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isreal's passport factory

Dec 17, 2007
This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does that makes sense? With kikes no matter how much surgury they have its in the eyes even if they are blue eyes they have an alien coldness to them like something evil is looking at you behind their smile. It took me a while to realise it like you can feel something is off but at first you can't quite put your finger on it then it hits you. In a line up of all different people even ugly people kikes just don't look like they fit. I notice many in hollywood wear coloured contact lenses to try and hide it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
When I see jew eyes the only words I can think of to describe what I see is "artificial" "fake" or "wicked" the eyes and the face of jews remind me of the villian in old disney movies also

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does that makes sense? With kikes no matter how much surgury they have its in the eyes even if they are blue eyes they have an alien coldness to them like something evil is looking at you behind their smile. It took me a while to realise it like you can feel something is off but at first you can't quite put your finger on it then it hits you. In a line up of all different people even ugly people kikes just don't look like they fit. I notice many in hollywood wear coloured contact lenses to try and hide it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
I know exactly what you mean with they eyes. In my opinion there is a void of life in their eyes, they dont have that spark of life, they are just missing something. This goes along with the sickly physical features that they often have.

Because of the changes and advances in technology to where these kikes can alter their appearance I hardly rely on the physical feautures anymore. Yes, there are many things to look for such as the chin, shape of the skull, forehead, ears, nose, eyes and so on; however if we were on the battlefield how long do we actually have to analyze if the one we are about to kill is one of our own or a friend.

I have found that you can identify someone as a jew in hseeps clothing by going by their energy. You do not even have to look at the individual but once you become strong enough can feel the energy near you and can act accordingly.

What do you think?

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does that makes sense? With kikes no matter how much surgury they have its in the eyes even if they are blue eyes they have an alien coldness to them like something evil is looking at you behind their smile. It took me a while to realise it like you can feel something is off but at first you can't quite put your finger on it then it hits you. In a line up of all different people even ugly people kikes just don't look like they fit. I notice many in hollywood wear coloured contact lenses to try and hide it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
they don't seem to have an energy or spark of their own, like as an individual the full blood full on kikes to me are the worst they effect me the worst even through pictures the hybrids vary more sometimes I see someone and feel like there is a war on inside them the soul still has that kike vibe but the body seems to be fighting it like someone with an organ transplant that is rejecting it. The Gentile genes are trying to reject the kike genes or something like a square peg in a round hole unstable and like they could just blow up any second or something. They are fueled by the energy they have been taking through religions as things change in the world and they loose power and more come to Satan this is going to get very interesting to see what starts to happen to them. Artificial is the right word they don't belong here, they do not fit the picture they do not resonate with the frequency of this planet all that is holding them up inside is this energy feeding and whatever alien scum is behind them and how they have infected the energy of this world. When that is dead, stopped, cut off will it just turn into basically bodies falling apart around the world, breaking down, dying the genetic defects in there all take over?

It might be interesting to keep a note on any news of strange illness or defects becomming more common in certain people and looking at who it is...they are an abomination created by very evil beings out there I cannot understand the sickness inside something that can do this I don't understand why they ever hated Satan and what He did so much.

I just can't it makes no sense inside me this is a massive universe there has to be so much more life out there, trillions of stars and planets what the fuck do they have to do this here to Us for? Why was it so bad that Satan made Us here this one planet can't We just have one fucking planet in this universe to live our lives and become something it's petty. Petty jealousy and fear of Us, fear Of Us becomming Gods... if they were not so hatefull of Us then what would they have to fear from Us? Satan is not afraid of Us becomming Gods.

To me it is fucking small and petty they have nothing better to do than fuck with other beings create abominations and destroy? If they have the intellegence to create a race any race and travel space and whatever else why don't they just fuck off back out there, go away find something usefull to do with themselves by themselves... leave us alone. Leave Satan alone! Leave my Gods in peace They create beauty and study and advance life forward, advance science always growing, always learning always about progress and discovery of new and better things. I have felt the jealousy of this alien scum to Satan, I have felt it and it's pathetic He is better than you scum because of His own efforts those who exist to tear down others who make themselves better are worthless peices of shit. You see it here in people too, if someone is attractive, smart, successfull always someone has to try and destroy it, pick them apart and bring them down, instead of expending the effort and energy to be inspired and build themselves up.

What is wrong with that? Nothing I just cannot understand these fucking assholes who have nothing else to do but fuck all of it up and for what? Thousands of years of bullshit, it's old, it's fucking enough over... thousands of wasted years imagine what We could be now? We could be out there with the Gods exploring with Them doing amazing things Gods ourselves already!

I'm just so fucking over this, excuse my rant please we have so much to do and that we can use ourselves for but we have to waste our time and energy on a pointless stupid war we dont deserve that has gone on and on and on then to heal all this mess, to teach the truth to a confused world in recovery it's so huge. Some days it really gets to me. And everyday going around knowing all this inside you and in secret while everyone else is going about their buisness totally unaware. To hide yourself, living in this dark in the shadows so not to put yourself at risk. When you can actually feel the pain of your ancestors and The Gods and have flashbacks to times before this life of horrible things. I pray to Satan this year is the year it all starts to change. Whatever has to happen for it whatever has to end this it will be worth it.

Only one thing keeps me going through my darkest times, those really fucked up days and nights where it all feels too much. I tell myself and I believe it that one day I am going to hear Satan's voice, hear Him speak not just in my mind, with my ears even see Him and hear ' you are free now, it's over you are all free, this world is free the enemy is gone forever and they can never ever hurt you again.
You do not have to hide anymore and the real healing and building of this world will happen.

I show myself visions of how the world will become what it was supposed to be from the start, We becomming who We were always meant to become with Satan leading us all. Each time I meditate I visualise His Sigil glowing Gold inside myself it gives me strength and peace.

Think about that keep that close inside you We are winning every day We are closer. If you are having any kind of hard times, this if for anyone reading this, find something to look forward to and hold onto it, believe in it and in yourself, We are making this happen with Satan's help but it is our hands and our voices and our power together here that is making it happen.

We are the ones now physically here on this planet in our hearts Satan is with Us always, We all matter. Out of trillions of planets out there Satan picked this one and made Us. We might feel sometimes like a tiny spec of sand in this universe but We are a very special and unique speck of sand this little blue dot hurtling through space is so important. Even with everything that has been damaged and destroyed it is still amazing and rich with every kind of life.

It is a perfect size planet, with a perfect distance to a perfect sun for life and power for the Soul. We are protected by the gravitational feilds of the rest of our Solar System our atmosphere is protected by layers of electromagnetic bands that extend out into space sheilding us from radiation, the gravity is perfect for Us everything is just right here. Yet it is still so fragile this planet and the life on it. We matter very much. It is like a nursury for a whole new race of Gods growing up. It is amazing that We exist. It is amazing Satan exists. It is amazing anything exists. These dark times will not last forever, our pain will heal. One day I believe We will see our Gods again, in the flesh I hold onto that thought We will have a new Golden age.

We still have a lot of friends out there cheering Us on here We might not know them or see them but I can feel them. Can you? We are near the finish line now and the crowd is cheering Us home!

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I know exactly what you mean with they eyes. In my opinion there is a void of life in their eyes, they dont have that spark of life, they are just missing something. This goes along with the sickly physical features that they often have.

Because of the changes and advances in technology to where these kikes can alter their appearance I hardly rely on the physical feautures anymore. Yes, there are many things to look for such as the chin, shape of the skull, forehead, ears, nose, eyes and so on; however if we were on the battlefield how long do we actually have to analyze if the one we are about to kill is one of our own or a friend.

I have found that you can identify someone as a jew in hseeps clothing by going by their energy. You do not even have to look at the individual but once you become strong enough can feel the energy near you and can act accordingly.

What do you think?

