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Liberalism is communism

Edward Lonsa1

Nov 10, 2012
http://www.deathofcommunism.com/liberal ... communism/Liberalism is communism
This article was originally written in Russian for those Russians who wish to return to the happy Stalinist GULAG and the Lenin’s Civil War because they are fed with Russian liberals (all Jews) and oligarchs.

As for English speakers who do not know all the detail, jewish oligarches, also known as “new Russians”, took power over Russia after perestroyka and took in their dominion all Russian business and markets, when after a century of repression the free market finally emerged from “proletarian dictatorship”. They belonged to so called Russian liberalism movement that is known to be full-blood jewish, Russia-hating, propagandizing Russian genocide, very similar to how Mona Salin feels about Sweden. They are known for “standing above all laws” very similar to American FRS and very similar to how communist party was aligned during Soviet regime. They are known for robbing Russia by billions sending them abroad in their bank accounts and using them to fund their agenda, including pot, feminism, gay parades and such. No different to how liberals of the West behave.

Now most Russians seeing this monstrosity backlash back to Soviet Union and Stalin’s GULAG in hope that it will “put all these kikes in place” because they forgot that Stalin and his GULAG was ITSELF a JEW and a jeiwsh world order. It happens because the history of Soviet Union was completelly wiped out in Russia and Russian speaking internet. So by this article I remind those who forgot who were soviets and who hope that new totalitarian soviet slave state will “put liberals into place”, the history and real politics of Soviet Union, bolshevics and communist party.

Here I provide some quotations of both regimes and invite readers to notice some relativity between them, especially those on the subject of Russian nation, Russian intelligentsia (educated class, professors, scientists), money, big capital, national currency, as well as issues of terror and dictatorship.

Fear of Nazism in Russia:
L.Ponomarev, liberal:
“Russian fascism is not a contrived phenomenon, it is rooted in the consciousness of the population”
“Yabloko” promises first of all to “deduce the evil” of Russian fascism throughout the country. ”
S.IVANENKO “… the fight against the brown threat in Russia, the fight against Russian fascism is really one of the key tasks”
“… Young people may not remember, better say, young people, perhaps, should not remember … that us, the old Bolsheviks, … called the old, tsarist Russia prison of the people”
“… In connection with the New Economic Policy, a new force is emerging in our inner life – Great-Russian chauvinism”
“… A decisive struggle against Great-Russian chauvinism represents the surest means for overcoming nationalist remnants”
“We must take all measures to ensure that Soviet power was not only Russian, but also international”
Stalin also introduced the term “nationalist counterrevolution.”


“For example, I do not care at all how many missiles will be released by a democratic America onto undemocratic Iraq.
For me, the more, the better. Just as I am completely not horrified by the trouble that happened with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ”
– Novodvorskaya, liberal
“… the law on the violent revolution of the proletariat, the law on the demolition of the bourgeois state machine is a crucial law for all revolutional movements in all imperialist countries” (IV Stalin, On the Foundations of Leninism, Works, Vol. 6, p. 117).

Anatoly Chubais, liberal politician, very prominent thief:
“What are you worried about these people? Well, thirty million will die out. They did not fit into the market. Do not think about it – the new ones will grow ”
“… if 9/10 of the whole people are to be destroyed for the cause of communism, then the Bolsheviks should not think for a minute.”
– Collected Works of Lenin, Volume 11, page 702.

Anatoly Chubais:
“I read Dostoevsky all over, and now I do not feel anything except this physical hatred. When I see in his books the thought that the Russian people are a people’s people, God-chosen, I want to tear it to pieces. ”
“… we must now apply all measures of terror, give it all the strength! Do not think that I’m looking for forms of revolutionary justice, justice does not suit us! We should not have long conversations! Now fight chest with chest, not for life, but for death – who will take it ?! And I demand one thing – the organization of revolutionary punishment! »- Felix Dzerzhinsky

Yegor Gaidar, jewish oligarch, liberal:
“There is nothing terrible in that a part of pensioners will die out, but the society will become more mobile.”
“The party is strengthened by purging itself of opportunistic elements” (Stalin)

