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Jewish "Professor": Advocates for Child Rape of 1 YR OLDS, Claims it Could "Benefit Babies"


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
It's not just this professor. All of the top officials in key positions,who would make important decisions incase of an emergency got those positions by doing something extremely horrible. The Epstein Child Rape ring and Pizza gate emails are just an icing on the cake.

This Jewish pedophile cult is entrenched is every form of the highest levels of Government. The admission into higher levels essentially comes with a Suicide Pact. They only trust you not to expose their illegal activities if you have sex with a child on camera. That's what Epstein was doing. Who knows where the footage is now.

Pedophilia is an Essential part of Judaism. There's no doubt about it.

Article Follows -

SUNY (State University of New York) Fredonia has a jewish professor who defends some very horrible things, including raping one year old children. Dr. Stephen Kershnar is a “distinguished teaching professor in the philosophy department” and he is well-known by his university for teaching some very “controversial” things. Even his profile on the university site mentions how he is interested in adult-child sex (aka child rape). I have highlighted it below:

http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Screenshot-2022-02-03-at-07-43-42-Dr-Stephen-Kershnar-Fredonia-edu-1024x518.png (if imagine above doesn't load)

The jew’s interests have been well-known by university officials and the larger academic community for a while now, but some of his comments have recently been spread over the internet, which is causing a well-deserved backlash.
Stephen Kershnar, a philosophy professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia, is trying to defend pedophilia.

Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant. It’s a very standard, very widely held view that there’s something deeply wrong about this, and it’s wrong independent of it being criminalized. It’s not obvious to me that it is in fact wrong.”
Well, the Talmud is fine with child rape, so why should anyone argue against it, right jewish professor?

Kershnar goes even further to say that incestuously raping a one year old could actually benefit the baby!
..the notion that it’s wrong even with a one-year-old is not quite obvious to me. There are reports in some cultures of grandmothers fellating their baby boys to calm them down… If this were to be true… it’s hard to see what would be wrong with it.
He says that child rape could actually benefit both parties.
there is good reason to believe that there’s actually a strong benefit to adult-child sex.”

SUNY Fredonia, which has long been aware of this jew’s teachings, is now apparently reviewing the matter, only after people online became outraged.

A message from SUNY Fredonia President Stephen H. Kolison

Kershnar’s 2015 book titled, ‘Pedophilia and Adult-Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis’, apparently was not problematic for the university, even though he is reported to have made the same arguments in the book as he did in the recent interview.

In addition to his promotion of child rape, Kershnar also wrote a book in 2011 titled, ‘For Torture: A Rights-Based Defense’, and has written articles like, ‘A Liberal Argument for Slavery’, ‘For Discrimination Against Women’, ‘Rape Fantasies and Virtue’, and ‘In Defense of Asian Romantic Preference’.

This is all so very jewish. It is very obvious that Kershnar’s jewish identity is informing his views, as he talks about bar mitzahs and bat mitzahs in his disgusting dissertation.

We must remove all jewish influence from our culture, lest these predators create a world where young babies are openly considered their sex toys, to be abused as they see fit. These sick, subversive semites must be brought down.

This race has wrote in the Talmud that this practice is something they engage into but also not ascribe any serious penalty onto either. Reptiles and other similar creatures victimize their own in irrational ways.

Creating scars in the mind of young jews is a process that jews do as a form of ritualistic torture, so that they stick with the fold. Left unchecked jews always massacre other jews for no particular reasoning as their history shows.

Shaving women bald, beating their own senseless and all sorts of other crazy things are everyday life to these people. For those who have no clue, look up "Hasidim Jews" online.

Does that even look like a human life there to you?

Eventually they develop reptilian disorders and they make their own even more insane as they initially begin life, to the point this later on manifests in all the rest of the crazy things they keep doing to everyone else. The sum of the mental disorders of the jewish "people" and what they incurred to their own is the sum of their "cultural heritage".

It all starts with how women are evil, beating and killing is normal, trap and enslave and rob the goyim, all sorts of nutcase stories that are considered "religious doctrine", even going as far as to saying one simple masturbation is enough for the "Creator of the Universe" to personally want to kill you for masturbating.