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does that makes sense? With kikes no matter how much surgury they have its in the eyes even if they are blue eyes they have an alien coldness to them like something evil is looking at you behind their smile. It took me a while to realise it like you can feel something is off but at first you can't quite put your finger on it then it hits you. In a line up of all different people even ugly people kikes just don't look like they fit. I notice many in hollywood wear coloured contact lenses to try and hide it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
It is because of the reaction my third eye and aura has when being around a picture of a kike or a kike item that made me want to train my aura to notice whe a jew is near me. yes, I do get a yucky, dirty feeling now when being near a kike but what I want is a strong vibration and my aura to know in which direction a kike is. I want to be able to teach my aura to pick up on how far away a kike is and in which direction. This is what I am trying to achieve at the moment.

When it comes to the full blooded kikes an dhybrids, i have no difference as they all affect me the same. I dont know why but I just suppose its because a kike is a kike. I like your interpretation/view on the issue with the hybrids and can see it relating to Gentiles who are multi-raced and being confused and torn between their two heritages/makeup.

"It will be ineresting to see what starts to happen to them".

No matter how powerful they were in the past the same thing has always been happening to them. There have always been Gentiles who have known what the jew is and have always been new Gentiles seeing this everyday. What has happened? We Gentiles have always been engaged in war against the kike, we have won and lost battles as have they. Being the cowards they have other Gentiles to do their bidding, while they hide in the corner hoping we don't spot them. We Gentiles will keep on waging war against the kike, the only difference is that the kike will have less Gentile warriors to fight their battles. They will no longer build a shield out of our people and therefore will have no protection. Without the protection of Gentile soldiers you will see how fast the jewish state falls and crumbles for the jew is now warrior compared to that of a Gentile. Just look at the nations of the world and how they are calling out the jew. As you mentioned it is taking place in Australia, things are happening in Germany now, anti-semitism is rising here in America, the jew is loosing allies and this is only the beginning. Soon there will be a world-wide uprising to where the Gentile Nations wage war against the jewish state and destroy them once and for all

As i stated in the introduction of my ritual against the vatican, they do absorb and use the energy we Gentiles give to them through prayer to their god, but this is quickly changing and can be seen by all the hold-ups the jew is facing in the middle east. The jew is a leech and is loosing power daily. They will still be living their lives but the energy they had will be gone and they will have no chance over the strength of us.

Through the loss of energy they used to have to protect their peole I am sure there will be more crimes against the jew, more hatred for the jew, more disease for the jew. They no longer have the protection they once did, and Satan even said he inflicts disease upon his enemies. We will begin to see their demise but will come from so many different sources.

To see why they hate Satan I think you need to look at who created them. The jew was created by the reptilians and the greys, with the reptilians being behind it mostly as the jew is following the traits of these creatures. The reptilians are known for using up resurces and than moving on, and they do this by implanting their own creations to blend in to the major populationa and destroy it this way. It is the reptilians who want our resources. With the enemy Gods, who hate Satan and our Gods for creating us and trying to give us our Godly power, for they wanted more slaves. With the greys they hate us for there is a revolution going on for our freedom, while there was no one there for them, to fight for them. The jew was designed for a certain purpose, it is built within them to hate us and therefore to hate our Gods. Their masters designed them to do their bidding and this is what they do. The jew is just another set of slaves for those who hate us like the greys are. My question is if things were reversed and we lost this war, what do the jews think would happen once this planet becomes the property of the reptilians?

I do agree with you, it is weird as to why they hate us so much that they can not just leave us to grow. Maybe it is because we Gentles are not 100 percent organic as our evolution was pushed forward 100's of thousands of years. Maybe it is because they view our creation as going against nature, or maybe since we are close to Satan and the Gods who are the most powerful beings in the universe, being shown by their name being known all over, that the greys and enemy gods want to harvest our energy. There are a million reasons why it could be but none are relevant. I would like to know more than the next person as to the exact reason but my focus is their destruction. I could care less why they hate me and want my destruction all I care about is defending myself, my people and my Gods, and destroying them first. Ther needs to be no reason they are there to destroy us and I have no sympathy or care for their side of the story.

Another reason why they feel like they want to pick us apart and have the desire to do so, instead of trying to create and advance could be because of the level of spirituality they are on. Or it could be in relation to Satan's Spiritual Warefare Message found on the JoS. Where he mentions about the balance between positive and negative forces and this being a needed balance. Maybe the reptilians are a negative force and were created to prey on others. Nature is always about tests, with new and old abilities to survive. In nature it is always the stronger that wins out, in this case will it be a parasite, or one who has the desire to fight, advance, learn, etc etc.

This is indeed a tough road my sister but we are on it for a reason. We were called here by Satan for out of all other Gentiles we were always different, always saw the world through the eyes of an awakened individual, we always questioned everything, and always had the willpower fo a survivor. We had the desire to change, to want change, to demand change. This is why we were called here. None of us had to answer this call, but we all did for we knew it was for us, for it was familiar to us, for it was part of our nature. This road is a sad one, depressing one, one that if it does not get you down at times, you are not eperiencing this warrior path to its full potential. We have taken a huge burden upon our shoulders now that we have answered the call and we must see it through. We are the one's who are fighting for our future, we are the one's who are fighting for our people, for our Gods, for the future of our home and all we know. We will know lonieness, we will know pain and suffering and this is the price we pay for having answered this call. But take pride in your struggles sister, know of the greatness that we are achieving, know what we are paving the way for, know that it is you that is granting your people a future. Others may not know of what we are doing, but soon the whole world will know what we, a group of a few thousands have done for the world and Gentiles everywhere. Take pride in your pain sister for it is this pain that will grant you new strength in seeing what needs to be done. Show pride in your anger for it is this anger that will fill you with a force not to be reckoned with. All of us on these boards have the warrior spirit, the warrior ambition, the warrior desire and it is these that no matter how much we face that brings us down, it is this that will allow us to rise above all those arounds, Gentile and jew alike and crush our enemy and raise the new and permanent Gentile Nation from the ashes of what once was the jew order.

I can feel all of them as well sister, and just thinking about them I get chills and a new uplifting feeling. Compare our people, our Gods, our allies, to that of the ugly, filthy reptilians greys and jews, there is such a hughe positive differece that I can not fathom how they ever thought they had a chance. Our side burns as the sun, and theirs dark as the furthest reaches of space. The new Golden age is already approaching and it is glowing a whole new light onto our cause. We are winning and all of our struggles will soon be layed to rest for all eternity.

Hail Satan
Hail To All Gods Of Hell
Hail To Our Great Allies
Hail To All Warriors of Hell
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

they don't seem to have an energy or spark of their own, like as an individual the full blood full on kikes to me are the worst they effect me the worst even through pictures the hybrids vary more sometimes I see someone and feel like there is a war on inside them the soul still has that kike vibe but the body seems to be fighting it like someone with an organ transplant that is rejecting it. The Gentile genes are trying to reject the kike genes or something like a square peg in a round hole unstable and like they could just blow up any second or something. They are fueled by the energy they have been taking through religions as things change in the world and they loose power and more come to Satan this is going to get very interesting to see what starts to happen to them. Artificial is the right word they don't belong here, they do not fit the picture they do not resonate with the frequency of this planet all that is holding them up inside is this energy feeding and whatever alien scum is behind them and how they have infected the energy of this world. When that is dead, stopped, cut off will it just turn into basically bodies falling apart around the world, breaking down, dying the genetic defects in there all take over?

It might be interesting to keep a note on any news of strange illness or defects becomming more common in certain people and looking at who it is...they are an abomination created by very evil beings out there I cannot understand the sickness inside something that can do this I don't understand why they ever hated Satan and what He did so much.

I just can't it makes no sense inside me this is a massive universe there has to be so much more life out there, trillions of stars and planets what the fuck do they have to do this here to Us for? Why was it so bad that Satan made Us here this one planet can't We just have one fucking planet in this universe to live our lives and become something it's petty. Petty jealousy and fear of Us, fear Of Us becomming Gods... if they were not so hatefull of Us then what would they have to fear from Us? Satan is not afraid of Us becomming Gods.

