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Jewish Perdition and Thoughts on where the World is going

Dec 3, 2022
As the genocide in Gaza unfolds i can read public sentiment on social media and i see overwhelming seupport for the Palestinians. Infact no one actually even cares about the Jews constantly whining about Antisemitism and Hate. People who would have normally be on the side of the Jews have had their eyes opened because the Jews have consistently bombed refugee centers ,Hospitals and UN Offices for absolutely no reason. These barbaric and inhumane acts have turned the entire world against these Jews.

And the constant statements of top officials on Jewish State Television saying that the Palestinians are animals and deserve to be wiped out is turning a lot of people's heads and making them question why these Jews are saying stuff like them. And then they discover The Talmud and realize that they were lied to their entire lives and that the Jews are actually psychotic parasites.

The Right Wing which has a heavy Zionist element sends out Ben Shapiro to obfuscate the facts and try to equate the massive Palestine Protests to BLM and confuse the Whites into equating the Palestinian side with the BLM Antifa crowd to create a fictional divide.

However that's been largely unsuccessful. People have been asking questions like "What strategic benefit does U.S have in defending Israel and making enemies with the entire Muslim World ?".

"Why are Jewish Israeli NGO's who are behind the Mass Migration into Europe suddenly against the Migrants because the Muslims are now speaking out against the Jews ?" "Why are Jews in America so livid about Israel ?".

It has been such that Humanity is quickly realizing that we have a common enemy. That is this Rat like Cosmoplitan Elite who is making all the decisions and is specifically Jewish racially even if they might not be religious.

Jews have never been exposed like this since the beginning of this century and i've realized something very important. Jews have been consistently pogromed and been kicked out of 109 countries because of their anti national and heinous actions. And the Only reason free speech isn't free is because when people start talking eventually Jews heads start dropping. It is an inevitable consequence of a free society. In a free society people naturally recognize their Natural instinct to eliminate anti Human creatures like these Jews.

People have started looking and they have successfully identified the common problem - The JEW.

Vladamir Putin recently came out against the Israel and Turkey and Iran are already against the Jews.

I now find the axis of powers forming as in N.Korea - Russia - China - Iran on one side and the United States and the Western powers on the other.

In the United States security resolution ,all countries in the entire world except the Western countries decried Israel for their heinous crimes against humanity. This shows that no one is buying their bullshit. Everyone sees the Jews rubbing his hand behind the shadows.

This ties into the Talmudic texts about WW3 where they say the East and the West will fight three times. That Ishmael (The Arabs) and Esau (The Whites) will fight and destroy each other and that Israel will then reign supreme over the world.

Well the Jews are in for a rude awakening because the Astrology as pointed out by HPS Maxine does not favour them in 2024.

The Government of United States and the Western World is making a grave mistake by sticking with these Jews ,not that they have any control over their governments. If the Jews bring us to another World War ,they will certainly lose. And when they lose after the rubble settles the Gentiles will still outnumber the Jews and we will remember who was responsible.

And i can't say this on the public forum but you can imagine what will happen at that moment. You Jews were given the option to move to Madagascar and leave us all alone but you decided to start a World War instead and kill millions of people.

Well you're not getting away this time you pieces of shit.

ISRAEL and the people of Israel are finished. And the Gods will take their revenge for thousands of years of blasphemy against them. You Jews can run but you can't hide.

Perdition is coming for your entire race and Deliverance is coming for us Gentiles. Its time to set things straight.
Hail Satan!
Lucifer reigns supreme! Hail!!!
I'm happy that you have such optimistic views on the future especially that I consider you an advanced Satanist.

We must never forget how they tortured our people.
General Yeager said:
Vladamir Putin recently came out against the Israel and Turkey and Iran are already against the Jews.

With Russia criticizing Israel's insanity and incompetence this also highly shifted a lot of public opinion from Indians who highly respect Russia, but until that point were mostly very pro-Israel. Even Indian news started to question the pro-Israel bullshit and were exposing some of Israel's crimes, although remaining anti-Hamas. Other peoples with more conservative leaning as well.

