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Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....


New member
Mar 17, 2011
WARNING: if you don't want to read the whole thing, just skip to the bottom. All the questions are down there. The rest of the post is a story about how disgustingly vile kikes can be to the most inocent of us all, animals.

Kikes... I have never said that word with such distain before.... on september 4th, I remember this date because it was my birthday, my family and I had some people move in with us.

I sleep in the family room because my bedroom has no floor. Our only guest room has been taken over by my mothers idiot husband, so the only place for all these people to sleep is in the same room with me. I normally would not mind this except one of the is a "part" kike male. I say "part" because I believe that any bit of kike blood makes you a kike, but anyways. Him and his fiance, who i went to school with, and their child are in the same room as me and my close friend, I see her as family, Angel as well as her sister The'a. Now me and Angel share a bed but that is also fine with me. Angel, for now, is an athiest though I have been introducing her to Satanism, but I myself still being very knew to it as well, it is slightly hard to do so, but this is not the piont of the post.

Recently, the kike and his whore girlfriend got a dog. It was part pit bull part american bull dog. It was still a puppy at only 5 months old. I knew right away that this was a bad idea. This kike bastard was already treating this poor, scared puppy horribly.

Now, like I said, I am new, so I am still trying to learn alot of things. I can barly remeber to put a protective aura around me let alone a puppy. I did it the second day he was here because the night before, the kike bitch was already beating him, but after that I didn't.

Angel is the only one that knows that I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is the way I intend to keep it. So because of this, it is very hard to do all the meditations I had scheduled to do. So I have not been able to advance as much as I would like to have.

Anyway, we had this dog for only a few days and yesterday he got really sick... The kike basterd left him outside while it was raining and we think he got into the garden compost(rotten foods and egg shells and such). So last night I was trying to get him to eat. I was sitting in the kitchen floor with a sauser of can dog food trying to get him to eat it, then when everyone else went to bed, I was still up with him on the couch trying to show I loved him and still trying to get him to eat.... He wouldn't even open his mouth to try....

So I eventually fell asleep at about 4 am and then I woke up through out the night because the kike's baby was waking up and they were not to quiet about trying to get her back to sleep. And while I was up listening to them, I heard the bitchy female start cussing at the dog because he was trying to get up on the bed to cuddle with them... she kicked him off and started cussin and bitching to her kike boyfriend that he was only trying to shit on the bed and that it was a stupid dog and blah blah blah. Needless to say I was getting p.o.ed. But it stopped and they went back to sleep as did I, though my stomach was feeling like it wanted to turn inside out. At the time I contributed it to the fact I had an interview the next day, being today.

So I woke up this morning and took a shower and everything and then I was going to get a movie to watch to pass the time before the interview and I saw Blaze, the puppy, under the basinet for the baby and it didn't look like he was moving or breathing so I called out his name lightly and neeled down to pet him to see if he would look up at me and all I felt was a cold stiff body.... He was dead... And I couldn't do anything to help him.... So I called my mom to tell her and she tryed telling me some bullshit about how "god", meaning jehova, decides when it's time to go and blah blah blah. So I said, god is shit, and hung up the phone.

So I went back over to him and just sat there petting him telling him I was sorry for what happend and I just kept asking Father Satan to help him and to give him a good life with a good Satanic family in his next life. And I even tryed talking to who I believe to be my gardian Demon, Nebiros. I could feel like he was trying to help comfort me because I was crying like a new born baby. I could feel like he had his hands on my shoulder with his arm around my back, like a friendly comforting hug... I can still feel him now because I am still crying. I was aking him to help Blaze as well. I can not see Demons or hear them yet but I have always been able to feel them, like a prsence in the room or around me.

Anyway, off track, to make a long story short, I promissed Blaze that I would get revenge on these kike scum and kill them. They are kikes so they do not deserve to live anyway. Now, not being very advanced I was wanting to use black energy to kill the lot of them while they sleep hopefully causing them to get in a car accident and just take them out quickly.

However, I am not fully sure on what time to do it, you know what hour to do it in or how exactally to make them have a car accident. I know that I breath black energy into them, creating a black aura around them and thats about all I know. What type of affermation should I use? What planetary day should I start doing it on? What planetary hour? What kind of affermation should I use to protect myself from the black energy? How often should I clean my chakras after I start doing this? Plaese any type of help would be greatly apperciated. You would also be helping to get rid of 2 kikes and a beyond brainwashed kike lover.

Forever in Hells Army
Hail Satan
Hail Nebiros
Hail the True Gods of Duat
And may a prosperous world be born soon!
Rest in Peace Blaze...
<td val[/IMG]That is a very heart breaking story the way they treated that puppy.Satan I believe heard your cry for the dog and Blaze probably heard you too.Good luck with your ritual.You might want to just visualize gray or dark energy around them and if you do it long enough it will take its toll on them.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: jess_sisk <jess_sisk@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....
Sent: Mon, Sep 17, 2012 6:24:41 PM

<td val[/IMG]   WARNING: if you don't want to read the whole thing, just skip to the bottom. All the questions are down there. The rest of the post is a story about how disgustingly vile kikes can be to the most inocent of us all, animals.

Kikes... I have never said that word with such distain before.... on september 4th, I remember this date because it was my birthday, my family and I had some people move in with us.

