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Looking for the path...


New member
Aug 25, 2018
I am having the hardest time searching for specific info on this forum. Please help. I want to know how to become more than just a dedicated satanist. I want to become an HP. What steps do I need to take to make this happen and if there is already a posting for this, please direct me.
People usually want to be a HP because they believe it will give them something in a sense of positive self regard. The fact is all it will give you is seven days a week of all your free time being used in working as a High Priest. Want to go out and doing something tonight..... Nope you have several important assignments that have to be worked on.

You don't have to be a HP to work for Satan.
Is that you on the picture?

if so, I suggest you to remove it, there is no need to expose and endanger yourself like that. Enemy is reading these forums, too.
Not that I'm lazy, but...I wouldn't want to be a HP. When you're ready, do the Dedication ritual, then go though our materials (see the 'JoSM Links' link in my signature below). Sooner or later, your true self will come out, and then you will know who you are and what you are the best at doing in life. It may be a HP-type position, or it may be something else entirely.

A big importance is to know yourself - your true self. Then you can help things in the best way possible for you.
I do not think that I would mind the additional responsibilities.

I want to be able to legitimately perform weddings, baptisms and any other duty attributed to an HP. I want to help my fellow Satanists here in Oklahoma. Satanists are few and far between in Oklahoma, especially in the Tulsa and Bartlesville areas. We are surrounded by the Abrahamics and every service for the impoverished is provided by the Abrahamics. For example: I am very poor and because of where I live, if I want help getting some decent food I am required to sit through a sermon first at "Loaves and Fishes" if I refuse to do this then I only receive 5 USDA items while those that stayed for the sermon get a whole bag of food for the week. They love exploiting that 1st amendment loophole and flaunting their Christian privilege. It makes me sick.

Please help.
There is no path to become a HP there is no steps or text book. Just focus on yourself with the meditations and building a relationship with the Gods and working on your living situation. You don't need to be HP to work for Satan.
"There is no path to become a HP there is no steps or text book. Just focus on yourself with the meditations and building a relationship with the Gods and working on your living situation. You don't need to be HP to work for Satan." -by HP Mageson666 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:23 pm

Ok... so I am pretty confused right now.

Your answer would seem to imply that I could perform weddings, baptisms, and form covens without being an HP. Yet on the website and in the PDFs it always mentions an HP doing these things. Plus I have to assume that you did something to earn your title and be given the responsibilities that keep you so busy.

It feels like maybe you don't want me to pursue this which is even more confusing as I would think that yall would appreciate having another HP around to lighten the workload.

Please help me not be confused.
This is not Christianity where you go to jeboo school and get a degree to become a minister. There is no path to becoming a HP. There is no if you work this much for Satan then you will become a HP. Also many people have come and gone because they could not handle being a HP. Some people were given a test period and they failed totally. I worked for years seven days a week in hours of my free time for Satanism before even becoming a HP. This included also having to work six days a week between full time school, and working two part time jobs.

Even then I was not on any path to becoming a HP. This requires something that needs to be done. My job as a HP why I was selected for this is because of my role in doing what I do with writing and research I have a natural talent at this and was working on building a career doing this anyway. I have had authors email me for information for their own work and have been offered book deals to write for publishers. I turned this down but still this is my role here. I have walls full of books upon books and I spend hours researching daily in my free time. This is a way of being for me. And this job needed to be done as people need information. I also do many of my research projects on orders from the Gods. And they have directed me as well.

Its much appreciated you want to help and this is needed. But you don't have to be a HP to work for Satan. Everyone here works for Satan and Satanism and this is all awesome and every person is important if they work for Satan and Satanism. This is a team effort and we all win together by working and working together. Being a HP is not required to be part of the team and work for the team. My role as HP is in how I am needed to be of service to our community and the cause of Satanism. I accepted this because this service needs to be done.