To me it is fucking small and petty they have nothing better to do than fuck with other beings create abominations and destroy? If they have the intellegence to create a race any race and travel space and whatever else why don't they just fuck off back out there, go away find something usefull to do with themselves by themselves... leave us alone. Leave Satan alone! Leave my Gods in peace They create beauty and study and advance life forward, advance science always growing, always learning always about progress and discovery of new and better things. I have felt the jealousy of this alien scum to Satan, I have felt it and it's pathetic He is better than you scum because of His own efforts those who exist to tear down others who make themselves better are worthless peices of shit. You see it here in people too, if someone is attractive, smart, successfull always someone has to try and destroy it, pick them apart and bring them down, instead of expending the effort and energy to be inspired and build themselves up.

What is wrong with that? Nothing I just cannot understand these fucking assholes who have nothing else to do but fuck all of it up and for what? Thousands of years of bullshit, it's old, it's fucking enough over... thousands of wasted years imagine what We could be now? We could be out there with the Gods exploring with Them doing amazing things Gods ourselves already!

I'm just so fucking over this, excuse my rant please we have so much to do and that we can use ourselves for but we have to waste our time and energy on a pointless stupid war we dont deserve that has gone on and on and on then to heal all this mess, to teach the truth to a confused world in recovery it's so huge. Some days it really gets to me. And everyday going around knowing all this inside you and in secret while everyone else is going about their buisness totally unaware. To hide yourself, living in this dark in the shadows so not to put yourself at risk. When you can actually feel the pain of your ancestors and The Gods and have flashbacks to times before this life of horrible things. I pray to Satan this year is the year it all starts to change. Whatever has to happen for it whatever has to end this it will be worth it.

Only one thing keeps me going through my darkest times, those really fucked up days and nights where it all feels too much. I tell myself and I believe it that one day I am going to hear Satan's voice, hear Him speak not just in my mind, with my ears even see Him and hear ' you are free now, it's over you are all free, this world is free the enemy is gone forever and they can never ever hurt you again.
You do not have to hide anymore and the real healing and building of this world will happen.

I show myself visions of how the world will become what it was supposed to be from the start, We becomming who We were always meant to become with Satan leading us all. Each time I meditate I visualise His Sigil glowing Gold inside myself it gives me strength and peace.

Think about that keep that close inside you We are winning every day We are closer. If you are having any kind of hard times, this if for anyone reading this, find something to look forward to and hold onto it, believe in it and in yourself, We are making this happen with Satan's help but it is our hands and our voices and our power together here that is making it happen.

We are the ones now physically here on this planet in our hearts Satan is with Us always, We all matter. Out of trillions of planets out there Satan picked this one and made Us. We might feel sometimes like a tiny spec of sand in this universe but We are a very special and unique speck of sand this little blue dot hurtling through space is so important. Even with everything that has been damaged and destroyed it is still amazing and rich with every kind of life.

It is a perfect size planet, with a perfect distance to a perfect sun for life and power for the Soul. We are protected by the gravitational feilds of the rest of our Solar System our atmosphere is protected by layers of electromagnetic bands that extend out into space sheilding us from radiation, the gravity is perfect for Us everything is just right here. Yet it is still so fragile this planet and the life on it. We matter very much. It is like a nursury for a whole new race of Gods growing up. It is amazing that We exist. It is amazing Satan exists. It is amazing anything exists. These dark times will not last forever, our pain will heal. One day I believe We will see our Gods again, in the flesh I hold onto that thought We will have a new Golden age.

We still have a lot of friends out there cheering Us on here We might not know them or see them but I can feel them. Can you? We are near the finish line now and the crowd is cheering Us home!

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

I know exactly what you mean with they eyes. In my opinion there is a void of life in their eyes, they dont have that spark of life, they are just missing something. This goes along with the sickly physical features that they often have.

Because of the changes and advances in technology to where these kikes can alter their appearance I hardly rely on the physical feautures anymore. Yes, there are many things to look for such as the chin, shape of the skull, forehead, ears, nose, eyes and so on; however if we were on the battlefield how long do we actually have to analyze if the one we are about to kill is one of our own or a friend.

I have found that you can identify someone as a jew in hseeps clothing by going by their energy. You do not even have to look at the individual but once you become strong enough can feel the energy near you and can act accordingly.

What do you think?

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does that makes sense? With kikes no matter how much surgury they have its in the eyes even if they are blue eyes they have an alien coldness to them like something evil is looking at you behind their smile. It took me a while to realise it like you can feel something is off but at first you can't quite put your finger on it then it hits you. In a line up of all different people even ugly people kikes just don't look like they fit. I notice many in hollywood wear coloured contact lenses to try and hide it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
I'm glad you are back :) What you said, about the greys that is what I see in the eyes of the jews. For anyone who has actually looked a grey in the face into the eyes the grey for me was stronger the effect through the eyes but the energy is the same. The kike eye, the greys eyes. The anger has built up and up in me this past year more and more the more I learn and see and past memories comming back. I lived most of my life in fear of the greys until now. Now I know why they tried so much to stop and hurt me because they have backed off I don't have any fear of them anymore just anger and hatred.

You said you trained your aura to detect kikes, mine detects the greys I feel them before I see them I have not felt many the past year, I could always feel them from childhood and I have seen them, not full in the flesh, but my grandmother did. They did different things to me and it was their mistake because now it just fuels my desire for their destruction even more. Now that I have seen and felt the same energy in the kikes I can start feeling it in pictures and movies.
There are not many near where I live but once in a while I walk in a shop and I get that feeling... it is like a spiral of murkey grey energy that hits me in the gut. Interestingly some jehovas witness give me the same feeling. They have the glazed over look on their face too. I feel them before I see them and there are a lot around here. They used to come here all the time with their bullshit but for quite a while they have not set foot through my front gate they rarely leave their brochures anymore either.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

It is because of the reaction my third eye and aura has when being around a picture of a kike or a kike item that made me want to train my aura to notice whe a jew is near me. yes, I do get a yucky, dirty feeling now when being near a kike but what I want is a strong vibration and my aura to know in which direction a kike is. I want to be able to teach my aura to pick up on how far away a kike is and in which direction. This is what I am trying to achieve at the moment.

When it comes to the full blooded kikes an dhybrids, i have no difference as they all affect me the same. I dont know why but I just suppose its because a kike is a kike. I like your interpretation/view on the issue with the hybrids and can see it relating to Gentiles who are multi-raced and being confused and torn between their two heritages/makeup.

"It will be ineresting to see what starts to happen to them".

No matter how powerful they were in the past the same thing has always been happening to them. There have always been Gentiles who have known what the jew is and have always been new Gentiles seeing this everyday. What has happened? We Gentiles have always been engaged in war against the kike, we have won and lost battles as have they. Being the cowards they have other Gentiles to do their bidding, while they hide in the corner hoping we don't spot them. We Gentiles will keep on waging war against the kike, the only difference is that the kike will have less Gentile warriors to fight their battles. They will no longer build a shield out of our people and therefore will have no protection. Without the protection of Gentile soldiers you will see how fast the jewish state falls and crumbles for the jew is now warrior compared to that of a Gentile. Just look at the nations of the world and how they are calling out the jew. As you mentioned it is taking place in Australia, things are happening in Germany now, anti-semitism is rising here in America, the jew is loosing allies and this is only the beginning. Soon there will be a world-wide uprising to where the Gentile Nations wage war against the jewish state and destroy them once and for all

As i stated in the introduction of my ritual against the vatican, they do absorb and use the energy we Gentiles give to them through prayer to their god, but this is quickly changing and can be seen by all the hold-ups the jew is facing in the middle east. The jew is a leech and is loosing power daily. They will still be living their lives but the energy they had will be gone and they will have no chance over the strength of us.

