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It's over for white people in the US


New member
Jan 18, 2021
Free 500$ per month checks for nonwhites, and a large number of white people is 100% ok with things like this happening every damn day. How is this possible? How much worse will things have get before the white sheep starts thinking that maybe they're not so privileged after all?

"I am proud to work with such committed local partners to build a new system that can help undo centuries of economic and racial injustice and steer us all toward a more just society."

Where the hell is it supposed to be fair to literally exclude one race? it's literally the opposite

"Oakland officials justified the decision by pointing to the city's Equity Index, which showed that white households earn more than anyone else, on average, earning nearly three times as much as African Americans."

Assuming this data is accurate, we are talking about poor families, although there may be "supposedly" white people who earn more, here we are talking about poor families, poor whites and poor blacks alike.

As Cinnamint Patti said: "This will only cause more racial division and resentment."; And thats for sure, they just want more hate between races

George ivanov: "Let's fight racism with even worse racism!" i think its the best slogan here
I am not sure which people are awakening because we say that a lot here. The ones who were already awake?
Two days ago a guy at the office was telling us how he got the astra zeneka vaccine and he got high fever, chills, vomiting and fainting in front of the doctor but he was happy he got the vax, plus the other people that were listening were congratulating him, while i was sitting there in silence and disgust...
This type of financial discrimination based on race doesn't get more kosher as is done by the state and is a whole other level to itself, but nothing surprising. This is mostly to agitate people, but also an obvious plan of the enemy to cause demoralization and other issues.
EnterpriseToast said:
Free 500$ per month checks for nonwhites, and a large number of white people is 100% ok with things like this happening every damn day. How is this possible? How much worse will things have get before the white sheep starts thinking that maybe they're not so privileged after all?


I hope all white people will fight for their rights.
EasternFireLion666 said:
I am not sure which people are awakening because we say that a lot here. The ones who were already awake?
Two days ago a guy at the office was telling us how he got the astra zeneka vaccine and he got high fever, chills, vomiting and fainting in front of the doctor but he was happy he got the vax, plus the other people that were listening were congratulating him, while i was sitting there in silence and disgust...

vaccines are worse than covid 19 itself
This is why we rtr to the moon and back. This is going to backfire. So sit down, grab some popcorn, and watch the fireworks.
Henu the Great said:
Here's another article: ‘Racist’ & ‘unconstitutional’? California city to offer $500 checks to low-income families – but not if they’re white - https://www.rt.com/usa/519206-california-city-low-income-white/

I posted that one already. These are news about the same thing. I feel mine should have been bumped up here in this section instead tbh esp since mine was submitted earlier (I saw the time) and this post is literally this accounts first and only one.
South Africa has had Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action employment policies since 1997. It's still on going and there seems to be no end of the racial discrimination against whites economically in sight.

You know how I have to live in fear in the work place here in the UK because whites like to bring up the race discussion of South Africa's racial tensions. I see that as a trick question because I've lost a job before by colleagues asking me these questions. A person cannot even tell the truth. My interested colleagues all conspired and put in separate complaints against me for racism.

Well racism cuts both ways. The whites were brainwashed by the Dutch Reformed Church to vote to hand the country over to black rule. You know how all men are brothers and equal under jewsus. The blacks got rule over South Africa by the will of the white people's of South Africa. As the joos first step in destroying something is to give it a mind virus to the facts of the situation.

But as it has been said if the white man ever bent the knee in Africa he would never straighten it again.

My parents were both retrenched when I was still in school because "The South African Railways" had to retrench whites to get their quotas right.

And when I finished school South Africa's racist Affirmative Action policies were in full swing. You can imagine the kick in the teeth of everyone being promised a "Rainbow Nation" where there would be no colour. Only to have my parents retrenched and me told I'm too white to get employment when I was trying to enter the workforce.

The poor whites of Rhodesia and South Africa always tend to put their hopes in help from their racial discrimination to come from abroad. Like the people in the UK and USA cannot let what's happening to them happen and they must help. Sadly they're placing their hope in the wrong place because from my experience whites in the UK look down at white South Africans as horrible racists. What I can say is that we tried multiculturism and it did not work out for us. It's not the whites of South Africa's fault. Now I run away from those racial problems of South Africa only to still be haunted by them here in the UK.

