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Lunar Eclipse over a Natal planet


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
The lunar Eclipse on July 16th happens opposite a Natal planet if we are talking about the moon. If it's the node that counts it's on the exact degree near same minute as the natal planet. Also this shows up exactly on the Descendant by same degree in my lunar return. Basically my Return happened on the Solar Eclipse exact degree too. Yes this planet is my moon.

What can this mean.

If need be take out information that is too important on this but I wanted the mods at least to know what I was talking about. In case they can answer.

Is this good or bad.
Look to the house(s) ruled by your Moon, an event might be triggered by the eclipse. You mentioned DC, this could indicate a fated relationship, but sometimes when it's the DC, it actually has to do with the AC, as it opposes the AC, I've seen (and read in older astrology books) this in solar returns when a planet right on the DC actually has to do with the individual (AC).

And as you are SS, I would suggest doing a spiritual working that can be amplified by this energy, something relating to the Moon: emotional healing, past life regression, something to do with home/family, or whatever your Moon rules in your chart.

If it were your solar return, if would be something major, look to your SR to see if there's any indicators of something important happening, the lunar return acts as a timer.

Remember that fated events are not always good, so if you've done a lot of cleaning and removing negative karma, then nothing might happen. Regardless, use it for spiritual purposes then.
I accidentally misspoke here it was the IC not Descendant I must have got distracted or something. Sorry I know you took time to reply Lydia and I am thankful for that though I didn't see that I misspoke in time to correct it and that was helpful what you gave me in the email is also true. I know from my lunar return in September it happens when sun is in 0 Libra conjunct the Ascendant of it and my next solar return with Venus in first house that very very likely I will start a relationship soon. In fact I started a working to help that along that worked in the past on other people but also I was worried. Really worried actually cause Mars triggered something obviously cause at around the exact time Mars changed from Cancer to Leo it was 0 degrees a couple minutes Leo my parents house Started on fire Leo is a fire sign. This is like the third fire they had the first Mars was at 9 Sagittarius another fire sign. I don't know about the second it was a car fire. This was obviously triggered by the solar eclipse so when I saw this happen I got worried. Also I have been having some very bad premonitions and eerie feelings lately not so much anymore but this stuff is kind of odd with Mars and the fires. Nothing I as far as I know have anything to do with though. Id like to know the second fire where Mars was but I don't have the date. I see a pattern though. 9 Sagittarius is a sensitive degree I know. 0 Leo not so sure.

Anyways so that freaked me out about this whole thing a little cause I thought it was symbolic of a sudden string of events in my life or something but so far so good.

I guess I'll find out on the 16th and around that date.

I will tell you this though when the solar eclipse happened and the day before and after I completely changed in personality drastically in a positive way. I am more calm and joyful confident but maybe a little arrogant funny energetic etc. I am also many times more deep and reflective in things plus drastically my focus on life changed too. The Lunar Eclipse may signal an event or just continue what started even more.

I now think I know though how and why my friend changed so drastically this must have happened on one of her planets with an eclipse she kind of went through a sudden drastic transformation years ago just like this. However in her case it was into something not attractive to me but also that helped her and was positive for her life. Id have to look it up with her chart.
No problem, some things I wrote will still apply.

As for the lunar eclipse, and your family having a history of fires, at the date of the eclipse, Mars will be at 9 Leo, with Uranus squaring in at 6 degrees, both are negative degrees as you know.

You said you are having premonitions and eerie feelings, do banishing daily in your home, and do an aura of protection for it. And know that your house is safe! Don't dwell on fires :)
Thank you for your info I am doing this I am also making sure my home looks nice or whatever cause my manager is kind of sensitive on that so I wouldn't get kicked out or something (the energy behind this transit could conceivably do that I was anticipating that) so if I take all steps I should be fine.

I don't know about the protecting the home ritual. I should probably do that anyways but how does that go I don't see it on the JOS would I just use algiz or Bjork rune or is there something else that goes into this. I will try to be sure that if anything does happen it won't be to me.
slyscorpion said:
Thank you for your info I am doing this I am also making sure my home looks nice or whatever cause my manager is kind of sensitive on that so I wouldn't get kicked out or something (the energy behind this transit could conceivably do that I was anticipating that) so if I take all steps I should be fine.

I don't know about the protecting the home ritual. I should probably do that anyways but how does that go I don't see it on the JOS would I just use algiz or Bjork rune or is there something else that goes into this. I will try to be sure that if anything does happen it won't be to me.
A protective working on your home and property around it with the Algiz rune works just like any other protective working, visualizing the rune within your house and the structure surrounded by White-gold light, and vibrating the rune 40, 88, 108, 111, or 216 times while focusing on the visualization. Bjork might also work, but Algiz in my experience is better for protecting property (this includes electronics and vehicles if you need something to protect those in this Mercury Retrograde period).

Something to note with this eclipse and it ties in with what Lydia posted, is that it will be while the moon is in capricorn aligned with Pluto and opposing Mercury coupled with a Venus-Saturn opposition on the same date, which might trigger an event that makes you feel the need to take urgent action in your life or make a drastic change, which can be good or bad, though during this transit, it's likely to be something negative. Keep an eye on whichever house in your chart has capricorn on the cusp.
I have 2 houses with Capricorn on the cusp do I work on a positive meditation for the area of my chart this rules. I will be extremely careful if I make a friend around that time. However could this on the positive give me spiritual abilities since it rules my 12th.

Well anyways thanks if I do a lot of meditation on that day will it amplify my abilities.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
