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Just 2 little questions


New member
Oct 7, 2018
Hello brothers, I wanted to ask you these "basic" questions, what happens is that I am not very sure and preferred to ask.
Exactly what is an "Angel"?
And what is the correct meaning of "Demon"?

Thanks ❤️.
Angels do not actually exist in the way that people imagine them. It is not some person with wings flying around, that is imaginary. What angels really are is a thought-form, a collection of programmed astral energies. Mental, emotional, and curses energies. Like a spiderweb of energies which work to curse people, harm them, and keep them stupid. It is exactly like computer programs, but it physically exists in the higher astral dimensions and works on influencing the world. But it is programmed just like computer programs. Programmed by curses in the bible, torah, qur'an, talmud, the books of the evil "religions" are spellbooks of all these curses. When people pray the lines of those spellbooks, they are giving their own energy from their soul into making these thought-form curses more powerful. They also connect painful world events like wars, fires, starving, and all other kinds of pain, the enemy directs the energies of these events into the curses from their spellbooks and charges them up like a battery. This is the computer program made of curses. Each thought-form is like a line of computer code that the programs are made from. And these thought-form pieces of code are what people call Angels. When dumb christians chant "angel names" they are just directly linking their soul together with that curse and harming themself.

The web of thought-form curse energies are powered up by the evil fake "religions." The christian and muslim, whenever they think of god or jesus or allah, they are giving energy from their own soul into charging up the entire web of programmed energies. Charging the computer's battery that allows the code to run.

The Final RTR, meaning the Final Reverse Torrah Ritual, it erases the letters that all of this code is written with. So the entire web of curses and programmed energies is all erased and removed, and the world becomes free.

Demon comes from an older word Dæmon, which means teacher. These teachers are the Gentile's gods, Satan's gods. They are real physical people like us but their souls are basically like a million years more higher evolved than we are. They live on other planets in the galaxy. But they are so psychically powerful that they can reach their souls and psychic powers to us here on Earth. They use telepathy to speak with and guide the gentiles and teach us how to work on our souls and become stronger and more powerful so we can grow up and be strong like them. All Human life started as a seed that the Dæmon gods and Satan placed here on Earth. We are meant to make our own souls strong and perfect so we can be like them. Right now we are like their babies, and they guide us to grow us up like themselves.

There are also enemy aliens. The grey alien with the big head and big black eyes, that is the enemy. And big lizard aliens are an even stronger enemy. The grey and the reptilian aliens are the enemies of our gods, and since we are the children of our gods, these aliens also hate us. They work to try to destroy us. These aliens are the ones who created the big web of programmed thought-form curse energies, they wrote all the code and they set up the spiderweb net of curses around this planet.

We use the RTR to melt through the web of curses and erase it so that our planet can be healthy and free.
AokiJ said:
Hello brothers, I wanted to ask you these "basic" questions, what happens is that I am not very sure and preferred to ask.
Exactly what is an "Angel"?

An enemy extraterestrial being or an enemy thoughtform.

AokiJ said:
And what is the correct meaning of "Demon"?

Thanks ❤️.

A friendly extraterrestrial being under Satan.
AokiJ said:
Hello brothers, I wanted to ask you these "basic" questions, what happens is that I am not very sure and preferred to ask.
Exactly what is an "Angel"?
And what is the correct meaning of "Demon"?

Thanks ❤️.

"Demon is the Greek word for the ancient Gods, Demon is also the Greek term for the soul. It comes from the Persian Sanskrit term of Dena. The Christian's later changed the association of this word to negative as Gentile's are negative to the Jewish alien soul. Many of the Hindu texts were translated by Christian's." HP Mageson666

"The God Dionysus is called the Good Demon which was symbolized as the golden serpent with a crown of rays that represent the chakra's. The ancient Greeks called the human soul "The Demon" this is the actual soul the serpentine system which is formed by the three main nadis which generate the chakra's and elements and bodies that overlap into the full human being. Niss is a name of the human soul and the spiritual energies of such." HP Mageson666

"The Roman's and Greeks called this the Geniji and Daemon/Demon. This was the awakened soul consciousness that comes with activation of the serpent energy and the opening of the soul and mind its higher spiritual consciousness. The term Philosopher means Lover of Sophia. Love is the union of opposites of the soul and Sophia is the serpent energy which also means wisdom for this reason the awakened consciousness. Genji of the Roman's is where the term Genius comes from it means the same as Demon." HP Mageson666

"Where Angel Was Stolen From

The modern word Angel is from the Greek "Angelos" and the Latin "Angelicus" which are from the Sanskrit "Angiras" which the Vedic seven Angirasa seers symbolize the lights of the seven chakra's and are born from the fire of Agni.

"Archangel is Sanskrit Arhat Angiras, noble Angiras. The Buddhists also called their ancient sages the Arhats, a Vedic word meaning noble, often applied to Agni."[1]

In Sumerian this also becomes An which is also an ancient title of Shiva. And what the seven Arch Angels of the Yezidi's relate to the seven chakra's. Angel is An el which means the shining serpent as the An Gods are also the Anunnaki. El is an ancient title of divinity the Jews stole latter on. The head god of the Pagan Canaanites was EL. Note Enki is also called An..Ki.

The enemy has corrupted this term and used it for their Kabbalistic thought forms they have created. Such as the angel Metatron which is another name for their thought form of the Torah." HP Mageson666

I also did read one time Demon does also mean knowledgeabel one.

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