I sleep in the family room because my bedroom has no floor. Our only guest room has been taken over by my mothers idiot husband, so the only place for all these people to sleep is in the same room with me. I normally would not mind this except one of the is a "part" kike male. I say "part" because I believe that any bit of kike blood makes you a kike, but anyways. Him and his fiance, who i went to school with, and their child are in the same room as me and my close friend, I see her as family, Angel as well as her sister The'a. Now me and Angel share a bed but that is also fine with me. Angel, for now, is an athiest though I have been introducing her to Satanism, but I myself still being very knew to it as well, it is slightly hard to do so, but this is not the piont of the post.

Recently, the kike and his whore girlfriend got a dog. It was part pit bull part american bull dog. It was still a puppy at only 5 months old. I knew right away that this was a bad idea. This kike bastard was already treating this poor, scared puppy horribly.

Now, like I said, I am new, so I am still trying to learn alot of things. I can barly remeber to put a protective aura around me let alone a puppy. I did it the second day he was here because the night before, the kike bitch was already beating him, but after that I didn't.

Angel is the only one that knows that I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is the way I intend to keep it. So because of this, it is very hard to do all the meditations I had scheduled to do. So I have not been able to advance as much as I would like to have.

Anyway, we had this dog for only a few days and yesterday he got really sick... The kike basterd left him outside while it was raining and we think he got into the garden compost(rotten foods and egg shells and such). So last night I was trying to get him to eat. I was sitting in the kitchen floor with a sauser of can dog food trying to get him to eat it, then when everyone else went to bed, I was still up with him on the couch trying to show I loved him and still trying to get him to eat.... He wouldn't even open his mouth to try....

So I eventually fell asleep at about 4 am and then I woke up through out the night because the kike's baby was waking up and they were not to quiet about trying to get her back to sleep. And while I was up listening to them, I heard the bitchy female start cussing at the dog because he was trying to get up on the bed to cuddle with them... she kicked him off and started cussin and bitching to her kike boyfriend that he was only trying to shit on the bed and that it was a stupid dog and blah blah blah. Needless to say I was getting p.o.ed. But it stopped and they went back to sleep as did I, though my stomach was feeling like it wanted to turn inside out. At the time I contributed it to the fact I had an interview the next day, being today.

So I woke up this morning and took a shower and everything and then I was going to get a movie to watch to pass the time before the interview and I saw Blaze, the puppy, under the basinet for the baby and it didn't look like he was moving or breathing so I called out his name lightly and neeled down to pet him to see if he would look up at me and all I felt was a cold stiff body.... He was dead... And I couldn't do anything to help him.... So I called my mom to tell her and she tryed telling me some bullshit about how "god", meaning jehova, decides when it's time to go and blah blah blah. So I said, god is shit, and hung up the phone.

So I went back over to him and just sat there petting him telling him I was sorry for what happend and I just kept asking Father Satan to help him and to give him a good life with a good Satanic family in his next life. And I even tryed talking to who I believe to be my gardian Demon, Nebiros. I could feel like he was trying to help comfort me because I was crying like a new born baby. I could feel like he had his hands on my shoulder with his arm around my back, like a friendly comforting hug... I can still feel him now because I am still crying. I was aking him to help Blaze as well. I can not see Demons or hear them yet but I have always been able to feel them, like a prsence in the room or around me.

Anyway, off track, to make a long story short, I promissed Blaze that I would get revenge on these kike scum and kill them. They are kikes so they do not deserve to live anyway. Now, not being very advanced I was wanting to use black energy to kill the lot of them while they sleep hopefully causing them to get in a car accident and just take them out quickly.

However, I am not fully sure on what time to do it, you know what hour to do it in or how exactally to make them have a car accident. I know that I breath black energy into them, creating a black aura around them and thats about all I know. What type of affermation should I use? What planetary day should I start doing it on? What planetary hour? What kind of affermation should I use to protect myself from the black energy? How often should I clean my chakras after I start doing this? Plaese any type of help would be greatly apperciated. You would also be helping to get rid of 2 kikes and a beyond brainwashed kike lover.

Forever in Hells Army
Hail Satan
Hail Nebiros
Hail the True Gods of Duat
And may a prosperous world be born soon!
Rest in Peace Blaze...

Hello, I'm sooo sry about what happened :( fuck!! okay so tuesday hour of saturn would be good. Actually toda is tuesday moon in scorpio Is best for black magick. Saturday is good too. Hour of saturn. While these fucking kikes sleep piut black or grey energy around them and program it to make them get into a car accident or any unfortunate circumstance. Kill them. Do this everyday until it happens. Death is too lenient for these fucks. so hopefully they suffer AND dies!! Next monday or this Saturday I think you can start as the moon will be in capricorn but you MUST LOOK THESE UP EXACTLY! Lunarium.co.uk has ALL Planetary hours and moon phases and everything!! Just edit it to your location. Go to planetarium and it wil also show you planetary hours for your location. Do all you can to make them suffer!! Just clean your aura and chakras everyday very well and you will be okay. If you can't vibrate runes which are best then intently put grey and black
energy around them and focus hard and calmly on their deaths and suffering. Eventually it will take its toll. Don't doubt your power. Fuck these motherfuckers! Affirmations you can use are " The kikes (or whatever you want to call them) are suffering and dying painfully" or can it can be like " the kikes are getting into a HORRID car accident" etc be creative and while doing these affirmations use your WILL and desire to destroy them. See then suffering dying crying in any way you want then too. When they are sleeping just try your best to engrave and program the grey energy into them. Goodluck and ask the gods to help rhe negative energies to fuck them over! hail Satan and all the gentiles and animals of this earth!