“… in Zelenograd, our medicine recorded 36 deaths due to hunger. Gaidar answered simply: radical changes are taking place, money is difficult, and leaving people who are incapable of resisting these reforms is a natural thing. ”
Leiba Bronstein Trotsky:
“It’s not hunger. When Titus besieged Jerusalem, Jewish mothers ate their children. That’s when I make your mothers eat their children, then you can come and say: “We are starving” ”


Anatoly Chubais:
“Imagine having organized in the country really completely democratic elections based on the will of workers with equal access to the media, to money … The result of such elections would be an order much worse, and perhaps just catastrophic for the country.”
“Dictatorial power and unity do not contradict socialist democracy” – Lenin

“the hopes of those who want to build a really functioning democracy in Russia being associated with my name, seems to me a mistake.”
YUGSAKOV: (Prominent ideologist of United Russia, the founder of the semi-official TV channel russia.ru)
“The country is inhabited by an animal-like rabble, which simply can not be given the opportunity to freely choose. This rabble must moo in the stall, and not be pounded with dirty hoofs in my cozy air-conditioned office. To this end, and invented “Ours”, “Molodogvaretsy” and other cattle-ugend [German Ugend – youth]. Is it not clear that with free elections and equal access to the media, at least DPNI and other browns will win? It’s not necessary to get out of the country right now, when “Ours” and other sovereign [foul word meaning fucker] are building. Get out of here when it’s ever, when this animal get permission to elect their power. ”
“The dictatorship of the proletariat is an unrestricted right and the proletariat’s domination of the bourgeoisie, based on violence, using the sympathy and support of the working and exploited masses to its own benefit” (IV Stalin, On the Foundations of Leninism, Works, Vol. 6, p.

“Dictatorship – and consider this once and for all – means unlimited power based on violence, and not on law” – Lenin.

The extermination of the intelligentsia [educated class]

“At the beginning of the reforms, I told Gaidar: You are looking for a middle class. But they are teachers, doctors, technical and creative intelligentsia. And he answered in reply: this is not the middle class, but the dependents. ” (Oleg Poptsov, “The Moment of Truth”, TVC, June 23, 2006)
Lenin on the intelligentsia in a letter to AM Gorky. from September 15, 1919: “The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and growing in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who think themselves to be the brains of the nation. It’s not really a brain, it’s a shit. ”
Lenin in a letter to Gorky on February 7, 1908: “The importance of the intellectuals in our party is diminishing: to lead from everywhere that the intelligentsia is fleeing the party. And this is where this bastard should go. The party is being cleansed of petty-bourgeois litter. Workers are more likely to take action. ”


Mikhail Khodorkovsky, jeiwsh oligarch, liberal
“… It is a shame not to rob such a state”
Lenin: “… we are robbing the loot”
Trotsky “To win a civil war, we will rob Russia”

Khodorkovsky: “Corruption began with us, it must end on us”
Lenin: “… State capitalism would have been a salvation for us; if we had it in Russia, then the transition to full socialism would be easy, would be in our hands, because state capitalism is something centralized, calculated, controlled and socialized … ”
“Money is power” – Rakovsky

For some it will be a surprise that Lenin openly supported the imperialist form of capitalism. But this is a perfectly normal phenomenon, known to all key members of the party.

“There is communism in Moscow: in New York capitalism.

It’s like a thesis and antithesis. Analyze both.
Moscow is subjectively communism, but [objectively] state capitalism.
New York: subjectively capitalism, but its purpose is communism.

