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Israeli VS Palestine Military loses


Feb 25, 2021
Keeping a record with information from neautral sources who report on both sides of the war and losses as well as this war is highly recorded since palastine fighters are making glorified content running around with go pros on all numbers are of last confirmed reports.

LCR Israeli infantry 256 KIA

LCR Palastine Fighter 236 KIA

Vehicles: 38 Makerva tanks destroyed with 2 captured, 4 APC's captured with another 8 destroyed.

Aircraft: 4 Attack helicopters.

Other 4 israeli military bases including a crucial communications base for the entire Gaza strip seized control of and intense fighting over who controls it.

Palestine doesnt have much in the way of registered combat vehicles they use many civilain cars modified or otherswise as well as motor bikes power gliders and even speed boats to rapidly deploy their forces.

The Palestinian Hamas fighters have demonstrated a level of complexity never seen before let me give you guys a quick play by play so far.

At the start of Yom Kimpur as we all know here is the time of the year a lot of child and animal sacrifice occurs to transfer their bad karma to the recently killed beings instead of themselves takes place.

The Jews were hit with 2200 live rockets with and additional 1300 decoy rockets deliberately saturated the enemies defences on cheap duds sending the real rockets scattered in with the decoys the iron dome was a lot more overwhelmed then what western news sources are saying you can see the real time versions of this happening on Hamas telegram channels if you wish.

While the rockets fell Hamas attacked over 22 targets SUCCESSFULLY they used a combination of well made concrete tunnels motor bike squads areial bombing drones speed boat deployment and the now notorious powered gliders to rapidly puncuture holes in the enenies defences.

First they sent the drones to hit all radio towers blinding israel while the rockets came it forced the cowards below ground while hiding in their hovels squads of 7 troops deployed by the air sea and motorbike punctured holes in the border wall 5 men with ak47s and two demolitions soldiers often carrying two to three rpgs on them as well as c4 blew holes in the fence letting civilian trucks with Israeli license plates into the land the men in these trucks are dressed in Israeli soldier uniforms perfectly stolen and mimicked to get into the front doors unopposed they even learnt to speak hebrew to help them get into the bases.

When the mass fighting started and the reports of many KIA civilians kidnappings and other mass death events started happening local jewish forces were overun and being attacked on multiple fronts all along the border.

Only recently have the MAIN barrafes of rocket attacks stopped their lone tanks used to their supremacy charged into the fire fight areas palastone used powerful anti tank guns and drones to target tanks with deadly precision lone tanks were easy pickings when this failed Israel threw their attack helicopters of to whom are only used to dealing with rpgs not MANPADS defence weapons that the fighter had carried over with them as well as automated versions of the MANPADS deployed in hostile and friendly territory have been knocking jewish attack helicopters out of the skys.

So far the conflict has been a military disaster for Israeli forces only 100,000 out of the 400,000 reserve forces were willing to come off of protesting the government to serve in the current conflict.

It should also be mentioned that the even larger militant group Hazebolah have been showing signs of mass movement in the north as well potentially ready to fire their own mass barrage at an already depleted missile defence system.

People this level of organistation is unprecedented with enemy combatants commit mass murders of israeli men, women and childeren all dressed in israeli uniforms and driving around in israeli military vehicles and and civilian israeli vehicles making it difficult for the jews to determine whether its rampaging barbarians or actual fleeing civilians.

My prediction on whats to come Hazebolah will dog pile on as well attacking from the much more hevlavily fortified northern israel likely using mass bombardment and similar new age tactics which will obviously escalate the situation further if they do significant damage then Iran is likely to use their massive storage of the now famous shiad kamikaze drones like 3800 of them that russia used to obliterate ukraine key infrastructure if i was iran at this time i would wait for the two militant groups to saturate the anti missile capabilities even further and then mass deploy the attack drones at Israel especially the power plants without power since thanks to baal it never rains in israel they rely solely on desalination for water especially to their crops or deep ground water reserves without electricity Isreal will die of thirst if not by rocket and gun fire.

This is not to mention the massive number of arabs who live in israel who could also start a massive bloody fight inside their own borders as well we could actually be looking at the collapse of israel here but it will be up to Hamas to keep the fire fight going.
Frtr 3in1 + while focusing on this war, may push them under destruction, this is possibility to make our spiritual war even more devastating, as we have someone who attacks them physically, we can add to this spiritually and guess what… :3
An update on the situation from before

We have an amassed force of 300,000 israeli soldiers with the USA supporting the Israeli forces with a plane bringing ammunitions as well as a redoplyment of a USA aircraft carrier if i had to guess id say it would be more defensive missiles for their iron dome as predicted hazebolah has entered the fray with their own rocket barrages a multi front war is forming now with lebanon and syria getting involved the muslim world is unlikely to stand for Gaza being bombarded indiscriminately the situation escalates, i plead to all of JOS to keep hitting them hard now with your reverse curses to do extra if we can engage iraq and Iran in this coflict it could lead to a war that i doubt israel can win.

All previously captured postions by Gaza militants have been recaptured unfortunately however massive massacers have happened to the Israeli communities and they spared no one despite the ridiculous level of bombardment some how the isreali side militarily speaking has still suffered heavier losses then the militants at this stage but a full purge of gaza is impending i can only hope that gaza has prepared formidable ground defence's land mines and the likes the people scramble to flee Gaza to egypt at this time.

Tactically speaking Israel is no longer making their deployments known only that they are mass moblizing everything they have which should give you an idea how well its going for them.

Death tolls for civilans counted so far is 1600 Israeli civilians and yet again somehow only 600 dead Palestinian's and both sides have wounded civilians starting to get to the 5000 mark.

Rocket barrages are still singing out across the skys let our enemies clash on our behalf it is important to remember here that the muslims would have no problem killing jos and in fact any westerners for our freedom loving values in my own opinion i consider that both these organisations are inflicting casualties upon each other to be a success for JOS let the degenerates wipe each other off the global stage for us i will keep posting here as events proceed.
Great report Ramses.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
