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Joints problem

Cordziz pvrgel

New member
Dec 29, 2018
Hey everyone, since some time I've got joints problem. I have visited a doctor and he told me that I have rheumatoid arthritis and its caused by my immune system which is not working properly and it is attacking my healthy cell. Its some kind of autoimmune disease. I'm taking some medicine but i don't See any positive changes it looks even worse. Have you some idea what i could to do Just to remove completely this fucking disease?? I Will be very greatfull for your help
Hail Satan
Cordziz pvrgel said:

If the medication is not helping then get off it immediately. You probably don't even have what the doctor said you have as they bullshit their diagnosis' a lot just to get people on certain medications that prove to actually be harmful.

If you feel you do in fact have rheumatoid arthritis and the doctor wasn't just tossing a half-assed response, then rheumatism is ruled by Pluto and if it is prominent in your chart then it may be what is causing the problem.

What you can do is begin a 40 day working with the rune Munka, as this rune removes curses and bad karma. I will refer you to Lydia's post here for further details. Her post is about dealing with Saturn but these same methods can be applied to Pluto.
Cordziz pvrgel said:
Hey everyone, since some time I've got joints problem. I have visited a doctor and he told me that I have rheumatoid arthritis and its caused by my immune system which is not working properly and it is attacking my healthy cell. Its some kind of autoimmune disease. I'm taking some medicine but i don't See any positive changes it looks even worse. Have you some idea what i could to do Just to remove completely this fucking disease?? I Will be very greatfull for your help
Hail Satan

You can use oxygen peroxide treatment. It is recorded that rheumatoid arthritis is successfully treated. You can read about this here at the bottom of the page (one minute cure):


Also you can simultaneously heal your joints to speed up the process.
Cordziz pvrgel said:
Hey everyone, since some time I've got joints problem. I have visited a doctor and he told me that I have rheumatoid arthritis and its caused by my immune system which is not working properly and it is attacking my healthy cell. Its some kind of autoimmune disease. I'm taking some medicine but i don't See any positive changes it looks even worse. Have you some idea what i could to do Just to remove completely this fucking disease?? I Will be very greatfull for your help
Hail Satan

Hi. How old are you? How long have you had this issue?
What is the state of your health?

What is your diet like?
Drinking more water could help. There is no direct blood flow to the joints, so the only way they can get any hydration or nutrients is by soaking up from the cells around them, so you need a really good water supply. I think Collagen and Biotin pills could also help repair any joint damage, and also will make your skin and hair so much healthier. Yoga is one of the best things you can do. It opens the joints up for more water and nutrients to get into them, and also opens up spiritual energy flow. All this makes them healthier. :D
Hey everyone :) First of all I would like to thank you very much for yours advices, Im very greatfull :)
Im 26 years Old, and the first symptoms of this disease has occured about 2 years ago. For the first, some simple knee ache after about half year some of my fingers has get started swollen and limited my movements etc. Then my arms, sometimes wrists and feet. I've been visiting a doctor a few times and they have always different diagnosis. But finally they said that it is rheumatoid arthritis. Beside that I was exercising on a gym, and I never have had any problems with my health. Mostly im eating a normal healthy food. I have normal weight etc.
I can add that Im doing 5 tibetan rites, everyvday cleaning aura, chakras opening and empowering them, breaths etc.
I would like to add that in my previous solar return chart, I had pluto in the sixth house and the symptoms of disease started appear. I also have the Sun as well as uranus conjuct neptune in the sixth house in my Natal chart.
Cordziz pvrgel said:
Hey everyone :) First of all I would like to thank you very much for yours advices, Im very greatfull :)
Im 26 years Old, and the first symptoms of this disease has occured about 2 years ago. For the first, some simple knee ache after about half year some of my fingers has get started swollen and limited my movements etc. Then my arms, sometimes wrists and feet. I've been visiting a doctor a few times and they have always different diagnosis. But finally they said that it is rheumatoid arthritis. Beside that I was exercising on a gym, and I never have had any problems with my health. Mostly im eating a normal healthy food. I have normal weight etc.
I can add that Im doing 5 tibetan rites, everyvday cleaning aura, chakras opening and empowering them, breaths etc.

I would like to add that in my previous solar return chart, I had pluto in the sixth house and the symptoms of disease started appear. I also have the Sun as well as uranus conjuct neptune in the sixth house in my Natal chart.

I think it should be important to know that excess calcium in your diet without a sufficient enough balance of magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate can lead to pain in the joints. So if you consume too much milk, cheese, yogurt, fortified cereals, etc you may end up experiencing a build up of calcium not only in your joints but also your pineal gland which can calcify it. If you think too much calcium might also be a suspect you can try taking magnesium glycinate/citrate supplements to balance your calcium intake. Dr. Ron is practically our family doctor here.

