Powerofjustice said:
I dont mean to sound like a helpless kid or cry about my situation but thats just the way it is right now.I've lost interest in most of my hobbies , i switched 2 jobs in the past 3 months because of how boring and repetetive they felt , i just dont want satanism to be next . Every day feels the same , everyone around me is the same with their heads up their asses , i usually breeze through a day in the blink of an eye and when people ask what i had for breakfast or what day it is i ususally dont have an asnwer because of how uninterested i've become. Meditation helps in a sense i guess , it feels like im outside of a void when i really get into it and its kinda peaceful but thats about the one thing that helps. Can anyone here give me a suggestion ? What can i do to stop this?
It sounds like you get easily bored and need constant change, movement and reinvention.
In regards to a job, maybe the right type of job for you is something like being a policeman, an investigator, or anything where you will never really do the same thing everyday.
(These specific suggestions will also highly depend on your personal competencies. I am just trying to illustrate what type of job I think could be more satisfying for you)
And as for meditations, try to stick with a given routine for at least one or two weeks, and once it starts getting old, you can tweak something here and there. There are many possible techniques for void meditation, for example. If staring at a single point is starting to get old for you, you can then change and start void meditating on the sounds around you. After that got old as well, meditate on the energies and general sensations you can feel. And so on.
There are different creative ways to clean your aura as well. You can visualize a disk of white light scanning through your body, or a ball, or just visualize yourself engulfed in white light as in the good old method given on the Joy of Satan.
Change your affirmations for the AoP every now and then, and so on.
You don't need to be stuck with the same type of thing when it comes to meditations. Consistency is necessary, of course. But whenever you feel you need, you can change the way you do a specific meditation somewhat.
Hope this helps you keep determined.