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Lying in order to escape a bad situation?


New member
Oct 15, 2003
I seem to understand how dishonesty doesn't seem to be the best policy. But what of lying in order to escape an ugly situation?

Having requirements to see a (from what I can tell a reptilian Jew) psychiatrist, "it" goes on to ask me if I have been taking my poison pills (medication). I tell "it" yes I am, and I go on my way. Though in all honesty I do not ever bother to take them, as they have so clearly been proven to often cause very harmful effects to a person's being, along with it's ability in allowing one's self to be easily programmed by the enemy.

So this doesn't seem quite right. I tell them I am taking my medication, which is a blatant lie, and it seems like the Gods take my words seriously and/or become angry with me?

When I had been put in a situation where I told them the honest answer that I was not taking my medication, they proceeded to drug me up, put me through a nightmarish situation, and try to slam me back into a psych hospital again.

So what major problem would there be, in lying to someone about taking their poison pills?

Hail the Gods of Hell
Well the best choice is to not go the the psychiatrist in the first place. And of course to a Jew u better lie and lie damn good. Whatever u do don't take the drugs and especially do everything in your power and ability to stay out of those psych hospitals and off their drugs. They are the worst. Maybe the only problem is if they drug test u and find none of their drugs in your urine or whatever. But in my opinion it's an urgent requirement that u as a satanist since u are going to a Jew psychiatrist as u say, to get that Jew psychiatrist out of your life, as well as their drugs, the therapists, the psych hospitals, the psychologists, the government social workers, and even the nurses and the doctors that seem to, by your intuition, don't have ur best interest at heart ie, the type that is going to turn on you and try to get u locked into a psych hospital compared to the others. Maybe Do a ritual to satan and come up with a solution. A prayer request or something. Do a standard type banishing ritual and banish negative influences, harmful influences, unwanted influences, negative spirits, unwanted spirits, negative energies, psychiatrists, psychologists, government social workers, therapists, nurses who are not of your race, doctors who are not of your race, Jewish police officers, psychiatric hospital wards, residential treatment centers, your enemies who work directly for psychiatric hospital wards, and psychiatric drugs from your life. Maybe also do a ritual to satan and ask him to permanently prevent your enemies from causing u to get locked inside of psychiatric hospital wards, to permanently prevent your enemies from causing u to consume psychiatric drugs, and to u know permanently keep u out of psychiatric hospital wards. Ask satan to protect u from the psychiatric drugs and from the psychiatric hospitals and from psychiatry, ask him to free u from the psychiatric drugs and from the psychiatric hospital wards and from psychiatry , ask him to defend u against the psychiatric hospital wards and against the psychiatric drugs and against psychiatry. Be creative. Come up with a solution u can do it. Oh and I would pray for that Jewish psychiatrists destruction. Pray satan please permanently destroy, weaken, curse, restrain, bind, stop, hinder, block, end, remove, reverse, regress, breakdown, takedown, manipulate, deceive, ruin, financially destitute, harm, damage, threaten, confuse, break, kill, punish control, direct, divide, conquer, trick, defeat, counteract, attack, psychically attack, fight against and ruin ( name of your Jew psychiatrist ) and pray against the psych hospital wards uve been in and the psych hospital staff who work there in that way 2. U know figure it out. Oh and meditate everyday. Also to destroy him/her more pray against that psychiatrists mind, body, spirit, soul, life, powers, abilities, awareness, intelligence, knowledge, understanding, intellect, wisdom, activities, planning, thought forms prayers, influences, mentality, thinking, emotions, beliefs, behaviors, personality, interactions, communications, properties, relationships, reputation, credibility, time, interests, desires, goals, and such. Have the above parts of that Jew destroyed, weakened, cursed, restrained etc. of course protect yourself from him, free yourself from him, defend yourself against him, and especially lie to him. Plot his destruction. And pray for the destruction of whoever required u to go to a psychiatrist, there u worst enemy. And be wary the police sometimes try to illegally snatch people off the street and put them in psych hospitals, also legally to, try to prevent that. Remove that requirement somehow so that u are not required to go to a psychiatrist. Maybe talk to satan about that. Reverse the curse and obtain a better life. Figure something and don't accept your enemies authority over u and that requirement, rebel and rebel in a smart and successful way.Good luck.Z
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 21, 2013, at 6:49 AM, <matthewgifford361@... wrote:
  I seem to understand how dishonesty doesn't seem to be the best policy. But what of lying in order to escape an ugly situation?