Apryl said:
"There is no path to become a HP there is no steps or text book. Just focus on yourself with the meditations and building a relationship with the Gods and working on your living situation. You don't need to be HP to work for Satan." -by HP Mageson666 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:23 pm

Ok... so I am pretty confused right now.

Your answer would seem to imply that I could perform weddings, baptisms, and form covens without being an HP. Yet on the website and in the PDFs it always mentions an HP doing these things. Plus I have to assume that you did something to earn your title and be given the responsibilities that keep you so busy.

It feels like maybe you don't want me to pursue this which is even more confusing as I would think that yall would appreciate having another HP around to lighten the workload.

Please help me not be confused.
HP Mageson666, you sound very much like me. Except that as a disabled combat vet, I have lots of time on my hands to devote myself to Satan's work.

I am very knowledgeable in religious/spiritual/occult practices and have studied the collected works of the JoS in depth since my dedication over a year ago. I believe I have a strong foundation for eventual Priesthood. Based on your description of how you were chosen, I have no doubt that I will prove myself worthy. I will work even harder now on advancing my abilities and in advising others via postings on this forum.

Thank you so much for responding in such an enlightening and genuine fashion. You have inspired me to continue with gusto.
HP Mageson666 said:
This is not Christianity where you go to jeboo school and get a degree to become a minister. There is no path to becoming a HP. There is no if you work this much for Satan then you will become a HP. Also many people have come and gone because they could not handle being a HP. Some people were given a test period and they failed totally. I worked for years seven days a week in hours of my free time for Satanism before even becoming a HP. This included also having to work six days a week between full time school, and working two part time jobs.

Even then I was not on any path to becoming a HP. This requires something that needs to be done. My job as a HP why I was selected for this is because of my role in doing what I do with writing and research I have a natural talent at this and was working on building a career doing this anyway. I have had authors email me for information for their own work and have been offered book deals to write for publishers. I turned this down but still this is my role here. I have walls full of books upon books and I spend hours researching daily in my free time. This is a way of being for me. And this job needed to be done as people need information. I also do many of my research projects on orders from the Gods. And they have directed me as well.

Its much appreciated you want to help and this is needed. But you don't have to be a HP to work for Satan. Everyone here works for Satan and Satanism and this is all awesome and every person is important if they work for Satan and Satanism. This is a team effort and we all win together by working and working together. Being a HP is not required to be part of the team and work for the team. My role as HP is in how I am needed to be of service to our community and the cause of Satanism. I accepted this because this service needs to be done.

Apryl said:
"There is no path to become a HP there is no steps or text book. Just focus on yourself with the meditations and building a relationship with the Gods and working on your living situation. You don't need to be HP to work for Satan." -by HP Mageson666 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:23 pm

Ok... so I am pretty confused right now.

Your answer would seem to imply that I could perform weddings, baptisms, and form covens without being an HP. Yet on the website and in the PDFs it always mentions an HP doing these things. Plus I have to assume that you did something to earn your title and be given the responsibilities that keep you so busy.

It feels like maybe you don't want me to pursue this which is even more confusing as I would think that yall would appreciate having another HP around to lighten the workload.

Please help me not be confused.

Thank you for your work through the years.
HP Mageson666 said:
This is not Christianity where you go to jeboo school and get a degree to become a minister.
...or as Homer Simpson said, "I'm trying to get into heaven, not run for jesus".

The OP's focus is to be a HP. That's not the point of being a Spiritual Satanist. We gave the advice to do the meditations and workings which will reveal his true self sooner or later, but he wants to be a HP. The christ-grip is strong.

To the OP - go through the materials and do the meditations and workings, and de-programme yourself. By the looks of it, it won't be easy for you, so don't give up. We can't have just anyone be a HP - and you're brand new here; you could be anyone, with his identifiable picture showing. Foolishness is not wise, and we can't have idiotic HPs. There was one who decided to do drugs. They're not here anymore, and if I'm not mistaken aren't a Spiritual Satanist at all anymore. The only "sin" in Spiritual Satanism is foolishness/idiocy/stupidity.

