When practicing multiple spiritual works, your energy gets divided. If you focus on just one practice, your soul fully absorbs and channels energy in that direction. However, with two practices, the energy splits (e.g., 50%-50%), limiting how much you can absorb at a time.
For example, chanting only the Lakshmi mantra strengthens its energy in the astral, allowing deeper spiritual travel. But if you add other practices, the energy disperses, reducing its intensity and traveling distance [the more it travels , the more 'opportunities' one has]. That said, combining different works can be beneficial, as they carry unique astral codes. The key is knowing your own capacity and power level. The bad side of this would be : If you can't 'comprehend' 3 workings at once, you will then be burned out spiritually and unable to continue any of them workings , I have experienced this, but in time I have become powerful enough to do more workings at once.
In regards to your question:
# The way the material and spiritual squares starts are different and you have to be careful when doing both , not to confuse their directions , best would be to open the file in paint and thicc off with a line that specific day you're doing and then simply the way it goes .
Spiritual one - this one goes more like a snake kind of movement
Material one - this one goes down to top and so forth , follow the way they go, this is crucial for squares [Careful not to do mistakes!]
If you start Sun Spiritual this Sunday , that would mean you will have to do 25x vibrations for the spritual one, continuing with 29 [monday] and you will then have to do just 1 mantra for the new square you're starting according to the drawing.
Simply put, you have to follow their numbers, that's all, you can't combine nothing , you got to get stick with the way they are made and the best way to do 2 squares at once , in my opinion at least would be to start sunday in the morning and on the next sunday start that one in the night about 8 pm.
If you decide to do just one, then you do it every day in the sun hours which will amplify this even stronger, you check the hours
https://jos-astro.com/#/planetary-hours-form here [ I personally use more apps in this matter , not just one, just to be very exact when doing spiritual workings that they are at full capacity and best potency]
Warning : Before we start, this is very advanced 'shit' , if you're ready to do 3 workings at once, as you've said you wish, after completing probably many other singular planetary squares and you really think that are ready to go for 'VERY STRONG and COMPLEX' stuff , be my guest , try it , see if you are able to follow it trough , not just by information but mostly by the energy in itself.
Personal advice regards Squares: You got to have your chakra's open [the 7th one's I mean], cleaned and empowered[on a daily basis] and also fully functional. [ You can try do it even without respecting those things , up to each one to do whatever they want and experiment , that's how we've all learned and learn , trough experience].
The planetary squares are very pretentious and exact and must be followed in FULL .
So yea, the Sun is the strongest about 13:00 until 16:00 , that's the best time to do so , but earlier or later are fine as well, but I aim for maximum potential.
Example of hours for full potency based on actual
SUN checked hours , according with a random location [
If you decide to do one single working ]:
Sunday, 16/02/2025
start 13:06 end 13:56
Monday, 17/02/2025
start 16:30 end 17:20
Tuesday, 18/02/2025
start 13:58 end 14:48
Wednesday, 19/02/2025
start 11:24 end 12:14
Thursday, 20/02/2025
start 14:51 end 15:42
Friday, 21/02/2025
start 12:15 end 13:06
Saturday, 22/02/2025
start 15:45 end 16:37
Sunday, 23/02/2025
start 13:08 end 14:00
In case you decide to do
2 squares at once then the best example would be this:
Let's say that you start with
first square being the material one:
Sunday, 16/02/2025
start 07:11 end 08:01 x1 vibrations [
according to the material table]
Monday, 17/02/2025
start 10:34 end 11:24 x30 vibrations [
according to the material table]
Tuesday, 18/02/2025
start 07:59 end 08:49 x24 vibrations [
according to the material table]
Wednesday, 19/02/2025
start 11:24 end 12:14 x13 vibrations [
according to the material table]
Thursday, 20/02/2025
start 08:48 end 09:39 x12 vibrations [
according to the material table]
Friday, 21/02/2025
start 12:15 end 13:06 x31 vibrations [
according to the material table]
Saturday, 22/02/2025
start 09:37 end 10:29 x2 vibrations [
according to the material table]
And then , the next Sunday has came and you got to do this way: [
look at the dates]
Sunday, 23/02/2025
start 06:57 end 07:50 x26 vibration [
according to the material table] -8th day of material
Sunday, 23/02/2025
start 19:46 end 20:53 x31 vibration [according to the spiritual table] -1th day of spiritual
Monday, 24/02/2025
start 10:28 end 11:21 x17 vibration [according to the material table]-9th day of material
Monday, 24/02/2025
start 16:41 end 17:33 x2 vibration [according to the spiritual table] -2th day of spiritual
Tuesday, 25/02/2025
start 07:47 end 08:40 x23 vibration [according to the material table]-10th day of material
Tuesday, 25/02/2025
start 14:02 end 14:54 x4 vibration [according to the spiritual table] -3th day of spiritual
Tips; I like leaving a distance of at least 6-8 hours hours between two workings , preferably 8 , therefore I would do Sun material morning and Sun Spiritual late night and then I would carry on with Lakshimi on mid day around 14:00 - 15:00 , with the Laskhimi one would be very nice if you could literally keep the same time every day, if you started the working at 14:00 then keep it as such [ this is not a must but it would influence things ].
Conclusion : Sun Material morning / Sun spiritual Evening / mid day the lakshimi working . The above details , if I were to do it at that time , I could then do both workings at SUN's hours, which would enhance both my spiritual workings , if this is not possible , then try to keep at least one of the squares at the Sun hours if possible and also the LakshimiI at the same time.
I've reached the 10th day of my Lakshmi mantra and the affirmation I created it for has been fulfilled (got the job). Now I'm wondering if I could repurpose the working with a new affirmation
You could but I wouldn't , the working must have the same affirmation until the end , what you could do instead then is to stop it and start a new one with a new affirmation or to continue using the same affirmation , one of the two, you got to choose . If you let's say have now a job and started and all is secured then best would be to start a new working with that mantra to attract money or some other pursuit that would advantage your financial circumstances, but if you did not yet got the job as in [singed a contract and having a start time and know for a fact that all is certain] then I would carry on with the Job affirmation for lakshimi until you get full security of a job.