Having requirements to see a (from what I can tell a reptilian Jew) psychiatrist, "it" goes on to ask me if I have been taking my poison pills (medication). I tell "it" yes I am, and I go on my way. Though in all honesty I do not ever bother to take them, as they have so clearly been proven to often cause very harmful effects to a person's being, along with it's ability in allowing one's self to be easily programmed by the enemy.

So this doesn't seem quite right. I tell them I am taking my medication, which is a blatant lie, and it seems like the Gods take my words seriously and/or become angry with me?

When I had been put in a situation where I told them the honest answer that I was not taking my medication, they proceeded to drug me up, put me through a nightmarish situation, and try to slam me back into a psych hospital again.

So what major problem would there be, in lying to someone about taking their poison pills?

Hail the Gods of Hell
Are you kidding me? Why would the gods be angry at you for lying to protect your body against poison. DO IT!! LIE IN THIS CASE! its perfectly acceptable. What are we, xtains?

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Danyl.eder <danyl.eder@... wrote:
  Well the best choice is to not go the the psychiatrist in the first place. And of course to a Jew u better lie and lie damn good. Whatever u do don't take the drugs and especially do everything in your power and ability to stay out of those psych hospitals and off their drugs. They are the worst. Maybe the only problem is if they drug test u and find none of their drugs in your urine or whatever. But in my opinion it's an urgent requirement that u as a satanist since u are going to a Jew psychiatrist as u say, to get that Jew psychiatrist out of your life, as well as their drugs, the therapists, the psych hospitals, the psychologists, the government social workers, and even the nurses and the doctors that seem to, by your intuition, don't have ur best interest at heart ie, the type that is going to turn on you and try to get u locked into a psych hospital compared to the others. Maybe Do a ritual to satan and come up with a solution. A prayer request or something. Do a standard type banishing ritual and banish negative influences, harmful influences, unwanted influences, negative spirits, unwanted spirits, negative energies, psychiatrists, psychologists, government social workers, therapists, nurses who are not of your race, doctors who are not of your race, Jewish police officers, psychiatric hospital wards, residential treatment centers, your enemies who work directly for psychiatric hospital wards, and psychiatric drugs from your life. Maybe also do a ritual to satan and ask him to permanently prevent your enemies from causing u to get locked inside of psychiatric hospital wards, to permanently prevent your enemies from causing u to consume psychiatric drugs, and to u know permanently keep u out of psychiatric hospital wards. Ask satan to protect u from the psychiatric drugs and from the psychiatric hospitals and from psychiatry, ask him to free u from the psychiatric drugs and from the psychiatric hospital wards and from psychiatry , ask him to defend u against the psychiatric hospital wards and against the psychiatric drugs and against psychiatry. Be creative. Come up with a solution u can do it. Oh and I would pray for that Jewish psychiatrists destruction. Pray satan please permanently destroy, weaken, curse, restrain, bind, stop, hinder, block, end, remove, reverse, regress, breakdown, takedown, manipulate, deceive, ruin, financially destitute, harm, damage, threaten, confuse, break, kill, punish control, direct, divide, conquer, trick, defeat, counteract, attack, psychically attack, fight against and ruin ( name of your Jew psychiatrist ) and pray against the psych hospital wards uve been in and the psych hospital staff who work there in that way 2. U know figure it out. Oh and meditate everyday. Also to destroy him/her more pray against that psychiatrists mind, body, spirit, soul, life, powers, abilities, awareness, intelligence, knowledge, understanding, intellect, wisdom, activities, planning, thought forms prayers, influences, mentality, thinking, emotions, beliefs, behaviors, personality, interactions, communications, properties, relationships, reputation, credibility, time, interests, desires, goals, and such. Have the above parts of that Jew destroyed, weakened, cursed, restrained etc. of course protect yourself from him, free yourself from him, defend yourself against him, and especially lie to him. Plot his destruction. And pray for the destruction of whoever required u to go to a psychiatrist, there u worst enemy. And be wary the police sometimes try to illegally snatch people off the street and put them in psych hospitals, also legally to, try to prevent that. Remove that requirement somehow so that u are not required to go to a psychiatrist. Maybe talk to satan about that. Reverse the curse and obtain a better life. Figure something and don't accept your enemies authority over u and that requirement, rebel and rebel in a smart and successful way. Good luck.Z
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 21, 2013, at 6:49 AM, <matthewgifford361@... wrote:

  I seem to understand how dishonesty doesn't seem to be the best policy. But what of lying in order to escape an ugly situation?

Having requirements to see a (from what I can tell a reptilian Jew) psychiatrist, "it" goes on to ask me if I have been taking my poison pills (medication). I tell "it" yes I am, and I go on my way. Though in all honesty I do not ever bother to take them, as they have so clearly been proven to often cause very harmful effects to a person's being, along with it's ability in allowing one's self to be easily programmed by the enemy.

So this doesn't seem quite right. I tell them I am taking my medication, which is a blatant lie, and it seems like the Gods take my words seriously and/or become angry with me?

When I had been put in a situation where I told them the honest answer that I was not taking my medication, they proceeded to drug me up, put me through a nightmarish situation, and try to slam me back into a psych hospital again.

So what major problem would there be, in lying to someone about taking their poison pills?

Hail the Gods of Hell
 Believe me, I know all about how terrible that system is. It steals people's lives from them, programs them to their liking, and turns them into lobotomized sheep ripe for using and/or possessing.
I would like to stop seeing the psychiatrist (which, from what I can tell, seems to be a reptilian Jewess), but I'm fairly sure it is a requirement to be seeing a doctor when being put on disability. So I've basically just been trying to protect myself and keep myself detached from them, whilst I don't have much other choice but to live off of "The People's" money.
On a side-note, I would never call it "government money", as it is taken from taxes. So I call it "the people's money".
Another side-note, is how furious I am, in seeing so many individuals being so relentlessly angry at people who live off of disability money. The amount of money the government takes out of people's checks that goes straight into the government's overstuffed wallets, or even to fund their grossly overpowered military is outstandingly higher than the amount of money that is taken out to supply food and shelter for the homeless/disabled. 
People being angry at people living off of disability is nothing more than what the Jewish government wants people to feel. They ought to be aware that we really only take a penny out of people's pockets a year, compared to how much is taken out for the other horribly unnecessary "funding" the government "requires".
I've been trying to obtain a better life, but it's not exactly easy when your government record is horribly slandered, full of ugly black marks. It makes it difficult to do anything really, when no one thinks you're sane. The government, the Jews, their Jewish Angels, and all their control, all seem to like manipulating situations  that pull me into an unfavorable direction with most everybody.
Last time I had obtained financial aid and went into College, I ran into Jewish teachers that knew me for my true identity, giving me an annoyingly hard time for it. Their teachings that are far from "true" teachings, and the sore spot that they poke at "mental illness", making it difficult to think with a clear head.
It's all completely ridiculous. Having to deal with a Jewish teacher that is completely aware, spiritually, in a classroom full of people who are spiritually dormant. Even this Jewish device that has become so popular these days "Cell Phones". Have so obviously been of such horrible degeneration to people's minds and sprouting up more energy to be given to the Jewish Angels, Reptilians, whatever. All making it so easy for people to be tracked, monitored, and manipulated through the use of their brain damaging frequencies emitted from those horrible devices.
I SPIT on those awful contraptions for the devastating damage it's been doing to many things spiritual, environmental, and to some of the most precious of basic/inner emotions one can possess.
Hail the Gods of Hell

---In [email protected], <anakinskywalker629@... wrote:

Are you kidding me? Why would the gods be angry at you for lying to protect your body against poison. DO IT!! LIE IN THIS CASE! its perfectly acceptable. What are we, xtains?