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 2:24 PM EDT jess_sisk wrote:

WARNING: if you don't want to read the whole thing, just skip to the bottom. All the questions are down there. The rest of the post is a story about how disgustingly vile kikes can be to the most inocent of us all, animals.

Kikes... I have never said that word with such distain before.... on september 4th, I remember this date because it was my birthday, my family and I had some people move in with us.

I sleep in the family room because my bedroom has no floor. Our only guest room has been taken over by my mothers idiot husband, so the only place for all these people to sleep is in the same room with me. I normally would not mind this except one of the is a "part" kike male. I say "part" because I believe that any bit of kike blood makes you a kike, but anyways. Him and his fiance, who i went to school with, and their child are in the same room as me and my close friend, I see her as family, Angel as well as her sister The'a. Now me and Angel share a bed but that is also fine with me. Angel, for now, is an athiest though I have been introducing her to Satanism, but I myself still being very knew to it as well, it is slightly hard to do so, but this is not the piont of the post.

Recently, the kike and his whore girlfriend got a dog. It was part pit bull part american bull dog. It was still a puppy at only 5 months old. I knew right away that this was a bad idea. This kike bastard was already treating this poor, scared puppy horribly.

Now, like I said, I am new, so I am still trying to learn alot of things. I can barly remeber to put a protective aura around me let alone a puppy. I did it the second day he was here because the night before, the kike bitch was already beating him, but after that I didn't.

Angel is the only one that knows that I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is the way I intend to keep it. So because of this, it is very hard to do all the meditations I had scheduled to do. So I have not been able to advance as much as I would like to have.

Anyway, we had this dog for only a few days and yesterday he got really sick... The kike basterd left him outside while it was raining and we think he got into the garden compost(rotten foods and egg shells and such). So last night I was trying to get him to eat. I was sitting in the kitchen floor with a sauser of can dog food trying to get him to eat it, then when everyone else went to bed, I was still up with him on the couch trying to show I loved him and still trying to get him to eat.... He wouldn't even open his mouth to try....

So I eventually fell asleep at about 4 am and then I woke up through out the night because the kike's baby was waking up and they were not to quiet about trying to get her back to sleep. And while I was up listening to them, I heard the bitchy female start cussing at the dog because he was trying to get up on the bed to cuddle with them... she kicked him off and started cussin and bitching to her kike boyfriend that he was only trying to shit on the bed and that it was a stupid dog and blah blah blah. Needless to say I was getting p.o.ed. But it stopped and they went back to sleep as did I, though my stomach was feeling like it wanted to turn inside out. At the time I contributed it to the fact I had an interview the next day, being today.

So I woke up this morning and took a shower and everything and then I was going to get a movie to watch to pass the time before the interview and I saw Blaze, the puppy, under the basinet for the baby and it didn't look like he was moving or breathing so I called out his name lightly and neeled down to pet him to see if he would look up at me and all I felt was a cold stiff body.... He was dead... And I couldn't do anything to help him.... So I called my mom to tell her and she tryed telling me some bullshit about how "god", meaning jehova, decides when it's time to go and blah blah blah. So I said, god is shit, and hung up the phone.

So I went back over to him and just sat there petting him telling him I was sorry for what happend and I just kept asking Father Satan to help him and to give him a good life with a good Satanic family in his next life. And I even tryed talking to who I believe to be my gardian Demon, Nebiros. I could feel like he was trying to help comfort me because I was crying like a new born baby. I could feel like he had his hands on my shoulder with his arm around my back, like a friendly comforting hug... I can still feel him now because I am still crying. I was aking him to help Blaze as well. I can not see Demons or hear them yet but I have always been able to feel them, like a prsence in the room or around me.

Anyway, off track, to make a long story short, I promissed Blaze that I would get revenge on these kike scum and kill them. They are kikes so they do not deserve to live anyway. Now, not being very advanced I was wanting to use black energy to kill the lot of them while they sleep hopefully causing them to get in a car accident and just take them out quickly.

However, I am not fully sure on what time to do it, you know what hour to do it in or how exactally to make them have a car accident. I know that I breath black energy into them, creating a black aura around them and thats about all I know. What type of affermation should I use? What planetary day should I start doing it on? What planetary hour? What kind of affermation should I use to protect myself from the black energy? How often should I clean my chakras after I start doing this? Plaese any type of help would be greatly apperciated. You would also be helping to get rid of 2 kikes and a beyond brainwashed kike lover.

Forever in Hells Army
Hail Satan
Hail Nebiros
Hail the True Gods of Duat
And may a prosperous world be born soon!
Rest in Peace Blaze...
Sorry for your situation :/
Reading your post got me quite mad actually, b/c I have a dog I've raised since she's 9 weeks old. I can barely imagine, I would have stabbed this jew in the eye with a screwdriver

Before anything, can you take legal actions ?
I don't know where you live, but in here, people have been fined + gone to jail for abusing horses/dogs etc.
Contact the local vet if you can, so that he can make a written report of all the injuries/abuse. It's only the beginning of the nightmare for them hopefully

I hope other brothers and sisters will give you greater details for spiritual guidance, I am too angry at those jews to answer properly.
the answer is on the jos webpage. and sorry to hear that. now i feel bad but mainly mad at how the pieces of shit treat the animals of thisearth and everything ealse. they seriously need to go.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "jess_sisk" <jess_sisk@... wrote:

WARNING: if you don't want to read the whole thing, just skip to the bottom. All the questions are down there. The rest of the post is a story about how disgustingly vile kikes can be to the most inocent of us all, animals.

