Latitude and longitude of the location I guess . Time has to be more accurate... Location can be aproximated ,you don't have to put the coordinates of the hospital you were born, it's ussualy enough to get the coordinates of the city if it's not a huge one . When we speak about time it's another thing because if it is variable, if we know only the hour for example you can't tell anymore the location of the houses and you can't find the planet that is your chart ruler who defines you in the best way. Or in some causes if you are born at 00:01 and the moon is in 28 degrees aquarius at that time but at 23:50 it will be in pieces. So even the moon sign can vary from an hour to another because it changes the sign at 2-3 days . I'm saying 00:01 because in documents the new day starts at midnight ,ussualy in nature ,Satanism and astrology the new day comes at the sunrise . If you are talking about events I think you should have in mind planetary hours and also the current location of the planets , you don't have to pinpoint your location,it's enough an area of the size of a big town or a small city .