The fact people took this race of lizardoids seriously is because they brutalized themselves and others to such an extent that this manipulation and attack was imposed on the bloody sword, perversion and brainwashing.

All Ancient Civilizations were shocked by these creatures and kept them at a distance, and now during their temporary rule, they literally want to legalize even pedo based on kikology and pseudoscience such as the incestuous imbecile Freud or this other Fraud that is presented here.

The insanity is reflected here. For example, because his "Culture" sucks baby dick and eats baby bloody foreskin, they claim that's a "normal" practice. "Do it too goyim it's good for your kids".

This race literally eats foreskins of their own, talks to chicken to "Confess their sins" to chicken and somehow people have to pretend it's all normal and reasonable and part of a general "multicultural world" or some shit.

It's just jewish insanity we have to understand this in full. These behaviors are alien.
Kikes are notorious for pedophilia. Its all a matter of time until their insanity is is completely exposed and they are dragged in the streets for these atrocities. If anyone is familiar with Todd Nickerson and the article he wrote i am pretty sure this is a kike also.
I disagreed with Blaire White recently on how pedophilia movement is becoming more prevalent. I see that I'm both wrong and right. I'm wrong in the sense that this problem has a platform with its own acronym and a damn flag too and you have university professors just teaching without having to worry about being fired. It's literally still teaching.

From what I have been noticing, fortunately, is that more and more people are becoming aware of this growing fucked up movement so there's a growing push back to this trash.

You'd think any Gentile that has gone thru trauma as a child would want to go thru the path that heals them, not expand on the damn trauma but from what I seen the biggest voices(or leaders) for this movement are literal racial jews. We need these evil creatures out of power to help those who WANT help and those who want to stay in their messed up ways, well there's already a very popular saying of what we should do to these type of people and it has to do with a specific projectile. This act of kindness shouldn't be given to those who have already done something bad. You gotta go. Maybe next time you'll have a better chance but this one you forfeited once you decided to do what you did.
hailourtruegod said:
We need these evil creatures out of power to help those who WANT help and those who want to stay in their messed up ways, [....]

These are meant to be sepeparted groups. One that wants help and the other that doesn't I explained what could be done to them after the (,). When proofreading I didn't realize it looked like I grouped them both together as needing help.
slyscorpion said:
This is absolute sickness. I don't understand how they let things get this far. 😕

Communist/marxist brainwashing not to mention the reptiles are in school teaching molestation of kids,it's enough to Piss anyone off,an guess who is going to be the scapegoat homosexuals, I hear it all the time from hopeless braindead christards.ahh well if these christards can't see it,it will be to their own detriment they will get no sympathy from me.anyways more RTR fule this reptilian jew inspired me to do more RTR
Fanboy said:
Hitler should have never given them Israel. What a disaster this has been.

"Butterfly effect" isn't a viable reason to put this on Hitler in my opinion.

This has been on going since their beginning on this planet and from records it seems they did the same in past empires like in ancient Greece and most likely Rome after they infiltrated it. Was it Hitler's fault then too? Of course not. These slimy parasites can only do these things one way but that's not going to work anymore because of the JoS rituals. :twisted:
Hell yea this is what we want. Keep talking and exposing themselves like this. The general population will begin to wonder what is wrong with these people, figure out it ties back to their core beliefs....people need to know the talmud is a disgusting book written by the most vile creatures on the planet. Pure corruptions, even bottom feeding karp, rats, and dogshit have more beauty than them. Atleast the last one fertilizes the ground and can be set on fire in front of a neighbors house you want to piss off :lol:
8ScintillantSol8 said:
Hell yea this is what we want. Keep talking and exposing themselves like this. The general population will begin to wonder what is wrong with these people, figure out it ties back to their core beliefs....people need to know the talmud is a disgusting book written by the most vile creatures on the planet. Pure corruptions, even bottom feeding karp, rats, and dogshit have more beauty than them. Atleast the last one fertilizes the ground and can be set on fire in front of a neighbors house you want to piss off :lol:

The words of Amdusias definitely ring louder than ever before when he mentioned about the enemy basically digging their own grave and revealing themselves at the height of the JoS cause.
Kevin Hernandez said:
8ScintillantSol8 said:
Hell yea this is what we want. Keep talking and exposing themselves like this. The general population will begin to wonder what is wrong with these people, figure out it ties back to their core beliefs....people need to know the talmud is a disgusting book written by the most vile creatures on the planet. Pure corruptions, even bottom feeding karp, rats, and dogshit have more beauty than them. Atleast the last one fertilizes the ground and can be set on fire in front of a neighbors house you want to piss off :lol:

The words of Amdusias definitely ring louder than ever before when he mentioned about the enemy basically digging their own grave and revealing themselves at the height of the JoS cause.

Hell yeah. Everyone can start seeing these psychopaths having casual conversations about being pedos and laughing and being all giddy.... all while on camera and years of the university, from the looks of it, knowing full well what his views are. This is how comfortable they are with their disgusting alien views and it's way past time the populace sees this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This race literally eats foreskins of their own, talks to chicken to "Confess their sins" to chicken and somehow people have to pretend it's all normal and reasonable and part of a general "multicultural world" or some shit.

:lol: :D
hailourtruegod said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
8ScintillantSol8 said:
Hell yea this is what we want. Keep talking and exposing themselves like this. The general population will begin to wonder what is wrong with these people, figure out it ties back to their core beliefs....people need to know the talmud is a disgusting book written by the most vile creatures on the planet. Pure corruptions, even bottom feeding karp, rats, and dogshit have more beauty than them. Atleast the last one fertilizes the ground and can be set on fire in front of a neighbors house you want to piss off :lol:

The words of Amdusias definitely ring louder than ever before when he mentioned about the enemy basically digging their own grave and revealing themselves at the height of the JoS cause.

Hell yeah. Everyone can start seeing these psychopaths having casual conversations about being pedos and laughing and being all giddy.... all while on camera and years of the university, from the looks of it, knowing full well what his views are. This is how comfortable they are with their disgusting alien views and it's way past time the populace sees this.

And even if they do, it's gonna take a lot to really conquer that cognitive dissonance they might have, especially when considering the Jews had used the white race as scapegoats for their crimes. One look on social media and you'll see people basically seeing white people as disgusting and evil and racist, but towards Jews they act like they're minding their own business or are aware of them powerful "illuminati" families, but don't know their threat level nor just how evil they truly are.
Nothing new. Marx pointed towards whatever primitive cannibals and chandala cast out of civilization he could find of all kinds as his ideal form of 'primitive communism'. What this means is that they want all Gentiles to be put on the same level of ape-tier stupidity so they are easy to control. The entire field of Anthropology is formulated on these axioms. Now unfortunately people think humanity as a whole is descended from lunatics.

As the enemy hates civilization, the rule of the church was an attempt to bring their foreign neolithic psychopathy to Europe, so peasants could own nothing, think about nothing and do nothing to react. Then after this failed, humanism was corrupted by the idea civilization is 'evil' and the social contract was created by backwards lunatics in a desert. Every Marxist movement has used criminals as its major support base, not 'proletarians'.

When the first post-classical age of consent was formulated in England as a way out of the middle ages lunacy, the enemy tried every method imaginable to violate it. This contributed to their expulsion decades later.
Jack said:
Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant. It’s a very standard, very widely held view that there’s something deeply wrong about this, and it’s wrong independent of it being criminalized. It’s not obvious to me that it is in fact wrong.”

".... I think this is a mistake. And I think that exploring why it is a mistake will tell us not only things about adult-child sex and statutory rape, but also about fundamental principals of morality." - Stephen Kershnar

Jewish Professor advocates paedophilia

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This race has wrote in the Talmud that this practice is something they engage into but also not ascribe any serious penalty onto either. Reptiles and other similar creatures victimize their own in irrational ways.

