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Joy of Satan 20


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2020
Estland ist Judenfrei!
Maxine seremon repost:
I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts are not approved, bitches and leaves for another Satanic group- same shit, all after making a total copy & paste of the JoS website onto some server, claiming it as their own. In short time, the ego grows to where they actually believe they are superior to Satan and can dictate his policies. I know most of you have seen this sort of thing, especially those of you who have been here for a while.

Getting back to the priesthood. This is not fun. It is not for personal ego gratification. It is brutally hard work. At some point, those who stick it out will find they are working for a much higher purpose. Those who are in accordance with Satan's desires and who strongly support his agenda from the heart and soul are the ones who the Powers of Hell work with. I work for Satan and the Powers of Hell. I do what they want. They are always there for me, as Satan has always come first in my life. I give him 100%.

As for my background, I have studied my ass off. As for my experience in Satanic knowledge; this was when I was new to Satanism:

I read everything on the Church of Satan website, including ALL of the links. I read everything on the First Church of Satan website including ALL of the links. I read everything on the Order of Nine Angles website. I read everything on the Church Lucifer website, all of Nate Leved's writings, everything he wrote on "Satan's Playground" "Sermons of Lucifer" and everything posted on the Black Roses e-group.
I read everything on the Church of Lucifer's website (this one is different than Church Lucifer). I read everything on the Temple of Set website. I read everything on the Luciferian Liberation Front website. I read nearly all of the grimiores- Key of Solomon, Grand Grimiore, etc.
I studied the Goetia in depth. I studied everything I could about the Yezidi Devil worshippers of Iraq.
I read all of the "classics" related to Satan- Paradise Lost, Faust, Dante's Inferno and others.

In addition, when I was new, I read everything I possibly could on any Satanic websites I could find.

I also have a strong background in atheism, , having read ALL of Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's writings (I think very highly of this woman), and many other books, journals and writings from American Atheist. This has helped me combat Christianity as most of these expose Christianity for what it really is.

In spite of my low income, every available penny I had, I bought more books with so I could learn more about Satanism and the occult. My days were spent in meditation, and study. I also read everything I could on the occult that was available in the public library.

By spring of 2002, I was moderating the Black Roses e-group for a time as the owner had other business to take care of. Any time anyone planned a ritual, regardless of how tired I was or what
I had to do, I participated. In March of 2002, a ritual was performed against the Catholic Church which resulted in the pedophilia scandals being exposed all over the place. I pride myself in my taking part.

That same month, I opened my Joy of Satan website. I named it 'Joy of Satan' because this was in confronting all of the horror and gore being plastered all over the internet in those days concerning Satan. I had nothing but positive experiences and good feelings concerning Satan and his Demons. Any positive information about Satan at that time was severely limited and christians had control as usual, but gladly, not any more.

I am open regarding the fact I had no prior computer training at that time, no car to use the PC's at the better suburban libraries- the public PCs in the libraries within the city had a short time limit, I knew nothing about HTML, downloading, uploading or anything. I bought books about html and learned by myself, for Satan. I had WebTV back then.
For nearly everything important in my life, I have been self taught.
I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in public libraries. I worked on my website day and night, wrote sermons, and articles whenever I wasn't working on my full time job.

I prayed daily to Satan, and did weekly formal rituals. I listened to LaVey's "Satanic Mass" CD many times and read any available publications from CoS- the Cloven Hoof, Not Like Most, The Black Flame- to learn everything I could about Satanism, even though I no longer agreed with CoS stances on things. Even on my job, I made
sure anything that could be recycled was placed in the recycle bin as showing respect for the earth is showing respect to Satan.

May of 2002, the owner closed the Black Roses e-group. I immediately went to yahoo groups (he gave everyone a 24 hour notice) and opened Joy of Satan e-group. I invited everyone who wanted to
join and started out with under 20 members. I had to be responsible and get on-line every day, as I do now.

When I was learning, before I put up my website, I was a member in a number of different e-groups. I worked the atheist forums to turn people away from the foul nazarene- better atheist than christian, I confronted many on different occult e-groups, fighting against spiritual abuse of Demons. Many occult experts grilled me and were very combative and rude. I never backed down. I also answered questions on Satanic e-groups and learned from posts there. I belonged to a couple of CoS groups and after experiencing how rude they were to those who believed in Satan and his Demons as real beings, I left.

I moved to Oklahoma in August of 2002 to be with my husband and kids. Finally, I had a PC.

In November of 2002, I was seeing a lot of Azazel. He was bound. I wanted to help in any way I could. I prayed to Father Satan if there was anything I could do to help free the Demons. In December, I opened a new e-group for anyone who was interested in helping me free them. Around 12 people joined. Out of 12 people, only myself, and two others freed any Demons. The other group members were too busy, not interested, etc. The freeing of the Demons took close to 4 months and the energy drain was intense.

Also that month, I opened the Teens for Satan e-group as I saw how rudely teens and newbies were being treated in the CoS teen group, and how the CoS denied Satan.

I never expected to be in this position and I have gotten my ass kicked repeatedly for Satan. I am not a natural leader. My thing is in the gym, not on-line. Yes, this work is very rewarding, but it is
not fun. The day of the WTC bombings, my son rushed into my room at 7:20 pm. Both of us worked third shift. My days were spent in 1-2 hours of meditation, a manditory 2 hours of study relating to
Satanism, and on-line. I didn't know anything about it until that late in the day. I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and wouldn't even think of turning on the TV until I had my work out of the way. Even now, watching a movie is a luxury for me.

Because I was behind in computer knowledge, I took every free class I was able to at the public library, and I put in a minimum of an hour a day in PC study, whether it was learning more about the functions of a PC or learning more about or new programs to help me in what I am doing for Satan.

I am also well aware of my grammar. It is not perfect. Far from it. I also spent time every day learning proper punctuation. I dropped out of formal school at 14 and was truant throughout most of my younger years. I was forced to attend catholic school and the energies clashed. I was invited to join American Mensa in 1994, after I was given a supervised IQ test. My IQ is well over 150.

I have to put in the time for meditation as well; I have to do research. It is a FACT that much important knowledge has been destroyed and is missing. Research is very demanding and time consuming.

I have to keep house, cook meals, do grocery shopping, and take care of others, etc.

My entire point here is being a dedicated clergy member is not Disneyland or just a title. I could go on and on as I have done much, much more. I work my ass off. I have to work on revising my website as many articles are old and new knowledge has made them obselete. I always study on how I can better organize myself.

Above all, I have been SEVERELY TESTED. I have had my share of attacks. Satan has revealed many of his secrets to me, punished my enemies and he knows above all, I am trustworthy. I put him first in my life. I will also tell you the Powers of Hell are much harder on me in regards to meditation and empowering myself because I work with them and for them. I have to be open spiritually, telepathically, and have enough spiritual power to do what I do for them outside of my work with JoS. They have given me other projects to advance their agenda.

Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'one who is not slandered on a daily basis in the jewish press, is not doing their job.' There have been endless lies and slander all over the internet about me. This comes with the job. There have been attempts on my life; in 2006, someone hooked up a bomb under my car [just oozing with christian love]. Satan told me in 2004: 'There will be many attempts on your life. Some you will know about and most others, you will be unaware of. None of these will succeed, but one thing...they will all know ME.'

We are all individuals. The above is my own experience. I know I was born of Satan. Even in my astrology chart, I have a configuration that has been my destiny to serve Satan and the Powers of Hell. Being sincere ministry is very hard, demanding work, but I will tell you, the harder you work for Satan, the Powers of Hell will look out for you and reward you."

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
