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Lessons From The Founders Of America And The Jews Struggle To Ruin i

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Lessons From The Founders Of America And The Jews Struggle To Ruin it.

let us not forgot one of the most destructive jooz of the twenty century was not just Freud. But Freud's nephjew Eddy Buttnays. Bernays and other Freudian's like Skinner went to work on Wall Street and created the whole modern consumerist identity construct which has fucked America right over. Before this the attitude of American's was a frugal and moderate one. Now its totally all about the bling life. Get joozed or go broke trying. The attitudes drummed into America and the worlds head by Jewish "Hollywoodism" and media culture promote this within the context of garbage celebrity culture where people are important because they are teevee or just an entertainer who then promote destructive Jewish morals to the public as an icon. The worship of celebrity is the worship of materialistic excess and jaded superficiality. The consumerist culture.

This is the dangerous reasoning that has been applied to knowledge. Knowledge is only of value if it increases your personal value to the market place. If it don't bring the bling, then its worthless. People go to school for a job. This is why America has produced no great art or higher culture of any type despite its large numbers and many bright people among the population. All great artist's are stuck making commercial art to turn the wheel of Jewish hyper consumerism. Its the nature of the materialist system. Any great American works came out of the 19th century but it was mainly machine invention to turn the wheel of industry and capital. For already mentioned reasons. But you just can't build a nation on liberal capitalism [which is not what the Founders intended] and expect great a civilization in return. Mass consumption is not going in that direction. This is why the libbybooal, is wrong. You need a strong natural elite and state to foster culture and greatness in the People and cultivate it willfully. Hitler did this and it paid off. Germany became the most advanced society in a few years. Way past America, who the majority of White American's are of German descent as well to the point the vote to make German the official language of America failed by only one vote in the Founders Congress. Yet its horrible to the libbybooal's that jooz didn't have the freedumb to defecate in public in Germany under Hitler anymore. As libbybooal's follow a strange superstition that if you grant hostile aliens the freedumbs to rape you, that somehow will unrape you. Get raped or go full retard trying.

Even the "Give Us Your Refuse" and the rest of the junk inscription on the Statue Of Liberty was put on there later in the 19th century by a Jewish Communist. The jooz by their power have been reshaping American into their jewtrix of control.

Most people have simply never been told anything else. Liberals are silly people, so are the Libertarians who are just hipster liberals who don't want to be seen as mainstream liberals. But are still liberals. Its superficial posturing. With dangerous Jewish poison all the Libertarians icon's and thinkers where jooz working for the Jewish Globalist Bankers like Rothschild who owns the Fed, trying to further ruin the society:


The posturing Libertards like to play the posture with a constitution to seem more real. But its just chicken shit. The Founders where not libertarians. Bring up the Alien and Immigration Acts of the Founders to a Libertoon and watch their head spin in dismay. They also printed fiat currency and didn't believe in allowing private joo bankers to run anything hence the war of 1812, nor did they believe in open boarders, or racial universal egalitarianism or Social Darwinist oafish, joo greed. The Founders where building free Universities, Hospitals and Libraries. Franklin, Jefferson and the other Founders where actually early National Socialist's in their belief system. Down to building a White Racial, Republic ruled by a natural elite. In a society built upon natural laws. They openly modelled most of their beliefs after Classical Pagan Europe as did Hitler and the National Socialists. It was American's like Grant Madison who influenced the scientific ideals of the National Socialist's of Germany. Hitler wrote a letter to Madison praising him for this great work.

The Founders like the top National Socialist Leaders where also Spiritual Satanists:

While America today is not what the Founders envisioned. Sitting here over two hundred years later to note. They made two mistakes they didn't ban Jews like Franklin and others wanted. And they didn't set into place a system of cultivation and promulgation of a natural guardian class of elites who would insure the model they laded down was the dominate culture and guide it towards its outcome of a New Atlantis of fully enlightenment people. They where depending on the Free Masonic order for this task. But it was taken over by the enemy and ruined. They modelled American off the Pagan Roman Republic. But the Roman Republican system was overseen by a natural elite of the Patrician class. The spiritual class who had finished the level of a 33 degree Mason, risen the kundalini serpent up the 33 esoteric degrees of the spinal vertebrae and become enlightened. The Patricians only married other Patricians because they had gone through the great rite to transform the soul. And they stated it causes a metagenic change in the blood that is passed on to the next generation. Thus creating a ruling class of highly ascended masters. However the Romans got that half right. But failed on the other half to ban the Jews from the Roman Empire fully. It took the Jews centuries of around the clock jewing and a lot of war and struggles and subterfuge. But ultimately they overthrew the remnant of the real Patrician class and put themselves into power with a new bogus Caesar Dynasty of the Flavians [the builders of the bloody Colosseum paid for with Jew coin and was protested by the Philosopher class of Rome]. Vespasian as the Roman histories stated built a statue to an Alexandrian JEW who through Titus was the reason he became the Emperor. This Jew was Philo Alexandria, who's money funded the Flavian Dynasty and who was made a core member of the Dynasty along with other Jewish power elites. This Dynasty created Christianity. The Jews where already heavy in power before this but couldn't fully crack the ruling class till this. The Christian revolution of year zero then wiped away the rest of the Roman elites and upper-classes and civilization and brought the dark ages of enslavement and Jewish rule As the Jews did to the Russian and Chinese Empires later with Jewish Communism.

Jewish creation of Christianity:

Vatican Synagogue of Rome:

Jews Created and Run Communist China:

Jewssr Created and Run By Jews:

The education system of America was jooed out at the start of the twenty century when the jooz Rockefeller's went around and centralized the school system with their money. But in return for the higher wages and pension. You teach the jooz poison their way. After this America became retarded. America developed the most inventions of any nation in the nineteenth century the golden age of America. The next century and on not even close. The system they laid down is designed to close off the door of creativity and self thought. Just indoctrination and manufacturing of drones on the school assembly line.They always make sure the teachers get much shekels for this reason. The jooz just took the ideal of education over and ruined it to ruin everyone.

Its funny all the joo trained materialistic academics attitude towards the ideal of mysticism and magic is obvious to scorn. But Freud and the psychoanalytical bowel movement they praise and praise. Was all jooz's, pushing joo-joo. Freud said he put Jung out front as his successor because he was the only goy student of his and he wanted to deflect attention of its a jewish movement to ruin the host nation. This paradigm was aimed to create the new pseudo scientific basis for Communism. Freud and others formed the core of the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism. The open weaponization of this as its intended open statement was to destroy German culture, People and the German Nation. And replaced it with a Communist narrative and cultural that would allow the Jews to conqueror and assimilate Germany like the Borg into a World Communist Dictatorship. Hence CULTURAL.....Marxism, its just Marxism.

What Freud and his jooz did was take jooz mysticism and Kabala and turned it into materialist joke theories with bogus science. And all of Freud's clients where jooz as well. His whole garbage is based on the joozish psychosis. The scat theories and Oedipus complex. That is normal to jooz life. Freud might have been a serial killer who was having a sexual affair with his own joo sister. From a book wrote on him. The famous book burning the National Socialist's did was of Freud and his fellow yids crap. Was this really a bad thing? Only if your fucking insane.

Social biology and evolutionary psychology has replaced the psychoanalytical trash as it was found to be based on nothing scientific.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