By the way I feel right at this minute to discuss race is a foolish undertaking. The races better look at the bigger picture because we're facing fascism with the loss of all our natural rights with all these covid regulations being imposed on us.

What is this nonsense about a covi pass proof of vaccination to be able to do things I as a free man already have the right to do. Those who have been coming for the white man will be coming for everyone soon.

The greatest threat humanity has right now are those working to enslave everyone under this covid scam. Once the orchestrators of all these frauds are exposed and dealt with then we can work on fixing all of the wrong that's been imposed on humankind.
A shorter reply could have been: If humanity does not wake up to what's really going on in the world. It will be all over for everyone.
EasternFireLion666 said:
I am not sure which people are awakening because we say that a lot here. The ones who were already awake?
Two days ago a guy at the office was telling us how he got the astra zeneka vaccine and he got high fever, chills, vomiting and fainting in front of the doctor but he was happy he got the vax, plus the other people that were listening were congratulating him, while i was sitting there in silence and disgust...

I m still being looked upon as an extremist when I talk about Hitler or about satanism to the same people for 5 years now of an age of 30ish. And basically ever since i joined and have spoken to people about JOS or Hitler I always get the same responses in all these 5 years. . So yeah... I also wonder that
EasternFireLion666 said:
I am not sure which people are awakening because we say that a lot here. The ones who were already awake?
Two days ago a guy at the office was telling us how he got the astra zeneka vaccine and he got high fever, chills, vomiting and fainting in front of the doctor but he was happy he got the vax, plus the other people that were listening were congratulating him, while i was sitting there in silence and disgust...

The rtrs effect the places that are easy first I believe then progressively start to effect the places that are harder. Give it time we only were doing rtrs for about 7 to 8 years total the Jews spent thousands of years putting that up. The progress we see in the world should show the Jews system of magick is a joke.
EnterpriseToast said:

From wikipedia. under Personal Life: "Schaaf (Oakland Mayor) is Jewish.[37][38][39] She lives in Oakland with her husband Salvatore Fahey. They have two children, Dominic and Lena.[40]"

Source article proving it: https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2014/01/19/fliers-of-jewish-councilwoman-with-swastika-on-her-face-posted-in-oakland/

"Schaaf told the newspaper that as a person of Jewish heritage ...."
balo666 said:
"Oakland officials justified the decision by pointing to the city's Equity Index, which showed that white households earn more than anyone else, on average, earning nearly three times as much as African Americans."

Assuming this data is accurate, we are talking about poor families, although there may be "supposedly" white people who earn more, here we are talking about poor families, poor whites and poor blacks alike.

Proving my point that equity is an excuse to discriminate.

Even from their point of view, equity is "helping the disadvantaged more" in concept, but it's "disenfranchising the dominant" in practice.

A black man and a white man are applying for jobs. A white man gets a good job paying, let's say $16 an hour. The black man gets a lesser paying job at $11 an hour. Equity would basically mean "Take the white man's pay until he's down to $11 an hour" because what's easier to put into practice? Taking somebody's money away, or helping one to get a better paying job?

Probably a bad example.
Then we must continue to pump out more RTRs.
EnterpriseToast said:
Free 500$ per month checks for nonwhites, and a large number of white people is 100% ok with things like this happening every damn day. How is this possible? How much worse will things have get before the white sheep starts thinking that maybe they're not so privileged after all?

To be honest maybe whites could play these people. I just kind of thought of this. Ok their argument is that all races are equal or that race doesn't exist we are all human (I have heard both) well if all races are equal whites too. They should not be discriminated against. If no races exist then whites are the same as browns so why uphold browns above whites.

I know there is no truth to their arguments but why the fuck hasn't anyone done this before on the public stage. This would leave these people speechless and red in the face and expose their true agenda of getting rid of whites in their own country.

The same arguments they use for blacks could be used for "oppressed whites" in our own country.
EnterpriseToast said:
Free 500$ per month checks for nonwhites, and a large number of white people is 100% ok with things like this happening every damn day. How is this possible? How much worse will things have get before the white sheep starts thinking that maybe they're not so privileged after all?