It's also not a competition, comparing yourself with others, saying that you can perform admirably, like our current HPs and HPSs do. The most admirable performance is being yourself while advancing and empowering yourself. You might have read through the JoS but knowledge is not enough. Click the 'JoSM Links' link in my signature, and go through it properly, and do the 'Freeing the Soul' working, which might need to be done more than once, and get yourself a meditation programme, with exercising and yoga, a healthy diet, and keeping your mental abilities sharp.
Apryl said:
I am having the hardest time searching for specific info on this forum. Please help. I want to know how to become more than just a dedicated satanist. I want to become an HP. What steps do I need to take to make this happen and if there is already a posting for this, please direct me.
I’ve heard in order to become a HP the Gods choose you for that role, I don’t know how true that is but it’d make sense. This JoS sermon talks about the Priesthood:
Read this, and HPS Maxine's reply especially -
Dear FancyMancy,

I mean no disrespect, but in the future please read my posts carefully before responding to them. You seem to be under the impression that I have not already dedicated myself or read the collected works of the JoS and that I am here to compete.

Please let me clarify. I performed the dedication ritual on June 23, 2017 at approximately 3am. I had studied the collected works of the JoS thoroughly before making my decision to dedicate and have continued to study and practice since then.

My enthusiasm to want become worthy of Preisthood is not an expression of competition. It is an expression of my need to be the best satanist I can be for myself and so that I may in turn help my fellow satanists here in NE Oklahoma.

May we all perform adequately in the name of our Lord SatanLucifer. Ave Satanas!!!

Sincerely, Apryl
It's also important not to get into a religious and materialistic understanding of Spiritual Satanism. What we have here is real spirituality not religiosity. Many SS likely hate religious forms as such. Personally I even dislike props for this reason. We are not the "church of Satan" either who like to copycat xtians and their ceremonies. If people want to be united under Satan they do not need an "approved" Priest(ess) or HP(S) coming to make a ceremony. We don't need someone getting behind a pulpit either to preach about "repent ye of ye non satanic ways" or something like that. The reason all this xtian culural crap is how it is is because xtianity was built by jews purely to control the gentiles via cultural oppression.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think performing weddings and baptisms is what made Hitler a God or a Priest. It was his sheer tenacity, determination, and intellect that made him great.

I'm gonna let you all in on a little secret.... most of our current priests weren't born into satantic families. Satan's will for his comrades is almost unbrekable, and that goes both ways.

Sieg Heil!
The thing is you can still do a lot of work for Satan without being a HP, there are many member here like Lydia that did and do a lot for us and she is not a HP and there are many more.

If you want to become a HP just because you want to be powerful and advanced you have to understand that this doesn't happen overnight, it's not like you become a HP and magicaly you become super advanced and powerful in a day...the HP here all worked their ass off to become advanced. You can do the same, everyone can become powerful, it just takes time but it is worth it.

If it's just because you want to feel superior and want a title then look for xtianity or any other jewish things.
Apryl said:
You might have missed a link I shared above to another thread about being a HP/HPS.

I read that you said you dedicated, hence why I didn't say to dedicate in my reply; and I said that you might have read the JoS site, but that isn't enough. I'll say it again in Americanian -

Yeah, sure ya read the site, but d'ya think that's gunna get ya anywier? Youse gadda apply the knaaahledge! slaps back of hand in other hand Ya know wat choo gadda do, don'tcha? Yeh godda geddup off yer American keister, and get work'n'!

I saw what you said. My points still stand.

Your focus is to be a HP, and I would say that you are convinced that that means you are a "man of god" and everything else is less, as it were in christianity. You didn't say that your true self has come out, via the meditations and workings, so I reiterate to you to do them, and etc. of what I said regarding that. Having came from a very christianised environment, the chances are fleeting that your true self would have come out in a year or so.

