JoS Forum Contributions
Klipoth And Binding Of Gentiles
In the Kabballah world tree the world of Yesod is the sacral chakra. The enemy talks about if this Yesod is blocked it will make it impossible and dangerous for the energy to flow upwards to Tiferet which is the solar chakra which it connects to. The Yesod is the gate to the sushumna that needs to be opened for the serpent energy to flow upwards and ascend its of crucial importance.
The Kaballah texts mention Klipoth the Klipoth in this context is what they refer to in Hinduism as Karma blockages that are imprinted in the chakra's and cause psychic issues in the consciousness and physical issues if not cleaned off the soul. Swami Vivekananda who was well known to be psychically advanced mentioned in his writings that this karma would appear in a person's aura as horrible looking negative energy and within a few days something tragic would happen to the individual. The Rabbi's call this Klipoth.
The Klipoth the Jews refer to is the cursing of Gentiles in the way they are sending out and working to imprint this negative energy onto Gentiles this relates to their scape goating rituals where they also practice ritual murder of animals. Rabbi's have stated the Jews do these rituals to literally take their own negative energy collectively as a race and send it off themselves and at Gentiles to further psychically, spiritually poison Gentiles.
The enemy teachings are designed to also remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles to leave them helpless to this but also to create as much karmic imprinting within the chakra's to make it difficult and deadly to awaken the kundalini. The anti sexual teachings of the enemies program of Christianity and where the enemy has infiltrated eastern teachings. Are designed to create blockages or Klipoths into the sacral chakra to block off the serpent energy from being able to ascend. This is why the enemy attacks humanity sexuality so much to attack this aspect of the soul.
The enemy puts our Gods in Klipoth as they are constantly attacking and trying to curse them.
In the Kabballah world tree the world of Yesod is the sacral chakra. The enemy talks about if this Yesod is blocked it will make it impossible and dangerous for the energy to flow upwards to Tiferet which is the solar chakra which it connects to. The Yesod is the gate to the sushumna that needs to be opened for the serpent energy to flow upwards and ascend its of crucial importance.
The Kaballah texts mention Klipoth the Klipoth in this context is what they refer to in Hinduism as Karma blockages that are imprinted in the chakra's and cause psychic issues in the consciousness and physical issues if not cleaned off the soul. Swami Vivekananda who was well known to be psychically advanced mentioned in his writings that this karma would appear in a person's aura as horrible looking negative energy and within a few days something tragic would happen to the individual. The Rabbi's call this Klipoth.
The Klipoth the Jews refer to is the cursing of Gentiles in the way they are sending out and working to imprint this negative energy onto Gentiles this relates to their scape goating rituals where they also practice ritual murder of animals. Rabbi's have stated the Jews do these rituals to literally take their own negative energy collectively as a race and send it off themselves and at Gentiles to further psychically, spiritually poison Gentiles.
The enemy teachings are designed to also remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles to leave them helpless to this but also to create as much karmic imprinting within the chakra's to make it difficult and deadly to awaken the kundalini. The anti sexual teachings of the enemies program of Christianity and where the enemy has infiltrated eastern teachings. Are designed to create blockages or Klipoths into the sacral chakra to block off the serpent energy from being able to ascend. This is why the enemy attacks humanity sexuality so much to attack this aspect of the soul.
The enemy puts our Gods in Klipoth as they are constantly attacking and trying to curse them.