Personal synthesis, the truth: Financial International, capitalist communism. ‘They are.’ ”
– Rakovsky, party member

Lenin earned its living by inventing “norms” of the amount of money that was supposed to be kept by a goy, any goy that turned out to be more fortunate than is permissible according Lenin’s point of view, had to hand over his property to a Jew:

Lenin: “We will appoint the shortest period during which everyone will have to make a declaration on the amount of money available to him and receive in return new ones; if the amount is small, he will receive a ruble for the ruble; If he has too much, he will receive only a part of his previous belonging. This measure will undoubtedly be met with the strongest opposition not only from the part of the bourgeoisie, but also from the rural kulaks who became rich in war and buried bottles filled with thousands of paper money. We will meet the chest with the chest with the class enemy. The struggle will be difficult, but grateful ”

Socialization of women

Many defenders of the Soviet Union do not like the “sexual revolution”, the legalization of indecent behavior [whoring] and similar “innovations of the West.” In the Soviet Union, this issue was resolved simply by violence. The point is that the idea of “socializing women” comes from the origins of communism.

Lev Ponomarev, head of the human rights movement For Human Rights:
“”Pot marches and gay parade should be allowed … People with democratic views and a high degree of civic engagement will always find the strength and courage to support dissenters, including those who support the legalization of cannabis and the holding of gay parades ”
MANDATE [runder Trotsky]
Present to this Comrade Karaseev is given the right to socialize in the city of Ekaterinodar 10 girls’ souls from 16 to 20 years old, whom Comrade Karaseev will point to.
Glavkom Ivashev [signature] Print place [print]

Removal of money from population

Igor Yurgens, jewish oligarch, head of INSOR:
“What innovations are there, what industry! The fate of Russia is to export oil and other raw materials! Forget the rest! ”
About the province. “ICTs will not come for a long time in regions that are not very promising for business and to “unpromising social layers”
“Russia is hampered by Russians – most of our compatriots live in the last century and do not want to develop … The Russians are still very archaic. In the Russian mentality, the community is higher than the personality … The greater part (of the people) is in partial de-qualification … Another part is general degradation. ”

Those who want to return us to the Gulag often point out a scheme of liberal oligarchs, such as Khodorkovsky, Abramovich, Deripaska, Potanin (Wartburg), Berezovsky, who take away their stolen goods abroad, where they sometimes go themselves. This became a traditional scheme of “Russian” business, so despised by the Communists.

The release of the “New York Times” of April 1921: the account of Lenin in one of the Swiss banks only in 1920 received 75 million Swiss francs. According to the newspaper, there were $ 11 million and 90 million francs on Trotsky’s accounts, 80 million francs on the accounts of Zinoviev, 80 million on the account of the “knight of the revolution” Dzerzhinsky, and 60 million francs and 10 million dollars on the account of Hanecki-Furstenberg.

Shortly before the break-up of the Soviet Union, communist party, knowing and preparing for it beforehand, itook out all its billions abroad:
Dokmuenty i fakti [Russia newspaper].
Brezhnev’s dollars: where did the “Gold of the Party” go in the amount of $ 11 billion?
00:05 12/10/2011 Georgy Zotov
20 years ago, shortly before the collapse of the USSR, billions of “bucks” disappeared from the accounts of the CPSU, and tons of gold from the Soviet State Bank’s storage facilities.
“AiF” found out: almost everyone who was involved in these accounts is currently dead …
In 1985, the gold reserve of the USSR was 2400 tons (now – about 800 tons). For six years the number of ingots has decreased tenfold, but still after the August putsch in the State Bank of the USSR there were 240 tons of gold. The former head of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, Viktor Mironenko, later claimed: there were 11 billion dollars on the party’s accounts at that time – the rest of the money “made” by Brezhnev on the oil boom. The Soviet Union has not collapsed yet, but the repositories at the State Bank and currency accounts turned out to be empty – both dollars and gold … disappeared in October 1991. Mironenko himself said about money simply: “They have disappeared somewhere. Probably they were stolen. ”
“AIF” does not set the task of finding “Brezhnev dollars” – it is already impossible. We are only trying to track what methods were used to cover up the main scam of the 20th century. After all, even if one hundred small officials stole 2-3 million dollars, this is not enough to evaporate billions of dollars and hundreds of tons of gold.