Kikes... I have never said that word with such distain before.... on september 4th, I remember this date because it was my birthday, my family and I had some people move in with us.

I sleep in the family room because my bedroom has no floor. Our only guest room has been taken over by my mothers idiot husband, so the only place for all these people to sleep is in the same room with me. I normally would not mind this except one of the is a "part" kike male. I say "part" because I believe that any bit of kike blood makes you a kike, but anyways. Him and his fiance, who i went to school with, and their child are in the same room as me and my close friend, I see her as family, Angel as well as her sister The'a. Now me and Angel share a bed but that is also fine with me. Angel, for now, is an athiest though I have been introducing her to Satanism, but I myself still being very knew to it as well, it is slightly hard to do so, but this is not the piont of the post.

Recently, the kike and his whore girlfriend got a dog. It was part pit bull part american bull dog. It was still a puppy at only 5 months old. I knew right away that this was a bad idea. This kike bastard was already treating this poor, scared puppy horribly.

Now, like I said, I am new, so I am still trying to learn alot of things. I can barly remeber to put a protective aura around me let alone a puppy. I did it the second day he was here because the night before, the kike bitch was already beating him, but after that I didn't.

Angel is the only one that knows that I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is the way I intend to keep it. So because of this, it is very hard to do all the meditations I had scheduled to do. So I have not been able to advance as much as I would like to have.

Anyway, we had this dog for only a few days and yesterday he got really sick... The kike basterd left him outside while it was raining and we think he got into the garden compost(rotten foods and egg shells and such). So last night I was trying to get him to eat. I was sitting in the kitchen floor with a sauser of can dog food trying to get him to eat it, then when everyone else went to bed, I was still up with him on the couch trying to show I loved him and still trying to get him to eat.... He wouldn't even open his mouth to try....

So I eventually fell asleep at about 4 am and then I woke up through out the night because the kike's baby was waking up and they were not to quiet about trying to get her back to sleep. And while I was up listening to them, I heard the bitchy female start cussing at the dog because he was trying to get up on the bed to cuddle with them... she kicked him off and started cussin and bitching to her kike boyfriend that he was only trying to shit on the bed and that it was a stupid dog and blah blah blah. Needless to say I was getting p.o.ed. But it stopped and they went back to sleep as did I, though my stomach was feeling like it wanted to turn inside out. At the time I contributed it to the fact I had an interview the next day, being today.

So I woke up this morning and took a shower and everything and then I was going to get a movie to watch to pass the time before the interview and I saw Blaze, the puppy, under the basinet for the baby and it didn't look like he was moving or breathing so I called out his name lightly and neeled down to pet him to see if he would look up at me and all I felt was a cold stiff body.... He was dead... And I couldn't do anything to help him.... So I called my mom to tell her and she tryed telling me some bullshit about how "god", meaning jehova, decides when it's time to go and blah blah blah. So I said, god is shit, and hung up the phone.

So I went back over to him and just sat there petting him telling him I was sorry for what happend and I just kept asking Father Satan to help him and to give him a good life with a good Satanic family in his next life. And I even tryed talking to who I believe to be my gardian Demon, Nebiros. I could feel like he was trying to help comfort me because I was crying like a new born baby. I could feel like he had his hands on my shoulder with his arm around my back, like a friendly comforting hug... I can still feel him now because I am still crying. I was aking him to help Blaze as well. I can not see Demons or hear them yet but I have always been able to feel them, like a prsence in the room or around me.

Anyway, off track, to make a long story short, I promissed Blaze that I would get revenge on these kike scum and kill them. They are kikes so they do not deserve to live anyway. Now, not being very advanced I was wanting to use black energy to kill the lot of them while they sleep hopefully causing them to get in a car accident and just take them out quickly.

However, I am not fully sure on what time to do it, you know what hour to do it in or how exactally to make them have a car accident. I know that I breath black energy into them, creating a black aura around them and thats about all I know. What type of affermation should I use? What planetary day should I start doing it on? What planetary hour? What kind of affermation should I use to protect myself from the black energy? How often should I clean my chakras after I start doing this? Plaese any type of help would be greatly apperciated. You would also be helping to get rid of 2 kikes and a beyond brainwashed kike lover.

Forever in Hells Army
Hail Satan
Hail Nebiros
Hail the True Gods of Duat
And may a prosperous world be born soon!
Rest in Peace Blaze...
Thank you I will definitly start it tonight.... And thank you for saying that father heard me as well as blaze heard me. It gives me hope to hear thatSent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 15:47:47 -0700 (PDT)To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups com<[email protected]; jess_sisk@...<jess_sisk@...ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....
<td val[/IMG]That is a very heart breaking story the way they treated that puppy.Satan I believe heard your cry for the dog and Blaze probably heard you too.Good luck with your ritual.You might want to just visualize gray or dark energy around them and if you do it long enough it will take its toll on them.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: jess_sisk <jess_sisk@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....
Sent: Mon, Sep 17, 2012 6:24:41 PM

<td val[/IMG]   WARNING: if you don't want to read the whole thing, just skip to the bottom. All the questions are down there. The rest of the post is a story about how disgustingly vile kikes can be to the most inocent of us all, animals.

Kikes... I have never said that word with such distain before.... on september 4th, I remember this date because it was my birthday, my family and I had some people move in with us.