Through the loss of energy they used to have to protect their peole I am sure there will be more crimes against the jew, more hatred for the jew, more disease for the jew. They no longer have the protection they once did, and Satan even said he inflicts disease upon his enemies. We will begin to see their demise but will come from so many different sources.

To see why they hate Satan I think you need to look at who created them. The jew was created by the reptilians and the greys, with the reptilians being behind it mostly as the jew is following the traits of these creatures. The reptilians are known for using up resurces and than moving on, and they do this by implanting their own creations to blend in to the major populationa and destroy it this way. It is the reptilians who want our resources. With the enemy Gods, who hate Satan and our Gods for creating us and trying to give us our Godly power, for they wanted more slaves. With the greys they hate us for there is a revolution going on for our freedom, while there was no one there for them, to fight for them. The jew was designed for a certain purpose, it is built within them to hate us and therefore to hate our Gods. Their masters designed them to do their bidding and this is what they do. The jew is just another set of slaves for those who hate us like the greys are. My question is if things were reversed and we lost this war, what do the jews think would happen once this planet becomes the property of the reptilians?

I do agree with you, it is weird as to why they hate us so much that they can not just leave us to grow. Maybe it is because we Gentles are not 100 percent organic as our evolution was pushed forward 100's of thousands of years. Maybe it is because they view our creation as going against nature, or maybe since we are close to Satan and the Gods who are the most powerful beings in the universe, being shown by their name being known all over, that the greys and enemy gods want to harvest our energy. There are a million reasons why it could be but none are relevant. I would like to know more than the next person as to the exact reason but my focus is their destruction. I could care less why they hate me and want my destruction all I care about is defending myself, my people and my Gods, and destroying them first. Ther needs to be no reason they are there to destroy us and I have no sympathy or care for their side of the story.

Another reason why they feel like they want to pick us apart and have the desire to do so, instead of trying to create and advance could be because of the level of spirituality they are on. Or it could be in relation to Satan's Spiritual Warefare Message found on the JoS. Where he mentions about the balance between positive and negative forces and this being a needed balance. Maybe the reptilians are a negative force and were created to prey on others. Nature is always about tests, with new and old abilities to survive. In nature it is always the stronger that wins out, in this case will it be a parasite, or one who has the desire to fight, advance, learn, etc etc.

This is indeed a tough road my sister but we are on it for a reason. We were called here by Satan for out of all other Gentiles we were always different, always saw the world through the eyes of an awakened individual, we always questioned everything, and always had the willpower fo a survivor. We had the desire to change, to want change, to demand change. This is why we were called here. None of us had to answer this call, but we all did for we knew it was for us, for it was familiar to us, for it was part of our nature. This road is a sad one, depressing one, one that if it does not get you down at times, you are not eperiencing this warrior path to its full potential. We have taken a huge burden upon our shoulders now that we have answered the call and we must see it through. We are the one's who are fighting for our future, we are the one's who are fighting for our people, for our Gods, for the future of our home and all we know. We will know lonieness, we will know pain and suffering and this is the price we pay for having answered this call. But take pride in your struggles sister, know of the greatness that we are achieving, know what we are paving the way for, know that it is you that is granting your people a future. Others may not know of what we are doing, but soon the whole world will know what we, a group of a few thousands have done for the world and Gentiles everywhere. Take pride in your pain sister for it is this pain that will grant you new strength in seeing what needs to be done. Show pride in your anger for it is this anger that will fill you with a force not to be reckoned with. All of us on these boards have the warrior spirit, the warrior ambition, the warrior desire and it is these that no matter how much we face that brings us down, it is this that will allow us to rise above all those arounds, Gentile and jew alike and crush our enemy and raise the new and permanent Gentile Nation from the ashes of what once was the jew order.

I can feel all of them as well sister, and just thinking about them I get chills and a new uplifting feeling. Compare our people, our Gods, our allies, to that of the ugly, filthy reptilians greys and jews, there is such a hughe positive differece that I can not fathom how they ever thought they had a chance. Our side burns as the sun, and theirs dark as the furthest reaches of space. The new Golden age is already approaching and it is glowing a whole new light onto our cause. We are winning and all of our struggles will soon be layed to rest for all eternity.

Hail Satan
Hail To All Gods Of Hell
Hail To Our Great Allies
Hail To All Warriors of Hell
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

they don't seem to have an energy or spark of their own, like as an individual the full blood full on kikes to me are the worst they effect me the worst even through pictures the hybrids vary more sometimes I see someone and feel like there is a war on inside them the soul still has that kike vibe but the body seems to be fighting it like someone with an organ transplant that is rejecting it. The Gentile genes are trying to reject the kike genes or something like a square peg in a round hole unstable and like they could just blow up any second or something. They are fueled by the energy they have been taking through religions as things change in the world and they loose power and more come to Satan this is going to get very interesting to see what starts to happen to them. Artificial is the right word they don't belong here, they do not fit the picture they do not resonate with the frequency of this planet all that is holding them up inside is this energy feeding and whatever alien scum is behind them and how they have infected the energy of this world. When that is dead, stopped, cut off will it just turn into basically bodies falling apart around the world, breaking down, dying the genetic defects in there all take over?

It might be interesting to keep a note on any news of strange illness or defects becomming more common in certain people and looking at who it is...they are an abomination created by very evil beings out there I cannot understand the sickness inside something that can do this I don't understand why they ever hated Satan and what He did so much.

I just can't it makes no sense inside me this is a massive universe there has to be so much more life out there, trillions of stars and planets what the fuck do they have to do this here to Us for? Why was it so bad that Satan made Us here this one planet can't We just have one fucking planet in this universe to live our lives and become something it's petty. Petty jealousy and fear of Us, fear Of Us becomming Gods... if they were not so hatefull of Us then what would they have to fear from Us? Satan is not afraid of Us becomming Gods.

To me it is fucking small and petty they have nothing better to do than fuck with other beings create abominations and destroy? If they have the intellegence to create a race any race and travel space and whatever else why don't they just fuck off back out there, go away find something usefull to do with themselves by themselves... leave us alone. Leave Satan alone! Leave my Gods in peace They create beauty and study and advance life forward, advance science always growing, always learning always about progress and discovery of new and better things. I have felt the jealousy of this alien scum to Satan, I have felt it and it's pathetic He is better than you scum because of His own efforts those who exist to tear down others who make themselves better are worthless peices of shit. You see it here in people too, if someone is attractive, smart, successfull always someone has to try and destroy it, pick them apart and bring them down, instead of expending the effort and energy to be inspired and build themselves up.

What is wrong with that? Nothing I just cannot understand these fucking assholes who have nothing else to do but fuck all of it up and for what? Thousands of years of bullshit, it's old, it's fucking enough over... thousands of wasted years imagine what We could be now? We could be out there with the Gods exploring with Them doing amazing things Gods ourselves already!

I'm just so fucking over this, excuse my rant please we have so much to do and that we can use ourselves for but we have to waste our time and energy on a pointless stupid war we dont deserve that has gone on and on and on then to heal all this mess, to teach the truth to a confused world in recovery it's so huge. Some days it really gets to me. And everyday going around knowing all this inside you and in secret while everyone else is going about their buisness totally unaware. To hide yourself, living in this dark in the shadows so not to put yourself at risk. When you can actually feel the pain of your ancestors and The Gods and have flashbacks to times before this life of horrible things. I pray to Satan this year is the year it all starts to change. Whatever has to happen for it whatever has to end this it will be worth it.

Only one thing keeps me going through my darkest times, those really fucked up days and nights where it all feels too much. I tell myself and I believe it that one day I am going to hear Satan's voice, hear Him speak not just in my mind, with my ears even see Him and hear ' you are free now, it's over you are all free, this world is free the enemy is gone forever and they can never ever hurt you again.
You do not have to hide anymore and the real healing and building of this world will happen.

I show myself visions of how the world will become what it was supposed to be from the start, We becomming who We were always meant to become with Satan leading us all. Each time I meditate I visualise His Sigil glowing Gold inside myself it gives me strength and peace.