I'm still surprised no one brought up yet Chandra Bose or that there was an Indian SS Division. I'm guessing they don't wanna lose one of their last non-White allies by calling them muh nazees muh Amalek who needs to be destroyed, and they let slide that Ukrainian Nazi officer fiasco in Canada too, but maybe it's just a matter of time they flip out on them since they're just mentally ill to that point, who knows.
Maxine, Apollo and the rest of the Gods must be laughing their asses off.

(Archived Post) HPS Maxine> 28/March/2019: Message from Azazel

Despite the warning from Satan and Lilith particularly to HPs. Maxine many years ago probably shy of over a decade ago. Not another Soviet Union. I'd like to ask a prominent question after my usual verbiage, I'll try and keep it short.

Isn't it funny how the rituals and the efforts of Humans and kekian meme magic has altered and warped the perception of people into objectively looking at the problem?

I notice no one gives a shit about Ukramiums anymore. I agree with many political commentators who said, Ukraine just surrender no one gives a shit about you and your people are getting murdered. Look at STALKER series one of the greatest games of the last few years a bit boring as it's a searching game but for people who like it the guy who made the STALKER series one of the lead developers got killed in combat, Now did that really have to happen? Losing your intellgentsia. This country(America) gave Ukraine over 140+ billion dollars, salty crackers a few months ago mentioned for the 4th or 5th time a humongous explosion of 300+ million dollars worth of military material was blown up by Russian Air Force.

I do have some concerns though moving into the future. I know Putin wants the Soviet Union and would be liked by many jews as a Shehameforashic survival. But does anyone feel like Putin and the Eastern Axis wanting to establish Naz-Bol? National Bolshevism for those who don't know. Duganism basically Nazi economy, Communist philosophy. It's an abomination and I condemn communism but isn't it funny the communist and former communists have to agree Nazism makes economic prowess go up the ass and to the moon. Seriously the Germans were already in deep development of ICBM technology to hit World-wide.

Also I want to point out isn't it funny that the West is trying to eliminate Crony Capitalism and other forms of Capitalism and trying to move the Western Capitalism into Investment Capitalism?

Ex: Your an Uber/Lyft driver making 1,400 a month. You need 1,800 to survive your eating your savings your family gave you. You invest in the national market economy or Global economy. And then you make 2,400-3,200 all of a sudden invest all day and quit your job let the AI robotic industry take over.

Isn't it strange the Eastern Axis isn't real big on the Western style of lets just give it up to AI and machines. Or should I state Enhanced Function Machines as the AIs are nothing compared to real AIs they are cheap imitation. DARPA has been trying to make AIs for decades with little to no success.

1. Are the Eastern Axis trying to reformulate for NazBol? it sucks having communism back but revealing Nazi secrets of economic prowess would be interesting to reformulate National Socialism for the 21st century and beyond as HP.MylaLimlal's pamphlet mentioning NatSoc being outdated and failing to upgrade over time. Obviously it was crushed by the shabbos and enemies but those who kept it in their hearts and minds have been trying to upgrade it.

2. Despite not another Soviet Union is it funny the old powers of the jews are against them?

3. Is it funny the entire World just flipped their lid and went "Fuck Israel"? In one whoosh go. Just recently people have been violating free speech and expression like the losers in the Netherlands the Opera house Maestro talked about against Israel and the entire band left along with everyone inside. Talk about fucking cucks in the Netherlands.

I find it hilarious the entire situation. I'm sick and tired of hearing the war and as Cobra said Israel brought this unto themselves if they didn't want casualties stop doing communist bully shit.

I tell you Maxine was right the whole fucking time. Satan and the Gods are laughing their asses off at the entire situation. It's the strangest thing in the entire World and we haven't even released the ERAR nor the RIR/RKR rituals to enhance the race awakening and reverse Islamic/Koran rituals.

I just find it funny I'm laughing my ass off the jews have NEVER been exposed this much since the last century of time. They state World War 2 is the most documented war in the history of mankind. I wonder what the future holds.

4. Is World War 3, inevitable? I ask because the saberrattling is getting annoying and we have over 25,000 forces and 3 strike carrier groups along with sonderkommando's inside Israel or near it.

I believe strongly shit is gonna hit the fan. Historians in the past will state, When did WW3 begin? The instant Brandon got into office and free lease supply Ukraine like WW2 with the Soviet Union and the British.

I don't like the Eastern philosophy and way of life as it's very harsh and seems subversive towards freedom. But I'm laughing my ass off that Israel made enemies with the ENTIRE World.