I sleep in the family room because my bedroom has no floor. Our only guest room has been taken over by my mothers idiot husband, so the only place for all these people to sleep is in the same room with me. I normally would not mind this except one of the is a "part" kike male. I say "part" because I believe that any bit of kike blood makes you a kike, but anyways. Him and his fiance, who i went to school with, and their child are in the same room as me and my close friend, I see her as family, Angel as well as her sister The'a. Now me and Angel share a bed but that is also fine with me. Angel, for now, is an athiest though I have been introducing her to Satanism, but I myself still being very knew to it as well, it is slightly hard to do so, but this is not the piont of the post.

Recently, the kike and his whore girlfriend got a dog. It was part pit bull part american bull dog. It was still a puppy at only 5 months old. I knew right away that this was a bad idea. This kike bastard was already treating this poor, scared puppy horribly.

Now, like I said, I am new, so I am still trying to learn alot of things. I can barly remeber to put a protective aura around me let alone a puppy. I did it the second day he was here because the night before, the kike bitch was already beating him, but after that I didn't.

Angel is the only one that knows that I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is the way I intend to keep it. So because of this, it is very hard to do all the meditations I had scheduled to do. So I have not been able to advance as much as I would like to have.

Anyway, we had this dog for only a few days and yesterday he got really sick... The kike basterd left him outside while it was raining and we think he got into the garden compost(rotten foods and egg shells and such). So last night I was trying to get him to eat. I was sitting in the kitchen floor with a sauser of can dog food trying to get him to eat it, then when everyone else went to bed, I was still up with him on the couch trying to show I loved him and still trying to get him to eat.... He wouldn't even open his mouth to try....

So I eventually fell asleep at about 4 am and then I woke up through out the night because the kike's baby was waking up and they were not to quiet about trying to get her back to sleep. And while I was up listening to them, I heard the bitchy female start cussing at the dog because he was trying to get up on the bed to cuddle with them... she kicked him off and started cussin and bitching to her kike boyfriend that he was only trying to shit on the bed and that it was a stupid dog and blah blah blah. Needless to say I was getting p.o.ed. But it stopped and they went back to sleep as did I, though my stomach was feeling like it wanted to turn inside out. At the time I contributed it to the fact I had an interview the next day, being today.

So I woke up this morning and took a shower and everything and then I was going to get a movie to watch to pass the time before the interview and I saw Blaze, the puppy, under the basinet for the baby and it didn't look like he was moving or breathing so I called out his name lightly and neeled down to pet him to see if he would look up at me and all I felt was a cold stiff body.... He was dead... And I couldn't do anything to help him.... So I called my mom to tell her and she tryed telling me some bullshit about how "god", meaning jehova, decides when it's time to go and blah blah blah. So I said, god is shit, and hung up the phone.

So I went back over to him and just sat there petting him telling him I was sorry for what happend and I just kept asking Father Satan to help him and to give him a good life with a good Satanic family in his next life. And I even tryed talking to who I believe to be my gardian Demon, Nebiros. I could feel like he was trying to help comfort me because I was crying like a new born baby. I could feel like he had his hands on my shoulder with his arm around my back, like a friendly comforting hug... I can still feel him now because I am still crying. I was aking him to help Blaze as well. I can not see Demons or hear them yet but I have always been able to feel them, like a prsence in the room or around me.

Anyway, off track, to make a long story short, I promissed Blaze that I would get revenge on these kike scum and kill them. They are kikes so they do not deserve to live anyway. Now, not being very advanced I was wanting to use black energy to kill the lot of them while they sleep hopefully causing them to get in a car accident and just take them out quickly.

However, I am not fully sure on what time to do it, you know what hour to do it in or how exactally to make them have a car accident. I know that I breath black energy into them, creating a black aura around them and thats about all I know. What type of affermation should I use? What planetary day should I start doing it on? What planetary hour? What kind of affermation should I use to protect myself from the black energy? How often should I clean my chakras after I start doing this? Plaese any type of help would be greatly apperciated. You would also be helping to get rid of 2 kikes and a beyond brainwashed kike lover.

Forever in Hells Army
Hail Satan
Hail Nebiros
Hail the True Gods of Duat
And may a prosperous world be born soon!
Rest in Peace Blaze...

Thank you so much. I cannot do runes yet, but I hope to be able to here soon. I think that black energy would be the best for me to use cause I am most practiced in energy work. I will check it all out n start as soon as possible.Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 16:09:25 -0700 (PDT)To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....
Hello, I'm sooo sry about what happened :( fuck!! okay so tuesday hour of saturn would be good. Actually toda is tuesday moon in scorpio Is best for black magick. Saturday is good too. Hour of saturn. While these fucking kikes sleep piut black or grey energy around them and program it to make them get into a car accident or any unfortunate circumstance. Kill them. Do this everyday until it happens. Death is too lenient for these fucks. so hopefully they suffer AND dies!! Next monday or this Saturday I think you can start as the moon will be in capricorn but you MUST LOOK THESE UP EXACTLY! Lunarium.co.uk has ALL Planetary hours and moon phases and everything!! Just edit it to your location. Go to planetarium and it wil also show you planetary hours for your location. Do all you can to make them suffer!! Just clean your aura and chakras everyday very well and you will be okay. If you can't vibrate runes which are best then intently put grey and black
energy around them and focus hard and calmly on their deaths and suffering. Eventually it will take its toll. Don't doubt your power. Fuck these motherfuckers! Affirmations you can use are " The kikes (or whatever you want to call them) are suffering and dying painfully" or can it can be like " the kikes are getting into a HORRID car accident" etc be creative and while doing these affirmations use your WILL and desire to destroy them. See then suffering dying crying in any way you want then too. When they are sleeping just try your best to engrave and program the grey energy into them. Goodluck and ask the gods to help rhe negative energies to fuck them over! hail Satan and all the gentiles and animals of this earth!

