Νίκος said:
My grandfather has lung cancer (99,% probability).Does anyone know an effective way that I will be able to heal heal him with.If anyone needs more info about him I can give you my proton mail because I don't think it safe to post info about him here .Please help I am very desperate
I posted before about this book
Hydrogen Peroxide is a traditional remedy for cancer and other diseases as it helps the immune system to heal the body. Make sure to follow the exact steps from the book and read it 3 times if neccesary, do not push or try overdoses as hydrogen peroxide might be extremely dangerous in huge doses.
This would be the material part.
For the spiritual side, to work together with the material, start a working when Moon is in Virgo, or maybe even Taurus or Cancer can do. You can vibrate a healing mantra into his soul (Thurisaz, Satanama and Wunjo I think are all for healing) or you can inflict healing energy into him, all while visualizing him healthy and without any diseases, like he is already healthy.