So far after at least 2 warnings, which you ignore, you have kept your avatar picture the same identifiable picture. Just reading through things thoroughly it not is not enough. I might sound like ARv2 here - but instead of suggesting that you do the effing King and Queen, I'll say to do the meditations (which might very well include the King and Queen, in fact).

Your sole focus on becoming a 'church leader' is steering you towards that big, old Oak Tree in the next bend of the road - and big, old oak trees are rooted down deeply. They're stubborn, you might say, but be certain you don't try to pick a fight with it... You'll be off the road, and the tree will win, and you'll be upset that your 'journey' came to an abrupt halt, in pain; and your car will be written-off, and that would be upsetting in multiple ways.

If you do become a HP in the future, then fine, but don't disappoint yourself with expectations if it either doesn't happen in your time-frame, or if it doesn't happen at all. You've set an expectation, an appointment, but - to use an American sport analogy - life tends to throw curve balls, and you might 'strike out' or get struck by the ball and blame me, us, or Satan, and that face/hard ball interaction stings and leaves a lovely bruise or a broken bone.

You need to start, and then continue, keeping focussed on your own advancement and empowerment, which I repeat. Without that, you will not be a HP, ever. There's that big, old oak tree with a rather peculiar curve ball, in a confusing and mixed scene, swooping past. Duck! Keep your eyes on the road - your advancement and empowerment, then sooner or later things flow, and if the current takes you to priesthood, then fine; if not, then it's fine for us, but I expect you'd be upset and disappointed.

Maybe this will help you understand, instead -

Work! Advance and empower.
:roll: alright dude, first off, you've had plenty of people tell you to lose the profile pic. It's got your face as well as the ass end of a car that's identifiable to someone who knows their vehicles. Also, you pretty much said where you live in your second comment of the thread. You're not being very smart with your personal safety. This isn't some random Satanic forum. There are Jews here too who would like to see you dead. We don't need priests who aren't even competent enough to watch out for their own saftey. Secondly, plenty of long time members such as Fancy, Sinistra, and Luis and even Hp Don have told you what you need to know. Focus on improving yourself. That doesn't mean just reading the website and memorizing the material, it means put it into practice. You'll figure out what your role is along the way. If it's to be an Hp, great. But similar to what Fancy said, you may just be setting yourself up to get knocked down if you assume you can just become an Hp by doing X amount of work. "Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups." Listen to the advice given on this thread. It'll save you a lot of trouble. Finally, as the others have said, you don't need to be an Hp to do important work for Satanism. Do the Final RTR, put anti Xian tracts in random books in a book store, educate those you trust with an open mind, study important topics and post your findings on the forum. Get creative with it, but always be safe.
I wanna be the biggest threat to the international group of criminals who own the world, so here's my face, my home address, my name, my mom's minivan, if I post my Social Security number will I be allowed to be the one person these criminals want dead the most? How much can you do to protect others if you don't protect yourself first?

I really do admire you. I see what you're trying to do to be the biggest force of goodness that you can be. I encourage you to stick to the path and grow as best as you can. Take the time to sort through and fix all the problems, build new strengths and advancements, and just keep improving in every way. This is the path to true power, and when this power comes then you will know what you want to do. You most likely wouldn't even necessarily want to be a high priest anymore, when you see how powerful and influential you become you appreciate how you fit into your own spot that is just as important. It's like a big puzzle, a high priest is only one piece it's meaningless on it's own. Every piece fits together to cover all the area that's needed. Just keep growing and you'll find your spot.

