How to clean karma
I'm not sure if I got tagged but I saw this anyway :lol:
It's pretty basic if you can hit the N correctly, it's not a flat N if that makes sense, it's like you are transitioning to "NYA" but hold that sound long enough for the full vibration, to get the full word in one breath equal for all letters.
K being guttural of course, at the back of the throat.
40 and 50 day workings are great. 100 can be applied on a hundred day working circle. This is a powerful number to work with. The next number to look for is 180 days, which is something very powerful in regards to workings. Then, we have the full year working which is very strong to alleviate karmic negativity.
Workings like 365/360 days can change one's life.
Planetary squares are no different to any other kind of magick in terms of the basic idea. You vibrate a mantra to raise energy. What makes them powerful is the geometry
It's still fine. It's the overall intent of the affirmation that matters.
If you muffle specific words or forget some of the mantra, you need to redo it for the day. It must be said accurately. Cracks of the throat, loss or short syllabes that were said, are OK. Only a wrong flat mispronouncing should be taken as a failed vibration, as in Gram to Sram.
There was a scheme HP HC shared a while ago. I don't remember which topic was this in. It would be great if someone could link it, in order to offer a fuller picture of the HP's post. It went like this, from the most powerful to the least:
:arrow: 1. Full vibrations
:arrow: 2. Fast vibrations
:arrow: 3. Whispered vibrations
:arrow: 4. Mental vibrations
Obviously, the vibration should be of the proper frequency for what you're working, and you will feel it in the specific part of the soul. If it's not the right frequency, you're doing little to nothing at all.
Here: to clean karma
8) Always use the same numbers of repetition of the Munka mantra:
Is this for Munka workings in specific?
No. It is for magick in general
I thought workings were more flexible than squares in that regard. It wouldn't be as optimal but the working won't be ruined.
If you think that with only 18 vibrations you cannot achieve your goal because it is low energy compared to your desire, do more 40-day sets. It will be even more powerful than a single 40-day set with too many repetitions.
What about doing the same low rep working for well beyond 40 days, instead of 40 day sets? Like 90, 180 or 360 days. Is one way better than the other?
Munka worksHow to clean karma
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan