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Joy of Satan French Forum & Website Is Now Live

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It could not be a happier occasion than this for Spiritual Satanists in France, that we now not only have the Joy of Satan translated in French, but also the Forum for French SS has been opened as a result.

Trusted SS people and translators can become moderators on the forum.

There is also always a lack of words to express gratitude and admiration towards the hard work done by translators who are giving the ability to millions to partake in the Truth and be blessed as they themselves have been. This is a very beautiful day for France and the French speaking people of the planet, which are in the hundreds of millions.

To our awesome French SS who have started the fire of freedom in France, Toutes nos félicitations, Satan's Team!!!

Ara, Shiva_SS, Francis, Masterj810610, but also others from the past like DragonBleu, we thank you for this.

Link to the Forum


We must still write and translate the forum rules and appoint the moderators. Also, linking the Forum should be done on the original Joy of Satan French page.


The Joy of Satan French Main Site


Below are the Links to the Joy of Satan French Sites:

The Black Sun: https://joyofsatan.fr/satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/BlackSunMain.html

The Third Reich and Satanism: https://joyofsatan.fr/satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Third_Reich.html

The Real Holocaust: https://joyofsatan.fr/satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Holocaust.html

Exposing Christianity: https://joyofsatan.fr/satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html

Kabbalah Exposed: https://lakabbaleexposee.blogspot.com/
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What are the odds that I post a demand to have a french section of the forum and, BAM! There it is.

BtW, its Masterj810610 on the forum, my email adress is a little bit different.

Thanks to all that have done the translation work
Very glad to see this and congrats and thanks to all who worked on this :).I look forward to this outcome for all the languages being worked on.

I myself have been able to resume Dutch translations again due to downtime from work...it might be asking too much of the two of us but I am hoping to have most of it done before January, mostly as far as work from my end anyway (if I don't get called for another emergency outage). Two sections I will mail at that time with some questions on how to proceed as I think one section should merge with the JOS library instead.
This is awesome!! Well done, all. I look forward to more French SS joining us as a result of this hard work. Be proud :D
Shadowcat said:
Very glad to see this and congrats and thanks to all who worked on this :).I look forward to this outcome for all the languages being worked on.

I myself have been able to resume Dutch translations again due to downtime from work...it might be asking too much of the two of us but I am hoping to have most of it done before January, mostly as far as work from my end anyway (if I don't get called for another emergency outage). Two sections I will mail at that time with some questions on how to proceed as I think one section should merge with the JOS library instead.

If I may, you have a very nice image in your signature Shadowcat.
I am so happy to be a part of this! 😊😊

Commander, I don't have access to my proton email anymore, I'll write you soon with my new address.

Ara, Master, I can't read your messages if you have sent any, HP will be able to send you the new proton address.

So happy and soon the translation of all your sermons Commander and those of HPS Maxine!

Hail Satan !!
Hail SS Army !
It happened I visited France, and I found it a country heavily under the enemy's influence, with extreme racial mix and invasion. It has also been used against Hitler, like UK, and this caused even more problems in the long run.
Despite that, French people are very proud of being French so this helps a lot their survival. I have travelled to a northern area not far from the Alps where people are still mostly white and they treat their land, their race, their environment and themselves still in a good way, I have been impressed how I found the core of a nationwide-proudness surviving in small number of people.

Best of luck to this new group!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Cool!!! Im a little worried tough.

Some members are working hard (yeye for example) in Jos Spanish but Main page (Alegria de Enki) is very very very obsolet, awfully translated, lacks lots of important knowledge an so on.

I would be Very pleased to help in the translation of the main page and all meditations in it, satanic symbols,as well as the most important thing for my consideration, wich is EXPOSING FUCKING CHRISTIANITY. I've never fell in the trap of christianity but it is a virus in almost all Spanish speaker countries.

English is not my natal language but I've always have had an abnormal interest in it, even if my english is not perfect I can help a lot. Consider it. I wont use shitty translators, I'll do the job.

I dont have a lot of time to be on the Spanish forums translating but I can sit down and start doing something if you want me to.
Darkspirit said:
Shadowcat said:
Very glad to see this and congrats and thanks to all who worked on this :).I look forward to this outcome for all the languages being worked on.

I myself have been able to resume Dutch translations again due to downtime from work...it might be asking too much of the two of us but I am hoping to have most of it done before January, mostly as far as work from my end anyway (if I don't get called for another emergency outage). Two sections I will mail at that time with some questions on how to proceed as I think one section should merge with the JOS library instead.

If I may, you have a very nice image in your signature Shadowcat.

Glad you like :). Its from Heilung. Check them out on youtube their music is awesome!
Carvier666 said:
I wont use shitty translators, I'll do the job.
You should not disregard modern AI-based translators. Take deepl for example. You would get through the task much faster when you let it do the work and go through the material once the translation is made making sure that terminology etc. is intact and reads okay. These services have come a long way past decade and are nothing like they used to be which is where the bad rep is from.

There is translation forum where you can collaborate with your Spanish speaking Siblings.
Henu the Great said:
Carvier666 said:
I wont use shitty translators, I'll do the job.
You should not disregard modern AI-based translators. Take deepl for example. You would get through the task much faster when you let it do the work and go through the material once the translation is made making sure that terminology etc. is intact and reads okay. These services have come a long way past decade and are nothing like they used to be which is where the bad rep is from.

There is translation forum where you can collaborate with your Spanish speaking Siblings.

Spanish forums are somehow not actively working I think. Im not really focusing on forum activity, I would even dare to say its not important right now. It just doesnt make any sense to post Jos newsletter translated if no one is going to read it. That's way I want to fully translate and update Alegria de Enki. Then Spanish members can just share the link.

There are thousands of satanic souls that just dont know english. When I was new I read through Alegria de Enki and boy oh boy... There were massive holes in the knowledge and just everything. That was in 2019 I think. For my surprise I found out recently that it's just the same. I was lucky as fuck that I knew english back then.
I dont really know if Im beeing fully obvious here, but the content of Joy of Satan translated to Spanish is not a 10% anddddd it's out of date.

I hope you understand, if we dont fix the main page problem it just doesn't make sense to keep translating every day stuff that will be recieved for very few people. New people need a comfortable environment that is found in Satan is God.

I just want the best for the millions of souls that we could save.
YES! Well done French Team! :D
Henu the Great said:
Carvier666 said:
I wont use shitty translators, I'll do the job.
You should not disregard modern AI-based translators. Take deepl for example. You would get through the task much faster when you let it do the work and go through the material once the translation is made making sure that terminology etc. is intact and reads okay. These services have come a long way past decade and are nothing like they used to be which is where the bad rep is from.

There is translation forum where you can collaborate with your Spanish speaking Siblings.

I completely agree. I started translating my first assigned page by myself, and spent several hours. I then used a translator and with careful reading increased the speed by 10.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Toutes nos félicitations, Satan's Team!!!

Maybe if i finish translations then my life might have value. Hooded Cobra are translations a life changing experience i should look up to?
Or is my birth chart set in stone and unchangeable.
Carvier666 said:
Spanish forums are somehow not actively working I think. Im not really focusing on forum activity, I would even dare to say its not important right now. It just doesnt make any sense to post Jos newsletter translated if no one is going to read it. That's way I want to fully translate and update Alegria de Enki. Then Spanish members can just share the link.

There are thousands of satanic souls that just dont know english. When I was new I read through Alegria de Enki and boy oh boy... There were massive holes in the knowledge and just everything. That was in 2019 I think. For my surprise I found out recently that it's just the same. I was lucky as fuck that I knew english back then.
I dont really know if Im beeing fully obvious here, but the content of Joy of Satan translated to Spanish is not a 10% anddddd it's out of date.

I hope you understand, if we dont fix the main page problem it just doesn't make sense to keep translating every day stuff that will be recieved for very few people. New people need a comfortable environment that is found in Satan is God.

I just want the best for the millions of souls that we could save.
I was actually talking about this section where people from different locales collaborate on their respective domains: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=31 You should chime in there and provide your help if you want to translate.

Other than that it is important to translate both new and old material even when there is limited amount of people receiving it. Checking the Spanish forum section just now and it seems comparatively smaller than others, but active. So the current efforts are not in vain.
Thanks brothers and sisters for your kind words 😊
Being part of our family is a great great joy.

To the French readers whose soul is satanic and who don't have an account yet, come and join us!

There are still a lot of articles to be made accessible to French speakers and especially all the PDFs that cannot be easily translated online!