Also, just delete your account here and make a new one. You've shared too much personal information for it to be safe. Make an account that is totally anonymous, no real names no real places and definitely no pictures of yourself. Start fresh, act like this first account never happened. We're all very happy to accept you here, we just want you to be safe and want to warn you that you don't exactly know yet what piece of the puzzle you are so don't get upset about it. Might not be a high priest, but there's other jobs. :D
Want to be a High Priest, well there isn't anything stopping you from starting to do the job of one now. Learn as much as you can, and teach others. You want to be influential in your home area, so start teaching your friends. Guide people to the truth, teach them little bits of history to help them connect the dots. Wake people up, then they go out and wake more people up, and eventually everyone in your area knows the truth and it started with your work. Do Final RTR, it has a strong local effect. I would always do a huge number of RTRs and the next day would see a lot more people waking up and talking about the problem. Keep growing and spreading as much truth and goodness as you can, and it helps the people around you to start doing the same. There's no requirement of being an official high priest before you can start helping.

Exposing Christianity is one of the best collections of knowledge to wake people up. There's always some bit of knowledge here that opens their eyes for the first time. Then Kabbalah Exposed finishes with the full truth.
I'll just step in to answer one part of the OP's posts:

The JoS HP's are not legally able to perform weddings etc. In order to be legally able to, you need to be ordained in accordance to your country/state. You can do this online, non-denominational, I think it may be free, or just a small fee. Many people have done this in order to perform weddings for their non-christian friends, for example.

Apryl said:
I want to be able to legitimately perform weddings, baptisms and any other duty attributed to an HP.
Lydia, Thank you for addressing the main issue instead of focusing on everything else that seems to be urcking the rest of the posters, and to that point, I am already an ordained minister able to perform ceremonies legally. When I say legitimately, I simply mean that I want the ceremonies I perform to be officially recognized by the JoS when appropriate. If someone needs me to perform a JoS ceremony or ritual that calls for a High Priest, I want to be able to do it in an official capacity.

As for the rest of you, I have not changed my avatar because I do not feel that it is necessary because regardless of whether or not the enemy is monitoring, I do not make fear based decisions. I find those that do to be weak and not worth my time.

I understand why some of you fail to see why this is so important to me, but if you had lived my life in Bartlesville, you would understand why it is paramount.

My fellow Satanists, do not judge me harshly for my zeal. It is my zeal that keeps me on the path of the Great Work, to continue to endeavor toward the Magnum Opus.

In general, I would like to thank all of you for the time and effort yall have put into answering this thread. Though, we may not always agree, I still find value in yalls responses.
Most neo-Pagans just do their own weddings and go to the Justice of the Peace to finalize it. Why not a Vegas theme wedding or something out there....
Apryl said:
As for the rest of you, I have not changed my avatar because I do not feel that it is necessary because regardless of whether or not the enemy is monitoring, I do not make fear based decisions. I find those that do to be weak and not worth my time.

I can respect that sentiment, I just wanted to poke in at this point to say that it's not necessarily so much a decision made out of fear as it is due to the fact that they might try to use it to seriously fuck with your life in some way or cause you actual physical harm. You are still free to go about your business as you see fit of course, it's merely a matter of ensuring you're informed about the potential risks so you'll be ready to address them should they happen.
FancyMancy said:
Apryl said:
You might have missed a link I shared above to another thread about being a HP/HPS.

I read that you said you dedicated, hence why I didn't say to dedicate in my reply; and I said that you might have read the JoS site, but that isn't enough. I'll say it again in Americanian -

Yeah, sure ya read the site, but d'ya think that's gunna get ya anywier? Youse gadda apply the knaaahledge! slaps back of hand in other hand Ya know wat choo gadda do, don'tcha? Yeh godda geddup off yer American keister, and get work'n'!

I saw what you said. My points still stand.

Your focus is to be a HP, and I would say that you are convinced that that means you are a "man of god" and everything else is less, as it were in christianity. You didn't say that your true self has come out, via the meditations and workings, so I reiterate to you to do them, and etc. of what I said regarding that. Having came from a very christianised environment, the chances are fleeting that your true self would have come out in a year or so.

So far after at least 2 warnings, which you ignore, you have kept your avatar picture the same identifiable picture. Just reading through things thoroughly it not is not enough. I might sound like ARv2 here - but instead of suggesting that you do the effing King and Queen, I'll say to do the meditations (which might very well include the King and Queen, in fact).

Your sole focus on becoming a 'church leader' is steering you towards that big, old Oak Tree in the next bend of the road - and big, old oak trees are rooted down deeply. They're stubborn, you might say, but be certain you don't try to pick a fight with it... You'll be off the road, and the tree will win, and you'll be upset that your 'journey' came to an abrupt halt, in pain; and your car will be written-off, and that would be upsetting in multiple ways.

If you do become a HP in the future, then fine, but don't disappoint yourself with expectations if it either doesn't happen in your time-frame, or if it doesn't happen at all. You've set an expectation, an appointment, but - to use an American sport analogy - life tends to throw curve balls, and you might 'strike out' or get struck by the ball and blame me, us, or Satan, and that face/hard ball interaction stings and leaves a lovely bruise or a broken bone.

You need to start, and then continue, keeping focussed on your own advancement and empowerment, which I repeat. Without that, you will not be a HP, ever. There's that big, old oak tree with a rather peculiar curve ball, in a confusing and mixed scene, swooping past. Duck! Keep your eyes on the road - your advancement and empowerment, then sooner or later things flow, and if the current takes you to priesthood, then fine; if not, then it's fine for us, but I expect you'd be upset and disappointed.

Maybe this will help you understand, instead -

Work! Advance and empower.

Hehehehehe. Thank you On behalf of all Americans. Made it quite clear. :lol:
I don't think the members who gave you suggestions were irked at you. I think they were just trying to help.

Is fear useless then? Fear is a warning to be cautious. What good is doing something foolish to be fearless and then dead the next day?

Fear as a tool for survival is not weak. It's only weak when it is an anxiety or irrational fear. Even then when one overcomes irrational fear it becomes a tool to make one stronger.

Apryl said:
Lydia, Thank you for addressing the main issue instead of focusing on everything else that seems to be urcking the rest of the posters, and to that point, I am already an ordained minister able to perform ceremonies legally. When I say legitimately, I simply mean that I want the ceremonies I perform to be officially recognized by the JoS when appropriate. If someone needs me to perform a JoS ceremony or ritual that calls for a High Priest, I want to be able to do it in an official capacity.

As for the rest of you, I have not changed my avatar because I do not feel that it is necessary because regardless of whether or not the enemy is monitoring, I do not make fear based decisions. I find those that do to be weak and not worth my time.

I understand why some of you fail to see why this is so important to me, but if you had lived my life in Bartlesville, you would understand why it is paramount.

My fellow Satanists, do not judge me harshly for my zeal. It is my zeal that keeps me on the path of the Great Work, to continue to endeavor toward the Magnum Opus.

In general, I would like to thank all of you for the time and effort yall have put into answering this thread. Though, we may not always agree, I still find value in yalls responses.
Apryl said:
As for the rest of you, I have not changed my avatar because I do not feel that it is necessary because regardless of whether or not the enemy is monitoring, I do not make fear based decisions. I find those that do to be weak and not worth my time.

Cute. Just a friendly reminder that the last guy who was showing his face around here got progressively more insane. To the point of becoming legitimately mentally retarded. Not exposing your face to people who have tortured and killed people with your beliefs throughout history is not so much an act of fear but more of intelligence and common sense.

Because in case you have not noticed, they have destroyed entire pagan civilizations and underestimating the threat they pose is historically proven to be a fatal mistake. You want to show your face and act like a badass that's fine. But don't encourage that behavior by pretending it's an act of strength. It's an act of stupidity.
Apryl said:
Length of time before OP is oudda heeeeer! Taking all bets. Let's make it sweeter - you win on best odds.

To the OP - enjoy. ;-)

Aldrick Strickland said:
Hehehehehe. Thank you On behalf of all Americans. Made it quite clear. :lol:
Lol, you're welcome.
You have no idea what you are asking for :D
as small advice do not post any pics here on your profile, and not share any personal information. Is not wise.
Hps.mlimlal666 said:
You have no idea what you are asking for :D
as small advice do not post any pics here on your profile, and not share any personal information. Is not wise.