The sixth house does indeed rule over health and aspects of health, so it's likely you have planetary influences in addition to any physical or dietary ones. As I had stated before, a thorough working with MUNKA can help remove these negative planetary energies.
Actually I'm drinking a lot of milk even i prepare to myself some protein shakes with milk. In addition on a breakfast Im eating almost daily cereals, cheese etc. So it could be that. Im using toothpaste without fluoride to make my pineal gland better but i See with my diet it couldn't rather be better. And also im drinkimg at least to cups of coffe daily.
So as you have wrote the best thing would be start to taking some magnesium :)
Today I have started vibrating the munka 54 repetitions twice a day. I will start doing yoga. I hope that would be very help full :)
Once time I'd like to thank You very much for help.
Cordziz pvrgel said:
Actually I'm drinking a lot of milk even i prepare to myself some protein shakes with milk. In addition on a breakfast Im eating almost daily cereals, cheese etc. So it could be that. Im using toothpaste without fluoride to make my pineal gland better but i See with my diet it couldn't rather be better. And also im drinkimg at least to cups of coffe daily.
So as you have wrote the best thing would be start to taking some magnesium :)
Today I have started vibrating the munka 54 repetitions twice a day. I will start doing yoga. I hope that would be very help full :)
Once time I'd like to thank You very much for help.

Consistent yoga and stretching will work to move the blood and energy flow thus aiding your healing.

You are taking in a lot of dairy...

Magnesium glycinate and or citrate are the ones you want to get.
Just only one thing... The medicine im taking are reducing my immunity. What do you think about it should I stop taking them?? I take it from above 3 months and the dr told me to continue taking that to the end of the year.
Cordziz pvrgel said:
Just only one thing... The medicine im taking are reducing my immunity. What do you think about it should I stop taking them?? I take it from above 3 months and the dr told me to continue taking that to the end of the year.

I am not a doctor but if the "pharmaceuticals" that the "doctor" has given you is making you feel worse and weakening your immune system (even when we know that your condition is an auto-immune problem) you should definitely stop it. Atleast lower the dose until you stop.

This is my personal opinion. Many of these drugs are just to keep people dependent and cover the symptoms, they do not cure.

Healthy people are not profitable to them, remember that.

So its up to you, its not my call.

If I were in your situation, I'd heal it myself, just like how I do with almost all of the issues that might surface. I would get off the medicine slowly and then work up immune boosting regimen, etc.

So its up to you. What do you feel is the best situation for you?
It's hard to Say couse from the one hand i See some positive changes. Less pain in my wrists, hand elbows and knee. I can bend much more then for example one month ago. But some time comes a Day while i cant bend my finger or i Just cant take a kettle to the hand.
Some movements of my body makes me painful even though im taking this "medicine" daily. I have still some swelling in my fingers and in a knee and it doesnt look like to start disapearing. But for sure its a little bit better than it was before. At least i can walk without pain in my feet.
Maybe its a good idea to wait With reducing the amount of medicine as i will finished the 40 days of vibration the munka.
Cordziz pvrgel said:
It's hard to Say couse from the one hand i See some positive changes. Less pain in my wrists, hand elbows and knee. I can bend much more then for example one month ago. But some time comes a Day while i cant bend my finger or i Just cant take a kettle to the hand.
Some movements of my body makes me painful even though im taking this "medicine" daily. I have still some swelling in my fingers and in a knee and it doesnt look like to start dissapearing. But for sure its a little bit better than it was before. At least i can walk without pain in my feet.
Maybe its a good idea to wait With reducing the amount of medicine as i will finished the 40 days of vibration the munka.

Dont forget the gradual supplementation of Magnesium and consistent yoga for your chi/ energy flow so that it can reach different areas of your body, joints, etc
Hi Im writing couse i have finished doing munka for 40 days. lm still doing yoga at least ones a Day (im doing asanas from Jos) , Im taking citrate of magnesium but this fucking joints still looks worse than before. Another of my fingers started to swollen.I ve got much more pain im my knee wrist etc. There were few days when have had no pain in my joints but generally it looks worse. Maybe im not patient enough but im really worried about this disease. Do you have some ideas?? What do you think about the oxygen peroxide could it really help or is it completely bullshit. I have stoped taking medicine few weeks ago.
Since few days me elbow started to be much more painful and i cant bend it :( even though im doing yoga. Now i ve got huge problem to make for example cobra asanas. I have read that the arthritis is coused by too much air element in the body and its a good idea to make some mudras for that. What do you think about it?
I do a job in which i ve got medical examination and i have to pass them positively

Please help me
Hail Satan
I heard something about auto-immune diseases last week (will need to confirm it) - that it could be linked to improper amount of vitamins in the body.

I also read something along the lines of an elemination diet being able to help.

And also something about fermented foods that could be helpful too.

(or maybe Im just making that up) or a commercial like video that mentioned something about kurkuma.

I also heard something along the lines of herbs that would improve the immune system function would be able to combat auto immune disease as well since it'd tell them properly what to do, to not just attack the own body.

I do realize that some of things that I just mentioned could be harmful to you and that you're really desperate looking for help. I'd still recommend to listen to someone else other than me (since Im mostly just pasting instant reply stuff without taking anything into consideration - which is basicly an improper type of spreading information, but I don't get the feeling that many people would even continue listening to whatever I say if I don't say things immediately :/ ... and thus skipping steps).
@ T.A.O.L.

I doubt this is the case here. When people genuinely do seek help, they will not dare disregarding your opinion when asking you specifically.
HPS Shannon, Central Force, and lately also TAOL, always have interesting things to say on any said matters. Many thanks to you and all guys that help.

You're saving lives.
In ayurveda "ama" is a substance that builds up like plaque in the body. I'd suggest a juicy mango cause they are nice and some rest and yoga.. maybe some spring water too. try balance your agni(digestive fire) and soma(thing to be eaten)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