Its pure discrimination on basis of race. But ofc now the protesters wont show up because its ONLY racist when it happens against races which are non whites.
Imagine same privilege given only to whites excluding other races,everyone would have lost their minds. Its not a hard guess, we all know who those "wealthy private donors" funding the program will be. Some kike ofc.
Also,it might lead to more non white migrants to US, "ohh i m not earning enough lets sell everything take a flight to US and get married there and become a resident. Easy 500 bucks per month." It will lead to more race mixing too.
slyscorpion said:
[...] if all races are equal, whites are too. They should not be discriminated against. If no races exist, then whites are the same as browns; so why uphold browns above whites? [...]

This is a straightforward and perfectly sound argument. But it has failed time and time again. That's because it only encounters 'academics' and activists—who can do enough mental gymnastics to justify anything—or hits hard on a sub-human's noggin and does not register as a bug.

Trying to convince your enemies that their ideology is wrong in this circumstance is like convincing an animal to abstain from eating.
Henu the Great said:
Here's another article: ‘Racist’ & ‘unconstitutional’? California city to offer $500 checks to low-income families – but not if they’re white - https://www.rt.com/usa/519206-california-city-low-income-white/

We must unite and fight in the name of almighty
The enemy knows all too well the power of true unity this is why they actively seek more and more ways to incite racial tension to distract us from focusing on the enemy...
Boy some of the replies you guys give sounds like whitey is cucked to hell and back seriously. And then funny enough the other races are cucked as well cause "Fuck whitey, they be responsible for all the World's problem 'n' sheit". Funny enough if other races saw the jew as more of a threat they wouldn't even be talking about whites.

At least with some Asians they still got the air of defense for race and for the White race's back. Not all of course but certain elements and certain countries providing some White support like Japan, India, Thailand and other nations holding some NS principles.

Still it's very alarming to see whites cuck so much to themselves and to others. And funny enough that others can't be helped enough do you know how many whites crush themselves to others. They literally let them walk all over them. Kinda like George Lincoln Rockwell(12 minute+ Understanding NS bitchute video from Magenta666) said: "While the other races empowered themselves".

I guess the old jewish meme of 6 gorillian, muh curses, and hymie hustle has taken it's toll. Hopefully the cucking stops cause at this rate Dr.William Luther Pierce is gonna make videos from the afterlife stating White race at even less than 9% and dropping.

Eventually like Hitler states "IF the White Aryan race were to disappear the Asians can only keep us afloat for another 3 or 4 decades before we enter a new age of darkness".

What exactly is this game everyone plays. I never saw White as a White racist as a matter of fact I see Whites more as cucks that don't stand up to themselves with a few odd balls here and there defending themselves. Usually the others say racist.

Goddamn the social marxism is too damn high.

Just remember guys the NS definition of racists.

Racist = A person or persons whom understand the differences between races and sub-races, cultures and sub-cultures, Nations and Sub-Nations(O.R.I.O.N. : Our Race Is Our Nation).

Rather than the marxy Racist = Someone who hates another race.

It's funny how lazy the jew is and how lazy people are. No one does research on anything. They just employ social marxism as a form of social laziness. Oy vey dah whitey is racist. Goyim: Whitey is racist.

I'm Racist SO what? You don't understand nor do research on Racism to understand what it means.

Socially engineered laziness. Intellectual or lack of intellectual mixed with laziness.

Again whites need to get their ass kicked figuratively and wake the FUCK UP. Enough cuckery non-sense.
slyscorpion said:
But if whites did the same thing it would be racist.

In many European countries they are banning and outlawing NGOs or independent movements that try to give priority in their aid to native Europeans, such as the NGO Hogar Social Madrid in Spain which has been banned.
You guys needed to be prepared for self defense using weapons and learn basic prepping stuff. They intend to cause a race war with the hundreds of millions of people who are rushing the border right now. The deagel report by the CIA shows a 70% decrease in the U.S population by 2025. Things are going to get infinitely more worse as 2024 approaches.
California needs to have a massive earthquake and break off into the ocean. Every degenerate and antiwhite thing spawns out of there.
slyscorpion said:
To be honest maybe whites could play these people. I just kind of thought of this. Ok their argument is that all races are equal or that race doesn't exist we are all human (I have heard both) well if all races are equal whites too. They should not be discriminated against. If no races exist then whites are the same as browns so why uphold browns above whites.