Hi Hi Myla. ;)
Asks for help on how to become a HP, continues to appear and act like a fucking moron....

Sweetie, just an advice, if you think being cautious is stupid, then I can safely say that you are a completely useless moron to us all... and to yourself....

I'm insulting you because you are an idiot....

Come back when you have some common sense... or better yet... NEVER...

We don't need idiots in our community, as in SS stupidity is a sin.... So BYE!!!! :)
HailMotherLilith said:
Asks for help on how to become a HP, continues to appear and act like a fucking moron....

Sweetie, just an advice, if you think being cautious is stupid, then I can safely say that you are a completely useless moron to us all... and to yourself....

I'm insulting you because you are an idiot....

Come back when you have some common sense... or better yet... NEVER...

We don't need idiots in our community, as in SS stupidity is a sin.... So BYE!!!! :)

You know, for all the shit you get from people on the forums, I wouldn't think that you'd just turn around and unload even saltier hostility on another person.

All others that have posted here have given information and advice, but then you come in to just lambaste an act of stupidity. Which is fine, stupidity should be criticized, others here have already done so. But whereas they used it as an opportunity to illustrate flaws in thinking with the end goal of helping Apryl come to more sound conclusions about safety and how to advance and so on and so forth, you just shut 'em down and encourage them to just give up and not come back.

I wouldn't want someone saying things like that to you for the same reason I dislike this here: All of us are capable, all of us can change, and all of us can and probably will do stupid shit on this journey, because it's very much a form of growth in its own right and growth involves fucking up and learning from those fuck-ups. I've learned from ones I made, I'm sure you have too, so let's help fellow members who actively want to engage with us instead of pissing in their Cheerios and kicking them out.
HailMotherLilith said:
Asks for help on how to become a HP, continues to appear and act like a fucking moron....

Sweetie, just an advice, if you think being cautious is stupid, then I can safely say that you are a completely useless moron to us all... and to yourself....

I'm insulting you because you are an idiot....

Come back when you have some common sense... or better yet... NEVER...

We don't need idiots in our community, as in SS stupidity is a sin.... So BYE!!!! :)

HailMotherLilith said:
Asks for help on how to become a HP, continues to appear and act like a fucking moron....

Sweetie, just an advice, if you think being cautious is stupid, then I can safely say that you are a completely useless moron to us all... and to yourself....

I'm insulting you because you are an idiot....

Come back when you have some common sense... or better yet... NEVER...

We don't need idiots in our community, as in SS stupidity is a sin.... So BYE!!!! :)

Alright settle down. The purpose of these forums are to elevate and educate people if I'm not mistaken. Being harsh for educational or motivational reasons is fine, but don't encourage people to leave.
HailMotherLilith said:
Asks for help on how to become a HP, continues to appear and act like a fucking moron....

Sweetie, just an advice, if you think being cautious is stupid, then I can safely say that you are a completely useless moron to us all... and to yourself....

I'm insulting you because you are an idiot....

Come back when you have some common sense... or better yet... NEVER...

We don't need idiots in our community, as in SS stupidity is a sin.... So BYE!!!! :)
Lot's of pent up anger I see.
ess said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Asks for help on how to become a HP, continues to appear and act like a fucking moron....

Sweetie, just an advice, if you think being cautious is stupid, then I can safely say that you are a completely useless moron to us all... and to yourself....

I'm insulting you because you are an idiot....

Come back when you have some common sense... or better yet... NEVER...

We don't need idiots in our community, as in SS stupidity is a sin.... So BYE!!!! :)
Lot's of pent up anger I see.

What? Where? In between the shouting?

Yes, I was rude, I know, it was on purpose, but only because not everyone who find this path keep up to their word or whatever.

@ess: You told me not to reply to you, but you can reply to me? Sounds a bit unfair....

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