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 2:24 PM EDT jess_sisk wrote:

WARNING: if you don't want to read the whole thing, just skip to the bottom. All the questions are down there. The rest of the post is a story about how disgustingly vile kikes can be to the most inocent of us all, animals.

Kikes... I have never said that word with such distain before.... on september 4th, I remember this date because it was my birthday, my family and I had some people move in with us.

I sleep in the family room because my bedroom has no floor. Our only guest room has been taken over by my mothers idiot husband, so the only place for all these people to sleep is in the same room with me. I normally would not mind this except one of the is a "part" kike male. I say "part" because I believe that any bit of kike blood makes you a kike, but anyways. Him and his fiance, who i went to school with, and their child are in the same room as me and my close friend, I see her as family, Angel as well as her sister The'a. Now me and Angel share a bed but that is also fine with me. Angel, for now, is an athiest though I have been introducing her to Satanism, but I myself still being very knew to it as well, it is slightly hard to do so, but this is not the piont of the post.

Recently, the kike and his whore girlfriend got a dog. It was part pit bull part american bull dog. It was still a puppy at only 5 months old. I knew right away that this was a bad idea. This kike bastard was already treating this poor, scared puppy horribly.

Now, like I said, I am new, so I am still trying to learn alot of things. I can barly remeber to put a protective aura around me let alone a puppy. I did it the second day he was here because the night before, the kike bitch was already beating him, but after that I didn't.

Angel is the only one that knows that I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is the way I intend to keep it. So because of this, it is very hard to do all the meditations I had scheduled to do. So I have not been able to advance as much as I would like to have.

Anyway, we had this dog for only a few days and yesterday he got really sick... The kike basterd left him outside while it was raining and we think he got into the garden compost(rotten foods and egg shells and such). So last night I was trying to get him to eat. I was sitting in the kitchen floor with a sauser of can dog food trying to get him to eat it, then when everyone else went to bed, I was still up with him on the couch trying to show I loved him and still trying to get him to eat.... He wouldn't even open his mouth to try....

So I eventually fell asleep at about 4 am and then I woke up through out the night because the kike's baby was waking up and they were not to quiet about trying to get her back to sleep. And while I was up listening to them, I heard the bitchy female start cussing at the dog because he was trying to get up on the bed to cuddle with them... she kicked him off and started cussin and bitching to her kike boyfriend that he was only trying to shit on the bed and that it was a stupid dog and blah blah blah. Needless to say I was getting p.o.ed. But it stopped and they went back to sleep as did I, though my stomach was feeling like it wanted to turn inside out. At the time I contributed it to the fact I had an interview the next day, being today.

So I woke up this morning and took a shower and everything and then I was going to get a movie to watch to pass the time before the interview and I saw Blaze, the puppy, under the basinet for the baby and it didn't look like he was moving or breathing so I called out his name lightly and neeled down to pet him to see if he would look up at me and all I felt was a cold stiff body.... He was dead... And I couldn't do anything to help him.... So I called my mom to tell her and she tryed telling me some bullshit about how "god", meaning jehova, decides when it's time to go and blah blah blah. So I said, god is shit, and hung up the phone.

So I went back over to him and just sat there petting him telling him I was sorry for what happend and I just kept asking Father Satan to help him and to give him a good life with a good Satanic family in his next life. And I even tryed talking to who I believe to be my gardian Demon, Nebiros. I could feel like he was trying to help comfort me because I was crying like a new born baby. I could feel like he had his hands on my shoulder with his arm around my back, like a friendly comforting hug... I can still feel him now because I am still crying. I was aking him to help Blaze as well. I can not see Demons or hear them yet but I have always been able to feel them, like a prsence in the room or around me.

Anyway, off track, to make a long story short, I promissed Blaze that I would get revenge on these kike scum and kill them. They are kikes so they do not deserve to live anyway. Now, not being very advanced I was wanting to use black energy to kill the lot of them while they sleep hopefully causing them to get in a car accident and just take them out quickly.

However, I am not fully sure on what time to do it, you know what hour to do it in or how exactally to make them have a car accident. I know that I breath black energy into them, creating a black aura around them and thats about all I know. What type of affermation should I use? What planetary day should I start doing it on? What planetary hour? What kind of affermation should I use to protect myself from the black energy? How often should I clean my chakras after I start doing this? Plaese any type of help would be greatly apperciated. You would also be helping to get rid of 2 kikes and a beyond brainwashed kike lover.

Forever in Hells Army
Hail Satan
Hail Nebiros
Hail the True Gods of Duat
And may a prosperous world be born soon!
Rest in Peace Blaze...
I can not go to the vet because sadly I have no money. They didn't have any money either so they couldn't take him either, even when he got sick. We have no proof that they were the ones to abuse him and that everyone else didn't do it. I am going to do some meditations and they well get it!

Hail Satan
Hail NebirosSent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "joshdwellington" <joshdwellington@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 22:21:51 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....
  Sorry for your situation :/
Reading your post got me quite mad actually, b/c I have a dog I've raised since she's 9 weeks old. I can barely imagine, I would have stabbed this jew in the eye with a screwdriver

Before anything, can you take legal actions ?
I don't know where you live, but in here, people have been fined + gone to jail for abusing horses/dogs etc.
Contact the local vet if you can, so that he can make a written report of all the injuries/abuse. It's only the beginning of the nightmare for them hopefully

I hope other brothers and sisters will give you greater details for spiritual guidance, I am too angry at those jews to answer properly.