I know there is no truth to their arguments but why the fuck hasn't anyone done this before on the public stage. This would leave these people speechless and red in the face and expose their true agenda of getting rid of whites in their own country.

The same arguments they use for blacks could be used for "oppressed whites" in our own country.

Thinking of this I am beginning to "like" the Biden administration. He may turn out to be the president that woke up the biggest number of americans in history. I mean Trump did some good things in his administration, but I think slowly people will start to forget about him and his cuckery. They talked so much about 1776 and revolutions and shieeet and when the 6th of january capitol attack came they all started to whine and condemn it, nooooo it was antifa and partiots are good and just pray to jesus. Congrats! Being a christcuck made you weaker than any antifa soyboy. I mean all those years of soyboy memes and it turned out they were the ultimate losers LOL. The chad losers that had all the numbers, all the reason, all the legal evidence and momentum and did nothing. You wouldn't believe me how many agree with me on gab about MAGA being a waste of time and all this Qtard theories being a stalling strategy for the goym to do nothing. I think if Biden will ever be thrown in jail with his administration, I really would like him before he goes in to receive the medal for the best awakening cold shower in the history of the US. The literally best president who is now making citizens see that both sides are kosher cancer <3
slyscorpion said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
I am not sure which people are awakening because we say that a lot here. The ones who were already awake?
Two days ago a guy at the office was telling us how he got the astra zeneka vaccine and he got high fever, chills, vomiting and fainting in front of the doctor but he was happy he got the vax, plus the other people that were listening were congratulating him, while i was sitting there in silence and disgust...

The rtrs effect the places that are easy first I believe then progressively start to effect the places that are harder. Give it time we only were doing rtrs for about 7 to 8 years total the Jews spent thousands of years putting that up. The progress we see in the world should show the Jews system of magick is a joke.

Wotanwarrior said:
slyscorpion said:
But if whites did the same thing it would be racist.

In many European countries they are banning and outlawing NGOs or independent movements that try to give priority in their aid to native Europeans, such as the NGO Hogar Social Madrid in Spain which has been banned.

I know I am just saying this to show the hypocrisy (btw this article was in the USA not Europe). To be honest I don't think this is the solution either. The solution would be to fix the economy to make it more fair in earnings and prices and cost of living for whites and put a priority on family and having kids as well as giving financial rewards to people if they wanted to dedicate years to achieving the Magnum opus or advancing more. Just giving money out doesn't solve the bigger issue. All they are doing now is kicking the can down the road. Eventually they won't even be able to do this anymore no matter how much money they print to be honest that's when it gets to be shown to everyone what the Jews did. They fear this a lot.
Thanks for the post! This website is the ultimate "red pill" source of information. I can't tolerate Alex Jones anymore. InfoWars is a psyop brimming with ads and one sided information.

The Jewish agenda (supposedly) tries to create equality by catering to minority groups rather than focusing on socioeconomic status. People who focus on the later get roasted by the media as being racist.

There's another example of this where a concert in 2019 was charging twice as much for white people to attend. There was huge pushback to a point where they caved in, yet they stated it was to avoid violence and hatespeech from 'white supremicists'. These people are sick in the head... Here's an article:
Inflorescentia said:
slyscorpion said:
[...] if all races are equal, whites are too. They should not be discriminated against. If no races exist, then whites are the same as browns; so why uphold browns above whites? [...]

This is a straightforward and perfectly sound argument. But it has failed time and time again. That's because it only encounters 'academics' and activists—who can do enough mental gymnastics to justify anything—or hits hard on a sub-human's noggin and does not register as a bug.

Trying to convince your enemies that their ideology is wrong in this circumstance is like convincing an animal to abstain from eating.

What gets me is people do not take the time to question why people that look often like whites hate whites so much and want them dead. Hmm must be another race altogether infiltrating and destroying that should be what comes to mind. Then they could look it up and see they are Jews.

People really should question this stuff more cause it's to the level of dumb so far as being noticable what the Jews are doing here.
White people need to wake up and take action. The illiberal left and Republican cucks have already declared war on white americans and non-white conservatives.

I document the social engineering that's so obvious online.

Go to google images and search for European historical figures then search for white couples and straight couples.



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