Think about that keep that close inside you We are winning every day We are closer. If you are having any kind of hard times, this if for anyone reading this, find something to look forward to and hold onto it, believe in it and in yourself, We are making this happen with Satan's help but it is our hands and our voices and our power together here that is making it happen.

We are the ones now physically here on this planet in our hearts Satan is with Us always, We all matter. Out of trillions of planets out there Satan picked this one and made Us. We might feel sometimes like a tiny spec of sand in this universe but We are a very special and unique speck of sand this little blue dot hurtling through space is so important. Even with everything that has been damaged and destroyed it is still amazing and rich with every kind of life.

It is a perfect size planet, with a perfect distance to a perfect sun for life and power for the Soul. We are protected by the gravitational feilds of the rest of our Solar System our atmosphere is protected by layers of electromagnetic bands that extend out into space sheilding us from radiation, the gravity is perfect for Us everything is just right here. Yet it is still so fragile this planet and the life on it. We matter very much. It is like a nursury for a whole new race of Gods growing up. It is amazing that We exist. It is amazing Satan exists. It is amazing anything exists. These dark times will not last forever, our pain will heal. One day I believe We will see our Gods again, in the flesh I hold onto that thought We will have a new Golden age.

We still have a lot of friends out there cheering Us on here We might not know them or see them but I can feel them. Can you? We are near the finish line now and the crowd is cheering Us home!

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

I know exactly what you mean with they eyes. In my opinion there is a void of life in their eyes, they dont have that spark of life, they are just missing something. This goes along with the sickly physical features that they often have.

Because of the changes and advances in technology to where these kikes can alter their appearance I hardly rely on the physical feautures anymore. Yes, there are many things to look for such as the chin, shape of the skull, forehead, ears, nose, eyes and so on; however if we were on the battlefield how long do we actually have to analyze if the one we are about to kill is one of our own or a friend.

I have found that you can identify someone as a jew in hseeps clothing by going by their energy. You do not even have to look at the individual but once you become strong enough can feel the energy near you and can act accordingly.

What do you think?

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does that makes sense? With kikes no matter how much surgury they have its in the eyes even if they are blue eyes they have an alien coldness to them like something evil is looking at you behind their smile. It took me a while to realise it like you can feel something is off but at first you can't quite put your finger on it then it hits you. In a line up of all different people even ugly people kikes just don't look like they fit. I notice many in hollywood wear coloured contact lenses to try and hide it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
Yes I know what you mean, a friend told me he remembers in old movies they used to cast jews as villains in some of them and he watched as that started changing people got more used to seeing them and they got more and more hold in hollywood they start playing the hero and traditionally Aryan charactors, I think we talked about this a while ago too.
He hates them he isn't a Satanist but he knows I am and dosn't care a bit, but it is interesting listening to his stories he drove taxis many many years all over the place, he is a polite well mannered gentleman to most people a good natured man and people tend to open up to him, especially at night on weekends when they have had a bit to drink and he is taking people home sometimes it is a long drive and they get talking. He says you would be amazed how many people know and hate the jews that normally would never admit it sober.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kvnfidler" <kvnfidler@... wrote:

When I see jew eyes the only words I can think of to describe what I see is "artificial" "fake" or "wicked" the eyes and the face of jews remind me of the villian in old disney movies also

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does that makes sense? With kikes no matter how much surgury they have its in the eyes even if they are blue eyes they have an alien coldness to them like something evil is looking at you behind their smile. It took me a while to realise it like you can feel something is off but at first you can't quite put your finger on it then it hits you. In a line up of all different people even ugly people kikes just don't look like they fit. I notice many in hollywood wear coloured contact lenses to try and hide it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
I posted this on the group about two years ago maybe a little less, but I have had my run in with a grey. I was laying in bed sleeping when something woke me up, it was like a knife blade going down my back. I woke up and jumped for the surprise. Once up I felt like I was laying on top of something, so I rolled over and there was this grey right next to me. I saw into his deep black eyes and from the surprise my right hand went toward its mouth and it bit down on my palm. I can not explain it it was almost like a suction cup kind of thing. out of fear I called Satan's name and than I actually woek up. Thinking it was a dream I went back to sleep but the next morning my energy was at its lowest. So yes I have had my run in with the greys to where I stared deep into its empty eyes.

I have had several interractions with the grey, and about a year ago I challenged them to come to me that night and of course they did. I did this because another time I was again sleeping and in a half awaken state when something woke me up. There was this shawdow figure at the foot of my bed and he had no face but I could tell he was smiling. He did nothing but smile and I go so scared it felt like my soul was going to leap out of my body, i can not even describe it.
These attacks still happen from time to time but my fear is no more and I am even striking back now. Again I know the eyes of a grey and I know the eyes of a kike and they are one in the same, nothing but darkness, emptiness, a void of all life and energy. Both species are empty vessels filled with nothing but the desire of their masters.

I still remebered this other dream that I had, it was when I was in my early single digits. i dreamed I was an infant still in my crib when these figures came out of my one wall, glowing in orange aura. They did nothing to me but surround my crib. Whether they were guardians or the enemy I do not know. I have seen ghosts in my childhood including the deceased spirit of my grandfather. This was when I was only seven. I have always been open to see these things, sadly when I got older it went away. but both enemy and friend I have run into.

My aura can not detect greys although I would love this, but yes currently I am training my aura to detect kikes on a stronger level. As this is something I do want. I think it is because since the grey feeds on the energy of these people the greys leave something behind on the aura and this is what you pick up. For the greys to feed they have to have a connection and even HP Vovim has a meditation to break this connection, so it is real. Maybe its the connection itself and not just leftovers.

Glad to hear you marked your ground sister, I hate feeling fear as its an insult to my being, but I love to see it on these jokers faces lol, just one of the things tht brings a smile to my face lol.

Trust me when I say its good to be back :)
Take Care Sister :)

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

I'm glad you are back :) What you said, about the greys that is what I see in the eyes of the jews. For anyone who has actually looked a grey in the face into the eyes the grey for me was stronger the effect through the eyes but the energy is the same. The kike eye, the greys eyes. The anger has built up and up in me this past year more and more the more I learn and see and past memories comming back. I lived most of my life in fear of the greys until now. Now I know why they tried so much to stop and hurt me because they have backed off I don't have any fear of them anymore just anger and hatred.

You said you trained your aura to detect kikes, mine detects the greys I feel them before I see them I have not felt many the past year, I could always feel them from childhood and I have seen them, not full in the flesh, but my grandmother did. They did different things to me and it was their mistake because now it just fuels my desire for their destruction even more. Now that I have seen and felt the same energy in the kikes I can start feeling it in pictures and movies.
There are not many near where I live but once in a while I walk in a shop and I get that feeling... it is like a spiral of murkey grey energy that hits me in the gut. Interestingly some jehovas witness give me the same feeling. They have the glazed over look on their face too. I feel them before I see them and there are a lot around here. They used to come here all the time with their bullshit but for quite a while they have not set foot through my front gate they rarely leave their brochures anymore either.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

It is because of the reaction my third eye and aura has when being around a picture of a kike or a kike item that made me want to train my aura to notice whe a jew is near me. yes, I do get a yucky, dirty feeling now when being near a kike but what I want is a strong vibration and my aura to know in which direction a kike is. I want to be able to teach my aura to pick up on how far away a kike is and in which direction. This is what I am trying to achieve at the moment.

When it comes to the full blooded kikes an dhybrids, i have no difference as they all affect me the same. I dont know why but I just suppose its because a kike is a kike. I like your interpretation/view on the issue with the hybrids and can see it relating to Gentiles who are multi-raced and being confused and torn between their two heritages/makeup.

"It will be ineresting to see what starts to happen to them".