 You go sister.Make those fucking kikes pay.
Hail Satan

From: Jessica Sisk <jess_sisk@...
To: Father <[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....

  Thank you I will definitly start it tonight.... And thank you for saying that father heard me as well as blaze heard me. It gives me hope to hear thatSent via BlackBerry by AT&T<hr>From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 15:47:47 -0700 (PDT)To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups com<[email protected]; jess_sisk@...<jess_sisk@...ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....
<td style="font:[/IMG]That is a very heart breaking story the way they treated that puppy.Satan I believe heard your cry for the dog and Blaze probably heard you too.Good luck with your ritual.You might want to just visualize gray or dark energy around them and if you do it long enough it will take its toll on them.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: jess_sisk <jess_sisk@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this earth....
Sent: Mon, Sep 17, 2012 6:24:41 PM

<td style="font:[/IMG]   WARNING: if you don't want to read the whole thing, just skip to the bottom. All the questions are down there. The rest of the post is a story about how disgustingly vile kikes can be to the most inocent of us all, animals.

Kikes... I have never said that word with such distain before.... on september 4th, I remember this date because it was my birthday, my family and I had some people move in with us.

I sleep in the family room because my bedroom has no floor. Our only guest room has been taken over by my mothers idiot husband, so the only place for all these people to sleep is in the same room with me. I normally would not mind this except one of the is a "part" kike male. I say "part" because I believe that any bit of kike blood makes you a kike, but anyways. Him and his fiance, who i went to school with, and their child are in the same room as me and my close friend, I see her as family, Angel as well as her sister The'a. Now me and Angel share a bed but that is also fine with me. Angel, for now, is an athiest though I have been introducing her to Satanism, but I myself still being very knew to it as well, it is slightly hard to do so, but this is not the piont of the post.

Recently, the kike and his whore girlfriend got a dog. It was part pit bull part american bull dog. It was still a puppy at only 5 months old. I knew right away that this was a bad idea. This kike bastard was already treating this poor, scared puppy horribly.

Now, like I said, I am new, so I am still trying to learn alot of things. I can barly remeber to put a protective aura around me let alone a puppy. I did it the second day he was here because the night before, the kike bitch was already beating him, but after that I didn't.

Angel is the only one that knows that I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is the way I intend to keep it. So because of this, it is very hard to do all the meditations I had scheduled to do. So I have not been able to advance as much as I would like to have.

Anyway, we had this dog for only a few days and yesterday he got really sick... The kike basterd left him outside while it was raining and we think he got into the garden compost(rotten foods and egg shells and such). So last night I was trying to get him to eat. I was sitting in the kitchen floor with a sauser of can dog food trying to get him to eat it, then when everyone else went to bed, I was still up with him on the couch trying to show I loved him and still trying to get him to eat.... He wouldn't even open his mouth to try....

So I eventually fell asleep at about 4 am and then I woke up through out the night because the kike's baby was waking up and they were not to quiet about trying to get her back to sleep. And while I was up listening to them, I heard the bitchy female start cussing at the dog because he was trying to get up on the bed to cuddle with them... she kicked him off and started cussin and bitching to her kike boyfriend that he was only trying to shit on the bed and that it was a stupid dog and blah blah blah. Needless to say I was getting p.o.ed. But it stopped and they went back to sleep as did I, though my stomach was feeling like it wanted to turn inside out. At the time I contributed it to the fact I had an interview the next day, being today.

So I woke up this morning and took a shower and everything and then I was going to get a movie to watch to pass the time before the interview and I saw Blaze, the puppy, under the basinet for the baby and it didn't look like he was moving or breathing so I called out his name lightly and neeled down to pet him to see if he would look up at me and all I felt was a cold stiff body.... He was dead... And I couldn't do anything to help him.... So I called my mom to tell her and she tryed telling me some bullshit about how "god", meaning jehova, decides when it's time to go and blah blah blah. So I said, god is shit, and hung up the phone.

So I went back over to him and just sat there petting him telling him I was sorry for what happend and I just kept asking Father Satan to help him and to give him a good life with a good Satanic family in his next life. And I even tryed talking to who I believe to be my gardian Demon, Nebiros. I could feel like he was trying to help comfort me because I was crying like a new born baby. I could feel like he had his hands on my shoulder with his arm around my back, like a friendly comforting hug... I can still feel him now because I am still crying. I was aking him to help Blaze as well. I can not see Demons or hear them yet but I have always been able to feel them, like a prsence in the room or around me.

Anyway, off track, to make a long story short, I promissed Blaze that I would get revenge on these kike scum and kill them. They are kikes so they do not deserve to live anyway. Now, not being very advanced I was wanting to use black energy to kill the lot of them while they sleep hopefully causing them to get in a car accident and just take them out quickly.

However, I am not fully sure on what time to do it, you know what hour to do it in or how exactally to make them have a car accident. I know that I breath black energy into them, creating a black aura around them and thats about all I know. What type of affermation should I use? What planetary day should I start doing it on? What planetary hour? What kind of affermation should I use to protect myself from the black energy? How often should I clean my chakras after I start doing this? Plaese any type of help would be greatly apperciated. You would also be helping to get rid of 2 kikes and a beyond brainwashed kike lover.

Forever in Hells Army
Hail Satan
Hail Nebiros
Hail the True Gods of Duat
And may a prosperous world be born soon!
Rest in Peace Blaze...

Awww. Poor little puppy dog! Make the kike rats suffer! Hail Father
Satan always!