Foreign sponsorship

Very often you can hear that now the oligarchs and the “West” are paying propaganda against the Soviet government, the Soviet state, “provocation”, etc. “anti-Russian” sources. For these patriots it will be useful to learn that the Soviet Union was built on the money of Western bankers: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Schiff, Warburg, Morgan and the Nobel Brothers, and others.
For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, a mysterious well-wisher, encrypted in the documents of the RSDLP as “California gold mines,” gave money to the underground newspaper Iskra.

Arsen de Gulevich, an important White general, wrote: “However, the main suppliers of funds for the revolution were neither Russian millionaire robbers nor armed bandits of Lenin. “Real” money mainly came from certain British and American circles that for a long time supported the Russian revolutionary cause … The important role of the rich American banker Jacob Schiff in the events in Russia, although only partially disclosed, is no longer a secret. ”

“The Rothschilds were not the treasurers, but the presidents of this first secret communism … Marx and the highest leaders of the First International … was ruled by the Baron Lionel Rothschild (1808-1878), whose revolutionary portrait was made by Disraeli, the British prime minister who was also his creature and left us Disraeli’s novel Coningsby.] “(250)

Ulyanov-Lenin in November 1918 at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee: “I am often accused of using German money for our revolution; I do not deny it, but on Russian money I will make the same revolution in Germany. ”

Hatred of the Russians

Valeria Novodvorskaya, liberal:
“The Russians can not be allowed to enter European civilization, Russians were layed in a toilet and that served them right. Pitiful, insolvent in the spiritual sense, cowardly sleep in toilet and have no rights. If such rights are given, the general level of humanity will fall ”
“If Russia dies, in general, I will not personally grumble”
Leiba Bronstein Trotsky:
“We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by White negroes, over which we must establish tyranny, which the most terrible tyrants of the East did not dream of. The only difference is that it will be the tyranny of the left sector, not the right one. It will be red, not White. We mean ‘red color’ in the literal sense, because we will release such rivers of blood, before which all human losses will fade and fade in all the capitalist wars combined. The largest bankers overseas will work with us. If we win the revolution, we will establish the power of Zionism on the wreckage of its funeral crown, and we will become a force before which the whole world will kneel down. We will show what is real power. Through terror and bloodshed, we will reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of total stupefaction and idiocy, and to animal existence … And while our young men in leather jackets are sons of watchmakers from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa – how wonderful, how delightfully they hate everything Russian! With what pleasure they physically destroy the Russian intelligentsia – officers, engineers, priests, generals, agronomists, academicians, writers! … ”
“… It is necessary to encourage the energy and mass terror,” wrote Lenin on July 26, 1918
“We stand for organized terror – this must be recognized honestly. Terror is an absolute necessity “- Felix Dzerzhinsky

Boris Khazanov [liberal]: “In this country, there are goats grazing with plucked sides, scrotal inhabitants timidly make their way along the fences”
L.Heidiz “I am sick of morons, of RUSSIAN MORONS, who have nothing for their souls except chatter and claims for “greatness”, you are insignificant cheap stupid freaks, whom it’s embarrassing to even dirt your hands over.”
“… Give the Russian fools a job: send scraps here, not random numbers (as these idiots have done so far …)
– Letter from Lenin to the Soviet Mission


Absolutely no one in Russia has any need in jewish oligarchs who usurped power over all industry and all business. In fact, they dictate the prices for everything, dictate the market and the market conditions, they are pure parasites, the existence of which is not necessary for any inhabitant of the Earth, but only harmful. But very few people know that the Communist Party performed the same function for society throughout its existence, and its only concern was the pumping of money from the population.

“Our attitude to the authorities? A few months ago, we considered for the benefit of power, which would not hurt us, businessmen. In this respect, the ideal ruler was Mikhail Gorbachev. At that stage of our development, this was enough. Now that the buisness class has gained strength and this process is impossible to stop, our attitude to power is changing. Neutrality in relation to us is not enough. It is necessary to implement the principle: the one who pays, orders the music ”
“Have we earned lashes of people by feasting when the mass is plagued? Is not our feast ultimately beneficial to the that very people?! ”

