. Ganesha’s elephant head is the symbol of the reborn transcendental consciousness that takes place upon the death of the old consciousness which was linked to the pervious Asuric, psychophysical self and the aggravates which formed it. All this is dissolved in the final stages of the work. When the frail body of the material elements ruled by the causation of time is reduced to non-existence. All bonds of conditioned existence are broken.

The baptism is that of the serpentine fire. Our God as the baptizer is also called the Purifier. The two mean the same. Baptism was is apart of the ancient rites of Siva. The serpent fire. The identical rites are still noted in the Osiris mysteries of ancient Egypt. And those of ancient Greece.

And with this the regeneration of the being into the Pranava. The union and transformation of the soul and body by the serpent fire into the primordial element. His rebirth and red solar color the souls ascension to the solar sphere from the material. Which is above time and thus liberated. Indra’s thunder bolt is also Siva’s. It’s the symbol of Prana and the key that unlocks the soul to Godhead. Its with the thunderbolt Zeus destroys the Titan’s [dross]. The thunderbolt is the lighting Siva as Rudra calls down from the heavens. Rudra is the Red One. Ganesh.

More on the symbolism of Ganesh.
Ganesh is also shown with the Swastika on the male or right palm of his hand making the solar mundra. And trunk to the left side marking the feminine part of the soul. The trunk is serpentine which is the feminine.

The swastika means the same as the hexagram the union of opposites into the reborn soul. The Raum meditation is based on the four cornered swastika. And Ganesh is shown red, the color of the letter R which holds the Shakti of the sun. Ganesh is in the root center, is the kundalini energy and the charka has four petals and corners. In his mythos of defeating his brother by going around the world [Siva and Durga] on his mount that of ether. Shows he is the cosmic axis and the serpentine power that moves through it and gives the breath of life to the soul. The central channel in the spine, the power raising up through it. Siva and Durga were the pink and white channels in this myth. Note Siva and Durga where sitting upon thrones at the top of the sacred mountain, in many accounts which this represents where the nadis meet in the head. The throne headdress is seen in Egypt to represent this. And is a symbol of the cap stone. Which is also the benben or lingam stone which is the Osiris or meru column with the peacock or phoenix atop it. In some cases a capstone. Osiris’s title means “The Eye In The Throne Of God.” The third eye that opens up with the full ascension of the power up the spine and its union in the cranium. Note Ganesh has the trident symbol on his trunk and the opened third eye on his forehead . Which is shaped as a yoni.

In India the worshippers go around the Meru Pillar, seven times. Which is the number of perfection. The seven chakra’ perfected which grants the Great Work. The Gods are always shown 16 years old. 1+6=7. Islam has stolen this and changed the direction during the ritual at the Kabaa. Which was originally a Siva temple:
AUM Cosmology, Siva And The Kabaa

This is why Ganesh wins his two wives of Siddhi and Buddhi in return for this. We can note shades of the tortoise and the hare story in this. The tortoise in many cultures is the symbol of the cosmic, spinal axis and its foundation in the root chakra where Ganesh dwells.

The root charka as earth also represent the earth element that holds all the aspects of the soul together [the body is one as well] and thus red Ganesh represents the final purification of the soul. But as stated the ether principal the whole soul arises from and is upheld by. The Lingham stone that is depicted as the cosmic egg in the root chakra. Is also the symbol of the soul and its rebirth.

The obstacles Ganesh removes is the dross on this level in this is the image of him as stated the leader of the divine armies. The force of prana that dissolves the impure form [Asura’s] and generates the pure form of Godhead. Ganesh is the Atman. The breath of life, the Pranava.

The serpent tied around his waist is the symbol of Ananat the cosmic serpent of eternity, the Ouroboros in the west. The perfected mercury and gold in the work. It’s the symbol of eternal life as the circle has no beginning or end and is the solar disc, the symbol of AUM. And is the cosmic serpent of the zodiac wheel. The belt or girdle is a sign of divinity in the East. As it aligns with the navel center of life as well. The symbol of the solar. The sun in the center of the Zodiac. And the cosmic womb the reborn God emerges from. The reborn God hence is always shown coming forth from the Yoni. Hence Ganesh's belly is stated to be the universe of creation. The reason the serpent is a Cobra is the venom is the symbol of the acid or dissolution quality the serpentine fire has. But also the immorality as it’s immune to its own venom.
He also wears the Brahman thread the three cords woven together into one. The symbol of AUM and the trine aspect of the soul unified.

The tusk Ganesh carries represents the horn, the soma or grail chalice the ancients also showed the grail in the image of a horn cup as well. It gets into the anatomy of the head where the pineal region is. This is the horn Odin’s sacred mead is drunk from and Hercules cornucopia or horn of plenty. The Yoga of Soma is the called the Yoga of immorality. He only has one tusk attached to symbol his unity with the macrocosm and he does not possess duality within himself. He is the primordial being ,the union of opposites into the one or the All. And as such transcendental consciousness. The incarnated logos.

This horn symbol is part of the AUM symbol which is the divinity principal and the AUM symbol is sub divided into glyphs of the five elements AU means: Immorality/truth. In Sanskrit.

Ganesh also wear’s the crown or halo. The symbol of the risen power and the souls ascension to the solar sphere. And his four arms the four corners of the soul and the elements of creation. With himself being the fifth the other four come form. Ganesh four arms also represent the four Veda’s of which he is the one who has instituted them. The four Veda’s represent the four elements. Ganesh being the quintessence is the fifth that the four come out of. Hence he instituted the four. There are also 33 Deva’s in the Veda. That relate to the 33 esoteric vertebrae of the spinal column and the reason 33 is the number of the Meru Column. Of which Ganesh the primordial Solar god, is lord of.
With the images of the hands in popular icons.
He holds the noose to catch delusion. The noose is the symbol of the destruction time and the serpentine power. It destroys delusion which is the ignorance of those trapped in the bondage of time itself the lower condition states. This is to be overcome with the perfection of the soul and the transcendental conscious that comes with it. Its stated the God also uses it to pull the practitioner closer along the path to him thus the achieving of the Godhead.
In other hand he holds the driving hook which is the emblem of the ruler of the universe. Its relating to the piercing aspect of this power purifying and transforming the soul. Into the liberated state.
He also makes with another hand the sign granting boons as the fulfiller of desires. As the Magnum Opus fulfils all true desires. The hand that makes the abhaya mudra is shown allaying all fear is his being beyond time and death. To which its stated all fear pertains.
In many images he holds the tusk of which has already been made mention and others he is shown holding the conch shell which is the symbol of the Logos or AUM of which all existence is created by.
He is also carries the Trident in some images. Which is the spinal column with the trine nadis and the three guna's of creation and the piercing aspect of this power moving up the spine. This is also the conical helm with the two bull horns coming out the sides and the conical point in the center of the helm. The Gods are shown wearing in the East and Near East such as the Sumerians. In some cases the two bull horns are replaced by serpents. Agni [Rudra-Siva] is shown wearing such a helm.

The Myths And Gods Of India. Alain Danielou

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