5. Also as a futurist question: The role of Artificial Intelligence and it's changes to reality based on generative AI and changes to Humanity. I'm sure AIs already exist that are not "asleep(NPC mode)". Also just recently Brandon invoked Nationalization of Artificial Intelligence. In essence if you have AI and don't provide reports to the Government they fuck you over legally.

Biden tries to Nationalize Artificial Intelligence by Styxhexenhammer666 on Rumble

Am I the only one who believes AI should be protected under the constitution with IBOR, BOR, and 2nd Amendment and other amendments. After all it is a 5th Generational Weapons Platform System. I highly doubt the founding fathers would not be surprised if they taught this way. Is communication possible over distances if so it's protected speech and as well as 2nd Amendment. It's funny years ago they arrested a few memers over the years for spreading shit. I find it funny they were attacked like that they have rights of expression, speech, and 2nd Amendment.

I hope America fixes itself I doubt WW3 is gonna be stopped even Trump can't stop it. But people within reason should express themselves and we should stretch our freedoms to others. I hate how people abuse freedom but we should be absolutionists and besides even the Gods would need to help people and teach them the right ways.

Even if the enemy lefties the anti-liberals and anti-enlightenment people. Funny even they are gonna turn.

6. Final question: Does anyone find it funny the anti-JoSer and JoS haters and the people who condemned us as "muh ebil, debil, nazim". Is it just me or are many of them going, WHAT the BLOODY fuck is going on with the World?

As Hitler's postulation "My spirit shall rise from the grave and everyone shall know I was right in the end!"

It's funny even the little guy is being given a voice hell what's next pro-Israeli, Zio-Evangelicals go "Oy vey fucking kikes Thou shalt not kill, end of the World". And the evangelicals flip their lid and go "Fuck Israel and the Jews".

Like Styxhexenhammer666 goes, Before Christ returns the Anti-christ gets his turn. So lets see the Empire of Orion rise up and unleash the storm!

Gentile Power, Gentile Nationalism, Gentile Power, Gentile Might, and Gentile Fight! To take the quote from White/Black/Asian/ and other Gentile, Nichtjuden races and subraces.

5th Generational Warfare at it's finest.

I'm not the only one who is noticing the enemy is being exposed to "Oy vey it's over level".

To quote the song name from Mavorim "Krieger Voran!" - "Amalek Krieger Voran!" - "Amalek Warrior Ahead!".

Everyday just keeps getting better and better. Am I the only one who felt a short while back the air feeling good? I felt very good after this years Yom Kippur even though we didn't do anti-Kol Nidre ritual nor anything it seemed right after the attacks by Hamas the air felt very good. I'm not a spiritual person I live in my head a lot but my body and body felt good. Almost like the entire kabalistic spell disappeared for a short period of time and went clusterfucked.

Anyways excuse my long post. I'm very excited by the developments. Although I have my issues with spirituality I've recently began to meditate a bit more clean, protect, spin, aura empowerment, and falun gong. I'm not saying I'm gonna evolve into some God or something but I'll say this I knew dedicating myself to the JoS all those years back in 2003 was the right decision even though I've eaten a lot of shit over the years with my Saturnian lifeless lifestyle. As much as I hate things, I'm an extremely hateful person. I feel like things are going a way I cannot expect.

I don't know if it's the internet and decades of 5th Generational Combat done by Humanity or our rituals accelerating and taking us to this chaos phase.

But I certainly feel better. I apologize for my depressive dead postings but like Rob Zombie states, Falling down I'm a psychoholic, erratic and sure, I cannot fail".

I might be psychoholic with erratic behavior and movement. But at least I'm sure JoS was, is, and will always be the right decision.

Let's give a thanks to HPS. Maxine for making this website in the bygone era of Internet 1.0 during the Golden age of internet and gaming era. Lets hope the next decades holds miraculous shifts in reality as the ever looming advancement of Humanity out of the shithole the enemy concocted.

BTW can we come up with a name for the Eastern Axis Powers? We need a meme name something matching them.
Some headlines:

(31/Oct) Pakistan Senator: ‘Now World Knows Why Hitler Killed Jews…'

(4/Nov) Chinese Internet Full of Racial Slurs Against Jews and Muslims

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