Here is what Lenin would say about this feast, this is his quote about a similar but less well-known situation in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century:
“We will appoint the shortest period during which everyone will have to make a declaration on the amount of money available to him and receive in return new ones; if the amount is small, he will receive a ruble for the ruble; If he has too much, he will receive only a part of his previous belonging. This measure will undoubtedly be met with the strongest opposition not only from the part of the bourgeoisie, but also from the rural kulaks who became rich in war and buried bottles filled with thousands of paper money. We will meet the chest with the chest with the class enemy. The struggle will be difficult, but grateful ”
– Lenin

I think that the Jews, who crashed Russian currency in 1998, pursued absolutely same goals as expressed in the following quotation. In any case, they definitely achieved them, because in 1998 the capital definitelly left a “… It is necessary to encourage the energy and mass terror,” wrote Lenin on July 26, 1918
“We stand for organized terror – this must be recognized honestly. Terror is an absolute necessity “- Felix Dzerzhinsky

Boris Khazanov: “In this country, there are goats grazing with plucked sides, scrotal inhabitants timidly make their way along the fences”
L.Heidiz “I am sick of morons, of RUSSIAN MORONS, who have nothing for their souls except chatter and claims for “greatness”, you are insignificant cheap stupid freaks, whom it’s embarrassing to even dirt your hands over.”
“… Give the Russian fools a job: send scraps here, not random numbers (as these idiots have done so far …)
– Letter from Lenin to the Soviet Mission


Absolutely no one in Russia has any need in jewish oligarchs who usurped power over all industry and all business. In fact, they dictate the prices for everything, dictate the market and the market conditions, they are pure parasites, the existence of which is not necessary for any inhabitant of the Earth, but only harmful. But very few people know that the Communist Party performed the same function for society throughout its existence, and its only concern was the pumping of money from the population.

“Our attitude to the authorities? A few months ago, we considered for the benefit of power, which would not hurt us, businessmen. In this respect, the ideal ruler was Mikhail Gorbachev. At that stage of our development, this was enough. Now that the buisness class has gained strength and this process is impossible to stop, our attitude to power is changing. Neutrality in relation to us is not enough. It is necessary to implement the principle: the one who pays, orders the music ”
“Have we earned lashes of people by feasting when the mass is plagued? Is not our feast ultimately beneficial to the that very people?! ”

Here is what Lenin would say about this feast, this is his quote about a similar but less well-known situation in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century:
“We will appoint the shortest period during which everyone will have to make a declaration on the amount of money available to him and receive in return new ones; if the amount is small, he will receive a ruble for the ruble; If he has too much, he will receive only a part of his previous belonging. This measure will undoubtedly be met with the strongest opposition not only from the part of the bourgeoisie, but also from the rural kulaks who became rich in war and buried bottles filled with thousands of paper money. We will meet the chest with the chest with the class enemy. The struggle will be difficult, but grateful ”
– Lenin

I think that the Jews, who crashed Russian currency in 1998, pursued absolutely same goals as expressed in the following quotation. In any case, they definitely achieved them, because in 1998 the capital definitelly left a “… It is necessary to encourage the energy and mass terror,” wrote Lenin on July 26, 1918
“We stand for organized terror – this must be recognized honestly. Terror is an absolute necessity “- Felix Dzerzhinsky

Boris Khazanov: “In this country, there are goats grazing with plucked sides, scrotal inhabitants timidly make their way along the fences”
L.Heidiz “I am sick of morons, of RUSSIAN MORONS, who have nothing for their souls except chatter and claims for “greatness”, you are insignificant cheap stupid freaks, whom it’s embarrassing to even dirt your hands over.”
“… Give the Russian fools a job: send scraps here, not random numbers (as these idiots have done so far …)
– Letter from Lenin to the Soviet Mission


Absolutely no one in Russia has any need in jewish oligarchs who usurped power over all industry and all business. In fact, they dictate the prices for everything, dictate the market and the market conditions, they are pure parasites, the existence of which is not necessary for any inhabitant of the Earth, but only harmful. But very few people know that the Communist Party performed the same function for society throughout its existence, and its only concern was the pumping of money from the population.