No matter how powerful they were in the past the same thing has always been happening to them. There have always been Gentiles who have known what the jew is and have always been new Gentiles seeing this everyday. What has happened? We Gentiles have always been engaged in war against the kike, we have won and lost battles as have they. Being the cowards they have other Gentiles to do their bidding, while they hide in the corner hoping we don't spot them. We Gentiles will keep on waging war against the kike, the only difference is that the kike will have less Gentile warriors to fight their battles. They will no longer build a shield out of our people and therefore will have no protection. Without the protection of Gentile soldiers you will see how fast the jewish state falls and crumbles for the jew is now warrior compared to that of a Gentile. Just look at the nations of the world and how they are calling out the jew. As you mentioned it is taking place in Australia, things are happening in Germany now, anti-semitism is rising here in America, the jew is loosing allies and this is only the beginning. Soon there will be a world-wide uprising to where the Gentile Nations wage war against the jewish state and destroy them once and for all

As i stated in the introduction of my ritual against the vatican, they do absorb and use the energy we Gentiles give to them through prayer to their god, but this is quickly changing and can be seen by all the hold-ups the jew is facing in the middle east. The jew is a leech and is loosing power daily. They will still be living their lives but the energy they had will be gone and they will have no chance over the strength of us.

Through the loss of energy they used to have to protect their peole I am sure there will be more crimes against the jew, more hatred for the jew, more disease for the jew. They no longer have the protection they once did, and Satan even said he inflicts disease upon his enemies. We will begin to see their demise but will come from so many different sources.

To see why they hate Satan I think you need to look at who created them. The jew was created by the reptilians and the greys, with the reptilians being behind it mostly as the jew is following the traits of these creatures. The reptilians are known for using up resurces and than moving on, and they do this by implanting their own creations to blend in to the major populationa and destroy it this way. It is the reptilians who want our resources. With the enemy Gods, who hate Satan and our Gods for creating us and trying to give us our Godly power, for they wanted more slaves. With the greys they hate us for there is a revolution going on for our freedom, while there was no one there for them, to fight for them. The jew was designed for a certain purpose, it is built within them to hate us and therefore to hate our Gods. Their masters designed them to do their bidding and this is what they do. The jew is just another set of slaves for those who hate us like the greys are. My question is if things were reversed and we lost this war, what do the jews think would happen once this planet becomes the property of the reptilians?

I do agree with you, it is weird as to why they hate us so much that they can not just leave us to grow. Maybe it is because we Gentles are not 100 percent organic as our evolution was pushed forward 100's of thousands of years. Maybe it is because they view our creation as going against nature, or maybe since we are close to Satan and the Gods who are the most powerful beings in the universe, being shown by their name being known all over, that the greys and enemy gods want to harvest our energy. There are a million reasons why it could be but none are relevant. I would like to know more than the next person as to the exact reason but my focus is their destruction. I could care less why they hate me and want my destruction all I care about is defending myself, my people and my Gods, and destroying them first. Ther needs to be no reason they are there to destroy us and I have no sympathy or care for their side of the story.

Another reason why they feel like they want to pick us apart and have the desire to do so, instead of trying to create and advance could be because of the level of spirituality they are on. Or it could be in relation to Satan's Spiritual Warefare Message found on the JoS. Where he mentions about the balance between positive and negative forces and this being a needed balance. Maybe the reptilians are a negative force and were created to prey on others. Nature is always about tests, with new and old abilities to survive. In nature it is always the stronger that wins out, in this case will it be a parasite, or one who has the desire to fight, advance, learn, etc etc.

This is indeed a tough road my sister but we are on it for a reason. We were called here by Satan for out of all other Gentiles we were always different, always saw the world through the eyes of an awakened individual, we always questioned everything, and always had the willpower fo a survivor. We had the desire to change, to want change, to demand change. This is why we were called here. None of us had to answer this call, but we all did for we knew it was for us, for it was familiar to us, for it was part of our nature. This road is a sad one, depressing one, one that if it does not get you down at times, you are not eperiencing this warrior path to its full potential. We have taken a huge burden upon our shoulders now that we have answered the call and we must see it through. We are the one's who are fighting for our future, we are the one's who are fighting for our people, for our Gods, for the future of our home and all we know. We will know lonieness, we will know pain and suffering and this is the price we pay for having answered this call. But take pride in your struggles sister, know of the greatness that we are achieving, know what we are paving the way for, know that it is you that is granting your people a future. Others may not know of what we are doing, but soon the whole world will know what we, a group of a few thousands have done for the world and Gentiles everywhere. Take pride in your pain sister for it is this pain that will grant you new strength in seeing what needs to be done. Show pride in your anger for it is this anger that will fill you with a force not to be reckoned with. All of us on these boards have the warrior spirit, the warrior ambition, the warrior desire and it is these that no matter how much we face that brings us down, it is this that will allow us to rise above all those arounds, Gentile and jew alike and crush our enemy and raise the new and permanent Gentile Nation from the ashes of what once was the jew order.

I can feel all of them as well sister, and just thinking about them I get chills and a new uplifting feeling. Compare our people, our Gods, our allies, to that of the ugly, filthy reptilians greys and jews, there is such a hughe positive differece that I can not fathom how they ever thought they had a chance. Our side burns as the sun, and theirs dark as the furthest reaches of space. The new Golden age is already approaching and it is glowing a whole new light onto our cause. We are winning and all of our struggles will soon be layed to rest for all eternity.

Hail Satan
Hail To All Gods Of Hell
Hail To Our Great Allies
Hail To All Warriors of Hell
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

they don't seem to have an energy or spark of their own, like as an individual the full blood full on kikes to me are the worst they effect me the worst even through pictures the hybrids vary more sometimes I see someone and feel like there is a war on inside them the soul still has that kike vibe but the body seems to be fighting it like someone with an organ transplant that is rejecting it. The Gentile genes are trying to reject the kike genes or something like a square peg in a round hole unstable and like they could just blow up any second or something. They are fueled by the energy they have been taking through religions as things change in the world and they loose power and more come to Satan this is going to get very interesting to see what starts to happen to them. Artificial is the right word they don't belong here, they do not fit the picture they do not resonate with the frequency of this planet all that is holding them up inside is this energy feeding and whatever alien scum is behind them and how they have infected the energy of this world. When that is dead, stopped, cut off will it just turn into basically bodies falling apart around the world, breaking down, dying the genetic defects in there all take over?

It might be interesting to keep a note on any news of strange illness or defects becomming more common in certain people and looking at who it is...they are an abomination created by very evil beings out there I cannot understand the sickness inside something that can do this I don't understand why they ever hated Satan and what He did so much.

I just can't it makes no sense inside me this is a massive universe there has to be so much more life out there, trillions of stars and planets what the fuck do they have to do this here to Us for? Why was it so bad that Satan made Us here this one planet can't We just have one fucking planet in this universe to live our lives and become something it's petty. Petty jealousy and fear of Us, fear Of Us becomming Gods... if they were not so hatefull of Us then what would they have to fear from Us? Satan is not afraid of Us becomming Gods.

To me it is fucking small and petty they have nothing better to do than fuck with other beings create abominations and destroy? If they have the intellegence to create a race any race and travel space and whatever else why don't they just fuck off back out there, go away find something usefull to do with themselves by themselves... leave us alone. Leave Satan alone! Leave my Gods in peace They create beauty and study and advance life forward, advance science always growing, always learning always about progress and discovery of new and better things. I have felt the jealousy of this alien scum to Satan, I have felt it and it's pathetic He is better than you scum because of His own efforts those who exist to tear down others who make themselves better are worthless peices of shit. You see it here in people too, if someone is attractive, smart, successfull always someone has to try and destroy it, pick them apart and bring them down, instead of expending the effort and energy to be inspired and build themselves up.

What is wrong with that? Nothing I just cannot understand these fucking assholes who have nothing else to do but fuck all of it up and for what? Thousands of years of bullshit, it's old, it's fucking enough over... thousands of wasted years imagine what We could be now? We could be out there with the Gods exploring with Them doing amazing things Gods ourselves already!