In addition to doing the work of the Gods, you are enriched and progress by reading all this knowledge!
I do not know that much about French, but I will try my best here:

Merci, Merci HP! J'aime le travail toa realisé

Hope I didn't write something bad, so, if any member who has more expertise in French tell me what I have stated, then I would gladly hear the translation of my statement :)
Deep Darkness said:
Vive la France!

I hope that one day I will finish all my Estonian translations and number of Estonian Satanists on Ancient-Forums grow from few members to dozens of members, so we get our own forum :D

It will happen in due time brother.
So happy to see this!!

Honestly, I didn't think the new forum would be online so soon. This is great news!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the translations.
BlueLake666 said:
I do not know that much about French, but I will try my best here:

Merci, Merci HP! J'aime le travail toa realisé

Hope I didn't write something bad, so, if any member who has more expertise in French tell me what I have stated, then I would gladly hear the translation of my statement :)

You said:

"Thank you, Thank you HP! I love the work "toa" (maybe you meant "toi" as in "you") did"
Ara666 said:
So happy to see this!!

Honestly, I didn't think the new forum would be online so soon. This is great news!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the translations.
It was a pleasure and I will keep doing it to be able to spread the work of Satan. I did it for the community, Satan and myself. I want all the french community in all the wolrd to see the truth.

Thank you for your hard work Ara and all the others.

Hail to the truth, hail to Satan and his demons.
Hail to everyone who gives to the truth.
Masterj810610 said:
BlueLake666 said:
I do not know that much about French, but I will try my best here:

Merci, Merci HP! J'aime le travail toa realisé

Hope I didn't write something bad, so, if any member who has more expertise in French tell me what I have stated, then I would gladly hear the translation of my statement :)

You said:

"Thank you, Thank you HP! I love the work "toa" (maybe you meant "toi" as in "you") did"

Thank you for clarification :)

Yeah... I wanted to say "toi" as in "you", perhapsy keyboard went nuts at the time of writing the appreciation. :lol:
I’m French, so if you need some help translating some content I can help occasionally.
Carvier666 said:
I hope you understand, if we dont fix the main page problem it just doesn't make sense to keep translating every day stuff that will be recieved for very few people. New people need a comfortable environment that is found in Satan is God.

I just want the best for the millions of souls that we could save.
Please email me at [email protected]

Hello. The Spanish community had by far the most translators involved. They raised from the very beginning the issue of the Spanish Website and that it needs to be fixed. I will see who is still active. Nonetheless if you want to get involved please email me and I will introduce you to the group.
Boko99 said:
I’m French, so if you need some help translating some content I can help occasionally.
Hello. Please email me at [email protected] if you wish to get involved
There is still important material to translate into French

Lasollor said:
Maybe if i finish translations then my life might have value. Hooded Cobra are translations a life changing experience i should look up to?
Or is my birth chart set in stone and unchangeable.
Your life definitely has value, never doubt this. The life of any committed Spiritual Satanist is valuable. But as you suggested your life is being shaped and influenced by your birth chart/the planetary placements from it. I think we discussed about this before. A lost of meditation is needed to override these placements and uplift your life over their nefarious influences.
Masterj810610 said:
Ara666 said:
So happy to see this!!

Honestly, I didn't think the new forum would be online so soon. This is great news!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the translations.
It was a pleasure and I will keep doing it to be able to spread the work of Satan. I did it for the community, Satan and myself. I want all the french community in all the wolrd to see the truth.

Thank you for your hard work Ara and all the others.

Hail to the truth, hail to Satan and his demons.
Hail to everyone who gives to the truth.

Same here. Ever since I found the truth I was hoping that one day the websites would be in French. Well… there they are. :D

Thank you again sooo much for your help Masterj! It's greatly appreciated.
Shadowcat said:
Darkspirit said:
Shadowcat said:
Very glad to see this and congrats and thanks to all who worked on this :).I look forward to this outcome for all the languages being worked on.

I myself have been able to resume Dutch translations again due to downtime from work...it might be asking too much of the two of us but I am hoping to have most of it done before January, mostly as far as work from my end anyway (if I don't get called for another emergency outage). Two sections I will mail at that time with some questions on how to proceed as I think one section should merge with the JOS library instead.

If I may, you have a very nice image in your signature Shadowcat.

Glad you like :). Its from Heilung. Check them out on youtube their music is awesome!

Aha thanks, I've seen them. I can say good music, but I liked more that they are based in the pre-Christian era, that is, in our true origins.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