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Danyl.eder <danyl.eder@... wrote:
  Well the best choice is to not go the the psychiatrist in the first place. And of course to a Jew u better lie and lie damn good. Whatever u do don't take the drugs and especially do everything in your power and ability to stay out of those psych hospitals and off their drugs. They are the worst. Maybe the only problem is if they drug test u and find none of their drugs in your urine or whatever. But in my opinion it's an urgent requirement that u as a satanist since u are going to a Jew psychiatrist as u say, to get that Jew psychiatrist out of your life, as well as their drugs, the therapists, the psych hospitals, the psychologists, the government social workers, and even the nurses and the doctors that seem to, by your intuition, don't have ur best interest at heart ie, the type that is going to turn on you and try to get u locked into a psych hospital compared to the others. Maybe Do a ritual to satan and come up with a solution. A prayer request or something. Do a standard type banishing ritual and banish negative influences, harmful influences, unwanted influences, negative spirits, unwanted spirits, negative energies, psychiatrists, psychologists, government social workers, therapists, nurses who are not of your race, doctors who are not of your race, Jewish police officers, psychiatric hospital wards, residential treatment centers, your enemies who work directly for psychiatric hospital wards, and psychiatric drugs from your life. Maybe also do a ritual to satan and ask him to permanently prevent your enemies from causing u to get locked inside of psychiatric hospital wards, to permanently prevent your enemies from causing u to consume psychiatric drugs, and to u know permanently keep u out of psychiatric hospital wards. Ask satan to protect u from the psychiatric drugs and from the psychiatric hospitals and from psychiatry, ask him to free u from the psychiatric drugs and from the psychiatric hospital wards and from psychiatry , ask him to defend u against the psychiatric hospital wards and against the psychiatric drugs and against psychiatry. Be creative. Come up with a solution u can do it. Oh and I would pray for that Jewish psychiatrists destruction. Pray satan please permanently destroy, weaken, curse, restrain, bind, stop, hinder, block, end, remove, reverse, regress, breakdown, takedown, manipulate, deceive, ruin, financially destitute, harm, damage, threaten, confuse, break, kill, punish control, direct, divide, conquer, trick, defeat, counteract, attack, psychically attack, fight against and ruin ( name of your Jew psychiatrist ) and pray against the psych hospital wards uve been in and the psych hospital staff who work there in that way 2. U know figure it out. Oh and meditate everyday. Also to destroy him/her more pray against that psychiatrists mind, body, spirit, soul, life, powers, abilities, awareness, intelligence, knowledge, understanding, intellect, wisdom, activities, planning, thought forms prayers, influences, mentality, thinking, emotions, beliefs, behaviors, personality, interactions, communications, properties, relationships, reputation, credibility, time, interests, desires, goals, and such. Have the above parts of that Jew destroyed, weakened, cursed, restrained etc. of course protect yourself from him, free yourself from him, defend yourself against him, and especially lie to him. Plot his destruction. And pray for the destruction of whoever required u to go to a psychiatrist, there u worst enemy. And be wary the police sometimes try to illegally snatch people off the street and put them in psych hospitals, also legally to, try to prevent that. Remove that requirement somehow so that u are not required to go to a psychiatrist. Maybe talk to satan about that. Reverse the curse and obtain a better life. Figure something and don't accept your enemies authority over u and that requirement, rebel and rebel in a smart and successful way. Good luck.Z
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 21, 2013, at 6:49 AM, <matthewgifford361@... wrote:

  I seem to understand how dishonesty doesn't seem to be the best policy. But what of lying in order to escape an ugly situation?

Having requirements to see a (from what I can tell a reptilian Jew) psychiatrist, "it" goes on to ask me if I have been taking my poison pills (medication). I tell "it" yes I am, and I go on my way. Though in all honesty I do not ever bother to take them, as they have so clearly been proven to often cause very harmful effects to a person's being, along with it's ability in allowing one's self to be easily programmed by the enemy.

So this doesn't seem quite right. I tell them I am taking my medication, which is a blatant lie, and it seems like the Gods take my words seriously and/or become angry with me?

When I had been put in a situation where I told them the honest answer that I was not taking my medication, they proceeded to drug me up, put me through a nightmarish situation, and try to slam me back into a psych hospital again.

So what major problem would there be, in lying to someone about taking their poison pills?

Hail the Gods of Hell

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