On 9/19/12, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:
 You go sister.Make those fucking kikes pay.

Hail Satan

From: Jessica Sisk <jess_sisk@...
To: Father <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this

Thank you I will definitly start it tonight.... And thank you for saying
that father heard me as well as blaze heard me. It gives me hope to hear
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 15:47:47 -0700 (PDT)
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups com<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
ReplyTo: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this

That is a very heart breaking story the way they treated that puppy.Satan I
believe heard your cry for the dog and Blaze probably heard you too.Good
luck with your ritual.You might want to just visualize gray or dark energy
around them and if you do it long enough it will take its toll on them.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: jess_sisk <jess_sisk@...;
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Kikes will never agian take anything from this
Sent: Mon, Sep 17, 2012 6:24:41 PM

WARNING: if you don't want to read the whole thing, just skip to the
bottom. All the questions are down there. The rest of the post is a story
about how disgustingly vile kikes can be to the most inocent of us all,

Kikes... I have never said that word with such distain before.... on
september 4th, I remember this date because it was my birthday, my family
and I had some people move in with us.

I sleep in the family room because my bedroom has no floor. Our only guest
room has been taken over by my mothers idiot husband, so the only place
for all these people to sleep is in the same room with me. I normally
would not mind this except one of the is a "part" kike male. I say "part"
because I believe that any bit of kike blood makes you a kike, but
anyways. Him and his fiance, who i went to school with, and their child
are in the same room as me and my close friend, I see her as family, Angel
as well as her sister The'a. Now me and Angel share a bed but that is also
fine with me. Angel, for now, is an athiest though I have been introducing
her to Satanism, but I myself still being very knew to it as well, it is
slightly hard to do so, but this is not the piont of the post.

Recently, the kike and his whore girlfriend got a dog. It was part pit bull
part american bull dog. It was still a puppy at only 5 months old. I knew
right away that this was a bad idea. This kike bastard was already
treating this poor, scared puppy horribly.

Now, like I said, I am new, so I am still trying to learn alot of things. I
can barly remeber to put a protective aura around me let alone a puppy. I
did it the second day he was here because the night before, the kike bitch
was already beating him, but after that I didn't.

Angel is the only one that knows that I am a Spiritual Satanist and that is
the way I intend to keep it. So because of this, it is very hard to do all
the meditations I had scheduled to do. So I have not been able to advance
as much as I would like to have.

Anyway, we had this dog for only a few days and yesterday he got really
sick... The kike basterd left him outside while it was raining and we
think he got into the garden compost(rotten foods and egg shells and
such). So last night I was trying to get him to eat. I was sitting in the
kitchen floor with a sauser of can dog food trying to get him to eat it,
then when everyone else went to bed, I was still up with him on the couch
trying to show I loved him and still trying to get him to eat.... He
wouldn't even open his mouth to try....

So I eventually fell asleep at about 4 am and then I woke up through out
the night because the kike's baby was waking up and they were not to quiet
about trying to get her back to sleep. And while I was up listening to
them, I heard the bitchy female start cussing at the dog because he was
trying to get up on the bed to cuddle with them... she kicked him off and
started cussin and bitching to her kike boyfriend that he was only trying
to shit on the bed and that it was a stupid dog and blah blah blah.
Needless to say I was getting p.o.ed. But it stopped and they went back to
sleep as did I, though my stomach was feeling like it wanted to turn
inside out. At the time I contributed it to the fact I had an interview
the next day, being today.

So I woke up this morning and took a shower and everything and then I was
going to get a movie to watch to pass the time before the interview and I
saw Blaze, the puppy, under the basinet for the baby and it didn't look
like he was moving or breathing so I called out his name lightly and
neeled down to pet him to see if he would look up at me and all I felt was
a cold stiff body.... He was dead... And I couldn't do anything to help
him.... So I called my mom to tell her and she tryed telling me some
bullshit about how "god", meaning jehova, decides when it's time to go and
blah blah blah. So I said, god is shit, and hung up the phone.

So I went back over to him and just sat there petting him telling him I was
sorry for what happend and I just kept asking Father Satan to help him and
to give him a good life with a good Satanic family in his next life. And I
even tryed talking to who I believe to be my gardian Demon, Nebiros. I
could feel like he was trying to help comfort me because I was crying like
a new born baby. I could feel like he had his hands on my shoulder with
his arm around my back, like a friendly comforting hug... I can still feel
him now because I am still crying. I was aking him to help Blaze as well.
I can not see Demons or hear them yet but I have always been able to feel
them, like a prsence in the room or around me.

Anyway, off track, to make a long story short, I promissed Blaze that I
would get revenge on these kike scum and kill them. They are kikes so they
do not deserve to live anyway. Now, not being very advanced I was wanting
to use black energy to kill the lot of them while they sleep hopefully
causing them to get in a car accident and just take them out quickly.

However, I am not fully sure on what time to do it, you know what hour to
do it in or how exactally to make them have a car accident. I know that I
breath black energy into them, creating a black aura around them and thats
about all I know. What type of affermation should I use? What planetary
day should I start doing it on? What planetary hour? What kind of
affermation should I use to protect myself from the black energy? How
often should I clean my chakras after I start doing this? Plaese any type
of help would be greatly apperciated. You would also be helping to get rid
of 2 kikes and a beyond brainwashed kike lover.

Forever in Hells Army
Hail Satan
Hail Nebiros
Hail the True Gods of Duat
And may a prosperous world be born soon!
Rest in Peace Blaze...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