“Our attitude to the authorities? A few months ago, we considered for the benefit of power, which would not hurt us, businessmen. In this respect, the ideal ruler was Mikhail Gorbachev. At that stage of our development, this was enough. Now that the buisness class has gained strength and this process is impossible to stop, our attitude to power is changing. Neutrality in relation to us is not enough. It is necessary to implement the principle: the one who pays, orders the music ”
“Have we earned lashes of people by feasting when the mass is plagued? Is not our feast ultimately beneficial to the that very people?! ”

Here is what Lenin would say about this feast, this is his quote about a similar but less well-known situation in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century:
“We will appoint the shortest period during which everyone will have to make a declaration on the amount of money available to him and receive in return new ones; if the amount is small, he will receive a ruble for the ruble; If he has too much, he will receive only a part of his previous belonging. This measure will undoubtedly be met with the strongest opposition not only from the part of the bourgeoisie, but also from the rural kulaks who became rich in war and buried bottles filled with thousands of paper money. We will meet the chest with the chest with the class enemy. The struggle will be difficult, but grateful ”
– Lenin

I think that the Jews, who crashed Russian currency in 1998, pursued absolutely same goals as expressed in the following quotation. In any case, they definitely achieved them, because in 1998 the capital definitelly left a small owner.
“… The small bourgeois has a stockpile of several thousand dollars accumulated by” truths “and especially crooks … Money is a testimony to the receipt of public wealth,” Lenin emphasized, “and a multimillion layer of small proprietors firmly holds this certificate, hiding it from the “state”, nor believing in any socialism or communism … The small bourgeois who keeps thousands, the enemy … and these thousands he wants to realize for himself alone”
– Lenin

And here is a quote about such immense wealth that it is impossible even to have time to use the thief-in-law for the whole short life:
“Today only the blind do not see that we have more nationalized, confiscated, stuffed and tattered than we managed to count. And the socialization of the topics just differs from simple confiscation, that it is possible to confiscate with one “determination” without the ability to correctly take into account and correctly distribute, and socialize without such skill is impossible ”
– Lenin in the spring of 1918.

And the last thing I want to say. There are outrageous morons who, hoping to help their country, bow down to the most famous for its genocide of non-Jewish peoples at the end of time, the Jew, jesus christ. I came across a site where tweets of some liberals were hung out, hungry for the death of Russians, and the first indignant commentary on this article belonged to a complete moron who promoted the same shit for goyim, which these liberal kikes were quoting, thinking that he was opposing them. In fact, there are no differences in the views of jewsus christ, its jewish father and liberals, regarding Gentiles:

“And who were the Slavs? These are barbarians, people who speak an incomprehensible language are subhuman, they are almost animals ”
– V. Gundyaev “Patriarch Kirill”, agent of the FSB “Mikhailov”
“I consider Russian men animals in mass, creatures not even of the second, but of the third grade”
– Artemy Troitsky, music critic [liberal]
“Jews are human beings, and other nations of the world are not people, but beasts”
“It is not good to take bread from children and throw it to dogs” [jesus on Gentiles]
– Matthew 15:26

There are no differences in views on Gentiles among bolshevics and liberals either:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet.
(Revelation 3:9)
“We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by White negroes, over which we must establish tyranny, which the most terrible tyrants of the East did not dream of” – Trotsky

Game of liberals vs bolshevics is a realization of jewish principle of war of both sides against the midle, and it is aimed to bring Russian to that very worldly GULAG slave state, which will be ruled by those rulled it always.

Among other sources:

Gold of the party http://www.aif.ru/money/corruption/28431
Grieving loot https://history.wikireading.ru/283659
Whose money Lenin used for the revolution? http://vlasti.net/news/85430
Trotsky: we will rob Russia of: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/russian/russia ... 042404.stm
Rothschild, leader of the International https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/soci ... hild08.htm  (contains a lot of blatant lies)
Statements by the liberals https://oko-planet.su/politik/politikli ... ralov.html
Propaganda of the Russian genocide https://blprizrak.livejournal.com/215279.html


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