I'm just so fucking over this, excuse my rant please we have so much to do and that we can use ourselves for but we have to waste our time and energy on a pointless stupid war we dont deserve that has gone on and on and on then to heal all this mess, to teach the truth to a confused world in recovery it's so huge. Some days it really gets to me. And everyday going around knowing all this inside you and in secret while everyone else is going about their buisness totally unaware. To hide yourself, living in this dark in the shadows so not to put yourself at risk. When you can actually feel the pain of your ancestors and The Gods and have flashbacks to times before this life of horrible things. I pray to Satan this year is the year it all starts to change. Whatever has to happen for it whatever has to end this it will be worth it.

Only one thing keeps me going through my darkest times, those really fucked up days and nights where it all feels too much. I tell myself and I believe it that one day I am going to hear Satan's voice, hear Him speak not just in my mind, with my ears even see Him and hear ' you are free now, it's over you are all free, this world is free the enemy is gone forever and they can never ever hurt you again.
You do not have to hide anymore and the real healing and building of this world will happen.

I show myself visions of how the world will become what it was supposed to be from the start, We becomming who We were always meant to become with Satan leading us all. Each time I meditate I visualise His Sigil glowing Gold inside myself it gives me strength and peace.

Think about that keep that close inside you We are winning every day We are closer. If you are having any kind of hard times, this if for anyone reading this, find something to look forward to and hold onto it, believe in it and in yourself, We are making this happen with Satan's help but it is our hands and our voices and our power together here that is making it happen.

We are the ones now physically here on this planet in our hearts Satan is with Us always, We all matter. Out of trillions of planets out there Satan picked this one and made Us. We might feel sometimes like a tiny spec of sand in this universe but We are a very special and unique speck of sand this little blue dot hurtling through space is so important. Even with everything that has been damaged and destroyed it is still amazing and rich with every kind of life.

It is a perfect size planet, with a perfect distance to a perfect sun for life and power for the Soul. We are protected by the gravitational feilds of the rest of our Solar System our atmosphere is protected by layers of electromagnetic bands that extend out into space sheilding us from radiation, the gravity is perfect for Us everything is just right here. Yet it is still so fragile this planet and the life on it. We matter very much. It is like a nursury for a whole new race of Gods growing up. It is amazing that We exist. It is amazing Satan exists. It is amazing anything exists. These dark times will not last forever, our pain will heal. One day I believe We will see our Gods again, in the flesh I hold onto that thought We will have a new Golden age.

We still have a lot of friends out there cheering Us on here We might not know them or see them but I can feel them. Can you? We are near the finish line now and the crowd is cheering Us home!

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

I know exactly what you mean with they eyes. In my opinion there is a void of life in their eyes, they dont have that spark of life, they are just missing something. This goes along with the sickly physical features that they often have.

Because of the changes and advances in technology to where these kikes can alter their appearance I hardly rely on the physical feautures anymore. Yes, there are many things to look for such as the chin, shape of the skull, forehead, ears, nose, eyes and so on; however if we were on the battlefield how long do we actually have to analyze if the one we are about to kill is one of our own or a friend.

I have found that you can identify someone as a jew in hseeps clothing by going by their energy. You do not even have to look at the individual but once you become strong enough can feel the energy near you and can act accordingly.

What do you think?

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I see it more in the eyes, like a robot coldness I can't think of the right word, like alien there is no warmth or friendliness nothing familiar. I feel uncomefortable looking at them. With a Gentile even if they have some similar features or a fucked up face the eyes are still different does that makes sense? With kikes no matter how much surgury they have its in the eyes even if they are blue eyes they have an alien coldness to them like something evil is looking at you behind their smile. It took me a while to realise it like you can feel something is off but at first you can't quite put your finger on it then it hits you. In a line up of all different people even ugly people kikes just don't look like they fit. I notice many in hollywood wear coloured contact lenses to try and hide it.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strengththroughsatan89" <horrorfan89@ wrote:

Thank you for this "firebird" its great to see the entire jewish program crumbling before our very own eyes. It is also good to hear that more and more countries are rising up against the jewish state. It seems like there is a new story every month if not more about the jews being exposed.

I do not know if I am the only one but within the past couple of weeks I have had a surplus of new energy and such an uplifting spirit. I do not know if it is the major loss of power the enemy suffered due to the pope and vatican situation or if it is just our side gaining more strength due to things like this, or both for that matter.

Oh and I looked at the pictures and your right all those people are jewish. I could see it right away, especially when it came to the jewish chin which 95 percent of those rats had.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I forgot a link in the previous post appologies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat ... Al-Mabhouh

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan
Each of us should be vibrating destructive runes toward Israel DAILY in the hour of Saturn excepting void of course moon periods to accelerate and hasten the demise of Israel.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@... wrote:

This is a long post on news about isreali flase flag terror and how it is becomming more in the open, they are certainly in deep shit as more of this emerges. Watching them squirm trying to get out of it and finally shout anti semitism at Britain is just icing on the cake.
My note in this... one of the below articles has pictures of the suspects in the forged passport photos. While isreal tries to deny involvement in the crime all the faces in those passports to me look jewish. UAE is reported as stating they are looking out for isrealis entering the country.

Mossad 'factory' churned out fake Australian passports

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-26/m ... ian/343612

A former Mossad officer has alleged the Israeli spy agency has its own "passport factory" to create or doctor passports for use in intelligence operations.

Relations between Australia and Israel are under strain after three Australian passports were apparently used by suspects in the killing of top Hamas leader Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai last month.

Dubai police say they are 99 per cent sure Mossad was behind the operation to smother Mabhouh with a pillow in his hotel room.

Victor Ostrovsky, a case officer at Mossad for several years in the 1980s, says he has no doubt Australian passports have been forged or fraudulently used for similar operations in the past.

"They need passports because you can't go around with an Israeli passport, not even a forged one, and get away or get involved with people from the Arab world," he said.

"They'll shy away right away. So most of these [Mossad] operations are carried out on what's called false flag, which means you pretend to be of another country which is less belligerent to those countries that you're trying to recruit from.

"If they can obtain blank passports, which they have in the past from Canada, from England, they do. If not, they just manufacture them."

He says a company within Mossad headquarters is dedicated to forging passports.

"They create various types of papers, every kind of ink. It's a very, very expensive research department," he said.

He says the manufactured passports are almost identical to the originals.

"If they create a passport at a top level for use of that nature ... I don't think anybody will be able to find the difference," he said.

Mr Ostrovsky says fraudulent Australian passports have been used regularly.

"Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it's an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia," he said.

"You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn't take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter. And I know people had been under Australian cover not once [but] quite a few times. So why not use it?"

He says Mossad chooses which passports to forge based on the cover agents need and the operation they are involved in.

"At the time there were people that were asked ... 'If when you're here in Israel we may need for security purposes to use your passport, would you allow us to do that?'" he said.

"And people would say 'yes'. There were shelves upon shelves of real passports just waiting to be used."

Mr Ostrovsky says there is no chance any of the 26 suspects could really be Mossad agents.

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Except for James Bond, who actually pronounces or announces his arrival at the scene by saying, 'I'm Bond, James Bond'.

"Most people who work in the intelligence field don't present themselves by their real name."

Israel has long rejected Mr Ostrovsky's claims and tried to stop his book from being published.

This morning Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmour told ABC NewsRadio there was no proof of any link between Israel and Mabhouh's death.

"No evidence was presented by the Dubai police that links Israel to the incident in Dubai," he said.

"Since there is no evidence of that nature and since the Dubai police have so far not presented any ultimate evidence, we don't think that we should respond to anything."

http://www.smh.com.au/national/israeli- ... -p8om.html

Australia summoned the Israeli ambassador and warned that the countries' friendly ties were at risk after Dubai police named three Australian passport-holders in a list of new suspects in the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Britain, Ireland, France and Germany expressed similar outrage after people holding documents from their countries were also linked to the January 20 killing in a luxury Dubai hotel.

