Necrorifter said:
I am on brink of astral projection, but I am curious as to the astral realm, real-time zone, tend to be a reflection of the physical world. So how does one go around construct their astral temple when it could be exposed to other astral projectors or enemies. Astral projection is different than lucid dreams in that dreams are inside of your mind, so it is more or less safe from enemy influence. but is there a safe zone for astral temple such as "pocket dimension" tied to your soul or something? Or do I just visualize neverending clear white background and then construct the temple in there?
The astral plane is a subspace of infinite layering 'dimensions', every 'solidified' construct upon it is a projection on any singular level of these dimensions that cater to the creator and anyone who associates in tie to it, anything, anywhere, the actual true location is not truly defined by any sense of logic. It usually ties to something physical, in which case would be our own selves with an astral temple projected of our own ego of which is tied to a physical form and medium.
Such locations like an astral temple can only be discovered or entered upon with connection or strong association to any related matters. Satan and the gods can find and enter our astral temple through us specifically as we are naturally bonded and connected to them spiritually by creation and descendance. This enabling of reading upon our psychic sight, senses, will, etc via this bond and connection (This is also how they are able to urge and influence us to do or find things in order to guide us to help, answers, information, etc) is part of how they can find our astral temple.
Some form of connection or knowledge of an astral location is required in order to find it via intent and connection, otherwise it is not known and cannot be discovered or found. This is the same with magic matters, you can't read the mind of someone if you can't figure out how they look in appearance, etc in order to properly pinpoint your focus to perform the action on the correct individual. This is why we don't share very personal information about ourselves here, show our appearances, describe how we look, what our rooms or homes look like, what we own or have, as such information makes it easier for hostiles or infiltrators to pinpoint their focus of an attack upon us.
So an astral temple
is essentially a pocket dimension, to enter it requires knowing it or tying to the creator in open psychic bond enough to discover it in the creators will.