"If the girl is less than that age, younger than three years and one day, the status of intercourse with her is not that of intercourse in all halakhic senses; rather, it is like placing a finger into the eye. Just as in that case, the eye constricts, sheds tears, and then returns to its original state, so too, in a girl younger than three years and one day old, the hymen returns to its original state."

"GEMARA: The Sages taught in a baraita: A girl who is three years old is betrothed through intercourse; this is the statement of Rabbi Meir. And the Rabbis say: She must be three years and one day old." - Niddah 44b



They are a sick specie.
Their Niddah explains how they count "years":

"And Rabbi Yoḥanan said: There is a difference between their opinions with regard to the issue of whether thirty days in a year are considered equivalent to a year. Rabbi Meir maintains that thirty days in a year are considered equivalent to a year, and therefore a girl aged two years and thirty days is already considered like a three-year-old and may be betrothed through intercourse."


Ninja 666 said:
Jack said:
Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant. It’s a very standard, very widely held view that there’s something deeply wrong about this, and it’s wrong independent of it being criminalized. It’s not obvious to me that it is in fact wrong.”

".... I think this is a mistake. And I think that exploring why it is a mistake will tell us not only things about adult-child sex and statutory rape, but also about fundamental principals of morality." - Stephen Kershnar

Jewish Professor advocates paedophilia

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This race has wrote in the Talmud that this practice is something they engage into but also not ascribe any serious penalty onto either. Reptiles and other similar creatures victimize their own in irrational ways.

"If the girl is less than that age, younger than three years and one day, the status of intercourse with her is not that of intercourse in all halakhic senses; rather, it is like placing a finger into the eye. Just as in that case, the eye constricts, sheds tears, and then returns to its original state, so too, in a girl younger than three years and one day old, the hymen returns to its original state."

"GEMARA: The Sages taught in a baraita: A girl who is three years old is betrothed through intercourse; this is the statement of Rabbi Meir. And the Rabbis say: She must be three years and one day old." - Niddah 44b



They are a sick specie.
Vile, rotten, stinking, sick fucking kike shitworms...
It seems my hatred for their rotten cancerous blight of an existence is amplified daily...
I'll be imagining that pus filled maggots face melting off in my next RTR.
:ugeek: Basically feels just like reliving the fall of Tsar Russia 1917 pre-Bolshevic take over. All this confusion, radical shifting of consciousness... All we are missing is a ritually murdered child to turn up somewhere and it's how do the Judaics say. "May this blood make this land a land of Hypocrites", "Just as we killed Jesus, the Christian God, so we kill this boy and may all our enemies be disgraced forever!" or some other form of oath animosity toward "X" gentiles culture and peoples :shock: :shock: :shock:
Shako said:
:ugeek: Basically feels just like reliving the fall of Tsar Russia 1917 pre-Bolshevic take over. All this confusion, radical shifting of consciousness... All we are missing is a ritually murdered child to turn up somewhere and it's how do the Judaics say. "May this blood make this land a land of Hypocrites", "Just as we killed Jesus, the Christian God, so we kill this boy and may all our enemies be disgraced forever!" or some other form of oath animosity toward "X" gentiles culture and peoples :shock: :shock: :shock:

Jews didn't kill jesus. There never was anybody that was jesus, but in the story jesus was a rat faced jew called Rabbi Yehushua Ben David. Jews pretend that jews killed jesus to trick people into thinking that jesus was White or part of White history.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shako said:
:ugeek: Basically feels just like reliving the fall of Tsar Russia 1917 pre-Bolshevic take over. All this confusion, radical shifting of consciousness... All we are missing is a ritually murdered child to turn up somewhere and it's how do the Judaics say. "May this blood make this land a land of Hypocrites", "Just as we killed Jesus, the Christian God, so we kill this boy and may all our enemies be disgraced forever!" or some other form of oath animosity toward "X" gentiles culture and peoples :shock: :shock: :shock:

Jews didn't kill jesus. There never was anybody that was jesus, but in the story jesus was a rat faced jew called Rabbi Yehushua Ben David. Jews pretend that jews killed jesus to trick people into thinking that jesus was White or part of White history.
Of course the existence of "jesus" is fake. I saw a video on youtube years ago of christians behind a camera visiting "israel". A jew there told them to go back home because they (the jew) killed "jesus" - "we killed jesus" - and one christian behind the camera asked, "Did you hear that?". The jew thinks life's a stage and that the jew is the leading role dictating what it wants. I'd be surprised if any jew didn't know "jesus" was fake, but the point is it just acts as if "jesus" exists. It might go so far that the jew acts it out persistently, but the jew must keep in-character, just in case. After all - everyone has a role to play.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jews pretend that jews killed jesus to trick people into thinking that jesus was White or part of White history.
Lol - look at the very first result about that -


Not only is that the first result, it is also trying to sell something, as the first result, so that the jew gets more shekels!
Nausea. This is how any healthy mind would respond to anything that relates children and having sex. There may be room to debate about the age of consent, should it be 18? 16? 20? But for fucks sake... That's nothing but sick.
It doesn't become more apparent that this isn't the case of some "human" with repulsive sentiment, as it ties to their religious creed that's bound by genetics. Here we also see their reptillian mind to its fullest extent, and how "it" can write and attempt to justify its perverted sentiment, as if it were actually presenting itself as someone with any sense of intellectual reasoning. Until people realize that this mentality is not of their "own" kind.

This is good material to show anyone who claims "Jews are not the problem", although in the majority of such cases it's just jidf carrying out damage control as always. They simply cannot maintain influence and control over gentile lives knowing what sentiment they are capable of.
I can't even find the words to express myself through all the disgust.
Notice that moment when it looks to one side in self-contemplation of it's hive, right after saying there are reports of incestuous pedophillia being normal in "at least one culture".
This is fucking sicking...WTF!!??? Why babies..nobody deserves this kind of abuse at any age. As if can't get any worse for children. 😖😠 and Little kids are always the target no matter what happens. As it is... It seems like children and women are always getting the most abuse, and its been going on for centuries. And it needs to stop!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shako said:
:ugeek: Basically feels just like reliving the fall of Tsar Russia 1917 pre-Bolshevic take over. All this confusion, radical shifting of consciousness... All we are missing is a ritually murdered child to turn up somewhere and it's how do the Judaics say. "May this blood make this land a land of Hypocrites", "Just as we killed Jesus, the Christian God, so we kill this boy and may all our enemies be disgraced forever!" or some other form of oath animosity toward "X" gentiles culture and peoples :shock: :shock: :shock:

Jews didn't kill jesus. There never was anybody that was jesus, but in the story jesus was a rat faced jew called Rabbi Yehushua Ben David. Jews pretend that jews killed jesus to trick people into thinking that Jesus was White or part of White history.

No idea why there could be a Jacob Frank or Sabbetean Zavi but not a Jesus. I don't particularly get hold up on the Jesus thing. I am talking about the ritual murder of Jewish enemies more or less.
Kevin Hernandez said:
hailourtruegod said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
The words of Amdusias definitely ring louder than ever before when he mentioned about the enemy basically digging their own grave and revealing themselves at the height of the JoS cause.

Hell yeah. Everyone can start seeing these psychopaths having casual conversations about being pedos and laughing and being all giddy.... all while on camera and years of the university, from the looks of it, knowing full well what his views are. This is how comfortable they are with their disgusting alien views and it's way past time the populace sees this.

And even if they do, it's gonna take a lot to really conquer that cognitive dissonance they might have, especially when considering the Jews had used the white race as scapegoats for their crimes. One look on social media and you'll see people basically seeing white people as disgusting and evil and racist, but towards Jews they act like they're minding their own business or are aware of them powerful "illuminati" families, but don't know their threat level nor just how evil they truly are.

In the past few years news reports mention conflicts between the Black and kike community in New York. I think in Bronx specifically? Or whatever well known kike community they have there. Anyways, there's videos of black men beating up these rats but it's like you said even if they are angry at them they are just seeing whites most likely or aren't fully aware of how bad they are. They're getting to the main point for sure but the confusion is still kind of there for the time being until said confusion will be gone soon enough with the RTRs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