Israel has previously dismissed claims from Ostrovsky, who is now an author and has detailed various accusations against the country in his books.

The Australian newspaper said Ali Kazak, a former Palestinian representative to Australia, had warned in 2004 that a Mossad agent in Sydney had obtained 25 false Australian passports.

In March 2004, two suspected Mossad agents were arrested in New Zealand and later convicted for fraudulently trying to obtain passports from the country, prompting diplomatic sanctions.

Some quotes from this page, it is very long reading

Dubai police chief said "I am now completely sure that it was Mossad," and furthermore went on to say "I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," for the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.[

On 11 October 2010, The National of Abu Dhabi published an interview with Dubai's police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in which he claims that a western country had arrested a top suspect of killing al-Mabhouh about two months ago. The ambassador of the western country does not want to name the country and the name of the arrested suspect. Tamim expressed frustration at the lack of detail: "Why is it that every time an Israeli is involved in a crime, everyone goes mute? We want anyone who is dealing with this case to deal with it as a security case, and not to pay attention to any other consideration."[132][133][134]

[edit] Countries

United Arab Emirates – Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said, "The abuse of passports poses a global threat, affecting both countries' national security as well as the personal security of travelers."[135] He also said that those responsible would be brought to account, noting that, "The UAE firmly believes that relations among nations should be conducted on the basis of respect for sovereignty, mutual trust and within the framework of international norms. Like all civilised nations, we abide by these principles and we will deal with this criminal act within the international framework expected of civilised nations."[136] Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, expressed the country's deep concern that expertly doctored passports from nations that do not require advance visas were used by the suspected killers. UAE officials said they remained in "close contact with the concerned European governments," listing the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Austria.[135] Lieutenant General Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said on March 1, 2010, during the International Security National Resilience Exhibition & Conference at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, that the police of the UAE will develop the skills to identify persons who are Israelis. So the police will deny the entry of any person as a suspected Israeli.[137] Tamim indicated he was satisfied with his investigation, saying: "We have better experience and expertise than the Mossad."[138]

United Kingdom – Britain's Foreign Office believes that the passports used were fraudulent;[74] one report indicated that they had issued the passports in January, 2010, the only difference between the actual identities being the photographs.[139] The Telegraph reported on 20 February that diplomatic sources say that the passport fraud was carried out by Israeli immigration officials. It is claimed that the dual Israeli-British citizens had their passports taken from them as they passed through the airport in Tel Aviv – the details on the documents were recorded (and they were most likely photocopied), and then used to create new documents. These new documents sported the pictures of the suspects, but used the names and numbers of those whose identities were stolen.[140] As a result of an investigation by the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, the government concluded that there were "compelling evidence to believe that Israel was responsible for the misuse of the British passports."[141] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband expelled a senior Israeli diplomat, who was thought to be the Mossad's station commander in the country.[142][143][144][145][146] Britain also issued a warning to UK passport holders traveling to Israel to "only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary".[147] Israel had already used fake British passports to conduct an operation in 1987.[148]

France – François Fillon, the French Prime Minister, said that though it remained unclear as to who was responsible, "France condemns assassination. Assassination is not a means of action in international relations."[149] The Israeli chargé d'affaires in Paris was summoned on 18 February and the French Foreign Ministry issued a statement expressing, "deep concern about the malicious and fraudulent use of these French administrative documents."[73]

Austria – The spokesman for the Austrian Interior Ministry confirmed that Austria is investigating the use of Austrian mobile phones by the suspected killers.

Germany – Germany confirmed that it is actively pursuing information on the identity of the killers of al-Mabhouh.[150] The German federal prosecutor's office in Karlsruhe began investigations about foreign spy activities in connection with the German passport used by one suspect in Dubai.[151] The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (German intelligence service) told members of the German parliament that apparently the Mossad executed the operation in Dubai. According to Der Spiegel, the Mossad operation could be considered as an affront to the Germans since the current head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau has been acting at the behest of the Israeli government as a liaison between Jerusalem and Hamas. He sought the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted by Palestinian militants in 2006 in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. Urhrlau was in Israel just a few days before 19 January. By then the Dubai operation was certainly under way.[152]

Ireland – The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs stated that "Irish passports used by three people believed to have been involved in killing a Hamas member had genuine numbers" but that "the people identified in the passports recorded in Dubai were not those in the genuine passports." The department had previously reported that the passport numbers were counterfeit and has since been given "additional material relating to the passport numbers". The Department of Foreign Affairs said it was trying to contact the three Irish citizens who hold or have held passports containing these numbers.[153] Ireland ordered the removal of an Israeli diplomat as a protest over the use of forged passports.[154]

Iran – On 2 February, the Iranian foreign ministry blamed Israel for the incident, stating, "This is another indication of the existence of state terrorism by the Zionist regime".[155]

Australia – On 25 February, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, said that any country that so abused Australian passports held Australia in contempt, stating, "we will not let the matter lie."[63] In a meeting with Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, made it "crystal clear" that if it was concluded that Israeli officials had condoned or sponsored the abuse of the Australian passports, "Australia would not regard that as the act of a friend".[156] Soon after this occurred, Australia, who is usually a strong supporter of Israel at the United Nations[citation needed], abstained on a UN motion to investigate Israeli war crimes committed during the Gaza War, a motion that Australia had previously opposed. In the Australian press there was widespread speculation that the move was retaliation for the passport affair, although this was denied by the Australian government.[157] In response the the incident, Australia expelled a Mossad agent who had been working in the Israeli embassy in Canberra on 24 May 2010.[158] Foreign Minister Stephen Smith was quoted as saying that Australian passports had been misused by Israel on previous occasions, and the decision to expel the Mossad agent "was made much more in sorrow than in anger".[159][158]

Lebanon – Key Hezbollah members became nervous after the killing in Dubai. Since foreign passports were seemingly used for the attack, Hezbollah asked the Lebanese government for additional screening of foreigners entering Lebanon.[160]

Sweden – Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that "misuse of European passports is not to be tolerated".[161]

Luxembourg – Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn stated that "political assassinations have no place in the 21st century".[161]

Spain – Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos stated that his country was "extremely concerned".[161]

Israel – The Israeli government initially did not comment on claims that it was involved in al-Mabhouh's death.[155] On 17 February, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman refused to confirm or deny any Israeli involvement, and noted a lack of solid evidence for Israeli involvement.[162] On 24 February the Jerusalem Post quoted the Israeli Opposition leader Tzipi Livni as saying, "Every terrorist must know that no one will support him when a soldier, and it doesn't matter what soldier, tries to kill him." [163] Israeli media and public opinion has generally accepted Mossad's responsibility for the operation.[164] Due to Israel's military censorship laws the Israeli media at first were careful to use the phrase "according to foreign media reports" to avoid directly accusing Mossad, however the phrase was abandoned and Mossad's culpability was openly assumed after the first week of the scandal.[165] Opinions of the Israeli media were divided between approving of the success of al-Mabhouh's killing and disapproving the sloppiness of the operation and the resultant exposure and media scandal. Haaretz's Amir Oren called Dagan to be fired due to what he considered a sloppy job,[166] while the newspaper's Yossi Melman predicted Israel would emerge from the incident "unblemished".[167] After the United Kingdom expelled an Israeli diplomat over the use of British passports, Israeli right wing politicians commented against Britain's "disloyal" action. Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari stated that "This is anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism". Israeli politician Aryeh Eldad stated that "Britain's behavior is hypocritical. Who are they to judge us in the war on terror?". Other than non-official comments made by right wing politicians, Israel has not officially responded.[168]

United States - On 28 December 2010, secret cables leaked by Wikileaks showed that Dubai considered keeping the assassination secret, and asked the United States to help track down information on credit card numbers suspected of having been used by the assassins.[169][170] The United States did not cooperate with the investigation.[171]

isreal is on it's way down!!!

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
